#i just saw the script connected to all the bts and all the theories
gibuckaroo · 8 months
i think why buck and chris relationship is so important to me because yes i understand eddie loves chris without conditions, that’s his son. he’s an amazing father. that’s his own flesh and blood. he tries to do right by him. he is doing right. his love for him is enormous, it transcends everything in his life.
chris is his life. there’s no doubt about it. i can definitely understand a parent’s love. how protective he is of christopher. but buck? buck isn’t his flesh and blood, buck has only known this kid when he was seven. and i do not attempt to say that he loves chris just as much as eddie (maybe to eddie he does) (nobody will fight for my son as hard as you) BUT he loves him in his own unconditional way. he’s an amazing person in chris’ life. he tries to do right by him. takes note of everything, listens to every detail and makes it happen for chris. his love for him is enormous, it also transcends things in his life.
he took this kid in and loved him in such a way it seems paternal. it seems familial. it seems like he wants to take him in, take him as his own and he has. he doesn’t seem to have any relationship close to it. and there’s this want that makes me visceral. to want to continue doing this, doing life, doing cupcakes and homework and going to the zoo.
it’s one thing for a step parent to love their step kid, that’s a wonderful thing on its own, but in canon buck and eddie aren’t together. and they only show this type of relationship with them. like!!!
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
CrissColfer Strategy #2
This piece was posted on 2/19/20 but it is originally from 2018 prior to LM/DC. It’s always amusing to read their theories about big upcoming changes in Darren’s love life in light of the fact that Mia has been a steady force in Darren’s life for 10 years.
Here they are debating whether Lea will be Darren’s new beard- a theory that required them to ignore both Mia and Zandy. In this post we see justcantgetenoughcc using the “trust me I know more than you do but I can’t share it” strategy. Honestly, this is the one that baffles me the most. While I can see the slow-motion gifs for what they are- pure manipulation, I know that TLOS isn’t the Klaine bible they want it to be and I can understand how other’s can be conned with that evidence. What I can’t understand is why anyone would trust someone who continues to say “I know more than you do but I can’t share it with you...just trust me”.  Those very words are literally the exact words that should raise one’s caution flag. Mommas, the one thing you should teach your children is to never trust someone who claims to know the truth but can’t share any evidence. Especially if that story goes on for 5 or 10 years.
ilikesomedistance There was a discussion many years ago, that they (PR and F/ox) wanted to bring Lea and Darren together. But it never worked out for many reasons.
Guess it’s happening now.
stopandimaginelove  But whyyyyyyyyyyyyy 🤐
justcantgetenoughcc Interesting question.
The primary reason was always to break Chris and Darren up.
RM/Ricky all playing together. AB imo not that invested but to a degree (at least initially). Even beard (she realized what she can have by getting rid of Chris and why she too is very much part of the game now). Each had their own reason for being invested, as Chris and Darren in love and united as a team, made it difficult to manipulate Darren. In a way, that - Darren and Chris in love - was also their Achilles heel. Each put the other ones’ interest first - and got manipulated in giving up their autonomy. Chris had nothing to hide as he was already out. Why would he even need a beard? They were so young and so naïve to Hollywood’s manipulation tactics. I don’t think they had anyone with industry experience, with their interests at heart, to advise them or look out for them. It was too late and they were in too deep, by the time they realized what they had agreed to. They still tried to back out of some of their worst mistakes. Some day… they will tell those stories or it will turn up in Chris’s books.
Initially people assumed that all that proximity and playing boyfriends onscreen - and no doubt their amazing chemistry - must be why they were together. I am sure they thought it will never last or they will get over it or get tired of it and move on to others once the itch was scratched. Like most young guys (as young gay guys - not my opinion at all - but a lot of people believe that).
But it didn’t happen that way. They didn’t break up. Instead they went and got engaged over Dec 2012/NYE 2013 (that was from when we have the pic of Chris looking at his ring standing next to his suitcase at an airport). They were serious from the get-go. They were ‘IT’ for each other.  They were even living together (even before Glee Live 2011 - in Chris’s first rented apartment in LA). I think it was Joey who once commented that he saw Darren only when he needed more clothes (Don’t quote me on it though. Ha). When Chris bought his first home in Laurel Canyon, guess who moved in there with him? It wasn’t W as most of the fandom was led to believe. There’s enough proof in their own words and since this is going to be a long post, I am going to leave some of those details out of this. And some I can’t reveal.
Why do you think LU Tour happened? It was another attempt to break them up and also to get Darren to declare his longtime gf of a hundred years. There was no way Darren would agree to it when Chris and Darren are together. And so his team came up with the clever “DIVIDE and CONQUER” tactic. Get Darren away from Chris and break him down.
Nothing ELSE came out of LU tour and so I am right in my assumption here.
A Darren who missed Chris on the road, who was mentally and physically exhausted from his days on the tour… gave in… WITH TEARS… a heartbroken Darren was FORCED to declare a gf - reading from a script, answering questions from a script, at the Toronto Radio Interview - WHILE he was already ENGAGED to CHRIS.  There are many ways I can cement the claims I am making. But they are NOT mine to share.
If you doubt me, that the intent ALWAYS was to break them up (come on guys! connect the dots!), so much has been exposed in the last two years, especially in the last six months.
Why were they forced to have beards? It wasn’t FOX (in fact there's a story not known to many that FOX was going to let Chris and Darren come out (heck they even knew of their engagement - again stories that I cannot reveal) but others disagreed/disapproved of that move and stopped it). Some of the old fandom crowd know of this. Why were their beards ALONE always allowed access to the glee set? Why were M and W paraded so much on the sets? Why was the beard woman given a job at FSO (where she did nothing really but was given free credit for work others did). Chris was already OUT. He was a grown up guy who always took care of himself even when he was much younger.
During 5.14 filming in NYC, it was clear that the film crew took care of Chris and Darren. All their needs on the set was met along with the rest of the cast present (Amber, Chord, Kevin, Lea and Darren). Even holding up their winter coats for them to slip their arms through. W didn’t do anything other than obstruct the filming (and there were a lot of complaints about W and he had to be told many times to move out of the crews way). Do you think Chris paid for W to accompany him to NYC where he wasn’t needed at all? Who had the most to gain from that decision to have W there?
The beards were ALWAYS meant to WEAR THE GUYS DOWN. To create discord between them. To grate on their nerves. To be a thorn in their side. You get the drift.  It still didn’t work. Those two guys still stayed strong.  
Yes, there was an attempt to END KLAINE early in S6 and use Darren/Blaine as Lea/Rachel’s LI and have them be the prime couple who got married to each other (instead of a Finchel wedding that RM always talked about) at the SERIES Finale. That didn’t work either. That story is known to many in the fandom. But is not mine to tell.
Look at all the attempts made to prevent Darren and Chris coming out. Since 2015.
I have repeated this so many times since 2015 and am going to repeat it ONE LAST TIME for the people who have joined the fandom since 2015.
Glee was filming the last season. Beards were barely on the set even with all the heavy make-out scenes (heavier Kliss scenes, emotional scenes, the elevator scene, the wedding, future Klaine etc). Guess everyone felt bearding was ending too as Glee only had a few more months left. We got the NOW FAMOUS BTS interview from the ranch - the day the Klaine wedding was being filmed - where Chris and Darren were interviewed by Leanne Aguilera (and not M). Where they admitted so much and looked radiant and vibrant. Best of all they admitted to being good friends in real life.
Then we got the Ellen Show where Darren and Chris interacted and wrote each others names (not to mention the incident where Chord slipped up and mentioned meeting Chris and Darren. Nothing dramatic happened by way of reaction or retaliation from PR).  Then came the Paleyfest and the Mario Lopez radio Interview - where Chris was present with Darren and Mario in the recording room. We counted Chris’s laughter interspersed  - at least five times. It wasn’t edited out. We rioted over all of those events repeatedly. It was like the CC drought was finally over. They were allowed to breathe free. And acknowledge each other. Say they were good friends with each other.
[We have proof on several claims I make here and are known to a lot of people but we can’t share them yet].
We knew they went on a European vacation that ended in Paris where Darren had to attend the CON with a few other Glee cast. Darren alone didn’t stay at the hotel where the CON was held, where the rest of the cast stayed. Ask yourself why. Darren returns to NYC and starts rehearsing for Hedwig Broadway that starts mid-April. Everyone was happy and there were several SM follows of both Darren and Chris back to back by Hedwig Crew and BTS crowd. Lot of happy tweets and fun stuff.
It felt like Darren had a few more months left to freedom. Chris plans his TLOS4 book tour around Darren’s closing show at Belasco - so that he can sit in the audience and not watch from the shadows as he did during the first 119 days of the run. Alla Plotkin, Chris’s publicist, allowed it and supported it (if there were any known contracts or clauses that prohibited Chris’s presence at the closing show, Alla wouldn’t have /couldn’t have allowed it) and planned the whole tour accordingly with Chris.  
So close to freedom and to coming out… and then out of the blue, Darren’s perfectly written Broadway BIO was edited to a mess of a BIO and  ‘xos to mia’ was included. Overnight Darren’s personal life got hijacked by a scheming woman and Darren’s manager. Eleni who was a longtime good friend of Jeff Jernigan, was appointed as Darren’s assistant (watchdog) at Belasco. Darren who hadn’t even seen or heard from the beard for many months, and Darren who had never displayed any real closeness to the woman - posts a dressing room kiss (long story about that too. (Read mleigh69’s post on how the Belasco kiss was staged).
From there on, everything went to hell in a hand basket. All their hopes and plans were dashed.
From that time to the present, how closely Darren is monitored and watched and babysat…is ridiculous. Darren has more people on his secret service detail,  sometimes more than even the President himself (it feels like). He sang 4 songs in Utah recently and he had Ricky, AB, Jeff Jernigan, Eleni, beard and Ken Sunshine (the boss of Sunshine Sachs) with him in Utah.
All their attempts to coming out was thwarted. Chris wasn’t allowed to attend the Hedwig closing show even though he had timed it to end the day before, giving him time enough to fly to NYC from LA. Chris who had never made a career misstep, chose to put his reputation as a children’s book author on the line by acting drunk - just so he could get on a plane to NYC. He had to watch the closing show from the shadows but am sure that was preferable to being beaten or giving in to two conniving people.
Even the ENCAGE was partially to stop CrissColfer from coming out. See what the encage did. All of Darren’s commitments and obligations were OVER AND DONE with by then… except for the NOOSE called the encage now. That was pretty timely, wasn’t it?
Why is Darren going on a tour with Lea Michele when Lea’s album was poorly received and didn’t do well at all? All her shows failed. She really has nothing much going on.  Hmmmm…
If am guessing, let me be wrong for one last time… WHAT IF IT IS TO KEEP CHRIS AND DARREN APART? As all their attempts and excuses to prevent Chris and Darren FROM COMING OUT ARE EXHAUSTED?
So now there are tours and MORE TOURS… where Darren's TEAM THINKS he has to remain NO HOMO for the tours to sell. They quickly got him committed to a LONDON concert while ACS was still airing.
Now ACS is over.
And sure enough, just as the ENCAGE IS COMING APART AT THE SEAMS… we have THE LM/DC TOUR!!!!
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btsandvmin · 6 years
Collection of asks - BTSandVMIN
Some of the asks I answer I personally feel are worth saving, for me personally, and perhaps for you as well. But I don’t want to put them all in my Masterpost since there are so many and I am sure the list will grow. So I am putting the ones I feel might have something worth reading in one place. 
Thank you all for asking me interesting questions and liking my posts. Asks are written more in the moment than my usual posts, so they might be less accurate as it’s all mostly from the top of my head. The newest ones will actually be on top, and then they will get older going down the list. I’ll update it regularly as I answer more asks. :)
Jimin was so clearly in need of cuddles from Tae as soon as they saw each other
Odd if none of them shared what they did during vacations
It just feels scripted, just like when they're talking abt what each other did during their vacations
100 days of winter bear and jiminie wears something that makes him look like a baby bear
About BV4, do you think it’s weird that Taehyung only found out about what Jimin did during his vacation on the day Jimin was back?
Dionysus stage as battle of gods and V=Apollo(God of Sun) and JM=Artemis(God of Moon) and their dance and wearing twin earrings(as the gods r twins) and I just remembered your whole vmin sun and moon theory
Is Tae Jm's mirror in bighits's fictional world?
Do you know what is the full video of this youtube video "BTS Jimin chose V ? VMin Moment?
When BV: Malta was airing, Jimin would post pictures of each episode on Twitter and stopped on the episode that Taehyung arrives
I'm like a hardcore Km shipper (romantically) since 2016 but i have to agree every song Tae has written connects with Jm
We don't see vmin together often... so yeah jikook could be more real then vmin
I'm trying to find tweets that vmin send to each other on their birthday but I can't find the one that jimin send for tae in 2017 did he send one? 
The new run bts episode was really filmed in May?
Did Jimin released Promise on Tae's birthday?
I am working on a Vmin analysis which is currently 24 pages just in text. O___o
He calls JM "My Baby" but the subtitles put in by BH say "Good Boy" Why would they change the translation. 
Shipping sometimes seems pointless. Especially when "moments" between one ship can easily be spotted with another. 
I can't believe that some fans thought that vmin were not friends anymore because a game!
It's so cute how Jimin and V talked about arguing with each other over small things because they are close friends
I think people who unfollow you are Multishippers who believe in other ship
Is it kind of weird that vmin has never went on a trip by themselves? 
Seeing all the vmin interactions of this last concert, do you think this might be a reason why BH will not give us vmin duet?
I would love to read ur vmin story
Concerning the nightmare before Christmas thing
The Disney birthday project turned up to be false
Jimin thinks V is "mi bb' What does the question mean?
I don't think we'll get a Vmin song
BTS, 191009_ ICN INT' Airport Departure) at 40 seconds
Where do you write fics? I really want to read your fics...
It's interesting to see the way the bh editors work
Where is the vmin break up mini movie video from?
Do you ship Jimin or Tae with k pop girls?
The members trying to break off a vmin moment on cam?
Is it true that bts don't live together?
What do you think about the concept photos? (PERSONA)
What other vmin blogs do you follow or check regularly?
In an usa interview where jimin was kinda leaning on the male interviewer for a few seconds and suddenly tae was looking kinda tense
Did you catch up on everything for bts or/and vmin before the BS&T era?
You should see @vlovers19 blog
I'm sorry if you think I offended you or judged you
Do you know that Tae hold hands with other member even Suga or they all hold hands with each other so it's not only a VMIN thing
About bon voyage 3 and them not sharing rooms and the car
4 oclock is supposedly dedicated to jimin, why Tae waits for him in the park if they live together?
Imagine my surprise when i saw vk/ook,ji/kook were the most popular. I tried to understand but i still don’t get why
Do you think vmins lack of or th reduced amount of skinship comes from the fact that they are same aged friends? 
Other ships (kpopidols) that you like?
Part of me wanted Taehyung to be in Paris too
The boys being apart of the lgbt community that's unrelated to their relationship
If someone in BTS is gay he will try to date girls or maybe marry a girl in the end?
If vmin are really together and if they were to come out, how do you think they would do that?
I feel like they use the word "friend" instead of, idk, "boyfriend”
You saw the hk concert right?
Unknown nickname in his thank you note for “Dark and Wild”
When did Vmin started dating?
Bv3, I ain't getting over it.
I feel like vmin have been sexually involved for a very long time 
Any thoughts abt Tae's three rings on his right hand and always not wearing one on his ring finger?
In bts festa profile 2015 when jimin wrote tae's profile he drew a character that reminds him of taehyung
Did u see the second trailer for bring the soul documentary series? 
In one of your asks you said jk wasn't having a great time in 2017
Are you gonna make a post about vmin sharing rooms?
What would be your top 5 favorite vmin moments? 💜
Run episode to Jm and JK "Are You Guys dating ?"
Barely getting any vmin content
Sometimes i cant help but feel really weird about vmin and feel insecure
Maybe you should just ignore all the asks about other ships
Sharing a car as proof
Docskim not being allowed to release the behind story of Lie
Getting it out of the way… (about various other ships and “proof“)
What are the moments that seems most like "proof" to you? 
Have you seen the Vlive remember party?
At the end of the day, it mostly comes down to personal interpretations and preferences
Do you know why T/ae and J/imin toxic stans really hate each other?
Is it being "delusional" for some vmin fans to think scenery, promise and 4 o' clock are related to vmin?
When will u start answering anons again i really miss ur insight and wise words 
I feel like jimin is forcing himself the affection he is showing is mostly forced
Do you have twitter?
The Rkive Vmin moment when JM ‘refused’ Tae’s cuddle
They were often looking behind cameras and it really shows like in episodes 59&60
Do you think there's a big reason that vm don't do Vlives together anymore
Vmin shippers spreading misinformation in aid of our ship?
Can I use one of your gifs? (I don’t make my own gifs, sorry)
Did you see what Tae said? ie I miss you even after being apart for 10 seconds
When one is clingy, the other will try to act as if it's bothering him
My friend is convinced Ji/kook is real
About namjoon's vlive, "it's a broadcast"
Oof is it just me or the sexual tension was through the roof between vmin in that vlive?
Tae says "our armys are watching this so... " so uhm was that..?
Where does the soulmate thing comes from with vmin?
Taehyung is more open both physically and showing affection wise with every member except Jimin
Have you seen the moments from today's concert? Fukuoka
They can do whatever they want people will say they're such good bros and won't look into it
Holding each other's hands is probably the least platonic thing that they keep doing
Do you know any good vmin analysis youtube account/videos?
why do you think jk and taehyung might not be straight?
Guys, I love vmin so much!
I really like your analysis!! a lot of good points. Can I add a couple things I noticed?
How long do you think vmin have been dating?
u really think vm is real?
Vmin are really bold these days
We get to see them bicker 
The video jimin posted where he's sending hearts to Tae
Feel conflicted about the rise in popularity
I’m a bit worried about the attention Vmin is getting recently
U answered my jik ask so well
Tae being bold because he's bursting with affection
Jimin admitted he was jealous
About the families (+kimchi ep. mini analysis)
About vmin/ji/ook/tae/kook
The whole maknae line
Never seemed to be in the same team
When people "ship" them?
Showing their bond more
About Jikook
About vmin being the less popular ship
Flustered vmin
Yeontan vlive
About the airport moment
Do you think that vmin live together?
About vmin rising in popularity
Do you have a link for that moment during New Year's 2016?
Platonic/bro label on vmin
More than friendship between vmin
My reply - Making Vmin videos
Thank you! A small reply
About my bias
Opinions above people
Tumblr media
Once again, THANK YOU ALL so much for loving Vmin so much and for coming to me with your lovely messages. <3
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velvet-tread · 6 years
A theory, or wild speculation, or whatever; anyway there’s some Bellarke
Here follows a collection of thoughts that don’t quite add up to a thesis yet
Season 5 had one of the best runs of episodes I’ve seen on this show ever - strong themes, great setups, impactful character beats. 9 straight episodes of near-perfection.
But imo it fell short in the last couple of episodes. How short depends on your perspective, but my feelings about it range from mildly disappointed to Jane Austen mourning weeds and little weepy handkerchiefs. Either way - the collapse into fudgy incoherence and loose ends actually undid all of the great work the show did in the first 9 episodes.  WHICH IS FUCKING INFURIATING. 
The show painstakingly put together so much excellent character and relationship set ups which either never materialised or didn’t pay off or just fizzled out. And now I’m left wondering what it all meant, which not only frustrates me on a viewer level but also makes me feel like an idiot for wildly overestimating what the show was doing with the material.
*looks at the X Files forever*
Just to pick a few things out at random.
a) Bellarke were put in conflict, but there was no emotional pay-off, the framing was all over the place and the resolution basically a post-script. 
b) We spent the series agonising about the wisdom of going to war on a fragile planet, but the actual harbinger of Apocalypse 3.0 (I can’t believe I have to write that) was someone only tangentially related to that storyline, whom every single named character bar Kabby was trying to stop. So was everyone wrong? Or just ineffectual? The latter is far less interesting and more depressing tbh.
c) The worms
d) Memori
e) I could go on
I repeat, I would not be so pernickety if the run up to the s5 finale hadn’t been so good, and the set up so promising.  The idea of a reboot was genius.  The Bellarke separation was genius.  Blodreina = genius.  Mama Bear Clarke = genius. Eligius = genius. Spacekru = genius. 
But ultimately?  Can ANYONE tell me what s5 meant?  What difference did any of those things make in the end?  What conflict was resolved satisfactorily?  I’d argue that the Blodreina/Blake siblings arc worked the best (although *howl* Bellamy was never given any in-universe context for Blodreina) but generally I’m left with the feeling that very few of these stories or conflicts had any meaning whatsoever, and especially not Bellarke.
So I have a theory and I stand to be corrected as ever because I am very much processing.
I think there’s a strong possibility Jason and/or the 100 writers room began rewriting the back end of season 5 as they were filming the early season 5 material.
Given Jason’s comments immediately after the finale, I’m inclined to believe that the rewrites, if I’m right, were mostly around Bellarke and the Flame.  Specifically, I think that at some point when they were filming mid-season, Jason changed his mind about how Bellarke-y he wanted the season to be, if at all.  And on top of that, I think as he was pitching season 6 around that time, he realised that he wanted to go full-hog with the Flame in season 6. 
Those two things might be connected.  Perhaps Jason realised the full extent to which he coud “bring Lexa back” without actually bringing back ADC, around the Flame.  Perhaps he wants to recreate the show’s Clexa glory days.  And perhaps romantic Bellarke isn’t compatible with that vision. Dumb, in my view, but hey.
Perhaps, he just realised that he can’t doesn’t want to write romantic Bellarke.
If that’s the case, then well, *shrugs*.  Less satisfying for me, but I don’t own this shit.  I do, however, own the prerogative to speculate wildly on how and why they squandered all that promise in the last couple of eps.
Certainly, a mid-season back end emergency rewrite would explain a few things:
1.The loose threads and wonky framing
For example, Clarke’s fury at Bellamy for putting the Flame into Madi’s head was just...dropped?  Why? When it was SUCH A BIG DEAL in 509?  What were we supposed to the think about that?  What was she? And Bellamy, who didn’t appear to even remember who Clarke was until he saw her at the ship, being angry at her? Really? Where? Since when? And importantly - why? 
I’m a writer and it’s my experience that the best planning you do for a piece is when you approach it at the start.  You brainstorm.  You get your thoughts together.  You address each problem and question and mould it into a whole so it all makes sense.
But when you finish the thing and you look at it and you think - the thesis is wrong! I need to restructure the entire thing!  That’s when mistakes get made.  Especially if, for example, you’re up against a deadline or in this case a filming schedule, the threads that you would usually pick up at the planning stage or in the editing stage get missed.  And because they are part of the final editing process, there’s nobody around to pick them up and properly address them.
Result?  Fudge.
2. The curious ambivalence about Becho. 
Look I ADORE Becho. They are soft, and loving and real af.  I fully believe that was always intended to be the case. 
I think Becho was set up as a benchmark, for Bellamy in particular, a symbol of his peace and prosperity in space,. And, of course, I think it was also set up as a point of conflict for Octavia and Clarke. In the case of the latter, it was definitely a silent love triangle. How do you explain the love triangle framing on two separate occasions? How else do you explain the two separate interviews Jason gave about love triangles?
But here’s what Becho was not set up as: a relationship that was supposed to develop on-screen and take the audience with it.  Becho had no arc this season. It wasn’t “a story” per se, however much Tasya and Bob’s chemistry electrified me. It was the backbone to *other* stories. 
So, why, then, were Becho given every single Bellarke beat, especially towards the end? A background of forgiveness? Check. A steadying influence on each other. Check. The person they’re fighting for? Check. Plotting together? Check? Battle couple? Check.
Contrast with Bellarke. Forgiveness?  That’s something for Bellamy and Madi to discuss without Clarke!  Battle plans? Clarke will do that with Echo instead (oh my GODDD my ot3 came to life there *clutches hands and wishes upon a star*). A steadying influence on each other? Maybe! Until they forget each other’s names when they’re not in a scene together! People they’re fighting for? Definitely not each other.
Meanwhile bts, the messages were VERY confusing.  So the show was giving us a Becho that, while very real, was not the core of the story. Which was probably why, in early season 5, some deep Becho nods (the extra forehead touch, the “I love her”) found their way on to the editing room floor. All legit. But then, the script-to-screens then BROUGHT THOSE THINGS BACK to the viewer’s attention?  Why? Why give us those things even though they were cut? Was it because maybe, the show had changed direction after the fact?
And don’t get me wrong. I loved every second of the show’s affirmation of Becho. I still adore them.  But how does it fit into the jigsaw of the show as it stands?  It doesn’t really.  In fact, if you just swap Echo for Clarke in Bellamy’s storyline this season, you would have a hard time telling me that this isn’t exactly what romantic Bellarke would look like - the only difference is that in terms of screentime, Becho’s antagonism has had far more time, and Bellarke’s forgiveness/working together has had more time. IN-UNIVERSE, IT’S THE OTHER WAY AROUND.  It’s why shipping Becho comes so easily for me. And if the show wanted to frame that as Clarke’s personal tragedy, I would get it and probably relish it. But the trouble is, I’m having a hard time understanding what the show *is* saying about Becho and Bellarke, because it seems to be constantly changing its mind.
3. The Flame suddenly jumping to prominence as a tool rather than as a symbol late in the season.
The show went from framing the Flame as a threat to this kid, who had hidden from it her whole life, for whom it meant literal nightmares of people burning at the stake, something for Clarke to rightly protect her from, to something that turned her into a mouthpiece for Lexa, to Clarke’s hostility to it being framed as “wrong”. There was an abrupt change of tone imo, to Clarke’s fears being justified to Clarke’s fears making her, and I quote Jason from an interview that nearly made me choke on my cereal, a “helicopter” mum.
Excuse me while I punch the nearest object to smithereens.
The Flame “gave” Madi battle ideas (which were different from Octavia’s how, exactly?) by Gaia’s bedside, with just a MANTRA? That whole scene felt cobbled together at the last minute. Like a film student’s badly edited homework.
It’s giving Clarke life lessons, ffs! 
*clenches fist*
The whole thing feels like a season 5 retcon, hastily put together to justify Madi still having the thing in her head for season 6, when it can do it’s victory lap for real.
4. The scenes that were dropped
a) Bob and Eliza both referenced a big Bellarke scene that got cut.  My guess? Not a romantic scene but some kind of Hakeldama that allowed them to hash out their various beefs with each other and probably involved some shit talking about the Flame.
b) And like, if that scene had some tenderness in it? Too Bellarke maybe? No, Bellarke BAD BAD BAD *stern looks*
c) also, wasn’t Echo supposed to have a sad scene of sitting in the snow and remembering Azgeda? That was supposed to be at the snowy back end of the season, but Echo had no sads really.  Only fierce spacekru love and some cuddles and some good sexy time. Was there an Echo sad that got cut? What was it related to?
5. The writers room walkout
Yeah. I don’t know what that means, but it sure means something.
Just fyi...for some context.  I love Becho and they currently own my heart but until recently Bellarke was very much my otp. Probably, deep down, it still is.
But I’m getting tired of running this race. I have no problem with the show doing a slow burn. I have no problem with platonic Bellarke. But I need consistency and, importantly, I need the show to remember that Bellarke are the backbone of this show. Their relationship - however you frame it - is the heart and without it the show is nothing but a collection of Elon Musk conspiracy theories on reddit.
If you want them platonic, fine, you win. But gutting their relationship from the inside out to try to ward off the sniff of shipping is just counterproductive. It’s the lack of real, meaningful connection that really turned me off Bellarke this season, not the lack of kiss or lack of romantic framing. Early in the season? Yes, the set up was all there and it looked GREAT. But their conflict never got off the ground and we never got a cathartic resolution to show us the characters really, truly mean something to each other. 
Ultimately the show forgot that they were friends who love each other, and I just *clenches fist* can’t ship that.  Maybe that’s what the show wanted. But the flipside is that at this point I’m not really invested in their relationship in any context, which is why the end shot left me cold. I hope Bellarke hasn’t died in my heart forever but...idk it doesn’t look good.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Avengers: Endgame - Everything Cut From The Final Battle
Avengers: Endgame's final battle is the biggest action sequence in the MCU, but there are several ways it was almost very different, with a number of scenes cut from the finale. Avengers: Endgame is now the highest-grossing movie of all-time, and provided a satisfying conclusion to Marvel's Infinity Saga.
After a time heist storyline that saw the Avengers time-travel via the Quantum Realm in order to retrieve the Infinity Stones and bring all of the blipped heroes back, Avengers: Endgame culminated with an epic battle that brought together just about every known MCU superhero to fight against Thanos and his minions. Covering much of the film's final third, and concluding with Iron Man's own snap and death, it's an action scene worthy of the fourth Avengers film.
Related: All 36 Characters In Avengers: Endgame's Final Battle
While some of the moments in Avengers: Endgame's final battle were instantly iconic - the A-Force team-up, Captain America wielding Mjolnir, and Tony's Snap, for example - there are a number of scenes that could've played out differently, and some that were cut altogether.
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Thanos is a man who knows how to make an entrance, but even by his standards his original entry onto the battlefield in Avengers: Endgame was quite something. The initial idea was to have Thanos find and kill the Avengers in 2014, and then the Mad Titan would arrive in 2023 and throw Captain America's decapitated head at the feet of the present-day Avengers. Joe Russo said: "We had most of the script working except for the third act, because Anthony and I were clinging to this concept that we wanted Thanos to walk up to the Avengers and throw Captain America’s head on the ground." 
Kevin Feige went further with the idea, describing a scene of Thanos sitting atop a throne of skulls and bones when the Avengers return to the present day, with the Mad Titan having already conquered the world, and throwing Captain America's head at Cap like a bowling ball. Either way, it would've been incredibly dark for a film that is supposed to be child-friendly, although the idea was scrapped mostly to find a way of getting Thanos from 2014 to 2023 in a fashion that flowed better, and so it instead begins with his attack on the Avengers Compound. The scene was never shot, but hopefully some concept art will see the light of day eventually.
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Valkyrie and Okoye both got to play their part in Avengers: Endgame's final battle, with the Asgardian and Wakandan forming part of the A-Force team-up, but there was almost another scene just for the two of them. As seen in unused concept art, Valkyrie and Okoye would've swapped weapons in Avengers: Endgame, so Okoye would've wielded Valkyrie's sword, and in turn she would've used the former's vibranium-tipped spear. The scene was designed to show that the two are so skilled in combat it doesn't matter what or whose weapon they're using, but it's not too hard to see why it was cut. The scene involving Cap and Thor, with the former lifting Mjolnir, needed to seem special, and this weapon-swapping might've been a bit too repetitive to work.
Related: Avengers: Endgame’s Time Heist Almost Visited 2009 - But Why?
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Much of the action in the final battle of Avengers: Endgame takes place on the ground, which makes sense since that's where most of the superheroes typically prefer to do their fighting. Nonetheless, Marvel movies were once known for big aerial fight sequences, so it's not too much of a surprise to hear that Avengers: Endgame did shoot one that ultimately went unused. Sean Gunn told Screen Rant an aerial battle was shot for Avengers: Endgame, and that he had Yondu's arrow with him, although it didn't get used. It's likely that this sequence would've taken place relatively early on in the final Endgame battle, with the Ravagers and Wakandan ships going up against enemies such as the Chitauri. It would've distracted from the action on the ground though, and aside from Kraglin wouldn't have featured many recognizable heroes, so it makes sense that it was scrapped.
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Captain America wielding Mjolnir isn't just a highlight of Avengers: Endgame's final battle, but one of the most fan-pleasing moments in the entire MCU - yet it could've gone down in a rather different manner. Unused Avengers: Endgame concept art shows Captain America unsure he can actually lift Mjolnir, with Thor's hammer lying on the ground in front of him, rather than flying straight into his hand. This fits with the common belief of Steve Rogers not being worthy as seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and works with his own belief that he might not be. However, the Russos have said Captain America was always worthy, and their presentation of the scene works better with that idea, and gives a more epic presentation of it. This still would've been great, but given the finished version elicited cheers in cinemas around the world, it's safe to say they made the right choice.
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The final battle in Avengers: Endgame is already very long, but it was almost even longer, and would've included a scene where many of the superheroes involved pause for breath and begin to strategize what their next moves will be. As the BTS photo from Avengers: Endgame shows, it would've included many of the biggest characters, including Captain America, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, and Iron Man. The scene ran for approximately three minutes, which is quite a long time to pause the action for a break in the trenches, and that's ultimately why it was cut. Writer Stephen McFeely said: "It didn't play well... When you have that many people, it invariably is, one line, one line, one line. And that’s not a natural conversation." 
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13 Reasons Why star Katherine Langford's role in Avengers: Endgame was cut, and it's one of the biggest scenes the Russos decided not to include in the film. Langford's role was the subject of much speculation heading into Avengers: Endgame, and there was a lot of surprise when she never appeared. It's since been confirmed that she would've played an older version of Morgan Stark, appearing to Tony in a metaphysical realm after he performs his snap. It would've been a parallel of a young Gamora appearing to Thanos in the Soul World at the end of Avengers: Infinity War, but the Russos decided it didn't work in the context of the movie, especially as audiences didn't have an emotional connection to an adult version of Morgan. Still, it remains a major deleted scene, and one that's yet to surface.
Related: Watch Every Avengers: Endgame Deleted Scene Released Here
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"Where is Gamora?" may be an Infinity War gag, but it is one of Avengers: Endgame's biggest questions, and one that it leaves behind at the end of the film, likely setting up Guardians of the Galaxy 3. But while audiences simply had to assume she'd left the battlefield at some point, this Avengers: Endgame deleted scene confirmed it - and had a poignant tribute to Tony Stark to boot. Coming at the point when Tony dies because of the snap, it sees every MCU hero assembled there taking a knee one-by-one in tribute to Iron Man, before cutting to Gamora, who quietly walks away. It fills in a key mystery and is touching, but at the same time it performs the same function as the even better funeral scene that comes not long afterwards, so it's easy to see why it was cut from Avengers: Endgame.
More: Avengers: Endgame Writer Confirms 'Old Steve' Cameo Theory
source https://screenrant.com/avengers-endgame-ending-final-battle-cut-deleted-scenes/
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