#i just got the stealth suit a weapon and some decor Shit
violethyacinth · 2 years
hey folks who play Fallout 4 still: there’s a bunch of free shit in the creation club rn
(i play on ps4 if that makes a difference at all)
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sky-scribbles · 7 years
I made this so long ago why am I only posting it now.
Anyway... I love the combat and ambient dialogue in Dragon Age, and I love the fact that your own character will shout things in the middle of battle or if you click on them. To some extent, the dialogue is suited to your character, especially in DA2 where it changes depending on what temperament your Hawke has, but I thought to myself... how about going one step further and writing some completely unique dialogue sets for my OCs?
I’m starting with Dalton and Bryony Hawke, because DA2 is the best game for dialogue-during-gameplay. Hopefully I’ll branch out into my other DA characters soon, plus some from other games. Feel free to request a character for me to do this for!
Dialogue sets are under the cut because this is loooong. Turns out there are a lot of gameplay dialogue options in DA2. If anyone else wants to do this, I can make a blank template.
(I apologise in advance for not including Sebastian in my Hawkes’ reactions to downed companions, I don’t have his DLC yet. Gotta amend that...)
(Diplomatic mage. A soft-hearted, shy disaster who’d much rather be at home with a book.)
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Entering battle: ‘Oh, no. Not again!’ | ‘Everyone, look out!’ | ‘Get behind me!’ | ‘Oh, Maker… come on, Dalton, you can do this.’ | ‘Right… time for some lightning.’ | ‘Something tells me they’re not going to talk about this.’ | ‘I am not alone!’
Engaging demons: ‘You keep away from my mage friends! … And from me too, I suppose.’ | ‘Have you ever thought of entering into a mutually beneficial contract with - no, no, clearly not.’ | ‘Your preying on our world is over!’
Engaging darkspawn: ‘This is for Bethany!’ | ‘I’ve grown since Lothering!’ | ‘You creatures won’t hurt the people I love again!’
Engaging a dragon: ‘Oh, dear Maker…’ | ‘All right. Slay the dragon, Dalton, you can do it!’ 
Engaging boss: ‘Look out! This one’s big and that’s never good news!’ | ‘I think this’ll be a tough one!’ | ‘This’ll be a challenge. We stand together!’
Combat ongoing: ‘Mind the fireballs!’ | ‘This is a fight right out of the tales!’ | ‘Get away from my friends!’ | ‘It doesn’t have to be this way, you know!’ | ‘Focus, Dalton, focus!’ | ‘Right, I think I’ve got this!’ | ‘For Kirkwall! That sounds dramatic, right?’ | ‘I’m a mage, you know, this really isn’t a good idea!’
New enemy wave: ‘Look out, everyone – there are more of them!’ | ‘Dear Maker, more! Just when I thought we were done!’ | ‘I hope everyone’s up to facing another round!’
Successful kill: ‘There! Done!’ | ‘Another one falls.’ | ‘I got one! Did you see that? I did it!’ | ‘One down. Whew.’| ‘Return to the Maker.’ | ‘I’m sorry, but you left me no choice.’
Unsuccessful attack: ‘Maker, why isn’t this working?’ | ‘No effect! Don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic...’ | ‘Well, that, um, didn’t work.’ | ‘Right, that doesn’t hurt it! Not good!’ 
Out of range: ‘My spells are falling short!’ | ‘I’m going to need to get closer! Wish me luck!
Stealthed enemies: ‘Keep an eye on the shadows!’ | ‘Enemies in the darkness! Watch each other’s backs!’
Combat ended: ‘Is anyone hurt?’ | ‘I have a few healing spells, if anyone needs them…’ | ‘I can stop pretending to be the mighty warrior now. It really doesn’t come naturally to me.’ | ‘We made it! … Of course we did.’ | ‘We’re alive! I should have a bit more faith, shouldn’t I?’ | ‘Good work, everyone!’ | ‘… Who buries these people? The bodies always seem to vanish.’
Low health: ‘Is anyone free to heal me?’ | ‘I… I think this is it for me…’ | ‘Well, if I die, at least it’ll be dramatic!’ | ‘I’m losing blood, and that’s usually not a good thing!’
Low mana: ‘I can’t cast! Oh, this isn’t good!’ | ‘I’m losing focus here!’ | ‘Can’t concentrate…’
Injured: ‘I don’t suppose someone could patch me up?’ | ‘I need to treat this, or I’ll slow you all down.’ 
Revived: ‘Thank you. Thank you so much.’ | ‘Don’t worry about me, I’ll be all right.’ | ‘Sorry to leave you in that alone, everyone.’ | ‘All right, Dalton. For future reference: duck.’ | ‘I’m not dead! That’s… that’s a good start!’ | ‘Bethany… seems you’ll have to wait for me a bit longer, little sister.’
Party member knocked down: - Carver : ‘No! Carver, hold on! I won’t let them take you!’ | ‘Don’t leave me, brother! Not like this!’ - Aveline: ‘Aveline?! Is she actually… Maker, we’re all doomed!’ - Varric: ‘Don’t die on us, Varric! We need you!’ - Anders: ‘Anders, no! You can’t die! Please!’ | (Romance active) ‘Anders! No – stay with me, love!’ - Merrill:  ‘Merrill! It’s all right, I’ve got you!’ | ‘Hold on, lethallan, I’ll help you!’ - Isabela: ‘We’ve lost Isabela! Someone cover her!’ - Fenris: ‘Fenris is down! Keep them away from him!’
Taking a potion: ‘I’ll study more healing later, I promise.’ | ‘No one else needs this, do they?’ | ‘Good thing I like the taste of elfroot!’
Stuck: ‘Um… I may need some help here, I can’t move!’ | ‘Is anyone free to give me a hand? I’m stuck!’
Offering help: ‘Perhaps you need the magic touch.’ | ‘Is there anything I can do to help?’ | ‘I’ll have a stab at that, if you like.’
Disabling trap/opening lock: ‘There, all done!’ | ‘Oh! I didn’t think I’d be able to do that.’ | ‘Is there anything else I can help with?’
Failing to disable trap/open lock: ‘I can’t work magic, you know. Uh, I  mean, I can, but…’ | ‘Um… Varric? Isabela? Someone not me?’ | ‘I could… possibly melt it. But not finesse it.’ | ‘Sorry, I, um, don’t think I can.’
Given unsuitable weapon: ‘This is… pointy? Maybe give it to Fenris, he likes that sort of thing.’ | ‘I’m good with a staff and not much else, I’m afraid.’ | ‘If I try to wield that, I’ll just hit myself, I know it.’
Spoken to while idle: ‘Oh! Um… sorry, lost in thought.’ | ‘What? Oh, hello. Sorry, I was watching that spider. It’s making its web in a very interesting pattern…’ | ‘Have you heard the Dalish tale of Melana the Wise? I was just thinking that this reminds me of the part where she… sorry, I’m rambling, aren’t I?’ | ‘I hope this doesn’t last long. I was reading a good book before we set out.’ | ‘Do you need my help with something?’ | ‘Is something wrong? Are you hungry? I brought cake with me.’  | ‘Cheer up. I’m making scones when I get home, you’re welcome to them.’
Spoken to while idle in -
Hightown (Day): ‘Keep an eye out for pickpockets. I can’t help but admire their skill, but… losing purses is a bad idea.’
Hightown (Night): ‘Does anyone ever wonder where all these street gangs appear from? They just seem to drop from roofs. I wonder if we could learn to do that…’
Lowtown (Day): ‘Maybe I should drop in on Gamlen. He might be in a good mood for once, it’s always worth a try.’
Lowtown (Night): ‘Keep your eyes on the shadows. Night plus dingy alleyways equals people with knives, and that’s never good news.’
Elven Alienage: ‘I love how the elves decorate the Vhenadal. I wish we painted our houses like that.’
Docks (Day): ‘I’ve spent hours looking out over the sea here. Ferelden’s out there, across the water. I miss it.’
Docks (Night): ‘Look at the moonlight on the sea! It… dances. Light on water is one of the most beautiful things there is.’
Darktown (Day): ‘Keep an eye out for cats, everyone. Anders is still looking for one.’
Darktown (Night): ‘It’s dark here, isn’t it? I mean… yes. It’s called Darktown. As in, a town that’s dark. I should probably stop talking.’
The Hanged Man: ‘I think we’re breathing more alcohol than air right about now.’  
Viscount’s Keep: ‘Merrill says there are sparrows in the rafters here. Do you think this place should get a cat, or maybe a trained hawk? It wouldn’t do for there to be bird droppings falling on the nobles.’
Chantry: ‘This place looks strong, but sometimes it feels so… fragile. Or is that just me?’ | ‘Maker, if you’d listen to an apostate’s prayer… help us. Help the mages. We need you.’
Qunari Compound: ‘Look! Qunari! Actual Qunari! Incredible! All right, Dalton, don’t stare.’  | ‘I have to include a Qunari character in my next book. Their culture is fascinating.’
Wounded Coast: ‘Anyone want to try skimming stones with me? … Maybe later, I suppose.’
The Bone Pit: ‘They should rename this place. Call it… the Sunshine Pit. No, doesn’t work. Nothing with pit in it sounds nice.’
Dalish Camp: ‘The Dalish are fascinating. I’ve spent hours reading about their traditions, but it’s not the same as actually walking among them.’
Inside a cave: ‘Caves in the books always seem to contain treasure, or dragons. Or dragons guarding treasure. Once there was a dragon made of treasure. Ah, that was a brilliant book.’
Inside a ruin: ‘This place feels full of history. Of course, it’s probably also full of demons and undead, so let’s not stop to take notes.’
Inside a warehouse: ‘I’ve read all kinds of stories about people smuggling mysterious things in crates. It would be interesting to search them, but… I expect they’re all full of fish.’
(Sarcastic warrior. Uses sass as a coping mechanism for absolutely everything.)
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Entering battle: ‘Why, hello there, dead people!’ | ‘I have a friend you need to meet! She’s called my sword!’ | ‘Oh, look. More fools who want to commit suicide.’ | ‘Here we go!’ | ‘Damn it… did I leave the fire going?’ | ‘Shield, check. Sword, check. Recklessness, check. I’m ready!’
Engaging demons: ‘Go back to Fade, you don’t belong here!’ | ‘So you want to stay in our world? We charge for demon tourism, and you haven’t paid!’ | ‘Your illusions can’t stop a sword.’
Engaging darkspawn: ‘That’s for Carver, you sons of bitches!’ | ‘I’ll spill your Tainted blood!’ | ‘Remember Lothering, bastards?’
Engaging a dragon: ‘For want of a better word... shit.’ | ‘I call the head! I’m going to mount it over the fireplace.’ 
Engaging boss: ‘Ooh, look. A big one. Wonderful.’ | ‘There’s a tough one coming, get behind me!’ | ‘Look out! Seems this one’s large and in charge!’
Combat ongoing: ‘Maker take you!’ | ‘Watch out! Small blonde thunderbolt coming through!’ | ‘See this sword? It’s gonna take you down!’ | ‘And down you go!’ | ‘Ostagar couldn’t kill me, and neither will you!’ | ‘For Kirkwall! For my friends! And for the stiff drink I’m having when I get home!’
Taunting enemies: ‘Over here, melon head!’ | ‘I’ve known stick insects tougher than you!’ | ‘Bring it on!’ | ‘Come and get me!’ | ‘Face me, coward!’
New enemy wave: ‘More of them! Where do they all spring from?’ | ‘Aaaand, more of them. Honestly, no consideration for our poor sword-arms.’ | ‘More? I should have checked under the bushes.’ | ‘They brought friends! Wonderful, let’s have a party!
Successful kill: ‘The name’s Bryony Hawke! Got that? Because it’s the name of the one who killed you!’ | ‘Go to the Maker’s side, if he’ll take scum like you!’ | ‘Look at that move! Except you can’t, you’re dead.’  | ‘Thank you, thank you, I will be signing autographs at the Hawke household this evening.’
Unsuccessful attack: ‘Take that! Nope, not working. Take… something else!’ | ‘All right, new plan. Where’s Varric? He’s good at plans!’ | ‘My trusty sword, you have failed me! Bad sword!’ | ‘Not working, damn it! And that’s one of my favourite moves!’
Out of range: ‘My sword’s a beauty, but she only reaches so far!’ | ‘What do you want me to do, throw my shield at them?’ | ‘I can’t reach that far! Perhaps if we all formed a chain of people…’ | ‘From this distance, all I can do is throw lethal glares at them!’
Stealthed enemies: ‘Eyes on the darkness, we’ve got tricksy little backstabbers.’ | ‘They’re attacking from stealth. Not very sporting!’ | ‘They’re stealthy, these ones! You watch my back and I’ll watch yours!’
Combat ended: ‘We live another day. Thank you, Maker.’ | ‘Are you writing all this down, Varric?’ | ‘Right, this fight’s going into the scrapbook.’ | ‘Ugh, there’s blood in my hair.’ | ‘I shouldn’t bother polishing my armour, should I?’ | ‘Maker, watch over us always as you did in this battle. Also, send us alcohol. Lots.’
Low health: ‘I’m lightly dying over here!’ | ‘Look at all the pretty blood. Except it’s not pretty, and I’m dying!’ | ‘Not going to make it. I’ll take a few of them with me!’ | ‘Maker, help me!’
Low stamina: ‘Breathing is good, Bryony… breathing’s good…’ | ‘S’all… spinning…’ | ‘Out of breath. And out of fancy moves.’
Injured: ‘Anyone ever heard of health potions? Because I could really use one right about now.’ | ‘Soooo… you’re just going to stand there and let me suffer? Good to know!’ | ‘Oh, I’m fine. Don’t mind me. Just bleeding profusely. No big deal.’
Revived: ‘Ow! My… everything!’ | ‘Ugh, my spleen hurts.’ | ‘My life is flashing before my eyes, and there’s not enough time spent in taverns.’ | ‘If Varric tells people about this, I’m going to throw him into the harbour.’ | ‘I’m up! You can all stop panicking.’ | ‘I want a refund for this armour!’ | ‘Carver?’
Party member knocked down:
- Bethany: ‘No! Not my sister! Not my sister!’ | ‘Bethany! Hold on, I won’t let you down. I won’t!’ - Aveline: ‘Aveline’s been taken down! The fabric of reality will break apart any moment.’ - Varric: ‘Varric, I’ll buy you a drink if you get back up!’ - Anders: ‘Anders! Damn it, we’ve lost our healer!’ - Merrill:  ‘I’m coming, Merrill! Just hold on!’ - Isabela:  ‘No, Isabela! You bastards, you’re not taking her!’  | ‘Isabela! Oh, that is it, you do not hurt a girl’s best friend!’ - Fenris: ‘Don’t you dare, Fenris!’ | (romance active) ‘Fenris! No, I’m not losing you too! I’m here! I’m here!’
Taking a potion: ‘Bleeeech.’ | ‘Anders, where are you? Your potions taste disgusting!’ | ‘Drinking solves everything!’
Stuck: ‘Oh, sodding… I’m stuck!’ | ‘Aaaand I’m stuck. Very smooth, Bryony.’ | ‘I could do with a hand! Or some replacement feet. Feet that aren’t stuck.’
Disabling trap/opening lock: ‘And there we have it.’ | ‘I am a genius!’ | ‘Come on, you little… got it!’ 
Failing to disable trap/open lock: ‘Do you want me to just break it? That would be more up my street.’ | ‘Here are things I am not good at: patience, dancing and anything lock-related.’
Given unsuitable weapon: ‘And what exactly do you expect me to do with that? | ‘Why would you give me this... thing?’ 
Spoken to while idle: (hopelessly out of tune) ‘And there's Andraste's mabari, by the Holy Prophet's side. In the fight against Tevinter, that dog would never hide...’  | ‘We planning on standing around yammering all day? I’m not exactly complaining if we are.’  | ‘Ugh, my boots are wearing thin...’  | ‘Onwards, my loveable misfits!’ 
Spoken to while idle in -
Hightown (Day): ‘Good morning, Hightown! Make way for the ragged bunch of heroes who save your sorry behinds on a daily basis.’
Hightown (Night): ‘If you see something lurking in an alleyway, blink once for ‘cat’ and twice for ‘evil bandit with knives.’
Lowtown: (Day): ‘Ah, Lowtown. What a joyous place. What sarcasm I speak.’
Lowtown: (Night): 'And the Maker said, what could be worse than Lowtown? And, in sadistic glee, he realised - Lowtown at night! And it was so.’
Elven Alienage: ‘Perhaps the people of Kirkwall feel better about living in a shithole if they force these poor sods to live in a deeper shithole.’
Docks (Day): ‘Salt, fish, and incredibly sweaty workmen. Why didn’t I bring something to block my nose with?’
Docks: (Night): ‘I need to go back in time and tell the ancient Tevinter how incredibly disturbing their statues look.’
Darktown (Day): ‘Who names places in Kirkwall? ‘Oooh, this place is high, let’s call it Hightown! This place is dark, let’s call it Darktown! Had they not heard of imagination?’
Darktown (Night): ‘I’m going to count how many seconds it is before someone tries to mug us. Record is three hundred and twelve seconds. One, two, three...’
The Hanged Man: ‘Now this is more like it!’
Viscount’s Keep: ‘I feel underdressed. When did I last cut my hair?’
Chantry: ‘Hey, Maker. It’s me, Bryony. You’ve got my back, right? Yup, yup, good to know.’
Qunari Compound: (Act 1) ‘Damned beasts, sitting here, longing to tear us apart. Just like that monster back in Lothering. What are they waiting for?’  | (Act 2) ‘You know, I think I misjudged these people. Seems they don’t want to be here any more than we want them to be. I can’t say I blame them.’
Wounded Coast: ‘... or the aching cove ... the suffering shore... the profusely bleeding strand...’
The Bone Pit: ‘Ugh, this place is the pits. (Pause) Get it?’
Dalish Camp: ‘If the people of the Dales are the Dalish, why can’t humans call themselves the Townish? Cityish? It would be much more fun.’
Inside a cave: ‘I call dibs on any treasure we find!’
Inside a ruin: ‘Something moved! Just there! ... Ha, got you. Nothing moved. Or did it?’
Inside a warehouse: ‘Someone remind me why we’re here?’
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diceperado · 8 years
Character Creation Ramble: The Power Armored Elephant in the Room
I’m going on a ramble about how characters in my opinion shouldn’t be created and what went wrong recently in our Dark Heresy campaign. There’s a lot that has to go unsaid simply because otherwise I’d be here all night. TL;DR, be considerate of others as you roleplay and mind the tone of the game.
It’s obvious that long campaigns are difficult to run successfully to begin with, and trust me, it’s even more difficult when characters are often in mortal peril. Not only do you sometimes die and get forced to make a new character from scratch, but you also need to create a character that works well both mechanically and socially and fits the tone of the game. As much as we’d like to, it doesn’t always work out so well. 
We’ve been playing a Dark Heresy 2nd Edition campaign for around 30 sessions. We started off with five characters. The sixth one, our interrogator, joined the game along with the first replacement character. So far in total we’ve had four characters replaced thus far. Our warrior psycher Angus was replaced by Deynor, the charismatic naval officer, after Angus died in a shuttle crush. That’s fine, though. Deynor was much better mechanically speaking. The second one to die was Omar, our bear hybrid doctor, who frenzied and tried to take down a far superior mutant crook. He could have technically survived, but the player decided that the moment was a great dramatic way to conclude that character. The third character to leave the game was Rhaban, the smuggler slash professional whacko. He was to insanity what a sponge is to water, so he was retired before he became (more of) a danger to himself and the rest of the group. The fourth character to leave the game was Deynor who, apparently, thought that covert operations didn’t suit his ambitions as a former officer, and instead asked for a transfer to more straightforward duties. Point is, there things happen, and with a colorful cast of characters and a lot of mission variation it can be difficult to make a character that can deal with what the game has to offer… but…
The latest character brought in to replace Deynor is the first one that absolutely does not (in my opinion) fit in with the campaign. Here’s why. From the very beginning our party has tried to maintain its covers through various ordeals and be as subtle and investigative as it can. That’s my perception at least, and although our rate of success isn’t the best in that regard, being sharp and sneaky has gotten us through more than simply shooting up a place ever has. In short, we’re not a full blown kill team, and my impression is that most of us don’t want a game like that either. It may not have been stated out loud at every turn, but it’s clear to anyone who’s paid attention to the game.
The thing is, the new guy is a hulking man running around in power armor and adamantine chains, boasting a decorative brazier and wielding a power fist. He has almost zero social and investigative capabilities and is adamant about bringing his power armor along. He rolls stealth against a negative target value. He’s simply not suited for an investigative campaign, and yet, he’s there.
Now, you might be asking how such a character came to be in the campaign in the first place. Shouldn’t the GM always block concepts that don’t fit the game? Wouldn’t other players offer better suggestions? To answer the first question, under normal circumstances, yes. To answer that second question, not as often as you’d like. Both me and the GM were there to help out via Discord, and boy, things got way out of hand for a number of reasons…
First, the player playing the character just isn’t a very good for the game being played. It’s not just that he’s a combat oriented player. That in and of itself isn’t a bad thing. It’s that he has almost no consideration for the game as a whole. This has shown in both of his earlier characters, Angus and Deynor, in different ways. Angus was a mechanical mess and a joke character, an obnoxious Scottish stereotype in space that tried to be a warrior and a biomancer psyker, but failed miserably at both. I don’t know how he got a pass to begin with. Deynor was mechanically sound, both a soldier and a socialite. He was somewhat good in both areas, but the player isn’t very good at social gaming. Deynor either completely excluded himself from social affairs, blatantly sucked up to higher-ups to get attention or talked down to, belittled and/or insulted suspects and other NPCs during negotiations where we absolutely needed to tread carefully. In other words, Deynor went to waste. There are other reasons why the player bothers me, mainly that he’s been absent a lot unannounced and pays little attention to the game, but that’s a story for another time perhaps. 
 After the player asked for permission to switch to a new character, the GM decided to oversee it and even asked me got help out and give suggestions. The chat begins and problems emerge right of the bat. The initial concept for the player’s new character was a dual wielding psychic warrior or some other mess like that. I don’t know where that idea sprouted from, but it was quickly shot down, because we already had multiple decent fighters and because we had an untouchable in our team. To those not familiar with Warhammer 40K lore, untouchables are anti-psykers and continuously counter and weaken psychic powers by just being in a psyker’s proximity. The second concept was an actual interrogator (not the Inquisitorial rank, but the job) with great skills at torture and extracting information. Naturally, nobody wants to play through a detailed torture scene, so that gets shot down as well. I would have suggested a social character, but again, that would have been a complete waste. So, at this point we’re kind of running out of options. The GM is getting tired, I’m experiencing (unrelated) nausea and the two of us are honestly kind of sick and tired, and more focused on getting some sort of a mechanically sound character done than on what actually gets done.
One constant remained throughout the process. The player wanted a melee fighter first and foremost, so we agree to go with it, probably due to sheer fatigue, despite the fact that the party needed an investigative character, not a fighter. Dark Heresy actually doesn’t have that many ways to differentiate one melee fighter from another, so we begin brainstorming about how to make him different. I suggest more defensive talents that would help him protect his team mates, and the GM lists offensive talents that would be useful. The thing about combat talents in Dark Heresy is that if you focus on combat, it’s going to eat up most of your experience. By the time we’re done, there’s little to nothing to put into skills, and since experience costs are determined by aptitudes, unlike in the first edition, buying social talents would have cost a shit ton of XP. Finally, we get to equipment. I’m completely out of the loop. Somehow the player talked his way into getting heavy power armor and a power fist, both weapons that clearly mark a person as a member of the Inquisition.
So there we are. The player is satisfied, and the GM and I are dead tired and patting ourselves on the back. We did it. The character’s mechanically sound and suits the player. It’s only afterwards that we realized we hadn’t considered the tone of the game. A character like that sticks out like a sore thumb and can basically hit hard and nothing else.
I know I’ve been rambling for far too long, so I’ll try sum up why I think this happened despite everyone’s best efforts and the aforementioned reasons. First and foremost, I don’t think the player in question really understands the game. Despite its war gaming origins Dark Heresy is supposed to be an investigative game first. As I understand it, the player comes from a D&D background, and while D&D can certainly be more than just killing things and playing out power fantasies, it’s not how many people play it. Second, he doesn’t understand that roleplaying is a group effort. Everyone at the table is equally responsible for keeping the game fun. Thus, you can’t play a tabletop RPG like a video game and just mess around, unless that’s precisely the thing people asked for (it wasn’t). Third, we surrendered way too easy. There is such a thing as being too nice.
Now what do I think we should have done? I’m not sure. I’d like to see him leave the campaign to be perfectly honest, but he’s not exactly being a dick either, just inconsiderate and unthoughtful, so straight up kicking him out is a hassle. We also could have talked with him about where the game is headed, maybe even have the whole group chime in. You can’t really expect a player to create a suitable character if they don’t know what’s going on. That’s a story in its own right for another time. Lastly, we should have asked more about why he wants to make certain kinds of characters, I suppose.
Of course, this is simply what I’ve seen based this campaign. The player isn’t the worst I’ve seen, nor are his characters the most disruptive I’ve witnessed. I’ll get to those in the next serious post, probably. I don’t know how the person games in other groups and other systems, so while I’m not exactly fond of his style, I do believe there’s a place for the that type of power-focused gaming. I just don’t think that place can be found in this campaign or this group. 
My point is that when creating a new character or even as you’re just settling in with a new gaming group and a campaign, mind the tone of the campaign, mind your fellow players, mind the GM, and please, please pay attention to the game.
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