#i just love making that a reference tho. its so special to me <33
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 11 months
take a shot every time i put "it'll be alright" or a variant of that in my dndads fics. impossible game you'd die
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markfthearts · 6 years
thank you @oksws for tagging me to do the 85 questions tag! 💘🌬💙🌸
rules: answer these 85 questions about yourself and tag 20 people.
1). drink - water...i literally don’t drink anything else (except coffee lmao)
2). phone - iphone 6s...yeeth
3). text message - “girl be quiet” to a boy i don’t want to talk to 
4). song you listened to - party favors by tinashe ft young thug
5). time you cried - like 15 minutes ago lmao!
6). dated someone - yeah haha hard to believe 
7). kissed someone and regretted it - nope!
8). been cheated on - no 
9). lost someone special - haven’t we all?
10). been depressed - yeah! 🤠
11). gotten drunk and thrown up - nah lmao i already look like mr. krabs i refuse to let myself get shitfaced and become even uglier ajkjsdk
fav colors
12). periwinkle 
13). whatever the color of a baja blast from taco bell is
14). black/white (they go hand in hand imho)
in the last year have you...
15). made new friends - yes!! i love them dearly!! 💕
16). fallen out of love - yeah and thank god.
17). laughed until you cried - LITERALLY LAST NIGHT BECAUSE OF THIS 
18). found out someone was talking about you - yeah...
19). met someone who changed you - yes!! 
20). found out who your friends are - yeah...all 3 of them :^}
21). kissed someone on your facebook list - i’m running out of ways to say yes (yes)
22). how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? - all of them tf 
23). do you have any pets? - i have two cats who i’d do anything for
24). do you want to change your name? - idk tbh because my name is kinda boring but what else could it be?
25). what did you do for you last birthday? - took an exam :/
26). what time did you wake up today? - 6:58 am
27). what were you doing at midnight last night? - i was making a playlist!! 
28). what is something you can’t wait for? - to finish uni! won’t be for a while tho :/
29). what are you listening to right now? - skejsen by molo
30). have you ever talked to a person named tom? - yeah in like 5th grade...he was nice.
31). something that gets on my nerves? - hearing people chew and just mouth sounds in general like i actually go full fucking spartan 
32). most visited website - youtube!
33). hair color - reddish brown 
34). long or short hair? - uhh...depends. my hair is like...just past my shoulders or so?
35). do you have a crush on someone? - nope!
36). what do you like about yourself? - HA.
37). want any piercings? - yeah! i wish i had my ears pierced but i’m actually the biggest bitch.
38). blood type - idk...i think o?
39). nicknames - i don’t have any smh people don’t even refer to me by my own dam name 
40). relationship status - single! 
41). zodiac - pisces sun! uwu
42). pronouns - she/her
43). fave tv shows - f.r.i.e.n.d.s
44). tattoos - i don’t have any nor do i want any atm!
45). right or left handed - right
46). ever had surgery? - yeah i had my wisdom teeth taken out
47). piercings - as previously stated, i have zero.
48). sports - horseback riding and tennis!
49). vacation - i’d love to visit iceland and southeast asia!
50). trainers - 👟
more general 
51). eating? - nothing it’s 12 am
52). drinking? - nothing its 12 am 
53). i’m about to watch? - nothing its 12 am 
54). waiting for? - not to be fuckin weird but i don’t even know
55). want? - to speak as many languages as possible and visit as many places as i can
56). get married? - perhaps 👀
57). career? - anything that allows me to travel and lets me utilize my language skills!
which is better?
58). hugs or kisses - ZONT ask me this i could write two essays on why i love both
59). lips or eyes - uh eyes perhaps
60). shorter or taller - in what context...i’m short as fuck i wish i was taller 
61). older or younger - than who...(if u mean like...in a relationship...i find it more reassuring to be younger)
62). nice arms or stomach - i think i should have either of the two before i comment asdjkjk
63). hookup or relationship - relationship! 
64). troublemaker or hesitant - neither of them are necessarily a good thing tbh...
have you ever...
65). kissed a stranger? - no
66). drank hard liquor? - yeah haha
67). lost glasses - no...i don’t wear glasses
68). turned someone down? - in 7th grade i still feel so bad jake if ur reading this i’m sorry
69). sex on the first date? - i...no
70). broken someone’s heart? - not that i know of
71). had your heart broken? - yeah.
72). been arrested? - no bitch i don’t go outside
73). cried when someone died? - of course
74). fallen for a friend? - yes
do you believe in...
75). yourself? - LMAO
76). miracles? - to an extent!
77). love at first sight? - eh...in certain cases but for the most part nej
78). santa claus? - no my mom threw the presents at me instead of setting them up like santa would
79). kissing on the first date? - i personally wouldn’t because i get nervous asksjd
80). angels? - yes mark lee
81). best friends name? - geraldine! 🌟
82). eye color - brown
83). fav movie - tbh idk. perhaps seven with morgan freeman and brad pitt?
84). fav actor - i really haven’t thought about it tbh there isn’t one person who’s performances i like enough to consider my favorite
85). fav thing to do when bored? - listen to and create music! 
i’ll tag randomly from my notifs if that’s okay, but don’t feel obligated to do this!! @hoseokbabie @angelicleefelix @sunshinepjs @wholesomejeno @neosity and anyone else who would like to do this!! sorry if you guys have already been tagged! 
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phdead · 7 years
85 Things
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @lil-bittypenguin (thanks so much for the tag Alicia!) (i love doing these)
The Last 1. drink - tea that scorched my tongue because i was choking on a cracker 2. phone call - my dad welp 3. text message - my neighbour so i could drop off their mail 4. song you listened to - Never Apart 5. time you cried - day before yesterday 6. dated somebody twice - nope 7. kissed somebody and regretted it - nein 8. have been cheated on - noop 9. lost someone special - i guess so 10. been depressed - ....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 11. gotten drunk and thrown up  -nope! (icry my answers are so boring)
Favorite Colors… 12. to wear - Gray, black 13. all shades of blue - turquoise? (does that count) (and well p much any shade) 14. pink - I AM LEGIT AWFUL AT NAMING THESE just.. i guess pink thats not pastel?
In The Last Year Have You 15. made new friends - yep! 16. fallen out of love - nope 17. laughed until you cried - y e s   18. found out somebody was talking about you - yeah? 19. met somebody who changed you - does my professor count? 20. found out who your friends are - :) definitely 21. kissed somebody on your Facebook list - nope
General 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life - pretty much all of them  23. do you have any pets- YES her name is zoe and she’s so precious (oh and she’s a pup)  24. do you want to change your name - not really, although i’m finding it harder to refer to myself with my given name because im not used to it 25. what did you do for your last birthday - I had :) two finals :) on my birthday:) but i got to call and celebrate with tygger so that was !!! 26. what time did you wake up - 8:15 :) 27. what were you doing at midnight - deciding what to watch  28. name something you can’t wait for - j an u ar  y 29. when was the last time you saw your mom - 10 minutes ago 30. what are you listening to right now - captain bunbun humming (he’s my pc) (built him about 1.5 years ago c’:) 31. have you ever talked to somebody named Tom - uhhhhh if i did they didnt stand out 32. something that is getting on your nerves - ahhh seeing as the last answer had to do with parents, tbh same 33. most visited website - tumblr 34. hair color - brownnnnnnnnnnn 35. long or short hair - man i had long hair, loved the ponytails, then kept cutting it and i love my short hair 36. do you have a crush on somebody - ;3  37. what do you like about yourself - i like that i like to care and can be empathetic  38. piercings - 👂 39. blood type - O  40. nickname - nerd, josh 41. relationship status - um 43. zodiac - aries 44. pronouns - she/her 45. favorite tv shows - currently: breaking bad, black mirror, 13 reasons (dunno about fav tho) 46. tattoos - i wish ;-; 47. right or left handed - right handed (although you’ll occasionally hear me being bitter that i could’ve been ambidextrous but to play the violin, my parents made sure i kept to my right hand) 48. surgery - yeah 49. piercing - (isnt this a repeat) but ears 50. sport - Muay Thai 51. vacation - i’m confused but umm its still summer break? but im working so welp 52. pair of trainers - my gray hightops are super comfy 53. eating - surprisingly not but thats because lunch is soon 54. fav drink - thisissohard.. i could go for a milkshake rn 55. what you’re up to - i should be drafting a letter for my dentist to sign for a stupid settlement thing  56. waiting for - january 57. want - freedom/peace 58. get married - yeahhh 59. career - welp endgoal is a professor for consumer behaviour  60. hugs or kisses: bothh (not like i would know though 🙄) 61. lips or eyes - eyes (but lips are a++) 62. shorter or taller - just a bit shorter so i can make fun of them for it (ikidilu) 63. older or younger - ollddderrrr 64. nice arms or nice stomach - they’re both def def nice 65. hook up or relationship - relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant - imcrying def a troublemaker (but hesitant too :’3) 67. kissed a stranger - again with the kissing icry, nope 68. drank hard liquor - i think so 69. lost glasses/contact lenses - nope (unless it counts when the optometrist tried putting contacts in me and couldnt find it after)  70. turned someone down - yeahh 71. sex on first date - noop 72. broken someone’s heart - yeah 73. had your heart broken - yes 74. been arrested - nope 75. cried when someone died - yeah 76. fallen for a friend - yeahhhhh
Do You Believe In 77. yourself -  yep! (okay i should stop giving one worded answers, i just realized) but yeah i do, life just sucks a lot sometimes 78. miracles - yeah, im hoping for / definitely need a few 79. love at first sight - no i dont see how that’d work :/ 80. Santa Claus - welp sadly no 81. kiss on the first date - im kinda indifferent, i guess not though 82. angels - yep i do
Other 83. current best friends names - ty 84. eye color - brownnnn (but i wear coloured contacts because thats the only benefit to being blind af) 85. favorite movie - stares into the camera
i’ll be tagging  @startxts, @starsarelimitless, @noharm-intrying, @pandamonious13, @fxnfiction, @jakaaron, @llghthouse, @gallaxygay, @pemils, @stop-hurting-cas, @zupakid, @starqt, @equilateralwaffle, @galaxydefender-shawol-kee, @mind-of-ice, @lisa-is-awkward, @evilunicorns-say-baaa, @youresostrongandquiet, 
no pressure to do it or anything ^^
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toothsoup · 7 years
tagged by: @lizard-boot-camp you fricking nerd 
rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people 
my tags: if i tag the same ppl as skye do i die uhhhh anyway - @tiredluigi @thevocamon @pixelzarya @pixelmei @what-the-birb @the-wind-whistler @moonybear @the-ghosty-king @democraccy @mysticeagleconnoisseur @wronginallthewrightways @meesawannadie @international-spacestation @shuck-you-lightworm @xingniu @ppeachier @adumbrat-e @xavierfieldiezz @catsatellite @mameihua
1. Drink: good ole water 
2. Phone call: @trxnquilvibes
3. Text message: uhhhh texting lola abt space
4. Song you listened to: mango kimono by ljones
5. Time you cried: like 2 hours ago 
6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: ya
8. Been cheated on: no
9. Lost someone special: yep
10. Been depressed : lol 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12-14: grey, pale yellow, periwinkle
15. Made new friends: yep!!!
16. Fallen out of love: :/
17. Laughed until you cried: definitely
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yep lol like last week
19. Met someone who changed you: yes!!!
20. Found out who your friends are: a few ig
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: uhhh all but like 4?
23. Do you have any pets: my angel marshmallow kitty baby rory, a yorkie named piper, and a betta named skye!
24. Do you want to change your name: g od yes
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i went 2 a pub w my parents and cried and then my dad moved out the next day
26. What time did you wake up: 11:39
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i was either skyping kill or watching barakamon
28. Name something you can’t wait for: death?? wow edgy but uhhh rn i want my amazon order so bad lol
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like 2 hours ago 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i was a successful and motivated neurotypical who loved myself
31. What are you listening to right now: in your arms by saib
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my back is killing me??
34. Most visited website: my grades portal and ao3 lol
35. Mole/s: uh….more than 40
36. Mark/s: i have a birthmark on my thigh and in the middle of my back, matching scars from dance on each ankle, weird but not matching scars on my hands/wrists (a fire ant bite and an oven burn lol), a scar all the way down my stomach from where i tried to climb a fence, a scar on my scalp from where imy friend dropped me on my head, a scar on my lip from hitting my chin on a toilet seat when i was little, and like a dent near my eye from a wasp sting. also just weird acne scars n KP scars on my arms n legs, wow i love oversharing
37. Childhood dream: i wanted to be a doctor/pharmacist lmao that was my parents fault tho
38. Hair color: naturally dark brown, almost black but rn its dark red
39. Long or short hair: short
40. Do you have a crush on someone: :3
41. What do you like about yourself: idk i seem to be able to make people laugh and i like my handwriting 
42. Piercings: two in each earlobe
43. Blood type: O negative i t??Hink???
44. Nickname: baz, nate, ghost, goose, ghoot
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: pisces
47. Pronouns: they/them
48. Favorite TV Show(s): steven universe, american dad lol, oitnb, idk man i waste so much time watching shows
49. Tattoos: not yet
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: uhh i had ear tubes when i was like 4
52. Hair dyed in different color: 4 times so far
53. Sport: irish dance n marching band/guard
55. Vacation: like…the last one?? uhh i was just in michigan and indiana for camp/grandparents
56. Pair of trainers: uhh i like a lot of shoes they’re my weakness but i have cool grey skechers i just got that r really light and i like them
57. Eating: i ate lo mein earlier ?
58. Drinking: apple juice in like 5 seconds
59. I’m about to: go to bed hopefully
61. Waiting for: before the storm, my goddamn amazon order, my class schedule, voltron season 3
62. Want: too much
63. Get married: mixed feelings
64. Career: editing or architecture 
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs or like…not lip kissing 
66. Lips or eyes: uhhh eyes
67. Shorter or taller: shrug
68. Older or younger: shrug
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idk what nice refers to uh
71. Sensitive or loud: both
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: both
74. Kissed a Stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yeah whoops
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Broken someone’s heart: gosh i hope not
80. Had your heart broken: sorta
81. Been arrested: almost but luckily no
82. Cried when someone died: i cried about someone who died 3 years ago yesterday so yeah
83. Fallen for a friend: all the fucking time
84. Yourself: lol funni
85. Miracles: i dunno anymore
86. Love at first sight: sorta
87. Santa Claus: i kinda wish but no
88. Kiss on the first date: i mean idc??
90. Current best friend name: im listing multiple bc?? its complicated okay?? simon, emily, ryan, kill, gail, abby, megan. 
91. Eye color: brown and not even a nice brown 
92. Favorite movie: me and earl and the dying girl or scott pilgrim vs the world
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omgnille1010 · 7 years
question tag !
i got tagged by local cutiepie @haedreamers​ (!!!) to do this and i thought it was a perfect opportunity to tell a bit more about myself :’0  so here goes ~
1. nicknames: pear mostly ! nille too, as it comes from my full name pernille heh 2. zodiac sign: aquarius and proud :’) 3. height: okay look i cry about this daily, i’m freekin 177.5 can you believe? 4. orientation: i’m what the cool kids would refer to as bisexual B)  5. nationality: danish !  6. favorite fruit: despite my nickname, my fave fruit is actually apples :00 7. favorite season: i hate the cold and i hate the heat, so i’d like to go with a solid spring ! the blooming season is amazing  8. favorite book: ready player one by ernest cline !! it’s being made into a movie as we speak and i can’t wait :’))) 9. favorite flower: this i don’t know :’) i’ve encountered so many beautiful kinds that i can’t name just one :00 10. favorite scent: hmmmm, another hard one - really depends on my mood and mentality honestly  11. favorite color: yellow all the way ! not like a screechy neon yellow though, i like mellow, pastel, “turning orange” kinda yellows <33 12. favorite animal: would say penguin, but i’m such a general animal lover !!! 13. coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: hot cocoa by a long shot !! 14. average sleep hours: 8-9 hours, my body loves sleep so i can’t stay up after 12-01 for my life ! (only in very special situations) 15. cat or dog: you can’t make me choose between my babies :’((( 16. favorite fictional character: don’t really know, don’t exactly grow lasting attachments to fictional characters :’0  17. # of blankets: hmmmm, two now ! i’m not really a blanket person, would rather cuddle with my duvet instead ! 18. dream trip: traveling around the world, experiencing architecture and cultures !!!  19. blog created: i started this blog in the beginning of 2015, started posting random kpop and shipping stuff that summer ! rebranded my blog to pure nct & donghyuck in late january 2017 ! 20. favorite song at the moment: if you ask my iMusic then either AKMU’s dinosaur, n.flying’s the real or any song from zico’s & exo’s new albums 21. # of followers: 194 atm !! so close to 200 TnT 22. favorite bands: svt and nct ! i’m very multifandomed, but those two are the onces i keep going back to (oh and gorillaz - my only non-kpop interest omg) 23. favorite solo artists: does group member’s solo careers count?? bc then i’d say zico !!  24. song stuck in my head: you don’t know love - k.will keeps sneaking in 25. last movie i watched: leap year ! me and my mom love watching romcoms whilst we eat  26. last tv show i watched: just finished up ‘the best hit’ today !!!!! i yell-cried :’)))) 27. what do you post: haechan, lee donghyuck, full sun, pudu, nct, markhyuck, oh did i mention haechan yet? 28. when did your blog reach its peak: ain’t there yet :’) (hopefully) 29. do you have any other blogs: got a general kpop blog ( @aka-un-biased​ ), an architecture geek blog ( @aech-itecture​ ) & an anonymous scenario blog ;)  30. do you get asks regularly: not really :’))  31. why did you chose your url: nille1010 was my preferred username when i was younger and then smol me thought ‘i want ppl to say ‘omg it’s nille1010 bc i’m sooo fame’ and bam - a tragedy was created  32. following: 549 (holy shit, i need to clean it out omg) 33. posts: 3,974 34. hogwarts house: hufflepuff !! or,,, pottermore says i’m ravenclaw bUT I’VE ACCEPTED MYSELF AS A HUFFLEPUFF OKAY (i’m not even a hp fan but i’m v v v v passionate about my house alrite?) 35. pokemon team: i was tricked into mystic :’) i wanna be an instinct tho 36. lucky numbers: it used to be 3 but then i realized how much 1/3 in decimals hurt my head, so now it’s 2 ! 37. what are you wearing right now: a striped ’too small for me’ shirt from h&m and jeans with a ruined left pocket - what an outfit (about to change into my green m&m sleepshirt though)
i’m gonna go without the tags :’) do pm if you wanna get tagged in things like these, but i’m not comfortable tagging unknowing ppl hahah 
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taersformymin · 7 years
92 Truths
rules: Tag 20 people
I was tagged by @jeon-coconut and @btskookiefangirl
1.Drink: Lemonade (It’s my fav)
2.Phone call: My Mom
3.Text message: My cousin
4.Song you listened to: Even If I Die, It’s You by Tae and Jin
5.Time you cried: A few days ago
6.Dated someone twice: Nope
7. Been Cheated on: Not that I know of, I’ve only been in three relationships and they didn’t last long
8.Kissed someone and regretted it: HELL YES (I let this asshole kiss me because he told me he was ill and dying and I considered him a friend, so as a friend and a human being I didn’t punch him in the face or cuss him out, I let the kiss slide but turned he lied about everything and I’m still mad/pissed/bitter/or whatever you want to call it cause it was my first kiss)
9.Lost someone special: Not yet
10.Been depressed: Yes
11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: No I don’t drink
1. Black
2. White
3. Grey
15.Made new friends: Yes
16.Fallen out of love: Not yet
17.Laughed until you cried: Yes
18.Found out someone was talking about you: Yes
19.Met someone who changed you: Ig Tae, he’s made me very soft for him
20.Found out who your true friends are: Sorta, time will tell
21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes unfortunately, my second and third boyfriend  
22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: It depends on how you mean by ‘know them’, I’ve seen most of them a lot b/c they’re family members or i use to see them at school or we’ve been friends in the past
23.Do you have any pets:  Puppy Tae No, never have, & probably never will
24.Do you want to change your name: When I was younger
25.What did you do for your last birthday: I think I slept for most of it and I think my mom forgot my birthday first, then ate some birthday cake my two aunts brought me, then I think I watched anime for the rest of the day   
26.What time did you wake up: I think 12:30 or 40 something
27.What were you doing at midnight last night: Tumbling
28.Name something you cannot wait for : I don’t think you want to know my answer
29.When was the last time you saw your mother: I think last month or the month before idk, but I do know when I’ll see her again, next month 
30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Does my personality count? Cause that would be it, but if it doesn’t count ig I wish I didn’t have one to begin with
31.What are you listening to right now: Annoying ass noises from annoying ass people at this annoying ass school *smiley upside down emoji*
32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No
33.Something that is getting on your nerves: School, life, people the usual
34.Most visited website: Tumblr
35.Elementary: Been Done 
36, High School: Also done with
37.College: Yes, I’m just a freshman
38.Hair color: Black (& brown sometimes it’s weird)
39.Long or short hair: Long
40.Do you have a crush on someone: I’d say Tae but it’s more than a crush so no
41.What do you like about yourself: Nothing really but Ig that I’m a realist, and I don’t trust people
42.Piercings: My ears, just two unfortunately cause some of you know my baby/smol eared struggle
43.Blood type: Idk
44.Nickname: As of late (cause my other nicknames are no longer in use cause I don’t to talk to those people anymore) all I have is Eomma Ru
45.Relationship status: Married to Tae
46.Zodiac sign: Cancer
47.Pronouns: She/her
48.Favorite tv show: American TV-Teenwolf, but really Legend of The Blue Sea which is a kdrama 
49.Tattoos: None
50.Right or left hand: Right
51.Surgery: None so far
52.Piercing: Just my ears
54.Sport: I don’t play sports I’m allergic 
55.Vacation: No, I have never been on one
56.Pair of trainers: Like a type of shoes right? I don’t think I have pair of trainers
57.Eating: Pizza and Chicken balls lolol  Popcorn Chicken
58.Drinking: Sweet Lemonade, sweet sweet lemonade~ (that’s a 5sos reference incase you didn’t know but now you do)
59.I’m about to: Do the next question
60.Listening to: My roommate reactions to whatever the hell she’s listening too lol and still annoying ass people in the hall
61.Waiting for: To be done with this tag
62.Want: Tae, to meet all of BTS, to fight Jimin, to meet Got7, and to someday love life/be happy
63.Get married: No (Unless by some miracle in another dimson/lifetime Tae got down on one knee for me yes but other than that then no thank you I don’t believe in marriage which is hilarious since I want to wait to have my first time for marriage lolol I’ll be the next Virgin Mary ha)
64.Career: I want to be an animator 
65.Hugs or kisses: Neither, I’m not an affectionate person but some people I can make exceptions for, but Hugs
66.Lips or eyes: Eyes
67.Shorter or taller: Taller, no one likes being short but tbh lately I’ve wished I was shorter even tho I’m short already
68.Older or younger: Neither, I’m not comfortable with people that either too older or younger then me
70.Nice arms or nice stomach: Define nice stomach and arms, do you mean abs and muscles? If so neither, but stomach
71.Sensitive or loud: Both
72.Hook up or relationship: Relationship, I don’t like flings (for myself, idc what others do)
73.Troublemaker or hesitant: Depends on the situation
74.Kissed a stranger?: No
75.Drank hard liquor? : No
76.Lost glasses contact/lenses? : No (I don’t need either)
77.Turned someone down?: Yes
78.Sex on first date?: Never been on a date before and never had sex
79.Broken someone’s heart?: I don’t think so
80.Had your heart broken?: Yes, but not like couple relationship wise
81.Been arrested?: Not yet
82.Cried when someone died?: No
83.Fallen for a friend?: No
84.Yourself?: Nope
85.Miracles?: Yea, I was a miracle tbh, I should’ve died when I was a newborn or when I was still in the womb also
86.Love at first sight?: I’ve heard people have experienced it so yes
87.Santa Claus?: ...Yes, I know someone who saw him lololol (I swear this is the only naive thing I believe but I believe them and that person saw him with other people lol)
88.Kiss on the first date?: I think it’s fine
89.Angels?: Yes
90.Current best friend’s name: Katy (I love my Kit Kat <3)
91.Eye color: Brown
92.Favorite movie : (american wise) Gone Girl (so far), but animated (american wise also) movie the Good Dinosaur (so far cause I still haven’t seen Moana or Get Out or Girl on The Train, or a lot of other new movies tbh lol so who knows those could end up being my favorite)
I tag: @junghoesuc @bangthetanboys @btschoclatequeen @oh-no-its-mo @namjoonisbae @literaltae @taenity @jin-oppa @jinxkook @jeonnseagull @our-kpopreact @boyfriendvibess @blackgirlslovebts @gguked @yoonmin-smile @yoongiminkook @park-jimizzle @saltyauntsuga @minblush @mintsugakookies @littlepunkrogue  sorry I a complete stranger is tagging majority of you but I see you on my dash a lot so hello~
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sonotawkward-blog · 7 years
100 reasons why I love you
1. Your eyes… the only ocean I’d want to get lost in 😉 2. Your incredibly cute smile makes me smile 3. Your laugh is extremely addicting 4. You always motivate me to actually get things done before we get to cuddle 🙄🤣 5. Your cuddlezzzz 🤗 6. You always listen to me whenever there is an issue or i have something to tell you 7. My lowkey sassiness makes the sassiness in you come out 😜 8. Your extreme intent to do good for others 9. You are really kind hearted and mean the best for me 10. Your attempt at singing always brightens my mood no matter what 11. When you try to get me to laugh when im 😭 sad 12. You make me feel some type of way when im with you ☺️ 13. You always make the day fun no matter what 14. I love how cute you look when you fall asleep in bed, even tho i look like a monster when i fall asleep in the car [reference pic here lol] 15. I love the way you respect me 16. I love that even though you know things about me, you still look at me the way that you do 😌 17. I love how you never want to see me unhappy or crying (unless tears of joy of course) 😂 18. I love how the little things i do for you , you see them as big things :p 19. I love when we get to spend quality alone time with each other 😋 20. I love how we communicate well (verbally and nonverbally) 21. I love how you are my best friend and boyfriend 👫 22. I love how you will always be there when i need you to be 23. I love the way you kiss my neck 24. I love the way you grab my face and kiss me (playing rough too 😯) 25. I love the way we play fight (even though you don’t realize it is an actual fight..jk 😂) 26. I love your generous nature.. i really appreciate everything that has ever been done for me 27. I love how you randomly surprise me by showing up even though i still thought you were working 😭 28. I love the way your super ticklish 29. I would not give up on you 30. I love the way you treat my friends 31. I love how every time i look at you, you take my breath away (literally tho when you crush my bones in tight hugs or the way you fuck me 😉) 32. I love how you inspire me to be more than i am 33. I love the little tendencies you do .. when you don’t realize it yet they are super cute 34. I love how cute you look no matter what you are doing (you could be washing dishes and still look adorable as ever) 35. I love your confidence 36. I love your ability to make me feel better when times are tough 37. I love the way you support me when im off track (which is always) 38. I love how you want to be with me and chose me 39. I love how youre my second best 😍 because first is the worst… second is the best and im glad you were my next relationship 😇 40. I love how open you are 41. I love how you like to try new things 42. I love how you call me your baby 43. I love the way you won’t let me compromise myself 44. I love the way you would do anything to make me happy 45. I love how even though we always have mishaps baking, i enjoy it because I’m doing it with you 🎂 46. How even though we were supposed to go to the gym we just said “fuck it” and decided to eat cake and watch movies instead 😝 47. I love your loyalty and faithfulness to me 48. I love your compassion for others 49. Your positive and optimistic outlook on everything 50. The fact that you refuse to fully grow up 😂 you’re wild 51. Your silly voices, faces, and sounds you make 😽 52. How much you always show and tell me how much you love me everyday 53. Your hair 💆🏼‍♂️ 54. I love the way you were willing to take a chance on me ♥️ 55. I love your kisses 😘 56. I appreciate how you sometimes give up things that you want to do just to spend time with me 57. How much excitement you bring to my life when im with you 58. You always bring out the best in me 59. Your patience with me even though i sometimes push things to the limit 60. How you hold my hand or place your hand on my thigh while you are driving 61. How you let me fall asleep on your lap even though you are driving 😂 62. The way you act like a dork sometimes 63. The way you get excited over things…its so adorable 64. How you would diss parties just to chill with me at night .. 65. I wouldnt want anyone else but you 66. How you could never get mad at me 67. I could never ever hate you .. ever 68. Your doubleshot espresso addiction 69. How you accept my basic-ness when i stop to take random pics of my drinks or food 70. I love the way you want me to be happy always 71. I love the way your fingers interlock mine 72. I love the way you are absolutely everything I want 73. With you i can be myself ☺️ 74. Its not hard to love you, i love everything about you 👀 75. Although I am not perfect and have my flaws- you still love and accept me 76. I love the way we trust each other and have nothing to hide 77. Hearing your name makes me smile- always 78. I am proud to be yours 😶♥️ 79. Even when we are apart, i still love you the distance just makes me miss you a shit ton. 80. Love the way you want the best for me 81. I don’t remember our first kiss because it feels so long ago and it just felt natural 82. March 12th, 2017 🔐❤️ 83. How we always jam out in the car and when i say i want to dance and sing to other cars in traffic you look at me like im crazy 😂 84. Your good morning texts :) 85. Love was just a word thrown around until you came and gave it meaning 86. I love the smell of your cologne 87. When you leave me your hoodie to wear or to fall asleep with when you are gone 88. Every morning i wake up and i always wish i could see you next to me 89. Tbh i always check my phone first thing in the morning to see if i received a message from you 90. You accept me for how cheesy i am as an overall person because im always 100% cheesy in everything i do 91. You legit bought us strawberry champagne from your favorite song even though I couldn’t drink it 🙄 sorry baby 92. Although every picture you take of me is candid it is still funny 😮 93. I love the way i can open my phone and find new selfies of your wonderful face in my album 94. I love how determined you are as a person and once you start something, you cant stop 😂 dave and busters got us beat 95. I love the way you get me to so things I would never have probably tried before 96. i love getting to jump and hug you and you not letting go 97. I love when you come with me to do things ☺️ 98. I love how you always keep your promises to me 99. The way we say we will watch ghost adventures but that never happens because you’re too cute not to kiss 😄 100. And finally… although this is the 💯th reason, it doesn’t mean that is where it stops..there are a ton more reasons on why i love you. You have shown me great kindness with your amazing personality and have always made sure i was happy whether you were here or not. Thank you for always putting me as one of your priorities and making me feel special whenever i felt that i was not. I love you and I’m glad to say that I can call you mine and I hope I can make you as happy as you make me 😊💝
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geodebiome · 7 years
i got tagged by @hleclercq and @lord-seapancake thank you !!!
1: Are you named after someone?
i dont think so? i do remember there used to be this news channel called nova and when i was born they talked about me but that doesnt count i think haha
2: When was the last time you cried?  
not to be emo or anything but i am always crying about shelter. did you know theres only two shows left? what the fuck
3: Do you like your handwriting?
its......absolutely terrible.....ive been trying to change it but it just doesnt work i simply cant write
4: What is your favorite lunch meat?
i never rlly eat lunch meat?? i guess ill have to go for salami
5: Do you have kids?
no, and i dont rlly want any. maybe someday through adoption, but i dont want to give birth to a fucking gremlin yikes (im sorry but being pregnant just totally grosses me out)
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
haha that really depends on what kind of person i’d be? like idk if i could keep up with my own antics if i didnt understand what causes these antics, you know?
7: Do you use sarcasm?
never heard of it (yes)
8: Do you still have your tonsils?
hell yeah
9: Would you bungee jump? 
if i can sabotage the rope and die
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal?
the minions banana berry flavor nick ate in that vid (jk i dont eat cereal like at all)
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
12: Do you think you’re a strong person?
physically NO emotionally???? idk?? what is emotionally strong? does the fact that im dealing with mental illnesses make me weak or strong? we’ll never know
13: What is your favourite ice cream? Ever, ever?
just plain good ol milk chocolate, or maybe lemon?? but with lemon im really specific!! like theres this ice cream shop around the corner that has terrible lemon, but one time i went to one place that had the Best lemon flavor EVER. id do anything to taste that again
14: What is the first thing you notice about people?
that really depends on what their most noticable feature is haha. like when they got pretty eyes or a cool nose or nice hair thats what i notice first
15: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
the fact that my hair and skin get really oily and greasy very quickly... its uglie and annoying. and maybe that im so small lol. overall im p positive about my body tbh
16: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
none shoes grey pants
17: What are you listening to right now?
snail’s house is the shit
18: If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
a darker shade of blueish green? like midnight green or something? thats not exactly what im looking for tho
19: Favorite smell?
yknow when it just rained after a long time without rain and you go outside
20: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
my sister i think?
21: Favorite sport to watch?
i dont rlly watch sports like at all..... i do like.... swimming,,,,and ice skating....yeah those are anime references and i am sorry
22: Hair color?
my natural color is blonde but once that started fading into this uglie gross blonde i just dyed it orange, and its been like that for a couple years now. recently i dyed it pink, but you cant rlly see that anymore
23: Eye color?
24: Do you wear contacts?
25: Favorite food to eat?
anything pasta, nasi goreng (without the egg ew), or just plain ol fries
26: Scary movies or comedy?
that really depends on what movie it is but overall i prefer scary movies
27: Last movie you watched?
spirited away i think ;w; i cried a lot 
28: What color of shirt are you wearing?
dark gray, with a deathly hallows print lmao. once youre in the hp fandom you never get out
29: Summer or winter?
summer, but i do love winter when its actually snowing. when its just rain and grey skies i hate it
30: Hugs or kisses?
why not combine the two??
31: What book are you currently reading?
a couple days ago i started reading harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone again lmao
32: Who do you miss right now?
33: What is on your mouse pad?
dont have one lol
34: What is the last TV program you watched?
bates motel
35: What is the best sound?
36: Rolling stones or The Beatles
dont rlly listen to either tbh
37: What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
to turkey was the furthest i think?
38: Do you have a special talent?
i guess i can draw?? and im p good at writing even tho i never do it
im tagging @void--star @synthettique @mlemilly @comeonandsmash @dogtracksjacks @passiphae @daniandpuffins @trashdotpng assuming you havent done this one already lol
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i was tagged by an anon so like here u go
1. drink: water
2. phone call: ummmmmmmmm who uses phones anymore?
3. text message: a human
4. song listened to: Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco
5. time i cried: the question is: when am i not crying?
6. dated somebody twice: nope
7. been cheated on: nah
8. kissed someone and regretted it: no
9. lost someone special: mmhm this weekend actually
10. been depressed: constantly
11. gotten drunk and puked: im a minor so...yes
12. ugh black isnt a colour...ummmm...very very very dark blue
14. very very very dark grey
15. made new friends: shoutout to my tumblr fam! oml did i just say fam. fml
16. fallen out of love: i guess so :)
17. laughed until you cried: yeah cause inside jokes ahhhhhhhh
18. found out someone was gossiping about you: ALL👏 THE👏FUCKING👏TIME LIKE SERIOUSLY GET A LIFE
19. met somebody who changed you: yup :) a couple people actually
20. find out who your true friends are: i think so? but i mean...bpd so...i guess we will never know
21. kissed somebody on your facebook list: facebook is for old people
22. facebook friends do you have in real life: get over it facebook is so 2007
23. pets: ive had 7 fish...ive given up all hope
24. want to change name: idk maybe on my dysphoric days but not constantly
25. did i get for my last birthday: a phone + data and a trip to Toronto for dance as far as i know
26. time i woke up: ummmmmmm ever heard of insomnia?
27. doing at midnight: probably on tumblr while watching netflix sometimes talking to friends
28. something you cannot wait for: death
29. last time i saw my mom: 45 mins ago
30. something you wish you could change about your life: being alive
31. listening to right now: grey’s anatomy cause OML THAT SHOW IS BOMB, jesus did i just say bomb...kill me
32. something that gets on your nerves: homophobes
33. talked to a person named Tom: idfk probably ive met a lot of people through acting im almost positive that i had a producer named tom when i was like 6
34. most visited website: TUMBLR. but netflix and youtube comes a close second...not really but like i use them a lot
35. elementary school: i went to 2 and was homeschooled for some reasons but like only briefly
36. high school: im in high school? only been to 1 but homeschooling might happen probs not but maybe
37. college: probably will be dead by then...BUT...if i am unfortunately alive, ill be in LA idk what ill be doing but ill be in LA or NYC but probs LA
38. hair color: dark brown looks black in the light kinda red and brown and black UGH WORDS u need to see it to understand what im saying
39. long or short hair: TOO LONG. TOO FUCKING LONG
40. crush: a cool human
41. do you like about yourself: i am filled with self hatred. there is no room for ‘liking myself’ what are u talking about
42. piercings: nope no nah nuh uh not happening not today boo boo not today FEMALE DYSPHORIA IM SORRY
43. blood type: you would think i knew cause ive done too many blood tests to count but nope still clueless as fuck cause IM A MINOR FUCK YOU MOM
44. nickname: M, some people call me Mandy but if u call me Mandy ur dead to me
45. relationship status: taken? wow thats weird to say
46. zodiac: Pisces
47. pronouns: she/her? he/him? they/them? EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN? depends on the day i guess...or whatever im feeling? still kinda confused LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY
48. favorite show: grey’s anatomy currently but pretty little liars comes really close
50. right or left handed: ambidextrous get on my level
51. surgery: there has been too many i cant even remember my first
52. piercing: ugh refer to 42 ^^^
53. best friend: a couple of them? no names mentioned u know who u fucking are
54. sport: dance, ugh dance, love dance but like love hate, ummmm im really fucking athletic so like everything?
56. pair of shoes: adidas cause i get them for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
57. eating: newsflash im anorexic
58. drinking: nothing? water i guess?
59. im about to: UMMMMMMMMMMMMM
60. listening to: LA Devotee by Panic! at the Disco
61. waiting for: death? thats not original...ummmmmmm summer i guess? no summer = stress ummmmmm fuck it death im waiting for fucking death. refer to my blog to understand WHY IM SUICIDAL
62. want to see: my hw finished on my table
63. want to get married: idk i guess so? probs will be dead :)
64. career: acting i think but dance is an option i mean im already in the business and working actively so why not continue? idk if i actually wanna pursue it tho
65. hugs/kisses: depends on the person ;)
66. lips/eyes: ^^^ but usually eyes cause eyes are pretty
67. shorter/taller: people are cute no matter what
68. younger/older: does it matter? “age is just a number”
69. romantic/spontaneous: romantic but i wouldnt know im making an educated guess
70. nice arms/nice stomach: nice humans
71. sensitive/loud: sensitive
72. hook up/relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker/hesitant: hesitant i think?
74. kissed a stranger: nope
75. drank hard liquor: fuck yes gets u drunk fast
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: dont wear them...yet....we’ll see (see what i did there) (and there again) I AM AN AWFUL PERSON
77. turned someone down: yes quite often actually idk why it just happens?
78. canoodling on first date: first of all, ive never been on a date. second, im a virgin. third, WHY CANT U JUST SAY SEX? LIKE ITS NOT A BAD THING TO SAY WE ARE ON TUMBLR WHAT ARE U TALKING ABOUT...okay im done now sorry
79. broken someones heart: oops
80. had your own heart broken: mmhm all the fucking time idk why it just happens, i just realized how many times ive said that
81: been arrested: nah
82: cried when someone died: MMHM ALL FUCKING WEEKEND
83: fallen for a friend: who hasn’t like lesbihonest (sorry im just really gay)
84. yourself: of course not who do u think ur talking to
85. miracles: i hope so?
86. love at first sight: ummmmm i think so? i really hope so but idk
87. Santa Clause: no but ummm idk but like no but like maybe but like no
88. kiss on first date: yeah
89. angels: i want to believe that i believe in angels but after everything that has happened to me idfk
90. current best friends name: fucking classified bitch leave me alone
91. eye color: hazel
92. favorite movie: anything disney cause im a disney freak ummmm The Imitation Game cause gay ummm OMG PRIDE GREAT MOVIE also love Tomboy cause it made me cry uggggh coming out ahhhhhhh tears ahhhhh
i tag everyone that reads this cause im too lazy
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saturnsovereign · 7 years
All of the questions!!!!
crush asks
uhh shit bro but aight - i love talking about my gf :)
1: Do they drink coffee?
yup, but like mainly frappucinos
2: Are they left or right handed?
mainly right handed but she can use her left hand. she’s like ambidextrous
3: How do they do their hair? Facial hair? (If they have it)
she usually has her hair down
4: What’s their favorite animal?
i’m gonna take a guess and say doggos? idk i haven’t really asked
5: What is their relationship status?
um… not single? like the complete opposite of single XD
6: What is their favorite band/singer?
um idk i know one of her favorites is Christina Grimmie?
7: Are they more a cat or dog person?
doggo but i think she wants a cat
8: What does their laugh sound like?
like an angel that came down to heaven to bless us with her presense
9: Do they know multiple languages? Which ones?
English, Spanish, and she knows multiple Filipino dialects
10: How old are they? How old are you?
She’s 16, I’m 18, but we’re like maybe a year and a half apart
11: One word that describes them.
Nerd or Puppy
12: Do they have any pets?
un fluffy marshmallow doggo named Nerf
13: What is their favorite TV show?I know Bones is one of them
14: What is their favorite movie?
idk, babe what is your favorite movie?
15: What car do they drive?
black nissan leaf
16: What ethnicity and/or nationality are they?
half white, quarter mexican, quarter filipino
17: Where did you meet them?
technically I first met her in my creative writing class in middle school
18: What was your first meeting like?
She was one of the cool kids and she intimidated me.
In high school, I remember that I was working on marching rifle and she came up with one of my other friends to the field and went up to mama while she was teaching me something and I recognized her from middle school. I'm pretty sure she was trying to hide from me it was kinda cute tbh
19:  What is their zodiac sign? Are your signs compatible?
Virgo, everyone says it does
20: What month is their birthday?
She is an August baby
21: What is your favorite outfit on them?
When she has nothing on… heh. lesbian lumberjack
22: Are they good texters?
she texts like me in that she responds right away or it takes her 3 hours
23: Your favorite feature about their appearance.
Her eyes, I can get lost in them so easily
24: Your favorite thing about their personality.
She tries her best and she’s a total goof even though she says I am and like basically everything else about her really
25: Do they make you laugh?
She’s the one that can make me laugh when nothing else can
26: Do you make them laugh?
I try my best
27: Are they good huggers/ kissers?
oh god yes. yes to both
28: What is your favorite “flaw” that they have?
she cannot, for the love of god, not swear
29: Are they nice to strangers?
yes unless they don’t believe in equal rights?
30: What is the funniest thing they have ever said?
ok ok there's a lot but my favorite is "Let’s turn off the lights so that the judges can’t hear us drop" 😆
31: Saddest?
That she didn’t matter and that she was a disappointment 😔
32: Weirdest?
idk i know there is a lot of weird ones but I can't think of them off the top of my head
33: Cutest?
Her to me: "I can't believe you said yes" (why tf would i say no?)
34: Ever dreamt about them? What happened in the dream?
I remember dreaming in to kiss her but like I face-planted on my pillow and woke up. That’s like one of the few dreams I do remember
35: How tall are they? How tall are you?
hhhhh. She’s 4'20 I’m 5'2
36: Do they have a booty?
she dooooooooooo (she’s very cheeky 😉)
37: What are their hobbies?
She likes gaming, I guess reading and writing, watching shows and sports, and like maybe doing guard if you consider it as a hobby?
38: What are their talents?
Practically anything she puts her mind to, but like she's has hella good memory, really good at multitasking and she has so many skills under her belt
39: What would your dream date be with them?
Getting to do stuff alone while I can spoil her and not have to worry about avoiding anybody
40: Does anyone know about your crush/love?
Practically all of my friends, sorry i can't contain my gay ass
41: What do you guys have in common?
we first bonded over bisexual buddies and it just took off from there
42: Do they go to the gym?
yup and it shows too 😏
43: Do they go by their given name?
No, she goes by a shortened version of her birth name (Isabella makes her sound like a spicy Queen 😆 and Bella means beautiful which is hella accurate)
44: What is their favorite color?
orange and black
45: How far apart do you live from them?
About 2.5 miles away… it’s walkable
46: What song reminds you of them?
Holy by PVRIS, Say you won't let go by James Arthur and then practically any love song
47: Do they listen to a lot of music?
yup and her music taste is so much better than mine
48: What do they smell like?
soccer and conditioner 😆
49: If they were in a book (protagonist or antagonist or supporting character, up to you) how would the writer describe them?
I sent her multiple asks before we really started dating if you wanna read it its on her blog
50: How often do you see them?
Almost everyday
51: The last text/ message they sent you?
you bite into it all it all CUMS out 😉😉😉
52: The last thing they said to you in person?
I love you
53: What is the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in front of them?
boi everything about me is embarrassing
54: Do they have any tattoos or piercings?
55: What color are their eyes?
dark brown
56: What is their clothing style?
It makes her look straight unless she really tried not to look straight. Also: black
57: What is one thing that makes them really special?
She’s so strong and she’s gone through so much and yet she’s still a wonderful person and I just can't help but be so proud of her
58: Will you tell your crush your feelings?
… i mean I think she already knows? (it would be kind of awkward if she didn’t know considering we're dating...)
59: How long did you know them before you started falling for them?
I’ve honestly always thought she was beautiful but like I didn’t start falling for her until the prank... and like when i did fell god I fell so hard
60: Was there a defining moment when you knew you liked them?
When I was in my house out of town and I had gotten a message from her and my ex-bf that I was trying to get back together with and I realized I was way more excited about opening her messages than his…
61: Do they have any quirks or habits?
Her nose does that cute wiggly thing and like she doesn’t like her food touching and when she’s concentrating she often has her tongue poking out of her mouth
62: What “most likely” superlative would they receive?
Most likely to roast your ass
63: Which romcom or TV couple reminds you of the two of you together?
idk just think OTP yeah? like the tol and the smol, the dark hair to light hair, etc.
64: How do they look shirtless?
65: When was the last time you saw them?
a few hours ago at school
66: What is the weirdest thing about them that you find attractive?
idk if you call this weird but i find it cute when she pulls swears out of her ass
67: What is the sweetest thing they’ve ever said to/ about you?
that she considered me as one of her best friends
68:  What shoes do they wear the most?
either converse or vans
69: Making out with them: hot & heavy or sweet & slow?
depends on the mood tbh but when we're in full make out mode and people aren't in the room, its hot and heavy
70: If you were/ are dating, what would you do for them on Valentine’s day?
heh she'll find out tomorrow
71: Have you ever cried over them?
72: Has something they did/said to you ever make you cry?
73: What makes you think of them?
nerdy references, memes, gay stuff, marriage
74: Do you have any inside jokes with them?
Our inside jokes eventually become outside?
75: What is the most you’ve done with them physically? (hugged, kissed, cuddled etc.)
um all of the above and more
76: First impression of them?
i thought she was cool but i was intimidated by her
77: Have they ever caught you staring or giving them glances?
hehe ye
78: Have you ever caught them?
79: How long can you be away before you start to miss them?
1 minute
80: Do they wear glasses?
her nerd goggles look cute on her
81: Do your friends approve?
basically all but one and that one's now not really my friend
82: Would your parents approve?
um idk cuz we're gay and they don't know i'm gay
83: Do you think their friends/ family would approve?
i don't think so :(
84: Do they have a nickname for you?
i'm a dork and her flower cowboy
85: Have you ever thought about the spending the rest of your life with them?
oh yeah definitely
86: If you had kids together, what would you name them?
...Is it bad that I'm more ready to name our doggos instead of our kid?
87: What is your favorite scenario between you two that you’ve made up in your head?
we have a place of our own and like everything is peaceful and like we can cuddle whenever we like
88: What is your favorite interaction that has actually happened?
Every interaction? idk its hard to pick
89: If they were free tonight and wanted to hang out with you, where would you take them/ what would you do?
My bed and take a nap with them
90: Are they pretentious/ snobby/ picky about anything? What?
Um they don't like some foods? idk if you'd call that picky tho
91: Do you guys have the same political views?
92: Do you guys share the same religion?
we were both raised as christians I believe but its not really a big thing in our lives
93: Do you think they would reject you if you asked them out? Why?
Maybe? idk she might be busy
94: Are they the type of person who would come help if you called them in the middle of the night?
Yes considering she needs to sleep earlier (or at least take a nap)
95: Have you ever fantasized sexually about them?
96: Do you think they would make good parents?
We're raising our guard kids rn and she's been a pretty good mother
97: Have you ever had an argument with them?
I traumatized her with a cupcake and frosting bc she wouldn't admit that she was smart
98: Do you already know which piece of their clothing you would make ‘yours’ if you were dating?
I like her sweaters
99: L'esprit de l’escalier is the French word for when you think of the perfect response after the conversation has already ended. Rewrite a conversation between you and them, how it went and how you wish it had gone.
um idk? like I wish I had told her I thought she was beautiful long before we started dating?
100: How many of these do you think they could answer about you?
Most if not all of them
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emmagreen1220-blog · 6 years
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Hyperbole Poems
Hyperbole appears in poetry almost as often as metaphor. After all, to quote Wordsworth, poetry is “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” and powerful feelings ask for exaggerated language. However, bear in mind that the Romantics were much fonder of hyperbole than modern poets are. In fact, some of the latter argue that it is precisely because of this overuse of hyperbole that numerous 19th-century poems sound a bit melodramatic to today’s ears. See if you agree with this claim by going over our examples below.
10 Famous Poems with Hyperbole
#1: Dante Alighieri, Paradiso XXI.4-12 (1320)
She did not smile. ‘Were I to smile,’ she said, ‘You would be turned to ash, as Semele was when she saw Jupiter in his full Godhead;
because my beauty, which, as it goes higher from step to step of the eternal palace, burns, as you know, with ever brighter fire;
and if it is not tempered in its brightening, its radiance would consume your mortal powers as a bough is shattered by a bolt of lightning.’
(tr. John Ciardi)
As he discovers, level by level, the beauties of Paradise, Dante has the privilege of gazing upon ever more radiant and ethereal sights. However, his guide, his beloved Beatrice, is dazzling to start with—even while alive on Earth—and, apparently, her beauty “burns…with ever brighter fire” every step of the way. Naturally, Dante happens upon the same problem horror writers encounter: the inadequacy of language to describe such supernatural sights. So, he opts for the same solution as they do: an over-the-top hyperbole. As she explains to the poet In the XXI canto of Paradiso, Beatrice withholds her celestial beauty from the eyes of Dante—it is apparently “tempered in its brightening”—because, one smile of hers would be enough for Dante to be “shattered” as a bough is by a bolt of lightning; or, for that matter, as any mortal has ever been after even so much laying his eyes upon a deity. (Beatrice uses Semele as an allusion, but compare with the words of Yahweh to Moses in Exodus 33:20: “You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live”).
#2: Christopher Marlowe, Tamburlaine (1588)
I hold the Fates bound fast in iron chains, And with my hand turn Fortune’s wheel about; And sooner shall the sun fall from his sphere Than Tamburlaine be slain or overcome.
If Marlowe’s Helen was “the face that launched a thousand ships,” his Tamburlaine was the play which launched a thousand plays. The first popular success on the Elizabethan stage, Tamburlaine also features the first of English drama’s titanic want-it-all heroes, referred to usually as “over-reachers.” And it only fits that an over-reacher should use hyperboles in his speeches. In the four colossal verses above, notes Heinrich F. Plett in Oxford’s Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, “as is proper for a work of literature, the hyperbole appears as a mythological metaphor.” Majestic.
#3: William Shakespeare, King Lear I.1.54-60 (1606)
Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter; Dearer than eye-sight, space and liberty; Beyond what can be valued rich or rare; No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour; As much as a child e’er lov’d, or father found; A love that makes breath poor and speech unable; Beyond all manner of so much I love you.
At the beginning of William Shakespeare’s King Lear, the eponymous monarch makes one of the most bizarre decisions in the history of hereditary dynasties; namely, to divide his kingdom among his three daughters based on how much each of them loves him. Needless to say, It’s hyperbole-time! First comes Goneril, the “eldest-born,” and she doesn’t hold back on the exaggerations: there are many comparatives, superlatives and improbable claims made in the speech quoted in full above. Even so, Regan, Lear’s second daughter, is not impressed. “She comes too short,” she says, which in Shakespearean terms is the equivalent of “Yours was good, but mine will be better.” And it is: “I profess/ Myself an enemy to all other joys/ Which the most precious square of sense possesses,/ And find I am alone felicitate/ In your dear Highness’ love” (I.1.71-75). Now, how’s that for a hyperbole? (And also, as we learn later in the play, a blatant lie.)
#4: Ben Jonson, “To Celia” (1616)
Drink to me only with thine eyes, And I will pledge with mine; Or leave a kiss within the cup, And I’ll not ask for wine. The thirst that from the soul doth rise Doth ask a drink divine; But might I of Jove’s nectar sup, I would not change for thine.
I sent thee late a rosy wreath, Not so much honoring thee As giving it a hope, that there It could not withered be. But thou thereon didst only breathe, And sent’st it back to me; Since when it grows, and smells, I swear, Not of itself, but thee.
Ben Jonson’s most famous short poem, “To Celia,” is basically a string of hyperboles. Already the first—often misunderstood—verse is a beautiful metaphoric exaggeration: you can, say, drink to someone’s health with a cup of wine, but you can’t do it with your eyes; however, when you’re in love with someone, it certainly seems that you can. It also seems that you’d gladly trade a cup of wine for a kiss, even if the latter is not on your lips, but merely left on the empty glass; that’s the meaning of the third and fourth line of Jonson’s poem. He explains why in the four verses which follow. Namely, the thirst of his soul is greater than the thirst of his body, so he’d rather have an empty cup stained with a kiss of his beloved, than one full of nectar, the drink of the gods. This same hyperbolic tone permeates the second stanza as well, in which the poet swears that merely a breath of his beloved upon a rosy wreath he had sent her made the flowers smell of her. To put this elaborate hyperbole in a simpler and more conventional one: his loved one smells even more beautiful than the roses.
#5: Alexander Pope, Peri Bathous, or the Art of Sinking in Poetry (1728)
The silver whiteness that adorns thy neck, Sullies the plate, and makes the napkin black.
Nothing new: in his hilarious 1728 essay Peri Bathous, Pope ridicules the poetical and imaginative deficiencies of his contemporaries. Possibly the best part: chapters X and XI, in which he illustrates the ridiculous way in which the bad poets of his time use some literary devices. The couplet above, in Pope’s words, should serve as a courteously romantic description of a lady at dinner. However, it is so extravagantly hyperbolic (she is so white that the napkin seems black) that, instead of being romantic, it is actually comical. Pope lists quite a few similar examples, one of which (a description of misery) is almost as funny: “Behold a scene of misery and woe;/ Here Argus soon might weep himself quite blind,/ Ev’n though he had Briareus’ hundred hands/ To wipe those hundred eyes.” So impossibly over the top!
#6: Robert Service, “The Cremation of Sam McGee” (1907)
There are strange things done in the midnight sun By the men who moil for gold; The Arctic trails have their secret tales That would make your blood run cold; The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, But the queerest they ever did see Was that night on the marge of Lake Lebarge I cremated Sam McGee.
Sensational by definition, horror writers turn to hyperbole for effect remarkably often. Robert Service’s most famous poem, “The Cremation of Sam McGee,” is a great example of this. The above is the opening—and closing—stanza of it, and it already sets the tone for the rest. This is not merely a “queer” sight Service is about to recount, but “the queerest,” one “that would make your blood run cold;” note how the hyperbole is even more exaggerated by the personification of the Northern Lights. However, the narrator doesn’t stop here. Already in the second stanza, he says that “God only knows” why Sam McGee left Tennessee, and that, even though “the land of gold seemed to hold him like a spell,” he hated the cold so much that he was often heard saying that “he’d sooner live in hell.” And, indeed, we are informed in the third stanza, in arguably even more hyperbolic manner, that the cold “stabbed like a driven nail” through the parkas of the gold diggers. Well, no wonder Sam was “ghastly pale” and “chilled clean through the bone”! There are a few more hyperboles in “The Cremation of Sam McGee;” read the poem and try to identify the rest.
#7: Edward Lear, A Book of Nonsense (1846)
There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said, ‘It is just as I feared! Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!’
Edward Lear, “that crazy old Englishman,” is now primarily known for popularizing the form of the limerick and the genre of literary nonsense. The nonsensical effect in Lear’s limericks is often the result of a hyperbolic description; this can be easily evidenced already in the first poem of his first nonsense book, copied in full above. Just like Cyrano de Bergerac’s nose (see below), the beard of Lear’s Old Man is so, khm, distinguished, that no less than eight birds could fit a nest within it.
#8: Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac I.4 (1896)
Oh, no, young sir. You are too simple. Why, you might have said— Oh, a great many things! Mon Dieu, why waste Your opportunity? For example, thus:— AGGRESSIVE: I, sir, if that nose were mine, I’d have it amputated—on the spot. FRIENDLY: How do you drink with such a nose? You ought to have a cup made specially. DESCRIPTIVE: ‘Tis a rock, a crag, a cape! A cape? Say rather, a peninsula! INQUISITIVE: What is that receptacle? A razor-case or a portfolio? KINDLY: Ah, do you love the little birds So much that when they come to see you, You give them this to perch on. INSOLENT: Sir, when you smoke, the neighbors must suppose Your chimney is on fire. CAUTIOUS: Take care— A weight like that might make you top-heavy. THOUGHTFUL: Somebody fetch my parasol— Those delicate colors fade in the sun! PEDANTIC: Does not Aristophanes Mention a mythological monster called Hippocamp-elephanto-camelos? Surely we have here the original! FAMILIAR: Well, old torchlight! Hang your hat Over that chandelier—it hurts my eyes. ELOQUENT: When it blows, the typhoon howls, And the clouds darken! DRAMATIC: When it bleeds— The Red Sea!
In Cyrano de Bergerac, Edmond Rostand’s marvelous play, the title character is an impetuous, iron-willed French soldier of many talents. However, he is also awfully self-conscious on the part of his “rather large nose.” And that’s exactly how his enemy, Viscount Valvert, describes it in the fourth scene of the first act of the play. Cyrano replies with the unforgettable speech above, basically forcing Valvert to insult him in a more proper manner. As you can observe even at first glance, the speech is an almost textbook example of the various ways one can hyperbolize a description. And note that the above is merely an abridged version: we haven’t included the simple or the military account, the respectful or the literary version. The bottom line: when you want to insult someone, don’t hesitate to use hyperboles, because mere description just won’t do; it lacks the most important aspect: the emotional excess.
#9: Hilaire Belloc, “Matilda” (1907)
Matilda told such Dreadful Lies, It made one Gasp and Stretch one’s Eyes; Her Aunt, who, from her Earliest Youth, Had kept a Strict Regard for Truth, Attempted to believe Matilda: The effort very nearly killed her, And would have done so, had not she Discovered this Infirmity.
Children respond to hyperboles much more emphatically than they do to realistic, descriptive language. That is why most cartoons are littered with images of excessive violence; ironically, it is the exaggeration which makes the violence more palatable, and the message more graspable. Even though this practice goes way back to the cautionary tales present in the folklore of most nations, it was first popularized by a German psychiatrist named Heinrich Hoffmann, whose 1845 children’s book, Struwwelpeter (or, Shock-headed Peter) is a series of rhyming tales with a moral which the author regularly demonstrates by exaggerating the consequences of misbehavior. Hilaire Belloc parodied the genre in his Cautionary Tales for Children, as evidenced by the full title of the poem excerpted above: “Matilda, Who Told Lies, and Was Burned to Death.” In the opening stanza we are informed that Matilda’s lies are not only “gaspingly” and “eye-stretchingly” dreadful, but that they would have also killed her aunt if she only believed them!
#10: Dorothy Parker, “Comment” (August 16, 1925)
Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song, A medley of contemporanea: And love is a thing that can never go wrong; And I am Marie of Roumania.
Two-time Academy Award-nominee Dorothy Parker was an American poet, critic and satirist who justly enjoys the reputation as one of the greatest wits and wisecrackers of the 20th century. For example, upon being told that Calvin Coolidge, the 30th US President, had passed away, commenting on his stiffness and taciturnity, Parker immediately replied: “How can they tell?” That’s a great hyperbolic remark in itself, but the one-stanza poem quoted here is, arguably, even better. After paraphrasing two conventional exaggerations (“life is a glorious cycle of song” and “love is a thing that can never go wrong”), Parker adds another one “I am Marie of Roumania.” However, since this last line is obviously ironic—i.e., she is most certainly not Marie of Romania—the reader is invited to revisit the previous two hyperboles and realize that Parker is, in fact, cynical. Thanks to this poem, the phrase “And I am Maria of Romania” is now regularly used when someone wishes to express disbelief (it is similar to another ironic hyperbole of the type: “Yeah, and I’m the Queen of England!”)
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