#i just wanted to share my characters :lovelove:
dvnieldraws · 3 years
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Decided to do a line up of my D&D characters! Some I’ve played and some I haven’t! (left to right: Zúca, glamour bard; Lucas, sun soul monk; Ángel, lore bard, Velwyn, shepherd druid/barbarian; Ezra, divination wizard, and Sombra, shadow sorcerer)
(ID under the cut)
(BEGIN ID: Digital illustration of 6 dungeons and dragons characters, in a line.
Zúca is a thin humanoid with light red skin and with pointed ears with gold earrings. He has dark red hair and light white freckles across his face and hands. They stand in a confident pose with their hands resting across their middle. He’s wearing a black shirt with puffy sleeves, a light yellow scarf, a golden cape with black tassels along the bottom, off white pants, and black heeled boots with gold chains. They look forward with a soft smile on their face.
Lucas is a human with tan brown skin and orange hair that turns yellow at the tips. His face is covered in a black bandana and all you can see is his tired looking eyes. They stand confidently, raising a flask in their right hand which is scarred and bandaged. He’s wearing a orange red poncho with yellow detailing down the right and left sides. His poncho covers a light tan shirt and he’s wearing black pants and light brown boots with silver spurs. They look forward, looking exhausted with bags under their eyes.
Ángel is a human with tan brown skin and has thick brows and dark brown hair that falls over his right side and is in a low bun. He stands turned slightly to the left, with his head turned fully to the left. They hold a white guitar in their arms. He’s wearing a pink charro suit, also known as a mariachi suit, with dark gray detailing and a big bow tie with light gray and light pink stripes. He looks sad, eyes turned slightly down.
Velwyn is a tall broad pink firbolg with long light pink hair that is almost white. They stand with their left hand up to their face, a small blue bird on his finger. His head is turned to the right with his hair half up in a small bun. He’s wearing a tight black sleeveless turtleneck tucked into high-waisted yellow green pants. A dull green cape with fur across the top hangs low on their right, held up by three ropes across their shoulders. They have a soft smile across their face.
Ezra is a thin, light blue tiefling with big ram like horns that are dark blue. They have long gray hair that covers their right eye and the right side of their face. He’s wearing a black cropped, sleeveless turtleneck and black shorts with sheer tights underneath. He has both hands up close to his face, showing off long black nails with three rings on each hand. They have long black glove-like arm coverings that reach almost up to their armpit. Slung across their shoulders is a yellow robe-like covering. He looks at the viewer with a big grin, showing off sharp looking teeth and on his head is a white rat.
Sombra is a young tiefling with purple skin and short choppy white hair that is longer in front and with small straight horns that turn dark purple at the tips. He looks at the viewer with a grin, tongue out, with his right hand up to his forehead, fingers held in an “L” shape meaning “loser”. They’re wearing a big pink shirt with a Hello Kitty design that is a neon green with its eyes looking hollow. They are also wearing a pleated black skirt with small studs along the bottom, pink tulle sticking out of the bottom, fishnet tights underneath, knee-high black platform boots, and black and neon green striped arm warmers. He’s slightly hunched forward and is holding a bright pink can in his left hand.
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therealvalkyrie · 3 years
please share the sakuatsu recs!!!
please make sure to read the tags on each fic before reading, to make sure you're a-okay with what you're getting yourself into. consume media responsibly!!
without further ado, and in no particular order~
again, like this by noodletastic - 55k, completed series, mainly fluff
"when nationals don't go their way in their third year, atsumu and sakusa distract themselves with each other. and it keeps happening."
I'm actually currently rereading this one, because I adore the way they fall in love so easily but with that all-consuming tension and inexplicable need for each other. so exquisitely well written, it'll absolutely knock your socks off, and I lovelove the way atsumu and osamu's relationship is written. speaking of which! there's a Osamu/Suna companion piece that runs parallel, timeline-wise, and it's just such a cool thing to see how it builds upon and complements the world the author's built while telling a different, but intertwined, story.
The Story of Us by thesweetestnerd - 98k, completed series, heavy on the angst
"Atsumu has spent the last year falling in love with Sakusa Kiyoomi, but it's a secret they've never told anybody else. When a car accident snatches Omi's memories from the past two years away, Atsumu is left as the only one in the world who ever knew their relationship existed."
This is one of those stories that stays with you for days and weeks after you put it down, it's just that heartbreaking and healing at the same time. The way it discusses love and truth and identity is so raw and real, and ugh I cried real tears!!! I also love how the twins' relationship is written here, and extra points for the TS title;) I won't say more because I don't want to spoil anything, but if you do read it please lmk so we can scream about it together~
a fist amidst the hands by noodletastic - 13k words, oneshot
"Lottery nights ensure bad matches. It’s a free-for-all. It's Atsumu's favorite kind of night."
Boxer!AU sakuatsu, need I say more?? Unbelievably hot and in-character, and mad props to the author for writing the fighting so descriptively and compellingly. also all your favs are there, at least in the background. Some very gratifying descriptions of Ushiwaka and Oikawa and Bokkun, it'll make ya sweat:P Also has some fantastic companion art!!
A Liar's Truth by internetpistol - 49k, completed series, angst and fluff
"In which Sakusa Kiyoomi is raised to believe that gay people go to hell but then takes one look at Miya Atsumu and thinks, then why the hell did God make them so fucking hot?"
This fic is one of the most honest descriptions of living in a homophobic space and having to hide yourself. A really, really raw depiction of blame and taking accountability, both between Sakusa and Atsumu, and Sakusa and his parents. Seriously, I cried, it's a very cathartic read, and though there is a lot of angst, you know the happy outcome right from the beginning.
Stuck in the Sunshine by thesweetestnerd - 85k, completed series, idiot(s) to lovers
"Atsumu has a list of ‘firsts’. Kiyoomi offers to help him with it."
This time, Sakusa's the idiot who convinces himself that it would be beneficial to both Atsumu and the Jackals for him to take Atsumu's virginity. Shenanigans (and feelings) ensue. This is the most recent sakuatsu piece I read, and actually just got a new bonus chapter that I am very excited to sit down with tonight!! I really, really love Sakusa's characterization in this one, and we get to see a lot of his relationship with his cousin Komori, who made me giggle like a madwoman the whole time teehehee~
a list of things sakusa kiyoomi hates by BrenH - 7k words, oneshot, enemies to friends to lovers
"The one where Osamu suggests Atsumu keep a notebook to track all the things Sakusa hates that he does, and he takes it further than he means to."
All of these stories share the theme of Atsumu being a genius at reading when Sakusa's uncomfortable, and caring enough to adjust to him, but this's the one that does it the most explicitly. It's very cute, and details how I think Sakuatsu would figure each other out in a weird little way that's all theirs. I just love to watch the fall in love, ya know?? Makes my little heart go pitter patter~
and, last but certainly not least, terminal curiosity by favspacetwink and moonlumie, which is the fic that started it all (at least for me;)). you can read all about it on cee's post, which basically says everything that I would.
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cornflowercanine · 3 years
my opinion on all main homestuck characters now that ive actually reread it cw for 8rief discussion of a8leism for tavros', terezi's, mituna's, and wv's parts, racism for damara and m33nah's parts, and cw for a8usive rel8ionships for gamz33's part. also i dont like/care a8t a lot of hs chars so if you a8solutely cannot handle s33ing any dislike towards chars you kin/like/are ur comfort chars read smth else
june; the things she Does Can 8e interesting 8ut she in herself is not a character i (keyword i) find interesting like at fucking all. if she wasnt the main char id forget a8t her daily jade; waaa waaaaaa. she is so sw33t and dear 8ut holy fuck i have no idea whats wrong with her. i do still H8 the specific fanon of her that jade harley just H8s Her Friends Oh So Much and she is in Constant Immeasura8le Misery Always No Matter What and is just Really Good At Masking It and [insert pages more of collective projecting] 8ut honestly whatever the fuck is 8ehind 'dead grandpa tulpa that was 'way nicer when he was alive'' is anyones guess dave; neat. fun to read when he isnt at mercy of hussie 8eing a shitty person (making gross jokes). way more fun than fanon makes him out to 8e yes ofc hes traumatized 8ut are you just like, una8le to write funny characters? rose; ultim8ly i think she is Interesting, ALSO way more interesting than fanon has EVER made her out to 8e, i like her perspective on things (even if they are sometimes really defeatist(?) its certainly not SHALLOW or a COMMON frame of reference ppl usually use when writing a female char that goes off a8t stuff she knows, shes not stupid, and its interesting to s33) and i also lovelove when shes snappy and cracks jokes ('ive spent too much time around dave i also think ive spent too much time sharing his genes') and she is just a really really fascin8ing? character!! 8ut i. im not proud of it. 8ut i did admittedly skip some of her lines 8ecause she is very very wordy and this reread was meant to 8e leisurely pass through the 8its i like. so sorry maam.
karkat; imagine 8eing the most 8oring char ever. ive said it 8efore ill say it again i think the reason karkat is/was so popular is 8ecause he is so fucking intensely a tw33n/early t33n that is just learning to 8e a person and think for himself etc and one of the tr8s he has decided to take up is saying 'fuck' a lot. like, a lot. which is a thing other 12-14 year olds do and enjoy doing regularly. or well its not that i think he is o8jectively 8oring its just that i myself am so espescially unimpressed 8y Him and 8y extent everything he does and says fucking drags to me and the only time i have f33lings regarding him is when he has interesting commentary on chars i DO like or when he makes the rare actually funny joke. aradia; maam you are so fucking cool. i admittedly can forget her a little as does the rest of the fandom 8ut i DO find it strange the extent to which the fandom neglects her when every single fucking thing she did and does is cool as all hell. i LOVE her and i think the only reason megalovania is handed over to vriska is cause shes a light player, not cause she earned it tavros; oh my god i knew your character 8efore this was a8leism 8ut i didnt know just how 8ad it was. literally the only argua8le character he has outside of hussie 8eing grossly unwaveringly unendingly a8leist is him making the friend army at Literally The Very End Of The Story (which u could go 'oh its cause hes a page' yes 8ut hussie did NOT have to make EVERYTHING prior to that pure undiluted a8leism) and its just so... sad and disappointing and frustr8ing. i have s33n one or two tavros fans whos interpret8ion of him is NOT how hussie wrote him (o8vs), or 'aww purest 8a88y 8oy i just wanna hold him in my arms and kiss him on the head and-' OR 'ACTUALLY tavros is super fucking mean and cruel so he a8used vriska actually and-', and i leave this char to those fans. tl dr is that i WANT to like him 8ut hussie h8s him so much it just makes me sad sollux; i only like him for his rel8ionships to others, i like when he's friends (derogatory) with karkat cause i rel8 and think it's funny, and all arasol interactions hurt me d33ply, 8ut sollux, on his own, just for what he himself solely says? dont care, if he wasnt having an interesting interaction with another id eyeroll and skip whatever he was saying, pro8a8ly influenced 8y the fact i a8solutely cannot STAND people who wrap every single convo and interaction they have 8ack around to how much they h8 themselves/'h8 everyone'/that 'everythings gonna end up terri8le anyway' in real life, which i find kinda interesting nepeta; wwwaaa waaaaa. once again unsurprisingly her personality and interactions with others etc has way more going on than fanon makes her out to 8e ('shes really cute! end sentence.') even when she IS 8eing cute like in her rps with terezi or uhhh. her interactions with equius 8efore they die, its not like, just her going 't33h33 nya nya im so cutesy and stupid and childlike arent i' her f33lings towards and how she makes sense of her friends and ppl around her isnt stupid or wrong or whatever she ..... TL DR FANON 8LOWS ASS NEPETA IS A GOOD CHAR yes she also kills things 8ut if youre gonna make nepeta content reread at least a Smidgen of her canon stuff instead of leaping str8 to 'cute idiot/powerful preymurderer' kanaya; SMORCH. I REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS CHARACTER. LIKE ROSE I ALSO DID ADMITTEDLY SKIP SOME OF HER LINES 8UT IM NOT PROUD OF IT. cant really word Why i like her i just do. also re: her chalking every confusing/hard to grasp interaction up to 'human sarcasm', karkat and vriska (off the top of my head, mightve 833n more) Repeatedly say stupid shit and then when one replies with Some level of sincerity the other goes 'IT WAS SARCASM SHIT8RAIN' so i dont think sarcasm is smth that only humans invented or did i think kanaya is autistic which makes my heart 8ig thank you for everything kanaya maryam terezi; i think ive already stressed just how much i like her in a previous post 8ut hooooooly fuck is this character a8solutely fucking outstanding, i wouldnt say
'ground8reaking' 8c ppl STILL find or found a way to dilute her down to make her more pal8a8le or graspa8le, 8ut honestly i dont really think thats her fault i think that ppl interpreting Literally Terezi Fucking Pyrope as 'oh she just does everything she does out of 8eing horny for men lol!!111!!1' is the fault of misogynists lol. one of the chars that while i do wish hussie had Guidance/advice on writing (ex. 'this char is 8lind 8UT W8 they have a SUPER COOL ADVANCED OTHER SENSE/A8ILITY that Makes Up For It1!1!!!11' trope is a 8ad One), 8ut holy shit i wouldnt have had her any other way aside from that. how the fuck did hussie manage to pull her off. holy shit. vriska; i think ive talked a8out vriska serket more than is reasona8le or healthy in the history of my 8log so to sum it up as 8est i can; i think she's a 8ad, extremely sad to s33 Person, 8ut an outstanding ground8reaking character. almost all of my negative f33lings towards the retcon 8oil down to how much i h8 how vriska was handled post-retcon. 8ut everything 8efore that, she is one hell of a character. i never wanna say she's my Favor8 cause i Do Not like her as a Person 8ut i dont know how else i would explain or summarize it so equius; LOL!!!!!!! i am actually more disappointed in his existing since my reread 8c holy cow his interactions with aradia n33d like, a cw theyre so 8ad, and his Insistence over nepeta is kinda hard to read, 8ut also fucking wowie kazowie you sure are a joke character arentcha??? so fucking easy to make fun of and ill do it for forever gamz33; i literally dont care what he used to 8e like i h8 him so fucking much and almost all his fans are so fucking unnerving i just dont fucking care. if i didnt h8 him 8efore s33ing terezi go "WHY WONT YOU FIGHT 8ACK?!" when she's fighting him around s game over and her repeatedly apologizing when he goes 'youre hurting me' when aranea cant mind control him anymore IMMEDI8LY FOLLOWED 8Y HIM UNRELENTINGLY 8EATING THE SHIT OUT OF HER AND ALMOST KILLING HER MORE THAN ONCE IS SO. INHALES THROUGH NOSE AUDI8LY. oh also him smooching tavros' disem8odied head was weird as fuck eridan; also a joke char in my 8rain. i do not respect this character i do not respect fans of this character i do not respect anything a8out this character i do not respect pesterquest writers going 'hmmm lets make the char noted and characterized to 8e a cr33py forceful incel And Also Had March Eridan Happen transfem 8c thats good right' i could go on a8out how much i h8 eridan stans' arguments for his Anything 8ut TL DR I DO NOT LIKE CARE A8T OR RESPECT ERIDAN AMPORA feferi; god i wish she had more to her than she does. or well, she does have a lot to her kkkkkkinda in the way that rose and kanaya and nepeta do (where they have a lot going on and adding to their character, 8ut fans just Forget it???), 8ut i think it's that everything a8t her was so short-lived it made her espescially..... non-poignant. at least to fans. she's naive as 8alls 8ut i kinda love it (her going 'aww i put in a good word with the horrorterrors now everyone gets to 8e ghosts in dream 8u88les instead of permanant total demise :D [doesnt know how much 8eing a ghost or dream 8u88les kinda fucking suck]') and she used to 8e a comfort char for me 8ut just... wistful sigh. i think a8t her sometimes. i also think it's weird when ppl get really mad that she's said the r slur and then their fave char is Karkat Fucking Vantas like.
damara; MAKES ME REALLY SAD this is another char that, like tavros, i wish was written 8y literally any8ody other than hussie. her 8eing 'horny japanese schoolgirl' makes me want to scream and even aside from that (re; her rel8ionship issues, her destroying the session, etc) makes me really fucking sad. i want to 8e her moirail sm and i h8 hussie rufioh; I......I REALLY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO F33L A8T THIS CHAR HONESTLY??? in 2018 i proudly remem8ered him as The Most Forgetta8le Char In Hs, after that up until this reread i just h8ed him, 8UT NOW I... DONT... KNOW????? his convo where he attempts to 8reak up with horuss makes me f33l weird, his 'says '8a8ydoll'' demeanor makes me f33l weird, his 8eing heavily 8ased on a real ass person (well, rufio the char, 8ut hussie put more emphasis on Rufio As Played 8y Dante 8asco imo) alongside the fact dante 8asco has actually read and s33n the 'hussies self insert kisses the Rufio As Played 8y Dante 8asco' part of hs MAKES ME F33L SUPER FUCKING WEIRD, i just dont know how to f33l a8out him at all. 8ut the fact he's always had wings is pretty cool! cause i like wings mituna; in the same catagory as tavros, not to the same Extent id say (whether or not thats due to mituna having way less scr33ntime/shown interactions than tavros idk), 8ut the 'personality is a8leism, is awkward To women which is prolly also part of 'hussie thinks disa8led ppl are gross and 8ad', fans either interpret him as 'aww poor 8a88y' or 'ew weak loser' which are 8oth also really 8ad' is still There. kankri; lol. the only thing to say a8t him other than 'lol' is that i skipped every single thing he read 8ut the only thing my eyes unfortun8ly glanced over was him saying 'also try not to flaunt the usage of your legs' toooooo, i Think m33nah in reference to tavros? which is so. every time you think hussie is unfunny and exhausting they manage to get even unfunnier and more exhausting. meulin; WWWAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAA im a kinnie i dont have anything un8iased to say 8ut i love her and wanna wipe kurloz off the plane of existence (or well, not literally, cause even if it is a terri8le place he does still serve a place in the story and add depth to it, its just 'kurloz my head f33ls foggy what happened' ':o)' 'hehe ur right its pro8a8ly nothing!!!' hurts me to read) porrim; REALLY REALLY GOOD CROWD CH33RING I LOVE HER SM i'd assume for a set of chars intended to 8e stereotypes and one of them's themes (idk how to word it :( ) is feminism and Hussie Wrote It that she'd 8e kankri-level 'mocking oppressed ppl not wanting to 8e oppressed' 8ut no from what i read (i dont think i read all her lines cause that flash is particularly confusing to finish As A Game) she's really good and i love her sm. her rel8ionship with kanaya is really sw33t too and i love her 'i h8ed everything to do with this thing meant to k33p me in line 8ut as i got older i started to realize that some things rel8ed to it werent Just For k33ping me in line and genuinely had purpose outside of it' 8UT THAT THAT DIDNT END AS 'and thats why im 8orn to make 8a8ies for the rest of my life haha love and light women are weak and stupid :)' IT ENDED UP AS '8ut even still i dont really Want To and thats not really what im drawn to, or even if i could i cant really, do this thing so im asking my little sister who actually does want to and care a8t this thing to pick up where i left off and to do what i couldnt/cant/just dont have to 8c i dont want to, 8ut that she should still question stuff a8t and rel8ing to it so that even if she really honest to god does she understands it more and theres more 8ehind her motiv8ion for it' ITS JUST SO. SORRY THIS 8IT IS SO LONG IM JUST REALLY GLAD SHE HAS THE DEPTH SHE DOES AND ALSO I THINK SHES HOT XOXO LOVE AND LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also her actually trustworthy (in contrast to kankri) commentary on 8eforan society adds story that desper8ly n33ded to 8e there and i thank her for that OK IM DONE NOW latula; also hot. weirdly enough initially i H8ED her just cause her theme jumpscared me XD???? 8ut god i love her. i also
love her mentioning that she has to take meds shes just.... siiiigh. thank you women. aranea; ok i dont like H8 h8 her 8ut also i cant think of any wording to encapsul8 just how much i h8 her??? really im a (vris)kinnie i think you can get why i dont like her (in that i think shes (weirdly enough for a 8illions of ghostsw33ps old person) immature and doesnt think shit through and is a tryhard and mnghgmnhghgf) 8UT GOD I DONT LIKE HER AND I ALSO SKIPPED LOTS OF SHIT SHES SAID WITH NO REGRET WHATSOEVER XOXO 8ut i think her talksprite is pretty!! and her final death scene is cool as shit. s33 you in hell you stupid fruit horuss; um. ಠ_ಠ and also i dont think his kin/dildo/8eing o8livious jokes are that funny kurloz; if you think you h8 kurloz makara more than me you're fucking wrong cronus; weirdly enough i kinda didnt realize just how much he sucked during my first read? i read 'no8ody realizes just how sensitive i am' and me gulli8le as 8ricks was like hm? and then he was like 'i h8 women' and i was liek LOL [close convo] 8ut now that ive reread WOW this guy really does fucking SUCK huh. like hes 8AD 8ad hes a SHITTY shitty person like for real holy fuck m33nah; YET ANOTHER CHAR I WISH WAS WRITTEN 8Y LITERALLY ANYONE OTHER THAN (or well, 8etter than) ANDREW MIDDLENAME HUSSIE! 8oth on the 8eing racist and on the 'everything else she does' front she makes me sad in a 'god i wish you were 8etter' way. actually a lot like damara now that i think a8t it its just my 'even aside from that this char makes me sad' f33lings for damara are cause im a meulkinnie and for m33nah its cause im a (vris)kinnie
I SKIPPED THE INTERMISSION AND DIDNT READ A LOT OF CARAPACIAN DIALOGUE IN GENERAL 8ut i love the qu33ns, I LOVE PM SM I THINK SHES HOT ALSO, i think sn0wman is o8noxiously hot and i love her, and; wv; a really good character imo, it's odd to me that hs took the fan interpret8ion (8UT ALSO IM NOT SURE IF THIS WAS THE INTERPRET8ION OF HIM AT THE TIME CAUSE I WAS NOT THERE IM JUST GUESSING) of him 8eing 'awww cute sw33t dear mayor' when he. ['you dont like to look at the 8arcode on ur wrist it gives you 8ad memories', he is old as fuck, and also did a LOT past just Stand There and Look Cute'], which if it's just cause he's short i find really funny, 8ut if it's cause he's nonver8al i find... less funny. i mean he Is kinda cute in general 8ut thats just cause carapacians at large are cute little dudes wv is not an exception 8ut also you think he got the uramium pulled out of his gut 8arehanded for this?????
i dont really care a8t the ancestors cause most of them are from a storytelling perspective with not much depth so im just like 'haha whoa adult troll cool' and thats it, idc a8t the human guardians 8ut i h8 8ro strider cause im normal, 8ye
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