#i just wanna clean slate but also not yknow?
cwarscars-a · 7 months
okay; so i've decided alongside revamping my timeline / headcanons, i also want to replenish threads / interactions etc.
what this means is that i just wanna start things fresh. shipping wise, i have so many wonderful ships / stories i've written with people, and yes - they're amazing, they will be kept. but i think for my peace of mind / a good way to get me writing again is for me to just start afresh regarding threads.
if we have ongoing storylines, we can continue these - but i want to do them in fresh threads. i know this might be tedious / awkward but i've got so many just sat in my drafts and i've let them pile. with work and the pupperooni and all that jazz, i think i've let them stagnate for long enough that it's hard to get into the swing of writing them again.
so, thread wise - i'm going to drop everything (booo, this guy stinks - i know lol). but this way, it's better for me to plot with new peeps i haven't spoken to before and for those i have stories with etc, i can create a story with you surrounding our current one and hopefully be able to focus on it more!
my plan is -
empty my askbox | as it stands, i have seven asks character-wise, i plan on chipping through these as i go.
thread wise | all are dropped and i will be messaging people as i get back in the swing of things to replot things etc.
headcanons | im working on a massive revamp post. some have already been deleted from my blog. might try and post this bad boy tonight but i'm exhausted from work, so we'll see :eyes:.
all in all, i'ma be making some plotting calls and an interest tracker real soon. i really, really wanna get into the swing of writing regularly again and if it means a soft reboot, then so be it T-T
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minglana · 1 year
once again thinking about doing erasmus next year..... maybe i will actually commit
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
i just woke up so excuse me me if i read this wrong and gave u somethin u aint ask for</33
tim - butcher
•said it multiple times, rhis is just him, he wanted extra cash and wanted it to have a steady reliable flow of it
•he also wanted a job where still nobody could mess w him if the did come in, yknow????
•w his record, its a miracle, maybe the boss just dont rlly care that hes in the gang and just wants the job done or this is a job tim get when hes older, maybe its a mix of both, either way his boss thought he would be an important asset in he was hired
•hes oddly graceful w it, he finds in theraputic, its odd to witness but that nigga has a way w the cleaver and knife, its pretty terrifying, maybe tim shouldnt have a job no more
•yes btw he somehow uses what he’s learned in how he fights, im not saying hes out there KILLIN ppl w his knives btw, however when it comes to rumbles w weapons, hes truly on another level
•he brings home meat for angela and curly, its mostly bacon, but he brings other stuff too, curly loves eating meat (pause on that😭) so he dont mind but ik angela gets sick of it sometimes and just wants rice or somethin
curly - he’s had like several different jobs😭
•like i could genuinely see curly as that guy whos job jumping, he’s been a janitor, a airport baggage handler, camp counselor, rn tho hes a line cook/dishwasher
•out of all three of em, i dont know HOW THIS GUY GOT A JOB, but yknow what, he got it, hes that guy that always has a new job when u see him, was he fired or did he quit??? nobody knows, u just see him pop up behind a counter some place
•he’s that coworker whos always in the back fucking around, god forbid hes the one supposed to be training u, man he’s teaching u some tricks and then leaving u to the wolves mid way
•he NEEDS a smoke break, he hates staying in one place for too long, especially in that hot ass kitchen, hes getting overstimulated and accidentally snapping at ppl someone save him
•hes not a good employee, i promise u if u got a weird ass order, he will look at u strange, and if he can sense u got social anxiety he’d probably fuck ur order up a lil bit bc what r u gonna do??? come back and tell him he got it wrong🤨🤨🤨
•chances r the place he works at is some money laundering scheme hes clueless about, he just say they were hirin and thought “eh why not”
angela - retail or fast food worker but if she tried, she could be a model
•the only one w a clean slate, her getting a job is no hassle
•shes literally nicole from bistro huddy, need i say more, she never wants to work but honestly who does???
•shes that girl listening to this poor single mother of 4 in the break room venting about how badly she needs this money to support her kids, meanwhile angela just wants to buy some damn clothes and make up😭
•man she’s never came to work in a good mood, when she wakes up she sighs putting on that uniform, but i’ll tell u what, she WILL make that uniform look good, shes a good designer w what shes got
•the customer is never right when ur in her presence, shes very intentional w what she does
•if u wanna go the model route, its bc someone took a pic of her at work and it blew up n she got recognized by modeling agencies or somethin, shes def just got “that look”, curly prolly got it too tbh, someone take a pic of him and test the waters, they can be like a two for one deal typa twin models🗣️
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favvnsongs · 1 year
@fischiee @khimkito
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lmao im making a separate post rather than tacking it onto the orig bc I don't wanna flood notifications every time I have big feelings about this but. yeah???
literally everything about those two make me so unwell. I'm never not thinking about it. bc the whole. not just having to second hand (or.. third? alpha then epsilon Then wash).. okay so third, I guess. anyways. being essentially subject to the same sort of torture and psychological abuse that alpha was via epsilon? and that on top of the directors original distress over allison? epsilon trying to kill himself inside his head! what tf does that even. bc they really only sort of handwave talk about it. what in the fuck does it actually Mean for an ai implanted in your brain to try and kill itself. and having to keep all of it a secret. for months if not years. the not being able to tell anyone?
(there's a weird sort of somber acknowledgment and tender empathy when it comes to wash and alpha too. bc wash Knows. he knows all of it?? even if alpha doesnt? the distress and insistence and confusion and loss that comes with tex not being at valhalla? 'I know all about her, church' even if church doesnt! even if He doesn't remember, wash does? what a burden that must be. that wash was the last of the team to actually see and speak to and be with church before he and all of the other fragments were erased? what sort of! and there's no justice in it! he gets his ass thrown into prison and then he has to work with whatever tf is left of maine in the Maybe hopes of getting his slate wiped clean.)
the odd fucking bizarre. wash and lina and epsilon and tucker (and caboose but he's a whole other.. im not awake enough to be able to talk about my feelings when it comes to caboose lmao)
but wash was the last person to see alpha. and then epsilon comes back and has no idea who tf tucker is bc caboose just didn't feel the need to. like? in a weird ass roundabout way, wash killed alpha and epsilon got cozy and familial with lina and both wash and tucker are left sorta stranded lmfao.
(and the behind the scenes lina&epsilon dynamic too. we really don't get to see the process of them becoming actually super fond and siblingy with one another but they are?? they went on a quest so lina could kill the director but nope leonard is just a lost defeated broken hearted wreck and that's her Father, at that point. pathetic and hopeless and so so tired. the grief and resignation and acceptance in leaving him to kill himself. epsilon and his bewildered righteous rage. they had that one chat about allison at the end of s10 but obviously there must have been more bc epsilon mentions allison a few times throughout chorus! do they talk about their feelings? does carolina ever get to properly acknowledge and process all her grief?)
like carolina is So Close to epsilon and that has to be so.. disconcerting at times for wash. bc he tried to kill himself while fucking! implanted into his brain! (and ive always figured that there's things wash must Know about carolina and all of her family drama. just as product of epsilon being alpha being leonard. yknow? but it'd also stand to assume that epsilon (and lina, maybe)) Know Things about wash. what sort of secrets do they keep for the sake of maintaining that illusion of privacy and boundaries.
I have stuff to say about tucker too but that might need to wait until after I have a sleep bc asdfghjkl.
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lerknow · 1 year
sorry i’m the anon who sent you smth like two seconds ago😭😭
i read your thing that says only txt, sorry for asking abt skz. but i was wondering what happened to the other skz fics that are crossed out?
again just wondering <3
Haha hello again!
Totally no worries about asking! I love questions and i'll answer anything if you need to know things from me haha
Since i remade my main blog into an interaction blog and not mainly for tickling, i had to delete the original posts with the fanfics. I wanted a clean slate for my main blog because i wanted to interact with other posts, not about tickling, without it being like "HEY IM A TICKLE BLOG I LIKE TICKLES AAAA" yknow zuhehchdhehf
I do plan on posting them back on here as i did with one already, but its curentally TickleTober and i'm doing prompts and don't really wanna spam old fics cuz people have already seen them.
They're crossed out on my masterlist because theyre not posted and you can't click a link yet and it tells people they're not completely gone
(If that makes any sence)
It's also a way to show that i am the original LerKnow and not someone who took the LerKnow name since i have my original fanfics listed
(If that makes any sence pt.2)
But don't worry they're all coming back!! Eventually!!
Thank you for the second ask, kind anon!
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toadstool32 · 6 years
Time to dump myyy feelings un the tags so i can eat stuff un peace and not feel bad hang tf on
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holyrcller · 3 years
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hello hello i’m excited to meet y’all! this is plum (s/h, 21+) bringing to u lim sorin, recently self-emancipated illegitimate daughter & aspiring a24 bildungsroman, with bonus pretty cinematography! she’s a previous muse with a new chara arc hehe so if you’ve seen her before... yes u have c: currently a business management consultant & occasionally moonlighting as a session bassist, sorin’s trying out this new thing called effort & its not as sexy as the movies made it sound :/
here are her links ( file & plots ) & a tldr under the cut! hit the heart if u wanna plot, or just hmu in ims! i also have discord if that’s better for u so feel free to ask for it c: see y’all around ♡
from the beginning: she was always kinda screwed, just a matter of when. for the longest time, she had no clue that she & her mum were her dad’s second family
absolutely the prettiest girl on the playground with an ego to match, a little entitled & expecting only good things for herself, because that was just how the world seemed to work for her
until her dad’s actual wife burst into their house when she was 14 & things went to shit, yknow
sorin ends up being bribed with a scholarship to a fancy private school to keep her mouth shut, with her dad thinking she’d be an easy to manipulate dumbass
she takes the deal, but unfortunately it’s never enough & sorin starts blackmailing her dad to make her life happy enough that she won’t feel the need to divulge his secret
so the story went that she’s self-made, single-mum family, scholar & entrepreneur etc
in reality, she got bored with those false achievements a year in, but she was too much of an overachiever who found a single cheat code for life & wasn’t willing to give it up...
at least until she started a band (retro rosy) that she thought was low stakes enough that it wouldn’t matter if she failed at it, so she didn’t get her dad to pull any strings
& proceeded to enjoy the whole “reaping the rewards of your efforts” thing a lot more than she expected. through some growing up into the mix, and you get:
one belated coming of age arc! sorin cuts herself off after she graduates from college & the band’s dissolution. she ends up starting from the bottom, though probably with a lil boost from her impressive resume mostly gotten from her blackmailing her dad
also she’s keeping up with her growing love for bass by occasionally moonlighting as a session bassist!
it’s not a totally clean slate, but that’s fine. it’ll be all her from this point on ♡
personality wise, she’s a mixed bag of growing pains. her image matters a lot to her, not in the sense that she wants to be known as nice, but as capable. #girlboss shit. taken too many shortcuts to be truly cutthroat & a little too bitter to be soft. a pretty straight talking, no bullshit kinda person, not very subtle about how she feels either. kind of demanding & sometimes behaves like she thinks she’s still the queen of the playground ( guess she peaked emotionally at age 5 lmao ) a perfectionist who isn’t used to failing, so she’ll invest too much of herself into the things she needs/wants to accomplish on her own & has too little for the rest of it. slowly getting more introspective about her life & a lil more mellow, less instinctively reactive. prone to bad ideas on a good day, weirdly lucky about them for ~unknown apartment reasons~... getting into the worker bee life & living for fridays, very determined to Make Something Of Herself but unsure if the consultancy life is where she wants to do it. she’s got a bunch of insecurities from her childhood that she kept buried under her false achievements, but now she’s trying very hard to like herself in the absence of them & making progress she can be properly proud of! also just really likes playing her lil bass so hit her up for a jam session
ok ramble over thank u for getting all the way to the end of this hehe & i’ll be hitting people up asap! ♡
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irkenheretic · 3 years
⭐ 183 days ⭐
ah this one!! so, this one was actually a bit of a funny story. see, my dad pays me (used to pay me?) for writing- two cents a word if its a fanfic, three if its original.
there was also this giant zim plushie i wanted off ebay- it was $350 and while i had the money, it wouldve taken all my money to buy. so i told myself, i would write enough to cover the cost before i bought it. i sat down and had a major brainstorming session, and this was one of the ideas it yielded! (the others are oc-centric and therefore unpublished)
(and yes, i ended up getting the plushie. once i clean my couch hes gonna be proudly displayed on it)
so i took "what was zim thinking about in those six months in the voot?" and ran with it
gir's singing being an opener for each segment was also kind of an accident? i did it because i couldnt think of a better way to start them and it just kinda worked yknow? same with the five stages of grief motif- i really only cemented it at... the beginning of the second segment? or the end of the first
but onto me waxing poetic about my own stuff!
183 days i think is a tragic thing- the only way zim could realize everything was a lie was if he's left to die, cold and alone and unfulfilled. and then he gets to earth and its right back to denial. sure, it's bad to see him go back to denial- but would him knowing the truth really be better? fucking, he was contemplating calling the tallest and committing suicide in front of them. it's sad that he lives in denial but is the alternative really that much better?
the backstory of his training was a thing i wrote for ANX, honestly- there's gonna be a full oneshot covering his training called invade the system, it'll actually be the second annexed fic to be published. im feeling nice today so ill put a snippet of that under the cut after this whole ask about 183 days is done
speaking of 183 days lets get back to the training stuff in there. my editor, toby, really liked this one line: "If he was taller, would his Commander have told him to stop killing himself, that destroying his body would do nothing to make him a better soldier?" He said "You can't help but wonder if his Commander told him this not because he was a lost cause, but because he /was/ killing himself," which is absolutely not what i intended for this line- but i really like that interpretation.
my favorite segment has GOT to be the depression one, honestly, with acceptance being a close second. thats where it all kind of comes crumbling down. a lot of things i set up in previous segments come back and they come back badly. zim's training memories, the echo of "different," the themes of defectiveness, devastis 2, zim's varying reactions to GIR's song culminating with him accepting GIR as his own, just as he accepts his own defectiveness.
this was kind of meander-y but thats because its kind of impossible to sum up 183 days i think? i always find myself thinking of each segment as a mini-fic on its own haha
and as a side note: i was lurking in a server and i found out that devastis 2 is actually part of someone's personal headcanons now and i think thats amazing. you know who you are... if you're even reading this haha. i know who it is but i dont wanna bother them by @ing them
also yeah as promised heres the invade the system snippet. you thought id forget but i didnt,, pog!
Devastis was cold, and it was harsh, and it was unforgiving.
Shorter Irkens always fared worse— their smaller frames meant that they retained heat worse than Tallers— but, it was important for an Invader to improvise.
Zim was always great at machinery. He felt a connection with it that rivaled the connections Irkens had with other, live Irkens. As a smeet, he was slated to become a Scientist, or perhaps an Engineer. Both respectable positions that would have made a transfer to Invader go much smoother.
But his hopes were dashed when he had one growth spurt, and everyone else in his class had the correct amount of four. It happens to 20% of Irkens, the Medical Drone had told him. There was an implied continuation of and nothing can be done, but Zim refused to accept that as truth. There was always something that could be done about anything, but this was a finicky thing— involving genomes and hormones and, perhaps, a biological defect, and not the Irkens’ dictionary definition of Defect, which stayed contained in the PAK. It was the work of a Bio-Engineer, or perhaps a Geneticist, or perhaps both working together, or an Irken who was trained as both. Zim knew he would excel at it, if he chose to sneak in a Bio-Engineer training ground, but Zim longed to invade, longed to feel the thrill of battle, to think on his feet, risk his life, all for an Empire that did not care about him.
An Empire that did not care about him yet, Zim reminded himself. One must earn the right to be cared about, that was how it worked. And Zim’s time would come.
(hope yall liked it. if you didnt then uuhhhh rip lmao! if you did then more to come and also i am hand feeding you watermelon)
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fluffyglass · 3 years
fucking hell I didn't think I'd need one for her but apparently I fucking do
Season 1
Miss Sunshine appears in 22 episodes in Season 1.
In 1 of these episodes does she do something wrong.
Season 2
Miss Sunshine appears in 25 episodes in Season 2.
In 4 of these episodes does she do something wrong.
Miss Sunshine does something wrong in 5 of the 47 episodes shes in, which is 10%. Counting the 2 I was unsure of bumps her up to 7/47, 15%.
i'm tired of ranking miss sunshine go look at my episode by episode analysis
Yellow - Miss Sunshine does nothing wrong
Red - Miss Sunshine does something wrong
Pink - idk lol
Flying - she barely does anything and she's fine
Music - she barely does anything and she's fine
Physical - this is a trend with her in Season 1 if you were unaware
Birthday - like, seriously. This episode is one of the few in Season 1 where she isn't just used as an accessory for Mr. Happy. I'm glad she actually got to do things in Season 2, even if it cost her being a bit more annoying.
Boats - it's honestly kinda sad to watch through these
Books - FINALLY SHE DOES SOMETHING ON HER OWN! It's insult Mr. Grumpy.
Science - Even apart from Mr. Happy, she's... never really her own character. She's kinda like Mr. Noisy where she could be replaced by pretty much anyone and it would be the same. She's essentially used as another blank slate.
Fish - :(
Hobbies - :(
Fair - she gets to be a little bit of an actual person here but again, :(
Movies - shes literally just an actress in this one so idk what to say
Inventions - :(
Amusement Park - she gets the funniest line in the entire episode - wait I just realized how much she shows up with Mr. Stubborn this is like the third time weird
Dillydale Day - she's barely in it and just gets bullied
Snow - this show is a misogynistic hell if you pay attention. I'm not talking about this episode specifically, obviously, but like. Miss Sunshine has a similar problem to Mr. Noisy where unless she's doing her own thing, she's essentially a blank slate. But unlike Mr. Noisy, she doesn't actually... have a thing. She's literally a blank slate. She's Mr. Happy's partner and that's it. I should do an actual analysis on her portrayal in this show some time.
Cars - yeah
Canned Goods - :(
Ships - :(
Cooking - :(
Collecting - :(
Parade - :(
Clean Teeth - She forced Mr. Grumpy to stay in her clean teeth club and then proceeded to commit home invasion
Shoes - yeah
Arts and Crafts - She ruined Miss Scary's monster :(
Game Shows - :(
Eyeglasses - barely in it and then dies
Reptiles - this is just Cars again but with Mr. Scatterbrain too
Hats - man Mr. Stubborn and Miss Sunshine were friends in season 1 and now it seems every episode he tries to kill her
Robots - :(
Parties - was part of the group peer pressuring Mr. Bump into doing things despite the fact that hes. yknow. MR. BUMP.
Gifts - she throws a party for Mr. Messy and Mr. Fussy's birthdays :D
Seashore - yep she sure is there ig
Fruit - mhm
Cinema - she's just an actress again
Pets - :(
Trees - uhhhh for one she wrote a song about Mr. Rude getting mauled by a bear which would've normally earned her just a pink but she is so fucking annoying in this episode that I'm counting it anyway fuck this episode
Pirates - stop being horny
Goo - :(
Trains and Planes - STOP BEING HORNY
Next Door - hcnvncvncvm im getting tired of writing notes
Lunch - I lost my progress halfway through and I had to start over
Fairies and Gnomes - she got Mr. Nervous another gnome despite just watching him be terrified of the first one
Bath and Bubbles - I'm tired I want to be done already also :(
Parks - I wanna take a nap
Surprises - fuck this episode by the way
Travel - okay finally we're done
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