#i waited like half a year yo watch the movie after finishing it the first time and forgot like everything lol
toyotacorrola · 6 months
want to rewatch fm.a soo bad but im missing the 8th dvd ☹️☹️
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zeezelweazel · 7 months
Leah Williamson| Deal-breaker|
I randomly got this idea and finished it on one go, I'll get back to that Lia fic now
Summary: You and Leah have been dating for well over a year now. It all comes crashing down when a touchy subject is brought up and an impossible to close chasm opens up between the two of you.
TW: talks of pregnancy and having children, angst (no happy ending)
Everyone knows how healthy and happy your relationship with Leah is. All of your teammates have it as an example of how all relationships should be. With cute and romantic dates, a lot of communication and appropriate boundaries your relationship is ideal. Perhaps that was the first red flag. It was too good to last.
It all happened on a Wednesday night, after one of your dates. Both of you were cuddled up on the couch watching a crappy movie that the blonde somehow enjoyed. You weren't really paying attention, more focused on Leah's heartbeat and her sweet perfume.
Suddenly Leah started tapping your head and you half heartedly looked at the screen to see what your girlfriend was so excited about. There was a family on the screen, a mother and a father watching delighted as their child took her first steps.
"Isn't she adorable?" Leah cooed at the bald baby on the tv. You only hummed in response, not thinking anything of it, as you pushed your face back on it's rightful place between Leah's shoulder and neck.
For the remainder of the movie Leah was quiet, which you definitely didn't mind, you were almost asleep on the blonde's arms. You didn't even realise the movie was over until Leah repositioned, forcing you to pull back grumpily. Leah looked deep in though as her eyes moved from the dark screen to your face and back on the turned off tv. It was clear she was pondering wether or not to say what she had in mind.
"Have you ever thought about starting a family?" Your eyes widened and a heavy weight immediately pulled on your stomach. Leah looked at you, nervous for your answer but she was trying to hold back a smile, clearly telling you what type of answer the defender was expecting.
"No. I mean I have, obviously, but I've known for years now that I don't want kids."
Leah's face shifted through every possible emotion until it settled on what seemed like pure distraught. You clenched your hands around the blanket and waiting for her to say something.
"You... don't want kids. Ever. You don't to start a family with me?" Leah's voice was shaking and her eyes were teary in a way that made you nauseous. You hate seeing her upset, but especially when you're the reason why. Right now though you were more concerned about the direction this conversation was headed towards.
"No Leah. I" you paused to take a deep breath and calm yourself." I thought you knew? I mean we've been friends for years and I've mentioned a thousand times how I don't like children."
Leah curled in on herself, almost recoiling away from you, all while her shoulders started shaking. You sighed and got up, kneeling on Leah's side and pressing a hand on her back, desperate to reassure the blonde and calm her down. Leah, however, pushed your hand away and abruptly got up.
"I thought you saw this as a serious relationship-"
"I do! Kids have nothing to-"
Leah laughed humourlessly and shook her head. Both of you were standing facing eachother, angry and upset.
"I always wanted to start a family with you. God I was such an idiot." Another empty chuckle pushed its way pass her chest." Making plans and daydreaming."
You were getting angrier by the second. You don't understand how Leah could be making plans for such things when she knew for a fact you didn't want kids. Did she think you'd magically change your mind? You felt betrayed in a way, like Leah never truly loved you, like she prayed every night that you'd wake up a different woman in the morning.
Imagining yourself with a child in your arms, your child, made you want to throw up. The idea of having a kid of your own never was one you entertained for more than half a second. It's been this way since junior high and it sure as hell wasn't going to change now.
"I love you Leah. I love how you look so serious and pissed off all the time but you're actually a sweetheart. I love how you have no idea how to cook but you try anyway. I love how passionate and hardworking and smart you are. I love you and I really thought that was enough."
You were close to crying at this point, your thoughts running a thousand miles per hour. Neither of you spoke for a moment as you simply tryied to understand what just happened. What this means for your relationship.
"If you think I don't take our relationship seriously because of something that you've known for years I can't do anything to change your mind Leah."
"And I can't do anything to show you how much starting a family means to me."
Leah sat back down on the couch, shoulders slumped in defeat as she breathed heavily through her nose. A lump gathered in your throat as you realised you hit a dead end. You pushed all the emotions back down and you closed your eyes, taking in the words that are about to leave your mouth.
"This is it then... We're breaking up." Leah raised her head and looked at you panicked. She got up and reached out for you, only to grab at empty air when you moved a step back. Leah shook her head as tears slipped down her cheeks. You let out a shaky breath as you framed her face softly.
"We want different things in life Leah, very different things. I can't force you to forget about starting a family just how you can't expect me to change my mind about becoming a mother." Your voice broke and your eyes were full of tears. Neither of you wanted this but it was clear it had to be done.
You still remember the anguish in Leah's voice as she yelled and begged for you to stay but you couldn't. The sound of the door banging shut left a migraine inducing ringing in your ears. The world was blurred as you closed the door of your car after sliding in. You stared blankly at the steering wheel not knowing what to think or how to react. The tires screeched against the rough street and your heart was tearing itself up in your chest the further you went away from Leah.
You kept driving anyway.
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 1 month
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[Table of Contents]
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[A/N] Thank you for your patience! A bit of a filler chapter, but a necessary glue to any story. Wanted a bit more interaction with the boys, so here is what we have!
CHAPTER FIVE, Contemplation
Weeks 2&3
Perhaps you were a bit too hasty in setting your goal for the future. Some Gladers, you’ve heard, set goals such as being able to finish a run in the maze without being breathless- or, perhaps, finish building a storage shed all by themself. No, you just had to decide you’d be the one to kill the Griever.
Although, you reasoned with yourself, it’s not like you’d rather anyone else risk their life in such a way. At least you knew how to deal with one, for the most part. Sure, the only way they had died in the books had been from being crushed between a few stone traps in the maze, or falling down off of the edge, never to return. But you could work with that. Well, one of those options, anyway.
The next half of the week had been a bit of a blur for you. You had difficulty remembering how to act properly with these people, whom you’ve suddenly grown shy around. There was no outward reasoning for this- aside, maybe, from the talk you had with Thomas on your first day off of work. You could tell the thought was eating him up inside, but you couldn’t exactly remedy the situation. What were you to say? You had tried acting normal, but it came off as stilted and worried your friends.
You were truly at a loss.
All of this, combined with the fact that you were trying for the life of you to remember anything else. It was like the memories had stopped returning to you after that dream. And, sure, you knew the books. You’d read them once or twice and had watched the movies a few times. But out here, where the artificial sun was shining, and the giant walls smelled of salt of all things? It was hard to correlate those stories with your real life. Your new life.
Then there was the fact that there were obvious differences between the books and the now. Five whole years. You honestly couldn’t believe it, how had it taken Thomas this long? He was even a runner! Wait… How was he a runner?
You blinked a few times, returning to yourself in the present. The day was… Sunday, you think? It was lunchtime, and you were surrounded by most of your friends- excluding the runners. Newt sat across from you, holding your hand the entire time you had been zoned out, trying your best to reconsider your plan or remember any other details about the books that might aid you. You couldn’t think of any. But maybe if you knew more about this timeline…?
“Newt,” You whisper out, trying to catch his attention. The reaction was immediate, his head snapping toward you and leaning in slightly as if giving you his undivided attention. There was a hint of worry in his eyes, accompanied by his hand fidgeting lightly with your fingers. The rest of your table talked amongst themselves, laughing boisterously- none taking notice of your quiet call.
“Yes?” Newt bends forward a bit more, practically leaning over the table. “Do you need anything?”
“I was just wondering,” You hesitate here, biting your lip as you reconsider your next course of action. But, what harm could there be? “I was just wondering how Tommy became a Runner?” You felt Newt freeze in response through your connected hand, watching as his whole body turned rigid. He slowly takes a deep breath, and when he finally exhales his fingers resume their movements against your hand.
“Now, [Y/N],” He bites his lip and your eye is immediately drawn to it. Why was that so sexy, was he distracting you on purpose? “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but the Runners are already full up enough as it is-”
“Oh!” You bark out, immediately throwing your head back and laughing. Newt’s fingers stop fidgeting in your hand, but you tighten your grip on him unconsciously, not wanting to lose contact. Your other hand raises from under the table, shaking back and forth in emphasis. “No, no,” You attempt to control your laughter and breathing, though while still chuckling finally you get out, “No, I just want to know the story. If he had to take some kind of test or if he had to wait a certain amount of time?” You shrug, letting an easy smile fall across your lips to try to ease tensions- though Newt seems to have relaxed his shoulders already. “I just can’t imagine him doing anything else, honestly. That boy is constantly moving.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” Newt agrees easily, a half smile playing across his lips as he leans back slightly, resuming a relaxed posture. “He definitely wanted to be a Runner immediately. We had a hard time keeping him pinned down back then, always antsy to run into the maze. Half of us were afraid we’d just wake up and he’d be gone one morning.” You smile, picturing Thomas younger, wondering if he was more restless than he was now. Likely so.
“Did he ever run into the maze before being a Runner?” Newt laughed, shaking his head as he answered easily.
“No, surprisingly. I won a lot of bets the day Minho finally relented and let him train to be a Runner.” You laugh again, turning your head to spy a few people looking in your direction before looking away just as quickly. You meet Newt’s eyes again, leaning forward onto the table.
“So how long did it take before he was accepted in, then?” Newt seemed to ponder this for a while, scrunching his eyebrows in a cute way that distracted you long enough that it surprised you when Newt spoke again.
“A couple of weeks, maybe? It was hard keeping track of time back then, it wasn’t exactly our topmost priority.” He shrugs nonchalantly, though keeps his smile directed toward you. He suddenly leans forward once again, surprising you slightly with the spontaneity of it all. “Is there a reason you’re asking all of this? What’s this sudden interest in Tommy’s past?” He hums, though you can see a playful glint in his eye that shows a lack of true understanding about your intentions. You force your smile to stay, tilting your head to the side as you think about an answer. Finally, you lean in closer as well, his face inches from yours.
“I don’t think it’s a sudden interest at all, actually.” You can see his face lax slightly, losing the smile on his mouth but not from the eyes, and even watch as his gaze drops to your lips for a split second. He leans back just as suddenly as before, clearing his throat lightly. Was there a hint of a blush there?
“So,” Newt stutters out, then raises a fist to his mouth and clears his throat, his blush deepening on his face. “So, any other-”
“[Y/N]!” Your name is called across the dining area, Gally standing with another builder off to the side, obviously ready to get back to work. You jump up, grabbing your tray and smiling down at Newt.
“I guess we’ll have to pick this up another time, then.” You could feel disappointment taking hold, having finally witnessed Newt getting flustered and being pulled away from him immediately. You take your time getting your tray together, waiting for a response from Newt that doesn’t seem to be coming. He’s still staring up at you, something in his eyes that you don’t recognize, but silent. You decide to take your teasing a step further.
Stepping out from the bench, you circle the table as if you’re heading to take your tray back before stopping right next to Newt. You lean down close, your face once again inches from Newt’s own, and can spy the light playing on his light brown eyes, sparkling pleasantly. His blush is back, lighting up his cheeks so prettily, and you can’t help but lick your lips before whispering, his eyes tracking the movement before resting there on your lips.
“I’m also interested in your past, as well,” You could feel a barely-there smile light up your face, and hovering over Newt’s form like this, it felt like waves of warmth were cascading off of him into you. “That is, if you’re willing to share, sometime.” You watch as he licks his own lips after, transfixed by the sight. It’s quiet for a few moments too long as you hear your name called out again. Disappointed once again, you begin to pull away before suddenly Newt grabs your arm quickly, holding you still.
“Anytime,” He whispers back, his voice slightly hoarse, and the truth shines in his eyes. Nothing you did could help the smile that lit up your face, and as Newt finally releases you, he grabs his own tray and walks with you back to the kitchen.
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“You and Newt seem to be getting pretty close.”
Gally’s words surprised you, having been working in silence the majority of the day. You were sweating, working harder today than most of your other days, but Gally has been working alongside you every step of the way. It seemed as if he didn’t quite trust you yet to be on your own, but you weren’t really complaining. Having a friend nearby while working made the day go by quicker, even if in silence. Well, usually in silence.
You look up at Gally with a squint from where you were kneeling, hammering a nail into a floorboard on the porch of the homestead. He stood there, arms crossed with a stern expression. You blink a few times, then lower your gaze once more to the work you’re doing. You wait until you finish your hammering before finally responding.
“I’ve always been pretty close with Newt.”
“Not that close.” You look up again to see him looking off in a different direction and follow his line of sight toward the farmlands. You wonder for a moment what he means before you remember what happened during lunch, and the fact that Gally had been waiting for you while you spoke so closely with Newt. You stand slowly, placing the hammer in your tool belt and brushing your hands off.
“Is that a problem?” Gally looks back at you with a quirked eyebrow, laughing inwardly as his chest shakes.
“What, you think I’m jealous?”
“I don’t know what to think?” Gally smirks, leaning against the wall of the homestead, nodding.
“Ah, so there is something going on between you two then?” You hesitate, frozen. Shaking your head, you try to laugh to play it off.
“What? No, I never said-”
“You don’t have to say it. It’s plain as day.” You blink a few times, unsure what to say before he finally pushes off of the wall, shrugging. “I don’t mind at all. I don’t think anyone out here would mind besides Thomas.” He begins his descent down the few stairs of the porch, walking off toward the Builder’s shed. You hesitate, then hurry to follow, your mind racing.
“What do you mean, Thomas would mind?”
“Well,” Gally wags his head back and forth, as if in thought. “I mean, everyone knows there has always been something between the both of them. They never made it official or anything, but they slept next to each other every single night since Thomas got here. They spend every second they are able to together, and always consult each other before deciding anything important.” He shrugs again, and you struggle to keep up with his fast walking pace.
“But,” You stutter slightly, shaking your head in thought. “I sleep next to them both?” Gally laughs, nodding along.
“Yeah, I noticed that too.” You both finally arrive at the shed, and you take a step inside as Gally holds the door open for you. As the door finally swings closed, Gally just smirks at you- though you couldn’t help but notice a slight bit of discomfort, or pity in his gaze. “I’m just saying. They act a lot like how Ben and I act together.” He walks forward a few steps to close the distance between the two of you, roughly placing a hand on your shoulder. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt, kid.”
“I won’t-” You cut yourself off, biting your lip. You could feel your eyebrows draw down in disappointment, taking in a deep breath. Finally, you instead say, “I’m not a kid.” Gally just laughs in response, taking his hand back and busying himself with what was on the nearby table.
“Sure, you’re not.”
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A few days have passed, and it's your day off once more. You couldn’t be any more thankful that Thomas happens to have the same day off as you, being able to spend more time with him. You almost hated the fact that he was a Runner- gone for most of the day, the only real time you have with him being during dinner and the small time after before bed. But that time was spent not just with him, but with your entire friend group. And Minho tended to demand the majority of the attention for himself.
Wednesdays, however, meant that you had an entire day with Thomas- the majority of which all of your friends were working their own jobs. You weren’t even worried about the pressing issue- well, that’s a lie, but you definitely try to put it out of your head for a day. But, is that bad? Putting this off for a day when you know how to get everyone out? Shouldn’t you be trying your best every day to get out? Do they even want out?
“[Y/N]?” You’re startled out of your thoughts by Thomas, who stands in front of you where you sit on the bench at one of the dining tables. He’s bent in half at the waist, leaning to the side with his head tilted as if trying to meet your downturned gaze. You lift up quickly at his acknowledgement, trying to smile toward him in a friendly way and put everything you were thinking about behind you. You could tell Thomas didn’t quite buy it, his face with a sad smile and his posture drooping.
“Hey! I was just waiting for you!” You smile brighter, swinging your feet over the side of the bench to stand up and move toward Thomas. However, he moved over toward you at the same time, and as you finally gained your footing, you tripped trying to stop yourself from taking a step forward. You fall into Thomas, his arms immediately circling around you to keep you stable.
“Woah, hey,” Thomas laughs, and the sound of it alone warms your heart. “I was just seeing if you wanted to hang out again today?” He seems to realize belatedly that his arms still encircle you, then drops his arms quickly before raising a hand to the back of his head in embarrassment. You feel the loss of his arms prominently, wishing they could’ve stayed a little longer. “No pressure, though!”
“Of course I do!” You lean in closer to Thomas, almost falling over once more in your attempt to minimize the distance between the two of you. “I’ve been so distracted lately, I could really use a break from my own brain.” Thomas looks you up and down, a barely-there blush lighting up his features. His skin was more tan than Newt’s own, so his blush wasn’t nearly as apparent as the pale boy’s. This only made you feel more determined to see it light up his cheeks. And chest, it looks like, as the blush begins to travel down into his lightweight shirt. You startle, quickly drawing your eyes back up to meet his, hoping you weren’t caught checking him out. “I’ve also been wanting to spend more time with you, I feel like we never see each other.”
Thomas practically jumps at your last sentence, throwing his hands out theatrically. “Yes! That! I feel like that too!” He suddenly wraps a long arm around your shoulders, turning you to the side and pulling you along with him. The move was a very Minho-style thing to do, though you suppose it’s only right considering he spends the majority of his time with him. “And last week was fun and all, running around playing games, but I didn’t learn nearly as much about you as I wanted to. I wanna know everything about you- like, what do you think about Gally’s drink?”
“Gally’s drink?” You couldn’t help the laughter bubbling up from inside your chest, shaking your head at the random question. “That’s what you ask?”
“What?” Thomas sounds defensive, but you can still hear the smile in his voice. “You work pretty closely with Gally now, right?”
“That doesn’t mean I’m drinking his concoction when I’m at work.” You playfully smack his chest with the back of your hand, and the two of you come to a stop near a large tree on the outskirts of the Deadheads. There’s a bench sitting under the tree that Thomas takes a seat at- you hadn’t really noticed the bench was here before, not really having a need for it, but it’s a rather cinematic position once you take a seat next to Thomas. You could practically see the whole Glade from here- minus the Deadheads behind you.
“Sure, sure. But you work with Gally, and the only things I really know about him are that he likes to wrestle and he makes that drink. So I was just wondering, I guess.” Thomas shrugs, and you try to keep up with the line of thought, but end up giving up in the end. What does it matter how he got to the conclusion, anyhow? Might as well answer.
“Well, it’s…” You trail off, biting your lip in thought. You couldn’t find a polite way to say it, eventually settling with, “It’s strong.” Thomas’ boisterous laugh draws your attention, and you face him with a smile. Your chest burns with pleasant feelings, and you can’t believe you are sitting here, staring at Thomas- having a conversation with Thomas. The book character.
“Strong?” He asks, raising a hand to wipe a nonexistent tear from his eye. “That’s all you have?”
“What?” You shrug, unconcerned about his incredulity. “It is.” Thomas continues to laugh for a moment, and you bask in the sunshine that is this man. This was a good idea, you think to yourself, to take a break from your constant pressing thoughts. Eventually, you realize that Thomas has stopped laughing and is instead staring directly at you, just like you are with him. His smile is soft and lovely, and you can’t look away.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Thomas whispers, and you lean forward ever-so-slightly to hear him better, though the only sounds surrounding the two of you currently were the light ambient mumbles of far-off Gladers. He leans forward in a mimic of you, but you can’t tear your eyes away from his dark brown, swirling eyes. They were almost hypnotic, in a way. “It almost felt like…” He trails off for a moment, and you’re desperately wondering what he was trying to say before he finally continues, “It almost felt like we were waiting for something. For someone. And now that you’re here, I feel like I’m not waiting any more.”
You chuckle awkwardly, finally looking away from the boy as you feel your cheeks flush. You open your mouth, shaking your head in disbelief as you try to come up with anything to say. Just as you’re beginning to voice your sentence- something that you weren’t even quite sure of before it came out- Thomas ends up interrupting you, taking one of your hands and fidgeting with it.
“I know, I know. I sound ridiculous, everyone always says so-”
“No,” You interrupt quickly, turning your gaze to meet his eyes once again. He had been eyeing your joined hands as he spoke, but as you look at him he also looks up, and you can see the hope sitting there plain as day. “No, not ridiculous. I understand what you mean, I-” You hesitate, unsure how to continue without sounding like a crazy person. You knew he was waiting on you, considering they all should’ve been out of here by now? Or, maybe not waiting for you specifically, just something that you know how to do. It was still a bit confusing, and you shake your head in frustration. “You’re not ridiculous.” You end it there, letting your gaze drop to the grass once again. Thomas is quiet for a few beats, before he finally speaks up, his voice a whisper.
“Are you okay?” Out of all of the questions you’d expected, that wasn’t one of them. You lift your gaze to his once again, studying the concern lying there. His fidgeting of your fingers is slower, but still present as you sit there contemplating what to say. You bite your lip as you think, and watch his eyes track the movement.
“If you knew of a way out of here, would you do it?” Thomas nods immediately, meeting your eyes with an intense and serious expression.
“Of course, I would. Immediately.”
“And bring everyone with you?” He nods again, his brow furrowing.
“Yes, of course. Everyone.” You hesitate, taking in a deep breath as you remember back to the skittering and harsh metallic sounds of the Grievers.
“Even if it was dangerous?” Your voice is barely a whisper- barely there enough that you’re almost surprised Thomas had heard it. He doesn’t answer you right away, but his expression changes just slightly enough to know that he understood what you said. When he finally does speak up, his voice doesn’t hold any bit of blame or suspicion that you thought it might.
“Why are you asking that? Did you remember something from Wicked?” You immediately scan the area around the two of you quickly at the sound of their name, looking for those tiny red blinking bugs that like to listen to them. Seeing none, your shoulders relax slightly and meet Thomas’ eyes once again. He hadn’t moved his gaze, but he seemed understanding and patient as you looked around. You sigh, shaking your head, trying to put off an air of confidence with your lie.
“No, I don’t remember anything else. I just–” You sigh again, pulling his hand lightly where you two are joined, “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” You watch his gaze soften, immediately taking what you’ve said to heart. It feels weird to be believed so easily, especially amidst the pain of having to lie to these people again and again.
“I won’t,” Thomas whispers, pulling you in by your hand as well, then wrapping an arm around you to hold you close. He presses his lips to your head, mumbling against your hair. “I won’t get hurt- I won’t leave you guys behind.”
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You were working again, a few days following your day off, and you’d finally slipped up. Now granted, ‘slipping up’ when you’re a builder tends to mean something far worse than accidentally destroying a crop or dropping a bucket of milk in the mud. You were on the ladder, Gally holding it steady below you, as you cleaned out the gutters of the Homestead. You could hear a commotion below you, but you ignored the general yelling and enthusiasm of the builders below you. It was toward the end of your shift, and you were just hoping to get this job done with time to spare. That might’ve been your first mistake.
It was a series of unfortunate mishaps that led to the ultimate conclusion. The builders were making a ruckus below you, one calling your name and distracting you from your job. You glanced down just in time to watch Gally punch the guy’s arm, likely admonishing him for distracting you- a habit of his, making sure no one distracts whoever is working on the ladder. Unfortunately for you, however, when you turned to look, a few globs of the slimy leaves that fill the gutters fell onto your feet and the ladder rungs below you- with you none the wiser. You reach back up, trying your best to reach the last little bit as you feel a slight slip of your boot.
Mistakably sure of your footing, you stretch to your tip-toes, just as you hear your name get called again. This time, by Gally. The shock of hearing his voice causes you to jerk toward him harshly, your foot slipping out from beneath you. You fell- not very far, mind you- down toward the ground. Gally was there to catch you, as was another builder who stood nearby, but the velocity of your fall caused the three of you to tumble into a pile on the ground.
Groaning was heard from all three of you as you all pushed to sit yourselves up, sighing and glancing around. You’re confused as to what happened, looking up to the ladder that still leaned against the Homestead. The builder to your side begins laughing as you finally spot the bit of slippery gunk on the ladder rung, realizing your mistake. You begin to laugh as well, and Gally just huffs out a heavy sigh, as if both relieved and annoyed at your antics. Gally is the first to push himself up, offering a hand to the builder and helping him up first.
Gally’s offered hand to help you up was likely the only reason you didn’t fall straight back down onto your butt. You cry out as pain shoots up your right leg, hissing as you look down. There’s no blood, and nothing obviously bent out of place. That was a good sign at least.
“You good?” Gally grunts out, scanning you with his eyes as he does his own little once-over. You nod, holding in a grunt as you focus on applying the majority of your weight onto your left foot.
“Yeah. Well- I mean, my right ankle is killing me.” Gally’s shoulders relax, meeting your eyes with a nod.
“Alright, probably just a sprain. Let’s get you to the Medjacks.”
Gally was right, of course. He’d likely seen his fair share of injuries, considering his position in the Builders. You were resting on a cot in the Medjack’s hut, your leg raised and resting on a pillow, an ice pack sitting on top of it. You were told to just chill there for a while until the swelling went down, then they’d wrap the foot and send you on your way. If you were honest, you were a bit bored. They’d had Chuck ferry your food to you, so at the very least you didn’t miss dinner, but you did miss the company you usually kept. You wondered if Thomas and Newt knew where you were, if they were worried about you or whether they just moved on with a shrug. You couldn’t picture them not caring about-
Your thoughts were interrupted by the loud, booming echo of laughter- an unmistakable sort. Minho walked through the Medjack’s door, clutching an arm to his chest while still laughing with good humour. He peeked behind him through the door one last time before taking a few more steps inside, his laughter dying down, but grin remaining firmly in place. Clint approached him, sighing with exasperation.
“I thought I’ve said it enough times today, no visitors-”
“Ah, Doc’, don’t deny a bleeding man!” Minho jests playfully- that is until he extends the arm clutched to his chest. You suck in a breath, seeing blood soaked into his shirt and covering his entire forearm.
“Minho- shuck it, what happened?” Clint is quick and methodical, dragging him over to a nearby bed- the bed next to your own- and immediately dragging over an empty bucket along the floor. He begins to pour water on his arm, the bucket catching the water as it falls to the floor, cleaning off the wound as Minho hisses.
“Ah, you know. Shucking around in the Deadheads again.” Clint huffs out an annoyed breath, glaring up at the injured man.
“I told you lot to stay away from those brambles. I said you’d get yourselves hurt, and look at you now.” You relax slowly as Clint continues to wash away the blood, and you realize the injury isn’t anywhere near as bad as it had looked originally. He had a small but deep wound on his arm, and likely just took his time getting back here.
“I wasn’t over by the brambles, Clint.” The Medjack glares up at him, obviously disbelieving. “Swear on it! I was not near those brambles.” The way he says this makes even you narrow your eyes toward him, and somehow Minho catches you. He eyes you for a moment, a smirk lighting up his face as he winks toward you. “We just found another bit of them. Off to the side, a little.”
“Remind me, how are you a Keeper, again?” Clint mumbles under his breath, obviously not expecting an answer as he grabs ahold of some gauze and a bandage wrap. Minho scoffs out a laugh, shrugging a shoulder.
“Seniority?” You laugh at the unexpected gibe against himself, meeting his eyes once again. You watch him theatrically scan your form, his eyes lingering on the cold pack sitting on your ankle. “So, what happened to the Greenie?”
“You should be more worried about yourself,” Clint answers immediately, his voice tired. It seemed like an automatic response, and you wonder how nosy the people in the Glade really are if his automatic response to asking about someone is to keep the details away. You hold back a laugh as Clint’s back is turned, meeting Minho’s eyes with a shrug.
“I slipped off of a ladder, sprained my ankle. Nothing too bad, all things considered.” Minho nods, but you see something in his eyes that causes you to hesitate. There’s nothing there that recognizes this as new information, almost as if he’d already known coming in here. That wouldn’t be too surprising, considering they’re all friends with Gally, but does that mean that Thomas and Newt do know?
Minho is somehow able to stay quiet long enough for Clint to finish his bandage. Minho keeps his eyes on you as Clint mumbles some sort of excuse and moves away from the two of you, giving you both a sense of pseudo-privacy. Minho’s face relaxes just slightly enough that you begin to think he’s not being playful anymore.
“They’re worried about you, you know.” Minho’s voice is quiet when he speaks, proving your theory. You blink a few times, taking in his words before finally tilting your head in confusion. “Newt and Thomas. They’re worried.”
“No- I mean, yeah,” You sigh, nodding, “I knew who you were talking about. Why are they worried?” Minho’s smile spreads, but purses in a way like he’s trying to keep from smiling and failing miserably.
“Because you’re in here. They keep trying to visit you but Clint won’t allow it.” You laugh at this, shaking your head in disbelief.
“But all that’s wrong with me is a sprained ankle?”
“Oh, trust me. They know.” Minho rolls his eyes, then turns his head to glance toward the close exit to the building. You’re quiet for a minute before finally asking the question on your mind.
“Why won’t Clint let them visit?”
“Because,” Clint interrupts, suddenly appearing beside your bed and lifting the ice pack from your foot. “As you said, all you have is a sprained ankle- I don’t need the leaders of the Glade making a circus of my hut. It just needed to be iced for a few hours, and now I’m going to wrap it and you’re going to go out there and calm everyone down.” You laugh as if this is a joke, but the laughter dies down at the look that Clint gives you. You turn your head toward Minho, hoping he at least would assure you that Clint was joking, but Minho’s raised eyebrows say something else entirely.
“Calm them down? Are they really that worried?”
“I had to post two people outside of my door so that I would stop getting interrupted,” Clint answers your question that you had technically asked Minho, and you look back toward him with amazement. A few moments ago you had thought that they’d both forgotten about you- now you’re hearing that they’re practically tearing the door down trying to get to you? Over a sprained ankle?
“Did you like your dinner at least?” Minho’s question seems out of place, and you furrow your brows as you glance at the empty dining tray and back to him.
“Yes?” You draw the word out as a question, tilting your head toward him once again.
“Well, good. Newt spent enough time trying to jam as much of your favourites onto it as possible. I think he might’ve threatened good ole’ Chuckie to make sure he didn’t steal any of your food.” You laugh again, this time in disbelief, and shake your head. You’ll have to speak with Chuck later to figure out exactly what happened there.
Clint finishes wrapping your foot, guiding you to stand and holding out a meticulously carved cane. You use the cane gratefully, nodding at Clint with thanks. He lets you know that you’re free to go, but asks Minho to stay an extra second, saying something about keeping away infection and wandering over to his wall of cabinets. You decide to wait for Minho, intending to walk out together, however your eyes follow Clint along the cabinets as he opens up multiple different ones, obviously searching for something. Clint grumbles under his breath about reorganization, meanwhile, Minho is speaking animatedly about something or other that had happened in the maze. That is to say, you would’ve been paying attention if your eyes hadn’t zeroed in on the cabinet Clint opens next.
Multiples of tiny bottles, practically glowing blue with syringes lying underneath them line this cabinet, and Clint closes it quickly as if he probably shouldn’t have opened it. But you recognized it. You didn’t think you would at first glance, but it’s definitely hard to mistake. Grief Serum. So they had the medicine that would save their lives if they ever had been stung by the Grievers, but do they know that? Did they realize what they had lying in wait in their cabinet? Better yet- could you use that to your own advantage? The scariest part about fighting the Griever is knowing about its sting- the variation of the Flare that could kill if not treated properly.
A plan begins to form in your head finally- something that you’ve been waiting for this whole time. You didn’t know what you would do with all of the information you’d been remembering before, but now it was all lining up. As Minho continues to drone on obliviously, you nod along and prepare to distract yourself long enough to settle Thomas and Newt’s nerves once you leave the building, but your mind races with this newfound knowledge. You finally knew how you would save the Glade.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Part one
Synopsis: after getting tortured by HYDRA, you have to obey every command you’re given
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“Hi, baby.” Peter wrapped his arms around you as you sat in front of your laptop, kissing the top of your head before rubbing your shoulders. “What are you doing?”
“Um.” You folded your lips in, knowing he wasn’t going to like what you had to say. “I’m just making arrangements.”
“Arrangements?” He wondered as he looked at your computer screen. He saw that you were on florists website, scrolling through the different variations of flowers.
“Why are you looking at floral arrangements?” He asked in grave voice as he slowly pulled his hand away from you.
“Well.” You swallowed, thinking of a way to break the news gently. “I figured it would make things a little easier on you and my family if I started planning it now.”
“Planning what?” Peter asked, intentionally playing dumb.
“My funeral, Peter.” You told calmly. “In case you guys want to have a service once Mr. Stark-“
“No.” Peter cut you off and began to walk away. “Not happening. You’re not dying.”
“We have to talk about this, Peter.” You complained as you followed him. “You can’t just pretend this isn’t going happen.”
“No, we don’t have to talk about this.” Peter retorted. “I still have time to figure out a cure. You gave me a year.”
“No, Peter.” You sighed. “You gave yourself a year.”
“What are you talking about?” He asked as he stopped walking. You stared at him for a long time, not wanting to tell him the real reason you agreed to his request.
“Peter, I never wanted to agree to that.” You said softly. “But I didn’t have a choice. You asked for a year and I had to say yes. If I could’ve said no, I would have.”
“I’m still working.” Peter protested. “It’s only been three months since I started helping them in the lab. Dr. Banner and I-“
“Dr. Banner can’t fix this.” You cut him off.” He still doesn’t even know what’s causing it. The only people who know who can fix me are at HYDRA.”
“Well we can’t exactly send them a text and ask how to reverse their mind control.” Peter snapped.
“I know.” You said. “That’s why I’m going to them.”
“I’m going back to the headquarters where they kept me and demanding that they reverse it.” You explained. “They’re the only ones who can fix this.”
“You can’t be serious.” Peter furrowed his eyebrows as he watched you pack a bag. “Y/n, they tortured you for three months. We thought you were dead. We…I buried a casket.”
“They caught me off guard last time.” You corrected. “This time, I’m going to them. I thought it through and I have a plan. I’m going and I’m not leaving until I get what I came for.”
“You can’t go there.” Peter shook his head. “It’s too dangerous. I won’t allow it.”
“Last time I checked, you weren’t the boss of me.” You scoffed, growing frustrated with him. “I’m going and you’re not stoping me.”
“Y/n, I need you to think about this.” Peter began to panic. “I know you want the cure but this is not the way to get it. This will get you killed.”
You tilted your head and stared at him, hoping the irony of his words would hit him.
“But that’s what you want.” He realized. “You have a death wish and you’re granting it.”
“Its either I find a cure or die trying.” You shrugged. “It’s worth the risk for me.”
“No.” Peter said firmly. “You’re not going back there. You’re not going through with this plan.”
“Watch me.” You said spitefully as you zipped your bag. You began to walk towards the door and Peter panicked at the thought of losing you all over again.
“I command you to stop.” Peter said sternly, and you stopping in your tracks. You didn’t turn around, too angry with him for using your condition to look at him.
“Do not going through with this plan.” He continued. “Do not go to HYDRA. Do not try to fix this yourself.”
You listened to his commands and felt yourself reluctantly losing your ability to go. You still desperately wanted to go, but felt physically unable to bring yourself to do so. You turned around slowly and looked at Peter with seething anger.
“If you can so easily use my condition against me, then maybe you’re not the guy I thought you were.” You said slowly, making Peter’s face fall.
“Baby, I’m sorry. You know I hate to-“
“If you’re sorry, then take it back.” You challenged him. “Take the command back.”
“I…no.” Peter said weakly. “I can’t. I can’t let you do this.”
“Then I can’t be your girlfriend.” You laughed sadly as a tear rolled down your cheek. “I thought you were a good guy. I must’ve been thinking of someone else.”
“Y/n…” Peter whispered, the weight of his actions breaking his heart.
“Can I go, sir?” You asked him, giving him a look that told him not to say no. You’d grown out of calling people “sir”, and he knew that. You were saying it now to drive in how much he hurt you.
“Yeah.” He swallowed, eyes falling to the floor as he realized what he had done. “You can go.”
You shook your head at him before walking out of the room, leaving him to wallow in the guilt. You gave your hair a stressful tug as you walked through the hallway, trying to come up with a way to get around Peter’s command. You didn’t have to think too long before you saw Bucky coming towards you.
“Bucky, can I ask you something?” You asked as he approached. Bucky stopped and nodded quietly.
“Do you care about me or my well being?” You wondered.
“No, not really.” He said softly.
“Good.” You nodded. “Then tell me to go through with my plan.”
“Go through with your plan.” He told you, and your felt your ability to go return.
“Thank you.” You smiled in relief. “I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome.” He nodded. “Wait, are you gonna die?”
“Maybe.” You shrugged. “I’m not sure yet.”
“Can I have your milk frother if you do?” He asked.
“Yeah. You can use it whenever you want.” You told him with a short laugh. He gave you a small smile in return.
“Okay. Thanks.” He said before walking away. You watched as he left, never really understanding him.
“What the fuck?” You mumbled to yourself before retreating to your room. You grabbed your bag and jumped out the window, using your powers to fly your way to HYDRA headquarters.
“Y/n?” Peter knocked softly at your door a few hours later. “Can I come in?”
When you didn’t answer, he assumed you were giving him the silent treatment.
“I know you’re mad at me about before but Mr. Stark says we should never go to bed angry.” He tried again. “Do you want to watch a movie? I’ll let you pick. And then gaslight you into picking a movie I want to watch.”
Again, he received no answer.
“I’m joking.” He followed up. “Sort of.”
He sighed when he got no response but didn’t let it deter him.
“Can you answer me, please?” He asked, careful not to give you a command. When you didn’t respond, he got worried and opened your door. He didn’t see you anywhere but noticed the bag you packed before was gone.
“Damn it.” He sighed and pulled at his hair. “Damn it, damn it, damn it.”
Peter ran into the kitchen where he knew most of the team would be to tell them what happened.
“Y/n isn’t here.” Peter announced. “I think she went to HYDRA headquarters.”
“What makes you say that?” Steve wondered.
“She told me she was going to HYDRA headquarters.” Peter answered sheepishly.
“Why didn’t you stop her?” Tony asked.
“I tried.” Peter defended. “I told her not to go.”
“Then how did this happen?” Tony sighed.
“I have no idea.” Bucky said as he sipped his coffee, getting milk froth on his upper lip.
“Get to the jet.” Tony said as he stood up. “We’ll bring her back.”
“Okay.” Peter nodded, trying to keep his calm. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”
You landed in front of HYDRA headquarters and walked to the front gate. You had powers similar to the Scarlet Witch, but your energy manifested in a deep violet. You used your blasts of energy to knock out the guards at the front gate, not giving them a second look at you marches past. You knocked down anyone in your way until you reached the room where you were kept. A chill ran down your spin as the memories of your torture came flooding back. You made sure the light was on before entering the room, bracing yourself for anything you might see.
You only got a few steps into the room before you heard the door slam behind you, a familiar sound that made your skin crawl. You turned around and saw Elisa Sinclair, the woman in charge of torturing you, standing with her back against the door.
“Y/n?” She smiled. “I thought that was you. There are alarms going off all over building. You really did a number on my guards out front. I always knew you were different from the other Avengers. You were never afraid to get your hands dirty.”
“What did you do to me?” You asked as you raised your fists. Purple energy pulsed in and around your fists, showing her your we’re serious.
“HYDRA improved you. Have you returned to give thanks?” She asked through a smirk.
“No.” You snapped. “I’m here to reverse it.”
“I should’ve known you’d be ungrateful.” Her smile fell. “Such a shame. All that technology gone to waste. You were going to be our first genetically modified soldier. Any command given, you accept. No hesitation. No fear. Just listen and obey. You would have been beautiful.”
“You ruined me.” You swallowed angrily, trying to stay calm.
“We made you better.” Elisa retorted. “But you were taken from us before we could finish. Now, you’re nothing but a half cocked experiment. We have no use for you.”
“Then reverse it.” You shouted, advancing on her. “Undo what you did to me.”
“Why would we do that?”
“Because I’m telling you to.” You said, wishing you had a better comeback. She gave you a condescending smile and shook her head.
“I don’t think someone in your position has any right to tell other people what to do.” She pouted. “In fact, why don’t you-“
You hit her with a blast of energy before she could finish her sentence. She began to choke as you suspended her in the air. You threw her against the back wall, knocking the wind out of her.
“You’re not giving me any commands.” You seethed. “I’d die before I obeyed you.”
“I can arrange that.” She said in a strangled voice. Before she could speak again, a web was shot to cover her mouth.
“Silence, whore.” Peter’s voice came from the doorway. You stifled a laugh at his endearing yet non-threatening presence Elisa looked at him.
“I’m sorry.” He quickly followed up. “I normally don’t call women that but you hurt my girl and it felt warranted.”
“What are you doing here?” You asked him as you turned around. You let Elisa go, dropping her to the ground with a thud.
“I came incase you needed my help.” He explained. “But it looks like you got this, so I’m just gonna stand here if you need me. Good job, baby!”
“You shouldn’t be here.” You repeated. “She’s dangerous.”
“I’m dangerous.” He said confidently. “And dressed to the occasion. What kind of villain wears khakis?”
“Oh, I see.” Elisa’s laughter sounded in the empty room. “Is that Peter?”
You stayed silent, hoping Peter wouldn’t speak either.
“Answer me.” She said, and you obeyed.
“Yes.” You answered, feeling your mouth go dry.
“She spoke about you all the time.” Elisa looked past you, right at Peter. “Every time I put her in that dark room and-“
“Don’t.” Peter gulped. “I don’t want to hear that. I don’t want to know what you did.”
“She used to cry for you. Everyday she’d tell me, “Peter’s gonna stop you. Peter’s gonna come for me. Peter will find me.”” She mocked your voice. “He never came, did he? Never rescued you.”
“No.” You responded as you stared at him. “He didn’t.”
“Does that make you mad, Y/n? Be honest.” Elisa commanded.
“No.” You shook your head. “He didn’t know where I was.”
“But you thought he stopped looking, didn’t you?” She continued. “Don’t lie to me.”
“Yes.” You answered against your will. “I thought he gave up.”
“How did that make you feel? Tell him the truth.” She ordered.
“I was angry. I was angry with him for giving up.” You admitted. Despite not being able to see his face, you could tell Peter was upset.
“You were pronounced dead.” He said weakly. “I went to your funeral. I thought we had lost you.”
“I was never dead. Just with HYDRA, wishing I was.”
“Because he stopped looking. Look him in the eyes and tell him that.” Elisa ordered.
“Because you stopped looking.” You told Peter as tears ran down your face.
“Hm.” She sighed and looked at her nails. “Kill him.”
Your eyes widened as the urge to kill Peter took over your body.
“Peter, run.” You ordered, and he took off running.
“Go after him.” Elisa said simply. “Kill him.”
Your legs began to move but you shot a blast of energy forward to knock yourself backwards.
“No.” You cried. “Don’t do this.”
“Why?” She taunted. “Don’t you want to make him pay for not coming to rescue you?”
“I don’t need rescuing. I’m not gonna hurt him.” You said through gritted teeth as you fought the urge as hard as you could.
“That’s not up to you, is it?” She teased.
“You don’t have to do this.” You looked at her desperately.
“I know.” She smirked and knelt down beside you. “You do.”
Your body began to move against your will towards the direction Peter ran in. You put your hands forward and kept a steady blast flowing from your hands. It held you back, but you knew it wouldn’t last.
“Kill him.” She commanded again. “And don’t listen to him if he tells you to stop.”
Your body stumbled forward and you were defenseless. You moved in the direction towards Peter, finding him almost immediately. You used your energy to create a force field that held him in place, lifting him in the air as you cried.
“Peter.” You sniffled. “She told me to kill you.”
“It’s okay.” He assured you. “Just don’t kill me.”
“I can’t.” You tightened the force field around him, constricting his breathing. “She told me not to listen to you.”
“Okay.” Peter gulped. “That’s okay.”
You fought the command long enough to drop him to the ground, fighting with yourself to leave him alone. Peter webbed your arms to your sides, giving you momentary relief.
“Peter, you have to run.” You cried. “You have to go.”
“I can’t leave you here.” He said as he stood up. “They could capture you again.”
“I’m gonna kill you if you don’t leave. I don’t have a choice.” You said as your reluctantly fought against the webbing. The webs were breaking and you knew he wouldn’t be safe for much longer.
“I can’t leave you to be tortured.” He insisted. “I lost you once. I can never go through that again.”
With a defeated cry, you broke free from the webs and sent a blast that knocked him down the hallway. You ran after him and punched him in the face before he could recover. You climbed on top of Peter and brought your fists down in heavy, painful blows. Peter’s mask began to break apart, his bloody eye soon becoming visible.
“Fight back!” You cried desperately as your hands closed around his throat.
“I can’t hurt you!” He wheezed.
“Peter, just knock me out.” You begged. “Close your eyes and knock me unconscious.”
“No.” He was crying as well now. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Peter.” You whimpered, tightening your hands around his neck.
“Y/n, whatever you’re about to do, it’s okay.” He said in a strained voice. “I forgive you.”
“I don’t forgive me.” You sobbed, feeling his heartbeat begin to slow down.
“I love you.” He smiled up at you as tears rolled down his face. “Until my breathing stops, okay? Can you repeat that back to me?”
“You love me.” You said as fears fell from your face onto his.
“Yes I do.” Peter nodded, keeping his smile. “I love you so much. This isn’t your fault. Can you repeat that?”
“It’s not my fault.” You repeated as his face turned a deep shade of purple.
“Yeah, baby. I…” Peter trailed off mid sentence as his head rolled to the side. His eyes stayed open as your released your hands from his neck.
“No!” You screamed, laying on top of his body to hug him. “No.”
You held Peter tightly and cried into his chest, pressing kisses against his beaten face. The anguish you felt was replaced by a fiery rage for Elisa. You thought your condition was ruining your life, and now it had ended someone else’s. As you stared at Peter’s limp body, your entire body began to glow a deep purple. A huge blast of energy shot out from your body, breaking all nearby windows. You felt something inside you click and your legs began to move. You wanted to stay with him to grieve, but you knew the fight wasn’t over. Elisa was going to pay for what she made you do. With heavy steps, you walked back to the room and blasted the door right off the hinges.
“There you are.” Elisa smiled as you stormed in. “Did you do it? Did he scream?”
You ignored her and kept approaching, the energy around you growing with each step.
“Woah, there.” She gulped. “Stop it.”
You didn’t stop, keeping your eyes dead set on her while she backed away.
“I said stop it.” She said again, but you didn’t listen. You shot a blast of energy at her and held her against a wall.
“You can’t control me anymore.” You growled as you got up on her face. You smiled a little when she began to tremble.
“Beg for mercy.” You whispered in her ear. Elisa looked up, feeling a newfound fear of you.
“I said beg!” You shouted, making her jump. “That’s an order. And you have to obey.”
“Please.” She begged. “Don’t kill me.”
“Is that an order?” You asked as you tightened your grip. She nodded rapidly, gasping for air.
“Sorry.” You smiled wickedly. “But I will no longer be obedient.”
With that, you used your powers to choke her to death, leaving her lifeless body on the floor.
You walked out of the room and wiped your face free of tears, letting the pain of losing Peter finally settle in. As you rubbed your eyes, you bumped into someone unexpectedly.
“Oh, thank goodness.” Peter’s voice filled your ears. “You squeezed the life out of my neck. Did you find that lady?”
“Peter?” You asked in disbelief as you touched his bruised face. “You’re okay?”
“Someone forgot their boyfriend took an improv class in freshman year.” Peter smiled proudly. “You couldn’t kill me if you thought I was dead.”
“You’re a genius.” You exclaimed as you hugged him tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was about to pull a Loki and kill a bunch of random pedestrians.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” Peter assured you as he hugged you back. “But we should finish this reunion later. We need to get back into the jet now.”
You pulled away and smiled a little, feeling a forgotten sense of freedom.
“No.” You said, loving the way the word rolled off your tongue.
“No?” Peter asked in surprise.
“No.” You repeated. “I don’t want to get back on the jet. I want to stay here with you for a few more minutes.”
“Are you…disobeying me?” He asked slowly.
“Yeah.” You smiled proudly. “I am.”
“Oh my God.” Peter pulled you into an excited hug. “Oh my God!”
You hugged him back, feeling tears of relief stream from your eyes.
“You’re free?” He asked. “You don’t have to obey anymore?”
“No. I don’t know what happened. I saw you lying there and something switched inside my brain.” You shrugged. “The urge to avenge you was stronger than my urge to obey.”
“I’m so proud of you.” He cupped your face. “You fixed yourself. We have to tell everyone.”
“Yes we do. Because I want to. That’s my choice.” You said confidently.
“Yes it is.” Peter encouraged you. “Now please, let’s go home.”
You and Peter walked hand in hand to the jet, not wanting to leave each other’s sides after what you gown through.
“There you guys are.” Tony got off the jet when he saw you approaching. “Are you kids okay?”
“We’re okay.” You smiled softly as you looked at Peter.
“Okay.” Tony sighed in in relief. “Let’s go home, yeah? It’s been a long day.”
“You have no idea.” Peter nodded as he rubbed his throat. “I almost died back there.”
“I killed a woman with my bare hands.” You laughed, but your laughter quickly died when you realized what you said.
“So, we’ll unpack that later.” Tony pointed at you. “Parker, get your throat checked out by the medic. L/n, get yourself a therapist.”
“Yes, sir.” You chuckled as you climbed onto the jet.
Less than an hour later, you walked back into the main part of the jet to sit with Tony.
“I just checked on Peter. The medic said his throat should be fine.” You told Tony as you sat down in one of the seats.
“Good. Though a few days without him speaking might be nice.” Tony teased.
“Yeah.” You laughed. “Well like it or not, he’s one of the bravest guys on the team. You should’ve seen him back there. He was a hero.”
“I always saw that in him.” Tony said softly. “Why do you think I recruited him in the first place? It wasn’t just for those lovely curls, though they are a bonus.”
Before you could respond, Peter came into the room with a neck brace on. Your eyes quickly fell to the ground, not wanting to look at what you had done.
“Hello.” He said in a weak voice.
“Hey, Pete.” You collected yourself and looked up at him with a smile. He smiled back and sat next to you, resting his head on your shoulder. You kissed the top of his head and rubbed his back, silently thinking him for everything he had done.
“Almost there guys.” Tony said. “I should call Pepper before we land. Y/n, can you pass me my phone?”
“Get it yourself.” You said proudly, wanting to exercise your newly gained free will.
“Excuse me?” Tony looked back at you.
“I just sat down and I don’t want to get up again.” You said simply. “Get it yourself.”
Tony stared at you for a long time, trying to decide if you were serious. Finally, a huge smile broke out on his face.
“That’s my girl!” Tony cheered, slamming his hand on the dashboard a few times. “That’s my damn girl!”
You smiled proudly as Peter patted your back, just as proud of you for being able to disobey.
“I’m proud of you.” Tony said. “But if you ever talk to me like that again I will euthanize you.”
“Fine by me.” You chuckled, happy to be back to normal.
“That is absolutely not fine.” Peter gasped. “Oh my God. I shouldn’t have to say this, but no euthanasia jokes.”
“Sorry, Peter. I don’t have to listen to you anymore.” You shrugged playfully. “Do you think we would have gone with lethal injection or death by firing squad?”
“I was thinking of shooting you out of a canon.” Tony added to the joke. “Cap has one in storage from his touring days.”
“What if you fed me to feral dogs?” You suggested.
“What if we didn’t make jokes about killing Y/n?” Peter matched your tone. “What about that? That might be fun. Who’s with me?”
“All right, we’ll stop.” You laughed as you pressed another kiss to his cheek. Tony laughed as well, smiling as he caught the sweet interaction in the rear view mirror. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was thrilled to see you smiling again. He thought he was going to lose you and that though killed him. The jet steeled into a comfortable silence for a few minutes as everyone relaxed. Tony looked at you and Peter again in the rear view mirror, wanting to stir the pot for his own amusement.
“But I do know where we could get a pack of feral dogs.”
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tyongxnct · 3 years
𝐅𝐔 - 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐡
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pairing: Johnny x reader
summary: You wanted to be all alone with your boyfriend on New Year’s Eve, but after a heavy fight, he left you before the clock struck midnight. You were all alone the whole night while he was with another woman. The woman he told you not to worry about. One day, after forgiving him for leaving you alone, you find out that she was texting him, that he cheated and you breakup. But breaking up with the love of your life was hard and you couldn’t stop yourself from loving him.
song: FU - Miley Cyrus
genre: established relationship, angst, smut
warnings: smut, cheating, swearing, alcohol consumption
word count: 5.7k
A/N: first of all thank you so so much for 900 followers!! You have no idea how happy and thankful I am. I hope you enjoy this!! 💖💖💖
taglist: @aesthetichrj @bvbyxuxi @bitchenderyy​ @chitaphrrrr​
this is fiction!
© tyongxnct on all platforms
Oh, you broke my heart I told you I was weak for love But then you went around And did what you wanted to do And now I'm crying, crying
“Don’t you fucking get it Y/n?! There’s nothing going on between me and her! Why are you always so fucking insecure?!”
“Are you being serious right now? I just-“
“Just what Y/n?! Huh?! Do you always have to ruin everything?! One night, one fucking night and you can’t keep your mouth shut! You’re so damn frustrating. It’s fucking New Year’s Eve and you just have to annoy the shit out of me!” Johnny yelled at you. He closed his eyes to calm down, but all he saw was red and he needed to go.
“But Johnny-“
“No! I don’t wanna hear anything. I’m leaving. Happy fucking new year.” He cut you off, he didn’t care about your feelings at that moment. All he wanted was fresh air and be far, far away from you.
“No please don’t go I’m sorry-“
You tried to apologize, but Johnny simply didn’t care.
It was almost midnight and you didn’t want the night to end like this. All you wanted was spend the night with Johnny. Just you, Johnny, wine, and a great dinner. This was your third New Year’s Eve with Johnny and your first New Year’s Eve alone with him. You had spent the last two years with your mutual friends at some party, but this year you wanted to be just with him.
Things escalated quickly.
First he was distracted, he was on his phone the whole dinner and then, while watching a movie he chose, he was also on his phone. Then, he got a phone call and was in your shared bedroom talking for almost an hour.
Your special night together suddenly turned to a shit night for you.
You were suspicious about his behavior. Always on his phone, always talking to someone and whenever you asked whom he was talking to he answered with a simple ‘a friend’.  But you knew exactly who that friend was and when you had enough, you confronted him about her.
Johnny left your apartment, he was slightly tipsy, the wine you drank was in his system and he knew that his next decision was stupid, so dumb and would destroy everything you had built, but in that moment, he didn’t care.
So his next move was to call her and ask her if she was free. It was New Year’s Eve, she was probably at some party or with her family, but she quickly dropped her friends and the party she was at to meet Johnny at her apartment.
The clock struck midnight and instead of kissing you, Johnny’s lips were on her lips and you were finishing the second bottle of wine. You sat on the balcony and watched the firework with tears rolling down your cheeks whereas your boyfriend was kissing another girl, pleasing another girl, and breaking his promises.
That night, you celebrated New Year’s Eve with tears in your eyes and pain in your heart.
Johnny woke up in the middle of the night.
He looked to his left to see you sleeping next to him but when he saw someone else next to him in bed, he remembered what he did. He remembered how he told you that there was nothing going between her and him and then he remembered how he fucked her, how he cheated on you.
“Fuck.” He mumbled as he looked at the clock on the wall.
He didn’t kiss you on midnight. He wasn’t with you, you weren’t in his arms, someone else was.
Johnny left the apartment without thinking and rushed home to you. Johnny couldn’t describe how much regret he felt, how guilty he felt. He wanted to cry, he wanted to delete last night from his memory.
He unlocked the door and it was dark inside of the apartment, you were probably sleeping. Johnny’s heart was beating against his chest, he didn’t know what to do. Should he tell you what happened last night? Should he tell you he cheated and broke his promises?
Johnny saw you curled up on the couch, your eyes closed but swollen, you wear wearing his hoodie and hugging the pillow tightly. The balcony was still open and the winter breeze entered you apartment. Your body was cold, hands formed to fists and brows furrowed. Two empty bottles of wine on the coffee table and one used wine glass.
Johnny got on his knees and pressed little kisses on your forehead, your cheeks and nose. He wanted to kiss your lips so bad, but his lips still tasted like the other woman he had been with that night.
“B-Baby?” he whispered softly, “Baby, come on let’s go to bed.”
You didn’t react.
Johnny carried you softly to your bedroom and tucked you in your bed. After getting ready for bed, he also got under the covers and pulled your body closer to his and held you tightly in his arms.
“I’m so sorry.” He cried out. Johnny felt terrible, he couldn’t lose you, the only option was to keep it a secret and delete last night from his memory. Johnny fell asleep crying.
You woke up between Johnny’s arms. He was holding you tightly and it didn’t look like you could get out of his arms anytime soon. He was soring softly and you could tell he was tired.
You stayed in bed for another hour and Johnny slowly woke up.
“Can you let me go?” you asked coldly. You were still hurt.
“S-Sorry.” He let go of you and you were about to leave the room but Johnny stopped you.
“Listen… I-I know you’re mad and I know I made a big mistake. I shouldn’t have left. I’m the biggest idiot on the planet, I’m so sorry I left you alone last night and… and the things I said. I didn’t mean them. I love you. Only you.”
Your hand was on the door handle, holding tightly. You didn’t answer, you didn’t know what to say. Were you still mad? Yes. Were you still hurt? Yes. You just wanted to be alone.
“Y-You left me alone o-on New Year’s Eve. You just left me all alone, I wanted to be with you. You know that I don’t have anyone. You know that I’m all alone and you still left. I only have you but you left me too.”
That was true. You had lost your parents a couple years ago and you don’t have any siblings. You don’t have any family left and you have only Johnny in your life. You were never the person to find friends easily, but Johnny was different. You were friends with his friends, but you were too shy and insecure to call them or text them. You hated it.
“I know- I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you, baby. Do you want to have dinner again tonight? I’ll cook. Or we can go out to that restaurant you love, let’s go on a date, hmm? Tell me baby. Tell me what you want.” He got up and walked closer to you. You stepped back on reflex.
Johnny stopped on his tracks and looked at you, worry written all over his face.
“D-Do you hate me that much?” he whispered.
You didn’t know what to say.
“I think I need to be alone.” And then you left your bedroom and locked yourself in the bathroom and started crying.
Johnny knew he had to leave you alone, you had to calm down and he needed to find a way to make it up to you. He knew the fucked up, and the secret he carried was haunting him. Whenever he looked at you, he felt his heart ache.
Maybe you were blinded by your love for him or maybe you were just stupid, but you couldn’t be mad at him any longer.
You entered the bedroom and saw Johnny looking on the ceiling like a lost puppy. He instantly got up and looked at you. “D-Do you want me to leave?”
You were still crying and playing with your fingers. “I-I want to go o-on a that date with you. B-But that doesn’t mean I forgive you. I’m still hurt.” You sobbed.
“Okay baby, anything for you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I left you alone. I’ll make it up to you, okay? I love you so much.” He stroked your tears away and cupped your cheeks. “I’m not going to hurt you again.”
Ooh, it seemed like everything was going fine I found the love that I thought was gonna last Then I accidentally saw a few things in your cell I even LOL'd, man, I should've known Why, why you're doing what you do You, you might as well just tell the honest truth See, I'm not really down with this This ain't no texting shit Know I got no biz, But it is what it is
I don't really have much to say I was over it the second that I saw her name
The first couple weeks of January, Johnny acted like the perfect boyfriend. He did everything he could to make you happy, to make you smile brightly at him.
You could see that he tried to make his mistake up to you and you enjoyed how he showered you with love. You were sure that he was the one, that Johnny was your future.
But that one night, January 31, changed everything.
You were waiting for Johnny to finish his shower. It was date night and you decided to go to the movies. While you were scrolling through your Instagram feed, Johnny’s phone ringed non-stop. He received text after text and even two calls and the sound annoyed the shit out of you. You got up to turn his sound off, but when you accidently saw the last text he got, you almost dropped the phone. You didn’t want to go through his texts, but you couldn’t stop yourself from reading the text she sent him.
19:27 Sujin: hey baby, I miss u
19:27 Sujin: are you free tonight? My pussy missed your dick!!!
19:28 Sujin: *picture attached*
It was a picture of her, half naked, you could fully see her breasts.
You should’ve known. You should’ve known that he lied when he told you that there was nothing going on between him and her.
You couldn’t cry, all you could do was laugh. Laugh at how stupid you were.
Why did he lie to you? Why didn’t he just tell you the truth? You were done with him and with his lies. Maybe it was your own fault. You knew that there was something, but you still believed him and took him back that night on New Year’s Eve. He said so much mean and disgusting things to you, Johnny acted like you were crazy and just out of your damn mind. He called you insecure. Johnny called you so many things and in the end, you were right.
You went to your shared bedroom and started packing a couple of your things. You needed to leave. Now.
You couldn’t cry. You wanted to, but you couldn’t. There were no tears left.
You packed some clothes, you weren’t going to move out. He cheated, he broke your heart and he has to leave. But you couldn’t stand being next to him. You would come back when he was gone.
Johnny entered the bedroom with a towel around his waist. His hair was still wet and little drops of water glistened on his body. Suddenly all you could see were her traces on his body. Love bites on his neck, down to his chest.
You realized you were staring at him a little too long, the love bites were gone and Johnny came closer to you with a smirk.
“We can skip the movie if you want to.” He put two fingers on your chin and leaned down to kiss you, but you pulled back. Almost tripping over your bag.
“Babe? You good?”
“Cut the bullshit Johnny. I want you to leave and take all of your fucking shit with you. We’re done. I’ll come back when you’re gone.”
Johnny looked at you with so much confusion written all over his face. “Babe what are you talking about?”
“Go to your whore. She probably has enough space for you two.” You said with no emotion as you grabbed your bag.
Johnny still didn’t understand what you were talking about. “W-What are you saying? Baby I really don’t understand- What do you mean? Whore?”
You started laughing, “Come on, you know exactly who I’m talking about. She misses you so much Johnny. Poor girl needs her hole filled with your fucking cock. Go to her. She’s waiting for you.”
Johnny still didn’t get what you meant. “Fucking hell, I saw her texts Johnny! I’m leaving.”
It took Johnny a minute to realize what just happened.
You were about to leave the room when he stopped you. “Listen- please just listen to me.”
You scoffed, “There’s nothing you could say, Johnny.”
“T-There was nothing serious. S-She just texted me shit like that-“
“No Johnny! This isn’t just you and her texting, this is about you being not loyal to me. You lied to me, you called me names, you broke all your promises and you still cheated. You cheated on me with her, you don’t have to lie anymore. I won’t stop you anymore. Feel free to do whatever you want. Not that I stopped you from doing whatever you wanted before, but now you don’t need to come back to me anymore.”
You voice was filled with venom, Johnny knew he fucked up and he thought you would never find out, but now that you did, he didn’t know what to do or what to say to keep you, to make you stay.
“No no no don’t go. L-Let’s talk about this. Baby please don’t leave me. I love you.” Johnny started crying. For the first time in your life, you saw him cry.
You didn’t know how to feel about seeing him cry, but you listened to your brain and not to your heart like you always did and your brain told you to leave. You were done with him. So you left without looking back.
I got two, ooh, ooh letters for you One of them's F and the other one's U 'Cause what you gotta do, is go get yourself a clue Only two, ooh ooh letters to choose One of them's F and the other one's U SMH, I'm pressing send on you
Johnny texted you about thousand messages every day since you left. He called and left thousand voicemails. After two weeks, you also got mail with letters. Letters filled with apologies.
You hated him so much, but you couldn’t stop listening to his voicemails or stop reading his texts and letters. Maybe it was because you missed him or maybe you felt better now that he ran after you like a lost puppy. But you couldn’t let go of him if he keeps sending you things like that.
22:04 J: I won’t stop trying.
22:05 J: I love you too much to let you go.
You laughed at that. He loves you? Is cheating his way of loving you? You decided to answer him.
22:10 you: Fuck u Johnny. You don’t know anything about love so just stop and don’t embarrass yourself.
22:10 J: I can’t believe you texted back. I knew you were reading my messages. Please, let’s talk.
22:13 you: Don’t you get it? I don’t want to see you.
22:14 J: Okay, then answer the phone. Let’s just talk.
Your phone started ringing and you almost answered. It rang and rang and he called you again and again, but you never answered.
22:50 you: stop calling. Stop texting. Just leave me alone.
You shook your head angrily.
He left you alone on New Year’s Eve, why was it so hard for him to leave you alone now?  
Could've been this, could've been that We done been there, we done been back You ain't with it, could've said that Why you tripping, let me hit that I ain't trying to argue more. I do it all for you, You know you're my right eye Baby, let me show you
Johnny was about to lose his mind.
After you left nothing made sense anymore. He was lonely. Lonelier than ever. Johnny has many friends but he never left the apartment to hang out with them.
There was no point in going out and coming back to a lonely home.
He missed you, he missed everything about you. He realized, after you left, that he loved so many small things about you. For example, the way you sneezed, that was the cutest sound he has ever heard or the way you always fell asleep with a little smile on your face. A smile he missed.
Johnny missed to see you on the couch, a pillow between your arms because you couldn’t hug Johnny, he had to take a shower or for whatever reason he couldn’t watch tv without you.
Oh, how he wished he could just drop everything and cuddle with you on the couch. You could’ve been in his arms right now, you could’ve been kissing him like you always did. You loved kissing him and he missed the feeling of your lips on his.
He regrets cheating on you. He regrets it so much and there’s not a single day without him crying about that.
Johnny rarely cried, you knew that, but after you left, he couldn’t stop his tears.
He had to show you how much he loved you, how much you mean to him. Johnny had to show you, that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. Johnny would do anything to get you back.
Oh, I know what's been going on Don't even try to act like Mr Super Nonchalant What makes you think I'll stick around I'm not as stupid as you sound And you sound really dumb right now From A to Z, ooh I got a lot of nasty things flowing up in my head But none of them are worth my time You're not even worth this rhyme And I don't, I don't give a flying
It was hard for you to find a place to stay and Johnny knew that, but even though he wanted to be with you, he left your apartment so you could stay there. The only friends you had were Johnny’s and it was hard for you to ask them for help, you hated to ask other people for help, because you didn’t want to be a burden. That’s why you stayed in a hotel for two days, until Johnny texted you that he left the apartment. It hurt you a little, the fact that he was gone but you tried to ignore that feeling, just like you tried to ignore everything else he did. You overthink everything and you were scared to annoy his friends with your presence, which wasn’t even the case. After Johnny’s friend heard about what Johnny did and how he broke your heart, they lectured him and were angry. Yes, he was their friend but you were their friend too and what Johnny did was unacceptable. A couple of his friends reached out to you, they wanted to be there for you and help you go through the pain.
A month after your breakup, you met Johnny again. One of your mutual friends held a BBQ party and she insisted for you to come. Of course she told you about Johnny also being invited but you didn’t care about him at that moment. You wanted to have fun, but now, with him right in front of you, you wanted to go back home and hide under your bed. But you wouldn’t show him that.
You felt his eyes on you, no matter what you did or where you were.
Playing beer pong outside, his eyes were on you.
Cutting tomatoes in the kitchen, his eyes were on you.
Drinking your cocktail in the living room, his eyes were on you.
Not like a creep, of course. He watched you like someone who saw the love of their life for the first time and he saw the love of his life for the first time after the breakup. He thought about ways to approach you, to talk to you and apologize, but the timing was always bad.
Except for now.
Your turned around as soon as you heard his voice. The others were inside whereas you went outside for fresh air. Johnny followed you, he saw an opportunity to talk to you and he wouldn’t let go of that.
“Don’t walk away- please.”
“Why would I stay here with you?” you scoffed.
“Just listen to me, just once-“
“You think I’m stupid? You think I don’t know what you’re going to say? It’s always the same shit. Oh, I’m so sorry. She doesn’t mean anything to me. Please forgive me. Blah Blah Blah.” You said in a mocking tone.
“But it is the truth! She doesn’t mean anything to me. I just love you, it was a mistake-“
“Johnny, come on. You sound so dumb right now. Just stop. Whenever I see your face, I just want to punch you and her, but you aren’t worth it. She isn’t worth it to be in my head. Fuck you and fuck her. Oh, wait, you did that already, right?”
Maybe you were being a little pathetic right now, but you didn’t care.
I don't really have much to say I was over it the second that I saw her name
“I don’t really have much to say. I was over it the second that I saw he name on your phone.” you said, looking him straight in the eyes. Your voice was so cold, just like your eyes.
“But I have things I need to tell you. I need to tell you how much I love you and how sorry I am. Just listen to me, just this once and If you’re still done with me, than okay, I’ll leave you alone.”
“Fine. I’m so fucking sick of this.” You mumbled.
“I didn’t lie to you on New Year’s Eve. There was really nothing between me and her. She would text me but I never really replied to her. We went out a couple of times, but not just us. We went out with other friends and I barely noticed her. We were just friends, even less than that. On New Year’s Eve you pushed my buttons, I’m sorry to say it like that, but something inside me switched and all I wanted to do is to h-hurt you.” He looked down, ashamed, “I was drunk and angry. A really bad combination. I called her, she invited me to her home and before I knew it, I woke up with her next to me.”
You closed your eyes, you tried to imagine little butterflies and the sea, but all you could see was Johnny with another woman.
“As soon as I woke up, I came home and I-I didn’t know what to do. I hated -hate- myself for what I did that night, for hurting you and leaving you alone like that and for c-cheating on you. I know it’s not an excuse but I was so drunk and I didn’t know what I was doing. It just happened. When I saw you at home, asleep on the couch, it broke my heart. I wish- I wish I could turn back time and stay at home with you that night.”
“I’m not done. I deleted that night from my memory. I know it’s stupid but I couldn’t lose you. I was selfish and I thought that you would never find out. B-But that night you saw her messages, you only saw her messages. It looked like we were still texting and s-sleeping with each other. But here-“ he pulled out his phone and showed you their conversation.
“I always told her how much I loved you and that she should leave me alone. That I did the biggest mistake in my life and that you’re the love of my life. I swear Y/n, I am so sorry, so fucking sorry that I hurt you like this. But I mean it when I say that I only love you and that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know I did so many mistakes and I totally get that you h-hate me but I want to show you how much I actually love you and I know that you love me too.”
You scrolled through their texts. He said the truth, he always told her to fuck off and leave him alone, she was also blocked now. Johnny told her that he wants only you and that he would spend the rest of his days regret hurting you, but he’d also spend the rest of his days loving you.
“I-“ you didn’t know what to say.
He was right, you still loved him.
“Johnny… can you take me home?”
I got two, ooh, ooh letters for you One of them's F and the other one's U 'Cause what you gotta do, is go get yourself a clue Only two, ooh letters to choose One of them's F and the other one's U SMH, I'm pressing send on you
Johnny was bigger than you and stronger, but right now you felt like you were the stronger one.
You pressed him against the wall as you pressed your lips on his. You caught Johnny off guard but not even a second later, he kissed you back and put his hands on your waist.
“Don’t touch me.” you pulled away to say this and when he thought it was over, you kissed him again. Your hands were on his shirt, slowly pulling it up. When you were done, you pressed your hands lightly on his chest. You loved every inch of Johnny’s body.
Johnny was obviously stronger than you and he could push you away easily, but he couldn’t, until your hands landed on his belt. “N-No, Y/n wait-“ he said as he pulled away.
You ignored him.
You kissed right above his jeans, slowly going up leaving wet kisses on his belly and chest. You couldn’t reach his neck, you wanted to leave love marks, and that made you mad.
“Fucking big asshole. Why do you have to be so big?!”
“Y/n- I thought you wanted to talk? I don’t want you to do anything you might regret later.”
“Just shut up and let me do what I want to do.”
“You’re drunk.” Johnny said. Yes you had a couple cocktails but you knew what you were doing.
“Fuck you, I’m not drunk! Do you want to fuck me or not?!” you yelled now, annoyed that he hesitate so much.
“Of course I want to fuck you but-“
“No buts. Take off your pants.”
Johnny didn’t move. He didn’t know what to do. On the one hand he wanted to feel you close again, on the other hand he was scared to push you further away after having sex with you.
“Fine I’ll do it myself.” And you did. You unbuttoned his jeans, pulled it down along with his boxers and kneeled down.
His cock was semi-hard. The way you acted turned him on and now you’re on your knees looking absolutely beautiful and sexy.
You slowly started pumping his cock and Johnny bit his lip as he watched you. His tip was leaking with precum and you used it to make it easier to pump him. You put your lips on his tip and kissed it and then you licked it like a lollipop. You twirled your tongue on his tip, your hand still pumping him up and down. When you put his cock in your mouth, Johnny’s hands softly gripped your hair.
You pulled away, “No touching.” And he let go instantly. He was going crazy, he needed to touch you.
You put his cock back into your mouth and bopped your head. Johnny’s cock was big, you couldn’t fit all of his cock inside your mouth but the way he hit your throat turned him even more on. He was a moaning mess. You softly played with his balls and you felt him twitch. He was about to cum and right before he could, you stopped and pulled away.
“Fuck- What why did you stop? Are you alright?” he asked you. First frustrated that you stopped him from coming and then worried that he hurt you.
“Lay down.” You ordered him.
Johnny listened. He laid down on your bed and watched you take off your dress and your underwear. A sight he had missed so much, so fucking much.
“You’re so beautiful.”
“Stop talking.” You ignored the butterflies in your belly.
You crawled on top of him and slowly put his cock inside of you. You were definitely wet enough. Johnny lost his mind, he missed being inside of you. He missed being this close to you.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He moaned and his hands landed on your hips.
You grabbed his hands and pressed them down on each side of his head. “I said no touching, Johnny. No. Fucking. Touching.” You didn’t stop moving your hips as you said that you knew it turned him on as you felt him twitch again.
You weren’t going to lie. You felt amazing. You were embarrassingly close, all you did was sucking his dick and riding him for not even a minute.
You kept your hands on his wrists as you rode him faster and faster. The way you clenched around him, the little sounds that left your from kissing bruised lips, he loved it. Johnny loved you.
“I’m going to c-cum.” He moaned out.
“C-Cum inside of me, I want every drop of your cum Johnny.” You were so close and when Johnny came inside of you and closed his eyes while moaning your name out loudly, you came too.
You let go of Johnny’s wrists and collapsed on top of him as he pulled his cock out of you.
Chest against chest, heartbeat against heartbeat.
Your head was in the crook of his neck and you were breathing heavily. You tried to catch your breath and stop yourself from crying, but Johnny heard you sniffle and not even a second later, you started sobbing in his arms.
“Y/n? Are you crying?” he rubbed your back softly, not sure what else to do.
“Fuck you. I’m not crying I’m dancing you i-idiot.” You cried out.
You couldn’t stop the tears from falling, you didn’t notice how hard you were crying until it got hard to breath.
“Hey hey hey, I’m sorry. Look at me. You have to calm down.” Johnny softly pushed you up and you wrapped your arms around your boobs, suddenly feeling completely exposed and vulnerable.
Johnny was about to move away and you immediately hugged him tightly, you were scared that he would leave after fucking you. You were scared that you were just imagining this and that he wasn’t actually here. But Johnny actually just wanted to give you his shirt.
“Fuck you. I hate you. Y-You broke my heart.” You cried out as you hid your face in his neck.
Johnny slowly stroked your hair and with his other hand he held you tightly. “I’m sorry. I don’t deserve you, but I love you so, so much.”
He was crying too.
“Y-you really don’t deserve me. Fuck you for hurting me, fuck you for cheating on me and fuck you… I-I still… love you.” You finally said it. It was so hard but all the weight on your shoulders vanished and you felt relieved.
“I love you. Only you. Please forgive, please let me love you again. Please I need you so much.” Johnny said and left little kisses on your shoulder.
You pulled back softly and looked him in the eyes. Your eyes were as red as his and full of pain and love.
“Please don’t hurt me ever again, please no matter how much you want to hurt me, just yell at me o-or I don’t know throw something at me… b-but don’t do that again…”
Johnny’s heart ached, he would never forgive himself for hurting you like this, for breaking your heart. It was a punch in the face to hear your words. Was he really such a monster? Yes he was. He was a monster who hurt his better half for something so stupid and now you were suffering. You were always right and he would do anything to make you happy. How could he even get mad at someone as kind and lovely as you? How could he even think of hurting you?
“D-Don’t say that. I will never hurt you again, I promise. I could never get mad at you, Y/n. Everything was my fault, I did this to us and you never deserved this. You are too good for me and I’ll make sure to show you how much I adore you, how much you mean to me. I’ll never let go of your hand.” He took your hand in his and placed a kiss on your knuckles, “I love you, Y/n. Can you give me a second chance?”
You looked him in his teary eyes. You were going to follow your heart and your heart told you to try again. You could see his love for you in his eyes and you could hear it in his broken voice. You were ready to give him a second chance, you could forgive him but you would never forget what he did.
You nodded softly “Y-You have to make it up to me and it won’t be easy.”
“I’ll do anything.”
“Okay.” You breathed out.
“Thank you.” He looked you in the eyes with his brown puppy eyes and you couldn’t stop yourself from pecking his lips. You pulled back and watched his reaction. Johnny smiled softly and both of you slowly leaned in and kissed. A soft and slow kiss, with so much passion and longing.
651 notes · View notes
havin-a-wee · 4 years
hey! I am obsessed with ur writing and I was wondering if you could pretty please do an imagine where you are best friends with Harry and you are REALLY horny and are cuddling with him and you get wet n stuff through your panties and he notices and offers to help? thank you SO MUCH ily🥰
warnings: oral (female receiving)
word count: 2.5k
hi! sorry this took so long but i’m rlly proud of how it came out so i hope you like it !
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“Harry get in here!” 
Your best friend popped his head in the door to your bedroom with a shit-eating grin on his face. 
“What are you smiling about?” Harry only ever made that kind of face when he was up to something, and you weren’t in the mood to deal with one of his ‘surprises’ tonight. 
Instead of answering your question, he just stepped fully in the door, his hand gripped a tub of ice cream in your favorite flavor. You shot up from laying down and returned his dopey smile, your body filled with excitement. 
“I forgot I had brought this in the car.” he shrugged his shoulders with the ice cream still in his palm as he made his way to the bed. 
“Did yo-” Before you could finish your sentence, he held up two silver spoons with his other hand and you grabbed onto one of them quickly, eager to dig into your favorite treat. You pull open the plastic surrounding the cap with a satisfying zip and within a few moments your mouth has enveloped your spoon and the ice cream is melting in your mouth.
The two of you sit on the bed and eat the ice cream quietly for a minute, but once you have savored those first few spoonfuls you speak up. “So what movie are we watching?”
“I was thinking Call Me By Your Name because you said yesterday that you haven’t seen it yet,” Harry responds. You nod with the spoon sticking out of your mouth which made Harry giggle. He turns his attention to your nightstand and he grabs the small black remote and points it towards the large tv that is mounted on your wall. 
He clicks around a bit until he gets to Hulu, and from there he searches up the movie. Without saying a word, you both subconsciously shift into your favorite movie-watching position, which is when you lie down and Harry places his head between your thighs.
Yes, it is a more couple-y type of position, but it’s comfortable for both of you, and it allows for a good view of the tv. 
The first half of the movie went smoothly, and you found yourself quite invested in the story that was playing out on the screen. It was a cute love story between guys, but it had a bit of angstiness that kept you on your toes.
It was a little over halfway through when the scene arrived. At first there was a hand grabbing a peach off of a tree, which was a bit odd and out of place. But the pieces came together when the camera panned to Elio laying on his bed, and then to his hands creating a crater within the peach.
Now usually when a steamy scene began in the movies you watched with Harry, you contained yourself and we able to watch it without getting turned on. But there was something about the sensuality of the scene that sent a tingling down your spine and straight to your core.
It wasn’t until now that your brain registered that Harry’s head was placed right on the place that was currently warming up with your arousal. 
Even when the scene was over, you could feel your panties getting wetter and wetter. You were frozen in place, petrified due to the fact that Harry might be able to feel the difference in temperature. But your worries about Harry transferred to the aroused part of your brain, and you couldn’t help but to imagine him in the same scene that got you so worked up.
Even though he was your best friend, you still found him incredibly attractive. I mean, how could you not? But you realized about a year ago that it didn’t stop at simple attraction. You love Harry, as more than a friend, and that’s what makes this whole thing all the scarier.
You continued watching the movie but after a few more minutes your clit began to throb. It was at this point that you began debating going to the bathroom in your head, but you knew that there was no way you could be that quick. So, you made the tough decision to stick it out and pray that Harry doesn’t move his head.
Your prayers were not answered.
Your focus had been completely diverted from the movie and you were staring at a spot on the wall in a feeble attempt to distract yourself. But it was then that Harry adjusted his head from where it was laying between your legs. 
Almost as if on purpose, the back of his head pressed against your swollen button when he shifted, and despite your best efforts, a soft moan escaped your throat. 
You squeezed your eyes shut right after it happened, holding onto the small hope that he didn’t hear it. But when the weight of his head disappeared from where it was placed you knew that he did hear it. You opened your eyes slowly, to see him looking at you with a sly grin on his face. He had turned around fully to face you and was sitting on his knees, kind of like he was excited or anticipating something.
Before you could speak, he opened his lips that were still holding a bright grin and spoke.
“You okay?” You knew that he knew, and he was just testing the waters to see what reaction would make you the most comfortable. That was one of the many things you love about him, he always makes sure your comfortable.
“I’m really sorry I just-” Once again, he cut you off.
“S’fine Y/N, I’m the one who should be saying sorry.” His grin faded to a sympathetic smile as you lifted your head to meet your eyes with his. The two of you sat there in silence for a few seconds, before he spoke up again.
“Do you want some help?” You eyes shot up from where you were staring and you looked at him with wide eyes. His eyes went wide too and you could tell that he was scared of your reaction. “I-I mean only if you want to, if you don’t I can just lea-”
This time it was you who cut him off. “Harry..” Your voice was quiet, and you sighed his name, but it wasn’t in negative way. 
You placed your hands in front of you and pushed yourself up so your face was inches away from his. “Will you kiss me?” 
He nodded furiously and then his lips met yours. He tasted just like you had imagined, sweet and the best thing you had ever tasted. His tongue slipped into your mouth and you welcomed it openly and your lips mashed together sloppily. You mewled into his mouth as you felt his soft lips suck on yours. The kiss was filled with passion and excitement, and you could tell that you weren’t the only one who had been waiting for this for a long, long time.
He pushed you back while continuing to kiss you, laying you flat on the bed as he placed his body atop yours, propped up by his toned arms. He took the opportunity to begin sucking on your jaw, moving down to your neck. He sucked at bit vigorously at your soft skin and you moaned once again, but this time harder and with more neediness. 
Instinctively, your hands made their way down to his belt buckle, but his hand grabbed yours to stop you. Much to your dismay, he stopped his assault on your neck and looked into your eyes.
“None of that, m’takin care of you.” 
You bit your lip and nodded at his words. You had always found his voice sexy and hearing him say that to you caused you to squeeze your legs to try and get some kind of friction. 
He pecked your lips once more before averting his attention to the hem of your pajama top. He looked up at you for approval and you nodded, lifting up your arms as he peeled the garment away from your aching body. 
You weren’t wearing a bra, which Harry clearly had zero problems with, his head diving down as he took one of your nipples in his mouth, the other one tracing down your stomach. You jolted at the sudden sensation, your body quivering under his touch. 
He detached from your breast and worked at your bottoms, pulling off the flimsy shorts that covered the place that he really wanted to see. He latched two fingers onto the hem of your panties and looked up at you. You nodded once again, but he didn’t pull your panties down.
“Need to here y’say it Y/N. Need to hear y’tell me what y’want me to do to you”
“Please Harry,” you gasped. “Please take my panties off.”
Once again, he did not, but instead smirked at you as he watched you wriggle underneath him.
“What d’ya want me t’do when I take em off pet? Y’want my mouth on you? Y’want me to lick your pretty little cunt til’ you’re begging me to stop?”
“Yes, yes please!” He chuckled lightly before pulling your panties off in one quick motion. Instead of going right to what he desired, he began by sponging kisses from your collarbone down to your stomach until his head was placed right above your core. He took a second to admire your glistening heat and you watched his eyes filled with lust.
He lowered his head and placed his big hands on your thighs, lifting them up and over his shoulder so he has the best angle possible. All of a sudden you felt his tongue licking a stripe over your core. He then made small swipes at your throbbing clit, making you buck up onto his tounge. He moaned against you and you could feel the vibration against your core as he made work on your clit.
He sucked and bit on the sensitive nub, and you were putty in his hands. His mouth was magic, and you were falling apart under his touch. All of the pent-up sexual frustration he had caused you over the years melted away and all that you were thinking about was how good he was making you feel.
“Harry..fuck-oh my god” You stumbled on your words as your mind could only focus on the man who had his head between your legs. You felt him groan again you again and you shuddered at the feeling. The fact that he was enjoying this just as much as you was turning you on even more; if that was possible. 
You snaked your hands through the messy curls atop his head. He sucked harshly on your clit and you gripped onto his hair with such force that you were scared you were hurting him, but the moan he responded with calmed your nerves.
The sight of his head between your legs as he pleasured you was something you would never forget, and you also hoped that this wouldn’t be the last time you would get to see it. His tongue moved down to your folds and he began licking inside of you. You rolled your hips against his face while he licked your most sensitive area, and you could feel his hot breath hitting you clit which intensified the pleasure.
“So, so good” 
You could feel his lips curl into a smile against you as he buried himself in you. You maintained the tight grip on his curls, pulling harshly when did something that made you feel extra good.
His mouth moved back to your clit and he continued what he had been doing before, sucking and biting at it like he hadn’t eaten in a week. Your shouts of his name only encouraged him, making him go harder and faster every time. 
The knot in your stomach was tight, and it was a feeling that you knew, but hadn’t felt in quite a while. “Harry- I’m gonna-” you whispered shakily.
He pulled his mouth an inch away from your sopping cunt and mumbled hungrily. “C’mon baby, come on my tounge. I wanna taste you.” He dove back in and his tongue swiped across your walls. 
The pad of his thumb found its way to your aching clit and he rubbed it in quick circles while his tongue dipped inside of you once again.
The knot in your stomach burst and you arched your back as you reached your climax on Harry’s mouth. You saw star as he worked you down from your high, slowing his movements but not stopping. As soon as he removed his mouth from you your knees buckled and you collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily and trying to process what just happened.
You heard him laugh and you watched him slip your thighs off of his shoulders and come lay next to you. You rolled onto your side so you could face him, looking at his face for the first time since he found a place between your thighs.
His lips were glistening from your juices, and he smiled at you while he licked them up from around his mouth. The two of you lay on your sides staring at each other for a bit, but then it hit you.
“Wait Harry, I didn’t take care of you”
“S’fine love, I just wanted to make you feel good.”
It was almost bittersweet because you knew that he had to like you back in some regard, but you didn’t know if it was only sexual, or he wanted a romantic relationship like you did. 
You sat up, lost in your own thoughts in anxieties. He sat up quickly as well, and his face was riddled with concern.
“What’s wrong?” You could hear the fear in his voice, but you were scared because you couldn’t figure out why he was scared. 
“I just- what does this mean?”
Harry sighed and looked down at his lap, then looked back up at you. “I really like you Y/N. Like more than a friend. And I d’nknow if you feel the same, but judging by what y’just let me do, I think the feeling is mutual.” He smiled at the end, and you smiled right back.
“The feeling is mutual.” That was all you said before you leaned into him and kissed him again. This kiss was softer, more loving and affectionate than the kiss you had previously shared. He placed you on his lap, but it wasn’t sexual in nature. It was more of a ‘you’re all mine’ kind of gesture. 
He broke the kiss and the two of you looked down at each other with your smiles still bright and full. “Y’know I moved my head on purpose. I could feel you heated up.” His cheery smiled had turned into a cheeky grin as a blush color spread across your cheeks. You playfully slapped him in the shoulder and you both burst out into laughter. As your laughter subsided you leaned into his ear and whispered.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
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astranva · 4 years
TPWK Music Video
Word Count: 3.5k (omg shut up I didn’t think it’d be longer than 600 words)
Category: Fluff
Warning: idk a few swear words I guess? no proofreading is done on this blog ok 😭
Summary: Long-term girlfriend Y/N isn’t only the choreographer of TPWK, but she’s Harry’s dancing partner in the music video as well. Harry is in love, and can also be a pest.
reposting because tumblr hates it when i appear under tags
// masterlist //
For as long as you could remember, you were a dancer.
From pictures taken of you as a child by your family on your tippy toes in ballet costume, to professional ones of you ranking as first in dancing championships as a teenager as you experimented with styles other than ballet, to you befriending some of the biggest names in film and music industries as you choreographed the dances for them in the studio you owned, having had bought one at the age of only 22 and it being one of the most successful dance studios there is, with people flying from all around the world to attend your workshops and get a glimpse of what you create.
You were friends with people you had never thought, as an aspiring teenager, to know and help create choreography for, along with all the musical movies you helped bring a different tune to by the dance steps you created, and to mention one name of many, you were most proud of The Greatest Showman.
Initially, you were a friend of a friend of Harry’s.
You met the English man 3 years ago; flirting with one another for 7 months on end – Harry liked to remind you that you would’ve been together way sooner if it weren’t for the both of you being in different countries so often during that time –, dating for 1, officially being together for the rest of the 2 and half years and until that very moment.
“Look, Y/N just sent me the video they made at her Tokyo workshop.”
“I can’t make it, guys. Y/N created the choreography for Ari’s new video, and she’s in it. It premiers tonight.”
“Like my hoodie? Exclusively got to be the first person to wear Y/N’s new merch collection. Looks sick, doesn’t it? Worked so damn hard on that one.”
“Have you seen Lizzo’s new music video? Y/N made the choreography!”
If anything, your friends and family liked to joke about how Harry was a fanboy of yours.
Taking Harry with you to your studio made Harry resemble a child on a Christmas morning, or a child accompanying a parent to their work for a “take your kid to work” day. He never denied the pride he felt whenever he watched you in your element, watching you gracefully do your thing, so beautifully and passionately, in a studio that looked different from his.
“We were thinking,” he said one night as he got under the covers with you, smiling and closing his eyes as you reached to rub a missed spot of his night cream on his forehead, “Of creating a music video for Treat People.”
“How many music videos are you planning to make, really? 12? For all 12 songs on your record?” You had joked with a smile, watching him snuggle into the covers with a giggle.
“And what about it?”
“Just the fact that you never warn your poor fans,” you had chuckled, “What do you have in mind for it?”
“It’s all too fresh,” Harry said, “But I have a concept in mind.”
You had hummed, resting your head on your pillow, sitting face-to-face with Harry under the covers before he excitedly propped himself up on his elbow.
“Retro. Just retro, a casino, and a dance.”
Your eyebrows went up, a surprised look on your face, “Not what I had in mind but go on.”
“What did you have in mind?”
“Lots of people, kind of like a parade thing in the street.”
“That’s nice,” he smiled.
“But...” Knowing him well enough, you continued with a roll of your eyes.
“People won’t expect a vintage video, will they?”
“I don’t think they’ll expect a video for Treat People to begin with, baby.”
“Right,” he nodded, “So, what do you think?”
Just as you were about to confirm your excitement to the concept, your face had shifted to an expression of confusion;
“Did you say a dance?”
It didn’t take Harry long to discuss the concept with his team, going through the theoretical bit of creating a music video before Jeff asked the one question Harry had been excited to answer;
“Who’s going to do the choreography? Who’s going to be your dancing partner? We need to go over some pe-”
“You really think I’ll let anyone but my girlfriend do either of that?” Harry asked sarcastically with a smirk, “Planning on asking her tonight.”
“You son of a bitch, you already have it all planned.” Jeff laughed, shaking his head at his client and best friend.
And Harry stayed true to his word.
Insisting on driving you to and picking you from your studio after your workshop, Harry greeted you with a quick kiss once you were seated in his car, groaning about how ready you were to get in bed.
He was a little impatient, he’d admit. Holding a conversation about your day seeming to have had distracted him just a tad until you were both home and in comfortable mismatched PJ’s, indulging a late-night snack in your kitchen which consisted of quick sandwiches.
“And then he calls me, tells me that he wants me to come up with a dance for his tour promo video in a day, H! A day! Can you believe that?”
“Fucking idiot. What did you tell him?” Harry frowned, moving to remove a piece of crumb from the corner of your mouth with his thumb.
“Declined for sure. Told him that it was too short of a notice, like, what am I supposed to do? Stop the time?”
“And what did he say?”
“Whined like a baby,” you scoffed, nodding to Harry’s annoyed expression, “I know!”
“Who does he think he is?” He rhetorically asked, “Calling one of the most demanded choreographers and expecting you to just do as he says. As if.”
Despite your annoyance at the said celebrity, your frown faltered at your boyfriend.
“And you know what’s funny?” He went on, “That you’ve been trying to reach a common ground, like, a solution that would be convenient for the both of you but he’s being an unhelpful, ungrateful twat.”
You pouted, reaching to pull him closer by one of his hoodie’s strings, pecking his lips, “Thanks for sharing the same annoyance and trash talking him with me.”
“Just wish some people weren’t dicks to you, love,” he sighed, “You don’t deserve it.”
“I can take care of them.” You smiled.
“I know you can, you deal with them so well, I don’t know how you do it,” Harry said, “But I still think some people need to stop giving you a hard time. Pisses me off.”
“Yeah? It’s hot.” You teased him, leaving a lingering kiss on his lips.
Harry’s posture eased, chuckling at you as he held on to your waist. “Glad you think so.”
“Always do,” you confirmed, “Now, what do you want to tell me?”
His eyebrows came together in confusion, “How did you know that? How- How did you know that I have something to say?”
You chuckled knowingly, giving him a shrug, “It’s a little offensive that you think I don’t know you well,” you sarcastically began, “But to answer your question, you tend to touch your bottom lip more often when you have something to say. And you have this look on your face.”
He might have fallen in love again and again that moment, opting to say silent for a moment as he took what you had said in – as he took you in.
Harry let out a sigh of contentment, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and bringing you closer in a hug before pressing a soft kiss to your head, “Love you so much.”
“Love you, too,” your muffled voice replied, “Now tell me.”
“You know how I told you I wanted Treat People to have a dance? And it’s all retro and all that?”
You nodded, looking at him.
“How do you feel about creating that? Being in the music video with me as my dancing partner?” He bashfully asked, eyes twinkling and smile innocent.
Your eyes widened, “What? Me?”
“Who else?”
“Are you being for real right now?” You laughed in disbelief, “Not only do you want me to create the choreography, but- but you want me in it?”
“Precisely, yes.” He nodded with a smile.
“Wow,” you smiled, shaking your head, “Are you sure?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” He asked, “You’re so fucking talented and good at what you do, people know we’re together, I have been impatiently waiting for you to join me in any of that stuff, and it’ll be fun,” Harry listed before shrugging, “What do you say?”
“I mean, I see the fun part,” you replied, “But when do you want that? When do you want to start filming? I’m going to need more details.”
“Whatever you need.”
And again, Harry was a man of both words and actions, filling you with what you needed to know and enjoying how you seemed to glow brighter at the mention of your job and passion.
It didn’t take long before you were both in the studio after having discussed some technicalities with Harry’s team. On some days, you and Harry would goof around in your studio after you were done with the day. You’d occasionally teach Harry a move or two, and more often than not, Harry was the audience you needed to watch a new choreography of yours that you were either unsure or proud of.
But to be able to have Harry join you from start to finish in what you enjoyed doing had another feeling; one that neither of you could explain.
“You kick out with your right, then,” you demonstrated, “Step in.”
With pursed lips and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, Harry copied your moves, eyes on himself through the gigantic mirror in front of the both of you.
“Good job!” You grinned, “Alright so it’s, 5, 6, go 7, and 8,” you began from the top, “Then 1, and 2,” you stepped with your feet as you moved, “Kick, step, kick, step, turn,” you turned, “Push to the side,” you recapped slowly, “Clap, clap. Come on, you do it.”
Harry took a moment, letting out a breath as he shook his limbs, “Alright, got it,” he mumbled, “Can you count?”
“Yeah, baby, sure,” you giggled quietly, “5, 6, 7, 8…”
“Ah fuck,” he groaned as he seemed to lag before the next step.
You approached him, resting your hands on his shoulders before cupping his face to have him look at you, “You’re nervous. Why are you nervous?”
“Besides the fact that it’s the first time I do this?”
“Do what? Dance? We took salsa classes together.” You reminded him gently.
“No, love, just- this, for a video. And you’re so fucking good. I didn’t think you’d put that much effort into my little video but the dance looks amazing and I’d just, hate to not do it justice.” Harry ended his confession with a sigh, shoulders slumping down.
“H,” you pouted, “Baby, you’re an amazing dancer,” at that, Harry rolled his eyes, “Nooo, you are!” You repeated, assuring him, “If you can’t see how far better you’ve gotten than you’re blind, H.”
Harry’s face softened, looking at you as you nodded at him.
“We’re both putting effort and I won’t rest until we give this all it takes for you to enjoy it, alright?” You leaned closer, pecking his nose with a soft kiss which seemed to work to make him giggle, reaching to scratch his nose,
“Oh yeah?” You jokingly wiggled your fingers into his sides, “In your spot, Styles, let’s go!”
You weren’t surprised that after all your little classes together, Harry had perfected the choreography. It wasn’t just in your time together that Harry practiced; you caught him in the kitchen, in the shower, counting under his breath as he sat with a dazed look on his face, and you had seen him far too many times watching the recorded tutorial you had made for him and your backup dancers.
You weren’t surprised because you knew that once he set his mind to something, he wouldn’t rest until he reached it.
But just because you weren’t surprised, didn’t mean that you were any less proud.
Far too many videos on your phones were added of one another during that time; Harry dramatically lying on the floor in the studio, sweaty and panting as you recorded him while laughing, zooming into his dopey but smiling face, your phone propped up as it recorded the both of you practicing the entire choreography, catching the bit when Harry dipped in your arms but you weren’t ready and he ended up falling, bringing you down with him as the both of you burst out laughing.
He loved seeing you in your element, that was an established fact, but being with you in your element? That was priceless.
“Jesus, this is heavy!” Gemma exclaimed as she tried Harry’s sequined, bright cropped blazer.
Filming came by, and there was nothing like seeing hard work pay off.
Harry chuckled at his sister, taking the blazer from her before putting it on, “Have you seen Y/N? Is she done?”
“They were retouching her hair.”
Harry’s stomach was filled with butterflies. If you asked him for the reason behind them, he wouldn’t know how to answer; because he was nervous he’d mess up? Normal jitters before filming? Or maybe, it was the fact that you were finally joining him and that alone was enough to have him giddy, giggly, and bouncy?
Gemma would say it was the latter, having had watched and heard Harry ask about his girlfriend during the entirety of the process of getting ready;
“Is she alright?”
“Feel like I’m getting married and I’m not allowed to see my bride.”
“Can you please tell Y/N to check her phone? She puts it on silent whenever she’s working but I want to show her my hair.”
In the dressing room beside his, you began laughing the moment Gemma stepped in, already knowing from her huff and annoyed look the reason behind them.
“Bloody pest! How do you deal with him being all clingy over you like that?”
“I don’t,” you joked, “He’s nervous.”
“And a little annoying.”
“Thank you,” you smiled to the hairdresser before getting out of the chair, “Where’s the man of the hour?”
“Whining outside that door,” Gemma answered with a raise of her eyebrows and a smile, “You look amazing, love.”
“Really?” You smiled bashfully, tugging on your vintage jacket and looking down at your shoes, “It’s a light outfit.”
“Should try Harry’s blazer,” she huffed, “So heavy.”
Walking outside the room with Gemma, you saw Harry standing with your group of backup dancers, smiles on all of their faces as he talked with them, you fully knowing that he was making sure they were comfortable.
“Here comes the bride!” Gemma joked, raising her arms up.
Harry turned, and everyone was sure that it might as well have been your wedding.
His eyes seemed to reflect the shiny blazer he had on, dimples showing as he grinned, opening his arms at you.
Concealing the shyness you felt under his stare, you laughed as you wrapped your arms around him in a hug, feeling his hand rubbing your back. “You look so good,” you said, pulling away to look at him, “Where’s Lambe- There you are,” you pointed at Harry Lambert who approached the both of you, “How do you do it? What’s your secret?”
“Only the best for Sue,” Harry Lambert said, tipping an imaginary hat at Harry, “And our Angel.” He kissed your cheek.
Soon enough, everyone was asked into place.
For the first shot, they decided to film Harry entering the stage with the dancers first.
Standing at a safe distance away from the camera’s view, you heard the director call before they began recording.
“I got a good feeling,” you watched Harry sing into the vintage microphone, TPWK playing in the background as well, as he leaned to the side.
A smile was on your face, hands clutched together under your chin as you watched Harry and the dancers stick to the choreography you had worked on for the last 3 weeks.
Seeming to be too into your own world of watching your boyfriend, you hadn’t noticed right away when Gemma threw her arm around you until she squeezed you into a side hug, “Did so well, love.”
You gave her a smile and returned the hug, at loss of words.
For your takes, Harry was exactly as what Gemma had called him – a pest.
“Harry, stop making faces at her!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll stop now.”
“What? I didn’t do anything!”
“You took a picture of Y/N with your flash on!”
“Oh shit, sorry.”
But you couldn’t be mad nor stop laughing, enjoying it too much for anybody’s liking.
“This is why I don’t accept when you ask me to be in your videos.” You joked as you all took a break, munching on a banana.
“See? You deprive me too much, baby.” Harry giggled, pecking your cheek quickly before reaching to grab a banana for himself.
“You’ve been depriving all these people from going back home early for the last couple of days, and look,” you pointed at Mitch, “Mitch looks like he’s close to murdering you.”
“I think that’s just his face, love. He hates this.”
“Alright, are we ready?” The director asked, “3, 2, 1, action!”
Harry sang as he stepped on the table you were sat at with your “friends”, a smile on his face as he did, his palm open towards you.
“And if our friends all pass away,” he sang, the soft ah’s following which was your cue to put your hand in his, stepping up on the table with him, “It’s okay.”
Nobody knew how the both of you did it, but everyone was satisfied with the one take they took.
It didn’t feel like filming anymore to either of you the moment Harry threw his bowtie away as you faced one another on stage, genuine smiles on your faces as you broke into the choreography you could do without a thought at that point.
There were moves that Harry had struggled with during practice, one of them being when he held you as you did a cartwheel; but all these struggles were long forgotten once the both of you gracefully did that move.
The song played as the both of you danced in front of the backup dancers and Harry’s band, only adding to the smiles on your faces before it began to come to an end – the end.
Harry twirled, your eyes following him with a smile before you dipped up with one arm, your other raised in the air, while one of Harry’s arms was around your back, the other stretched out.
“Cut! Amazing job! Amazing, amazing, job!”
The both of you were panting, you looking down at him as you giggled before you leaned down, pressing your lips to his in a quick kiss as everyone cheered.
Harry sat on it, and you sure as hell were glad he did because after one eventful year, he took matters in his own hands to start 2021 right the moment he dropped the music video on the 1st of January.
“It hasn’t been 10 minutes and it’s trending,” you laughed in shock, scrolling through your Twitter, “Your power!”
“No,” Harry smiled gratefully as he watched you as the both of you cuddled on your couch as and after you had watched the music video together, “All yours.”
“Stop,” you dragged, “You’ve been crediting me for a year for this video as if I did everything.”
“You practically did, love. It was all about the dance and look at you,” he sighed in contentment, squeezing you against him, “Made a dancer out of me.”
“You’re a natural.” You patted his cheek.
Harry scoffed, mind shifting to his X-Factor choreography, “Trust me, I’m not.”
“But seriously,” you began after a moment, looking up at him and making him shift to look at you, “Thank you.”
“Thank you,” he repeated, “I love you.”
“I love you, too, you pest.”
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez reacting to their s/o crying in front of them for the first time
❦ Genre: Fluff, a little bit angsty.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 3K4.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
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It had been 2 weeks since you had nonstop these hating comments on every social media. Your friend and Hongjoong warned you that the beginning will be hard, but you never imagine it would be like this. Before sleeping, you did your best to delete most of the meanest comments because you didn't want Hongjoong to be upset. To reassure yourself, you were telling every day that it would stop someday, but you were wrong. It was worse the next days. Just to enjoy your boyfriend's presence, you went to his studio. He would be busy, but his presence was enough for you. That's the only thing you wanted right now.As he was adding another beat on his production, you were deleting the comments again. Every time you tried to suppress one, another one came up. It overwhelmed you more than you imagined.
"I'm almost done babe! After that we can go watch our movie." Said Hongjoong, turning his chair around. His heart missed a beat when he saw tears sliding from your red eyes. His smile faded quickly. Your boyfriend immediately stood up and kneeled just next to you. "What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself?" Of course, when you heard that, you busted in tears, sobbing crazily. Hongjoong was shocked and confused to see you crying like this. In fact, he never seen you crying. "Y/N, look at me." He whispered, holding your hand. Despite your blurry vision, you stared right at him. "What's wrong?" He repeated. "What's ruining my usual sunshine's mood?" You took your time to explain the situation; that you are wasting your time on deleting a thousand of comments per day. You added that reading them, made your feel really insecure. "It's really hard Jong..." you sobbed, your lips shaking. "I'm sorry that you went through all of this, alone." He lifted himself a bit to hug your little figure. Face buried on his hoodie, you just gave it up and cried again. "The company is protecting me, but no one does it for you. I’ve failed." He patted your back, trying to comfort you as he could. "I'm really sorry Y/N." He whispered. You stayed at least 15 minutes in his arms, gripping the hem of his hoodie like your life depended on it. Hearing you being so sad made Hongjoong realize how much you suffered and kept everything for yourself. "You won't be alone anymore. We are going to find the perfect solution, so you won't get hurt once again. Okay?" You nodded, making him slid his hand on the back of your head to keep you closer. "Everything will be okay love." You ignored if it was your boyfriend's warm presence or the tears you finally let out, but you felt so much lighter.
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"Okay babe. Are you ready?" Asked Seonghwa, face buried behind a history book. "I think I should study a bit more." You replied. "But you've done this the whole week. I'm sure you are ready." He smiled. Not sure of yourself, you shrugged. "Let's give it a try then." The next week, you needed to pass the most important exam of your entire life. Compared to an "idol life", it's like the last audition which will determine if you can debut or not. The one you are not supposed to fail. That's why you set and organized a complete and strict revisions schedule since these past weeks. To be honest, it had been pretty intense, and you were pretty exhausted now. "So, first question from when lasted the 2nd World War?" "1940 to 1945?" You replied not sure of yourself. "1939 to 1945." Rectified Seonghwa. Good. 1st question and already one mistake. "Next one: in which year did the USA joined the WII?" You knew this date; you had an entire sheet on it. So why the answer wouldn't come out? "19-" you paused, thinking hard about the answer. "Y/N, we studied together this date and this chapter." Said Seonghwa, trying to help you. Mad at yourself, you closed your notebook and buried your head in your arms. "Y/N-" "I don't remember!" Your voice cracked and your shoulders started to shake. "I'm useless and stupid!" Seonghwa was surprised to see you like this. You were not the type of person to cry. In 1 year and a half of relationship, he never saw you cry. "Just let me fail this exam!" You sobbed, tears dripping o the blue ink of your notebook. "Y/N. You are one of the smartest people I know." Whispered your boyfriend resting his head just next to yours. His arm was wrapped around your shoulders. "You just worked and studied so much these weeks that your brain needs a break." "I have so many chapters and topics to learn." You sniffled, lifting up a bit, but to hide your face behind your hand. "You are having a mental breakdown babe. Just take a break you won't fail." Seonghwa's voice was affecting you in the right way. You could feel yourself calming a bit, but the stress was always there. "Let's watch TV for the rest of the night so tomorrow you can focus back on your task." "But I need to study." You wiped your tears with your shirt. "If you continue today, you won't remember anything tomorrow. That's what you want?" You shook your head. "Good. Then let's go watch a movie. I'll order a pizza." "Thank you." You whispered, still sniffling.
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You had a pretty mad argument with a close friend. You couldn't even call her this way because what she did was wrong. In a short resume, she hangs out with your other friend's crush. The worst part was that she never apologized or realized that her actions were bad and could hurt someone else. So, since this day, you've been pretty alone. The trio you formed with your friend was over. Nobody talked on the group chat like you usually do. Your girl trip was cancelled, and you had no choice but to accept it and cancel all the reservations you've done. It could be childish and ridiculous to be sad over a friendship but it as a particular one for you. They were the first ones to talk to you when you arrived in Korea. The language barrier never had been an issue. Thanks to them you improved more than you could imagine. When you had an argument with Yunho, they were the first ones to get you out, just to change your mind. How could a good friendship finish so badly? "Y/N? Are you listening to me?" Asked Yunho, sitting on the couch next to you. "Huh sorry, I was deep in my thoughts." You smiled shyly. "It is because of-" started Yunho. "Don't." You stopped him straight. "Don't pronounce their names." Your boyfriend was staring at you. He never thought it would affect you so much. "I tried my best to stay strong," you sighed. "But i can't lie to you. This is pretty hard." "Babe..." "I've been with them for so long. A bit like you and the guys." You smiled sadly, thinking about the old and good times. "They were my family here, in South Korea. Yunho was looking at the decomposition of your face. You were completely devastated. "I miss them so much." You finally let out, head bending, and eyes closed to avoid tears to fall. "I'm sure it will be fixed soon." Whispered Yunho, ignoring what to do. A light laugh escaped your lips. "Nothing will be the same, and it's better if we stay apart." Your boyfriend was secretly thinking the same thing. It was a pretty good issue. He left his thoughts when you whined of sadness before sniffling for the third time. What to do? What do you need? He never saw you like that. You always said that you hated to cry. It makes you feel weak. "Do you want a hot chocolate? I know you like." He offered. "If you don't mind, I really need a hug right now." You stared at him; face completely wet. "Yes of course." He didn't hesitate and pulled you closer to him. He assumed that you felt better because you cried a bit more. Losing friends can be really painful sometimes. Yunho hoped that you would be okay. He would be there every time you need someone to talk with. However, at the same time he hoped to never see you crying again. That was too painful for him to look at your usual bright face, changing into a sad one.
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Yeosang's phone buzzed on his pocket. He stared at the clock hanging on the wall. 11 PM. By that, he guessed that you were calling him because you missed him. Without waiting any longer, he sat down on the floor and picked up. ["Hello!] You waved at the screen. ["Hey boo! What's up?"] He asked, fixing his hair at the same time. ["I miss you."] You pouted. ["It's been pretty hard to catch up these times."] Yeosang's scratched his nape, nervously. ["Yeah... We've been busy 24/7. I can't tell when the last time was, I had enough time for myself."] ["Keep some time for you. It's important."] You replied, looking at his little dark circles. ["I will try to-"] ["Hello Y/N!"] Waved San, appearing on the screen. ["It's daytime for you?] You smiled at him. He was always so energized. ["Hello San! And yeah, it's 3PM here."] ["Can you let me talk to my girl in peace? I can't do it often already!"] Scolded Yeosang gently, flickering San's forehead. At this comment, you felt all the emotions and feelings you kept during these 7 months, submerging you. Before you could realize it, a tear escape of your eye, followed by another one. ["Yeah yeah! Leave us alone!"] he pushed San out of the screen. ["So, what you- Y/N? Are you crying?"] His face approched the screen phone really fast. ["Oh!"] You said, surprised. ["I didn't even notice."] You chuckled sniffling. ["What's wrong. It's the first time I see you crying."] Asked Yeosang, worried something bad happened. ["Nothing. This week had just been stressful, and I really miss you."] You looked up to suppress the other tears to come. ["We are going yo see each other soon I promise."] He said, feeling mad to be so far away from you. ["Sorry, I didn't plan to cry like a baby 'in front' of you."] You air quoted. ["It's just so hard Yeosang."] Your voice cracked, causing your boyfriend to feel sorry. ["I promise we will see each other faster than what you think."] You nodded, still avoiding looking at him. ["Don't cry Y/N. I hate seeing you like this."] He sighed. Forbidden you to cry made you do it even more. You put down the phone so he could only see your ceiling. ["It's okay. I'll calm down."] You said between 2 sobs. Yeosng was staring at the phone, hoping to see your smile back. ["I want to see you."] ["I look terrible."] You positioned the phone back, wiping the bottom of your eyes. ["No. You look like Frankenstein’s wife."] He teased you. ["So, you are Frankenstein?"] You giggled. ["Ouch, you got me."] You laughed at his disbelieving face. Yeosang was the only one who could make you cry, and in the next minute, make you laugh crazily.
SAN (⚠️this one can be a little bit triggering since it’s mentioning the lockdown)
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"Finally! Some time for myself!" Claimed San, holding your hand tighter. "Since a long time, he had or find an empty time on his schedule and rushed to spend time with you. San invited you at the restaurant and for a quick walk before heading back to the dorm. No matter how hard you tried to stay focus on your boyfriend and the conversation, you zoned out time to time. San ignored what was bothering you. The lockdown had been pretty hard for you and your mental health. You lost your self-esteem and didn't find anymore any good compliments for yourself. For several months, you documented yourself to find something which could lift your mood. Most of the time, you spent your day on TikTok, but it messed up more than it should. Thanks to San, he was the only one who avoided you to end depressed completely. He still ignored that you were going through a lot. You always acted like everything was totally fine. "I can't believe we are already in February." He looked at the stars. "Yeah." You smiled. "Time flies." "It's been almost 2 years that I've met you too!" He giggled. "I'm so lucky. Many girls would have run away with an idol as boyfriend." He started. "But not you! You are still here. The rock of our couple." More he was talking; more you were realizing that you were not that strong anymore. "I'm really lucky!" He repeated, kissing your hand lovely. You didn't have enough time to suppress the sob coming from your throat. You slapped your free hand on your mouth, even if you couldn't know if you were really crying, tears felt right on your fingers. "Y/N? Are you-" he stopped, realizing how stupid the question was? "What's happening baby?" The soft tone he used to talk, made you bust in cry a lot more. "Wow wow! Y/N, what is going on?" He asked, completely worried. You hesitated to tell him what was going on, but you couldn't let him with no information. "I'm just so done." You started. "So tired, so sad, so depressed, every fucking day." "Why?" You shrugged, picking a tissue of your pocket. "I don't know. I just feel like that. I want to be happy and strong again, but I'm always overthinking. It makes me doubt on everything." San pulled you in a warm and safe hug. He ribbed the back of your head to comfort you. "Don't worry. I will help you to pass this hard period." He whispered. "I really don't know what is going on with me and I don't like that." You added, tugging on his hoodie. "It's okay. Everyone goes through difficult moment. But I’m here to help you. I will give you everything."
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Mingi got out of the sleeping state when he heard a sniffle. At first, he thought that he was dreaming. Even though his dream was completely crazy, no one was crying. He just let it out and tried to sleep completely. Until he heard another sniffling. This time Mingi cracked an eye. The room was plunged in the dark. Exactly like how he fell asleep. "Did you catch a cold?" Asked Mingi, with his deepest voice. No answer, but still the sniffling could be heard. "Y/N." He repeated a bit louder. His body was still facing the window so he couldn't see you. No answer. Mingi thought that you were deep in the sleep to not hear him. So, he sneaked his arm under the sheet to squeeze your leg. "Get up and take a medicine at least, bec-" He stopped when he had nothing to squeeze. Finally, he sat up and looked at your usual spot. Empty. The sheet was cold. So, you were probably awake since a long time. Mingi walked to the hallway, looking for any light or any shadow hid in the dark. When he saw the one coming from the bathroom, he rushed there. Without knocking, he entered making you jump by surprise. "What are you doing here? It's late!" He raised a brow. Feeling the tears coming back, you hid your face behind your hands. Mingi's face softened immediately. He turned you around, so you could look at him. Just by seeing you crying, he understood what was going on. "You saw the article?" He whispered. You nodded, your shoulders shaking at each sob, like a baby. "You should have told me that it made you sad." He pulled you in a warm hug, trying to comfort you. "How? We made a deal." You wrapped your arms around his waist. "This deal sucks if you end by crying like that." He kissed your forehead. "I just wanted to protect you from every crazy fans. But I had no idea, people would start assuming that I'm dating the entire world." "It's not your fault." You sobbed. "I accepted to hide our relationship too." "I'm going to fix it Y/N." Claimed Mingi. "I hate saying you like that. I've never seen you crying yet." You smiled shyly at him. He wasn't the best man on this earth, he barely knew how to comfort you, but he has this strong and safe aura. It was everything that matters. "Stop crying please. I hate that." He pouted. You wiped your eyes quickly and gave him a warm smile. "Thank you Mingi."
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You were sitting on the dance practice's couch, looking at your boyfriend and San joking around. It was not a big deal. The atmosphere was really good, and everyone was in the right mod. Except you. Why? Because you had a secret interview with the CEO and the group manager. They made you understand that your relationship with Wooyoung was prohibited. It's been 3 years that you were dating, and they never had a problem. Until the group gain more and more attention and that journalist were following them around. One of them already threatened KQ to reveal an article few days before the comeback, just to ruin it. That's why, while the group was singing and dancing along, you were slowly getting sadder. To not ruin the mood, you got up and exited the room. The more natural possible. Even though you thought that nobody spotted your sudden sadness, Seonghwa noticed that something was wrong. And since you put a foot in the room. "Wooyoung." "Yeah?" "You should check after Y/N. I feel like something is off." He said. "She just probably went to restroom." He shrugged. "No, something is really wrong." Insisted Seonghwa. Without saying anything, Wooyoung rushed out of the room. He didn't last long to find you. His heart missed a beat when he saw your face. Tears were storming on your cheeks. Your nose was running, and your entire body was shaking also. He stayed there, without moving at all. Wooyoung never saw you this way and he was completely freaking out. His brain finally functioned again when you started to choke, hands on your chest. "Babe babe! Calm down." He kneeled in front of you, embracing you as much as he could. "I'm here. Calm down." He repeated. You gripped the back of his shirt, still completely devastated. Wooyoung rubbed the back of your head. Your face as buried on the crook of his neck. "Baby. Breathe." He whispered. Your boyfriend never asked once why you were crying. He stayed 30 minutes, in the same position, waiting for you to finally calm down. The most important think was you to be 100% ready to talk about it. "No matter what, I'm here." You are not alone."
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The room was plunged in the dark. A light flame coming from the center of the table was lighting things around you. It been 2 hours that you were sitting there. Your eyes were locked o the big window, which is usually help the moon reflection to enter in the apartment. Your entire house was quiet. But you were annoyed by the loud noise coming from your mind thoughts. Jongho has left since this afternoon. Just after, probably one of the biggest argue you ever had. "Oh, you are so annoying! You know what? I'm leaving." This sentence was stuck in your throat. Jongho was really mad this time and was probably not ready to forgive you. Your head lifted up when you heard footsteps in the hallway. You prayed and hoped that your fiancé was coming back home. But few seconds later, the neighbor's door slammed and resonated in your ears. At the edge of a mental breakdown, your lips started to shake, and your eyes were getting itchy because of the tears forming in your eyes. Quickly, a sob escaped of your lips. Followed by another one. Before you could realize it, you busted in tears, crying loudly. All of your fear and pain stuck in your head, made you cry. Your dog, not understanding the situation, put his head on your lap, trying to comfort you. "Y/N!" Your heart missed a bit when you heard Jongho's voice. For a short second, you thought that you were dreaming. But your boyfriend was really standing there, hands full of your favorite restaurant food. In no time, you gently pushed your dog and rushed to Jongho. Arms wrapped around his waist, you felt like living again. He couldn't answer to your hug or otherwise he would drop the food, but you felt like his warm aura around you. "Ah," he smiled. "I might have been a little bit too harsh with you. It's the first time I see you crying." "You are dumb." You sobbed, still wrapped around him. I really thought you left." "Aye, come on. I can never do that." Probably because of the relief, you cried even more. "You are acting like a strong and independent woman but here you are, sobbing like a baby." He kissed your head. "I hate you." You replied. "Yeah. I love you too." He giggled.
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frauleinfreeshooter · 3 years
♫:  three of my muse’s favorite songs
1. Es war ein Edelweiss
Ganz einsam und verlassen an einer Felsenwand… Stolz unter blauem Himmel ein kleines Blümlein stand…
She was too busy checking her boots, so she didn’t sing along. “There is no way you are 24, little Fraulein”, the voice came from above and she raised her face but saw only a dark silhouette against the sun. He was right. The general rule was that only a person of 24 years old and older experienced in combat above the snow line, could join the 1st Mountain Division. Of course, there were exceptions. And, of course, there were lies. “Albert is 18”, she replied, her muscles tensing. “And he isn’t half as good at shooting as I am” “Albert is a man”, the silhouette stroke a match, and the fresh air was soon filled with the bitter smell of tobacco. “Aren’t you supposed to stay at home, wait for a nice fellow returning home a hero from war and give birth to at least two children for the glory of Germany?” The girl finished examining her boots and grimly started putting them on. “Aren’t you supposed to have better things to do than lecturing me?”, she stood up, the silhouette became a person with a real face and a smirk. The superior officer! She was talking back to a superior officer and not just any officer but... “I beg your pardon, sir! I...” “That’s fine, little Fraulein Edelweiss”, he grinned showing his excellent teeth, and let the smoke through nostrils. That made her think of a dragon. “So, good at shooting. What about dancing? Care to promise me a dance?“ Ich konnt' nicht wiederstehen, ich brach das Blümelein… Und schenkte es dem schönsten, herzliebsten Mägdelein. Sometimes first impressions are not so deceiving after all. This person was a dragon.
2. Life on Mars – David Bowie (1971)
Rip loved the atmosphere of the cinema halls. The smell and the comfort of chairs, and the wide-wide-wide screen... Rip loved that and often asked either Zorin, or Captain to join her. And again, and again. They had to take turns going to the cinema with her, because Rip loved watching the movies again and again, and no one was patient enough to do that. Zorin would put her feet in boots on the back of the front seat and sometimes smoke waving everyone away with her right hand, “the lucky hand” as Zorin called it. Once Rip asked Zorin to watch a romantic movie with her and regretted that. Zorin laughed out loud at everything happening on the screen and wouldn’t stop making offensive and very cynical comments with the most polite being “I bet that guy’s stuffing his Unterhosen! Just look at that bulge!”. With Captain Rip did go to romantic movies. Hans was always silent during the films and sometimes Rip liked to pretend that they together were just like other couples. She would place her head on his shoulder during the kiss scenes. He didn’t seem to mind. But sometimes Rip wondered whether Hans was really watching those movies with her as his gaze never shifted and he rarely blinked. Maybe for him, it was more of an excuse to look at something for a long period of time without listening to anyone talking to him. Her love for the movies was a reason she fell in love with this song. Rip felt like that girl from the song who was “hooked to the silver screen”. Because movies were nothing but fantasies. Movies were fake, and the blood there was fake. And the death. So was the love on the screens... fake but somehow better.
“Is there life on Ma-a-ars?”, Rip’s voice was dreamy and sweet, she really loved that song.
3. You give love a bad name - Bon Jovi (1986)
“Shot through the heart! And you're to blame! Darlin', you give love a bad name!”, Rip put down the lipstick and looked at the mirror. Her lips were scarlet and sensual, her eyelashes were long thanks to mascara and she had to take her glasses off not to mark lenses with black dots. Tonight she felt beautiful. Tonight she put on high-heeled shoes and perfume. And a garter belt. And silk dress as scarlet as her lipstick. “Oh, you're a loaded gun, yeah...”, she was singing aloud now, and this song was about her. She was a loaded gun. The night was warm, the breeze was mild and she ended up carrying her high-heeled shoes when they decided to have a walk on the beach. At first, waves were licking her bare feet... then – not anymore. She was carrying her high-heeled shoes while she herself was being carried.
A real date. The tide was high. Shells were quietly singing their song, and Rip closed her eyes enjoying every second of those salty kisses. Her scarlet lipstick left some marks. Others were left on her pale skin. The trail of those wet, hungry kisses going down, down, all the way down... Her silk scarlet dress got really rumpled but... She was to blame.
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
Enemies (To) and Girlfriends
NPeter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: Peter and Y/N are at each other’s throats all day. Every minute of every hour of every day. They hate each other. For whatever reason, these two brilliant minds absolutely despise the other one. At least, that’s what everyone believes.
Warnings: Suggestiveness and some bad words. Lots of fluff though
Here is my Masterlist in case you want to find more of my work :)
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For as long as anyone can remember, you and Peter had hated each other. Well, hate is a strong word. You both had a mutual dislike for each other, and as years went by, the status of your relationship skyrocketed from people who can’t talk to each other, to people who can’t stop screaming at each other. You two had been friends for years when you were younger. But when Peter was recruited for Spiderman 6 years ago by your dad, you couldn’t help but hate his decision. It was a dangerous life, and you didn’t want him to be on the field. You’d rather have him safely tucked away in his room, where May could keep an eye on him, and he could have sandwiches with Ned.
Unfortunately, he thought the same thing for you. He accepted the job, not only to save and protect Queens but to protect you as well. Just like what you thought of him, he felt the same of you. He believed that a 14-year-old shouldn’t have been fighting every night against drug dealers, mob lords and god damn aliens. You should have been having movie marathons and singing karaoke on Fridays, not trying to stay alive.
You remember the night you both fought vividly enough.
It had just been when Tony had come to Peter’s house to bring him to Germany. You didn’t even know that your dad had gone over to Peters. For all he knew, Peter was just another school friend of yours who was wooed by the fact that you were Y/N Stark.
When your dad had finished talking to Peter, they both called you, Peter from his room, and your dad from the car.
“Y/N, you won’t believe who I just saw-”
“Y/N, I think you’ll be thrilled with who I just met-”
And that was the start of the issue. You had hung up on your dad when you heard Peter’s voice, and boy, were you glad you hung up on Tony. Because he wouldn’t have been delighted to listen to what came out of your mouth.
“What the fuck?”, you had asked, shocked. Running downstairs while still on the call with Peter, you had grabbed your suit, activating it as quick as possible. “What do you mean ‘coming with me to Germany’? You know that it’s just for Avenge-”
“That’s the coolest thing! Your dad just recruited me for the mission. But I think I sounded dumb. I mean, I said something about homewor-”
“Wait, hold up, recruited?!”
Flying next to his house, you saw the opened window. De-activating your metal armour and jumping in. You stood up, dusted off your arms and looked at Peter, tilting your head to ask him what the hell was going on.
Peter nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, he came in, showed me a couple videos and asked me if I wanted to go with him to Germany. Not sure what’s gonna happen thought… “
You shook your head, shocked at the idea. “You are so stupid!”
Peter scratched the back of his head, not understanding what you were saying. “Yeah, I feel like I should know, but I haven’t really been following some media stuff…”
“No! Yo-you can’t go there! You can’t go to Germany!”
Peter looked confused, his lips sucked in. “Why? You’re going, plus… Mr Stark needs me!”
“Peter. You. Can’t. Go. There.” You shook your head, aghast at the idea of putting Peter in harms way. “Do-do you even know who’s gonna be there?! Captain America, Winter Soldier…Hawkeye! They are much more stronger than you…they could kill you!”
Peter looked down, but then glanced back up at you. “What about you then? They will hurt you as well! You are on the same team as me, aren’t you? How do you know they aren’t gonna kill you?”
You crossed your arms, scoffing. “They’ve known me for years Peter! At most, I just gotta keep the opposite team away from my dad and Nat. You? They don’t know you are a 14 year old kid. They will try their be-best to hurt you, because they don’t know what you could do?”
Peter glanced at his suit, then back at you, his face hardened. “Wh-why don’t you want me to do this Y/N?! This- this suit…Spiderman…. It’s the first real thing in my life since Be- his death. Why don’t you want me to pursue this? I-I could protect the city, make sure no one gets hurt.” He looked at you, his face disappointed. “I thought you, of all people, would be happy to work with me…”
You sighed, sitting down on his bed, frustrated. “Peter, this- this hero gig… saving the city… protecting lives. It’s alot of work… guilty and pain. Physical and mental.” You looked at him, worried. “You aren’t gonna be able to save everyone Pete. This comes with alot of hardships. I-I was born into this world, of fighting and crime fighting. Yo-you are just Peter Parker. You could go high places, just stay on the ground.” You looked at him, trying to make him understand.
But it didn’t work. He just laughed unbelievably. “Wha- Y/N, I-I’m not just Peter Parker anymore! I’m also Spiderman. I have been Spiderman for months. And I love it! I love saving people and helping them. Why don’t you think I can do this?!”
You gaped at him. “What-why would you- Peter! I love you helping people, but why don’t you just stay on the ground? Help people find lost cats and walk old ladies down to the grocery store? Why do you want to go fight people who might die any second? Be part of a group that might die any second!”
“Be-because you are part of that group! I have to be able to take care of you Y/N! Now that I finally can!”
You took in a deep breath and walked closer to the window, picking up the small bracelet you wore to change into your suit. “Peter, I can manage myself. You can’t! Leave the big stuff to other people.”
“Like who?!”
“The Avengers!”
Peter opened his mouth to argue but you beat him to it. “You aren’t part of the Avengers Peter! As much as you want to be! I know you have a talent, but why not just stick to being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman for now?”
Peter clenched his jaw, and diverted his eyes. You knew what that meant. He wasn’t budging on his decision. So you said the only thing that came to your mind.
“Peter, if I see you on the battlefield in a few days, th-then don’t bother saying hi, got it?” You both knew what this was implying, but neither of you wanted to back down, both too stubborn. All the 14-year-old-you could do, was hope you wouldn’t see any sign of the red and blue hero when you landed in the airport in Germany.
Sadly, the minute that your father had called out “Underoos!”, you had a sinking feeling in your stomach that things would not be the same any longer.
And it wasn’t. For the rest of your lives…
6 years later (Avenger’s compound)
“Fuck you, Peter Parker.”
“Oh, you wish!”
You laughed comically, glaring at him. “Oh please, I feel so bad for any one who actually does. Well, you know, if you can even fuck someone…”, you said, gagging exasperatedly. Peter’s glare tightened as his adam’s apple moved up and down.
“Hmm, at least I have a girlfriend, who do you have?”
“Please! I have half of New York after me!”
Peter looked hurt for a moment, but then his steel gaze returned. “I didn’t think some one could be as obnoxious as you, but guess once in a while, I’m proven wrong.”
“Really? Because I’m pretty sure everybody proves you wrong. Well… at least they prove your nerdy science theories wrong.” You knew this was crossing the line. You could insult his physique, his bed skills, his flirting skills…but never his academic skills.
You could practically see smoke pouring out from his ears, and so could everyone else.
“Oh shit”, muttered Sam from behind you, poking Bucky’s stomach. “Fight’s gonna go down, for sure.”
Bucky looked indifferent, probably used to us, but when he saw Peter’s red face, he backed up, hands up. “Damn, this is gonna be a bad one. You wanna stay and watch or get out before we both get killed?”
“Well I think-”, Sam began, but was cut off by you and Peter starting to yell at each other.
“You are a complete asshole!”
“At least I’m not a spoilt brat!”
“Oh, you did not just go there!”
“Yeah... I did, what are you gonna do-?” He looked you in the eye and muttered out the next word, almost whispering. “Brat?”
You gave a harsh growl and lunged at him, almost knocking down a vase on the table. He quickly jumped out of the way, arms snapping back at you. You could see Sam and Bucky running out of the room, yelling at other people in the tower to evacuate.
You turned around to see Peter, standing there, a smug smirk appearing on his lips as he pulled his webshooters out of his pocket, shooting them at you before you could react.
“Hmph”, you grunted, being pushed back against the wall. Peter leisurely walked to you, as if he was a tiger pouncing on his prey. His eyes were dark as he smiled at you cruelly.
He was really close to you, and he could have done what ever he wanted if he had reached you… Too bad you were more of the type of predator rather than prey.
You felt your knife spurt out of your wrist as it cut through the webs. Untangling yourself, you jumped with ease, twisting your arms and legs around Peter, as you both tumbled to the ground. Peter groaned, trying to get up, but you just pushed your weight further on him, jumping on his chest, straddling him.
“Can you get off?”, he asked, his voice strained. You smiled, knowing you had won. Coming close to his face, you smirked cheekily, before whispering in his ear. “You think they bought it?”
Peter smiled at you, kissing your neck. “Of course, we are great actors…”
You pulled back, kissing him back, fingers tangling in his curls. “Sorry…. Bout’… the theories thing”, you said between kisses, pulling back to make sure he was fine.
“Yeah, that was a good touch. What about the brat?”
You laughed hotly, moving down. “I loved it…probably more than I should have”, you said against his neck.
“Oh is that it? Well, there was one thing I didn’t agree with.” He flipped you over, pining your arms above your head. “You don’t think I can fuck my girlfriend well?” Just as he was about to reach down to catch your lips, you heard a glass shatter. Looking up, you saw the group, everyone having shocked face and Tony in the front, mouth wide open.
“What the FUCK-”
Tagged: @idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326 @t-hollanderr @305weasley @starknik22 @marvelfansworld @lou-la-lou @lomlparker @marvelfansworld @wowitsel @vanteguccir @fullcheesecakeengineer @ladykxxx08 @allegras-sunflower @a–1–1–3
Loved writing this one! Always wanted to try Enemies to Lovers, so I hope you enjoyed it! See you next time :)
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Pranks, Horns, and Tony
Warning: Tickle Fic, birds, spiders, pranking,
Ppl: Loki, Tony, You
Words: 2254
Summary: You and Loki are known fir your pranks, and your both left alone in the compound together whole the avengers are on a mission.
It was another day in the compound, you had been living with the avengers for almost a year now and seemed to get along with the very mischievous God Loki.
You were both quite young- well sorta. If he were a human he'd be a couple years older than you but that's fine, you both got along splendidly.
You would read books together, play pranks together, be on each others sides and he'd always be there for you even if he wouldn't show the other avengers. Though they all knew you both had a special bond, Thor especially knew because whenever he'd take you to asgard or Loki to Earth you'd both have bright smiles and go somewhere to cause havoc.
Thor didn't really mind though, it just meant he'd get to bombard you both with tickles afterwards.
Yesterday Loki and Thor had come to visit again and would be staying for a couple of days. You and Loki caught up a little and read your books whilst keeping each other company. Today is when the true mischief would start, all the avengers would be going out and you and Loki would be left alone in the compound for a couple of hours so you both were planning pranks for the others.
"Alright y/n, we'll be back in a couple of hours. Don't burn down the house while we're gone okay?" Steve teased as he gave you a hug.
"Yes, and Brother, do not cause any havoc." Thor told Loki, only to be answered by a shrug and a smirk.
"Brother I'm the God of Mischief, what more must you expect?"
"Well then when we come back I'll be the God of Tickles, shall I, dear brother?" Thor asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Loki's face became a rosie red and crossed his arms whilst rolling his eyes.
You stood next to Loki and smiled at Thor with your hands behind your back, "we'll be good, have fun!" Thor nodded and all the Avengers left the compound for their mission.
Both you and Loki waited for there to be a silence that rang through the compound once everyone would have been gone. After a moment you both smirked and turned to one another.
You brought your hand to your face and showed Loki your intertwined fingers to show your face promise, Loki's smirk increased as he saw it.
"Ready to cause some mischief?" You asked him.
"It's in the name" he replied as you both began to run down the halls yo your first target.
You arrived at Bucky's room and looked around, "So, what's the plan here?" You asked the mischief maker himself. Loki walked around the somewhat messy room and found his way to the bed.
"A magnet, a large one. We'd place it under his bed and once he comes back and gets ready to sleep, in the morning he wouldn't be able to get out of bed!" Loki exclaimed, both of you began the process, both with large smirks on your faces.
Loki used his magic to lift up the mattress and keep it in the air whilst you both grabbed a large magnet from Tony's spare parts and placed it under the mattress bed. Loki then placed the mattress back on and the sheets were already messed to so he surely wouldn't notice?
Yeah, I don't know why Tony had a large ass magnet either, let's move on.
You and Loki both snickers at the idea of the prank and moved on to another victim.
For Sam you both collected a bunch of birds and locked them in his closet- with breathing holes obviously. One had pecked at Loki's hand causing him to curse which made you burst out laughing.
Steve's closet was now filled with a bunch of Rock concert shirts and IronMan shorts to pin the blame on Tony, Tony usually was in prank and tickle ears with Steve anyway so it wasn't that hard to believe he'd done it.
You both didn't dare do anything too crazy to Black Widow, so you both just stole a jacket each. She had incredible taste that woman. Loki stole a green jacket with some sort of fluffy collar and you stole a (f/c) leather jacket.
Clint's prank was the simplest, you both sprayed this fart spray into the vents and it STANK.
You both liked Bruce, well Loki wasn't as much of a fan but you all enjoyed reading so Bruce was safe from your havoc.
Wanda's room was all tidy, it smelt wonderful and honestly was your favourite room so you both decided to just put some spices in her bed to make her sneeze.
Vision's room was safe, only you'd both left a piece of gum next to his table with a note attached saying; 'Try this, Bruce and I were working on it. -Tony Stark'
Thor's room was one of the messier one, but he'd taken Stormbreaker out with him rather than Mjölnir, and by some sort of mirical you had all found out you could actually lift the weapon, so you took it and hid it away in a close vent that smelt of farts.
Turns out Clints prank was the most deadly as the whole place started to stink up making both you and Loki gag, and burst out with laughter.
Peter wasnt actually on the mission, nor was Scott but it was a Friday meaning they'd both be coming over for movie night. Plus Peter would be staying the weekend so why not torture him? Even if they were some of your best friends, they werent safe from the mischief makers.
You came up with the idea of hiding spiderman Peter's room, you were terrified of them though so you made Loki do so.
"Wait so Parker's afraid of Spiders?"
"Yeah, I don't really get it either-"
"Pffft, here you want a spidey y/n?" Loki chuckles whilst taunting, shoving a spider in your face as you screamed and jumped into the wall.
Loki howled with laughter and placed the last spider down. You both left and did the same with Scott's room but rather than spiders you placed all the ants you could find on his bed.
Last but not least Loki lead you to Tony's Lab where he would be working on all his suits and other personal projects. Its not the main lab but it wasnt too far off, just smaller and more personal so that he could work at night or alone.
You both entered while snickering to yourselves, it had been an hour and a half since they'd all left and you both should gave at LEAST 30 minutes. But hoped you'd have an hour. It wouldn't take long anyway.
"So what's the plan?" You asked Loki.
You both saw an IronMan head on his desk and smirked at one another, knowing that would be your target. Maybe jello inside the helmet? Maybe slime? Maybe hiding it? Repainting it?
"Here, I've got these horns that we can lazer on the front" Loki smirked while taking out two golden horns like his own on his head but separated to be put on a helmet.
You didn't really mind it was a mainly Loki thing, it just meant he'd get in trouble and not you for this. You werent per say throwing him under the bus, but you werent gonna bring it to his attention.
You both walked over to get ready to melt a horn on each, Loki grabbed some sort of tool and started the first one. You stood behind him and watched over his shoulder, you admired the small things,about how Loki's greesy hear was tired up into a man bun before he'd started working on it, and how he squinted one eye to concentrate with his tongue sticking out. It made you giggle.
"I'm almost done..." you watched as he'd almost finished it, both of you concentrating hard on the hand ship.
"Oh hey kiddo's"
You both jumped out of your skin, Loki fell off the chair and part of his hair came out, laying on the floor he turned to see who was talking, you on the other hand jumped and slowly turned around with a nervous smile.
The one and only Tony Stark stepped out of his suit, adjusting his watch as he stepped out.
"So, what are you both up to?" he asked, his lips scrunched inwards and his hands on his hips.
Both of you were silent until Loki began getting up and dusting himself off.
"Nothing, we were just about to leave" You noticed something about him, Loki that is. Something seemed different, and rightly so. You glanced behind you to see the real loki grab the helmet but sink down so he couldn't be seen.
"Oh good, I really cant have you both in here, off you go then."
Tony dismissed the two of you and you both left for ths door, and while he wasnt looking Loki diverged into his clone again but now holding the helmet.
Right before the two of you had reached the door, his suit came speeding past and covered the exit.
'Shit' was the only thing you could both think of. Neither of you turned around to see where or what the billionaire was doing, but you heard him.
"Wait a moment, wheres my helmet? Oh and Loki,I think you left something" Loki and you both turned around, Loki with his hands behind his back,obviously hiding something. Tony stood right in front of him,holding the other horn to his face with a wide smirk.
Quickly the suit begins you both snatched up the helmet and yourself as Tony pounced on the God of Mischief, his hands at his sides, wiggling his fingers all over.
Loki yelped and began lightly chuckling at the fingers that were tickling him, trying to step back but only into closed doors. He tried to use his hands to block the attack but Tony was having none of it.
"Sir I have the helmet and y/n, it seems they were moulding the horns onto it." Friday explained.
"Ohhh, so you were doing something? I thought you were the god of mischief? Not the God of lies?" Tony taunted, as he squeezed the puny gods sides, then quickly moved to a death spot, his hips. Squeezing tightly and vibrating his hands and fingertips causing Loku to fall down the wall with laughter.
"NoHoho!!!! Damn it StArarK!!!!" Loki yelled as he tried to force Tony's hands off him. Though he was incredibly weak from the torturous tickles.
It was a usual sight, Thor was usually tickling his younger brother for some reason or another, its what older brothers are fir though right? Loku would become a blushing screaming mess but he'd never learn. Same goes for you though, everyone in the compound knew your little weakness and would use it against toy for anything. Your laughter was just too cute!
As Tony abused Loki's sides and hips, he ordered Friday to put the helmet on the desk and tickle you. You squealed because as much as you enjoyed tickling, you couldn't never stand it when the robots tickled you. It was rare but in cases when Tony needed an extra set of hands, well he got em'.
The suit held you up and began using a vibrating simulation Tony had recently installed on the hands for some reason and placed them on your ribs whilst holding you in the air. And as this tickled you, because it did t seem like enough the suit also used it's big fingersto scrape and squeezed the insides of your armpits.
You kicked and squealed at the top of your lungs, trying to escape. Somehow being held in the air seemed much worse, and the vibrating cause you to laugh harder and harder when random electric bolts went through your skin.
After around 15 minutes Tony had both you and Loki in piles of laughter on the floor, weak and begging. Well you were begging, Loki was threatening.
"Okie Doki horny. First let me do this and I'll let you go."
Tony lifted up Loki's lime green shirt and blew the largest raspberry right above his belly button. An inhuman screech came from Loki as he curled in on himself and howled with laughter from ghostly tickles and squeezes.
"As for you" Tony taunted as he walked over to you, you were not on the floor, twisting and turning to get away from this oncoming attack and the tickles. The suit held your hands above your head as Tony brought up your shirt to reveal your belly button.
Tony looked up at you and smirked, "We all know you love it" and blew right on your belly button. Your laughter went silent and you melted into the floor as both let off.
Tony laughed at you both in giggly messes on the floor.
"I came back early, and the others will be back soon too. So I suggest you both go clean up your messes before you get something worse" Tony suggested as he walked over to his desk to suspect the iron helmet you'd worked on. You and Loki had now recovered- partly- from the attacks and took in what he said.
But it was too late, everyone heard birds chirping and Sam screaming.
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linorangge · 4 years
Codes | Bangchan College! AU
Chan takes an interest in the generous computer science major and makes it his mission to befriend her. (Content Warning: Mild swearing, suggestive language). | Word Count: 1406 |  Part 2
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Restless nights doing homework, due dates, 10 page essays, and a degree waiting to be conquered. College life wasn’t as glamorous as presented in movies, at least not for you. Parties weren’t a priority to you, the most you had done in your college career was get drunk off a whole bottle of wine when you passed finals.
Of course this didn’t mean you had no social life, you had a small friend group, although it was a bit hard to consistently hang out with them because you all majored in different areas.
You were consistent with school, work, and a somewhat active friend group. Life wasn’t that bad. Of course though, that didn’t last forever. You were a fifth year computer science major, and you took an advanced coding class. The class was small and rather easy to you, however it was quite the opposite to your peers. This required you to constantly give out answers and teach your classmates what the professor failed to teach.
“Hey!” a small voice whispered.
You ignored it, assuming the call wasn’t for you, and continued typing letter after letter.
“Yo!” the same voice called again.
You turned slightly and met eyes with a guy who was peeking at you through the wall of computers.
You nodded your head in his direction in response.
“What’s the symbol to move it to the left?”
“Move what to the left?” you said, turning fully now.
“The graph.” the guy replied.
“We’re not supposed to move the graph.”
“Then what do we move?” he said, his tone panicked.
He made a face of confusion and looked between you and his screen.
“Do you need help with anything else?” you asked.
He shook his head before briefly thanking you.
You turned back to your computer and soon the class ended and you were dismissed.
This time, a different guy went up to you, “What’s your major?”
You flinched in surprise since you had never seen the guy, much less talked to him.
“Computer science, you?”
“I’m kinda in the same boat.”
“Nice.” you deadpanned and started picking up the pace to go meet your friend Jihyo for lunch.
“What’s your name?” the guy asked.
Now you felt a bit odd, no one had really bothered to talk to you for anything other than school reasons, so why now all of a sudden?
“Y/n… you are?” you said, briefly slowing your pace.
“Chan, nice to meet you.”
You turned to look at him and gave him a polite smile before shaking his hand.
“So, do you need help with assignments? Or?”
“Oh! No not really,” he swallowed and let out a sigh, “Well kinda,”
You nodded in understanding, “So what is it? Codes? Typing issues?”
“Oh uh,” he was quiet for a moment, “I’m pretty new at all of this to be honest.”
“How come you’re in the advanced class then?”
“Uh,” he stuttered and stayed silent.
You stopped your walk and gave him a confused look. You waited for an answer.
“I have my ways.” he finally said, and you gave him yet another confused look.
“I’ve gotta go, but it was nice meeting you.” you said before smiling and giving him a little wave before making your way out of the building and to the courtyard where your friend awaited you.
All the while Chan watched you walk away in longing.
As of the beginning of the semester, Chan had seen you around campus, he noticed the way you carried yourself and the way you knew every move you were making, everything you did made you seem so sure of yourself.
So what? Chan found out Jeongin was one of your closest friends and forced Jeongin to tell him your major. Computer Science? Perfect! Producing had something to do with computers at least.
Chan took the class to at least have something in common with you. It was pure luck they even let him take an advanced course when he had little to no experience. And it was once again pure luck when your schedules somehow aligned for you to take the class in the same hour.
Soon, Chan noticed the way no one really bothered to talk to you unless they were asking for answers. In a way, he admired you, yet pitied you all at once. You however, weren’t too bothered by this fact considering you didn’t mind helping people to begin with.
The whole three times he had seen you at a public place, you were alone and eating some variety of a sandwich. He made sure to make a mental note of that. And when he found out Jeongin was in your friend group, boy did that take a toll on his entire perception of you.
Chan still remembered the day he found out. He was at Felix’s dorm with Hyunjin, Felix, and of course, Jeongin.
They were playing video games and Chan was talking out of his ass, completely letting his mouth wander off about anything and everything that came to mind. And then he mentioned you.
“There’s this one girl....”
The boys stayed silent, waiting for him to finish his sentence.
“Okay?” Hyunjin had said, waiting for more.
“I don’t know, she looks kinda cool.”
“Cool how?” Felix mumbled, half of his brain trying to maintain the conversation, the other half trying to help Jeongin.
“Well not cool, she’s like, I don’t know.”
“Dude pick a struggle.” Hyunjin said jokingly.
Chan rolled his eyes, “I don’t know, I hardly know her, I’ve just seen her around.”
“Hm,” was all Felix said, before the conversation moved on. They talked about annoying professors and how bad the lunch meat was, until Jeongin got a facetime call from you.
“Aw damn, hold on, Chan cover for me.” Jeongin had said, hurriedly handing over the controller and answering the call.
Your face popped up on the screen and you had a big smile, “Where are you?”
“Friend’s dorm, why?” Jeongin said as he turned the volume up to hear you over the gunshots from the game.
“I got you iced americano!” you said happily waving the drink around and showing it to the camera.
Jeongin smiled, his dimples becoming visible, “Aw thanks, I’ll go get it from your place later.”
“Okayyy, but don't take too long, ‘cus the ice will melt!”
Chan looked between Jeongin and his phone and saw your face and practically went into cardiac arrest.
He dropped the controller and excitedly whispered to Hyunjin, “Dude that’s the girl!”
“What?” Hyunjin looked at Chan like he was a mad man.
“Dude, that’s the girl I was talking about, the one I called cool.”
“The girl Jeongin’s on the phone with?” Hyunjin whispered back.
“Dude yeah.”
“Chris can you fucking play the game, we’re literally about to die.” Felix said rather loudly.
“Chan I told you to cover for me.” Jeongin said looking up from the call he was still having with you.
“Oh shit.” but it was too late, Chan was unable to revive Felix, all hope was lost, the match was a failed attempt at winning a first person shooter game.
Frustrated, Felix let himself fall back into the carpeted floor and sulked in silence.
“I’ll see you in a bit, bye y/n!” Jeongin waved and Chan caught one last glimpse of you waving back and smiling before Jeongin hung up.
“Dude how do you know her?”
Chan made an exasperated face, “Answer the question younging.”
“I met her at orientation, why do you ask?”
“She’s the cool girl.”
“Cool girl?”
“Were you even listening earlier?”
“Dude I was just trying to win a match, that you totally sabotaged.” Jeongin rolled his eyes and stood up.
“I’ll catch you guys some other time, I’ve got an iced americano to press my luscious lips to.” Jeongin started collecting his things but Chan stopped him.
“What’s her major?”
“You’re being mega weird about this girl Chris.” Hyunjin mumbled as he scrolled through his phone.
“I’m just trying to find some background info.”
“Okay stalker.”
Chan looked at his friend for a long while before deciding it was better if he didn’t throttle him.
“Her major, what is it?”
“Computer science, so she probably won’t have classes with you.” Jeongin shrugged and bid his goodbyes to the group before leaving.
All the while, Chan’s brain swirled with new ideas about the information given to him.
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sleephyjhs · 5 years
Asking to Touch Them (REACTION)
notes: all members are included below the ‘read more’ link. also namjoon’s is more fluff than i can handle so be prepared. thank me for tae’s gif later
rules | m.list | requested
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Despite your partner being a sucker for skinship, you always hated initiating it. You loved to cuddle and touch him as much as he loved to return it, but his personal space was something you’d always been more aware of.
You’d seen first hand in airports and in public how fans and employees tried so desperately to grab a hold of his arm or his luggage, and how uncomfortable it was for Seokjin when they managed to succeed. The last thing you wanted to do was startle him or panic him.
Sitting so far from Seokjin while watching a movie together just felt so foreign. All you wanted to do was cling to him for added comfort, and as much as he’d most likely want you to do that, you still had a lingering restraint that stopped you. It had been almost two years since you began dating, and it burdened you that you were still unable to initiate skinship.
“Can I get.. closer? Is that okay?” You asked, rotating your neck to look him in the eye. Jin’s eyebrows creased between his eyes as he look at you confused.
“Of course? Why do you always ask me?” He questioned as you shuffled over cushions to get closer. It was a wonder Seokjin had never asked before that. Despite you had your reasoning for always asking, you had dreaded the day you’d have to explain. Really, you knew it was perhaps a silly question to ask you partner all the time
“Just in case you want personal space. I don’t know, sometimes I just think you’d rather not be touched and messed with.” Your answer was more of a mumble, but the soon tilt of his head in dismay told you that he’d heard.
“Personal space doesn’t apply to you, baby. I want you to be comfortable around me. If you want to lay on me, I’m all yours.” Seokjin smiles as you pressed your face against his shoulder. He leaned down to press a soft kiss on your forehead that nibbled away at your concerns.
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Some of the most difficult times for you were watching as your boyfriend rested at home in agony. Performing and rehearsing as much as he did was bound to leave him with injuries here and there, but it had been a while since he was hurt like this.
The muscles in his back had become ceased up suddenly. Medics hired by the company could only recommend rest as there was nothing else they were able to do. Thankfully, your capability to work from home meant Yoongi wouldn’t have to overexert himself to look after himself.
When you entered your apartment carrying bags of groceries for the week, you were surprised by your partner sat upright at the dining table, “Honey, what are you doing?”
“I’m trying to keep mobile,” Yoongi grimaced as he answered your question. Anybody would have been able to see he was in pain, “I’m alright.”
“Yeah, and you’re a crap liar. Really, you should rest before moving a lot. It’ll only get worse,” You knew well that he was already aware of this.Considering how many times he’d been in this predicament, you would’ve hoped that he’d just resume to medical advice by now, “Please Yoongi, I can see you’re in pain.”
For the first time since you’d walked into the apartment, he made eye conact with you. As a fan of using pet names, it was rare for you to address him by his actual name. However it allowed him to understand you were serious and maybe he should be too. Yoongi nodded, having considered your advice “You’ll have to help me though. It took me at least 10 minutes just to get here.”
You left the bags in the kitchen island and maneuvered towards the table. Yoongi curled his left arm around your shoulders and you slipped your arm across the middle of his back, “Is that okay?”
“Is what okay?”
“My hand being here... I just don’t want to hurt you more.” You began to guide Yoongi through to the bedroom, matching your pace to his careful stepping towards the door.
“You’re just fine, baby. I apprecate it.”
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“Come here, angel,” Hoseok smirked, grabbing a hold of your hand and tugging you onto his lap. The evenings where he was in this kind of mood always turned out to be the best, “It’s been a long day.”
You placed your knees either side of his hips and sat back onto his legs, taking time to admire him, “I’m sure it has.” You smiled as he reached to fumble with the hem of your shirt. His delicacy when teasing you only made him more enticing.
“This is what you do to me when you leave for so long, you know that?” He asked, leaning into you to join his lips to yours. The gentle brush of his plushy lips against yours only pricked your infatuation with him. Hoseok’s ability to create sensual tension was overwhelming at least, but tonight he was just plainly driving you crazy.
“It was only a few hours,” you giggled, clasping your hands around his neck and pulling yourself closer to his torso. As you divulged into his irresistable kisses, a small alarm began to sound in your mind, “Do you mind this?”
“Mind what?”
“My hands being here,” you cleared. As an idol you were aware of how many times a day Hoseok had his personal space invaded and how much he truly hated it. Although he didn’t seem to mind it, causing him any discomfort was the last thing you intended to do, “I can move them if you like.”
Hoseok brushed a strand of fallen hair back behind your ear and thumbed the pivot of your jaw, “You’re perfect where you are. If ou wanted to get even closer, I wouldn’t mind.”
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It went without saying that your husband, Namjoon, was one of the hardest-working people you knew, and you had grown to learn that when he was in the zone and focused on his song-writing, it was best to just leave him to it. You had to time your snuggle attacks just right; you’d figured that your golden time was when he emerged to refill of caffeine.
Sooner than you expected, you heard the whirring of the coffee machine as it poured another coffee mixture into Namjoon’s used mug, “How’s it going?” You asked, sneaking into the kitchen and leaning against the counter.
“I’ll only be another half hour at most. Any longer and I’ll burn out.” He sighed, rubbing his eyes gently with his index knuckles. As much as Namjoon was a hard worker, many times he worked too much. It was only his determination to do well, but sometimes he struggled to know when to stop.
“Please don’t overwork yourself, honey,” you began as you stepped forward to reach your arms around his waist. Your head fell between his shoulder blades; hugging Joon from behind was often the best way, “Do you mind?”
“Hmm?” Perhaps you were too aware of his state of mind. He never usually minded when you went in for a bear hug, but for some reason you felt compelled to just make sure.
“Do you mind when I hug you like this? I don’t want to distract you or keep you from your work.”
Before you’d finished your explanation, Namjoon turned in your arms so your head laid across his chest. Without missing a beat, he slung his arms over your shoulders and crossed his hands to keep you close to him, “Of course I don’t mind. If anything, I’d love for you to do it more. I’m all yours, lovely.”
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Jimin often went out of his way to make memorable moments to share with you. Even if some locations you had to visit more than a few times due to his tight schedules, the setting never undermined the thoughts of his actions. A certain park in Seoul often hosted late night walks; the midnight darkness was able to veil the eyes of the public ,giving you the privacy that was so rare to find.
“It’s kinda strange how cherry blossoms are still so pretty in the dark,”Jimin looked down with adoration at your face as you charted your observations, “not quite the same though.”
Jimin paused in his smile and sighed gently, but enough for you to notice, “I’ll bring you here in daylight soon, I promise. It’s just difficult to find time-”
“I know, Jiminie. I’m only playing with you.” Swiftly, you glaced at the floor to locate his hand, which was curled inside his pocket. Without it crossing your mind, you reached into his pocket and threaded your fingered in between his. Jimin tightened his hand around yours, but remained silent giving you time to question your actions, “You don’t mind, do you?”
“What? Holding your hand?” You nodded, notably changing your walking pace to keep up with him. Inside his pocket, he began to caress the back of your hand with his thumb, tellng yo already that it was no problem to him, “I was waiting for you to reach in, actually. My pocket isn’t too good at keeping one hand warm.”
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Waking up beside Taehyung never felt real. The morning sunshine poured delicately over his soft features, highlighting his sculpted face that he watched you so adoringly with. When your eyes began to flutter in the bright lights of dawn, it was refreshing to be greeted by his meek eyes hidden behind fallen strands of curled hair.
“Morning, angel.” He smiled as his voice cracked, “Did you sleep okay?”
“Perfect.” You smiled back letting a small yawn escape from your lips. Taehyung chuckled to himself and rolled onto his back before scooting closer to where you laid. He raised his left arm and replaced it at the peak of your pillows, seemingly inviting you into his embrace.
Taking notice of his actions, you quickly readjusted to place yourself in his arms. His bare chest against your loose hair tickled your earlobe, causing you to nestle into his warmth. You took the time to look up at Taehyung and study his face. He might have thought he was slick, but you caught him changing his smile into a straight face, “Something wrong? I can move if you want...”
Without letting Tae answer you, you already began to remove yourself from his chest and back to the imprinted figure you’d left on the memory foam mattress. Barring you from rolling back any further was his outstreched arm, lightly pushing you back onto him.
“Nothing’s wrong, baby.” he reassured you, using his free hand to fondle and smooth over your hair, “Let’s stay here for a while, yeah?”
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Usually, you wouldn’t accompany Jungkook at the airport. For your own privacy and protection, he generally discouraged you tagging along. However this occasion was different; the group was returning from the last stop of their overseas’ tour which you also had embarked on to visit family. There was every opportunity for you to leave the plane and get into a car before Jungkook and the boys, but he wasn’t about to let you risk your safety like that.
Behind the frosted screen doors, you could see all the flashing bulbs of gathered press and media. Already, it was beginning to taunt you, “There’s more than usual.” Jungkook mumbled, dodging to the side of a manager to get a better glimpse of the bursting lights. Surprisingly, his comment didn’t help an awful lot.
You exhaled deeply, catching his attention “You’re gonna be okay. Just stay by my side, it’s not as far to the door as it seems.” His words were well received, but your panic had already begun to settle. As he continued to watch past staff members, you took the chance to reach out for his hand.
“Do you mind? I’m just scared, that’s all.” You asked Jungkook, side stepping to be closer to his side. You couldn’t have felt any safer by his side.
“Of course not,” he beamed, wrapping his fingers tightly around yours and carefully swinging your conjoined fist back and forth, “I’m keeping you safe, okay?”
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^ i’m so sorry about how long this took, for a while it really stumped me but thank you for requesting! this might be my most favouritereaction so far <3
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One Photo → Mark Lee [2]
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↳  Pairing: Mark Lee/Reader
↳  AU: Soulmate!AU - The first touch of two soulmates permanently scars their bodies.
↳  Word count: 2,610
↳  Chapters: Prelude | 1 | You Are Here! | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
⁙ Summary: For an end of the year photography project, you’re tasked with taking a photograph for your favourite group, NCT127, and coincidentally, discover your soulmate.
The next day you get up to your alarm, a little groggy and on autopilot. You mumble a greeting to Rhiannon who is already in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal. It's not uncommon for you to be undressed in front of her, so she barely reacts for a few moments when you reach into your clean clothes hamper in the living room and begin to change right there. 
However, in the midst of putting on your bra, Rhiannon squeals in excitement, nearly making you pee yourself.
“What the hell?!” You exclaim, now convinced that you're fully awake. 
“You-your front! Your entire torso! Look!” Rhiannon stands from the little dining table and approaches you, poking your stomach. You nearly let out a scream yourself when you see it.
Your entire torso, from collarbone to hip is completely covered with scar tissue, as well as the underside of your arms and the palms of your hands. “Rhiannon, I-” 
“Turn around.” She spoke quickly, and you obey her. She is silent for a little while, which is freaking you out even more than you already were. When she traces an outline over your right shoulder blade, your skin twitches in response. “(Y/N), this is the largest soulmate scar I've ever seen,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper. 
“I-” You're barely able to stutter out any words. You stand there, half-naked as your best friend examines you.
“Does it hurt?” Rhiannon pokes and prods on the newly formed scar tissue, primarily focusing on your shoulders.
“N-no, not at all.” You purse your lips. You feel like normal if not a bit overwhelmed. 
“This has got to be from a hug,” she concludes, nudging you to turn you back around. “There are perfect handprint scars on your back, too. You hugged Mark yesterday, right?” 
“He, uh, hugged me three times,” you confirm. “Johnny and Jaehyun hugged me twice.” 
“Then it's one of them!” Rhiannon is squealing with delight. “That is so exciting!” 
Your face fell a little, finishing putting on your bra and shirt you picked out for the day. “Yeah,” you say softly.
“What's wrong?” Rhiannon is beginning to look concerned, ghosting a hand over your shoulder.
“It's Mark,” you state, “I can feel it, but…”
“But what?” 
“If that's true, everything changes. When he leaves, am I going to be able to handle it?” you finish getting dressed and stop to look at your hands. “I… I already know I won't be able to handle the depression and separation anxiety, I won't be able to handle being constantly sick… I was never taught about any of this and I never even thought it would happen to me.” 
“I need to go. I have class.” 
You took in a deep breath as you gripped your tablet pen. You had been spending the last month's worth of photoshop labs on drawing a picture of Iron Man for your digital rendering final, and you had been doing well enough until today. Now that your hands had part of your scar, they gripped your pen differently and you were slowly growing more and more frustrated. 
It's not that you were angry that you had found your soulmate, and you were definitely happy it was Mark- but everything was happening so quickly. What were you going to say to him? Would his scar ruin his career? Were you ready for any of this? You looked up to your computer screen, seeing your reflection in the black screensaver. Seems like you had been overthinking long enough for the monitor to go to sleep.
You can see the buds of forming tears in your reflection. They were totally uncalled for and you knew it. Finding a soulmate was a happy time. In a world where all of this was completely normalized, you had no idea why you suddenly started feeling like a freak. On your way to class, you had already started to feel eyes on you. Most scars were small, dainty and cute, like a handshake or a poke to the shoulder- not a giant one that covered your entire chest, the inside of your arms and the palms of your hands. Scars larger than an apple were extremely rare, and ones like yours were the rarest of all.
What a wonderful scar, you heard your teacher say when you walked into class that morning. They say that if your scar is big, you're meant to be together for more than one lifetime. 
Maybe that was true, and it felt like a big responsibility you weren't ready for. You jumped in your seat when your phone vibrated in your pocket. 
Mark: Are you in class?
You: Yeah, but it's almost done
Mark: What is your classroom number? I'd like to pick you up if that's okay
You: Are you sure? 
Mark: Yeah! I wanted to spend more time with you today, I feel like it wasn't enough yesterday 
You: You're cheesy 
You: My classroom is 103A in M building 
Mark: You know it
Mark: See you soon 
You found yourself smiling at his texts. Talking to him eased some of your anxiety, but it still lingered in the back of your head. You put your phone down and shake your mouse so the screen comes back to life. Iron Man stares back at you, and you almost close the program. Your thoughts were irrational, and the only thing your scars were stopping you from doing was finishing the touch-ups of the last few pixels of this piece. 
Your hands will get used to it, you scold yourself, this is a good thing, (Y/N). You're not your parents.
You're snapped out of your thoughts again as your classmates begin to pack up, the quiet rustle of backpacks filling the room. You look back at your piece, over a month's work put into it and all you needed was maybe five minutes more of touch-ups and it would be perfect. 
The next time this classroom was going to be used was later tonight for the college's dungeons and dragons party, so you didn't think anyone would mind you staying to finish up.
The five minutes of touch-ups turned into 20 minutes of improving mistakes you've noticed, and 20 minutes of improving mistakes turned into an hour of being completely absorbed in your work. You had been so focused on everything that you barely even perk up when you hear one of the computer chairs rolling closer to you.
“I thought you went home, Moose,” you say casually, sticking your tongue out and swiping a line of light reflection onto a strip of red plating. 
“You have a friend named Moose?” The voice replies, and you nearly jump out of your seat, the pen swiping across the tablet and drawing a large white streak across Iron Man's face.
“Mark,” you sigh, placing a hand on your chest and trying to take in a deep breath. “You scared me.” 
Mark smiled sheepishly. “Sorry…” he looks at your computer screen. “I didn't mean to ruin your piece.” 
You smile gently, hitting ctrl z on your keyboard. The streak disappears, you save the piece and turn off the computer. “It's okay. I'm just lucky I don't have autosave turned on.” 
Mark sighed with relief. “You kinda scared me,” he starts, looking you in the eye. “You didn't come out of the classroom for so long that I thought you might have forgotten. I probably would have left if your teacher didn't recognize me and say it was okay for me to come inside.” 
Your frown at him and avoid his eye contact, deciding to focus on zipping up your backpack. “I'm sorry,” you say dejectedly. “I was dumb, but I would just be a downright moron if I stood you up on purpose.” 
Mark laughed softly, watching you pack up. “What did you want to do today?” he asked, voice softer. 
“I don't know,” you say, standing and slinging your backpack over your shoulders. “I would like to drop this off at my dorm, though. It's kinda heavy.” 
“Okay,” Mark nods. “We can start with that and go from there.”
While you travelled back to your dorm, nearly all of your anxiety about your scars disappeared. You talked about anything but the scar that was easily noticeable through your summery outfit. The more people looked at you, the more you wonder if Mark was keeping quiet out of courtesy for your aversion to his first question on the subject. 
Mark was sweet, complimenting your outfit and keeping up a strong conversation about marvel movies.
“Have you seen Endgame yet?” you asked him once you got back to the subject of Iron Man, and Mark laughed sadly.
“To my disappointment, no,” he answered, letting you board the subway first, pulling up his face mask. “Haven't had the time.” he stood close enough to you on the busy subway car that you could still hear him properly.
“Well, if you want we could see it,” you offer quickly, blushing and looking away as you saw his smile through his eyes.
“Are you asking me out, (Y/N)?” he asks, nudging you gently with his elbow. 
“N-no,” you respond, swearing up and down mentally that you were as red as a tomato. 
“I would graciously accept, but how about we wait until tomorrow? I want to catch up a little bit, I haven't watched any of the films in a while, I've been so busy preparing for the tour.” Mark smiled when you turned back to look at him again.
“Okay, well, I have all the films at my dorm,” you say, biting your lip.
“Would your roommate be okay if we stayed in?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, she would be more than okay,” you tell him, which causes both of you to start laughing. “She will probably faint if she sees you again.”
“I think I've had my lifetime fair share of people fainting in front of me,” he says humorously. 
“I wouldn't worry. She is working on her finals today and probably won't be back until after you leave,” you say. “We will have the place to ourselves.” 
“Okay, that sounds good. I'm looking forward to catching up. Do you have popcorn?” he asks sheepishly. 
“Yeah, we-” the subway comes to an abrupt stop at your station, and you nearly lose your balance. Mark catches you before your face ploughs directly into his chest. He’s holding your arm gently as you exit the subway car, and it is then you truly notice that Mark's scars are clearly visible, from his palms to the edge of his t-shirt, just like you.
When you get back to your dorm room, you place your bag and your shoes in the hallway, leading Mark inside. He pulls down his mask and sighs happily, joining you in removing his shoes and placing them on the shoe rack.
“I remember when my dorm was about this size,” he says wistfully, looking around. You frown a little. 
“You mean everyone in NCT used to live in a place like this?” you ask, walking into the kitchen to prepare a pack of popcorn.
“Not exactly, the different subgroups all had their own dorms, but they were all tiny, for more than 3 guys to live in at once.” Mark wanders over to you in the kitchen, leaning back on the counter and crossing his ankles.
“I'm sorry,” you say. “I hope it's different for you now.” 
“Yeah,” he replies, watching you put the popcorn in the microwave and press the appropriate numbers. “We all live pretty comfortably now.”
You smile at him. “Good, I'm happy. You deserve to live in a place where you're comfortable.”
Mark is silent for a moment. The microwave finishes and he moves out of your way as you grab a large mixing bowl to put your snack in. He’s watching you diligently, and you feel that too familiar pinch in your chest. It's more intense than you've ever felt from just watching internet content of him on your laptop.
“What film did you want to start with?” you ask, leading him to the living room as you pull a tote bag out from under your coffee table that contains your Marvel movie collection. “We can just watch Infinity War if you want, or we can watch them in story order if you're feeling a little daring.” 
“You know the order to watch them chronologically?” he asks, sitting down with the popcorn bowl in his lap. 
“Yeah. Rhiannon and I watched them all in order up to the release of Endgame.” 
“Wow, I'm impressed,” Mark comments, popping a couple of pieces of the snack into his mouth. “What's the order of the last three films?” 
“Let me see… it's Thor Ragnarok, Ant-Man and the Wasp and Infinity War,” you answer. “Wanna watch those?” 
“Yeah. Let's do that.” 
A few hours later you both are now watching Infinity War, about halfway through the film. A blanket had made its way over your laps and the popcorn bowl has been long empty, sitting on the coffee table in front of you. 
You can tell Mark is nervous. You're sitting close, your legs nearly touching, and you wonder if you should say something. You hoped you didn't scare him away from saying anything when the topic was brought up the night before. You didn’t want your bitterness to ruin it all.
Once you spare one glance from the movie to look over at him, you notice Mark has already beat you to it. His gaze pierces right through you, and somehow you feel as if Mark is seeing your soul.
“I don't want to make you uncomfortable,” he says, half-smiling at you. “I don't want to repeat yesterday's mistake.”
“It's okay,” You say softly, “you didn't know.” 
“But I should have.” He sounds serious and definitely looks the part, too.
You lick your lips as you watch him. There's something that hits you, like a wave of anxiety that is different from your own. 
“Mark,” you have to pause to gather your words. “You've known me for two days. Mistakes are bound to happen, and I… I don't actually hate the premise.” 
“Would you be okay with, um, talking about it?” The movie is playing in the background, the flashing images reflecting different lights onto Mark's face.
“There is not much to talk about, is there?” you asked, holding up your scarred hand. “It's here, on both of us, and I'm happy. Scared, but happy.” 
“You're not upset about it?” he asked, and it was almost like he was bracing for rejection. 
You took his hand, lacing your fingers with his. “No. You said you wanted to know someone so well that you didn't have to think about it, right?”
“Yeah, I did.” Mark returned the grip, his eyes glancing between your eyes and your hand. “You're right, we don't have to think about it.” Mark smiles softly at you, freeing his hand from yours so he can wrap his arm around your shoulder, guiding you to lean into his side.
It's maybe two hours later when you're stirred ever so slightly by the jiggling of the lock to your front door. You don't open your eyes, trying to ignore the sound and continue to cuddle into the warm body squished against you on the couch. 
Soft voices are muffled through your ears, and in your half slumber you can't exactly make any words out. Fatigue eventually grips you once again, returning to the vivid dream you were engrossed in just moments ago. 
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HSMTMTS 2x9: so dreaded, so exciting, 'Sword!' (yeah, I went there, I've been thinking about this scene - you know the one - since yesterday for some reason)
After two computer malfunctions and a very tough, very sleepless night, here I am with a third attempt to write this post. The universe is against me today. Is Mercury in retrograde or something? Ugh, I just want to get this over with already. And I haven't even managed to see half the episode yet. You better like this cursed post because it's taken me two hours at this point, and will probably take another to finish - and that is if nothing goes wrong this time. Please bear with me. This is my reaction to HSMTMTS 2x9, take 3. Let's hope and pray it's the last one.
I'm normally [unpopular opinion alert] a very spoiler-positive person (it's the combination of anxiety and ADHD and a bunch of other stuff, I suppose), but for this one I've been refraining from looking at the tag all morning, so by now I'm simply bursting with impatience. But before we dive in, I need to get some stuff off my chest.
Some pre-watch thoughts and feelings (let's see how well they will have aged by the end of the episode):
Seriously, what is with whoever writes this show? I know it's impossible, but I feel like they've been toying with my emotions specifically all season. Like:
Ah, so you were a Rini shipper last season? Great, now we'll make them obnoxious and borderline toxic to the point where you actually want them to break up, but then their old chemistry will be back just for the breakup scene so that you can cry your eyes out over the one couple you couldn't stand - even though you can't seem to relate to a single song from Sour, we'll make you feel like you do for a hot second. At least it will remind you that you loved Ricky.
So you say Redlyn own your heart and soul? Great, we'll make you dread something going wrong with them for a week straight, and mess up your sleep schedule beyond repair over it. You're welcome!
We heard you said Rodfini give you life? Perfect, how about a big Seblos fight? And would you like a side of questioning your choice to stan Carlos with that? Because what is life without a little anxiety, a bit of doubt of your ability to read people, and a pinch of existential dread, right?
Ah, so you claimed not to ship Portwell romantically, is that right? Brilliant, we'll make you ship them and then we'll use that to torture you, too.
You've been excited about ABF and Asher Angel guest-starring ever since they were announced? Magnificent! We'll make you hate ABF's character to the point where you can't even look at him, and we'll make you call him names you thought yourself incapable of uttering. And as for Asher, you'll be left waiting for him until the last third of the season, and then you'll dread the possibility of hating his character, too. Do you love us yet?
Oof! Right then, I've got that out of my system. Time to dive in.
Miss Jenn playing around with the backgrounds is, like, 90% of the people who had online school this year, and honestly, I love that for her.
Wait, why is Nini first on this call? Are they going through with the Rose thing? Cos like, the song is nice and all (and, might I add, much more to my taste than nearly all of Sour, don't @ me), but if they use it, it will get them disqualified. They’ve been told that! Gosh, please let me be wrong about this.
We get it, Carlito, rich and fancy and over-the-top is kind of your thing, but have you stopped for a second to think about how others will feel about this? Especially Seb, whom you claim to care about. Seriously, though, I love Carlos and would not hesitate to die for him, but I’m getting the feeling that, unlike my other favourite (you know the one), he wouldn’t do the same for me. Oh well, he’ll figure it out. He’s just a kid. Give him time.
Wait, Milky White? Is that an Into the Woods reference I smell? Cool! If I had a cow, I’d totally name her Milky White (or Gertrude, but don’t ask me why). I just hope they don’t have to, like, take her to the market and exchange her for magic beans, if you catch my drift.
Ahhhhh, Caswell cousins content! We love to see it!
‘You guys are watching, like, old old movies’ WTH, Nini (or is it Nina)? Scary Movie is literally younger than me. But what do you know about it, you 21st-century baby! Ugh, I don’t know why I’m being so hostile today... must be the lack of sleep. Hope it doesn’t influence my reactions to the episode so dramatically as to make me forget how much I love this series. Because I do.
Yay! Big Red is here! I can finally smile. And did Ash just say they’re soulmates? Because yes they are! Ahhh my heart is going to explode.
‘Nini, have you heard from [Ricky]?’ Yikes, awkward... but of course, Big Red can be counted on to save the day here, too.
Ok, so that was a cool cold open. Time for some nice in-person scenes, though. I did not spend all of three semesters doing online school just to have the characters of my favourite series do the same.
Wow, Gina is really embracing that French accent thing! And I really don’t want to think about, erm, ‘Napoleon over here’ right now, but I really think the fact that she’s doing it better than him will be another piece of evidence towards my theory of fake-French!Antoine... ugh, I said his name. Oh well. Back to Gina. Too bad the French thing didn’t work out for her.
Ahhhh, Portwell with Ash in the background! And Ash is going to paint EJ’s nails! I feel like he’s going to end up loving that, despite what he says right now. But seriously, I just love how comfortable these two are with each other. Can you blame me now for shipping them as friends? Well, I mean, it’s obvious they will be more than friends, and somehow, despite the amatonormativity of it all, I’m here for it.
Wait, was that Asher? That was Asher, I’m 100% sure of it. And Gina said ‘a sign’ and then looked at him, even from the back... what am I supposed to think and feel here? I’m confused. Moving on.
Ahh, poor Ricky being a burrito... good thing that breakup scene last time reminded me that I love him, because the entirety of the season before that was very good at making me forget that.
Wait, did she say ‘the Bean’? As in, that Bean? The infamous Bean? LOL.
‘So the only time you two talk to each other is to gossip about me’ Boy, did I feel that. I once got my hands on my dad’s mobile and I... kind of went through his texts with mum. Yep, all about me and my brother. At this point I feel like they’re only together because of us. But this is getting too personal. I’m here about the episode, not to rant about my family. Moving on.
Yikes, looks like Nini’s got writer’s block all over again. Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? Because I kind of don’t. I mean, no hate towards her, none at all, but that entire scene just felt awkward and unnecessary. And not just because it’s her first time going live. That I can understand. What I don’t understand is why the writers can’t seem to do anything creative and interesting with Nini. Olivia is being wasted there. Idk, that’s just how I feel. Again, no hate.
Ahhhhh it’s Asher! And well, he’s not Jonah, but I kind of really like him as Jack. I wonder if that will last.
So is it just me, or is anyone else not quite sure how to feel about Ricky’s mum? I mean, their interactions seem kind of awkward and strained, but that’s how it’s supposed to be given their recent history, and yet something just doesn’t sit quite right with me.
‘You there, Muse? It’s me, Nini!’ Ah, so it’s Nini again? I didn’t get the memo. Gosh, this episode is kind of really underwhelming. The most exciting thing so far (but not nearly as exciting in practice as it was in theory) – Asher and Sofia’s on-screen reunion. The second most exciting thing? The thought of Ash painting EJ’s nails. Everything else? Kind of ‘whatever’. Is this what I tossed and turned about all night? Totally not worth it. This episode better get, like, 300% better right this instant. It’s just not worth all the frustration and excitement and dread so far.
Looks like my prayers from just now have been heard! That improv scene was hilarious! Guess it was lucky that Miss Jenn had them do improv before this moment. But I need to know more of Jack’s backstory now.
Ok, so that was awkward! So Kourtney is talking to Howie again, I guess. And I guess I know now what Carlos did that was all public and no subtle. Still, what’s wrong with posting photos from your holiday? Guess I don’t exactly know yet what Carlos did to piss the others off so much.
Great, now I’m tempted to google butterfly faces. Good thing I’m not eating anymore. *** Ughhhhh this was a mistake! Please don’t ever look a butterfly in the face if you want to stay sane. Don’t be like me.
Ahhh the Duke sweater! ‘Is that your boyfriend’s?’ Well, not quite yet, it’s not... *screams in Portwell*
Oh, now we’re talking! But seriously, Ricky? The ‘my friends think’ card? Why don’t you just say ‘I think’? It’s clearly something you’ve thought about a lot. I feel like I’m going to love this scene or cry over it or both.
Ooh, therapy. It’s not just... basically the entire fandom... who says it now. Please tell me that means Ricky will be going to therapy at some point. Says the girl who is currently firmly refusing to go to therapy in favour of hyperfixating on HSMTMTS and getting back into the good old practice of having imaginary friends... yeah, I’m one to talk.
My, my, my! Seb has really had it now. I mean, it was about time, but... not quite like this. My heart is starting to do some weird stuff, I can feel it. I might need to lie down.
Ok, so as much as I envy North High for getting to see so many shows on BWay – basically living out my dream – stalking East High on Instagram and being shady about them taking a well-deserved break... just goes beyond all limits. I mean, if you’re so into Broadway shows, you should know as well as I do what happened the last time a certain founding father did not take a break. Maybe you’re the ones in need of a break here.
Nini on the call with the Caswell cousins, though... ‘I’m obsessed with both of you’ – first relatable thing she’s said or done all season. And EJ playing with old toys is pure gold.
Oh, so Jack’s dad is a pilot. Makes sense, I guess. I’m kind of intrigued by this guy. Just as long as he doesn’t try to come between Portwell before they’ve had the chance to happen, you know...
Ashlyn might need to stop swooning over Nini’s songwriting or Big Red might get jealous... I mean, I would not have pinned him as the jealous type before 2x7, but ever since then... I guess insecure + dating a girl like Ash = the jealous type. And although that looks good on him, I’d bet anything it doesn’t feel particularly pleasant on his side. So... wait, why am I talking about Big Red? He hasn’t even got anything to do with the scene at hand. But then again, there’s been so little Big Red content in this episode that I seem to be trying to make up for it. Still. Stay focused.
Ooh, so Big Red did edit that video! Is there anything my boy can’t do? Ok, now I feel like he’s even more criminally underappreciated than he was before. But let’s look at the video. I’m curious to see the whole thing because that sneak peek from yesterday simply hasn’t been enough.
That was... really, really cool! I love how they took the ‘when they go low, we go high’ line from last time and run with it. Now if only they were putting as much effort into BATB... North High wouldn’t know what hit them.
Hmmmm... I guess Gina and Jack could be what I originally wanted Portwell to be... really cool friends. Unless it’s one of those ‘airport magic’ things. Oh well. It probably is. Was that all we’re seeing of Asher here? I did not wait 2/3 of the season for this. Though it was nice.
Ooh, Ricky’s solo song... why is there more Rini chemistry in this song than there was in all the season? Not counting the breakup scene, of course. Also, I feel like it’s just as much about him and his mum as it is about Nini. Some say music is the best therapy. I think they might be right. And no, I’m not crying. You are.
The granola bar, though... this episode might have been very underwhelming in the first half, but... it delivered in the Portwell front, and the music was *chef’s kiss*, so I’m willing to let it slide that the advertised Seblos ‘big fight’ was not touched upon nearly enough. Maybe next week...
Ok, now that we’re done watching the episode, let’s see how my feelings from the beginning have aged:
The Rini breakup: apparently, along with reminding me that I love Ricky, it has rendered me unable to look at Nini. What’s up with that? If this is some sort of tactic along the lines of ‘Olivia might be leaving the show so we’re making you hate her character so that you won’t miss her’, it’s not really working. Because I don’t want to hate Nini. Believe me, I don’t.
Redlyn: ok, so there’s nothing wrong with them whatsoever - we even got a ‘soulmates’, which I loved - but first they’re being swept under the rug, and then the antis come at us with that ‘their relationship is underdeveloped’ nonsense. Individually, though, I liked them in this episode (even if there was a significant shortage of Big Red), and Ashlyn collaborating with Nini again was cool, but... what I really wanted to see was her painting EJ’s nails. Did she even get the chance to actually do it? Maybe next week.
Seblos: I’m still failing to understand exactly what Seb thinks Carlos did wrong (please enlighten me if you did catch that, I’m kind of slow), but he (Seb) does have reasons to be mad at him (Carlos)... and at other people, too. Still, if you want to have a fight between two people in a relationship, you could do much better than whatever this episode was. Maybe next week. I notice I’m saying that a lot. Guess I’m putting a lot of hopes on 2x10. I just pray it doesn’t disappoint.
Portwell: boy, am I happy that my frustration on this front did not age well! What I mean is, apparently they’ve decided to bless us, not torture us for once. Even a rather disappointing episode like this one had to have some sort of silver lining. And Portwell is it.
Asher as Jack: well, luckily I didn’t hate him, but... it’s kind of the opposite problem. I loved him and now they’re taking him away from me. Guess I just can’t win here. Oh well. At least he didn’t have the screen time to get in between Portwell...
All in all: 2x10, my hopes and prayers are with you!
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buckeverlasting · 4 years
Just for Us | Ch. 1: Just for Steve
Series pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Summary: Steve Rogers only meant to share you with his best friend Bucky Barnes just once, but now all three of you have to learn the hardest lesson together: sex does not always equal love, and love does not always equal kindness. (College AU)
A/N: After a two year hiatus from this series, I decided to take it in a different direction, so I’ve made some changes! 
Word count: 2,489
Series warnings: explicit sexual content, alcohol, cheating, dubcon, daddy kink, angst
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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You noticed him immediately. Steve Rogers. It was hard to miss the bearded, burly man, standing a few inches above everyone else in a sea of people. Plus, you had spent many hours staring at him during that awful 8am lecture you have together. Somehow, through the crowd, he caught you staring and smiled at you. You looked away, blushing furiously, and took a sip from your red Solo cup. God, what a beautiful man, you thought.
Now back to the task at hand: finding the bathroom and then finding your friends in this crowded house. You’d never been to a house party off campus before, but when your friends insisted and also mentioned that a certain Steve Rogers was throwing said party, you caved quite easily.
You had bumped into him after the lecture a couple weeks ago. Literally. As the class was making its exodus from the hall, you dropped your phone, and when you stopped to pick it up, Steve walked right into your butt, as you were bending down. He had been chatting with a friend and didn’t see you. He knocked you off balance but actually caught you in his arms before you hit the floor and pulled you back up onto your feet.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, avoiding his eyes.
“I’m sorry I didn’t see you there,” he said. “Are you okay?”
“No, I’m fine. I mean, yes, I’m okay,” you said. “Thanks for catching me.” You laughed awkwardly, as you straightened out your shirt.
“No problem.” He stooped down to grab your phone and handed it to you.
“Thanks!” You scampered off before you could do or say anything too embarrassing in your flustered state.
You couldn’t stop thinking about that day. Whenever you remembered him catching you, how he quickly wrapped his arms around you, you sort of tingled all over. After lectures, you’d try to catch his eye, but he was usually surrounded by a group of friends.
And here you were, finally catching his eye but dashing off to find the bathroom instead of trying to talk to him. You squeezed and shoved your way through the living room to the hall and headed up the stairs. You were certain you’d find a bathroom there, and sure enough, you did. There was a short line outside, and you silently drank and scrolled through your phone while waiting. Your friends were wondering where you were. You texted them that you’re waiting for the bathroom but that you’d meet them downstairs in a little bit.
By the time it was your turn, you had finished your drink and tossed it in the overflowing trash can next to the sink. You locked the door behind you. Finally, the thumping bass subsided a little and you were left alone with your thoughts. God, he’s a beautiful man, you thought again. You wondered absentmindedly what that face would look like between your legs. You shook your head. How much had you had to drink?
When you stepped out of the bathroom, Steve Rogers was standing right there. He wore slim fitting jeans and a soft, clingy vintage T-shirt, which showed the toned bulk of his shoulders and chest.
“Hey, I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.” He held out a massive hand. “I’m Steve.”
“I’m Y/N,” you said, shaking his hand. “Thanks for throwing this party.”
“No problem. Hey, I see your hands are empty,” he said. “Can I get you a drink?”
“What?” You couldn’t quite hear him over the music.
He stepped closer to you. You could feel the warmth coming off his body. He smelled clean, like a combination of soap and fresh air.
He bent over a little and spoke directly in your ear. “I asked if I could get you a drink.”
“That would be great,” you said back into his ear.
“Great! Let’s go.” He put his hand to the small of your back and led you down the hall, away from the stairs. Just like when he caught you, your senses came alive at his touch.
“Where are we going?” you asked. “I thought the drinks are downstairs.”
“I put the good stuff in my room, so no one would take it.”
“Oh, what kind of good stuff?” you asked.
“Some whiskey.” He looked over his shoulder at you. He was grinning, and you couldn’t help but grin back. You’d never tried whiskey, but how bad could it be? It couldn’t be worse than tequila.
He led you into the room at the end of a long hall. It was a sizable bedroom, the wall to the right lined with bookshelves and the wall opposite featured a desk between two large windows. In the middle of the wall opposite the door, was a queen-size, neatly made and topped with a fluffy quilt. The room was surprisingly neat and minimally decorated. Only a couple band and movie posters hung on the walls.
“Have a seat,” he said, gesturing to the whole room. “I’m just going to grab this.” He took down a bottle of Maker’s Mark and two small glasses from his bookshelf.
You took a seat at his desk and noted his neat stacks of books and notebooks. You turned around and watched him pour a glass. He handed you a small glass about a third of the way full of whiskey. “You can sip it or knock it back,” he said. He poured another and drank his simply by tossing his head back.
You took a sip of yours, and you felt an immediate burning in your throat. Warmth radiated throughout your body. It tasted kind of like the way wood smoke smells.
“It’s not bad,” you say. “It burns a little, but it’s not bad.”
“Good.” His blue eyes shone.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and ignored it. It was probably your friends wondering where you were. You were busy, and they’d totally understand later when you told them that Steve Rogers invited you to his room. Had they not helped you pick out this outfit you were wearing? Had they not lent you jewelry and shoes? You knew you were going to see him, and this is exactly what you wanted.
Just then someone flung open the door. “Steve, where’d you go?” Someone stepped in the room and looked around. His eyes found Steve and then you. He looked at Steve again, then back at you, and his jaw dropped. “I’m sorry!” he said. “I didn’t mean to…”
You recognized him as one of the guys always hanging around Steve after class. Bucky Barnes.
“It’s okay, Bucky.” Steve poured himself another glass of whiskey. “But I’m not sharing any of this with you.”
“I’m just gonna go.” Bucky closed the door, leaving the two of you alone again.
Steve sat down on the bed and smiled at you. He patted the bed next to him. This was an invitation you could not refuse. You got up from the desk chair and made your way to the bed. You sat down next to him, and the mattress dipped under your collective weight, letting gravity draw you closer together. Your thighs brushed.
Steve took the glass out of your hand and placed both on his nightstand.
“You can go if you want to. You’re free to walk out that door, and there will be no hard feelings,” he said steadily. “But if you stay, I want to make sure you know what you’re agreeing to.”
You nodded slowly. “What would I be agreeing to exactly?”
“I will utterly adore every inch of your body—and I really mean every inch—and make you feel amazing,” he said, “but you have to call me ‘Daddy.’”
This knocked the wind right out of you. You managed one word. “Okay.”
“So, you agree to this?” he asked.
You nodded. “Yes.”
Steve got up and locked the door. “No one will be bothering us again.” He sat back down, and the bed dipped, causing you to bump your shoulder into his arm. He crooked one finger and lifted your chin. “You’re really beautiful.” 
“Thank you, Steve.” You smiled.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me?” he asked.
“Of course.”
“Of course, what?”
“Of course, Daddy.”
He leaned in and kissed you on the lips, delicately. Suddenly your skin tingled all over again. He pulled back and looked into your eyes. “Are you ready?”
You nodded and reached up behind his head to pull him closer to you. You kissed him deeply, opening your mouth and letting him flick his tongue against yours. He broke the kiss again and kissed your cheek, your jaw, and a line down your neck. Then he nibbled your ear. You closed your eyes. You felt his hands run down your sides and pull up the hem of your shirt. You lifted your arms, so he could pull the shirt off you. He continued to gently suck the sensitive skin of your neck while unbuttoning your pants and reaching into your underwear. You took the hint and pulled a way for a moment to strip down. You immediately hopped under the covers of his bed.
“Why are you hiding, beautiful?” he asked.
“Because I’m cold.” You pulled the fluffy quilt up to your chin.
“I can keep you warm,” he said. “Hang on.” He stripped quickly, throwing all his clothes all over the room. He stood next to the bed, naked, and half erect. “Get me hard first,” he said.
You scooted to the edge of the bed, still under the covers, and reached out a hand and stroked him up and down the shaft. You felt him growing a little harder. He closed his eyes. “Can you use your mouth?” he asked.
“Mm-hm,” you said.
He took a step closer to the bed, bringing himself right up to your face. You grasped his cock at the base and took the tip in your mouth. You used your tongue to play with the head. Steve groaned. “That feels amazing,” he said.
You took more of him into your mouth, bobbing your head and moaning while you sucked. He reached down and stroked your hair gently. “You’ve been such a good girl,” he said.
You released his cock from your mouth with a wet “pop.” “Thank you,” you said.
“It’s your turn now.” He flipped back the bedcovers, uncovering your naked body. He crawled onto the bed and positioned his head between your legs. “Are you ready?” he asked.
You bit your lip and nodded.
Sensations exploded from your clit as he alternated sucking and swiping with his tongue. He glided two fingers in and out of you as he lapped at you. You were writhing on the bed. He continued to swirl his tongue and nip at the insides of your thighs while you balled the sheets up in your fists.
“That’s a really good girl,” he said quietly.
You almost whimpered when he stopped. You looked up at him. He was absentmindedly wiping his mouth and beard with a corner of the sheet. “You’re very wet,” he said. “Here.” He stuck a single finger inside you and curled it, dragging it along on its way out, making you moan. “Open up.” He popped the glistening finger in your mouth, and you tasted yourself. You looked up at him and sucked eagerly, causing him to let out a low growl.
“Are you ready? You still want to do this?” he asked.
“Yes, what?” He reached into his nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom. Quickly, he unwrapped it and unrolled it down the impressive length of his cock.
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl.” He crawled up between your legs, shouldering your knees apart. You let your legs fall back, as he positioned himself on top of you. He reached down to align himself with your pussy. “God, you’re so wet. I’m going to destroy that sweet little pussy.”
With one big thrust, he was all the way inside you. It burned and felt like it was tearing you in two, but feeling so full also felt amazing. You moaned. “You like that, baby girl? You like the way my cock feels inside you?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you said. “Fuck me, please.”
He pumped at different paces, sometimes brutally fast and other times he fucked you in long, slow, and sensuous strokes. He alternated from savage to tender, savage to tender. You reached up and dug your nails into his back, digging in harder when he fucked you harder and running your hands up and down his toned sides when he was gentle.
He leaned back a bit, so he could reach down and rub your clit with his thumb while thrusting his hips against you. You threw your head back, and felt a white-hot heat radiating from your core.
“Cum for me, like a good girl.” His voice was low and gravelly as he continued to stroke your clit in little circles.
“Yes, Daddy,” you said breathlessly, which made him moan. “I’m going to cum.” You gasped as your orgasm took over your body and as your pussy spasmed around his cock. He fucked you through your orgasm, triggering more spasms.
“That feels amazing,” he said. “I’m gonna cum.” He grunted and made a few last powerful thrusts as he came inside you. He pulled out quickly and removed the condom. He upended it and let his cum spill onto your tummy. He swiped up some on one finger and brought it to your mouth. “Want to taste?”
You opened your mouth, and he inserted his finger. You licked it clean and swallowed his cum, making him growl again.
“That’s a really good girl,” he said. He reached for the box of tissues on his nightstand and started to clean you up. First, he wiped the cum off your belly, and then he wiped between your legs.
“Thank you,” you said
Then he spooned you. He actually shifted you onto your side and nestled your naked bodies together. He reached down and pulled the covers over you both.
“How’s that?” he asked.
“Really nice,” you said. “Really, really nice.”
“Do you feel good?” he asked.
“I feel amazing,” you said.
“Good,” he said. He paused for a moment. “I have a question.”
“Sure, what is it?”
His voice was soft, and you could almost feel his lips on your earlobe. “Do you want to get coffee after class next week?” he asked.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “You just ate my pussy,” you said. “I think we can get coffee. I don’t know how I feel about everyone hearing me call you Daddy, though.”
“That’s just in the bedroom,” he said. “That’s just for us.”
“I was only joking,” you said. “I know it is.”
He squeezed you tight to his chest. “Good.”
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Read the next chapter
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