#i just need an excuse to reread one piece and talk about it lol
comiic-persona · 8 months
if i were to reread one piece, and do an in time(? or whatever you wanna call it) discussion of my thought, is that something yall would be interested in?
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conartisthaiji · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
u wanted commentary on five of my favorite fics right? that's exactly what u meant by "self-rec". in no particular order:
you took one look and now i'm not the same (haikyuu!, bokuaka & bg kuroken, 3.5k, coffeeshop au): i don't think i've written anything as funny as this. akaashi keeps ordering a drink he hates because he genuinely believes it's the only drink bokuto can make. bokuto may or may not know how to make other drinks besides hot chocolate. the kuroken subplot is the funniest shit i've ever written. i wish i could be as funny as dec 2021 lyz.
one more year (and then i'll want them all) (hibike! euphonium, kumirei, 1.9k, proposal fic): MANNNN this is so adorable and fluffy and soft (my specialties). not much to say about this one but she's special to me...like i do go back to it whenever i need a pick-me-up
i feel like a monster nobody can stop (always on my mind like autopilot) (third life/limited life, majorwood, 2.2k, canon-compliant): martyn was so much fun to write like i got really into his voice, and i hadn't ever written him before so i was a little surprised at how easy it was to write him? i had a lot of fun working with the tension of this particular piece, especially since tension is something that i personally struggle with writing! and this one really pushed me to keep it in as long as possible, and i'm ultimately really proud of the result.
(hopeless boy) seeking someone who will share this feeling (third life/limited life, nosy neighbors, 2.1k, canon-compliant): literally no one in the world understands the nosy neighbors the way i do. or bigb. the "he loves me, he loves me not" bit was the driving force behind the fic, and it's always so satisfying when a bit you imagined in your head comes out the way you envisioned! also pearl is always a pleasure to write.
and i'll never go home again (haikyuu!, oikita, 4.5k, semicanon-compliant): i bring up the oikita fic every moment i get, and there's a reason for that. i'm genuinely so proud of this one. stylistically it wasn't something i had a lot of practice writing (nonlinear narratives are, in my professional opinion, a pain), and i also leaned into a dreamy, less structured vibe, which is pretty different from the majority of my fics! i learned a lot while working on it this, and i'm really proud of how it came out.
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sitp-recs · 9 months
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HP Rec Fest, Day 27
Omg day 27 already?! I can’t believe this fest is almost done :( today’s prompt for @hprecfest is fun but also challenging for those (like me) who read way more canon-based fic than AUs. But I do love a good challenge so I decided to go full non-magical AU instead of picking a “Draco in the Muggle World” AU. And since I’ve been sick in bed with a lot of time in my hands I thought why not rec 2 Drarry fics + 1 rare pair. As you’ll see I love rivals to lovers a normal amount so that naturally makes Sports AU my absolute obsession jam. I’m so happy to include in one single post an old fave, a recent fave and my favourite rare pair. Run don’t walk!
Day 27) a Muggle-AU fic:
🏒 Mad Blood Stirring by provocative_envy (E, 3k)
It's not like they've been angrily hooking up on the sly since meeting at a Juniors skills camp in fucking Manitoba four years ago, except that's exactly what they've been doing. ALTERNATIVELY: Draco and Harry really need to talk about their feelings.
fucking finally, the perfect excuse to cheekily include my fave sports/non-magical AUs and scream non-stop about them! I couldn’t care less for hockey, and yet I’ve reread this classic more times than I care to admit. this is superb rivals with benefits to lovers (my fave!), super hot and hilariously chaotic as all Drarry things should be. PE nails both characters in a non-magical setting perfectly - their voices are a delight and the constant flirting bickering made me lol every 3 seconds. they are so deliciously crazy for each other I could stay in this verse forever just watching them pine, play & fuck throughout the season - make sure to go check the FlintWood piece here, it’s equally brilliant! def a classic sports AU to reread over and over.
🚣‍♀️ Our Objective Remains Unchanged by @citrusses (E, 46k)
Harry Potter, returning member of the Oxford University Boat Club, has two goals for the spring of 2005: beat Cambridge, and beat Draco Malfoy. Perhaps not in that order.
an instant 2023 fave, this is the rowing AU I did not know I needed but boy, am I happy it found me 🙏🏼 citrus got me shooketh from beginning to end, I am awed by the world building and the whole Oxford way of life especially the classism aspect and the training ethos. everything is so vivid and refreshing and unlike anything I’ve seen in the fandom so far. the fic incorporates many canon elements and balances dialogue, world building and character development flawlessly. being in Harry’s head is an emotional ride, he’s a wonderful and relatable character and I just wanted him to be happy so badly. Draco’s arc is equally moving (I was screaming at his reappearance) and this is peak rivals to lovers!!! I was very invested in the competition and the romance is so so lovely and real. I felt incredibly sad and lost when I finished this fic because I wanted to stay in this universe forever. fun, inventive, sophisticated and surprising in the best ways, go read it now
Rare pair
Shut Up and Kiss Me by @unmistakablyoatmeal (Harry/Teddy, E, 7.7k)
There's a reason Harry walks an extra ten blocks to go to the shops and it has nothing to do with onions.
smitten Harry my beloved!!!! I’m so weak for this ship and this shop AU is the cutest thing you’ll read today, I love swooning Harry daydreaming about Teddy and being an absolute dork around him. it’s so funny (and mildly embarrassing) to watch him pine over this cool, charming, and confident young Teddy who’s not afraid to get what he wants 🌝 the clubbing scene deserves special kudos for its depiction of ageism in queer spaces and how older folks sometimes struggle to fit in. for all their differences I love how Harry and Teddy instantly click, the casual-not-so-casual flirting flows smoothly between them until the UST breaks with deliciously hot smut as per sdk’s usual. a sweet AU to check before the year ends!
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wetbloodworm · 1 year
sergey food talk
checking through some of my tags to see if i’ve posted certain art pieces and rereading some meta while i’m at it. ran into the comment about making food being a love language for sergey and god i just love that. i love that about him. sergey’s sociable and funny and generally treats people well, but he doesn’t generally come off as like... a person that’s super nice and goes out of his way for others, y’know? he’s not someone that offers to do favors for acquaintances, he might do it if asked if it’s not super out of his way/otherwise demanding but he’s probably not going to be the first person someone asks. that kinda thing. he’s fun to hang out with but he’s often not very enthusiastic about Doing Things, and it doesn’t help that he’s got resting bitch face so if you don’t know him well enough you might think he’s not very approachable lol
but! when sergey gets close to people, he starts doing things for them without being asked. things to help out, buying things they need or might like. he tends to minimize it or make a joke out of it to hide the fact that he’s just being kind, because god forbid he be open emotionally with a loved one.
on the topic of food specifically, the first example to come to mind is with diego. early on when they’d hang out diego could make a comment about being hungry or wanting snacks, and sergey would just joke back like damn that sucks for you, or yeah but you’ll have to get up and is anything worth that, really? just chill banter back and forth until diego either works up the energy to get up or decides it ISN’T worth getting up and the subject changes. there’s a point when they get closer, though, where diego makes a comment about being hungry, and sergey jokes like he usually does. but when diego shows no sign of actually feeling up to getting himself food, sergey finds an excuse to get up after a bit so it’s not obvious what he’s doing (squirming out from under diego because they start flopping all over each other early on). comes back with like two sandwiches or quesadillas or some other quick thing and drinks and a bag of chips for them to share. excusing it with like a joke about how diego’s just gonna keep whining, or saying the food talk got him hungry too and while it would’ve been really funny to come back with food just for himself, again. the whining. it would’ve gotten worse.
so yeah, stuff like that. making extra food when he’s cooking for himself for lunch and saving it to heat up later when he knows diego’s coming over and he can make a casual comment about there being leftovers in the fridge. keeping more stuff in his fridge and pantry that sergey doesn’t like himself but he knows diego likes. it gets harder to wave off doing stuff like getting up to make food for diego when he doesn’t bring anything back for himself because he’s not hungry, but i think diego will only call him out so much because NEITHER of them are very open emotionally and acknowledging the sweet things they do for each other as genuinely sweet will just make them both uncomfortable. they’re both more likely to acknowledge that sort of thing by joking about it or more over-the-top teasing like wow you stood up to throw a tortilla and some cheese in the microwave just for me, what’s up, are you dying or something, can i have your car when you die.
i think as time progresses it becomes more of a given that sergey’s in charge of food for both of them, and that if diego says he’s hungry sergey’s gonna go get him something. diego can also ask for stuff directly, and sergey will absolutely complain and joke about it but he still does it. sergey also becomes more likely to actually cook meals that require more effort as time goes on, because he doesn’t care enough to do it for himself but diego said he liked xyz once. because he may have a hard time saying it directly but he loves diego and wants to take care of him and make him happy.
this doesn’t apply just to diego, of course, family and other close friends get the same treatment, always while refusing to acknowledge that he’s doing it out of affection.
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