#i just wanna kinda soft reboot things so i can find a rhythm again to writing
cwarscars-a · 7 months
okay; so i've decided alongside revamping my timeline / headcanons, i also want to replenish threads / interactions etc.
what this means is that i just wanna start things fresh. shipping wise, i have so many wonderful ships / stories i've written with people, and yes - they're amazing, they will be kept. but i think for my peace of mind / a good way to get me writing again is for me to just start afresh regarding threads.
if we have ongoing storylines, we can continue these - but i want to do them in fresh threads. i know this might be tedious / awkward but i've got so many just sat in my drafts and i've let them pile. with work and the pupperooni and all that jazz, i think i've let them stagnate for long enough that it's hard to get into the swing of writing them again.
so, thread wise - i'm going to drop everything (booo, this guy stinks - i know lol). but this way, it's better for me to plot with new peeps i haven't spoken to before and for those i have stories with etc, i can create a story with you surrounding our current one and hopefully be able to focus on it more!
my plan is -
empty my askbox | as it stands, i have seven asks character-wise, i plan on chipping through these as i go.
thread wise | all are dropped and i will be messaging people as i get back in the swing of things to replot things etc.
headcanons | im working on a massive revamp post. some have already been deleted from my blog. might try and post this bad boy tonight but i'm exhausted from work, so we'll see :eyes:.
all in all, i'ma be making some plotting calls and an interest tracker real soon. i really, really wanna get into the swing of writing regularly again and if it means a soft reboot, then so be it T-T
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