#i just realized i'm wearing the same pants in both of these photos but u know what fuck it
briannacarmel · 2 years
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@little-tiny-knife 04.02: Golden Bear (21+) w/ Local News Legend + Ash Bricky
solo 04.22: charity e-gig on youtube w/ Cayt W, Pacing, + MANY more
solo 04.45: The Colony Sacramento w/ @lokeigh, Terra Tigerman, Audrey Plath, + Chloe Defector (benefit for Pride Was A Riot Sac)
solo 05.25: @lokeigh's EP RELEASE SHOW at Golden Bear (21+)
If you've never listened to LTK, check out our next upcoming single, Roll Up Your Sleeves:
If you've never listened to my solo stuff, check out this song, Take Me Back, from my most recent release, the Building Blocks EP:
I hope to see you at a show! Thanks for reading!
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milarqui · 2 years
Scarlet Lady: Reflekta
Directory - The Gamer
Today was an important day for the pupils of Collège Françoise Dupont.
Photograph Day.
Each class would have their photo taken, along with their teacher and the principal, to have a memory of the year they would spend together.
For Adrien, it was doubly important, though.
“It's pretty cool you get to work with your photographer,” Nino said as they watched Vincent take photos of one of the youngest classes.
“Yeah! He makes even the most mundane shoots fun! And now I get to be in a photo with all my friends!”
Nino grinned as he put him in a headlock, bringing a smile out of his friend.
“If you wanna pic, you just gotta ask!”
“Haha!” Adrien laughed, and Nino pulled out his cellphone to take a selfie of them both.
Chloé glared at the photographer. It was the same one that had not only insulted her, but had kept her from being in a shoot with her Adrikins!
“Ugh, him again.”
Rose leaned on her girlfriend's shoulder with a gentle thump, her hands over her chest.
“You're not cursed, Juleka, this time will work out! I can feel it deep down in my heart!”
“Why would you be cursed?” Marinette asked the goth girl, who looked downcast.
“Every time someone takes my picture, something goes wrong...”
“Those were just accidents, Juleka!” Rose tried to cheer her up.
“The pigeon?”
Rose blinked and gave up.
“Okay, that one was pretty bad,” she admitted: even she knew that it took some serious bad luck for a pigeon to fly just in front of Juleka's face the moment the photo was taken.
“Don't worry,” Marinette said, “we'll make sure everything goes okay!”
Juleka gave her friend a small smile.
“Look, Sabrina, the babies are in the front row!” Chloé said.
“U-huh,” Sabrina replied, non-committally. The incident with her father had opened her eyes to the fact that her friend was not perfect. The part where Chloé blamed her over the thing with Marinette's diary weighed further in her mind.
“Hey, rugrats! Try not to suck your thumb in the photo!”
“Hn.” Once, she would have laughed. Now, she realized that her 'jokes' weren't funny at all. She felt adrift, not knowing what to do.
“Seriously, what is with you lately?” Chloé told her. She didn't want to answer, and she was saved by the handsome photographer directing everyone to their places.
“You, you, you, and you. Back row,” he said, pointing at Nathaniel, Alya, Chloé and her.
“Wait, me?!” Chloé said, grappling Adrien's arm as if it were made of gold. Sabrina noted that Adrien was uncomfortable with Chloé being so close. “Excuse you, but I belong next to Adrien!”
The photographer looked down and up and Chloé, and glowered.
“You again. Still wearing white pants, I see.”
Chloé growled, but still moved to the back row, behind Adrien.
“Everyone else, get between the two rows, here!” the photographer continued, sliding on the floor as he went back to his camera, and everyone went to their place.
Everyone except her.
In spite of Rose and Marinette's assurances, she still felt... apprehension. What if, in spite of everything, something went wrong?
What if she was really cursed, to never have a photo of herself that wasn't ruined by something?
“Hey!” Marinette shouted, bringing Juleka out of her spiral. “That includes you, Juleka!”
“Yeah, Juleka!” Alya yelled.
“There's space here!” Nino and Adrien invited her.
“Get in here!” Mylène encouraged her.
Maybe she wasn't cursed at all.
After all, would someone cursed have such wonderful friends?
As they made place for Juleka to take a seat, Adrien heard Chloé huffing.
“Ugh, why's everyone making a big deal over her when I'm the one having a crisis?!”
It was moments like this when he wondered if she was becoming more of a jerk, or if she had always been and he just had chosen not to see it.
It actually reminded him of Scar. So he chose to reply the same way he would to her.
“Because your 'crisis' is just an oversized temper tantrum.”
He heard Nino chuckle, and he could swear Sabrina was trying to hold up a guffaw.
“Just let us have a nice moment,” Ivan complained, letting Juleka through.
However, as soon as Juleka sat next to Adrien, Chloé attempted to push her way between them.
“The place you put me in is unacceptable! MOVE!”
He glared at her, and so did everyone else. Not that she even cared.
“Knock it off,” Juleka growled, pushing her back.
“That's right, Juleka,” Marinette encouraged her. “Don't let her push you!”
“Oh, no one asked you,” Chloé said, and he finally got a chance to intervene.
“Seriously, Chloé, have you no shame?!”
She looked at him, almost like if she hadn't understood what he had just said.
Oh, for God's sake.
Chloé was certainly doing her best to remind him of Scar, wasn't she?
“Get back to your spot. I'm embarrassed for you.”
She couldn't understand why her Adrikins thought she should be ashamed. He should have been begging to be placed next to her in the photo! They were meant to be together, after all! The girl who was dumb enough to think that black combination was fashionable didn't deserve to muddy her photo with Adrikins!
Fortunately, the shoot was interrupted when the photographer rose a hand.
“Unbelievable! Scuzi, I need another battery!”
Couffaine stood up and walked to Mlle. Bustier.
“Can I go to the bathroom?”
“Okay, but be quick!”
This was the moment! She turned to Sabrina.
“Make sure Juleka doesn't come back,” she whispered.
“... no.”
She blinked. This could not be happening. She must have misheard.
“What did you just say to me?!”
“I. Don't. Want. To.”
Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! This servant Sabrina thought she could just reject her orders demands? She was clearly surrounded by idiots!
“Useless! I'll do it myself!” she shouted, shoving Sabrina aside. “Mme. Bustier!”
The moment she was out of sight, she grabbed a chair and pulled it towards the bathroom. From there, it was easy to find where Couffaine was hiding away, and she put the chair right under the handle, preventing it from moving the moment the other girl tried to come out.
“This is what you get for being in my way!” she taunted her, causing her to give a wordless yell of surprise as she attempted to open the door.
And if I'm lucky, you'll become an Akuma so I can show off as Scarlet Lady!
The moment Chloé came back from the bathroom, he knew something was going on, because she forced her way between him and Kim instead of staying next to Sabrina.
“Okay, take the picture!” she shouted, hugging his arm. He angrily began to try to free himself.
“Chloé, get off of me!”
“Where's Juleka?!” Marinette asked, just as angry as he was, because both of them had realized what Chloé had done.
Chloé stuck her tongue at Marinette and put her hands around his face.
“Who cares, the important thing is I'm in the right place!”
That did it.
He had limits.
And Chloé had just hit them.
“Say spaghetti!”
He turned and shoved her off as hard as he could.
“Wait!” Marinette begged, but it was too late.
Marinette quickly walked to the principal. They still had time to fix this!
“We need to retake the photo!”
“What for?” M. Damocles asked.
“Juleka wasn't in it!”
“I definitely wasn't looking at the camera,” Mylène added.
“Chloé stepped on my foot!” Kim complained.
Then Marinette's eyesore showed up, with her eternally smug face in place.
“M. Damocles, aren't there 16 other classes waiting their turn?”
“Ah! Yes! Next please!”
“Hehe,” Chloé giggled, but then Adrien showed up with a fantastic glare and Chloé stopped right in her tracks.
Rose rushed into the bathroom, and when she heard Juleka hitting the door with her fist, she quickly moved the chair away.
The moment the door opened, her heart broke at her sad expression.
“Oh, my poor Juleka!” she cried out, wishing she could just give her a hug, but knowing that she wouldn't welcome it, at least not yet.
“I missed the photo, didn't I...”
Juleka looked so miserable! She needed to – to – to cheer her up!”
“We can retake it!” she tried. “Marinette was saying–”
Three girls were lamenting the course of events of a few minutes before, and none more than Rose Lavillant, the class' sweet blonde girl.
“Juleka got locked in the bathroom,” Rose lamented: Juleka had been angry by the time she went away, no matter what Rose tried to calm her down. “She really is cursed!”
“Yeah, and the curse's name is Chloé,” Marinette replied, and suddenly, she had an idea. “You know, if the photo disappeared, the photographer would have to retake the photo!”
“I like the way you think girl!” Alya cheered, clenching her fist.
“That's amazing Marinette!” Rose said, before turning dubious. “But why would the photo disappear?”
Marinette looked at Rose with a bit of pity. She really was so innocent! Like a little blond puppy with big shining eyes!
“Oh, you sweet summer child,” Marinette replied, putting a hand on Rose's shoulder. “I shan't corrupt you.”
Hidden in Chloé's purse, Tikki didn't know what had transpired between the two attempts to photograph the class, since Chloé had left her behind for that time. But she could tell something was seriously wrong.
“I won't let her ruin my picture with Adrien!” Chloé angrily declared.
“The picture where he pushes you off of him?”
My goodness, Sabrina is growing wiser!
Chloé didn't seem to be of the same positive opinion, judging by the sudden jerk she gave to the purse.
“That's it! You've been a total weirdo all day! You're gonna make it up to me by stopping Dupain-Cheng, got it?!”
“No thanks. Last time I ended up with a box trap bracelet,” Sabrina fired, and it was obvious she was starting to walk away. “Let me know how that goes for you.”
The gasp of surprise Chloé made just then made it even better, and she came out of the purse.
“What is with her?! Completely ridiculous.”
“Came to her senses, if I had to guess.”
She was going to have her fun where she could get it.
“The camera should be in here while everyone's on their lunch break...” Marinette mumbled... not knowing that a certain brat was spying from up above with her phone.
“Ha! Caught that pea-brain red-handed!” Chloé crowed, having taken a photo of Marinette entering the principal's office. “Time to confront the thief!”
“Oh, Marinette!” Tikki lamented. “Without my guidance, you're becoming a criminal!”
The students began to return to the gym, as well as the teachers and principal, in order to finish the photo day – with Juleka's classmates holding out for a chance of another photo where their friend would be able to be.
But the efforts were curtailed by a girl wearing a shocking pink garb with multiple eyes spread over its surface, along with intense make up. All in all, something that was meant to attract the attention of everyone in a room.
“Bonjour~” she greeted as she flew into the room.
“Ah!” Vincent shouted, shocked.
“Who... who are you?” M. Damocles asked.
“No one ever noticed me. But that's all over, because from now on, the entire world will notice me as everyone will look like me. Soon, you'll only see thousands of Reflektas in every place. There's nothing to panic about, this is gonna rock and all I need will be a Miraculous or two and thrash that brat of Chloé...”
And she kept rambling.
And on.
And Alya and Nino looked at each other, sweating buckets at dealing with the monologuing Akuma.
When she was finally done, the Akuma – Reflekta – turned to her nearest target, Sabrina, who flinched back in fear.
“C'mon, Sabrina! Who doesn't love an extreme make-over?!”
And she fired some kind of laser from her extended arm.
But the laser didn't reach its target – because Rose tackled Sabrina out of the way.
“Rose!” Sabrina shouted in shock.
“Please stop!” Rose cried out.
“Don't interfere, Rose,” Reflekta said, clearly disappointed.
“I know it's you, Juleka! And I know these people didn't hurt you!”
“You're right...”
Rose smiled. Maybe she had managed to stop–
“I should get my true target first.”
“Wait, that's not what I meant!”
By the time Adrien returned, all he found was a lot of people that were dressed the same way, some of them trying to hide and others being consoled by their friends.
“Whoa, this is a weird one...” he said, knowing that this was the work of an Akuma.
“Adrien!” He turned to see Rose and Sabrina, clearly worried. “Jul... Reflekta blocked the exits so no one can get out! What do we do?!”
“She's after Chloé, who's after Marinette for trying to get the photo retaken!” Sabrina added. “They're probably stuck in the principal's office.”
Welp, this was Chat Noir time, once more.
“I'm gonna, uh, call for help!” he said, pointing to the nearest place he could think of to hide away.
“Good idea!” Rose cheered up, but Sabrina was more skeptic.
“In the bathroom?”
Unsheathing his claws felt awesome, but he didn't dally too long, running towards Reflekta's likely target... which he found when he saw the Akuma jumping up the stairs.
Oh no, the principal's office! he thought, and tried to come up with some plan to distract her and keep Marinette and Chloé from getting hit.
“Hey, Harley Quinn! Halloween was last month!”
“It's REFLEKTA!” the Akuma shouted, firing at him multiple times, and forcing him to keep on the move to dodge her.
“So you got her attention, now what, Chat Noir?!” he told himself, realizing that he had really not thought it through. Running away from the place, he realized something bad. “Now I can't get rid of her attention!”
And he was getting cornered. He knew he would eventually get hit by a laser, and if he did he'd likely lose any chance to act as Chat Noir. So he enclosed himself in a janitor's locker and...
“Plagg... Claws In.”
… took off his ring.
“Adrien, wha–?” Plagg asked as if coming out of sleep.
“Keep this safe for me, okay?” he asked, shooing the kwami away just as Reflekta came into his eyesight.
“I found you~” and she fired.
Hawkmoth felt like pulling his hair out. It had been so close! And this girl had just wasted the chance!
“Has anyone ever told you you're really annoying?”
Again? Why did people keep thinking that he was one to be mocked?
She had managed to get her hands on the camera, and had been about to erase the photo, when the world's most irritating person came through, brandishing a smirk of superiority and her phone – which showed a video of her entering the office.
“I'm sure the principal will adore my little video of you rummaging around his office!” she crowed, but Marinette knew she had the upper hand here. She sneakily pulled out the memory card.
“Give me your phone or I erase the class photo!” she threatened, and she enjoyed Chloé's panicked face.
“NO! My picture with Adrien! Fine!”
Hiding the memory card, Marinette put the camera on the table and picked Chloé's phone. Chloé was looking quite intently at what she was doing.
“Chloé~! Where are you hiding?!” someone that sounded a lot like Juleka sing-sang.
“What was that?” Chloé asked, and Marinette quickly erased the photo and video Chloé had taken, before tossing the phone back at her.
“Thanks, Chloé!” Marinette said before starting to run away.
“Hey!” Chloé yelled, annoyed, as she tried to catch the phone before it hit the floor.
By the time she could secure her phone, Dupain-Cheng had completely disappeared, and she was not happy at all.
“WHERE'D THAT DIMWIT GO?!” she yelled, looking everywhere but not finding anyone. She just knew that Dupain-Cheng was laughing at her, dammit!
“Finally. Here you are.”
She turned, and saw someone wearing some of the tackiest clothes she had ever seen, and she had seen some really tacky clothing.
“I don't have time for you.”
“You'll make time when my face is your face!”
She quickly dodged back into the office and closed the door just as the Akuma tried to hit her with some kind of light.
“Eugh, gross! Why does an Akuma have to come now?!”
She ignored Tikki's intent look, and blocked the door before quietly becoming Scarlet Lady and going out of the window.
“Get out here, Chloé! I have a whole new look for you!”
“This time, you won't get rid of me by locking me in the bathroom!” the Akuma said, and Marinette was shocked.
“Oh no, Juleka?!” It was the only option, after all that had just happened.
“Sounds like it,” someone said from behind her. She turned and saw...
“... hey.”
A black cat-like creature floating in the air.
She jumped into the library, shocked of her feet.
“Tiny cat! Mouse! Tiny cat-mouse!” she shouted, trying to make sense of what was going on, and the creature smiled at her.
“I've had worse reactions.”
“What are yooooou?!” Marinette yelled, confused, trying to protect herself with her purse.
“Look, I'm a kwami, I grant powers,” the creature said, brandishing a ring. “Look familiar?”
“That's–! Chat Noir's ring!” she realized. She had seen it enough times up close from all her encounters with the hero.
“You got it.”
“Is he okay?!”
“My kitten's been compromised. So I'm trusting you to use his ring and I'm trusting you to return it.”
Marinette smiled. She could be a hero! Even if it were for a day, it was awesome!
“Now these are the magic words. Plagg...”
“I thought you looked like a clown before, but now you're ridiculous!”
“Scarlet Lady!” Reflekta exclaimed the moment the wielder of the Ladybug Miraculous appeared, and aimed at her. “You'll appreciate it soon enough. Now, where is Chloé Bourgeois?!”
“I got her out, and she's far, far away–”
Reflekta cut her off by firing a laser, which didn't hit by centimeters. The wall behind Scarlet Lady sizzled from the impact, causing her to sweat nervously.
“Next time, I won't miss,” Reflekta threatened. “Soon, like everyone else, you'll look just like me!”
“No thanks.”
The end of a staff hit Reflekta in the face, stopping her from firing her weapon at Scarlet Lady.
The staff retracted again, and a deft hand swang it around.
“I prefer the look I got.”
The person that had spoken wore an elegant black qipao, molded to her lithe body almost like a second skin, and her hair held in both a long waist-long braid and a pair of short pigtails wrapped with two bands that resembled feline ears at the top of her head.
It was a cat heroine, but not the one everyone else expected.
“Who are you?!” Scarlet Lady yelled, and the newcomer glared at her with a huff.
“Oh yeah, you come with the job.”
“Whoa, who's that?!”
“What happened to Chat Noir?”
Plagg, oh my God, what did you do?!
This was, most definitely, nowhere close to what he had planned.
Scarlet Lady 'valiantly' stayed behind the newcomer, trying to keep her between herself and Reflekta.
“You better protect me!” she demanded.
“Don't you dare push me,” the cat lady fired back.
“I already skinned one cat, what's one more?!” Reflekta boasted.
“I don't think so!” Reflekta turned, and saw the multiple people she had turned into her resemblance approaching her. “GET HER!”
Everyone rushed forward, attempting to crowd her in numbers, but Reflekta simply flew over their heads.
“You're no match for me, Scarlet Lady!” Reflekta declared as she got away.
“What is going on?!”
“I'd also like some answers,” the Reflekta copy that had led the charge said, and the newcomer turned to him, shocked.
“Chat Noir?!”
Great. He knew he looked ridiculous... but he didn't think it would get to this.
Scar and the girl with the ring pointing and laughing at him.
“I can't believe it's really you!” the girl said.
“Geez, some thanks.”
“Phew!” Scar said, and of course she was just looking at herself in her compact. “Still, without your usual clown suit, you're utterly useless.”
“Hey!” the new girl exclaimed, angrily looking at Scar. “Chat Noir's smart, he doesn't need powers to fight Akuma!”
Then she smiled and gave him a wink.
“After all, I do it all the time.”
That smile.
That hair.
That voice.
That comment.
That wink.
He gasped.
“What does that mean?!” Scar, ever the oblivious, asked.
Instead of answering, Marinette grabbed Chat Noir and began to pull him away from the gym.
“Where are we going?” he asked.
“To the TV station! I have an idea!”
Well, of course. She always had great ideas. He could follow her into another one.
“By the way, what should I call you, Princess Noir?”
No, not Princess Noir. It didn't link well together.
“Mao... tif? Yeah, Maotif!”
He could see the pun. Mao, which was 'cat' in Mandarin, and tif from motif.
And, God, if it weren't for the fact that he was the one that usually wore it, he would love to let Marinette keep the ring!
“You are so freakin' cute.”
“Where's your daughter, M. Mayor?” Reflekta asked, or rather, demanded, of André Bourgeois.
“Is she not at school?” André answered. He really didn't know where Chloé was, but if she wasn't at school, then trying to lead this Akuma back there would keep her safe.
“Put on a costume, kay?” his TV sounded out, and he looked on to see Scarlet Lady on the screen. “This is a special request from your beloved Hero of Paris!”
Even if he got hit by the Akuma's weapon, at least he knew everything would be alright.
“Your plan is weird,” Scar complained.
“The real plan is to lead Reflekta to the TV studio!” Maotif declared, and Chat Noir took her hand.
“And right into our claws.”
He kissed his Princess' hand, and it was just as nice when she was a heroine as when she was a civilian.
“Do you ever stop being gross?” Scar asked.
He just flipped her the bird.
Reflekta entered the studio, and Scar quickly ambushed the Akuma by throwing her yo-yo, tangling and trapping her with the string.
Or... rather... him.
“Seriously?! A fake?!”
“Désolé,” the man – it was a man, and Chat Noir knew that voice, but couldn't place it anywhere – apologized.
“Now I got you, Scarlet Lady!” Reflekta – the real one – exclaimed, now that Scar's yo-yo was all entangled on the false Reflekta.
“No, Reflekta!” he shouted, cutting off the lights and drowning the studio in darkness.
“WHAT?!” Reflekta said, surprised by the turn of events... just as a pair of shining blue cat eyes sloooooooooooowly dropped right behind her.
“Now I got you!” Maotif exclaimed with a grin.
The moment Maotif took Reflekta's wrist mirror and destroyed it, Chat Noir turned the lights on again, and realized that Scar was holding an object – a camera – decorated in the usual style of her Lucky Charm.
“I didn't even get to use Lucky Charm!” she complained as she tossed it into the air.
“Ahhh, don't throw it yet!” he shouted, ducking behind a door as Scar cast the Miraculous Cure.
“W-Where am I?” Juleka, finally recovered from her stint as an Akuma, asked, clearly disorientated.
“Are you okay, Juleka?” Maotif asked, and the other girl turned.
“Wha–?! Who are you?!” Juleka asked.
“Maotif!” the heroine replied, smiling. “But I'm just a temp.”
Juleka, still unsure of what was going on, produced her cellphone.
“C-Could I get your picture? My friend runs the LadyBlog, so...”
“Sure!” Maotif picked the phone, readied a selfie – and suddenly pulled Juleka into the camera's scope. “Say spaghetti!”
“Wait, what–?”
Smiling at helping her friend finally have a cool photo, Maotif walked up to where she had seen Chat Noir ducking in. He was clearly trying to hide his secret identity. And, as much as she would like to know the boy behind the hero, she would respect his secret.
“You there, Chat Noir?” she gently asked.
“Plagg, Claws In,” she said, and the black leather costume she had been wearing vanished as Maotif gave place to Marinette once more, while the kwami popped out of the ring. “Thanks, Plagg. It was fun.”
“Of course! Fun is my middle name!”
“Dupain-Cheng?!” Scar yelled. She sounded awfully like Chloé...
“Rad,” Juleka – now happier as she looked at her new photo – commented.
Marinette looked to see Chat Noir's hand showing, and she went on to put the ring into it.
But then, before she could drop the ring, Chat Noir took her hand between his and brought it to his face.
“You're a hero, Marinette. With or without a mask.”
And he kissed her hand again.
She felt her face was burning, but she wouldn't change this feeling for anything in the world.
With both Chat Noir and Scarlet Lady going their own ways, Marinette and Juleka were in need of transport – and, fortunately, André Bourgeois was kind enough to offer to take them back to school.
“Thanks for the ride, M. Mayor!” Marinette said, as Juleka showed her the selfie they had taken.
“Is it cool if I share this with Alya?” Juleka asked.
“Totally! And I don't mind if you tell her the truth.”
“Oh, awesome!” Then Juleka's grin turned impish. “I think I'm gonna mess with her first.”
“PFT!” Marinette laughed.
Juleka and Marinette got out of the car and thanked the Mayor once more for helping them return.
“Hey guys!” Adrien greeted them.
“Adrien!” Marinette exclaimed.
“I heard you were trying to get the picture retaken?”
Marinette's smile turned awkward, and she got the memory card out of her purse.
“Yeah, uh, I kinda... stole the photographer's SD card?”
Adrien and Juleka looked at Marinette and the card in absolute surprise... and then cracked up laughing.
“Don't laugh at me!” Marinette yelled, embarrassed.
“A cutie criminal!” Juleka chortled.
Vincent was putting up the camera in position, when two of the students came up to him.
One of them was Adrien.
And the other was young Marinette, the girl he had met back during the photoshoot at the park.
“Excuse me? You dropped this,” Marinette said, handing him his camera's SD card.
“Oh! Grazie!” He had thought it was in the camera, and it had been just a few minutes before that he had noticed it wasn't there. He inserted it in its slot, and it worked perfectly.
But Marinette and Adrien were not done yet, apparently.
“Sir, one of our students wasn't in the photo,” the girl asked, her hands in a begging position. “Can you please retake it? We want a class photo by the most awesome of photographers, pleeeeease!”
He smiled, and then he looked at Adrien, who was right behind the girl, blushing.
“Please?” he whispered.
Ah, these two. They would go far.
“Well, if you put it that way...” he said, and Marinette grinned.
And Adrien turned red like a tomato.
While Marinette went over to tell her friends the news, he turned to Adrien, smirking just enough.
“It's not like you to ask for favors,” he commented, and Adrien looked away, embarrassed.
“Couldn't have anything to do with your bella amica, does it?”
“Don't tell my father. I will pay you anything to keep this to yourself.”
Vincent laughed and winked at the boy.
“Tell him what? Come on, go, they are waiting for you.”
Adrien thanked him and left, and he sighed.
“Ah, young love...”
Instead of the school gym, they were now at the park, and Juleka was right there in the middle of the group, ensuring that she would be in the photo.
“Okay, are we all ready?” Vincent called out, since there were two missing students from the group.
“Whatever. I already have my photo!” Chloé declared. Sabrina was unsure of what to do, but then Alix stood from her place at the side of the group.
“SABRINA! GET OVER HERE! C'mon, hustle!”
Sabrina smiled. Given her friendship with Chloé, she had never felt welcome in the group... but now they were asking her to join them!
“C-Coming!” she replied, rushing over.
The photo was finally taken, and everyone cheered up, with Rose giving Juleka the hug she had been unable to earlier.
“Your curse is totally broken, Juleka!” she said, joy pouring over her voice.
“Merci beaucoup, Adrien and Marinette!” Juleka said, as Vincent showed Alya and Marinette the photos he had taken of the group.
Alya pouted a bit: she had missed the fun, after all.
“But man, if only I could've gotten pictures this good of that cat girl!”
Juleka turned and gave her an uncharacteristic smirk, brandishing her cellphone with a photo.
“Actually, I've got some.”
Adrien gasped, a blush coating his cheeks.
Marinette looked about to begin laughing.
And Alya...
… dived after the phone. Juleka took off running, and began to laugh as Alya ran behind her in an attempt to get her hands on that photo.
Amidst the chaos, Adrien turned to look at Marinette, smiling.
“Whoever she was, she handled it pretty well.”
And Adrien was rewarded with her blush and her smile.
“Y-Yeah.” Marinette leaned back, looking up to the sky. “Being a superhero... would be pretty cool.”
Not yet... but perhaps soon, Fu thought.
The moment Alya returned from her persecution and put her hands over her shoulders, her eyes sparkling, Marinette knew.
“Ah, Juleka told you. Do not put this on your blog. I consent to you knowing, not all of Paris!”
In a floating home at the Seine, Juleka returned all smiles and joy.
“So, how'd it go?”
“Well, not so great at first,” she admitted. “I'll spill the tea later. But Marinette totally broke the curse! We got so many pictures!”
He grabbed the phone, and checked the photos – one of which was of Juleka along with a cute black-haired girl with blue eyes.
“Huh. Marinette...”
@zoe-oneesama I wonder what Hawkmoth would say if he got Reflekta'ed. “Why did I give her such a lame power?” probably.
Hope I got to show Juleka's emotional rollercoaster in a way that makes justice to Scarlet Lady!
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fwhypmic · 5 years
ichiro x reader
space punctuation 
word count : 1991
[ y / n ] your name
request for @lunarrin
" oi oi oi oi , let's get this party starteddddddddd , " ichiro slurred with one bottle of alcohol in his hand and the other pointing at his classmates . it was his 21st birthday and his friends wanted to throw him a party but they didn't realize he was such lightweight considering his first time drinking . you didn't want to go but your friend dragged you here , the only reason why you knew him was because he was your childhood first love , you had to move and this was the first time in 10 years seeing him once again but him in his drunk state .
ichiro started to chug more and more until the bottle was half empty , his eyes were getting droopy until he started to climb on the table , all his friends cheered him on , rooting and yelling , he started stripping . he took off his shirt then started to unbuckle his belt , his friends suddenly stopped cheering and started panicking , they tried to get him down but he slapped them away . they tried once again and he finally got down except he kept struggling in one of his friend's arms . while ichiro struggled , " does anybody know where this guy lives ? he's seriously getting out of hand , i want him to have fun but he's way too drunk and fucked to keep him handled , " his friend sighed , your friend raised her hand and pointed to you , " this girl right here is actually his childhood friend , " you looked at her as she nudged you , " i could call one of his brothers so they could get him instead " you answered , his friend just nodded his head .
as ichiro was sat down with three guys around him just encase he would go wild again , you stepped outside of the bar and called jiro , since you still kept contact with him without his brother knowing , you knew he would pick up . three rings , he finally answered , " hello ? " you heard his deep voice as you answered back , " hey jiro , uh are you currently busy right now ? ichiro is drunk at a bar and i don't know how else to take him home , " he sighed , " sorry y / n , me and saburo are currently at an away camp " you heard a little voice in the back , " what happened jiro ? " jiro answered back and explained , the voice gasped , " ah really ? can you send me his address then ? i'll take him home myself then , " you answered back , " i will , be safe with him and watch out on the way home also , his keys are in his front pockets if the apartment is locked without his fingerprint , " jiro replied , you hummed , " okay , thank you so much jiro ! say hi to saburo as well , have fun at camp you two , hope to see you soon ! " you heard a goodbye and a faint ' protect ichi - nee ! ' the phone hung up as you giggle a little .
you went back into bar and saw that ichiro had fell asleep on the chair , his friends were taking care of him . as one was fanning him and the other had a glass of water in his hand , one of them saw you come back and wave to you to come over there , as you went over . his friend patted you in the back and mouthed ' good luck ' , they handed you ichiro , his arm around your shoulder . ichiro suddenly woke up but he wasn't as wild , he just rubbed his eyes and walked with you , " oh by the way , we called you guys an uber ! " his friends shouted , you nodded and you walked out with ichiro . he was still a little drunk so , it was quite hard to hold him and walk in a straight line but the uber was out there waiting for you two . both of you got in the ride and you gave the driver an address and she nodded , as she started to drive , you could feel ichiro falling asleep .
he was dozing off , right and left until he put his head on your shoulder and you blush a little as he put his hand on your thigh as well . four minute past , the driver stopped , you thanked her and paid the amount that was needed before exiting the car . you shake ichiro and he woke up but barely , he was still tired but he had enough energy to leave the car and put his arm around your shoulder as you walked him to his apartment that he shared with his brothers . you remembered jiro's advice to get his key from his back pocket but as you reached for them , ichiro's hand grabbed yours . he smirked and he pressed his thumb on to the fingerprint pad , once it opened , he grabbed you and pulled you inside .
he closed and locked the door , you both were standing in the doorway , he looked at you , " ichiro , what's going on ? " you questioned him , he didn't answer and he pulled you into a tender kiss , " i've been meaning to do that for awhile . " you blushed deeply as he started kissing you again . he started to move his hand up and down your body , you shudder a bit , as he pulled away , he lifted you up in his arms and started walking towards his bedroom . he placed you down gently on the bed and admired you , " fuck , you're so beautiful " he nuzzled his head in your neck , " i really wanna do it with you " he looked back at you and his face was flushed , you just nodded you head then smiled .
he kissed your lips softly , he moved to your neck and slowly started sucking , you moaned as he whispered into your ears , " you look so gorgeous under me . don't hold back your moans princess , i want to hear you " you blush deeply as he moved futher down . he removed your shirt and unclipped your bra , he sucked on your breast then sucked harshly on your nipple , he did this a few time on each boob then he started to move down even futher , he got to your skirt and removed it slowly , as he got to your panties , he teased you .
he guided his hand down your clit and he moved his fingers in a circular movement , you softly moaned as he removed your panties , he stuck one finger up you , you gasped . he thrusted in and out , " ah , you're so wet " he looked at you , you both locked eyes with each other as he put another finger in . he moved up to you while he was fingering you , he pulled you into a deep kiss . he bit your bottom lip causing you to open your mouth a little for him to stick his tongue in , he swirled his tongue with yours . you gasped once more as he thrusted his finger in more to the point where it reached your g - spot , you pull away from the kiss and came onto his fingers . he slid them out and chuckled , he licked your cum off , " you taste so sweet " you blushed even more and you covered your face with your hands , he pulled them off and he pecked your cheek .
he took off his shirt revealing his hard abs , you ran your hands up his stomach , he groaned while you started to feel around him , he continued to take off his belt and drop his pants . you looked at his private and you could see his bulge , you widen your eyes and wonder if it was going to fit in you , he kissed your forehead , " i'll go easy on you considering it is my first time " his sentence stopped midway and you looked shocked cause this was your first time as well , " guess we're both each others first " you laugh a little .
he smiled at you as he removed his boxer , his hard on slapped his stomach and as he started to position himself at your entrance , you felt his tip pierce your wet area . he entered slowly starting with his tip , you winced a little but he just grabbed your face and pulled you into another kiss mouthing ' it'll be okay , my darling ' . his dick fully went in , he waited for you to adjust before you nodding and him finally slowly thrusting in and out . it was pleasure and pain at the same time , he kissed you again , his movements were slow and passionate . he pulled away from the kissed and interwined your hands with his . he started to move a little faster as you moaned his name , he sucked your neck and started to leave marks , he thrusted in and out deeper and deeper every pace . you were moaning like crazy , he filled you so nicely , your guys first time was really going to be a night to remember .
as his thrusts got sloppier and sloppier , you put your arms around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist , he thrusted faster and harder , all you both could hear was skin slapping against each other with loud groans and moans heard from the both of you . you and ichiro were close to your limits , " fuck , i'm gonna cum " you moaned out with those words that came out of you , his thrusts were sloppier more then before , " cum with me , babygirl " he whisper into your ear . more thrusts came into place , as you and him came , you felt his hot fluid in you and ichiro pulled out of you , before you could catch your breathe , " i love you " ichiro said as his eyes closed and he laid right on top of you .
you were surprised and blushed deeply as you softly pulled him off of you , you got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash yourself before grabbing ichiro's shirt from the floor and wearing it . you went back in bed with him and laid next to him as you did , he turned back and held you close to him , you were to the point that you could hear his heartbeat . your eyes drooped and you fell slowly to sleep with ichiro holding you close .
[ the next morning ]
it was 10am , ichiro woke up first and for his surprise , he woke up with his arms around your waist , he was so shocked as he yelled , " e - e h , why is my childhood first love in bed with me and we're naked ? " for the whole world to hear . [ to be continued ]
[ sorry for the long wait and i’m very sorry for disappointing you with this horrible s m u t but honestly i had fun writing it lolololololololol anyways hope y’all enjoy even though it really is b a d also thank you lunarrin for the request ! also , scenarios will come soon after the jakurai imagine that i was planning to finish ]
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