#i just have so many thoughts regarding these goobers and already I’m thinking of future episodes I wanna make even though we’re like.
starteas · 1 year
Thinking about my OCs again while watching cartoons and how much information I have stored about them at all given times
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Okay! I’m trying to go through my asks (some of which I’ve been sitting on for literal ages, I’m so sorry to everyone who I haven’t responded to yet!!) to try and spark my writer-brain, so here’s a bunch regarding the teeny tiny titans AU! I’ll probably do this again, and they’ll be under the ‘many things’ tag down there if anyone would rather avoid them.
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Having never had a pet before, I honestly can’t say if having one would be helpful! If I had a terribly boring pet, probably not, but I’d like to think I could at least take some sort of inspiration from them! 
For Godzilla, literally any time Mark is keeping Maddie’s attention (and clearly gloating about it) would make him become the most demanding little attention seeker in existence. Like those cats who sit on keyboards. Godzilla would sit on Mark’s keyboard if he thought he could get away with it. 
Same deal with Kong, tbh, only when it’s Godzilla hogging Maddie’s attention. The rest are too chill to do anything drastic most of the time, unless one of them turns it into a challenge or something. 
Although, Maddie mentions visiting a butterfly house one time, and Mothra is like excuse me. 
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Sounds about right, to be honest! If Mothra can’t sit on Maddie’s head no matter what form she’s in, then what even is the point, y’know?
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Thank you!! I’m glad you like it! So, Anguirus, possibly. It’s been quite a while since I wrote for this verse, but I know someone requested adding him in, so his introduction is in my list for potential future chapters. Beyond that, I unfortunately don’t plan on including any other Titans from the original films, like Gamera or Jet Jaguar. 
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They’d be cautious at first, and in general, they’d treat them like every other human who’s not Maddie. Serizawa would 1000% put in the effort to prove himself trustworthy, and with Maddie’s seal of approval, I could see that happening relatively quickly. He would most enjoy just sitting among them, happy as a clam to see these Titans relaxed and just… living. Not fighting or anything (not seriously, at least), just having a good time. I think he’d really like that being allowed to witness that, and know that these great creatures plainly enjoy life. 
Vivienne, just because I think this would be absolutely hilarious, would show up at the beach house one day, show no apparent awareness that having a small hoard of mini-Titans running around is unusual, and would talk to them as if she expects verbal responses. Like, just has one-sided conversations with whichever Titan happens to be sitting on the couch next to her. 
Impressed with this, they all accept her into the small group of humans they like. Serizawa’s taking notes and Mark is despairing (one normal friend, that’s all he asks for). Maddie’s delighted that she’s not the only one who talks to them like people anymore.
And Mothra would absolutely turn into a ball of fluff with wings. Maddie’s laughing too hard to do anything about it. 
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Not intentionally! I like writing these little goobers as intelligent, but their minds just don’t quite work the way humans’ do. No hacking for them. Best I can see happening is them stumbling upon a device with the email already open, and they just keysmash until they accidentally hit send. 
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This is from way before I posted the first chapter of First Contact, but that’s where all the stories of their meetings will go! I have some already figured out, while others are still very much up in the air. 
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I swear, I’ve seen something like that before. Funny as this would be, I don’t think I’d ever end up writing a scene like this. If the Titans had somewhere to be as quick as possible, they probably wouldn’t even think of taking a car (or figure out how to work one). They’d just return to their full-size forms, and RIP to any city standing between the non-fliers and their destinations. 
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