#i just have no clue what to classify as My All Time Favourite Queen Songs. i go through phases of listening to different ones on loop
everysongineverykey · 7 months
YOU!!!!! what're your favorite queen songs
you might as well have asked me whether i prefer consuming sustenance or breathing air to keep myself alive (KEEP YOURSELF ALIVE 1973 REFERENCE??!?!?!?!?😮😮😮) but i will try my damnedest. these are my favourite songs from each album. ALL subject to change at any given moment btw💙their discography is 99.9% bangers
-doing alright
-the fairy feller's master-stroke
-you're my best friend OR '39 (could not pick between the two)
-long away
-who needs you
-dreamers ball OR fun it
-coming soon
-cool cat
-hammer to fall OR keep passing the open windows OR i want to break free (too hard to choose)
-pain is so close to pleasure OR friends will be friends
-rain must fall OR i want it all OR scandal
-these are the days of our lives OR the show must go on
-mother love OR made in heaven
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ciathyzareposts · 4 years
Eric the Unready – As Happy As A Pig In … Let’s Say… Mud
Written by TBD
Eric the Unready Journal Entry #1: My first real assignment! After defeating the Knight of the Black Pauldron, I was given another important job where I met the most adorable creature I’ve ever seen – I also met a princess! Day 1: How do you like them apples?
After the introduction, Eric was given his first quest – to kiss a farmer’s daughter who’d been turned into a pig. I immediately get to work, go to the farm and try to kiss the pig. Seemed like an easy job, but the pig fears my tender lips and runs for the privy. Not the most romantic of places, but I won’t give up when I’ve got a job to do, so time to enter the toilet to molest a farm animal.
For my first move I talk to the farmer. Being the first time I spent a lot of time with the Legend parser, I’ll describe it a little bit now.
You can click on the words on the left to do things. The word list contains the usual suspects, as well as many less usual verbs – The list changes based on where you are, so most likely used verbs will always be near the top. The manual tells me that I never need to use items below the separator line to proceed, but it might be fun to do so.
Apart from the word lists, you can also click on the picture – for example, I can click on TALK, then click on the farmer in the middle of the picture instead of the word FARMER. It’s not something I find overly useful, but it’s nice to have the option – I at first thought that might be useful for identifying unknown objects, but it appears that when I click on a verb, all possible objects on the screen or in my inventory are listed. It may still be useful, but my guess is that it’s just an alternative for those who prefer their interfaces to be slightly closer to the standard point-and-click interface.
Once I talk to the farmer, I get my first look at the conversation screen. It’s pretty self-explanatory.
Bestiality humour
Before entering the privy, I go to the barn, where I take a rope from a peg, then everything the farmer has in his medicine cabinet.
The Hog-Wild is something I’ll obviously be using soon.
Having filled my inventory with potentially useful items, I leave the barn and enter the privy – it’s your standard outhouse with a hook for paper and a few magazines. The pig is happily rolling around in the muck below.
I take the newspaper, where I can get a short joke summary of my last mission and some funny classifieds
Couldn’t the pilgrims have just taken the apples anyway. There was only one tree’s worth, after all.
I tie my rope to the privy hook and try unsuccessfully to use the Hog-Wild to get the pig to climb up.
My first death. I always appreciate a game with an UNDO button – it encourages exploration.
I try to get the Hog-Wild to the pig somehow, but every option fails so I go down the rope.
She looks so cute. Who wouldn’t want to kiss that pig who seems to be playing in Willy Wonka’s chocolate river
I give the Hog-Wild to the pig, who jumps on my leg and stays there. With pig in tow, I climb back up go back to the farmer so he can witness my success and sign my work slip.
Are all of my quests going to involve apples in some way?
I’m sent back to the barn to wash up, where my look and smell scares the cows, causing a stampede and the total destruction of the barn.
As I quickly make my exit and walk home, the royal carriage of Princess Lorealle the Worthy pulls up and she offers me a ride
She’s so obviously going to be kidnapped and it’ll be up to me to rescue her.
Day 2 – The Barred Bard and the Hard Guard
My first quest done, I wake up in my bed the next morning, having slept in my now rusted armour. Luckily for me, I’d left my armour warranty card on my bed. Unluckily for me, I can’t move in my armour so can’t take it.
My squire comes in and tells me that the Princess has disappeared and needs rescuing! He takes off my armour for me and I make my way to the rescue mission briefing, taking a newspaper on the way.
I talk to some of the knights before the meeting starts. I get no information, but a heap of jokes. Then I read my paper.
Fake news – we”re only dating.
The shop steward enters the room and, after reminding us that King Fudd will die this Saturday according to a prophecy, gives us some information that suggests a potential motive for the kidnapping.
He then mentions the traditional reward for a princess rescue – half the kingdom and the girl’s hand in marriage – and that the knight assigned to the job is… ERIC THE UNREADY!
Is the knight at the top right named ROSS THE THREE-QUARTER HEAD? 
Leaving the union hall I go to the village square and meet a bard. People give him money for jokes or songs, and he obliges, but to hear the Epic of Baldur I’ll need to pay a gold coin. Having no money yet, I go to the armoury, where I meet the stereotypical Italian armourer
I’m not sure Giovanni is even Italian. He hasn’t said Mamma Mia once, yet.
Giovanni asks me my armour sizes as a form of copy protection. I check the manual and answer him, and he tells me my new suit will be ready in a week (too late to save the kingdom, I think) but he gives me some clothing so I’m not walking around naked for a week.
I hope a thief doesn’t pick my pocket with a packet.
The pocket packet contains a bean that works with water. Hoping to trade my magic bean for a cow, I leave. I next visit the feasting hall, where all the other knights are cavorting at the Rhomboid Table. I take some kindling from the fireplace and try to go up the stairs to see the king.
The guard won’t let me up the stairs, but does say that if offered him 1 gold piece he’d happily let me up. That’s the second thing I can do that costs a gold. Looks like I’ll have to make a choice (I hate doing that – especially if I won’t find out I bought the wrong thing until much later) but I’ll deal with that later on. Now I’ll check out the Map feature on the interface.
I like this map, and the little up arrow in the Feasting Hall that shows I can also go up (if the guard lets me through)
To the south of town is a small market containing a torch shop (which Eric had previously burned down) and an ice cream shoppe. I can buy an ice cream for (you guessed it) one gold coin. The Ice Cream Shoppe worker is called Bobbin.
They named this guy purely so they could reference another adventure game. I feel like I should be disappointed, but I actually approve.
I try to take the torch display outside the torch shop, but it won’t budge. I feel that with the torch and my kindling I can activate the fireplace in the ice cream shoppe which would melt the ice cream. Why would I want to melt the ice cream? Because it’s there and I’m playing an adventure game, of course.
As I try to enter the torch shop, the proprieter obviously sees me and remembers my previous visit.
This game is easier than I thought.
My attempt to melt the ice cream with my torch and kindling is somewhat successful. Bobbin gets warm and gives me his earmuffs. Well, that hadn’t given me the melted I cream I wanted (I thought perhaps I could use that to activate my magic bean) so I left.
Wondering what else I could use as a water substitute rather than melted ice cream, I paused outside the shop and looked at the bleeding obvious that I’d somehow ignored at first.
This is what has always annoyed me about parser games – I know what I want to do, but it takes a while for me to communicate this to the game.
I keep trying things, and quickly find the right syntax to get the job done.
So, you’re saying I put the helmet under the water like I tried earlier. Okay, game. That’s fine.
I’m sure other things would work, and throw is one of the least likely as it suggests I’m no longer holding the helmet, but I’m not going to harp on it as I now have a hatful of water, just like I wanted.
I go the the courtyard where I’d found a pile of soil under a window (and a satellite dish, of course) and plant and water my presumably magic bean.
Dumbledore was enjoying his peaceful retirement (P.S. I haven’t read past the second book – no spoilers please)
The wizard tosses me a gold coin so I can buy him a root beer float, then goes back to watching the game. My beanstalk collapses as I fall down, but I’m sure I’ll find another way to get him his prize when I come back.
Before buying the wizard his ice cream drink, I save the game and try using his money elsewhere.
The Epic of Baldur puts people to sleep, but more importantly my gold coin keeps replicating itself, avoiding the potential of dead-ends I’d feared earlier.
I buy the wizard’s drink, then quickly go back to his tower while it slowly melts every turn. Without my beanstalk, I wasn’t sure how to get it to him.
Either that ‘hic’ is just a joke about me getting an ant drunk, or it’s a clue about some underground locations.
I give my infinite coin to the stair guard so I can see the King and Queen, but he just takes my money, stays at his post and calls me a sucker.
So I come up with a new plan. I wear Bobbin’s earmuffs and pay the bard for another ballad. After noticing and being impressed with my earmuff strategy, he tells me that he’s always wished to play for the Knights of the Rhomboid table. I offer to bring him to the table, and he follows me. I’m not sure what had previously been stopping the bard from just walking into the feasting hall because there didn’t appear to be any obstacle, but I’m not going to care if I’m solving a puzzle, so I let him follow me and he puts all the guards to sleep with his tale while my earmuffs keep me awake.
I walk up the now clear stairs and overhear a conversation between the Queen and Sir Pectoral the Hunk.
It seems the queen had arranged for the biggest idiot in the realm to be given the quest to ensure its failure.
One of my favourite RPG games of all time is also about a Guardian of a Black Gate.
Sir Pectoral mentions that he has organised for a group of soldiers to follow me around and arrange an ‘accident’ after I leave the village.
With my new knowledge, I go back downstairs where the now awake knights have gotten back to their carousing.
Be excellent to each other.
The bard gives me a commemorative book of the Epic of Baldur. The book contains a coupon, but before I can read it, Bud the Wizard appears and tells us to go to determine by magic who should really be on the quest.
Is this supposed to be the same wizard as before? Because he looks very different.
In a clear twist on the King Arthur legend, we see a banana stuck in a stone. After all the other knights have a go, it’s my turn. I use the Tort-Ease muscle relaxant I picked up from the barn earlier and prove my worthiness.
Then Bud appears again, along with all his furnishings – a cute little joke so they don’t need to draw a third picture of him. He tells me of the five items I’ll need to find to get past the Black Gate, and where I can locate each of them.
So he is supposed to be the same guy. Shame nobody bothered to tell the artist.
He then gives me a magic backpack but doesn’t tell me what it does (please be a backpack of infinite carrying so I don’t have to deal with inventory management.)
Yoohoo makes me think of a text adventure, but I can’t put my finger on the reference, if it is one.
I do the obvious with the banana, and get to my next location (destroying Ulric’s House of Torches again along the way)
But wait – I just wanted to fill my banana with water!
I then get a MEANWHILE! Cutscene of the Queen’s sister having a conversation with her captive Princess Lorealle.
Now come on, Lorealle. She’s your aunt after all. Isn’t calling her a WITCH a little harsh?
I retract my objection
The witch goes on to reiterate the Queen’s evil plan for people who aren’t constantly taking screenshots while they play, then throws Lorealle into the dungeon.
I appreciate the confidence, but why are you sitting exactly the way you did in the carriage ride earlier. It looks weird.
So next time, we’ll discover how I go in the Enchanted Forest. I now have a clear idea of my quest. I have to go to five locations and find five items. Then there will be a final location where I’ll complete my quest. I like games having a structure – lets me keep track of how I’m advancing. I’m enjoying the game so far – it’s funny and simple – perhaps a little too simple if the puzzles don’t get a bit harder as we move on, but it’s setting a nice relaxed pace at this early point while I get used to it.
Session time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Total time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Score: 103 out of 1000
Inventory: a float, coupon, book, Tort-Ease
Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There’s a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no points will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of me requiring one. Please…try not to spoil any part of the game for me…unless I really obviously need the help…or I specifically request assistance. In this instance, I’ve not made any requests for assistance. Thanks!
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/eric-the-unready-as-happy-as-a-pig-in-lets-say-mud/
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dafuture0-blog · 7 years
DA Future
How You Can Become Hip Rap Artists
Need some tracks to play at a celebration, or simply exit dancing to? Here is my checklist of the very best hip hop dance music out there right now...
Gold Digger by Kanye West
Flip It Up by Chamillionaire
Bubber Band Man by T.I.
Hynotize by Younger Jeezy
30 One thing by Jay-Z
Ms. Jackson DA Future Social Network by Outkast
Get Low by Ying Yang twins
Lean Back by Fats Joe
Yeah by Usher
Get it on the floor by DMX
Pump it by Black Eyed Peas
Blunt Ashes by Nas
Jesus Walks by Kanye West
Go Getta by Younger Jeezy
Over Here Hustlin' by Lil' Wayne
Salt Shaker by Ying Yang Twins
So what makes these songs stand out as the best hip hop dance music? The video? One thing that bumps at a membership? Admittedly, the record is biased upon my personal preferences: I like the extra heady lyrical stuff with a robust driving beat behind it, which leans in the direction of Outkast, Nas, Eminem and early Kanye West tracks extra so than tracks by Ying Yang Twins or Younger Jeezy. However, I've included a few of their songs as well to spherical out the checklist.
I additionally tried to go away out most underground rap/hip hop songs to maintain it as accessible as possible. Most, if not all of these songs could possibly be performed in golf equipment or show up on MTV as a rap video. Positive, I may play Useless Prez or Ras Kass, however most individuals at a party- at the very least those I'm going to- wouldn't have a clue who they're. It is unusual, irrespective of how hot a a DA Future music is, you may normally get a greater reaction if folks know the music and may sing along with it. Guess that's why there's so many cover bands in bars... Lastly, I included several songs from the previous few years, reasonably than just itemizing off a "what's sizzling now" playlist of current music. Anyone who thinks GoldDigger won't get a good response at a celebration is lacking the point (until it's a wedding.
Hip hop dance songs are the preferred type of dance music in clubs proper now. Nonetheless, what precisely makes a very DA Future good dance tune? Is it a catchy hook? Dope lyrics? Here's the deciding components for making successful dance track...
First, the music itself needs to be unique, even if it is based on samples from other bands (many rap artists have successfully sampled George Clinton, Led Zeppelin and Queen just to call just a few). The key to sounding distinctive is to add your personal private stamp on the track. Take Run DMC's cowl of Aerosmith's "Stroll This Means." Whereas the lyrics and guitar riff didn't change, Run DMC's private fashion got here through on the monitor.
For hip hop dance songs, tempo is also a deciding factor. Hip hop tracks are inclined to run between 90- 115 BPM, with dance hits tending in the direction of the higher finish of the spectrum. Along with velocity, a quality dance music must be properly combined. All this means is that the listener ought to be capable of hear every instrument individually, without any one piece standing out an excessive amount of. Consider a highschool band: you already know the kid who at all times played too loud and drowned out the string section? A effectively blended music can keep away from this.
Once the music is properly mixed, it's time to master the observe. This, along with mixing, is what separates a tune your buddy put collectively, navigate to these guys and a hot club mix. Mastering basically smooths the music out and provides it that polished finish (suppose Dr. Dre beats).
I've included a listing of scorching hip hop dance songs that work in a membership or at a party. Before I share it with you, a few points: First, I left out most underground rap with a view to hold this checklist familiar to a bigger audience. These are songs most definitely to hear in a membership. I've additionally listed a number of songs from a couple of years in the past, as a consequence of the fact that they haven't been (too) played out.
If you wish to study extra about good hip hop dance music, take a look at Pandora, a free radio service that plays music according to your chosen style. you possibly can at all times delete the songs you don't like, and save the music you think would work effectively at your social gathering.
So here's my checklist:
? Kiss Me Thru The Phone by Soulja Boy
? Right Spherical by Flo Rida
? Final Night by Puff Daddy
? Love Intercourse Magic by Ciara
? California Love by Tupac
? In Da Membership go now by 50 Cent
? Low by Flo hip hop dance moves list Rida
? Independent by Webbie
? Shawty get Free by Lil Mama
? Lose Control by Missy Elliot
? Crank That by Soulja boy
? Get Silly by Soulja boy
So there you will have it. What's your favourite hip hop dance songs?
Hip Hop Dance has a dynamic history. From Breakdancing to the moonwalk from michael Jackson to Krump dancing to Bboy dancing to plain outdated head nodding. Everybody had their very own means of expressing love
for hip hop dancing.
Hip Hop Dance Historical past has individuals buzzing. Why you ask ? As a result of they're watching all these crazy Hip Hop dancing music movies on tv they usually need to know the historical past of it. The place did these things come from.
The historical past of hip hop dance began with Breakdancing. It began across the late Seventies to early 80s. Breaking began within the south bronx ny. It was a type of Hip Hop dance that was utilized by road gangs to settle variations with out using violence. This was a optimistic for black and peurtorican youths at the time. Folks were not losing there lives over bs ya know. One of many first Hip Hop Dance crews in Historical past are the rocksteady crew.
They help usher in a new type of breakdancing that included acrobatic styles corresponding to headspinning, windmills, DA Future underground hip hop artists backspins, waves and all that great things. The Rock Regular Crew dropped on the scene around 1979 to 1980.
They have been encouraged by a legendary DJ by the name of Afrika Bambatta to use break dancing as a instrument to attain greatness. Afrikaa Bambatta was instrumental in pushing break dancing ahead by motivating youth to pursue their love of the artwork form.
Hip Hop Dance as we know it at present, for instance the dancing we see in music movies is a fusion of a wide range of standard and unconventional dance kinds and techniques. This consists of Jazz dance, indigenous folklore dance and even martial art.
Attributable to its sturdy nature, City Dance could possibly be maybe a more acceptable title for what we commonly classify as Hip Hop Dance. Regardless of the array of types and techniques added to its present repertoire, the roots of Hip Hop Dance might be attributed to avenue dancers in America. For many of those dancers, the artwork types they created are probably the most accurate classification of Hip Hop Dance.
Breaking & Funk Sytles
During the Nineteen Seventies, DJs in America would set a wholly new trend, mixing what known as drum breaks which are drum solos in funk and soul music again to back between two flip tables. The result would produce an entirely new sound containing a repetitive drum break monitor. In essence, the dancing that emerged from this new form of music was known as Breaking or B-boying (not break dancing). These forms of breaking would come with but aren't exclsive to:
? Footwork - A series of steps executed with the toes both standing and on the ground previous to creating energy moves.
? Power Strikes - A collection of thoughts boggling actions often carried out on the floor that would include moves reminiscent of backspins, headspins, windmills and extra. Often, when individuals hear about Breaking or b-boying or the wrong term, "break dancing" they consider these strikes.
? Up Rock/Prime Rock - A series of movements following a specific rhythmic and systematic pattern.
Although breaking was predominant among avenue dancers within the east coast, the west coast would more information on wikipedia nonetheless take pleasure in their own artform utilizing Funk and Soul music known as Funk Kinds.
The birth of Funk Styles on the west coast, occurred within the identical period as breaking and umbrellas an array of genres. The suite of types would come with:
? Popping - Robotic and/or jerky movements. Strobbing and Ticking are additionally underground korean hip hop artists similar sorts of movements throughout the Popping family.
? Waving - Fluid and smooth movements.
? Gliding/Floating - Gravity defying moves that create the illusion as if an individual is moving seemlessly and effortlessly across the floor.
? Locking - A series of animated actions that entails sharp and distinctive stances.
? Tutting - A series of movements emulating dafuture Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
You most likely go through YouTube to seek out hip hop dance tutorials - like many others, together with me as nicely. Do not get me fallacious, it's undoubtedly a great way to learn what your body can do in hip hop dances. Nevertheless, it will waste too much of your time trying to imitate those moves.
Moreover, you'll be lacking your personal model. Good hip hop dancers have their very own unique signature strikes. By the time you finish studying this, it is best to be able to really differentiate hip hop dance from different types of dancing.
It's worthwhile to know the fundamentals of hip hop dance. And after figuring out it, you'll be able to give you your own fashion of dancing. Knowing the basics of hip hop dancing also boosts your potential to learn moves from the experts. That is undoubtedly among the finest shortcuts to be taught hip hop dancing.
Probably the most fundamental idea of hip hop dancing is doing actually easy strikes that define Hip Hop.
Firstly, it is advisable to know that hip hop dances separates / isolates the actions of the higher and lower physique. That simply signifies that each of those predominant parts of your body best hip hop songs 2017 must have its own life, it's own rhythm. When you get this into your head, you'll eventually have it constructed into your body rhythm and have the ability to build on this dance habit.
With that in mind, bear in mind to not just focus in your footwork like what most beginners would do. You might have skillful footwork and in male hip hop artists list a position to dance at incredible speeds. However, you'll lack the showmanship issue and that doesn't take your dancing to the next level.
Categorical your self in your dance. Put your character into it. Don't be a robot (no pun supposed!).
My second recommendation is - take up house. Hip hop dancing is a avenue dance. I do know many people who are in some way afraid of taking on large quantities of space when dancing. Really put your www.youtube.com/channel/UC76BA22_6J2c52ao3M7xi6g dance strikes out there and let it shine. I am unable to stress enough that this is likely one of the very essence of hip hop dancing. Get folks to notice you, and notice your awesome actions.
There are literally 5 fundamentals to hip hop dancing and for the sake not cramming too much into your head, let me record one other one.
Know your music.
Only dance to hip hop beats that you simply love. Some hip hop songs annoy the hell out of me - or just merely not my fashion, so i just avoid them. Do not dance to a tune just because your mates like it or simply because it is famous! Love your music. You show your love for the music by means of your dance moves!
Hip hop dance music is already thirty years old. That will sound hard to believe, nevertheless it's true. The first actually large hip hop song, at the least in line with most music writers, was "Rapper's Delight" by the Sugarhill Gang. When that track debuted in September of 1979, it quickly rose to the top of the charts, and a big a part of why it did so was as a result of it gave the impression of nothing else on the radio. Again then, America was nonetheless caught up in the throes of disco, which wouldn't start disappearing off the radio for another year.
However after Rapper's Delight, hip hop dance music was nonetheless fairly rare on the radio. It was widespread for its novelty, and for its infectious tune and humorous lyrics. However it did not actually start any trends in and of itself, even though it was considered fairly groundbreaking on the time.
It would not be till the early Eighties that this style of music started to get any severe play on mainstream radio station. There were just a few stations in big cities equivalent to New York and Chicago that made it a part of their playlists, however they were stations with tiny audiences.
However lastly, in the middle years of the 1980s, hip hop dance music started to realize traction. Part of the explanation was that mainstream rock was dropping its momentum, and youngsters have been looking for the next huge factor in music. America's altering demographics performed a big half within the increased popularity of rap, too.
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