#i just want to see jane as the protag! and also put her through Situations.
dykecrocker · 1 year
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i got a sudden influx of followers so it think it would be good to explain this!! houseshift is an au i made that focuses on the alpha kids playing a true session alongside the alpha trolls - under the pretext that Calliope had won and Space instead of Time dominates the overall Narrative Universe. it is assumed the beta sessions have already played [and subsequentially scratched].
unlike the originals which were doomed from the start - these are defined by the persistence of Life. they have the tendency to push through and continue on.
jane is my 'Main Character' and i actually let her fufill that role as she should. shes the Muses favorite and it just makes sense.
um. i guess thats it! im still figuring out a lot of the details and by that i mean i just think about the very niche details and ignore the greater details lol um some ramblings under the cut
-the sessions are played 'side by side' meaning not much time shenanigans! only a little. calliope is the one that oversees the order of the existing universes and shes the main connector
-im still figuring out the set up on the alpha kids session pre-session. but right now roxy and dirk do not live in the future.
-condesce is still very much present tho! apocalypse is still incoming!
-i will be honest i made all of this up as an excuse to ship meujane in a way that i think has a somewhat interesting premise and doesnt start and end in the dreambubbles. why do i ship meujane? um..i think it would be funny
-roxyjane is also p heavily present cause i have a bias.
-and! i dont have a definite ending planned out. only a few major events in my mind but um. i am defintely a tragedy enjoyer. all my happy stories end up at the most just extremely bittersweet so.
idk! this rlly isnt fleshed out in a way that my other things usually are so im sort of just going in blind.. idk if ill ever do a proper comic cause i am not good at that. and writing would take a long time cause i have to have it completely written and polished beforehand or else i will abandon the project lol but if this sounds interesting then idk shoot me an ask! esp if you have a favorite character amid the dancestors or alpha kids - ESP if i havent talked about or drawn them..
this is overall just a silly little project i like to think about :) and i find it fun giving characterization to the dancestors who are um. you know. lol
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johobi · 5 years
Just read The Devil is in his Details and whew, that was so hot and just so delightful to read! I love how the MC was underestimated and then just made Jimin see God in one go, so fucking incredible. The characterization of both the MC and Jimin just added to the sexiness of the situation, it was so good! I always love your writing, so I look forward to your next work as always!
Thank you mrticklekitty (i love your name sm btw), I am honestly so relieved people are liking the MC as I appreciate that not everyone wants to put themselves in the shoes of someone more forward, and prefer timid reader inserts. 
Also, I felt it was important for her to recognise that she is pretty (”You’re not so much a Plain Jane...”) because it’s so common in women’s romantic fiction for the protagonist to describe herself as not very attractive, and I wanted to try not doing that. It’s ok to know that you’re pretty!! I love it when girls big themselves up. I will big them up too. The fact I felt icky writing it just shows how much we’ve been conditioned to feel ashamed of feeling good about ourselves. I’m gonna try not to do that so much with my lady characters. (though it’s ofc normal and understandable that we all have our shit days where we feel disgusting!!!! see: WYLEI protag)
Anyway, sorry to go off on a tangent there, I’m so glad you enjoyed both their characterisations bc when i read it through i wasn’t sure if they were interesting enough as people. And it’s so tough to develop people in such a small amount of words. So I really appreciate you saying that.
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sapphireorison · 7 years
Ten Writer Questions Tag PT.2
Tagged by @the-bookdevourer :)
Do you have anyone (authors, family, friends, etc.) that has inspired your writing? I write like I must breathe, and I get inspiration from everywhere. When I was wee, I devoured the teen section at my local library, so a lot of my early author-inspiration is from 80s and 90s scifi and fantasy authors, like Anne McCaffrey and Diane Duane and Jane Yolen and Patricia C. Wrede. And, admittedly, Piers Anthony and Lovecraft, though those latter two... :considers: You know how when you read a book and you go ‘wow this is terrible but I can’t put it down’? Best figure out why you can put it down. I also get a lot of inspiration from my friends in what they yearn to have written that’s not out there yet. It makes me want to write that, and in learning more about what they want that simply doesn’t exist yet, I become a better writer. 
When did you first start writing? And what was it about? Very, very early. I wrote stuff for school, mostly, cute little stories about nonsense based on whatever book or series I was obsessed with at the time. Beyond that, I ‘wrote’ plays for me and my sister to perform for my family, and then in HS moved on to trying to figure out novels. I’ve always created stories in my head, and because I was primed by the types of books I loved (big, epic, glorious) that was always my goal. So I would fiddle around with the beginnings of them. It’s only been within the last ten years or so that I’ve started finishing them, and they’ve gotten closer to what I have in my head as the kind of books I need to write.
 How long have you been working on your current project? It feels like ages, but I don’t think it’s been more than a year and a half at most, perhaps two. This one was percolating for a long time before I started writing because I had the concept first, then the characters, and then the world, and only after a while did I have any inkling of a plot and I know better than to start without a plot by now.
 Of all your OCs, which do you relate to the most? Why? My earlier OCs were more ‘me’ than any of the ones I have now. But the one I relate to most was one from a very, very early attempt at a fantasy novel. She was a bookish protagonist with a demon stitched to her soul whose goal was to usher a younger demon-possessed girl to someone, somewhere, that could help her. :considers: Even that teeny explanation feels like a direct window into my head. My OCs now are very much not me. The only one even faintly close to me is the fellow who I’ve iterated through over the years. He’s the one I relate to the most because I’ve used him the most. He’s full of well over a decade of experiences in various media as I’ve tried to find a home for him. 
Tropes are often looked down on, but which one(s) do you enjoy and use? Fake relationships, mutually requited slow-burn pining, and messy reunions after one of the people thinks they’ve lost the other forever. All of those are for romance. In general, though, I love the ‘weird uncle’ trope, where an antagonist gets beaten and then sort of gets absorbed into the protag’s family because they’re not bad they’re just, you know, themselves. I also fucking love the trope where touch is a huge indicator of trust, where names are important so that when someone start using a different name (for themselves or another) it means a major character change behind-the-scenes, and I really really love affectionate bickering. I don’t even know if that’s a trope, but it’s great.
 Do you have a set schedule for when you write? No. Well, sort of. I prefer to write in the evenings, after about 5 or 6pm, and write for about four hours in a coffee shop or at the kitchen table. This is, mind, the /optimal/ writing situation. I don’t usually get a chance to write as long, or as often, as I know makes me happiest. This was the schedule I used to polish off two longfics I wrote and now that I don’t get to do this every/most nights, my monthly progress is much lower. I’m lucky if I do 10k a month. 
When you’re writing, do you write in chronological order or wherever you feel? I gotta do chronological. But, like, chronological for the *book* not the story. My brain views things very much as cause-and-effect, specifically about what am I causing the reader to think at this point in time and how will that effect how they view this later scene. So even if things are out of place and there are flashbacks and so on, I have to write from the beginning of the book to the end otherwise I can’t develop the later parts properly because I’m missing pieces that need to be included. 
What’s your favorite part about starting a new project? Worldbuilding! I’ll start 600-word prompts, build out a fucking massive world, and then tidy up the prompt and move on to something else. Unique worlds rev my engine, and whenever I feel bored or stale on a current project I’ll build out a world-prompt and it’ll refresh me to come back to my primary project.
What’s one thing about your current project that you’re excited about? It’s so much more action-y than I thought it would be. Stuff is happening! Things are gonna explode!  There’s way more mystery involved than anticipated because there’s so much to explain I’ve had to pick and choose what to reveal. And, honestly, I’ve lived with the characters so long in my head that I’m just excited to find out how they feel about each other and what they want out of the world--the kind of stuff I can only find out by making them interact and seeing if I need to tweak. 
 Do you have any writing goals that you want to accomplish by the end of the year? Halfway through Current Project and hopefully finishing a fic that I, uh, abandoned during the last chapter. The rest is posted and I’ve let it sit for two years. T_T Conveniently, there are several months (including Nano) to work on Current Project, and ‘halfway’ is only another 20k for me. So I am fairly confident I can hit that one at least. :) 
For the 10 new questions, here are the ones I liked from Bookie’s list along with a couple from mine and one or two of my own creation: 
What’s your favorite thing about your writing? 
What’s your favorite character you’ve written and why are they your fav? 
What makes your writing unique? 
Describe your antagonist’s ‘villain song’ as if they were a Disney Villain.
Which of your characters (OCs) is the one you most relate to? Why? 
What are you favorite tropes? 
What inspired your current project? 
There are lots of different media types that you could write! What is your ‘primary’ type of media that you write? Short story? Novels? Novellas? Comics? Plays? Roleplays? Video game scripts? TV show or movie scripts? Where do most of your words go? And, to follow up, what type of writing is your current project? Which types have you done? Which do you like? Do you have a favorite? 
What’s your favorite genre to read? To write? Why does it draw you?
Do you have any writing goals you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year?
I’m supposed to tag people, but I am shy and tagging is scary. If you follow me and you do the writing thing, I really wanna hear from you. :D I will even reply and it will be super exciting.
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