#i just needed a media console a few new/different kitchen cabinets to make what i already had work
ricoka · 2 years
YouTube can be fun but sometimes it also makes you want to throw your tv out the window
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mingle-wise · 3 years
Digital World of Dating - Minglewise
Technological advancements and innovations have changed much of our lives and a perfect example of this is how we approach relationships and dating. You could whip out your phone and find a date faster than it would take to get ready for a night on the town. Even when you are already in a relationship, technology plays a huge role because keeping in touch is significantly easier.
Couples can text each other so they are always in contact. They can send photos, video recordings, and even facetime each other whenever they are feeling lonely. The first impression is always important and when getting acquainted online, the first impression is made by a profile photo.
Here are a few other ways technology has changed dating and relationships in both ways I mean in a good way and in a bad way so, we are going to see both the “Faces of online dating”.
I. Before you say hello:
Almost everyone has an online presence and that gives singles a unique opportunity to learn more about someone before they even make that first introduction. Let us you are browsing a popular dating app and you come across someone who catches your eye.
Instead of sending them a message right away, you can read their dating profile to see if you have any common interests or even want the same thing, relationship-wise. That profile could very well help you find your soulmate or dodge a bullet!
 II. Everything is documented:
Many of us use our social media accounts to document much of our lives. We love to share the exciting things in their lives, as well as get support when we hit a rough spot.
Every new relationship, every break-up, every flirty comment that you post on your timeline (or even someone else’s), will always be there. Even if you delete it is always stored somewhere.
 III. It gives the saying “there’s other fish in the sea” a new meaning:
When we go through a breakup, many people have someone in their lives that will try to offer some encouragement and say something like, “Don’t worry, there’s other fish in the sea.” Although they mean well, that phrase tends to feel like a lame attempt to console and encourage at the same time.
Thankfully when the new single is told there are other fish in the sea now, there is. A person could join any dating site or use an app and within seconds you would have hundreds of singles right there at your fingertips!
   IV. Even the busiest people can find their date:
That’s true my friend, these days nobody has much free time. Time is moving at its speed, but the world is moving far ahead! So, all these dating apps help the busiest person to find their “Someone Special”. These apps help people to meet and date virtually till they get the time to meet in real.
 V. It creates attention and excitement:
While using these apps the people start to get attention which creates a lot of excitement. Chatting, planning for a date, going on a date, meeting the person all of these things creates huge excitement. These dating apps are so much advanced with different features swipe left, swipe right, it’s a match oh god! this gives the person lots of excitement and attention from different people.
But that’s not it my dear, with technological advancement there are lots of other things people should take care of while online dating because it’s correctly said and I quote “Half knowledge is always dangerous”. There will be many people who will use it to find a real soulmate, to find someone special, to find BFF!, but at the same time, there will so many people who will use it to deceive in disguise appearance.
 Let me tell you some challenges of online dating:
i. Disguising profiles: Yes, as I said earlier technology is a boon and also, curse as many people out there will impersonate someone to cause trouble or to hurt someone. We don’t know the exact intention of such a person and we will never know as well because reasons are endless and so are these persons with such profiles as well.
ii. Being ghosted: This is the most common thing hehe, most of the people go on their first date, everything goes fine on a date but then they ghost you I mean to say they avoid you without saying any reason they just disappear all of sudden and you will all be left with the confusion “What just happened?”
No worries, just don’t wait for such people because they don’t deserve your time and love, move on and find someone who deserves your love and time.
iii. Communication errors: Although we have all this wifi, 4g connection with us but still there is always this communication error. Sometimes the internet is down, sometimes we are traveling and there is no proper network and many more. Also, we miss physical communication like going out meeting people, having lunch together, dinner together, movies together, and much more fun.
We are surrounded by technology in all aspects right from the key of the house to everything. The cabinets of the kitchen are now automated, the curtains are now automated, the thermostat of the house, the mobile, the laptop, the car we drive everything are now automated so, please ‘Thanks to this technology”
Now, finding our soulmate has become easy keeping in mind we need to use it wisely.
“To find love and our true soulmate is never going to be easy” but the struggle to find them can be reduced by online dating apps so, thanks to technology and everything.
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honeyedhoseok · 7 years
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word count | 2.1k
genre | noona x jungkook; college au
warnings | profanity, smut (in the future) [M]
Part 2
Jungkook flicked his thumb upwards, scrolling past the endless pictures on social media of other university students unpacking their things, saying goodbye to their parents, some even already prepping for a night out on the town in celebration.
Jungkook’s own apartment was a disaster state, but not because of his own belongings he needed to unpack. He’d brought his clothes, video games, and bathroom stuff for good measure because that was most important. The scattered mess of boxes and unpacked totes that lay in the living room and kitchen were all from his hyungs he was rooming with this year, Jimin and Taehyung.
“Y/N’s not going to text you back any faster if you stare the screen like that, Kookie,” Jimin teased, unpacking a box full of blankets next to the couch and tossing one to Jungkook.
He draped it over the back with a scowl painted on his mouth. “I wasn’t waiting for her to text me bac—“ He was interrupted by the sound of his phone going off in his hand, a snapchat notification from you which he quickly opened. You were sitting with your roommate on your bed, a bunny-ear filter contorting both of your faces and making your eyes impeccably big. He snapped back a picture of his legs with Jimin in the background, typing out “How’s move in going?” lamely before he sent it.
“Dude you’re still talking to her? I thought you gave up on that,” Taehyung commented with a grunt, passing through with a large box of kitchen stuff in his hands. “Hey are you gonna keep dicking around on your phone or actually help us set this place up?”
Jungkook rolled his eyes but dragged himself off the couch and into the kitchen, placing cooking pots and pans under the sink in the extra cabinet space. “I never said I gave up on her, I said that I wasn’t going to try too hard from now on.”
Which was a lie.
Jungkook was trying extremely hard, and for all the wrong reasons. He knew you were older, probably out of his league, and deserved better. But he wanted you so bad it made his teeth ache. Most of it was physical, but he didn’t care. The emotions could come later, after he made you moan his name like a personal prayer.
“What you’re saying is you sent her a dick pic and she responded with how cute, so now your ego is hurt?” Taehyung snorted, darting out the way of Jungkook’s fist that shot out to punch him in the stomach.
“What I’m saying is,” Jungkook began, blowing out a breath, “It’s inevitable that it’s going to happen. So all I need to do is sit back and wait.”
Jimin’s cocked an eyebrow at his younger friend, “How are you so sure?”
Jungkook’s phone went off in his pocket then in perfect timing, making a smirk cross his features. “Why is she still talking to me, then?”
You were asking yourself the same question.
You’d gotten Jungkook’s snapchat after hanging out with him and his friends over the summer. They were all fooling around, doing ridiculous jumps off the diving board and into the pool. You’d noticed the younger boy’s broad shoulders and toned muscles from the moment he’d stripped his shirt off and dived in, and you hadn’t taken your eyes off him since.
Jungkook, noticing that you were videotaping him earlier, came over to sit beside you and ask you for your snapchat ID so that he could see the video. Your eyes wanted so badly to follow the trails of water that dripped from his hair and onto his chest, rolling down his pecs to the little trail of hair that dipped into the center of his trunks. Instead, you focused on his face, the muscle in his jaw ticking as he talked to you, the furrow of his eyebrows, the veins in his hands as they wrapped your phone to take a closer look.
Since then, your relationship was a flurry of normal conversations that turned increasingly flirty the later they spanned on into the night. Jungkook was very vocal about what he wanted from you, but you were doing everything you could in denying him the pleasure of getting it.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want him—god, did you—but there was something inside that tingled at the thought of riling the younger boy up. You wanted to keep him distant enough where he fawned after you, but close enough to keep the hope alive that you would eventually give him what he was craving.
It was a sick, twisted relationship that you two had going on, but it was much too fun to stop. However, the ante was upped the moment he decided to drop the bomb that he was going to be a freshman at the same college you went to. Jungkook was closer than ever to getting what he wanted, in the realist way possible, and you both had a feeling your flirtatious relationship was going to soon come to an end.
You snapped him one more picture with your tongue out, sending it with no caption to keep your streak alive as your roommate stood up from your bed, stretching. “I’m gonna go nap before we head out tonight, I have a feeling it’s gonna be a late one.”
You nodded, setting your phone aside. “I need to figure out what I’m wearing.”
“Why, all you’re going to do is talk to that kid all night long,” Yujin laughed, rolling her eyes.
“He’s not a kid!”
“Y/N, you’re a senior and he just got out of high school good.”
“So!” you retorted, your eyes twinkling with mischief. “He doesn’t look like a kid, that’s for sure.”
“Ah ah ah!” Yujin yelled, placing her hands over her ears and walking out of your room, “I don’t want to hear anything that has to do with what he looks like. He’s too young! End of story!”
You giggled as you heard her close the door to her own room, still mumbling nonsense to herself to drown out the sound of your voice. Your phone dinged again and you dived for it, counting to ten before you opened a picture from Jungkook.
What are you getting into tonight?
“Fuck, man, someone placed a fucking C4 right beside the door! How’s a guy supposed to camp in this building?”
“That’s the point. You don’t camp, you twat. You get down there and do some real work, like me!”
“Says the guy who’s thirteen and twenty-two.”
“Fuck you.”
Jungkook tossed his controller to the side as he noticed his phone lighting up beside him, ignoring the complaints that were trailing from Taehyung’s bedroom about the shittiness of their online team.
The three normally split up while they were gaming, but since they lived together now they had to come up with a different system. Jungkook was on his own console in his bedroom and Taehyung was doing the same in his, with Jimin joining in on the unlucky person who lost rock paper scissors. It was a bitch to play split screen while online, so Jungkook was going to make sure he always won.
Text Message received 8:51pm
I’m going out with my roommates tonight to celebrate moving in, wish you could come!
 Text Message sent 8:52pm
Don’t get too lit, wouldn’t want you going home with a random guy
 Of course he couldn’t come, he was too young to drink in public. Jungkook cursed himself for even sending something as insecure as that, but your quick reply made a smirk twitch at the corner of his mouth.
Text Message received 8:53pm
Wouldn’t dream of it, little baby ;P
 The nickname annoyed him slightly, but it was kind of cute coming from you. Jungkook would deal with whatever it took if it meant that you’d finally come home with him one day. He sent you a smirk face emoji before tossing his phone to the side again, picking up his controller and rejoining the game that Jimin and Taehyung were still losing.
It was multiple games and hours later, when Jungkook was laying in his bed in the dark, when you sent him a random snapchat. He hadn’t expected to talk to you for the rest of the night considering you would be drinking with your roommates so he opened it quickly, his eyes grazing the picture seconds before it disappeared off his screen.
You were pouting in the backseat of a car, your roommates head rested on your shoulder, with the caption Yujin got sick so we left at the bottom.
Jungkook swiped right on your name, opening the chat feature in snapchat and quickly typing out Is everything okay?
 Y/N 12:22am
She’s fine
Really drunk
So am I tho lol
 Jungkook 12:24am
I told you to be careful
 Y/N 12:27am
I know
You should have been ther
I woud have been focused on u instead drinking
 Jungkook laughed at your grammar mistakes, shaking his head against the pillows on his bed.
 Jungkook 12:29am
Lol you’re wild
 Y/N 12:35am
And you’re cute
 His phone buzzed again, a snapchat of your bare legs in bed, obviously having made it safely back to your apartment and already put Yujin to bed. Jungkook sent a picture of his face, the flash blinding him a little with the brightness and showing off the paleness of his upper chest.
Your reply was instantaneous: hot
You didn’t know what made you type the words you did next, but you were sending them before you could think twice about what you were about to do. Jungkook and you both knew it was a bad idea to keep texting when you were drunk. Your conversations always went south this late at night, especially when you were under the influence. But the little shit always wanted them to go this way, even if it was just so he could tease you about it the next day.
Y/N 12:51
You should come over
You waited, blinking at your screen in the dark at the words you’d just sent. Your fingers tightened around your phone as you watched the icon that let you know Jungkook was typing disappear and then reappear a few times. You blew out a breath of relief when he finally replied, a smile playing around the edges of your lips.
Jungkook 12:52am
Send me your fucking location
You giggled in the darkness, about to type out an address before realizing that you didn’t have the address of your new apartment memorized. Yujin knew, but she was fucking passed out drunk in her bed at that moment and no help to you whatsoever.
Y/N 12:54am
I don’t lnow it, its jst the apartments by the rec center
 Jungkook sent you frowning emoji.
 Jungkook 12:55am
Y/N I don’t know where the fuck that is
I just moved in today!!!!
 Y/N 12:56am
I’m sorry!!!!!!!!!!
 Jungkook 1:00am
Let me come see you tomorrow
You’re mean for teasing me like this
 You thought for a moment, picturing Jungkook in your apartment with Yujin’s judgy eyes watching his every move, and you were shaking the idea out of your swimming head before you could even dwell on it long.
 Y/N 1:02am
There’s a party tomorrow on campus, you jimin taehyung should come
We can meet..and I’m make up for tonight
 Jungkook, being the ever persistent one, immediately typed out: Oh yeah? How? You sent a smirk face back, playing coy.
  Y/N 1:05am
You’ll just have to wait and see
 Jungkook sent you a picture then, and you clicked on it nonchalantly, expecting another snap of him in the dark with his eyebrows furrowed and a somewhat flirty threat. What popped up on your screen took your breath away, your eyes darting to take it all in a memorize it in your head before it went away.
It was a picture of Jungkook’s lower half in his bed, the comforter pushed off his frame and towards the end of the bed where his bare feet rested. He was gripping his evident hard on through the material of his grey sweatpants, the tendons in his forearm standing out somewhat menacingly.
Don’t fucking tease me noona. Stop playing hard to get
The picture disappeared much too quickly for your liking and you sat in the darkness, feeling your blood rush to your already hot face. Your core was flooded with feeling suddenly, too, making you clench your thighs together underneath the white duvet that covered your bed.
You took a few breaths in and out before typing out an excited reply, biting your lip:
Y/N 1:11am
Im not teasing. Just wait until tomorrow
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jesbakescookies · 7 years
Too Hot To Handle: Chapter Thirty-Seven
So I kinda wrote a different kind of fanfiction. It’s nothing as in depth as my other fics so I am going to post it here. ENJOY!!***Actor, Real Person Fanfiction, Walking Dead RPF***Featuring: Jeffrey Dean Morgan X Original Female Character, Norman Reedus and others.. (FYI this is total fiction, as in I know nothing about JDMs life or that of his real SO and son etc. Because of this, for this work of fiction, they don’t exist. Jeffrey’s been a typical actor playboy dating fellow stars etc. This is written for sick daydreaming pleasure.)
Aria St. James is a busy woman with a thriving restaurant. She thought she had everything she needed until a few famous faces visit her dining room. A tall, dark and handsome actor decides Aria’s just what he’s been looking for.
Rating: Mature : NSFW **dirty dirty**
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Aria stood in the large space, which would become her second restaurant, the insides gutted and under construction. She was working with her contractor and designer to plan out the final placement of the dining and kitchen areas. Her mind was envisioning how she wanted everything, down to the seating area for those waiting for tables. Aria was consumed by planning every minute detail in order to avoid thinking about Jeffrey and the media. The length of time apart had made the heart grow fonder and the mind go crazier.
She’d come to realize she needed Jeffrey in her life more than she'd originally thought. He'd become a cornerstone to her mental stability and without him, she'd been spinning out. 
The medias efforts to drive her loony and film it, had not helped in the slightest. Ever since the pictures of Liam holding her, the paparazzi had been relentlessly following their every move. Every dirtbag with a camera was aching for a shot of Aria and Liam doing something inappropriate. It would be a huge payday for them and they were not taking any chances on missing it. 
Thankfully, Jeffrey was coming home the next morning and she couldn't wait to finally see him in person. The lack of physical contact with him was not only sexually frustrating but emotionally draining. She wanted a Jeffrey Dean Motherfucking Morgan hug, the best kind of hugs on earth. He'd wrap her up from top to bottom, rock her back and forth, making everything all fucking better. 
"The server station, how many cabinets were you thinking?" "I want at least six, we’re always short on storage at the other place." She replied motioning to their placement. "A small fridge for extras to limit runs into the kitchen, as well as a wine cooler." When her designer gasped, Aria turned around to see if there was another rodent sighting. When she found something even more surprising, Aria placed a hand over her mouth. Jeffrey sauntered towards them, an easy grin on his face as he greeted her. "Place is coming along, sweetheart." "Jeff." Aria croaked while heading towards him, her knees trembling. "You said tomorrow." "I wanted to surprise you." He murmured as she reached him, her arms wrapping around his neck as his encircled her waist. A sob crawled up her throat but she swallowed it down, her face nuzzling into his neck for comfort. "Oh sweetheart." Jeffrey rasped gravelly, his voice cracking as he pressed his nose into her scalp. "I have fucking missed you." "Me too." She whimpered, her arms tightening around his neck. Jeffrey lifted her from her feet and squeezed her tightly to his front, his lips pressed into her neck. "God, you're so fucking beautiful." He commented as he set her down and cupped her face, his thumb brushing moisture from below her eyes. "Don't cry, baby girl." "Can't help it." Aria muttered, glancing at the contractor and designer who were occupying themselves while they reunited. Keeping herself pressed to his front she peered up at him with watery eyes. "Believe me, I understand. I'm barely hanging on myself." Jeffrey replied softly, cupping her face and pulling her mouth to his. They kissed with their foreheads pressed together and eyes closed as they soaked up the affection. "Fucking missed you so goddamn much, sweetpea." He rasped, his voice hoarse and barely controlled. Pulling back he smiled widely at her, brushing hair from her temple before looking around. "Show me the new place."
Jeffrey kept his hands on Aria at all times, his nerves feeling raw if not in contact with some part of her. He kept holding her hand or wrapping her under his arm, the man unable to part from his wife now that they were together again. She'd done a lot on the new restaurant while he was away and even though the place was gutted, he could see what it would become. Aria was a planner and the fact that she could envision it down to the color of napkins placed on the tables, showed just how much she enjoyed her work. "I'm reworking the kitchen to flow better than the other one. Javie’s going to be jealous as fuck." She commented with a grin, her hand woven with his. "Well maybe he can take over this one when you open your third." Jeffrey commented, flashing her a charming grin. "Jesus, wait for this one to stay open first, babe." She replied with a chuckle. "Who fucking knows what will happen." "It'll be great. You know it." Rolling her eyes, they said goodbye to her contractor and designer, to head home. Jeffrey hadn't even stopped there yet, the man knowing she was working at the new place all day. Liam and Henry greeted them at the doorway, both men nodding to Jeffrey as they led them to the parking lot. A few camera men had figured out that Aria was working on a new place and had set up when she'd arrived. Flashes went off as they reached the parking lot. "Jeffrey, you're back!" "Jeffrey, what's your opinion on the pictures of your wife and her guard?" "Aria, are you happy he's home?" "Aria! Jeff!" Growling under his breath, Jeffrey waved them off without comment and got Aria situated in his vehicle. Reaching the driver’s side door, he was about to get inside when a paparazzi commented, "So you're okay with your wife's relationship with her bodyguard?" Turning around, Jeffrey replied, "Of course. He protects her from pushy assholes looking for a paycheck. Now back up and get the fuck out of the way." Climbing in, as a plethora of camera’s clicked, Jeffrey smiled at Aria tightly before pulling out of the parking lot. He would hear about that comment later but he was fucking over it. Jeffrey was back and he wanted to take his wife home and take her in every way possible. "They've been all over me ever since those photos." She offered as he drove them straight home. "They're fucking assholes." "Couldn't agree more." "I'm sorry." "Don't be. You know I don't blame you." "You should, this fucking circus is my fault. You wouldn’t be dealing with cameras shoved in your face if you hadn't married me." "And if I hadn't married you, I'd be bored as fuck." She joked. Smirking at her, Jeffrey replied, "well I wouldn't want that. I'd rather you just be fucked instead." "By anyone in particular?" She teased. "Yeah, by the guy who's been rock fucking hard from the moment his plane landed." Jeffrey growled, his eyes flicking to hers before weaving through traffic to get home faster. "Are you hard now?" "Fuck, yes." "Let me see." "Jesus Christ." He growled, his dark eyes flitting from her to the road. Pulling one hand from the steering wheel, he maneuvered his zipper and tugged them open. Sliding his hand inside his jeans, Jeffrey removed the aching dick from the tight confines with a sigh. "Fuck, that's better. It's fucking painful to hide this monster." Aria hadn't spoken, causing the man to glance her way. When he found her chewing her lip and ogling the dick in his hand, he couldn't help but stroke it with a groan. "Fuck." He hissed, "I want your hand darlin'. Mines not good enough." Before he knew what was happening, Aria’s head was in his lap and his cock was buried in her mouth. "Holy fuck!" He exclaimed, his hands clutching the steering wheel in a death grip. "Jesus, Aria. Someone's gonna see." "I don't fucking care." She mumbled through her actions, her hand and mouth sucking and fucking him quickly. "You taste good." "Jesus fucking Christ. Doll. Oh fuck." He cursed and writhed while driving them towards home. When they arrived, Jeffrey pulled them into the garage and closed the door quickly. Shoving the car into park, Jeffrey watched her head bob and the way her ass was up in the air as she lay across the console. "Fuck, sweetheart. Goddamn your mouth." Jeffrey grumbled, his hips rising off the seat to meet the delicious suction she was applying. "Stop or I'll fucking cum." "Do it." She growled, her eyes rising to his. "I want to swallow you." "Fucking shit." He groaned at her words and even deeper as she dropped her mouth back into his lap. Weaving his hands into her hair, Jeffrey relaxed back and enjoyed the way her mouth and hands worked him over. He rocked into the wet, warmth, pulling every satisfying feeling he could from her soft tongue. "Baby girl." Jeffrey gasped, his hips rising from the seat as she swallowed his cock down her throat. The head touched the back as she moaned around the hot flesh. "I'm gonna... fuck Ari." "Cum." She murmured, her dark eyes rising to his. "Let me taste you." "F-uck." His voice cracked like a prepubescent teen at her words and husky voice. "Swallow it, baby girl. Every fucking drop." Without pause, Aria let him push through her pink, swollen lips into her throat. After two suction filled strokes, Jeffrey was cumming almost painfully down her throat. He roared at the overwhelming sensation of her moaning and sucking his cum from his body like a greedy deviant. Slamming his hand against the roof of the car, his arched his hips off the seat and into her mouth as she continued to stroke and suck him clean. "Fucking, fuck. Jesus Christ." He panted, sweat dripping down his temples and soaking the back of his t-shirt. "Baby girl, you're so good." Aria pulled her mouth from his dick, her lips swollen and wet were curled into a smirk as she looked over his spent body. "Good?" "Fucking amazing." He rasped, his voice hoarse from crying out like a wanton slut. "I don't think I can walk." "Well, that's unfortunate because I'm about to go inside and strip off all my clothing and fingerfuck myself to thought of swallowing around your cumming dick." "Jesus, where'd this kinky mouth come from doll? That's fucking filthy." "I've missed you and I want to make up for lost time. I'm sexually frustrated." "Well, lets fucking solve that shit." He grumbled climbing out of the car with his pants still undone and partially hard dick hanging out. Tucking it in for safe keeping, Jeffrey circled the car as Aria was exiting it. Yanking her towards him, Jeffrey wasted no time in delving into her mouth while pinning her to the side of the car. His hand tugged her zipper down and sunk into her damp panties with a groan. "Goddamn you're soaked. You like sucking me off that much huh?" "Fuck yes." She mumbled, her eyes fluttering as his fingers curled through her wet lips. "I'm going to make you cum so fucking hard, baby." He rasped, his mouth moving along her neck and shoulder as his fingers swirled around her clit. Aria clung to him, her fingers biting into his arms and waist while holding on for support. Jeffrey gripped a fist full of hair and angled her head to the side to lick and suck her neck. He could feel her pussy fluttering around his curled digits, her tight little walls clutching onto him as he plunged inside. "Feel you, baby girl. Cum for me." Aria moaned as he sunk inside her, stroking that spot she loved prodded. He watched her lips part, small gasps escaping as he wound her up before breaking her. The sight of Aria’s head thrown back, her mouth filled with a guttural moan, had Jeffrey clutching onto her as she came. He scooped her up before she’d even came to and marched them inside to the kitchen table where he promptly sat her down. Tugging her pants off completely, Jeffrey dropped to his knees and spread her thighs with a grin. "Fuck, you're bare?” "Wanted to be ready for you." "God-fucking-damn. You're sexy as fuck doll." He commented before burying his face into her already sensitive pink parts. His tongue trailed through her folds, enjoying her enthusiastically, as though he'd never tasted her before. Aria's hands were buried in his hair, curling into the thick locks as she ground against his mouth. She was desperate for him and it had his chest swelling with satisfaction. If his ego wasn't already huge, Jeffrey would never stop gloating about how he made her a wanton mess. 
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"Jeff." She gasped, her chest rising as her back bowed from the table. Growling at the sight, Jeffrey grasped her thighs and pinned her wide open. "Fuck." Aria groaned as he buried his tongue inside her and nuzzled into her swollen hood. Growling against her wet flesh, Jeffrey slid one palm up her shirt and under her bra. He moaned when he found her hard nipple, her skin covered in goosebumps. Pinching and plucking at her breast, he buried two fingers inside her while sucking her hood into his mouth. "Oh god." She gasped before her hips arched into his face as she writhed against his hand. Jeffrey moaned along with her as she came apart at the seams. 
"Fuck doll, you are fucking gorgeous all undone on the kitchen table." "Bedroom." She panted, her arm thrown over her eyes. "Can't walk." Chuckling at her, Jeffrey picked her up off the table and flung her over his shoulder, smacking her bare ass for good measure. Squealing at his action she returned the slap on his back. "You're not supposed to fling me over your shoulder you big ape." She giggled, her stomach bouncing on his shoulder. Jeffrey grinned at the sound, pressing a kiss to her hip before nipping it sharply. "Jeff!" "Yeah, sweetcheeks?" He growled against her skin, his tongue swiping across her hip bone before tossing her onto the bed. His smile couldn't get wider as he took in her flushed skin and sparkling eyes. "Goddamn, I can't get over how pretty you are." Taking off his shirt and kicking off his pants, he watched her remove her own clothing. "I'm putting out already, player. No need to flatter me." Laughing deeply, Jeffrey grabbed her ankle as she scooted away from him. Dragging her back down the bed with a grin, he quipped, "Now, now. Where you going little girl?" "Nowhere." "You're goddamn right, you aren't." He grumbled, his lips trailing up her shin and knee, nipping and licking his way to her stomach. "Not done with you yet, sweet pea. Not. Even. Close."
Find Chapter Thirty-Eight Here:
I started posting this fic over on AO3 also. I will probably post in both places since I’m still figuring out AO3 formatting etc.
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged for updates. I’ll try my best to remember!
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andreafestefano · 6 years
Tips and tricks for organizing the kitchen cabinets
Thank you so much for the kind comments you left on my 10-year anniversary post! I was out of town this weekend so I'm still reading them all. I will contact the winner tonight or tomorrow so watch your email! :) I appreciate you taking the time to comment and I loved reading how you found me!
Today we're talking organization! One of my favorite topics because of all the things I do in our home, organizing the spaces makes the biggest impact on how we live. An organized space makes our lives easier, lowers our stress and saves us money because we don't buy multiples of everything. 
I didn't realize when we moved in how long it would take me to get this house lean and mean though. We have more storage space in this home so I thought it would happen a lot quicker! Some closets I did deal with sooner than others: 
Everything closet before and after
Mud room/laundry cleaning closet
Pantry makeover with organizing tips
And I have to tell you -- there was a remarkable difference in how I felt in the house when those spaces were organized. It's SO NICE to find something when you go to look for it! The older I get, the less I can deal with clutter in our home. It makes me twitchy. 
I say that, and now I'll show you the insides of the lower cabinets in our kitchen. 😂 I don't know why I waited so long to tackle them because these areas were really started to drive me crazy. From the outside the kitchen looked like I had it all together!: 
But here's how the insides looked: 
Not horrendous, I know. (If you want to see some good messy befores check out the posts I linked to above!) But I never knew where anything was. I would quite literally open the doors and throw stuff in. We've lived here nearly eight months now and that was getting old. 
I decided it was time -- and like every organization project I have to take everything out and see it all in one place. There was one more cabinet I didn't get a photo of that I included as well. The cat was not in a cabinet:
He just likes to be up in my business. :) I started by looking over the island with everything on it and picking out things I knew I didn't want. I use the Konmari method (it has changed my life!) and it makes it easy to decide what I'm keeping. (That's the key to Konmari in my mind -- you decide what to keep, not so much what to get rid of. It's so much easier for me!) Then whatever was left I separated into piles -- pitchers, bowls, baking dishes, etc. It became a lot more manageable by the time I got to that point. I took advantage of the empty cabinets and cleaned them really well. Then I started to assess where I wanted to put items. I lucked out big time when I realized the small shelf in our lower cabinets is removable. You know the one I'm talking about? The skinny one in the back that is difficult to get to and always seems to get in the way of the tall stuff you want to store? In our old house I removed a couple of them and it was a MESS because I had to cut them out. I did a little dance when I realized ours are adjustable and removable. YES! I took it out of one cabinet and installed these jobbies I've had for years:
I think I got them at IKEA but these are very similar! I've used them here and there over the years and they are super helpful for awkward items like big pans. I installed two of them in this cabinet since I could take advantage of the height and depth without that back shelf. 
It ended up going much faster than I thought it would! Here is one cabinet before and after: 
One thing that I've learned over the years when decluttering and organizing -- it's OK to have empty space! Let your stuff breathe! Just because you have space doesn't mean you have to fill it. I don't know why, but at first that was uncomfortable for me. Now I love it. ;) 
Here's the other one, this is the cabinet I removed the shelf from: 
I made a quick DIY shelf for one side (I did this in our old house too). I love doing this because it makes it easier to access items. I put the larger mixing bowls that I don't reach for as often in the back underneath. 
And in the "baking" corner cabinet I put some odds and ends on the top shelf and put larger items on the bottom: 
Does anyone have that cool shelf for the mixer (affiliate)? The one you install and then it brings it up to counter height? It's so expensive so I wonder if it's worth it! 
I keep our everyday appliances in our pantry and the others go in the tall cabinet above our ovens: 
I love this cabinet! When I was unpacking the kitchen shortly after moving in I realized I had totally forgotten about that one -- it was like finding treasure. ;) 
I shared my storage hack for over the fridge in the old kitchen and repeated that here: 
IKEA has the BEST stuff for kitchen organization! That's where I find most of my favorite items. (These are also very similar, you just can't adjust them.) I also use those expandable organizers for my pot lids in the drawers under our stovetop. 👍 In the old house we had the dining room/library built ins for most of the serving stuff we use when entertaining and for holidays. I keep the smaller items in our island cabinets now and the new console in the morning room for larger items:
This piece has SO much storage! And I love that ALL of my larger serving dishes are in one spot. They're so easy to access too: 
I haven't shared the uppers in the kitchen because we really only have two and they're pretty basic. The drawers though -- those are for a different day. They need some big time binging and organization! But now that the pantry and cabinets are done, I'm most of the way there as far as the kitchen is concerned! 
It's already made such a difference having these so clean and organized. I just feel at ease when I open the doors. I've said it a million times but tackling projects like this make me feel SO much better about life in general. It's amazing how much having "tidy" spaces reduces my stress. And at extra stressful times I always find solace in making the little spaces in our home more streamlined. 
Do you enjoy binging and organizing? Does decluttering stress you out or make you feel lighter like it does me? It always boosts my mood, I love it! I'm off to donate a few more bags of stuff! :) 
This content is property of Thrifty Decor Chick LLC. If you are reading this on any other site other than https://ift.tt/1kRxOJ2 or one of her social media platforms, please contact her immediately (thriftydecorchick at gmail dot com). Any other use of this content is strictly forbidden.
This industry information is provided by ThompsonsComfortConnection.com.
Copyright © Thrifty Decor Chick. All Rights Reserved.
By: Thompsons Comfort Connection Blog Feed https://ift.tt/2sJzijB
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lukerhill · 6 years
Tips and tricks for organizing the kitchen cabinets
Thank you so much for the kind comments you left on my 10-year anniversary post! I was out of town this weekend so I'm still reading them all. I will contact the winner tonight or tomorrow so watch your email! :) I appreciate you taking the time to comment and I loved reading how you found me!
Today we're talking organization! One of my favorite topics because of all the things I do in our home, organizing the spaces makes the biggest impact on how we live. An organized space makes our lives easier, lowers our stress and saves us money because we don't buy multiples of everything. 
I didn't realize when we moved in how long it would take me to get this house lean and mean though. We have more storage space in this home so I thought it would happen a lot quicker! Some closets I did deal with sooner than others: 
Everything closet before and after
Mud room/laundry cleaning closet
Pantry makeover with organizing tips
And I have to tell you -- there was a remarkable difference in how I felt in the house when those spaces were organized. It's SO NICE to find something when you go to look for it! The older I get, the less I can deal with clutter in our home. It makes me twitchy. 
I say that, and now I'll show you the insides of the lower cabinets in our kitchen. 😂 I don't know why I waited so long to tackle them because these areas were really started to drive me crazy. From the outside the kitchen looked like I had it all together!: 
But here's how the insides looked: 
Not horrendous, I know. (If you want to see some good messy befores check out the posts I linked to above!) But I never knew where anything was. I would quite literally open the doors and throw stuff in. We've lived here nearly eight months now and that was getting old. 
I decided it was time -- and like every organization project I have to take everything out and see it all in one place. There was one more cabinet I didn't get a photo of that I included as well. The cat was not in a cabinet:
He just likes to be up in my business. :) I started by looking over the island with everything on it and picking out things I knew I didn't want. I use the Konmari method (it has changed my life!) and it makes it easy to decide what I'm keeping. (That's the key to Konmari in my mind -- you decide what to keep, not so much what to get rid of. It's so much easier for me!) Then whatever was left I separated into piles -- pitchers, bowls, baking dishes, etc. It became a lot more manageable by the time I got to that point. I took advantage of the empty cabinets and cleaned them really well. Then I started to assess where I wanted to put items. I lucked out big time when I realized the small shelf in our lower cabinets is removable. You know the one I'm talking about? The skinny one in the back that is difficult to get to and always seems to get in the way of the tall stuff you want to store? In our old house I removed a couple of them and it was a MESS because I had to cut them out. I did a little dance when I realized ours are adjustable and removable. YES! I took it out of one cabinet and installed these jobbies I've had for years:
I think I got them at IKEA but these are very similar! I've used them here and there over the years and they are super helpful for awkward items like big pans. I installed two of them in this cabinet since I could take advantage of the height and depth without that back shelf. 
It ended up going much faster than I thought it would! Here is one cabinet before and after: 
One thing that I've learned over the years when decluttering and organizing -- it's OK to have empty space! Let your stuff breathe! Just because you have space doesn't mean you have to fill it. I don't know why, but at first that was uncomfortable for me. Now I love it. ;) 
Here's the other one, this is the cabinet I removed the shelf from: 
I made a quick DIY shelf for one side (I did this in our old house too). I love doing this because it makes it easier to access items. I put the larger mixing bowls that I don't reach for as often in the back underneath. 
And in the "baking" corner cabinet I put some odds and ends on the top shelf and put larger items on the bottom: 
Does anyone have that cool shelf for the mixer (affiliate)? The one you install and then it brings it up to counter height? It's so expensive so I wonder if it's worth it! 
I keep our everyday appliances in our pantry and the others go in the tall cabinet above our ovens: 
I love this cabinet! When I was unpacking the kitchen shortly after moving in I realized I had totally forgotten about that one -- it was like finding treasure. ;) 
I shared my storage hack for over the fridge in the old kitchen and repeated that here: 
IKEA has the BEST stuff for kitchen organization! That's where I find most of my favorite items. (These are also very similar, you just can't adjust them.) I also use those expandable organizers for my pot lids in the drawers under our stovetop. 👍 In the old house we had the dining room/library built ins for most of the serving stuff we use when entertaining and for holidays. I keep the smaller items in our island cabinets now and the new console in the morning room for larger items:
This piece has SO much storage! And I love that ALL of my larger serving dishes are in one spot. They're so easy to access too: 
I haven't shared the uppers in the kitchen because we really only have two and they're pretty basic. The drawers though -- those are for a different day. They need some big time binging and organization! But now that the pantry and cabinets are done, I'm most of the way there as far as the kitchen is concerned! 
It's already made such a difference having these so clean and organized. I just feel at ease when I open the doors. I've said it a million times but tackling projects like this make me feel SO much better about life in general. It's amazing how much having "tidy" spaces reduces my stress. And at extra stressful times I always find solace in making the little spaces in our home more streamlined. 
Do you enjoy binging and organizing? Does decluttering stress you out or make you feel lighter like it does me? It always boosts my mood, I love it! I'm off to donate a few more bags of stuff! :) 
This content is property of Thrifty Decor Chick LLC. If you are reading this on any other site other than https://ift.tt/1kRxOJ2 or one of her social media platforms, please contact her immediately (thriftydecorchick at gmail dot com). Any other use of this content is strictly forbidden.
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andreafestefano · 7 years
What I have I done in four months?
Well hello! Long time no talk! I had the flu this weekend -- thankfully not as bad as most. I was over it pretty quick but took it easy for the remaining long weekend. Then our boy had some minor sickness as well, so needless to say...I got very little accomplished. 
I have SO many big projects planned...I was going to start one over the weekend, but I hope to get going in a day or two instead. Since we've now been in our home for four months, I thought it would be fun to look back and see what I've accomplished in that time. So far I haven't tackled any major projects, but the little ones have really made a difference! I think it's encouraging to see that even minor DIY projects can change the whole look and feel of a room. You know I love big transformations but my focus has been on getting things organized and functional. If you you're been around here for awhile you know once I figure out the way I like accessories, they stay that way for a long time. I've already moved stuff around quite a bit though, and I expect that to continue as I get a better feel for how I want rooms to look. Here's a before of our dining area, the room I'm now calling our "morning room" because it just sounds lovely (and that's the best time in this room anyway):
I shared the full tour of this dining space a few months ago, but as you can see I've changed out a few things:
I found a long, pretty wood tray at At Home and layered items on it. The table centerpiece is something I'm ALWAYS messing with -- but I really like this! I have a big candle, herb plant, some votives and salt and pepper on the tray.
I found that mirror for the master bedroom but brought it in here and just fell in love! Now I want another one for the master. ;) I'm on the lookout for art or something to fill the wall space on either side too. 
Speaking of the master, if you missed that tour you can see it here. This is how this view looked the day we moved in:
I remember being so thrilled I was able to find the box with our sheets! :) 
Here's the progress so far -- hanging window treatments and FINALLY finishing those nightstands made a big difference!:
As I said in that tour post, I'm still looking for something over the bed. Nothing has hit me just yet. 
One easy project that was pretty quick (and made this house feel even more like home!) was the big chalkboard I put in our mud room: 
I will forever love chalkboards. I LOVE the placement of this one! I use it more than any board we've ever had. I love the size and that I can jot down stuff as I come in the door or leave. 
I've mentioned that I've been asked many times what I'll do with myself in a brand new house. Projects like that chalkboard are what make a house a home -- little details that add fun and character!  Just like our old house, I'll be adding and layering to give this house that same feel. 
I added a light on this kitchen wall instead of the cabinet that was supposed to go here:
You can see how I hung the shelves and the materials I used in this post! I've changed things up just a bit:
I had our everyday dishes on there like I did in our old kitchen, but in that house the shelves were right in the middle of the kitchen. Here they're further away from the dishwasher, so we figured it's easier to keep dishes in the cabinet. Instead I put some of the items I use most often up there -- a mixing bowl, serving bowls, recipe box, etc -- along with some pretty stuff. 
You can see how I stained and treated our butcher block island countertop if you missed that project. It's holding up beautifully, even with the sink!
We LOVE the windows in our great room but we thought for sure it would crazy expensive to add window treatments and hardware. You can see how I did it for a great price in this post. Here's a look from the stairs:
I love this view! I still plan to move that drape over a bit so it's not crowding the table. 
I feel like all I've done is hang things. 😂 Drapes, art, mirrors. Lights. But again -- that's the stuff that makes a BIG difference! Here's the great room before we moved in:
Here it is with the drapes, mirrors and furniture from the upstairs:
I have matching pillow covers coming this week and I'm excited about those. You can see more about the consoles on either side of the fireplace here and more about the furniture layout I ended up with here. 
I've hung a few lights so far and I talked about a couple of them last week. If you missed the one over the tub, check out this post!:
I hope to share more of our master bathroom in a week or two -- I still don't have the mirrors hung. I went back and forth on what I wanted to do, but now I think I've got it figured out. :) 
Here's a before picture of the little hallway off our kitchen:
And here's that view now, with a gallery wall around the thermostat and the light I was able to hang from a recessed light fixture:
I finally got the light for our son's room up too. (There's a link to it here.) It's a little smaller than I thought it would be, but I like it and it was easy to hang:
We have BIG plans for his room. That wall around his bed is going to be a really cool focal point when I'm done with it, and we'll have a tad more storage as well. 
I've also installed five dimmers so far -- I was on a roll one day a couple weeks ago. I shared how to add a dimmer in this post -- that soft light is SUCH a lovely addition. I have plans to add at least five more...you know me!
I've hung a TON of art too. I found this at HomeGoods a few weeks ago and like that it's plenty big. I also like that it's a circle -- with all those straight lines this wall needed it:
I'd like a little more contrast though, so I'm thinking about giving it a wash of darker color. We'll see! I envision prom pictures on these stairs someday! 💗
I didn't have mirrors installed in our bathrooms to save a little cash, so I hung these in our son's bath:
I wanted something very simple and modern -- they were super easy to hang and (affiliate) only $20 each! I have plans for that wall behind the mirrors as well...eventually.
I hung a gallery wall around the TV in our master bedroom:
And I've started our new Disney art wall in this house...we've got room for a lot more! I have plenty of art and photos to add, we just need to get more frames at IKEA:
Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing a whole lot, but it's because I've been busy with a ton of little things. It's different for me and honestly kind of nice. Starting from scratch is no joke! There are SO many tasks that pull you in different directions after moving and I'm often flitting from one to another. I'm feeling really good about where we're at though, so the bigger stuff will start soon! 
I'm going to share a source list for everything in the near future, but you should be able to find links to the products in the posts I reference for each space. If not, let me know in the comments. :)
Do you have a favorite "little thing" that you do as far as decor or DIY goes? I think mine would be lighting -- I HATE hanging lights but I always love the outcome! And even just adding a dimmer always makes me so happy -- it makes the house so pretty at night. 
Affiliate links included for your convenience! 
This content is property of Thrifty Decor Chick LLC. If you are reading this on any other site other than http://ift.tt/1kRxOJ2 or one of her social media platforms, please contact her immediately (thriftydecorchick at gmail dot com). Any other use of this content is strictly forbidden.
This industry information is provided by ThompsonsComfortConnection.com.
Copyright © Thrifty Decor Chick. All Rights Reserved.
By: Thompsons Comfort Connection Blog Feed http://ift.tt/2CbSBJn
0 notes
lukerhill · 7 years
What I have I done in four months?
Well hello! Long time no talk! I had the flu this weekend -- thankfully not as bad as most. I was over it pretty quick but took it easy for the remaining long weekend. Then our boy had some minor sickness as well, so needless to say...I got very little accomplished. 
I have SO many big projects planned...I was going to start one over the weekend, but I hope to get going in a day or two instead. Since we've now been in our home for four months, I thought it would be fun to look back and see what I've accomplished in that time. So far I haven't tackled any major projects, but the little ones have really made a difference! I think it's encouraging to see that even minor DIY projects can change the whole look and feel of a room. You know I love big transformations but my focus has been on getting things organized and functional. If you you're been around here for awhile you know once I figure out the way I like accessories, they stay that way for a long time. I've already moved stuff around quite a bit though, and I expect that to continue as I get a better feel for how I want rooms to look. Here's a before of our dining area, the room I'm now calling our "morning room" because it just sounds lovely (and that's the best time in this room anyway):
I shared the full tour of this dining space a few months ago, but as you can see I've changed out a few things:
I found a long, pretty wood tray at At Home and layered items on it. The table centerpiece is something I'm ALWAYS messing with -- but I really like this! I have a big candle, herb plant, some votives and salt and pepper on the tray.
I found that mirror for the master bedroom but brought it in here and just fell in love! Now I want another one for the master. ;) I'm on the lookout for art or something to fill the wall space on either side too. 
Speaking of the master, if you missed that tour you can see it here. This is how this view looked the day we moved in:
I remember being so thrilled I was able to find the box with our sheets! :) 
Here's the progress so far -- hanging window treatments and FINALLY finishing those nightstands made a big difference!:
As I said in that tour post, I'm still looking for something over the bed. Nothing has hit me just yet. 
One easy project that was pretty quick (and made this house feel even more like home!) was the big chalkboard I put in our mud room: 
I will forever love chalkboards. I LOVE the placement of this one! I use it more than any board we've ever had. I love the size and that I can jot down stuff as I come in the door or leave. 
I've mentioned that I've been asked many times what I'll do with myself in a brand new house. Projects like that chalkboard are what make a house a home -- little details that add fun and character!  Just like our old house, I'll be adding and layering to give this house that same feel. 
I added a light on this kitchen wall instead of the cabinet that was supposed to go here:
You can see how I hung the shelves and the materials I used in this post! I've changed things up just a bit:
I had our everyday dishes on there like I did in our old kitchen, but in that house the shelves were right in the middle of the kitchen. Here they're further away from the dishwasher, so we figured it's easier to keep dishes in the cabinet. Instead I put some of the items I use most often up there -- a mixing bowl, serving bowls, recipe box, etc -- along with some pretty stuff. 
You can see how I stained and treated our butcher block island countertop if you missed that project. It's holding up beautifully, even with the sink!
We LOVE the windows in our great room but we thought for sure it would crazy expensive to add window treatments and hardware. You can see how I did it for a great price in this post. Here's a look from the stairs:
I love this view! I still plan to move that drape over a bit so it's not crowding the table. 
I feel like all I've done is hang things. 😂 Drapes, art, mirrors. Lights. But again -- that's the stuff that makes a BIG difference! Here's the great room before we moved in:
Here it is with the drapes, mirrors and furniture from the upstairs:
I have matching pillow covers coming this week and I'm excited about those. You can see more about the consoles on either side of the fireplace here and more about the furniture layout I ended up with here. 
I've hung a few lights so far and I talked about a couple of them last week. If you missed the one over the tub, check out this post!:
I hope to share more of our master bathroom in a week or two -- I still don't have the mirrors hung. I went back and forth on what I wanted to do, but now I think I've got it figured out. :) 
Here's a before picture of the little hallway off our kitchen:
And here's that view now, with a gallery wall around the thermostat and the light I was able to hang from a recessed light fixture:
I finally got the light for our son's room up too. (There's a link to it here.) It's a little smaller than I thought it would be, but I like it and it was easy to hang:
We have BIG plans for his room. That wall around his bed is going to be a really cool focal point when I'm done with it, and we'll have a tad more storage as well. 
I've also installed five dimmers so far -- I was on a roll one day a couple weeks ago. I shared how to add a dimmer in this post -- that soft light is SUCH a lovely addition. I have plans to add at least five more...you know me!
I've hung a TON of art too. I found this at HomeGoods a few weeks ago and like that it's plenty big. I also like that it's a circle -- with all those straight lines this wall needed it:
I'd like a little more contrast though, so I'm thinking about giving it a wash of darker color. We'll see! I envision prom pictures on these stairs someday! 💗
I didn't have mirrors installed in our bathrooms to save a little cash, so I hung these in our son's bath:
I wanted something very simple and modern -- they were super easy to hang and (affiliate) only $20 each! I have plans for that wall behind the mirrors as well...eventually.
I hung a gallery wall around the TV in our master bedroom:
And I've started our new Disney art wall in this house...we've got room for a lot more! I have plenty of art and photos to add, we just need to get more frames at IKEA:
Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing a whole lot, but it's because I've been busy with a ton of little things. It's different for me and honestly kind of nice. Starting from scratch is no joke! There are SO many tasks that pull you in different directions after moving and I'm often flitting from one to another. I'm feeling really good about where we're at though, so the bigger stuff will start soon! 
I'm going to share a source list for everything in the near future, but you should be able to find links to the products in the posts I reference for each space. If not, let me know in the comments. :)
Do you have a favorite "little thing" that you do as far as decor or DIY goes? I think mine would be lighting -- I HATE hanging lights but I always love the outcome! And even just adding a dimmer always makes me so happy -- it makes the house so pretty at night. 
Affiliate links included for your convenience! 
This content is property of Thrifty Decor Chick LLC. If you are reading this on any other site other than http://ift.tt/1kRxOJ2 or one of her social media platforms, please contact her immediately (thriftydecorchick at gmail dot com). Any other use of this content is strictly forbidden.
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