#i just took a nap from like 9pm-ish to 11pm
youremyonlyhope · 2 years
Weird intense sertraline dreams are super real side effect.
#zoloft#sertraline#i just took a nap from like 9pm-ish to 11pm#i had a dream with a whole bunch of youtubers in it and i have no clue why#i think i made up like half of them just from names i've heard while others were people i either still watch or just used to watch#and there were LEVELS to this dream that i didn't even fully realize until like 30 minutes after waking up#like one youtuber was being called by another name yet they still had drama with another who was there#and it took me remembering the dream to realize that that drama was somewhat real but the different name made me not notice at first#it was WEIRD. also at one point i was living in like a campus or something but there were different climates like every 20 feet#like snow but also multiple pools and a weird like rollercoaster but you walk/slide in it... this is vaguely still coming back to me#also a weird sauna i was in then someone helped me out of it#and LITERALLY as if i was playing the sims i felt my consciousness almost like press buttons to change the POV#and the 'camera' left my eyes and moved to the outside of the sauna so i watched the person carry my sleeping body out#and i'm just NOW remembering that part and being like... what... i mean i literally intentionally changed the camera controls of my dream#guys i am hennaing my hair i was supposed to rinse it out at like 10:30ish but slept through that so i've had it in for an extra hour#which is fine. i like the more intense color. but i've been slowly remembering bits and pieces of this dream#for the last 45 minutes and it's so weird i need to somewhat document it#because it was like 4 different plotlines and the youtuber one was only one of them and the campus thing was another#oh my god i just remembered clark baxtresser from starkid was in the campus part and he was singing and i was like chasing him#through the rollercoaster (or maybe just sliding behind him?) and singing along and i think i dreamt that part due to VHS Christmas Carol#that JUST came back to me. that was such a weird aspect. i think i thought it was weird even in the moment.#i haven't remembered most of the weird sertraline dreams so i'm glad i put down bits of this one
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Thursday, February 21, 2019
post #409
main points:
- breakfast at family friends
- editing chicago/seattle video
- drive towards austin
- stop by the hospital where i was born
- stop by riverwalk and the alamo
- stop by texas state university
- stop by pho for dinner
- visit family friends in austin, and former neighbors
today i:
- woke up around 10 or 10:30am ish. i lazed in bed for a bit watching some youtube. sam kolder made such a sick video on the creative process
got out of bed and ate some breakfast, which was boiled egg + avocado spread. that was really good. then ate some dumplings
- mom and dad went out to look around the property since the house was huge. i started finishing up my edits of the chicago + seattle video, mostly just doing color correction for the rest of the video. my parents and family friend also went to pick up the rental car so i worked for like two hours
when they got back, there was a squirrel in the yard eating an orange. it was so interesting seeing it open and peel a big orange :p we took pics and videos
- ate lunch, which was xi fan and leftovers from dinner last night. solid solid :)
- i finished my video so i started rendering it and then tentatively uploaded it to youtube yay
we said good bye to the family friend and we left her house and started driving towards austin
- the first stop we made was at the hospital where i was born. mom and i got out to take a couple pictures while dad drove around trying to find parking but just ended up going in circles to wait for us. it was interesting cause i have no recollection of the hospital but my mom and her family friend (who housed us) said it was the first place i ever visited in the world which is true :p
- we drove over to the alamo to visit some touristy stuff
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got some pictures of the alamo, also visited the church and surrounding garden area, which was relatively small. then we walked over to the riverwalk and walked along it for a bit. there were a bunch of ducks and birds around who seemed to get their source of food from tourists. also dick’s was there which is a restaurant where the waiters/waitresses purposely act like dicks to you (from what i’ve heard)
mom wanted some ice cream so we got some in the hyatt hotel we walked through to get to the riverwalk. it was blue bell’s ice cream which seems very popular around the area. then we got some mexican food (fajitas) for our lunch at like 2:30pm. also it was happy hour so dad got a margarita for $4. the fajitas were okay ish but i guess that’s expected for touristy spots. dad said we should find local places for really good mexican food which i agree with
there were ducks and birds flying around and a bird pooped from above and it landed on my right shoulder >: O i was kind of annoyed but at least it didn’t land on my head like it did once before. i went to the bathroom to try to wash it out and it sort of worked... but there’s a white ish stain there 
the people behind us who left had their table immediately ravaged by pigeons. LOL. cause they had leftover food on the table so the pigeons came and just ate all of it causing a mess
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- left the riverwalk area and drove the car over to texas state university where mom and dad went to school. on the drive i felt strangely relaxed. the highway was so vast and open and just straight up flat. in california it’s vast and open but in the distance you can always see mountains. here it’s just straight up flat for miles. i ended up taking a nap before we got to the university
first we drove the car over to their first apartment, which is wild!! :o mom and dad told me about how they used to bike or take the bus, or just flat out walk up the hills to get to their apt. i took some pictures of them in front of the building and then we headed towards campus
we parked the car and walked around campus, first stopping by the music building and taking some pictures. then to the dean’s office with a view. then towards the library, visiting the top 7th floor. their library is HUUUUGE. then to the math/computer science department. it was cool, i feel like mom and dad were reliving some of their college memories. they told me about when i was a baby and mom took a pic in her graduation gown near the gym, dad’s roommates biking incident (the nurse asked him who the president was since he hit his head), how they would go to study at the library, and other stuff
as we walked back to the car, i was curious what i’d feel like in 30-40 years when i go back to visit BU. mom and dad said it was great to come back and see the college campus again, just to see where they came from
- it was about 5:30pm and mom suggested we go eat pho cause it would be traffic heavy anyway. so we went to a pho 99 place about 15 minutes away from campus. ate some pho (pretty solid), then stopped by walmart to by a 12 pack of water. and also got some lemon girl scout cookies
- drove over to our old cul de sac, stopping by jackie’s parents house! it was kind of surreal being back in the neighborhood. i had very faint snippets of memories of this place and what it looked like. the proportions all seemed off though. like our old house seemed smaller in the front. but the circular part at the end of the cul de sac seemed bigger than i thought. also we saw some deer. but yeah there were so many childhood memories here. i remember i hung out with jackie a lot when we were kids 
we said hi to jackie’s parents first then went to visit our neighbors since mom heard that they’re still around. we just kind of knocked on their doors since we had no contact with them though LOL
we brought wine and chatted with jeff for a bit. mom and dad caught up with him, he told us about how things were going in his life. i played with the dog for a bit and also talked about where i’m at (just recent college grad, heading to job soon, etc). i very vaguely remember him from when i was a kid but i mostly remember i used to drive a toy jeep truck with his daughter in the cul de sac 
after we caught up we stopped by another neighbor’s house, dave. i don’t remember them much.. but mom and dad said we also knew them. we talked to him and his wife and they asked us to come inside. we talked again about how we were doing, how they were doing here in austin in terms of jobs, how so many businesses have opened up/traffic, etc. their daughter also came back home and talked to us too, telling us about how she traveled abroad for a year to teach english. it was crazy, i didn’t remember them too too much but their house did look kind of familiar
then we went back to jackie’s parents house around 9pm and their parents helped me get situated in my room with wifi and everything, then they went downstairs to chat. i finished making a thumbnail for the chicago/seattle video, then watched some more of sam kolder after his dope video from this morning. and chicago/seattle vlogs just to see how others compared
went downstairs to drink some soup with everyone since jackie’s dad made some. it was like overeasy egg but the inside was boiled, and rice/sweet soup. it was very yummy :D 
after we finished eating they said i could go back upstairs (so understanding LOL) and i just kind of chilled looking at more chicago/seattle videos
- took a shower around 11pm. mom and dad and jackie’s parents were getting tired and they also had work tomorrow
now typing this at 12:22am. i’m excited to look at the neighborhood tomorrow morning and see it in broad daylight since it was dark by the time we got here
okay the end
a walk down memory lane today
also first time i’ve put pictures in a blog post in like months so... this is cool
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Friday, January 4, 2019
post #361
main points:
- udon for lunch + scrubs S2E1
- started reading “crossing the chasm”/critique jwoos resume
- briefly look at NYC apts again
- play some fortnite team rumble
- dinner with the fam
- chatting with parents about chinese travel advisory and other things
- take sheena out for ice cream (10pm ish)
- watch incredibles 2 until 1:15am
today i:
- woke up around 10:30am. then snoozed in bed for a bit and finally got up around 11am. i took a long shower since no one was home
- made some udon for lunch around 12pm and watched scrubs S2E1. it was cool to see the gang get back together. but also i feel like the ending to S1 finale was kind of like... ?? where did that come from why is cox’s ex-wife doing that
- started reading crossing the chasm, the book cici got me for christmas. it was interesting, i read like the first 20 pages on different types of technological consumers and the distribution of them. i got a message from jwoos asking if i could critique his resume so i spent like 30 minutes looking it over and doing some small nitpicks
- started looking at some NYC apt listings again and found two good ones near midtown that look dope. sheena got back from school around 4:30pm and then she went to go take a nap cause she was tired
- i decided to play some fortnite team rumble from 5-6:30 ish. i like that it’s just a simple elimination thing with respawn. it makes me less worried about dying. in one game i got 13 kills :D 
my dad made some tofu skin and beef. and some veggies and leftover pork from yesterday. sheena was still sleeping upstairs so we just ate dinner with the 3 of us. i asked mom and dad about the china travel advisory since dimitri and i were gonna go and were a bit worried. my dad said there’s no risk but my mom said there is still some risk and we should be precautious. they told me some more about the context of things (with huawei’s thing in canada). then we talked a bit about trump. my mom had gone to one of his talks way back in 2004 and she told me about it
my dad went to the bathroom for a while so my mom talked to me about how her work is going with the presentations and stuff. and then a bit about where she hopes i’ll be able to go in my career or at least what’s possible
- then i went upstairs around 9pm and checked in on sheena. she was crying/seemed sad. she said she wasn’t sure why :/ she came downstairs to eat dinner and i was hanging out with her. mom came down for a bit to talk to her to see if she was okay. sheena needed to go to the bathroom but dad was still in the bathroom downstairs so sheena went upstairs and stayed there for a while. she came out of the bathroom and back downstairs. we sort of talked to her for a bit, just asking how things are going. i offered to take her to coldstone for ice cream and that seemed to cheer up her mood :D
i waited for her to finish eating dinner and then we went to coldstone. but when we got there, the line was too long... so we yelped around for ice cream desserts and went to friendly’s instead. so many things closed in the suburbs around 10~10:30pm. fortunately friendly’s was open until 11pm. we got a waffle sundae with cookies n cream and took it home and ate it. it was decent :P while we were in the car to and from, i told sheena about AP comp sci cause she seems to want to learn more general things and how to actually think as opposed to just memorizing answers to regurgitate on an exam/forget a week afterwards. AP physics is also a good problem solving class but she doesn’t wanna do physics. so maybe APCS for problem solving
we drove home and ate the ice cream, hanging out with dad at the kitchen table (he was playing pool on his phone)
- then we watched incredibles 2! i rented it on amazon and we watched it from 11-1am. (spoilers coming up). i think the movie was okay. from the start i thought that the bad guy was going to be the brother AND the sister. but it was actually just the sister which makes sense in the grand scheme of things. maybe these storylines are getting too predictable? idk, it was still a fun and nice movie to watch but i wonder if i’m getting too old for this
- went upstairs, chilled for a bit. sheena showed me a 20 minute video by cody ko reviewing a cringy love story video. i thought the video was cringy but i also don’t know how i feel about the whole roasting-other-people-on-youtube-for-views :p 
then i went to sleep around 2am
the end
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