#i just absolutely love the twist on the genre that pete creates. he’s such an anomaly
yea-baiyi · 2 years
ok BUT. vegaspete immortals au.
pete quietly joining kinn’s clan of young, feisty new immortals without revealing that he is hundreds of years older. pete hiding his years behind the brick wall of his smile, deflecting conversation about his past. pete’s ruthlessness and lack of care for humanity occasionally slipping out, but being brushed under the rug.
pete getting kidnapped by vegas, the lieutenant of the rival clan. vegas torturing pete, thinking pete is young and innocent like the rest. pete maintaining the facade (out of pity for this young, naive child, who has no idea what he is stepping into). right until vegas taunts him and he snaps.
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kilnuts · 3 years
Co w duszy gra 2021 online
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so let's get on to the review! "Co w duszy gra online" is my personal best and favorite  movie of the entire year. Everything about this  film spoke to me in a profoundly mature and  stylistic manner that I genuinely don't think this  film is aimed primarily toward children. In Fact,  I would consider this more of an adult movie  because of how rich and beautiful this film is  and the deep abstract and philosophical meanings  this film has. I'm sure children will still enjoy  this film, but I feel that most of them will  not be able to grasp the valid profound messages  this film has to say that is truly magnificent.  
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Nothing about this film feels cheesy, stupid,  or even just another dumb and lazy kids' movie.  The film used its amazing animation studio and  its terrific filmmakers to create something so  powerful and used it all to their advantage.  So, let's talk about each of these beautiful  things starting with the voice cast.  Jamie Foxx is one of the best and underrated  actors working today. He has continued to prove  repeatedly how wonderful he can be, as there  is no exception here. He truly does become this  character of Mr. Gardner and brings so much life  to a character who doesn't have a life at all,  so that's what gives us the likability and  love we should have in a soulless character,  no pun intended. Tina Fey is also excellent in  the film as she brings this exciting and curious  voice performance to this character that feels  so integral for this character to come to life.  
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The animation is truly glorious! I was absolutely  floored by how unique and beautiful this animation  looked. The human world moments have some of the  best-looking animation I think I have ever seen  in making a real human world. I honestly couldn't  take my eyes off the screen. The animation in the  great beyond is absolutely fantastic as they do so  much with this world and use different animation  techniques and styles to craft this world. They do  so many other things than the trailers show that  I genuinely did not expect. The story itself is also fantastic,  which definitely feels like another Peter Doctor  Pixar film, "Inside Out," but I think it takes  that similar concept and makes it into something  of its own and has something more profound  and more philosophical to say. But what makes  this story come to life is its excellent writing  that I 100% believe it deserves Best Original  Screenplay at the Academy Awards. It's hilarious,  exciting, fascinating, and felt so creative. The writing is absolutely excellent as the film  has more to say than 95% of animated movies that  I think speaks more to adults than it does to  children as it talks about the meaning of life  and what is our purpose on this Earth that many  of us cannot seem to find. They take this concept  and explore every nook and cranny in a family-like  way to explore those topics that felt very deep  and emotionally putting than most movies I have  seen. The jokes are also hilarious with fantastic  timing that I felt worked perfectly and never felt  like it took over the film. The humor felt exactly  right. The writing also has tons of twists and  turns that I didn't see coming that the trailer  didn't show much of, which is such a breath of  fresh air because many animated films offer many  of the best twists and best aspects to a movie.  
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This didn't do that, and it's incredible because  I felt like there was so much to explore. Granted,  I saw the first teaser trailer and watched the  trailer after I watched the film just to see  what it showed and still felt respectable to the  integrity of this film, which it deserves. The  film also doesn't give complete and force-fed  answers that tell you how to feel or what you  should feel, which I think is so important because  it allows you to feel what you want to feel and  have control of your emotions and your fate in  life. The film allows itself to make it seem like  it is speaking to you and our main characters. The musical score is truly the best of the year,  being performed by Trent Reznor and Atticus  Ross, who composed a film earlier this year,  "Mank," which was also one of my favorites.  Both should be nominated for the best score.  I have a soft spot for Jazz now more than ever  after seeing beautiful films like "Whiplash" and  "La La Land" and my favorite album of all time,  Kendrick Lamar's "To Pimp a Butterfly." These  all incorporated Jazz as an integral part of their  artistic projects that all made Jazz's genre feel  influential and create a new sound of happiness  that I don't think I could have ever felt before.  It worked perfectly in this film with being one  of my favorite Pixar scores of all time.  Pete Doctor continues to prove he might be the  best director working at Pixar right now with  having so many classics under his belt, and this  might be one of his best. His direction here is  superb, exploring this huge, massive world full of  possibilities and endless amounts of thought. This  is a theme he likes to use in his films but does  it differently in each of them even if his last  film, "Inside Out," seems to be remarkably  similar in a sense. He knows how to create  wonderful and magnificent shots that feel like  the world itself is its own character.  The film does have one negative that I feel as  though some of the writing can be a little on  the nose, and I understand it is because this is  a family movie reaching to all different ages,  but I felt as though some parts could have been  written better. 
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Also, some parts of the film  feel awfully similar to "Inside Out," which  I couldn't help noticing because Pete Doctor  directed both these films, but these are only  small things that bring this film down just a  little from not being a true masterpiece. Overall, this is genuinely my best film of the  year as it has everything you come and want when  seeing a new Pixar film and more. It took all my  grand expectations away and grew them into this  magnificent, beautifully animated work of art with  my favorite screenplay of the year. It is also the  best score and deep mature, and spontaneous film  that I don't think I will stop thinking about. I'm giving this film a nine out of ten.  So, let me know what you thought of "Soul" and  where it ranks in your Pixar film rankings.  I will be making a video of that in the next  couple of days, so be ready for that!  Don't forget to like and share the  video and subscribe to the channel,  so you never miss a fun and exciting video. As always, I will see you all in the next post! If you want to see Co w duszy Gra 2021 Just click in the link!
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thebandcampdiaries · 4 years
Ryan Pete (AKA Child of tha Light) is back on the scene with a brand new single: Change Thangz
A perfect combination of exciting hooks, beautiful sonic aesthetics and a meaningful lyrics with a positive twist.
Ryan Pete, better known as Child of tha Light is an artist and songwriter with a focus on creating edgy songs, with a love for different influences. His most recent studio release, Change Thangz, is a combination of 90s hip-hop, R&B, and other influences, making for a unique and highly rewarding combination of styles that keep the attention span of the listener high. What I love about this song is the fact that it combines positive Christian values with the warmth and feel of rap music from the “Golden Age” of the genre. If you are a fan of artists such as Biggie Smalls, Boyz II Men as well as 2Pac Shakur, I am sure that you know exactly what I am talking about here!
The tracks feels like a perfect compromise between energy and melody, making for a truly exciting feel. I love that lush melodic vibe of the keyboards and the brightness they add to the beat, creating some really good dynamics for the song to unfold. The verses are actually slightly held back, in order to allow the main hooks to really stand out and branch out. This is when the release reaches its absolute apex, and when the song has its greatest emotional payoff, really bringing the point home! The song’s intro has a soaring build-up, really perfect to set the mood and pave the way for the rest of this release to unfold. The artist’s strong vocals are a perfect match, and this release is amazing at accomplishing exactly what it set out to achieve. The atmosphere of the music is truly bright and melodic, and the sound of this song is quite distinctive, providing an honest portrait of Ryan as a songwriter and artist. He knows what he wants to say with this single, and because of his pure and dedicated approach, it is very easy for listeners to find a genuine connection. The artwork of this release is also pretty spot-on, giving the music an amazing context. Many review writers actually never really focus on talking about the artwork, but to me, it's a really important part of packaging music and sharing it with the audience, so it definitely deserves to be explored a little bit more in general. In this case, the artwork has a very simple concept at its core, but it's so in tune with the music and it really helps the artist establish his image in a very direct way. This release is the perfect combination of great aesthetics and beautiful sounds, showcasing their artist’s brand to perfection! The song’s artwork is a drawing of Ryan himself, who’s got his hands in a praying position, gazing up to the sky as he wears his headphones. The artist’s flow is spontaneous and direct, and while the verses have more of a traditional hip-hop vibe, the choruses are more melodic, and there are some cool background vocals and ad-libs that make the music all the more enticing. Production-wise, the sound of this song really makes me think of some of the best Biggie Smalls stuff, with that bright, mid-tempo vibe you could expect on songs such as Big Poppa, only to mention one. At the end of the day, Child of Tha Light did an incredible job at capturing the feel of classic rap music, but make no mistake: his music is not just about nostalgia: his message his vivid and his lyrics are outspoken, connecting with the audience on a deeper level.
Ultimately, this release is a winner because it is a perfect blend of fantastic production quality, and astonishing performance skills. Child of Tha Light is truly committed to creating meaningful heart, and the amazing energy of this release speaks for itself. This is definitely a must for any fan of great hip-hop music.
Find out more about this artist and do not miss out on Change Thangz, which is currently available on the web:
IG: @childofthalight
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ryan.pete.399/
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rockrevoltmagazine · 7 years
Doyle to Join GWAR The Blood of Gods Tour; AS WE DIE Tour 2017 Dates Announced
Beginning October 20 in Richmond, VA, Legendary Misfits Guitarist Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein will be joining “the Scumdogs of the Universe”, GWAR, on The Blood of Gods Tour, along with Ghoul and U.S. Bastards, for 13 dates spanning the East Coast and Midwest up to the Sioux City, IA show November 4. DOYLE then continues his reign of terror with his AS WE DIE WORLD TOUR 2017 supporting the band’s new album, As We Die, an EMP Label Group/ Monsterman Records release in stores or online at Doyle Official and EMP Merch. Picking up November 6 in Fargo, ND, the tour finishes up November 11 in Flint, MI (more dates to be announced).
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GWAR The Blood of Gods Tour W/ Ghoul, Doyle and U.S. Bastards Dates: 10/20 @ The National – Richmond, VA 10/21 @ Agora Ballroom – Cleveland, OH 10/22 @ Opera House – Toronto, ON * 10/23 @ Mr. Smalls – Millvale, PA 10/25 @ Arizona Petes – Greensboro, NC 10/26 @ Rams Head Live – Baltimore, MD 10/27 @ Toad’s Place – New Haven, CT 10/28 @ Palladium – Worcester, MA 10/29 @ Trocadero – Philadelphia, PA 10/31 @ Irving Plaza – New York, NY 11/01 @ Town Ballroom – Buffalo, NY 11/02 @ Mercury Ballroom – Louisville, KY * 11/03 @ Pop’s – St. Louis, MO 11/04 @ Hard Rock – Sioux City, IA 11/05 @ Granada – Lawrence, KS * No DOYLE
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Doyle “As We Die” Tour 2017 11/06 @ The Aquarium – Fargo, ND 11/07 @ Big’s Bar – Sioux Falls, SD 11/08 @ Whiskey Junction – Minneapolis, MN 11/09 @ Every Buddy’s Bar – Chippewa Falls, WI 11/10 @ The Forge – Joliet, IL 11/11 @ The Machine Shop – Flint, MI
About Doyle:
Facebook | Official | Twitter
Lodi, a small borough of Bergen County, New Jersey, is just over two square miles. There’s not much to suggest that the small village would be the birthplace of a world famous, blood-soaked form of music known as horror punk. Legendary acts The Misfits, Samhain, and Danzig all have their origins in Lodi, and something monstrous indeed lurks there. The poster child and originator of the genre, himself, has once again unleashed an evil noise on an unsuspecting world: Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein’s first release, Abominator, by his eponymous band, Doyle.
Released on Doyle’s own label, Monsterman Records, Abominator is a sonically thick and lyrically evil slab of metal that finds Doyle expanding in a logical progression upon the genre of music he helped create. Doyle’s first band, the infamous Glenn Danzig-fronted Misfits, helped create the genre of speed/thrash metal with their last album, 1983’s Earth AD/Wolf’s Blood– in fact the record has been revered as one of the blueprints for the genre by many of its most respected players, as evidenced by countless groups covering the album’s songs, not the least of which being Metallica. Abominator is not the sound of some punk guitarist gone metal- it’s the roaring return of one of extreme metal’s original architects to his blood-splattered drawing board.
Coming from a legendary band of almost mythological proportions, and having first worked with one of the most talented and respected vocalists of the century (the infamous Glenn Danzig), Doyle’s new project would need a singer with brass balls, cast-iron pipes, a suitably twisted mind, and his own vocal delivery style. Enter Alabama’s Alex Story of Cancerslug, a Southern fiend who’s sand-blasted scream opens the record, and the evil doesn’t relent until the ending growl of “Hope Hell Is Warm”, the album’s defiant closer. The man can scream and sing, and employs both styles to great effect, switching seamlessly from raw-throated roars to rough-edged, yet melodic, clean vocals. Alex’s live performances can only be described as unforgettable, disturbing and strangely addictive – a perfect complement to the already mammoth stage presence of Doyle himself.
The unmistakable sound of Doyle’s signature Annihilator guitar cuts through on every tune like a sonic fingerprint, starting with the snarling opening title track Abominator. The Annihilator’s tone is sharp as a butcher’s knife in the wrong hands and just as nasty- fans of the Misfits will recognize it right away. On tunes like “Headhunter” and “Land of the Dead” the riffs are relentless, and if a riff could be described in emotional terms, remorseless. “Dreamingdeadgirls” brings a blackened-blues swing, and the doom-laden “Love Like Murder” shows a healthy appreciation for all things Sabbath. “Blood Stains” moves from primal sludge to ripping off-time thrash with ease. The album is just that- an album, a cohesive and well executed piece of work that takes the listener on a journey; albeit a bloody journey to places some fear to tread.
As befits songs as musically dark as Abominator‘s, the album’s lyrics are not for the faint of heart. Throughout the entire record, there is absolutely zero attempt to balance its evil with any sort of good counterpoint- penned entirely by Story (probably in blood), Abominator‘s lyrics are entirely and uncompromisingly dark. Music fans looking for feel- good anthems had best look elsewhere- those who enjoy strolling through the shadows will be greatly satisfied.
So how did this Jersey devil and crew wind up with a Dixie-bred howler? “After I had written all this music, I realized I had to get someone to sing this stuff- once I’m done recording guitars, all I can see is myself just playing that riff, ya know? That’s my thing, not lyrics and singing,” Doyle says, with typically blunt candor. “I’ve known Alex for a while, so I called him up, then sent him a bunch of the tunes. Two days later he sent me back ‘Mark of the Beast’, just like it is on the record. I said ‘That’s exactly what I want!’, and the rest is history. I only wrote the word ‘abominator’- all the rest of that stuff is Alex. He’s just crazy, man”.
It’s a match made in hell. But no metal band would be complete without a complete animal behind the drum kit. Brandon “The Crusher” Pertzborn (of Black Flag) delivers all the aggression and insanity necessary (and then some) with his exquisite musicality and showmanship.
So what can fans expect at a Doyle show?
“To get fucking pummeled, man. And then go home and ask themselves ‘What the fuck just happened to me?!?’, hahaha…” he replies with a laugh that this time, no joke about it, actually sounds evil. Loud, aggressive, and technically proficient, Doyle and crew are set to show the world how true horror metal sounds today.
So crank up Abominator until your speakers blow, check out Doyle on tour, and let the beatings begin!
written by: Randy Blythe of Lamb of God
Doyle to Join GWAR The Blood of Gods Tour; AS WE DIE Tour 2017 Dates Announced was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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