#i just really wanted to *bonk* rey
lady-charinette · 1 year
"Do you think....we are good parents to her?" Rei's question got whispered into the bedroom, only the silver light of the moon peeking into their room.
Kazuki flexed his hands, turning his head to make out Rei's oddly serene features in the darkness. It's been a while since they left their life of killing, it took even longer than that for Rei and Kazuki both to lean into the normal, civilian way of life with honest work and daring to dream of safety.
But with Miri, all their struggles seemed to reduce in size.
Kazuki smiled wrily. "Are you getting sentimental on me, old man?"
Rei nudged him with his good elbow. "We're only in our 40s."
Kazuki laughed, quietly enough to not rouse Miri from her room. "Yeah..." with a deep sigh, he slowly turned to fully face Rei. "Honestly...sometimes I don't really know. Miri's older now, we get into fights with her every now and then. Remember the first time she talked back to us?"
Rei suppressed a chuckle but the corners of his lips twisted into the beginnings of a smile. "You had a mental breakdown the whole day and hallucinated "rebellious teenage Miri"."
Kazuki turned serious for a second. "Rebellious teenage Miri CAN hurt me."
Rei shook his head. "Hm...I think..." with some effort, Rei turned on his side, now face to face with Kazuki. "I don't know either."
Kazuki sighed, a fond smile gracing his lips. His hand twitched on its position between their bodies. "I think we're doing our best, just like everyone else. Tomo-chan told me the other night how she wants to strangle her husband sometimes because he doesn't do as much housework as he used to."
Rei chuckled with a knowing smile. "Did you offer to dispose of her husband again in your drunken state?"
Kazuki scratched the back of his neck. "...I might have. Hey, nothing that is said while drunk counts. The moms still think I'm joking."
Rei sighed. "Who knows what they would do if they found out you aren't joking."
Kazuki hummed thoughtfully. "...I actually think they might be down if they found out we used to be actual hitmen."
Rei ignored the last remark, his voice turning softer again. More vulnerable. "I wonder if I made it hard for you and Miri..."
The unspoken words hung heavy in the air, Kazuki staring at the cloud of guilt hanging over Rei's head. "You sacrificed so much for Miri, for us. We pulled through everything we set our mind to so far, so..." in a bold move, Kazuki scooted closer to Rei on the bed and gently rested a hand on the back of Rei's head, leaning in close to bonk their foreheads together. "Be more confident, eh?"
Rei couldn't clearly see in the darkness, but he knew Kazuki was grinning his trademark grin.
In a leap of courage, Rei inched closer and rested his hand on Kazuki's cheek. "Only if you do the same, you hypocrite."
Kazuki froze. "Huh?"
Rei smirked. "You don't think the mom group sends me updates about your drunken adventures? I've seen you cry as a drunk depressed ball more often than sober."
Feeling heat burning his cheeks, Kazuki tried to back away. "Ah- wait, about that- ugh I knew I shouldn't have trusted Mari to keep a secret!"
Rei snickered, rubbing his thumb across Kazuki's cheek, which caught his attention. "We're in this together, partner. So...lean on me too."
Kazuki blinked rapidly, touched at Rei's sincerity. They've come a long way since their starting days, but it still surprised Kazuki to see the softer side of Rei.
Still, a good hitman knew to never miss an opening shot.
Now fully pressed against Rei's body, Kazuki wrapped his arms around him and rubbed his nose against Rei's affectionately. "If you insist, partner."
Kazuki was positive Rei was blushing up a storm with how hot his skin felt on his. "I-I didn't mean it like that..."
Even when he said this, Rei wrapped his arm around Kazuki and never let him go till morning.
Thanks for reading!
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crest-of-gautier · 10 months
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2 hour session of pq today!!! went from 38% -> 89% done with the third floor of the 2nd labryinth! (i just need to open the door that was locked...)
today was a short session but i really enjoyed it! (some screenshots of transcriptions of my related favorite events under the cut)
i think the highlight of what i saw today was aigis :) the way she responds to things is very humorous to me. she doesn't always realize how her words come across but thats ok i still love her regardless. i just think the way that aigis has a continual work in progress of her understanding of the world is nice :3
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there was also a thing about a love potion and rei goes:
Rei: Wait, they don't exist!? But it comes up in so many stories!
and i am!! once again!! reiterating my tags from my previous pq posting.
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like all of the stuff i said here still stands... i think her line about the love potion just cements to me that rei is.. so very young. she's like a twelve year old to me. maybe younger. i don't know how old she is and i don't want to know until the game tells me what's bonking with zen and rei's identity...
i think in a previous pq post i had... some kind of spitballing about zen and rei with respect to the mechanics of persona q and subpersonas... it was mostly me wondering if their skillsets alluded to anything, but... lately i've been thinking about how rei takes up the bottom part of the 3ds screen in the same manner a subpersona does... and i'm like... trying to look at that and think about what that implies.
so you have me asking questions to myself, including, but not limited to: would this make rei a persona? how is she in that state? what caused that to happen? and if so where/how did she acquire abilities that are reminiscent of a subpersona? is it tied to whatever zen is?
there's definitely a part of me that leans into zen specifically being an entity of sorts, in the same vein of ryoji and marie- idk something about his skillset just makes me lean into this idea of him being a fragment of a powerful deity. god knows who what that deity's name is. but anyway. maybe if we operate under the assumption that zen is in an amnesiac state of an deity/entity whatever, this could mean that rei having abilities like a subpersona is because of him??
i dont fucking know man!! i'm spitballing based on what the game has offered and similar threads/themes i've seen from the persona games i've played/watched. groans. i'm fucking insane and it's going to take me forever to get answers because i'm a small little worm who's inching through this game and probably won't finish it until next year.
anyway. good game session. zen and rei make me crazy with conjecture (i would like to say that i can reach the boss of the group date cafe soon bc i want to see what zen and rei have to say about it post-boss fight so that i can spitball even more nonsense. but it'll probably take at least two sessions...? these floors sometimes take awhile). and i really enjoy how certain characters are highlighted through this game's interactions (aigis for today specifically). i love persona :D
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lordtraco-fanfics · 3 years
More Soul Eater AU ideas but for Legends Arceus:
(this has devolved into me practically outlining a fic, apologies.)
(using They/them Akari as placeholder for player character Akari or Rei. ALSO SPOILERS FOR PLA ENDING)
Akari is a meister of sorts. They can unknowingly resonate with the help of the Arc Phone
Between their soul pulsing out their good intentions and the balms reminding the Nobles of their wardens, the frenzies can be quelled
Ingo feels a kinship with Akari, but also a drive to protect them. He chalks it up to them being a child. Of course everyone wants to protect a child.
Ingo doesn't remember being a weapon shifter, but instincts take over when a meister is in danger.
Akari once fell from very high up in the Highlands, only to be caught by Ingo. Neither were certain how the blades in his arms showed up, but said blades dug into the cliff and kept them both from continuing the fall so...
It didn't last long. Soon they both slipped and-
And Akari was alone, falling again but now had a knife? Something told them to jab it into the cliff
The two had only one goal: protection. Their souls matched wavelengths and intensified until the simple knife scratching at the rock face glowed red.
It partly melted the rocks, allowing for a slowed descent, yet the heat didn't affect Akari at all.
I chose cyndaquil, so I like to think Akari has a fiery soul.
Could do three separate scenes...
Rowlet-choice Akari finds vines growing where the blade touches and is able to grab on
Oshawatt-choice Akari finds the blade darkening and with a single hit at just the right crevice, is able to abruptly stop their fall. (Ceaseless Edge)
No matter how, Akari safely gets down and Ingo transforms back. Despite many questions, he's unable to answer any or repeat the experience
Plus they've gotta beat up an alpha
They both put the mystery aside until the sky breaks and Akari is banished.
Ingo finds Akari and wordlessly becomes a blade once more for them. As a pearl clan warden, he cannot assist. But as a knife he can at least be sure they won't fall again.
It takes a while for Akari to realize the knife is for left-handed use and not just Weird (the knife is a human person, it's already Weird)
"I want to tape you to a roomba." "A what?" "You can talk? As a knife?" "We're derailing here, Akari, what in the world is a roomba?"
Ingo just be chilling through the red chain fetch quest. I'd like to imagine that Azelf gets them both so annoyed that they resonate out of shared frustration.
They're able to lob a gigaton ball as if it were a jet ball thanks to the resonance. It bonks Azelf on the head.
Ingo stays with them even through to the dialga/palkia fight, but deflecting attacks and resonating keeps bringing back wisps of memories and it's distracting them both.
"I must decouple from this train. It was an honor, Akari." Ingo transforms back and shields them from an attack while they ready another balm.
A second of hesitation leads to a quick hug from Ingo. "I'm proud of the heights you've climbed. Set your course to victory on the Singles Train now and we'll battle again."
Akari defeats Dialga/Palkia alone.
Ingo stays at the Training Grounds and refuses to speak on what happened, focused only on facilitating pokemon battles.
(he's remembered just enough for it to really hurt. He misses two people dearly but knows he can't reach them. All he can do is lose himself in pokemon battles)
Akari is crushed but makes a lot of time to battle him anyways. It seems to cheer him up at least a little.
Their training pays off when facing Volo and Giratina.
Finally after catching Arceus, Akari and Ingo are allowed to return home.
Ingo's timing is impeccable because it's just as his brother and Elesa are about to get their butts handed to them
Akari does end up finding Ingo again after returning home. They get to hold Emmet in knife form for all of one second before "Roomba?" "Make me Stabby the Roomba! :)"
Chaos duo Akari and their immediately-adopted uncle Emmet are immune to Parental Glares from Ingo and Elesa.
Aunt Elesa teaching Akari a random assortment of modeling tips, meister stuff, and how to become a gym leader. They listen, never really bringing up that they're already a Champion back home. More fun to be Just a Kid in Unova than the Champion of Sinnoh or the Hero of Hisui.
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nnatsume · 3 years
hi omg ur blog is so cool so farr !!! do you mind writing tetora, izumi, and kaoru w/ an s/o who enjoys teasing/making them flustered but is easily flustered as well? ur doing great and i hope u get more recognition !!
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a/n : hi hi helloooo!! thank you so muuuuch <3 you two were tossed together, since your requests are pretty similar.. i assumed you meant loving teasing <3 !! don't know what to make of tetora though,, am lost on him. he's at the end,, i hope you enjoy anyway,, and i hope that this new layout thingy is okay!!
♡ — izumi, kaoru, rei and tetora with an easily flustered, teasing s/o !
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izumi's face always gets red whenever you leave a teasing comment, but at first you won't know if he's flustered or about to deck you. the expressions look pretty much the same. turns out—it's both.
he gets flustered easily, so you've got the perfect victim. but then he bites back immediately. the warmth and fuzziness he feels on the inside—gah, disgusting, vulnerability. he pushes it back—no way he'll give you an opening like that.
"god, shut up for once, will you?", he scoffed, turning his face away from yours. with an accomplished smirk, you bent forward to take another look—before you felt a blunt hit ontop of your head—bonk! it didn't hurt, but your hand flew up anyways.
"but izumi! you're so handsome i can't look away!", you declared, rushing after him as he stood up. your hand landed on his shoulder—and you feared he might brush you off again, but he only turned back—still red-faced.
he rubbed his forehead with a sigh, "you have enough pictures, you troll. and don't look at me like that, you're making me want to throw up."
izumi to english translator: keep going, you make me feel nice. i hope you're honest. look at me like that, it's so sweet it rots my teeth.
you'll have to be a bit tougher and really have to be able to read him, otherwise it won't work out. when he's flustered he retracts into his shell because it makes him feel vulnerable. careful, the izumi is fragile!
however, if you get flustered easily too.. prepare for him to use that against you in the future. it's a perfect revenge. he just has to find out what rattles you.
when your face darkens, he just pretends that he wasn't doing anything you. no, why would he do that? pfft, in your dreams. if you look closely, you may notice the triumphant, upwards curl of his lips.
"what, cat got your tongue?", "not so big anymore, huh?", he likes to push further and rub it in your face. not seriously, of course—he knows where the limits are.
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kaoru on the recieving end is a sight to behold. he'll attempt to stay smooth and calm, but fails hilariously. when you catch him off guard, he'll try to get you back—and then he starts stumbling over his words.
it's different when you say things—usually, he's able to stay calm, but when it's you, it feels different. it feels more honest so it hits closer to home. it gets his heart racing, makes his face burn.
"jesus, you're out for blood today.", the blonde grumbled, a hand coming up to shield his face as you laughed. his attempt at responding to your teasing went down the drain at the end when he stuttered your name. "come on~! stop it."
"i can't—", you wheezed, parroting the way he said it. the slight pout of his lips and the red tinge on his ears—it made you laugh even more. kaoru was starting to laugh too, shoulders shaking lightly.
"oh, you."
he'll laugh with you. but he'll get you back, of course. don't think he missed the surprised look before he tried to say your name! he's a master at the art of teasing, you can't escape him.
since you're so easily flustered, he finds many ways. letting your hands brush when you walk, leaving his hand on your shoulder for a second too long. that kind of subtle stuff, some whispering—you'll be down in a moment.
he revels in it. seeing you get a little more timid, hands finding no rest and eyes not meeting his. he finds it so endearing he's nearly addicted to it. (he will stop if you tell him, don't worry.)
for the both of you it just turns into a back and fourth, on who can get the other better. it's competitive teasing and kaoru is an insanely good opponent.
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rei takes it the best. most of the time he'll pat your head and thank you for whatever you said. rarely does he show any signs that he's flustered, except a touch of pink on his cheeks, so faint it's nearly unoticable. he's the most challenging.
though, sometimes, when he's tired or he stood in the sun for too long, you can catch him off-guard as well. even the littlest compliment is enough.
"oh?~", rei spoke, eyebrows raised. you were looking at him with expectant eyes, but only caught a prideful smirk on his face. "i wouldn't say so, darling, but thank you."
the sound of the piano filled the room once more. you watched his hand glide across the board, smoothly, gracefully, playing you a song that you've never heard before. as soon as he stopped to look through his papers again, you looked up as well.
rei had gone red in the face. but other than that, his expression didn't change, and he was still moving as gracefully as ever. just how smooth is he?
a light blush is the most that you'll get out of him. he's nearly unbothered, knowing what reaction you want. he is teasing you while you're trying to tease him. you're like an open book to him. you may as well pack up and go home.
when it comes to teasing you directly, however, he's also a master of the art. it doesn't take much though, since you're so easily embarrassed. sometimes, when he's feeling cheeky as you try to get under his skin, he immediately turns the tables and you're the one on the recieving end of his teasing.
he absolutely loves it. he thinks this way: if you're embarrassed, that means that what he says matters to you in a way! it makes him feel important to you. and to add to that, he finds it cute. he'd like to take a photo and pin it to his coffin ceiling so when he wakes up it's the first thing he sees.
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you've got yourself another perfect victim again. at least if you don't want anyone challenging—call tetora a man once and you've got him melting right infront of your eyes. when you say it, it gives him a fuzzy feeling.
at the beginning of your relationship you won't even have to say that. you'll just have to put a hand on his shoulder and he'll trip on air. he'll get used to your teasing after a while though, so that won't happen too often.
books and papers laid scattered all across the floor at your feet, and tetora dove right after. all it took was calling him a man one time, because he brought you your things, and he dropped them all right after. "dang it! sorry, sorry—i'll pick them up, don't worry, don't worry!", he shouted, hands motioning for you to stay where you are.
you laughed, light-hearted, "wow, that's all it takes?", you joked, and then watched him drop the papers again. a wheeze escaped you as you leaned down to help out.
"yes!—i mean, no—no that's not all it takes!", he denied, his shoulders slouching, then picking back up. he carefully gathered all your papers, placing them into your locker. "my hand just slipped, is all!"
tetora goes braindead at everything you do at first, but gets used to it after a while—however, it still doesn't lose it's value. he just has more experience with you! you may still catch him off-guard, it's just not as easy anymore.
he won't do anything to tease or rattle you on purpose—it's mostly accidents when you get flustered, since he is a little clumsy. like getting too close to your face when he can't hear you right, and then both of you are embarrassed.
he does things out of impulse sometimes, and only thinks about what he just did after he's already done it. he'll jump you in a hug then retract seconds later because holy mother of god! he just hugged you out of nowhere, without asking first—and now your forehead feels like you have a fever.
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edogawa-division · 2 years
Kanra's Thoughts on 3rd Members
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Saburo Yamada
"Oh, it's Saburo. He visits a lot because I think he wants to beat Kaoru in a game for once. Every time he comes over I try to avoid him because of his attitude. I worry that if he says the wrong thing and sets me off that I'll give him a good hit in the face. I really don't want to do that. You know what else? He's two years younger than me and he's taller than me. It's no fun being the smallest person in the Division Rap Battles."
Rio Mason Busujima
"I like Rio-san. I got lost in the Yokohama forest when I got stuck in one of his traps. All of a sudden Rio-san comes out of the trees like bigfoot and helps me out of the trap. He started apologizing and then he took me to his camp where he gave me some food. Now every time I'm in Yokohama I go visit him. He's teaching me about survival and it's been fun." 
Dice Arisugawa
"Oh, it's Dice! Is it bad to say he reminds me of my cat Haku? Either way, whenever I know I'm going to Shibuya I always bring Dice food I've made. He always looks so happy to get it. Dice once asked me if I was related to Ramuda-san since we seem a lot alike to him. I told him no but the look on Dice's makes me think he didn't believe me." 
Doppo Kannonzaka
"I saw Doppo-san on the train once and he fell asleep on it. So I carried him to Jakurai-sensei's office. I'm kinda worried about him because he weighed basically nothing to me. Anyway, by the time he woke up, he started bowing and apologizing for the trouble he gave me. I kept trying to assure him that it was okay but he just kept going. So I just bonked his head cause I wasn't sure what to do. I hope he doesn't hold it against me." 
Rei Amayado
"There is something about this man that makes me want to cave his chest in. I try not to be violent but he is making it very hard. The only time I feel like this is when I see people with connections to Chuohku. It doesn't make sense though he's a male why would Chuohku work with him? Either way, if he gets even one step near me I'm breaking his spine." 
Hitoya Amaguni
"Oh, It's Hitoya-san. He's very nice to me. At first, he was kind of a grouch. However, when he heard that a lot of my classmates were messing with me he gave me his card and told me that if I ever wanted to bring them to court he would do it free of charge. I'm not sure if I want to do that. I'm just very glad Hitoya-san wants to help me out, not a lot of people do that for me."
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fluffypeachwriting · 4 years
hypmic characters & affection hcs
i didn’t write these in order so some are about hugs n stuff and some are more about emotional affection but i hope you like it anyway! it’s all the divisions & chuuoku  `;:゛;`;・(°ε° )
i tried to make them about both platonic and romantic love (bc i love both) but some are more one than the other oh well
Ichiro will full-body hug you at all times. It looks like he’d squeeze you hard, but his hugs are surprisingly gentle, and he would never intentionally hurt you. He’s absolutely the type to pick you up and hold you tight when you haven’t seen each other for a while. If you become really close, even just as friends, he’ll give you kisses on the top of your head.
Jiro gives hugs the most when he’s trying to reassure someone. He’s not the best at giving advice and stuff like that, so he’ll do his best to tell you that he’s got your back by holding you close. He’ll let you cry on his shoulder if you need to, and he refuses to let go until you’re feeling alright.
Saburo will be too shy to initiate contact most of the time but he doesn’t mind it with his friends. When he’s looking for comfort he’ll very gently tug on your sleeve with an anxious look, and he’ll settle down once you’ve brought him into your arms. He forgets all too easily that he loves being held by someone he trusts.
Samatoki will give little bits of physical affection that seem mundane at first, but he gets close enough that you can tell it’s his way of showing that he cares. The most common will be his hand on your arm or shoulder as he asks how your day’s been, maybe working up to a hug. From that, and the sweet smile on his face as he does it, it becomes clear that he’s more than genuine.
Jyuto doesn’t think there’s a huge barrier between what levels of affection you should show whether it’s a platonic or romantic relationship, only because he thinks both are equally important. And he’ll respect your boundaries because he has his own. When you’re excited about something he’ll ruffle your hair to show support, and in return he loves gentle strokes to his hair (the bunny loves being pet, what can I say?).
Riou loves having one arm over your shoulder as you’re lying down, admiring the sky. Whether you’re looking at clouds floating by or the twinkling stars, Riou could lose hours staring at them with you by his side. His hugs are so warm that it’s easy to get sleepy in his arms. Seeing you feel safe around him is all that Riou could ask for.
Ramuda is the clingiest hugger ever, in the best way possible. It’s kind of scary how easy it is for him to tell when something’s amiss, and he’ll be attached to you until whatever was bothering you has gone away. It feels more intimate for him to hold someone’s hand than much else, so he’ll save it for super special occasions.
Gentaro is fonder of casual affection than anything else. Whenever the two of you are hanging out he won’t mind if you lean on his shoulder as he reads, and vice versa. It’s like a little reminder that you’ve got his back when he needs it. Likes the occasional pat on the shoulder (and on the head too but he’d never say it).
Dice needs physical affection a lot more than he lets on, but it’s not as if he tries to hide it. When you’re hanging around with him and he’s in the mood for a cuddle he’ll whine and sigh dramatically until you get the hint. It turns into a habit, Dice asking for a hug without him actually saying it. And it’s only because he’s too embarrassed to admit it. One thing he can rely on is that your arms will always be open to welcome him, whatever state he’s in.
Jakurai has the softest hugs in the world. It starts with him placing his hand on your back to ask for permission, and when he gets it he puts his other hand on the back of your head, bringing you to his body with as much caution as if you were made of glass. But there is a strange strength to his embrace. It feels like if anyone tried to pry his arms open they wouldn’t budge at all.
Hifumi will, of course, act differently depending on which side of him you’re interacting with. But if you’re close with him he’ll be happy to cuddle you no matter which Hifumi it is, because after all, they are the same person. If you’re alright with it, he likes flirting with you platonically (you get me?) to make you smile. But he can’t take it. Being told compliments as you hug him make him weak.
Doppo loves bedtime snuggles. Just being able to forget about the world outside of the bed is one of his favourite feelings, especially with the warmth of a loved one. Even just knowing someone cares about his well-being enough to want to be there with him as he falls asleep is enough to warm his heart. Waking up next to them and being free to drift in and out of sleep in the warmth is something he’ll secretly cherish forever.
Kuko (canonically I think) isn’t fond of being around too many people, so his affections come out when you’re hanging out alone, and even then it’ll take a while for his sappy side to come out. Standing shoulder to shoulder enough affection for him at the start, but over time he finds himself realising how much he just wants to snooze and cuddle next to you.
Jyushi needs hugs so much. When he’s nervous, before a live show, after practice, you name it and Jyushi wants a hug. Most hugs will be you hugging him as he’s hugging Amanda. Letting you get so close to Amanda is a whole honour in itself! If he’s not up for a hug and needs his space, before you can get to him he’ll bonk you on the nose with Amanda’s squishy snout.
Hitoya will only let you be affectionate in private. Out in the world he’s more stoic than soft, but in the comfort of his or your home he’s game for anything. He loves kicking back with you, making some food and drinks and chatting about whatever. That alone is intimate for him, but your embrace would make him even happier with your relationship.
Sasara will opt for fleeting touches, like a quick hand squeeze or a hug that’s over before you know it. He’ll make you just want to wrap him up in your arms and not let him skip away with that annoyingly cute grin of his. If you do he’ll say that it’s too much for him (jokingly of course), but the reality is that he gets embarrassed. If you tease him about it then there’s no telling what might happen.
Rosho makes sure the affection is equal between you. You hug him, he hugs back, you compliment him, and he compliments you back. Even if he blushes the whole time. His favourite way of showing affection is definitely through words. Hearing that his jokes amuse you make him blush up to his ears, and he’d have no idea how much he loves being complimented on his appearance.
Rei isn’t a hugely sentimental guy, so it’d take some convincing that you’re trying to be affectionate towards him. There’d be a lot of trial and error, finding out what works for the two of you. Saying “You did good today.” or “It’s nice to see you here!” will be the tipping point. Actually getting to admit that he likes your company is the hard part.
Otome is cautious of opening up to someone, but with enough mutual love and trust it’ll come through. There’s a mine of affection sitting inside her, with glimpses coming through every now and then. Stroking her hand while she’s talking about something she’s invested in shows her you care, while also letting her have her space.
Ichijuku takes a while to warm up to a lot of physical affection, but she wants to! She appreciates how much you’d pay attention to when she gets a little antsy and needs some alone time. The pay-off would be worth it though as she’d start to surprise you with greeting hugs, and maybe even a light-hearted kiss on the cheek to show how thankful she is to have you in her life.
Nemu loves little hugs and squeezes throughout the day, making sure to get one in before and after work. Knowing she has someone warm to hug when she gets home makes all the hard work worth it. She also loves binge watching her favourite shows with yummy snacks to last you all night, and the two of you huddled under a warm blanket.
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99liners · 3 years
I just completed reading nodus tollens from tatemae series AGAIN n i can't seem to have enough of it u r a really talented writer
I was thinking that in pjms case it's kinda weird to see him be posssessive and desperate over rie with him being a former fuckboy
With what i have read in ur oneshot i dont really see him as clingy type sure he is possessive, insecure n a control freak but clingy I dunno
Like how clingy is he, is he like rie u need to spend atleast 12 hours a day with me n does he take her to his studio just so he could be with her n always like tracking her location n all
N I wanted to ask how would tatemae men react to their wife being clingy n vice versa
How tatemae couple will take care of their spouse during fever
aw, that is so heartwarming to know <3 thank you for giving it so much love and a blessed new year to you, sweets.
true, he is a fuckboy but if you notice the monologues / inner battles of jimin in their initial dating phase – his desperate side was peeking out. you know, how he constantly tried to fight his thoughts in regards to making the first move / texting her but he failed and did all of that first.
he has not dated much, he slept around a lot but he never had a sustaining relationship where he genuinely liked the other person – not just their body, but also their personality, mentality, thoughts, inter alia. in all the dates, they only talked and got to know each other better, which is very contradictory to jimin's fuckboy nature. it is just that he had not found the right person but with rei, he did and it clicked and bam comes his real self.
clingy can be a lot of things. for instance, i am a very loner type of a person, so if someone does not give me the space to be just alone even for a few minutes a day, that makes me feel like the person is being clingy. you know how people say that couples taking shower together is romantic or whatever? i find that very uncomfortable – not the physical or sexual connotation behind it but just the thought that i cannot even wash up alone.
so yeah, being clingy is not necessarily a set way, it can be a plethora of things.
MTL among the OCs tolerating clinginess:
rei: it is not something she appreciates but gets along with.
dany: she seems chill and literally gets coddled by the jung family regarding everything.
aeira: i know jk is not clingy but whatever he is, he also has no qualms for privacy.
aria: she won't enjoy it but won't outright protest against it.
shiza: hates it, hates every aspect of it. she needs to be left alone.
tanaz: would literally bonk you on the head.
MTL among the tatemae men tolerating clinginess:
jhs: he is v touch-starved so would actually like having you around all the time.
knj: he is v laidback and calm person. might ask aria to stop once or twice but would not scold her for being clingy and tolerate it.
pjm: talk about getting a taste of own medicine. unsurprisingly, he won't like it as much as he does it to rei.
jjk: 10/10 would push aeira away. bitch get out the way
kth: don't do that to him. absolutely hates it.
myg: he will screech lol, would legit have a verbal outburst.
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yioh · 4 years
2020 follow forever :^)
hello it is, but i, ur local frog, yura, i really realllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy wanted to make some kind of post to appreciate everyone on here because , fr, you guys have been such a large part of my life recently and i can not thank you enough... every single person i have interacted with on here has been so wonderful and it’s been such a pleasure to talk with you guys<3
also extremely extremely extremely sorry if i forget anyone, i really really do love every single person i interact with!! this is my first time doing something like this also this is probably filled with typos but im too impatient and lazy to read what i wrote, im so sorry if its weird or something aaaaaaaaaaaa jhdsgjhd
without further ado lets goooooo losers😎
@honeyedmilks sof u are one of the softest people i know, we didn’t get to talk that much this year but i love ur presence in general and it makes me :D when u pop up on my dash/notes hehe, i can’t express just how much i adore ur writing, the vibes and settings and the way u write in general is so my thing and !!!!!!!! <3 
@asianmelodrama faizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa u are mine and a lot of other people’s sunshine on this hellsite !!!! ur blog is so feel good and pretty and relaxing and i love all ur thoughts and ur gifs are soooooooooo pretty and ur so cool !!!!!!!! thank u for being so kind and creative and wonderful and for creating a place so safe and lovely i love u i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
@muscosus robin robin robin robin ILUSM !!!!!!! ur so fun to talk to and i find it so amusing that we met each other via druck but then consequently found all our interests colliding and we were literally *shook pikachu* kdhigjdghkjf also whenever u tag me in whale stuff it warms my heart so much and i treasure our friendship so so much !!!
@lesbiangoths OLIVIA why are u so adorable :( everytime u send me an ask im :) ur so creative and talented and ur crocheting stuff looks so COOL !!!!! also ur vibe is just immaculate in general and talking with u is so easy, never change ilu bro
@illiterateopossum ELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur DEFINATELY one of the people on here that are MOST special to me, all our conversations are so freaking fun and man, u just get me .... and watching u get into all the dramas and anime i reccomend ??? it makes my heart doki doki hiagsjhjh thank u for always looking out for me and sending me the most loveliest messages, im really really bad with words and i am SHITE with keeping up with messaging but i seriously treasure our friendship so so much, i only hope for good things to happen to you next year and all the years after that, you’re such a kind wonderful person and !!!!!!!!!!!! i love u sm :(
@beesnutz KJDFKHIJFHKD GUSTE i wanna be emotional this one time and tell u that ur seriously such a fun person and the way my brain goes on overdrive from creativity when i talk to you is . insane. i want to bonk ur head with as much cereal as i can, never forget that you will always be the dumb sidekick to me, the superior villain and i WILL lead the way to world domination one day. sometimes i feel like u aren’t even real, you could be an anime character and i wouldn’t even bat an eyelash . ilu <3
@rosa-leche kana kana KANA :^) how are u so ???? sweet ???? adorable ???? wonderful ????? i already had so much fun interacting with you, all ur thoughts and messages are always so sweet and u make me smile SO much, and after the secret santa i feel like we have so much in common !!!!!!!!! do tell me if u ever watch bloom into you hehe, keep being the angel u are, ilusm !
@petekaos RAHUL !!!!!!!!!!!!! meeting u this summer feels like so long ago somehow, you sir!!! are one TALENTED person . it really really amazes me with how much passion you get into things and how much love and adoration you put into the things you create, its so so special .... anytime i see u vibing on my dash it fills me with so much joy, keep doing u bro !!!!
@toptaps zeeeeeeeeeeey you are so lovely :) you’re so gentle and soft and i adore talking with u about nanamin, also u are so cool and i was rly rly happy when u followed me lol, lowkey i admired u from afar jdhjkhdijd i love uuuuuuu
@fushiguroo MY LIL OREO CUTIE PATOOTIE oFC i still remember the first ask u sent me, i was so taken aback and honoured :( and the more and more i talked with you and saw you on my dash i was so happy, you have such good taste and you’re so so cute, take care of urself and stay the precious bean u are ok? 
@morksuns sumaya sumaya sumayaaaaaaaaaaaa everytime you interact with me im :D i love all our little convos and ur vibe in general is so peaceful and relaxing, im glad i got to meet you:’) here’s to another year and many more after that, that are filled with only good dramas !!!
@gayvlad NICO (nico niiiiiiiiiiiiii ) YOU DESERVE THE W O R L D. i dont know why but as soon as i had like one convo with u that one time i thought u were such a chill cool person :( im so happy that i get to be friends with you, all ur gifs are so pretty !!!!!!!! ur such a kind person and ur blog is such a warm nice place to be. :) 
@cupidhashorns   peach ........... PEACH !!!!!!!!!! you might be one of the nicest people in the WORLD , whenever u like my posts, regardless of whether u know what im on about lmao, i feel so seen... its just so nice to know that Someone i listening to the shit you throw into the void on this site lmao, i adore all ur asks and i truly truly appreicate all your messages so much. thank you for finding my blog interesting at all man, i cant tell you enough how happy you make me :)
@guihan arloooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY CAT FRIEND . THE AMOUNT OF SEROTONIN YOU HAVE GIVEN ME IS IMMEASURABLE your cats ................... are so cute .............. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so glad i got into tsomd and got to meet you , whenever u tag me in things im !!!!!!!!! also im defo gonna read  twwtadsl sometime ksdjkdhjksd you make it sound so good aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@otterplush rey many people have probably already told you this but you are someone so ...... so spectacular and special and incredible and amazing ............  so much of your words has given me SO MUCH comfort in the short time i had known you, seriously. i seem to always stumble on your blog whenever im most hurt and your words have really had an impact on me in the best way possible and i love u so so so so much. i only wish for good things to happen for you and i want to be there for you in a way you are for everyone else !!! you are so warm and kind an generous, everything about your vibe feels so soft... also i always wanna rb everything you rb ndjbshs ur blog is so pretty :( 
@aheartandashirt nisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA MY KSH THIRST BUDDY KDHJKHDKJHDF fr ive had some of the BEST convos with you, ur taste in dramas is !!!!!!!!!!immaculate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so so so  fun talking with you and everything you gif looks so nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for being such a lovely friend to me, you’re so easy to talk with and so friendly and nice and <3 *pat pat pat* 
@tetsuos dawn dawn !!!! you are !!!!!!!!!! such a talented person !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love ur little corner on the web, its so nice to read all ur thoughts about the dramas you’re watching, all your thoughts are so well thought out and interesting to read and, in general, i adore seeing you do ur thing :) *hug hug * 
@heartsofsunlight angel ! your drawings are so beautiful !! you are such a beautiful person in general ! whenever u drop by it makes me so happy, its been so lovely getting to know you, thank you so much for talking to me :) i love uuuuuuu
@metawin jay jay jay !!!!!!!!!!!! for some reason whenever i see u im overcome with so much love !!! everything you make is so beautiful and u are defo one of the most elite people here hehe, also ur cats are ........ so adorable ............ 
@metawwin aliiiiiiiiiiiii, its been such a pleasure seeing you on here !! ur so soooooo kind and whenever u sent me those adorable asks it made me so happy, you’re like a little happiness fairy, you eminate so much joy and positivity !! also ur singing ... immaculate 
@87s min min !!!! u are soooooooooooo adorable, i think ive said this before but u seriously give me little sibling vibes lol, its so fun talking to you, and im so happy that you first popped up to me !!!!!!!!!!! iluuuuuuuu
@joblessquinoa JQ :^)    i always associate you with my engineer haha, and that was so long ago !!!!! ur so fun to talk to, and i adore seeing u rb and leave ur thoughts on all the manga and webtoons im reading !!!! in fact whenever u like my posts i aways feel so happy hehe, also . i literally wouldve failed my coding course without u thank u SO much for helping me out * cries* 
@gigiesarocha cata CATA CATA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  when you first popped up i was so elated to talk to you, u seemed so nice:( and later when u told me u watched joan’s galaxy because of me i was sdhfsgijdfhjkdhjkfh all ur gifs are so unbelieveably gorgeous, i literally go back to the set u made of yioh staring at joan skipping all the time, its so ........ beautiful.......... hopefully we get more wlw content next year and hopefully theyre all as good as joan’s galaxy hehe, iluuuuuuuuuu
@yibobibo aamna my love !!!!!!! how are you so precious ? everytime u reblog any of my posts its an instant serotonin boost, the experience of getting back into mdzs along with u was seriously incomparable, it was so FUN and i wanna go back :( ur such a friendly wonderful and talented person and i adore seeing all ur creativity blossom on this website, ilu aamna !
@brightwin JELLY jelly u are literally the human embodiment of the softest teddy bear in the WORLD . i wanna give u all the hugs and pats i can because u make me so !!!!!!!!! happy and u fill me with so much soft warmth ........... thank u for being u, all ur gifs are so pretty and its been so nice to be able to bask in the light that comes off of u, never change i love u so sooooooooooo much <3
and lastly, some blogs that i really really adore !
@kurusutakatsu @chanagun @yuhaosturtle @jiangyanlisgf @duoerla @yinyu @tichawongtipkanon @jbums @wenqing @lemongrasslesbian @weiixian @schech @kikuism @earthfluuke @0ffgun @yamaguccchi @wullu @seniorwitch @leoyunxi @floraflorenzi @dreamterlude @florbexter @doctorbahnjit
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writing-in-april · 4 years
A Tale of Two Poe’s
Poe Dameron x Gender Neutral Reader
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Summary: AU where Poe Dameron and Edgar Allan Poe both exist in the Star Wars universe. Reader finds a book containing the writings of Edgar Allan Poe and just can’t wait to show her Poe.
A/N: This is a purely self indulgent fic lmao 😂 this AU idea where Poe Dameron and Edgar Allan Poe exist in the same universe came into my head a while back and I just had to write it. Idk if it’s weird or not but I enjoyed writing it lmao- also obviously credit goes to Edgar Allan Poe for all his stories and poem excerpts I use. @writefightandflightclub and @sergeantkane are definitely my go to for Poe fics if you’re curious and they always inspire me to write more for Poe but- there are so many other amazing writers for Poe too. I’ll have to make a fic rec list for him soon. This also is my second fic for my 1000 follower celebration!!! I want to thank you all so much again, this is so surreal!! Thanks for reading and requests are open!!
Warnings: Uhh- a sexual innuendo & talk of death in the war I think that’s it...
Main Masterlist Word count: 2.2k
The amount of bookstores that were left in the galaxy was such a small and minuscule number, most people just used their data pads to read, that is if they read anything at all. It was such a shame, in your opinion. No data pad could truly recreate the magic of a physical book.There was nothing better than opening a book, new or old, the parchment smell wafting around under your nose as you fully enveloped yourself in the words on the page.
You had stopped in at the old library after you had completed a routine information pick up for the resistance. The planet you were on was the beautiful Naboo and you had a couple hours to kill before your partner, Poe came with his x-wing to pick you up. The little vintage book store stood out in the ethereal metropolis of the big city, and you were instantly drawn to it.
When you entered the little shop it was filled wall to wall with books, you had never seen so many books in your life before. Personally, you only had three that you kept on top of your small dresser that you put the small amount of clothes in. They weren’t interesting books to say the least, mostly consisting of military procedurals from your early days in the academy, besides one novel written on a planet far away called Earth named “A tale of two cities”. The book shop made you want to take all of them back to base and read every leisure novel you could ever want to read. However, there was no real time and you didn’t have the money to take all the books home with you, so you settled on picking one that really grabbed your attention.
The book that caught your eye was a black hard cover, so thick because of how many pages it held that you could barely hold it in one hand. The spine said “The complete collection of stories and poems by Edgar Allan Poe” and just by flipping through it a little you gathered that it must have also been written on the planet Earth, just like your one other novel. You loved the other novel and you knew that you were definitely going to bring this book home, even if you didn’t enjoy it at least you could tease Poe about the shared name. But, you had a feeling you were going to enjoy it.
You opened the book to another random page written by the person who held a similar name to your man and landed on a page that had a poem by the name of Annabel Lee. Poems were not something that were often seen in the galaxy anymore, even on the data pads that everyone used. They had fallen into obscurity as a form of literature that was obsolete and pointless.
The poem instantly had you hooked just in the first few lines, it was definitely a sad poem, as you suspected the rest were as well. But, the beautiful well written rhymes seduced you like the sirens you had heard about from Ahch-To. Though, Rey had told you the Thala-sirens were not nearly as beautiful as the myths would have you believe. Realizing that you were getting tight on time you rushed to check out the book, you didn’t want to worry Poe. Once you had paid the kind older lady who ran the shop you ran quickly out to your rendezvous point where Poe was already anxiously waiting.
“Kriff- there you are, I was worried something had happened to you.” His eyes were a bit frantic looking and hair disheveled. he had undoubtedly been looking around for you in worry while running his hands through his hair and had been pacing. Poe needed to learn to relax every once and awhile, he was often an overworrier and was often overworked.
“I’m only a few minutes late, relax. I just had to pick up a little surprise for you.”
“A surprise? What is it?” He reached to grab the parcel that the book had been wrapped in by the owner of the shop. You swiftly pulled the package away from him, you wanted it to be a surprise for later, when you both could relax.
“Hands off- I’ll show you later, be patient.” His indignant sigh only caused you to roll your eyes while you both climbed into the x-wing, with you sitting on Poe’s lap. He was so dramatic sometimes. Maybe, someday you’d get to come back to the bookshop on Naboo to get some more books, with hopefully Poe in tow next time.
When we got back to base you were vibrating with excitement in anticipation of showing Poe the book that had an author with the same name as him. Throughout the entire briefing with Leia she could probably tell that my mind was in a far off place, almost like you still had my head stuck in the book. When she’d finally dismissed you after you had gone through the mission debriefing I bolted to our shared quarters. Once you had gone in the fresher for a quick wash and got dressed for the night you hopped in your small bed that you shared with Poe, but not before grabbing the new book you had added to your collection.
“Come to bed, I’ve got something for you.” You said as soon as Poe got through the door. He always had to check in with the main mechanic that worked on his x-wing right after he came home on a mission, it was the only way he would ever let anyone touch black one.
“Oh? Is it that surprise you were talking about earlier?” His signature cheeky smile that he flashed you while he stripped off his flight suit let you know immediately what he assumed the surprise was.
You threw his pillow he used at him, then accosted him playfully,“It’s not what you think it is you horndog, I’ve got a book for you.”
“A book? You know I don't know how to read.” You wished that you had a third pillow to throw at him in that moment, but you didn’t want to lose your own pillow. There had been many times in your relationship where Poe had stolen your pillow to mess with you and you weren’t about to give him the upper hand.
“Shut it, I’ll read it to you, you big baby.” He was now dressed in your favorite ensemble besides his flight suit, a white tank top, boxers, and nothing else.Patting the bed right next to you, you finally got him to come over to you. He sank down next to you on the bed, making sure to immediately cuddle up into you, you then spoke again,“But, before I do I want you to see what the Author’s name was.”
Handing him over the hardcover he looked at the name on the spine with furrowed brows, then letting out a breath of laughter once he read the Author’s last name. He didn’t read often like he had joked earlier, but he definitely could read the big gold leaf cursive letters that said, Edgar Allan Poe. “Woah, that’s cool. He would’ve been cooler if he had Poe for his first name though.” In response to another cheeky comment from him I bonked him on the head with the book before I started to read, “It was many and many a year ago,   In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know   By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought   Than to love and be loved by me. I was a child and she was a child,   In this kingdom by the sea, But we loved with a love that was more than love—   I and my Annabel Lee— With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven   Coveted her and me. And this was the reason that, long ago,   In this kingdom by the sea, A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling   My beautiful Annabel Lee; So that her highborn kinsmen came   And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre   In this kingdom by the sea.” As you lilted your voice through the poem you could feel Poe sinking down further into relaxation, which was good since he hardly ever relaxed. He was always on the move all the time because of his vast responsibilities as a commander in the resistance. To be honest, you could do with some more relaxation like this in your life, just you, Poe, and a charging BB-8. You must have paused for a second with your reading because Poe looked up at your with his deep caf colored eyes in question, prompting you to continue, “The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,   Went envying her and me— Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know,   In this kingdom by the sea) That the wind came out of the cloud by night,   Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. But our love it was stronger by far than the love   Of those who were older than we—   Of many far wiser than we— And neither the angels in Heaven above   Nor the demons down under the sea Can ever dissever my soul from the soul   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side   Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride,   In her sepulchre there by the sea—   In her tomb by the sounding sea.  — why are you crying?”
A few small tears had welled up in the corners of Poe’s eyes with one spilling over to run down his scruff covered cheeks. He sniffled a bit, wiping away the tears before speaking, “Just reminded me of you and how much I love you. I don’t like thinking about you dying, I don’t think I could survive.”
Your heart broke a little, but also felt filled with the feeling of love. You knew there were even more dark times ahead in the war, you had both even had a conversation of what would happen if one of you passed. You even had letters that were to be read by the other if something were to happen. Even though you had discussed this before, you agreed with Poe, you never wanted to think about what the galaxy would be like without him.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You ran your fingers through his hair in an attempt to smooth him a bit. You felt a little bad that you had not realized how much it might affect Poe, so you decided to shift the subject to something that hit less close to home, “I’ll read something a bit different. They’re all dark, but I’ll pick one that you’ll enjoy more.”
You then began to read the Cask of Amontillado, which was a story that you both could relate to personally less which meant you could both fully enjoy the story.
“You were right, I liked that one.” He took the book from your hands to inspect the black book further, “How old is this book?”
“I don’t know, probably pretty old. I’ll have to take extra good care of it.”
“Yeah, just as long as that doesn’t become your favorite Poe in your life.” Poe’s signature cheeky grin was back on his face, then tilting his head up to nuzzle his nose with yours.
“Ok, Edgar.” A wide cheeky smile was now on your face, proud of your ‘clever’ new nickname for Poe.
“No no no that nickname better not stick.”
“But- your hair looks so similar to his! Look at all those dark messy curls! I’m keeping the nickname.” You flipped to one of the earlier pages of the book that had a short biography at the front about the author with a print of a portrait of the author. His expression soured once he looked at the portrait, realizing that his curls did in fact, look like the Author’s. He let out a fake disgruntled sigh that did a horrible job of hiding his underlying happiness and flopped down back on the bed to cuddle up with you for the night.
The entire resistance was confused why you had started calling Poe, Edgar whenever you wanted to tease him. But, you guys kept the secret of the tale of two Poe’s, the only people who knew the origins of the nickname were you and your Poe. The nickname definitely wasn’t going anywhere.
Tag list (message me if you want to be added)
All works: @shotarosleftpinky​ @oreogutz​
Poe Dameron/SW:
32 notes · View notes
11 Times Poe Dameron Embarrasses Himself and the 1 Time He Doesn’t
Pairing: Poe Dameron x fem!Reader (Modern AU)
Warnings: cursing
Author’s Note: I started writing this and I found myself thinking of Oscar;s role in Life Itself as much as in the Star Wars movies, so if you’ve seen it, there will be some similarities.
Tags: @thotyana-in-this-hoe @neeadinghugs 
*     *     *     *
You’re tempted to stop running as the stitch in your side is joined by a rumble in your stomach, but Poe is still chattering away as he runs beside you, so you take a deep breath and pretend you feel just fine. It goes well for a while, you and Poe have run a few more blocks and nearly run into three different strollers when your stomach growls loud enough for him to hear. “You wanna call it early for lunch?” Poe laughs, jogging in place as he glances at his watch. His green shirt is soaked through with sweat and you’re sure you don’t look any more comfortable. “If we stop now, I’ll get our lunch and drinks?” You barter with him so it doesn’t seem like you’ll be the only one gaining anything from stopping.
Poe finally stops running in place and tosses an arm over your shoulders, “Are you trying to get me drunk so you can have your way with me?” He smirks over at you as he leads you to Vincenzo’s because it’s where you always go for lunch. “Poe, please,” You start, ducking out from under his arm, “I’m hot as hell, I wouldn’t have to get you drunk to have my way with you.” Laughing, Poe steps into the street to let a toddler and his leash and his mother barrel between the two of you, “What can I say, I’m only a man.” Poe quips, joining you on the sidewalk again for the journey.
“Oh, yeah, some of us are going out tonight.” You remember, interrupting Poe’s outlandish story and taking way too quick a drink of your mimosa. Instead of saying anything in response, Poe levels his eyes and holds you in place with a five second gaze before standing and pulling the umbrella out of your table. “Poe, Poe, I don’t think those are meant to be removed from the tables.” You laugh, watching him struggle with the large umbrella. Scoffing, Poe stands on his chair and continues to pull the umbrella from the hole in the table, knocking over the pitcher of water on the table beside you and bonking himself on the forehead before pulling the umbrella out all the way and walking it to rest on the wall of the restaurant.
Two tables of people have left - unable to stay frustrated with Poe once he tossed them a dashing smile and an apology, but unwilling to have any more fumbling result in any more drinks getting knocked onto them or their food - and Poe is panting when he sits back down, “You’re lucky I practically own this place, or we’d be kicked out, now what exactly are you doing?” Once again, Poe doesn’t answer right away, instead, watching you with narrowed eyes for a moment, “Sorry, I had to let the sun shine on your face, I had to really be able to look at your face so that I could make sure you weren’t feeding me bullshit.”
You can’t help the laugh that forces its way out of your mouth in a snort, “Bullshit?” Frowning dramatically and keeping his gaze completely serious, Poe nods, “Bullshit.” Standing from his seat, Poe makes his way to your side of the table and puts his face close to yours, eyes flitting between your own while also taking a quick detour to your lips. You have to lean back to take another sip from your mimosa and Poe’s lack of movement makes you want to laugh again as you think of him pulling the same kind of antics when you met your senior year of college. 
“You’re not bullshitting me. And you’re still with that asshole.” Poe deducts, making his way back to his seat and wiping his sweaty hands on his grey jogging pants, which he wears on your runs on purpose though he’ll never admit it. Rolling your eyes, you grab a bread stick from the small plate you and Poe got to share, “I’m not even gonna acknowledge the shitty comment you made about Armitage, because I will not encourage that behavior. No, Poe Dameron, you big baby, I’m not bullshitting you. So, are you gonna come out and party with us tonight? I invited our cute new server, Rey.”
Poe mimics you with a roll of his eyes and a bite of a bread stick, “I’m gonna go home, grab a beer, take my pants off, and find a way to keep my hands busy. That’ll be a party in itself, you guys are more than welcome to come to my party.” He smiles at you through a mouth of bread and any tension in the conversation is gone. “Well if those are your standards of a party Dameron, you spend every night partying.” Swallowing the bread in a lump, Poe leans forward, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as he puts his glass to his mouth, “Only the days we spend together, Y/N.” The comment pushes you to down the rest of your mimosa and check your smart watch, “You’re disgusting, Poe.” You chastise him, wrinkling your nose with no animosity behind the words at all. Poe laughs and stands as you do, “Alright, well, we’ll be at the usual place downtown at ten tonight if you decide you wanna come out. I’m gonna go get dressed and come in for a quick shift so I can break the news to Rey.”
The mention of another woman upsets Poe a bit. He’s been flirting with you since your senior year of college and despite you throwing flirty comments right back, you’ve always treated his behavior like a joke, almost like it’s your form of formality. And you keep trying to set him up with women, these women who don’t look or act anything like you, and honestly, he’s beginning to think that you have no idea what his type is. Yeah, one hundred percent, he’s gotten laid since your friendship has began, but you don’t introduce him to one night stands. You introduce him to women that you want to see him with on double dates. Women you want to see him with at all, and honestly, that irritates him a bit more. Unless you dig being jealous. Are you trying to set him up so you can rush to him in a jealous rage? Shove him against a wall and shove your tongue in his mouth while having him-
“Get out of your head and come give me a hug, Poe, you weirdo.” You order, pulling him out of his thoughts. Clearing his throat, and regretting the grey sweatpants, Poe shuffles over to you, enveloping you in a tight hug. Burying your nose in his hair and smelling his coconut shampoo, you think of Poe being home alone tonight and no matter how much he jokes, you feel like he could use a friend, so you squeeze him a little tighter and pull back a little to look at him, “Hey, I love you, Bug.” Like he did earlier, Poe looks into your eyes for a minute before he leans forward, eyes fluttering closed. They close completely and he realizes that he’s been leaning for a while and opens his eyes back up.
The two of you are still in each others arms, but now it’s more like Poe is dipping you rather than hugging you. “Poe, I still have that boyfriend you mentioned earlier.” You huff, exasperated as you release yourself from Poe’s hold. Shaking his head, Poe screws his eyes closed tight, “Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I mean, I guess I did, but my intention wasn’t to - shit. Yeah, sorry. That was a dick move.” Opening his eyes, Poe flashes you a charming smile and lifts his shoulder in a shrug, “Can you blame a guy for trying?” You want to tell him that yes, yes you can blame a guy for trying, but looking at Poe, you fall into your same rhythm and you know that you won’t be able to stay mad at him. Especially not looking right into those deep brown eyes.
“Don’t do that again, Poe Dameron. I’m serious. People end marriages for less.” You finally say, walking around the table setting down enough money from the pocket in your leggings to cover your meal and a hefty tip from both of you. “But I’m guessing you won’t end a relationship for it.” Poe asks, his head tilted in what he probably means to be a seductive way, but all you can see are the pictures you’ve seen of him as a child in his family photos. “I know, Poe, what an awful friend I am for not falling prey to the charm you’ve been trying to perfect since college.” Poe laughs with you, wanting to keep the banter going, but you squeeze his bicep fondly - not noticing it’s thicker than usual - and start off, checking the time on your watch before jogging out of sight.
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unexpectedreylo · 5 years
Closing Arguments For Reylo
After it seems like we’ve spent a year anticipating this movie--from the film wrap in February to the teaser trailer in April to the Vanity Fair stuff in June to the D23 trailer at the end of August to the Road To TROS stuff to this final trailer and the onslaught of press for the film--we’re finally in the home stretch.  
Who will live?  Who will die?  Will Reylo ride off into the sunset, a HEA at last for a Star Wars couple, will it end in tragedy or worse yet, will it end in a vague incoherent muddle?  After all, no fairy tale ends with “they lived ambiguously ever after.”
I think we’re all going to be nervous sitting in the theater come Dec. 18-20 because whether we believe “leaks” or not, we’re just not going to know for sure until we see the film.  I’m almost as nervous about their misusing/under-using Adam in this film as I am about the filmmakers blowing Reylo.
Yet of all of the sequel films, I’m the most confident about this one going in.  This is the last film in this story and it’s not going to end with the message that the Skywalker family was somehow a mistake or some curse upon the galaxy that needed to be eliminated, while the few positive aspects about the Skywalkers are handed off to Rey because she’s such a nice girl.  It’s not going to end like Romeo and Juliet.  It’s not going to end without redemption for Kylo Ren/Ben Solo.  The final chapter in the series is not only going to redeem him but everyone else who screwed up before him.  It’s going to end this conflict and a Jedi Order 2.0 is going to arise.  There will be a big party at the end.  It will give you cavities and possibly blood sugar spikes.  
As far as I’m concerned, Rey and Ben being together--in LOVE--is an integral part of that happy ending.  Cinderella gets her prince.  Beauty finds true love with the man who had been the Beast.  Anastasia marries Christian Grey and has a baby.  There’s just no such thing as a heroine who cheerfully ends up without her lover and in spite of what a lot of people think, Star Wars spends far more time utilizing traditional storytelling tropes (though in new ways) than subverting them.  Like I wrote in my piece about gothic romances, the woman gets the man, the manor, and the money.  Rey walks into TROS already with the metaphorical substitutes for the manor (the Falcon) and the money (the objects associated with the Skywalker family).  She’s already in with her potential mother-in-law.  All she needs is for Ben to show up to the metaphorical/literal wedding.
And everything is pointing toward that happening.  I’m not saying TROS will end with Ben and Rey in a wedding or Rey waddling about preggers.  Maybe it will end that way, maybe it won’t.  But it will at minimum pair them together a la Han and Leia at the end of ROTJ.  
First, let’s take on the only legitimate, in-universe obstacles to Rey and Ben being in a romantic relationship.  No, I don’t mean that they could be related.  What I do mean is that there are two things that would prohibit romance:  one is obvious...no Bendemption.  But I’m certain it is going to happen.  The other is the old school Jedi prohibition against forming attachments, including romantic relationships.  Many fans expect this deeply unpopular rule to be cast aside.  But in the name of fairness, it bears pointing out that so far, this deeply unpopular rule hasn’t been cast aside in the movies.  Sure there was a bit in the TLJ novel implying Luke wasn’t fond of this deeply unpopular rule but on the other hand, he lived it.  Generalissima Leia did lots of other things but never became a Jedi herself.  Maybe she was too busy.  Or maybe she’d rather bonk Han to her heart’s content than become a space nun.  There’s been some recent news that Leia was originally set to finally take up the Jedi mantle in the last ST film, something that obviously changed after Carrie’s passing in 2016.  Note that this would have been after Leia had become a widow.  Several months ago I’d listened to a podcast containing an interview with former Lucasfilm employee J.W. Rinzler.  He revealed that while the expanded universe was allowed to go nuts with Jedi romances and marriages, Lucas kept grumbling that “Jedi aren’t supposed to marry!”  He disliked Mara Jade partially for this reason.
Of every argument against Reylo happening that is the one that no one seems to take seriously yet it’s far more likely to be an issue than a sudden revelation of Rey Skywalker-Solo.  The question is were Chris Terrio and J.J. Abrams willing to say, “Hey George, your rule sucks so we’re gonna throw it out” to Lucas’s eternal annoyance?  Or, is the coupling of Rey and Ben supposed to have happened all along, even in Lucas’s drafts?  Are Rey and Ben a glaring exception to the rule?
My argument is that they are going to be an exception.  Reylo is not just about hot people hooking up, it’s about mystical forces coming together in a union that will bring the peace and stability that has evaded the galaxy since the Clone Wars.  In other words, it’s a divine marriage.  Ben and Rey are not ordinary Force users.  They are extraordinary among the extraordinary.  We already know Ben’s tremendous raw power comes from being literally the great-grandson of the Force itself.  Rey I’m sure is something very similar, a demigoddess of sorts.  Ben and Rey will demonstrate one can love deeply without it corrupting into selfishness, possessiveness, obsession, and everything else that led Anakin into believing killing his comrades to save Padmé was a really good idea.
Okay, let’s look at some hard evidence.
What’s the one word that keeps coming up over and over again with Rey and Kylo/Ben?
Or some variation thereof:
“At the premiere I heard somebody in the balcony say, “Yesssss!” You can see Adam was training hardcore throughout the whole process. It’s fun but it also has a specific purpose, which is the increasing feeling of uncomfortable intimacy. That was sticking with the theme of trying to give Rey the hardest thing you could possibly give her, which would be unavoidable intimate conversation with this person that she wants to just hate. This was just one more way of upping that ante.”--Rian Johnson, Los Angeles Times, December 18, 2017
“It’s all about those Force connection scenes. The keyword being intimacy. And the idea that this was a way to just, why not step that up?(...)And so it was just another way of kind of disrobing Kylo literally and figuratively a little bit more, and pushing that sense of these conversations becoming increasingly more intimate.”--Rian Johnson, People magazine Dec. 23, 2017
“They just had this horrific fight, but Rian wanted this incredible intimacy and this cascading, twinkling waterfall of sparks from the fight before.”--Ben Morris, ILM Visual Effects Supervisor, Collider Dec. 25, 2017
“Even to the point where Adam flew to Ireland just to be off camera for Daisy’s stuff, which was essential because they’re such intimate conversations.”--Rian Johnson, People magazine Jan. 6, 2018
“That came about first and foremost from wanting a sense of intimacy”--Rian Johnson, Force of Sound Documentary Feb. 20, 2018
“And have it, you’re in their heads with just that intimacy.”--Matthew Wood, Supervising Sound Editor, Skywalker Sound Feb. 20, 2018
“Having a big sound there just didn’t have the intimacy that the scene demanded. It can be so hard to get the balance right to where the audience is feeling the same thing as the characters.”--Michael Semanic, Re-recording mixer Skywalker Sound, Postperspective Feb. 21, 2018
“But we fall back on romance because it's the best analogue we have. Rey and Kylo's relationship is more intimate than that. They've literally been in each other's minds. Rey's seen his deepest fears; he's seen the past she's buried. None of us have had that experience.”
“My point is romance may not be the endpoint of that. (Though it may be.) The analogue may be misleading, because it's an analogue. Their connection is deeper and stranger and far more complicated. I think TFA/TLJ covers those complications wonderfully, with Ep IX promising more.”--Jason Fry on Twitter Nov. 26, 2018
“At times it’s more intimate, sometimes less intimate.”--Adam Driver, Entertainment Weekly, December 2019
Relationships that are intimate aren’t necessarily romantic or sexual in nature but in modern parlance, it’s often used as a euphemism for a romantic or sexual relationship, or for sex itself i.e. “Tyler and Kaitlyn weren’t intimate until they got married.”  Because of that, it would be hella weird if they described a familial or friendly relationship in this way.  If I didn’t want my audience to believe there’s anything that could possibly be sexual happening between my characters--especially between an eligible attractive man and an eligible attractive woman--I would avoid using the term “intimate.”
If that doesn’t sell it for you, consider these statements:
“It’s the closest thing we’ll ever get to a sex scene in Star Wars”--Rian Johnson re the hand touch in TLJ.  (Who the hell says that about cousins?  Or just friends?)
“it is certainly true there is a romantic drama...”--Rian Johnson, some Japanese interview from 2017.   (By the way this was misquoted into stating there was no romance in TLJ at all.)
“I (Rian) disagreed with John (Williams) twice regarding the score. For example, there's a scene where Kylo Ren and Rey touch hands, before they are interrupted by Luke Skywalker. When John wrote the score (for this scene), he was very protective of Rey's character, exactly as is Luke. Kylo ('s presence) was menacing, musically speaking. It's a valid point of view, but I didn't think of the scene like that. I wanted it to stay on Rey's POV: I wanted that we could believe in this romance.”--Rian Johnson, Classica magazine April 25, 2019 (Note: this is an interview from English to French then translated here and here back to English but the word “romance” is the same in both languages.)
The above statements and various others we’ve all seen over the years are helpful to explain what we’ve seen in the past two films:  they’re building toward something.
On one level, the filmmakers are building toward another alliance between our space children, like what they had in TLJ.  It’s obvious that they will need to team up to defeat Palpatine because who else could?  It’s also obvious that they are key to the Force being in balance.  There has been interesting speculation on Twitter about how those forces will come together and the symbolism of a marriage by uniting mystical objects.
But being Force buddies in a tag team match against Palpatine isn’t quite high enough stakes.  Nor is “might makes right” the message of Star Wars.  These two have to be willing to fight for each other, to the death if necessary.  They have to have something to live for as well.  They have to have the secret sauce that Darth Sidious doesn’t have.  And what I’m talking about is love.  Not just the compassionate love of agape (that’s what Anakin was talking about in AOTC but he meant it differently of course) or the friendship love of philia but also the powerful, creative love of eros.  It’s basically what was happening in the throne room scene in TLJ.  They were fighting for each other and the future they saw when they touched hands.  Come on, nobody is going to do any of that just to find an apprentice or to convince someone to join an insurrection you barely spent any time with yourself.
A divine marriage between the two most powerful Force users will end the war and herald in a new age.   Either they are a new incarnation of the Prime Jedi or they will become the mother and father to this incarnation.
Plus they will kiss and get in a lot of nookie.  The end.
Credits:  r/starwarsspeculation, @reylo-evidence-collection, r/starwarscantina, @reylo5 (Instagram),
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The Last Palpatine
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Now that Rise of Skywalker has been out for a few months, I wanted to share my two cents about one of the more controversial plot points. The reveal that Rey is Emperor Palpatine’s granddaughter.
AND . . . . meh, whatever. It would’ve been more interesting if she had been a lost Kenobi (perhaps Obi Wan’s granddaughter by Duchess Satine), a lost Skywalker (RIP Mara Jade), or just nobody in particular. But she’s a Palpatine now, so let’s just roll with it.
HOWEVER, I don’t buy her being Emperor Palpatine’s granddaughter! At least, not JUST his granddaughter.
Not that I’m in any position to judge someone who would want to sleep with Emperor “I just got my face melted off by my own lightning” Palpatine, but it seems too out-of-character for Palpatine to celebrate the creation of his empire with a roll in the space hay & risk creating a future threat to his rule. He spent centuries putting the pieces in place for taking over the galaxy & wiping out the Jedi - he would probably either take the extra 3 seconds to sheath his Light Saber or murder his partner once he was done with her (assuming he didn’t accidentally vaporize her with his Unlimited Power).
Granted, Hollywood AND Washington DC are full of guys who have gotten drunk on their own power & lost it all because they couldn’t keep it in their pants. And Palpatine’s let his hubris get the best of him & nearly ruin his plans several times before (see Darth Maul, Asajj Ventris, Savage Opress, and the Skywalker family). But I have a feeling Palpatine wouldn’t be so likely to underestimate his own flesh and blood.
And canonically speaking, Palpatine didn’t even need an heir. He’d been using the Dark Side to prolong his life for centuries, and he had a deal with the cloners on Kamino to keep a few clones of him on standby in case his original body became too decrepit, with a bonus upgrade of adding all his memories to the new clone so he could just pick up where he left off. As a functional immortal, Palpatine didn’t have to worry about grooming a successor or keeping an eye out for a potential usurper who might stage a coup.
So here’s what I think really went down. (With zero basis on the canon from the books)
A long, long, long, long, LONG time ago, Palpatine was a young Sith apprenticed to Darth Plageus. And, like Anakin, Palpatine had a “secret love affair” that was obvious to anyone who paid attention. However, Palpatine’s relationship was a bit less “tragic star crossed lovers” and more “casual fuck buddies who go for stretches without seeing each other because of his training but she knows if he finds out she bonked someone besides him she might get sliced like Wonder Bread.” Palpatine might have loved her, but his lust for ultimate power always trumped everything else.
Anyway, one day Darth Plageus summons Palpatine & tells him that he senses Palpatine is turning away from the Dark Side, and says the only way to prove his dedication to the course at hand is to kill his lover. Might just be a Sith thing, forcing apprentices to prove their loyalty by killing the people they love most (heck, Palpatine did it all the time in The Clone Wars). But Palpatine goes to his lover, who he senses has been keeping some big secret from him for a while now, and cuts her down. She tried begging for her life, promising she never strayed & saying she loves him, but Palpatine won’t be swayed. And as she lies dying, she gasps out one word that Palpatine can’t quite catch, so he dismisses it & goes back to Plageus with proof the deed is done.
Fast forward several centuries. Palpatine’s just won the Clone Wars, the Jedi are all dead or in hiding, he has a massive army of blindly obedient soldiers - everything’s going his way. And like all tyranical overlords who finally get to crown themselves king of the hill, Palpatine starts to get paranoid about losing his power. But who could possibly take him down?
The Senate? They’re all sheeple, buying into his propaganda about the evils of the Jedi & the need for a galactic Empire. The few voices of dissent can be ignored or quietly assassinated.
The Jedi? Most were gunned down by their own clones, and the few survivors aren’t even CLOSE to being as strong with the Force as he is.
Darth Maul? Eh, Palpatine’s kicked his ass before, he can do it again if he gets bored. And for now, Maul seems happy with his life as a crime boss.
The Clones? They’re all programmed to be obedient & never harm the Chancellor/Emperor. Besides, the few in the 501st that had their bio-brain chip thingies removed will die of old age before they can mount a proper counterattack thanks to the kamino cloning process aging them twice as fast as normal people.
Darth Vader? Between losing all his extremities, most of his ability to channel the Force, and his ridiculous amount of self-loathing after betraying everyone & killing his pregnant wife, Palpatine’s more worried about Vader throwing himself into a ship’s main reactor than he is about the possibility of Vader turning on him & throwing Palpatine into a ship’s main reactor.
So Palpatine goes to sleep in his ginormous palace, feeling confident that nothing can touch him, until he wakes up in a cold sweat suddenly realizing what his lover’s last word was.
Her baby.
More importantly, HIS baby!
If she had his child, and that child had descendants of their own, they could use their heritage to rally a coup to overthrow him & seize the throne for themselves! And if they inherited his strong connection to the Force? All his hard work would be for nothing if he died like his master!
So Palpatine starts hiring bounty hunters to look into this random murder from ages ago, track down the victim’s descendants, and wipe them all out. Palpatine’s careful not to let anyone know why these random citizens need to die, and most bounty hunters know better than to ask questions. But Palpatine’s distant descendants quickly figure out they’re in danger, including Rey’s future parents, and they start running, trying to get themselves off everyone’s radar.
Eventually only three remain - one great-great-great-great grandson, his wife, and their child. The man & woman know the Emperor will stop at nothing to wipe them out, so they do the noble/stupid thing & abandon their only daughter on a desert planet in the middle of nowhere, hoping to lead the bounty hunters away & let her grow up in peace.
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batssssssssss · 5 years
@deliriumtea tagged me, so here i am!
5 random facts about myself:
1. i play the flute!!!! I've been playing it for 3 years now!!
2. a year ago when i had my birthday i was really feeling down so i was walking around in the house with never gonna give you up playing from my phone. i immediately felt better
3. my only personality trait was hating lana del rey songs but now i kinda like them so now i have no personality
4. i drink hot chocolate almost every day and i'm not sure if that's healthy
5. i say the word BONK too often. me and my friends started an entire cult of bonking and instead of greeting each other like normal humans or waving at each other we just slap each other's heads and say BONK and honestly everyone is always so confused its so funny
i tag @eyesex-is-a-wonderful-thing @bichemicalpilots yall are my only mutuals im sorry you don't have to do it if you dont want to i just wanted to tag someone
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aquawolfgirl · 6 years
7 and 8 for reylo pls??❤️
7. “You did what?!”8. “Were you ever going to tell me?”
Sure thing, anon! Let’s see how this one turns out!
“You did what?!”
“He’s so cute, Ben, wait until you see him to make any decisions, all right?”
He can’t deal with this right now. He can’t. Ben groans, letting his head fall into his hand. “Rey, we can’t have a puppy.”
“Just wait until you see him, please?”
He can see her face. He can just see her face, her big brown eyes and those plush, pink lips formed into a perfect pout. She rarely pouts. She was the exact opposite of a spoiled child, and rarely asks for anything, wanting to get it on her own. Case in point with the puppy she’s apparently bringing home.
She’ll have to beg to keep him, though. He can promise that.
“Rey, even though I’m home, I don’t have time to train a puppy,” he grumbles, before realizing that the line’s silent. “ ... hello?”
Within half a heartbeat, his phone is buzzing, and he frowns, pulling it from his ear to see that Rey’s sent a text. 
It’s a picture. A picture of some kind of black puppy, a lab by the looks of it, with big, dark puppy eyes and ... well, shit.
Isn’t he cute?
Ben will give her that. The pup is cute. But they can’t have a puppy. They just can’t.
“His name is Kylo.”
The pup is licking at his wife’s face, and his heart melts at both the image and the giggles that come from her lips. He really is a sweet thing, Ben thinks, reaching to take him in his arms. Immediately Kylo starts to lick his jaw, cheeks, and lips, and Ben has to smile a little at that. How could he not?
“You’re smiling. We can keep him.”
“I didn’t say that,” Ben says, trying not to get licked directly in the mouth, tilting his head back and receiving sloppy kisses under his chin instead. “Rey, I’m more than sure that some of the flowers you use aren’t good for puppies.”
“He won’t be going into the shed, will you, sweetheart?” Rey croons, reaching forward to scratch Kylo behind his ears. He scrambles for her, and Ben lets him go, setting him on the ground before he’s running to Rey again. His wife coos and sits cross-legged on the ground, rubbing the dog’s sides before scratching a spot just above his wagging tail.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” Ben asks, crossing his arms over his chest and raising a brow at Rey. 
She looks at him sheepishly, reaching for Kylo and scooping him up into her lap, letting him mouth at her fingers. “They had a few outside of the grocery store-”
“You didn’t plan this?”
“He was whining, Ben,” she insists, looking down at Kylo and kissing the top of his head. “He needed a good home, and I didn’t want to leave him when I knew we could give him one...”
He can’t tell whether it’s a guilt trip or not. He knows her past, of course he does, he knows she was left by her parents at a park. He knows exactly why she couldn’t abandon the sweet puppy - she saw herself in the animal. He guesses he’s lucky she didn’t come home with all of them.
“ ... did you even buy food, or toys, or puppy pads, or a leash?”
Kylo’s claws clicking on the tile floor fill the silence. Ben sighs, moving to get his shoes on. 
“Come on, let’s go.”
“No, Kylo, that is not food!” 
Ben grabs the little puppy around the middle, pulling him back from the cords that they really need to tie up and spray with that anti-chew spray. “You are such an asshole,” he grumbles, scratching the pup behind his ears and reaching for one of the squeaky toys instead. He squeaks it once to get the dog’s attention, grinning as Kylo perks up immediately. And then he tosses it, watching as it hits the wall.
Kylo bolts out of his arms, scratching Ben’s wrist in the process with nails in need of a trim, and Ben laughs as he goes sliding across the floor. But then the pup doesn’t stop and- 
“Oh, no, Kylo, stop!” Ben tries, attempting to scramble to his feet, but he’s too late.
The collision with the wall doesn’t phase the pup in the slightest, it seems, as he goes right for the chew toy, squeaks filling the air along with Ben’s laughter. Oh, fuck, his ribs hurt ... he should feel bad, he knows, but damn, that was funny.
“What’re my boys up to?”
Rey smells like flowers, as always, and Ben’s grateful for the change after smelling dog for the past few hours. Relatively clean dog, sure, but still dog. He stands and buries his nose in her hair, watching their newest family member out of the corner of his eye, Kylo trying very, very hard to get to the squeaker inside of the squirrel toy.
“Just having fun,” Ben mutters, smiling against his wife’s brunette locks as Kylo’s tail wags and thwaps against the wall. 
“So we’re keeping him?” 
He looks down at Rey, seeing her bright eyes, eager and sweet. How could he deny her? 
“Yeah. He’s a little asshole, but we’re keeping him.”
“Shit, Kylo, no!”
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gizkasparadise · 7 years
“i’m really drunk, please help me get safely out of the way so i don’t ruin my friends wedding.” REYLO
He feels a tight squeeze around his bicep. Then the other one.
“The fuck,” he mutters, looking down to meet bright, hazel eyes that are pointedly not focused on him. Or anything, really.
“Hey hey,” she says, freckled face flushed red and god is she hammered. “I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but you look very strong.”
He stares down at The Squeezer. Her hair, likely once done up in an elaborate up-do, has been unwound into some kind of three-bun look. Her dress is standard Bridesmaid in a light green. She’s pretty.
The Squeezer leans forward, flexing her own arms which, sure enough, are also well-defined. “I’m quite strong too, and normally I would take myself out of all this but…” she sighs, leaning against him, mainly he thinks, because she is aiming for the table he is next to. “You know how pilots are.”
“Pilots,” he states dryly. He is regretting his decision to be sober tonight already.
“Bugger them,” she mutters. “And especially bugger Poe Dameron.” She pulls on the inside of his jacket, bringing his face down to hers and he might give an audible swallow at their closeness even though her breath smells like a tequila bottle. “Four shots he bought me, can you believe it?”
“Yes,” he says automatically, because he does know the man.
“Anyways,” The Squeezer continues, swaying forward and their foreheads connect with a little too hard of a ‘bonk’ but he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t nice. “I need a ride out of here.”
His ears burn. “Excuse me.”
Her eyes widen and she laughs and it is so damn loud he’s going to go bury himself in whatever she didn’t drink in the bar. “No, not a- not a ride, ride.” She goes to whisper in his ear and who is this. “I need to escape my speech.”
His brows go down. He enunciates Very Carefully.  “What. Are you talking about.”
“That…that thing. Maid of honor!” She pulls away and he kind of misses that rancid tequila smell and what is wrong with him. “I took a courage shot because I was nervous about it. And then I thought I might cry, so I took another. And then Poe bought me five and I just love Finn so much, you know? But not in a Julia Roberts sort of way, just in a– fuck, what’s the word?”
“Friend?” He suggests dryly.
“YES, that’s it, exactly!” She grabs hold of his arm, leans her body flush against his and from across the reception hall he sees his father sending them a highly amused smirk. “So I can’t give this speech, or I’m going to ruin his wedding.” She gasps. “And Rose’s wedding, too!”
“So you want me to give you a ride.”
“Please. Not the ride-ride. Just. In a car, or something. I can’t drive right now–or ever, after that speeding ticket.”
Ben pinches the bridge of his nose. Counts to 10, gets to five. “I’ll sit outside and wait for you to get a cab.”
The Squeezer looks at him and smiles like millions of suns and he is definitely red at the ears. “Perfect!”
They sit, and determine there’s no cabs, Ubers, or Lyfts. So they wait for the bus. Once it pulls up, he decides in good conscience that he can’t trust her to navigate her stops by herself, and so he hops on with her. It’s full, so they sit close to each other in the back row.
Suddenly, she snorts. “This is like that movie.”
“The Graduate?” He offers.
“That’s right. Running off with the bride.”
“You’re not the bride.”
“Well, neither are you.”
He looks up, sees a ton of used gum on the ceiling, and immediately looks back down. He’s all folded limbs and awkward angles, too big for the seating. Squeezer, however, has no problem with the cramped proximity. She’s curled up along his side, her cheek resting on his shoulder. He doesn’t mind. A ton.
“What’s your name, even?”
“Rey. With an E, not like the sunglasses. You?”
“Ben.” And because he feels the need to match. “…like the clock.”
“Is that a British crack?”
“Sure sounds like one.”
“Where’s your stop?”
“Oh, shit! Um. There!”  She pulls down on the request for a stop cable, then leans over. “You’re a lifesaver, thank you.” And before he can protest or react otherwise, she presses her lips to his forehead.
And then she’s gone with an over enthusiastic swing off the bus and Ben is stuck rubbing where she kissed like something hit him. Struck, he watches passively as Rey hops up some steps and fiddles with some keys before she slides into a modest apartment building.
The bus lurches forward.
And Ben has no idea what’s happened, but he’s pretty sure he wants to get her phone number from Dameron.
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swfanficbyjz · 6 years
Star Wars AU - Old Sins Cast Long Shadows
Random story idea that came out of nowhere. Badass Pirate Queen Ahsoka gets challenged to a duel by Darth Vader (not yet knowing he was once her master). (And if you want to know more about who Ashla is because she’s probably going to pop up in all my stories from here on out, I recommend reading my Rey Theory)
Part 1:
"Lady Sova, lady Sova," he yelled racing into the room. She flicked away the plant she was chewing on and looked up in mild curiosity. He did this just about once a week, there was no point getting anxious about whatever bad news he felt he needed to share this time.
"What is it, Perch?" She played with her fingernails.
 He came screeching to a halt on the other side of her desk, but still managing to hit it hard enough to shift everything an inch to the right. And spill a drop of caf onto the documents she had spread over it. "Sorry, m'lady!" He bowed hurriedly and bonked his head on the edge of the desk. "Oof." He rubbed it as he seemed to momentarily forget why he'd come running into her office to begin with.
 Perch was a strange little man she'd met on the Rishi outpost in the outer rim. He was squat and covered in grey feathers. He was clumsy, but he had a good sense of humor when he wasn't a nervous wreck. He was loyal and he never complained, which was the main reason she let him stay with her crew. His large oval eyes were exaggerated in size by a bent set of spectacles that barely stayed on his tiny beak. She supposed it was fitting that he was her right-hand man-bird-thing, since she'd been going by the name Sova for quite a few years now. Sova meant owl. And ever since she'd started being haunted by a convoree, it was the perfect nickname for her. Temnaya Sova; dark owl. But her familiar was a pastel green and yellow convoree. Nothing dark about it. But names have power, and to keep up appearances, she'd chosen one that had just a little more intimidation to it.
 He pulled up his trousers a couple inches and then his eyes widened and he went back into panic mode. "Lady Sova," he said spreading his feathery fingers out across her desk. "You've been challenged to a duel!"
 "Oh really?" she smirked, dropping her feet off the edge of the desk and standing up. "Who is fool enough to challenge me this time?"
 "Lord Vader," he whispered. If his eyes got any wider she was certain they'd pop right out of his head.
 "Lord Vader?" she scoffed. "What's he even a lord of?"
 "I don't know," Perch trembled. "But m'lady, you mustn't go! I've heard such terrible things about him. It's where Jedi go to die! If Jedi die there, you don't stand a chance."
 "Good thing I'm not a Jedi." She rolled the knots out of her shoulders, letting the weight of pain and memories set her jaw in determination. No she wasn't a Jedi. Not anymore. She should hate them for throwing her out, but ironically, it saved her from sharing their fate. She was once Ahsoka Tano, faithful and hard-working padawan to the late Anakin Skywalker; the chosen one, the hero with no fear. Hah. It was laughable. He'd been powerful, no doubt about that. But he'd neither saved the Jedi, nor been fearless. But she, a forgotten nobody had survived. All because the Jedi had believed for no good reason that she'd turned against them and the Republic.
 The chancellor, now the Emperor, had demanded the death sentence. Anakin had proved her innocent. But she'd left the order anyways. Because she couldn't trust them to help her ever again. Even Anakin had helped her only by helping himself. He'd proved her innocent so she'd stay in the order for him, because he needed her. He never once asked her what she needed. She'd learned a very valuable lesson that day; she was the only one that could save her. She had to be her own hero. So she'd walked away. It hadn't felt very heroic at the time. But she never ever again would put her fate in someone else's hands. Or her heart, for that matter. They couldn't be trusted.
 "But they say he has magical powers! That he can kill a person without touching them! And he has one of those, what do you call them? Laser swords! Red! The color of blood!" Perch cried.
 "Relax," she brushed past him. "Have a little faith in me. I've faced worse."
 "Oh please don't go, my lady!" Perch wailed, grabbing her arm to stop her from leaving. She pulled away from him. "Sorry."
 "Tell this lord Vader, I accept."
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