#i just can't stand anyone who doesn't like tabitha!
Hear me out-
The X-Men with a reader who can cancel out mutations, like when they're near someone, let's say Cyclops for example, he can take off his glasses and his eyes don't shoot out lasers.
I think it'd be funny to have it so the reader isn't even aware of their mutation, like one day one of them slips up or tries to use their powers around the reader but nothing happens 💀
Having a mutation that stops their powers (X-Men and The Brotherhood)
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I LOVE THIS I'm actually going to do this with the X-Men and the Brotherhood because there's so many possibilities.
TODD (I'm just putting him first because he's my fav):
• You and Todd hang out a lot. For some reason, he just feels calmer around you (little does he know, you actually take away the stressful parts of his mutation, like the sensitive skin and everything)
• I feel like he still eats flies because he's used to it, so he doesn't notice that you took away the frog part of his brain that actually needs them for nourishment
• He doesn't actually realize that you have that mutation until he goes to jump and just.. falls on his face.
• He freaks out at first, but he does appreciate not being so slimy and all of that
• Sometimes if he wants to shower (check out my headcanons on why he can't use soap), he'll call you over
• He. Hates. You.
• Not actually, because I don't write angst very often, but he doesn't appreciate the power you hold over him.
• You're like a more annoying Wanda in his eyes.
• He always gets on your nerves (because he obviously will, I don't care how cute he is), and you always end each argument by taking away his powers.
• "Very funny! Now stop."
• You think she can't kill you without powers?
• Just kidding, ofc. She loves you.
• But, she's very used to being controlled and her powers being held back, so I actually think she wouldn't appreciate you using it against her.
• If you don't know about your powers yet, then she's obviously not going to get mad at you.
• Actually, she's very sympathetic. She knows what it's like to have uncontrollable powers.
• Would he really notice? I don't think his body would change. Maybe he'd lose some strength though, but he'd probably just think he's getting sick or something
• Or he would freak out and feel useless without his powers, leading to a breakdown (think Luisa from Encanto idk)
• (I don't know if anyone else noticed this in the show, but HE MAKES THE STUPIDEST FACES WHEN USING HIS POWER ITS SO FUNNY)
• I imagine he goes to use his power and nothing happens so he just stands there like 🧍
• She'd probably be really chill about it, but after a minute she'd really miss using her powers.
• So she freaks out a little, but she plays it cool in front of everyone.
• Hey, she's a complex person!
• He's so confused, he just stares blankly at everyone and no one knows what's happening
• like this: 😨
• After everyone found out about what happened, he actually kind of loves it.
• Imagine always having to wear sunglasses, I would get so sick of those powers. So, he enjoys the little break
• Just make sure to tell him when you leave the room, because he's used to keeping his eyes open when you're around
• Yeah, we all know she needs this.
• She would get really excited, going around and poking people's shoulders
• Getting surprised when nothing happens and just being like "okay, just checking!"
• She finally gets to hug her friends and high five people and all of that fun loving stuff
• A bit disappointed when it ends, but she doesn't blame you
• Yes, she's a bit closed off. But deep down, all she really wants is to be able to live her life without fear.
• As much as he would like it to, I don't think the mutation would take any physical traits.
• So the beautiful blue boy would have to stay looking like the dude from Avatar </3
• Which obviously isn't a bad thing, because he's perfect just the way he is, but Kurt is severely disappointed.
• The teleportation was the only good thing about his powers! And that's all that went away.
• He's not angry at you, just angry at himself for.. existing, I guess.
• Your powers don't really do much, expect keeping him from running away during arguments. Which could be very helpful.
• Another one that I believe would appreciate your powers
• Jean has to deal with a lot of things, including the involuntary mind reading (which I'm guessing absolutely sucks, because who would ever want that power!?)
• So, until she controls that, it can be a bit overwhelming.
• Then, you come along. And it's silent. For once in her life, the only voice in Jeans head is her own.
• She obviously goes into protective mother mode during the chaos, making sure no one else is panicking while they try to figure out what's happening
• But she's honestly really relieved the entire time.
• Unfortunately, she finds out right when she's running into a wall (because I think that's funny comedic timing)
• I think she'd be a little relieved too, since we learned her worst fear is her powers trapping her underground and things like that
• So sometimes I think using her powers makes her really nervous, thinking she'd accidentally get trapped and suffocate or something.
• So, whenever she needs a break from that anxiety, she knows exactly who to turn to
All in all, I think this is a really cute idea and I loved writing about it. Thank you for the request, I had so much fun with this!!
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Here's a drawing of Eleanor! She's my little princess <3
There's a whole bunch of info on her + her worldstate under the cut!
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(here's her outfits during the episodes so far!)
Info/headcanons for her:
She's an art streamer! Her favorite medium to work with is watercolors and acrylics!
She lives in a dingy studio apartment, an entire corner of this apartment is dedicated to her art- it's a huge mess.
She has a border Collie named buddy!
Her main income is from streaming but as a side gig she pet-sits (as in babysitting pets)
She's a huge animal lover and can't stand people harming/mistreating animals. When you get to know her it could be argued that she likes to talk with animals than people!
She's generally nice and tries to get along with everyone else around her no matter how they treat her. This isn't necessarily hard because most people tend to just naturally like her.
This does lead to her having a difficulty with developing relationships with a lot of people.
She can find it hard to grow past the friendly acquaintance/"friend that you talk to whenever you see them but don't really hangout outside of that" phase of relationships with most people (there are exceptions to this but this is how she viewed most of her connections with people)
This leads her to feel lonely even when she constantly surrounds herself with people (not that anyone would be able to notice unless she told them because she always has an air of confidence about her)
This whole problem is why she likes to talk with animals more than people, a lot of animals are fickle and are much harder to get along with than people are. It's just naturally easier for her to connect with animals because she has to work more in order to become closer.
(she definitely pretended that she was a cat when she was a kid- like she was reenacting warrior cats with actual forest animals-)
Her time in Scarlet Hollow has taught her a lot about relationships and how to properly bond with people and it's led to her being able to form closer and more meaningful relationships with people.
She doesn't even try to hide her gift in the slightest. People usually don't believe her anyways and besides it's an important part of who she is, she isn't just going to hide it just because others think that it's a bit odd.
Oh yeah and if it wasn't obvious her traits are hot/talk to animals!
She adores Dustin, that's her little drawer possum baby.
She's a huge believer in anything paranormal/supernatural because hey- if she can literally talk to animals, then who is she to say that Bigfoot or aliens can't also exist.
Stuff about her worldstate:
Duke's dead, Eleanor saved Gretchen. She felt Gretchen trying to slip away and instinctively dove for her. She feels absolutely awful over Duke's death though.
She spent Monday night at Stella's house
She told Tabitha about the kids sneaking into the mines
Rosalina lost her foot in the mine collapse. Eleanor really didn't want to leave a bunch of kids behind in a collapsing mine, it wouldn't be right. She also just didn't want anymore possible deaths to occur as a result of her in action.
On Wednesday she slipped away from Tabitha to go and hang out with Stella.
She told Stella that she should invite Avery to go ghost hunting.
Eleanor invited Tabitha ghost hunting
They both left the ghost in Oscar's house. She felt confident in her decision at the time because Tabitha was there but after the night had passed she felt bad that Oscar lost his job and both he and Rosalina lost their home. If Tabitha wasn't there she probably would've given her years to the ghost.
When searching for Stella on Thursday she had a conversation with pastor Daniel about their shared gift and about the situation with Tulip and the church's rats.
On Thursday she didn't go to Sybil's tea reading and while the "Canon" (as in the choice I chose in game) reason as to why she didn't go was because she didn't trust her (which now that I'm thinking of it- she is probably a bit distrustful towards her- especially after Wednesday) I think that the main reason she didn't go was because she just thought that she didn't have time for it- Stella was missing and no one around town had seen her. Eleanor really cares about Stella and she wants to make sure that she's okay first and foremost. (This is before the stone in the clinic takes over lol-)
Reese leaves the clinic without killing doctor Kelly due to Eleanor calming him down. She's just happy that she was able to deescalate the situation before anything horrible happened.
She was able to find Stella with the help of the dog militia.
She stayed the night over at Stella's again and started a romance with her.
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sadrockandwaltzes · 1 month
Jim Gordon and The League of Evil Exes
Has anyone made this crossover before? Scott Pilgrim and Gotham?
It doesn't have to be Jim Gordon's exes either- it seems everyone's exes are pretty villainous😅
(Spoilers for characters' relationships from up to s4.13, possibly missing some)
Barbara has at least Tabitha, Renée, Jim, Theo Galavan, Ra's al Ghul (3 villains, one homewrecker, and one Jim Gordon)
Jim has Barbara, Lee, Valerie, Sofia, and then complicated relationships with some other rogues (3 villains, one snoop)
Ed has Lee (in her non villain phase though! Y'know people always say all of Gordon's girlfriends go rogue and while she still counts as that, her actual time as a villain was pretty short. She's good natured, unlike a lot of other people on the show. So maybe counting her as a villain is a bit of a stretch), Kristin, Isabella, kinda Oswald, one-sided Myrtle Jenkins (2 villains, one stalker, and dopplegangers)
Kristen has Ed, Tom, and the blond guy (one villain, two abusive a-holes)
Lee has Jim, Mario, and Ed (one villain, one corrupted killer, and one Jim Gordon)
Harvey has Fish and excluding the gf from s2 basically just one night stands (1 villain, various extras)
Bruce hasn't really dated anyone (Selina and him kinda fell apart as friends when they tried to date) so I'm more gonna count people he's kissed. Selina, the Galavan girl, the old classmate, and Poison Ivy. (3 villains, one brat, and a lot of extras)
I think maybe the problem is that almost every character in this show is a villain or villain adjacent 😅 You don't really hear about anyone dating someone nice or good- especially because by and large the only people dating in this show are Jim and the rogues... The rogues who need to get worse, and Jim who needs to be single but with the potential to get back with any of his exes, meaning they can't date anyone nice either! It's not like we ever see Lucius with someone🤨
Can this show even write plot important non criminal good hearted love interests who don't die off, exit stage left or turn rogue later? I know it'd be boring for Gotham, but surely they could find a way... (But thinking on it seriously it might be a bit boring😅 I sort of like how every character is crooked, and how they expand on love interests characters outside of just their relationships. And if they have to do that via making them a villain, why not)
Tbh the one coming to mind easiest is Barbara as Ramona and I guess Jim as Scott🤨 but with less awkward romance and more Jim getting into fights with and attempting to arrest her exes, before breaking up with her when he starts to consider whether this relationship is really worth it and if her exes were kinda right😅 But just like in the show, I guess they must get back together at least temporarily since he ends up with that kid...
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queen-of-the-queers · 2 years
So. I received an anonymous message today with a link to a post made by a Bughead shipper (who I won't be naming), which listed all of the reasons they hate Tabitha. I thought we could all have a read, shall we? I don't usually do posts like this but this just makes my blood boil.
Number one.
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Firstly, Pop's is her diner. Her grandpa put her in charge and she legally owns it, so she had every right to say that! Also, I think it's a perfectly reasonable request of hers to ask him to not use up valuable space in her establishment to just sit, use the free wifi and order coffee without paying for it. Aside from that she didn't know him. She didn't know his history with the diner, who he was or what his deal could be. I seriously wonder, what would you do if you owned a restaurant and a random, sad looking guy walked in and sat there all day, not buying anything?
Tabitha also didn't treat him badly. She made a few very fair requests, then ended up covering for him with debt collectors and offering him a job, simply because she sensed he needed it. If that doesn't scream "good person" I don't know what does.
Number two.
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Need I remind you that Tabitha said no initially regarding the shrooms, and was very kind about setting boundaries with Jughead? She communicated in a mature, adult way and I think she should be commended for that.
Furthermore, the only reason she agreed to watch him while tripping was because he already went ahead and bought the mushrooms, and she likely figured he'd be safer doing them with her watching over him than alone. And if you think for a second that his pretending to date him in the Jessica situation was weird or creepy, you clearly haven't watched the same scene I have. Jughead's face screams discomfort. Think of it as the Riverdale equivalent of pretending to be in a relationship with your friend at a bar, so a persistent person they aren't interested in stops asking for a hookup?
Number three:
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This wasn't Tabitha's fault, or a reason to hate her?
Betty was the one who handed over the manuscript, and while it wasn't her fault either (both of them had been drugged, give them a break), to demonise Tabitha for explaining this to Jughead is ridiculous!
Number four.
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Ok, firstly, to imply that Tabitha somehow coerced Jughead into wanting to become sober is absolutely ridiculous? I won't talk too deeply about alcoholism here because as somebody who has never experienced it/known someone who has, that really isn't my place. But I will say, it is clear that Jughead deeply wanted to become sober. He was miserable, and really not living his best life. And as with most mental health issues, it's very hard to recover alone. He is so lucky to have somebody like Tabitha there for him, who can encourage him to attend his meetings, let him know that she cares and be a confidant. You said it yourself- she helped him in the end.
As for the thing about Tabitha calling him out for having alcohol on his breath... She did it in such a kind and understanding way, a way that encouraged him to open up to her and agree to take further steps in his recovery. I think he really needed that little push. I say this from personal experience, having someone close to you gently call you out on something going on in your life can really help you to understand it better yourself.
Also, how is putting your hand on somebody else's immediately flirting? I do that to my friends all the time, as a gesture of comfort, to show that I'm there for them and feel that we have a strong relationship. Although we now know how Jabitha have progressed, this was something that could very much have been interpreted platonically.
Finally, that night Tabitha went to Betty's house to check on her, for both Betty's and Jughead's sakes, and walked around a dangerous highway with her all night, in order to keep her safe. If that isn't immensely kind of her, I don't know what is.
Number five.
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Do you understand how a relationship/friendship works? Both people actually have to support and be there for each other.
I'm so glad we got this moment, of Jughead showing up for Tabitha in a way that emphasised how mutual the trust between them is. He can be vulnerable with her, and her with him.
Being an alcoholic wasn't and will never be Jughead's whole personality. Are you saying, that because he has an addiction, he can't go out for dinner with somebody who has been incredibly kind to him, for one night? Sure, that makes a lot of sense. What's so different about him supporting her through this one, hard meal, to her being there for him for weeks on end? Huh?
Let's also not forget the fact that it was Jughead who asked Tabitha out. And since it was his garage, he was probably the one who invited her there too. You know what? I don't think the issue here has anything to do with Tabitha, or Jughead's wellbeing. I just think that maybe you can't stand the idea of seeing Jughead with anyone but Betty. Did I get it right?
Number six.
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I'm so confused, I can't see whether this person does or doesn't like/care about Jughead. One minute it's all "why would you ask an alcoholic to move in with you, that's doomed" and then next it's "he needs to heal, my poor little friend".
Anybody who really cares about Jughead's wellbeing would understand how loving, supportive and kind Tabitha has been to him, and see the trust that has formed between them.
As for the point about them having only had one date, keep in mind that they have known each other for a year now, and have shared regular shifts at Pop's. Despite not having had many formal dates, the bond is there. Though this isn't about Jabitha as a ship, it's about Tabitha as a person.
Closing statement.
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You know what? I'm tired. The only part of this statement I'm going to talk directly about is the section where it says "again... we know NOTHING about you. What are you really running from Ms Tate?"
Maybe instead of judging the fact that we know very little about Tabitha as a character, we could all take a moment to consider why that is. And maybe to think about other characters, for example, Toni, also don't get much backstory either. I'm not going to make this about race (because as a white person, I really don't think I'm educated enough to make intelligent comments about this), but it certainly seems as though this issue comes into play with the Riverdale writing. Just a thought.
So there you guys have it. Six, nonsensical reasons for hating Tabitha Tate.
And you know what I think? I don't think this is specifically about Tabitha at all. No, I think that this OP can't stand the idea of their lovely Jughead being with anybody apart from a certain blonde- we've seen it already with Toni- whoever the character is, if they get in the way of Bughead, they're hated (and the fact that both of these occasions feature love interests who are women of colour adds a whole other layer to this problem that I won't be going into right now).
Overall I'm so happy we have Tabitha on this show and that Erinn is a member of the cast. They are both beloved by me, and so many others throughout the fandom. I encourage everyone who sees this post to show both the character and actor some love. Erinn's really earned it, having to deal with nonsense like this.
And OP.. keep my wife's name out of your f*****g mouth.
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thetaoofbetty · 3 years
B*rchies keep saying that Betty has no feelings for Jughead anymore and hates him. I need some ammo to retort with, please help
this sounds super concern trolly but as i have 15 minutes free until dinner, why not?
i know that's what they're saying, they've been saying it to me since last week. it's all they have left in a long line of excuses for why their ship is whatever they say it is.
you don't need to retort, the show is doing it for you.
but if you feel the need to argue, just look at her how she interacts with jughead in person over everything else. or the way she dropped everything to help him. or the way she stopped looking for the missing girls to search (badly) for him with tabitha.
but she's also a woman pretending to be fine and that mask keeps slipping. she's continued to be a little shocked by his concern or communication because they still haven't addressed the voicemail. she played it for tabitha and jessica (and the fact that she saved it? that's pretty telling). he remembered leaving it. that has nothing to do with what's it done to them.
we don't even know yet if she's read the book he wrote, the one he implied was about her and insulting on top of it.
they can't move past the things they haven't talked about. this includes the things that happened in high school and afterwards.
betty still doesn't know why he left that voicemail and until she hears it from him, what exactly, does anyone expect her to do? doodle "i heart jughead" on paper where the camera can see? she's not allowed to feel defensive and cautious when it comes to jughead after feeling like she doesn't know where she stands with him because why? because some b/archies say so?
neither betty or jughead have any idea what the other's life has been like without the other (paraphrasing ras here) and they need to find that out before we can get any further. that people won't let this show tell the story before they decide what's happened is just...annoying at best tbh.
if they want to think assuming they know what's going to happen (short term, long term, it doesn't matter) makes it so, who cares? they always lash out after an episode that doesn't fit with the show they wish they were watching.
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