#i just have so much pent up rage fr twitter lol
forgedraptor · 3 years
this is long, negative and ranty so just a headsup
ngl but some people at 404twt, and twitter in general are just so fckn wierd af
i was scrolling through my tl and just some people were p much using what happened as an excuse to badmouth and talk shit about Badboyhalo???
and like?? the fuck???? like i get youre angry and annoyed (tbf as someone who relates to gnf i understand why) but like the fuck are you doing? you arent giving proper critisism (which was resolved btw) youre just using this as an excuse to show your dislike fr Bad
stop doing that shit. or atleast have the decency to private.
Bad and Gnf have been friends fr years, far longer than you have known gnf. like stop shoving your personal opinion and acting like 'George deserves better friends' bullshit ohmyGod
stop getting angry at Gnfs behalf cz fuck, hes a 24 yr old man he can fight his own battles, and it wasnt even a battle, it was a misunderstanding! i get that at times it gets upsetting, bt if you want to vent then go priv on twt or something.
like both Bad and Gnf can simply talk to each other off stream properly, theyre both mature adults that can take care of themsleves, fuck mate, theyre prolly way older than you are so calm the fuck down
this wasnt the first time either. people are acting like they can pick and choose which individuals their ccs can or cannot interact with
like with Fundy, KSI or Schlatt, ive seen so many people badmouth them and i get it, some shit theyve done are p shitty, but you cant force someone, especially ur cc to just cut ties with them. what are you their mother? the fuck? you dont control their life and you are not them so stop acting like you know whats best fr them
some of yall get so over protective of 'your sweet precious cc' that you obsessively get angry over their friends over simple shit that cn be resolved privately on their own
like fuck. they are adults. theyve known and interacted with out a live audience. they know each other better than youll ever do cz, we, as veiwers are simply that. viewers. we will only see the shit they want us to see, we will only ever glimpse a part of their lives or what theyre willing to show us. and that should be okay.
i do t know its just frustrating and annoying
like i get it, ive been there. ive ranted and vented about my anger and people told me off, cz fuck, they were right and i was overreacting. but thats just what it is when you hyperfixate, BUT its not an excuse to keep doing the same mistake over and over
if you want to vent and you know its negative or hurtful for others, then do it in private. or tag it so people who dont want to see it wont see it. or if its annoying you, then stop watching. idk mate just dont be that asshole that shouts their hate just to spur more hate.
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