#i just woke up lmao sorry
magefeathers · 2 months
everyone else: haha The Summoning sexy
me: The Summoning's "raise me up again" is in direct contrast to Drag Me Under's "drag me under again" and shows an immense amount of growth between the two points in the narrative, for him to go from singing "drag me [...] deep into your love" to "take me past the edge / I want to see the other side" shows that he no longer wishes to drown and wallow in the toxicity of this situation and now wants to move past it and see what lies beyond and in this essay I will-
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doctorsiren · 3 months
thoughts on klapollo?
tbh I’m not super into it. Like I get why it’s a ship, and there’s really no one else I’d ship the characters with, but I’m not actively into it, y’know?
It doesn’t give me the same level of joy and substantiality as narumitsu, like something about Phoenix and Miles feels more real and I just don’t really get that from klapollo, but that’s just me. It could be that I project onto both Phoenix and Miles, while I don’t do that really for Apollo and Klavier (save for giving Apollo my silly scrunkly fingers), but yeah idk. So I get why people ship them, and good for them, but I’m just not ever out here thinking about them. I’ll see art of them and it’ll make me think “oh neat” but it won’t make me all “omg!!! Them!! They’re sooo in love!!” the way that art of Phoenix and Miles does. Like I’m not against it, it just doesn’t capture my neurons at all to make anything substantial out of it for me
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creeps-and-pasta · 1 month
you know it is fascinating the slight overlap between the slit mouthed woman and Jeff the killer. Doesn't the slit mouthed woman ask people if she's beautiful and then kill them for lying. Didn't Jeff's first question after carving a smile on his face was asking his mom if he was beautiful, and then kill her for lying?
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softpine · 10 months
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she's looking especially sacrificial lamb today 🥩
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I would be really interested to know if N.D. Stevenson planned for Nimona to have been Gloreth's monster from the beginning (i.e. the comic) because like
Until recently my headcanon for C! Nim's powers were that she was a normal little girl who became possessed during a traumatic childhood experience, and that possessing entity gave her immortality and powers but it made her potentially dangerous to herself and others (like an allegory for some mental illness) and that at some point in the past, that same entity possessed Gloreth because to me, that's what the narrative seemed to imply
However, I recently read an interview where Stevenson states that C!Nimona was not possessed. I also saw an ask he'd answered on Tumblr where someone had asked if Nimona was a descendant of Gloreth or if Gloreth's monster had anything to do with her (this was pre-movie) and he just answered "She is not a descendant of Gloreth" Without elaborating further. This kinda (to me?) implies that maybe she was always meant to have existed for a crazy long time (1000+ years) and that like the movie, she was the monster Gloreth fought.
But this seemed to me not to be the case, because the flashback of her REAL backstory doesn't appear to take place that long ago (although because the characters wear fantasy/medieval-inspired clothes, it could have been?) it mostly just looks like it happened somewhere far out of the city/kingdom, but I don't really know
There are still differences, C! Nimona canonically has human parents and M! Nimona canonically does not, C! Nimona's powers are implied to be somewhat dark (every time she shapeshifts her entire body is destroyed and regenerated) and M! Nimona's are portrayed as overall a positive thing (I think C!'s powers represent mental illness and M!'s represent queerness, which, very different message)
I know (since he's said it multiple times) that the origin of Nimona's powers are left vague on purpose, because a part of the story's narrative (both comic and movie) is that, it doesn't really matter how it started or what caused it. She's not a monster, and the "monster" is an integral part of who she is. She's not a changeling, or possessed, or a monster, or a human, or a mythical creature of some designation, she's just Nimona.
But since in the comic we do get loredropped tidbits about how her powers work and her backstory, it really makes me lose my freaking mind when I have to try to expand upon that even slightly in fanfic, especially when Word of God seems to contradict the source material, or at least my understanding of it lmao
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All there was in this place was a burner phone. Harvey didn't know where his went but it wasn't in his pocket anymore. Either it was taken or he dropped it somewhere during his trip. Not typical Harvey Specter behaviour, but he had no idea what was going on.
He tried sending the text five times and every time, it failed, so Harvey moved all over the place until there seemed to be a tiny bit of a signal.
[Text: Scott Lang] I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared- Harvey Specter
Harvey wasn't really scared but he figured the more urgent it sounded, the more likely he was to get a response. He doubted explaining his situation, his situation he didn't even know was real, would get anywhere.
After Harvey sent it, he started pacing in his spot and hoped Scott wouldn't think this was a prank someone was playing on him.
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hana-bobo-finch · 2 months
Yknow what it’s time to be completely honest. It’s hot take time. I hate Russ so much. He’s the worst rescue corps member and when I’m not forgetting he exists he makes me so mad. He’s such an overcontrolling prick but it’s not like how dingo’s a prick (like with dingo it’s very obvious he’s meant to be annoying and condescending, it clearly stems from insecurity, he still obviously cares about other people and most of the time he’s just putting up a cool guy facade). Yonny’s eheheheh is like music to my ears even though it’s just text on a screen but Russ’s stupid little KEE HEE is like nails on a chalkboard. All he ever talks about is his inventions and how you should totally get them and blah blah blah. And he’s always like “efficiency this efficiency that I’m busy what do you want” shut up bro!!! Please!!! He’s a nepo baby and I want to smack him every time I see him. His family is what you’d expect from a bunch of rich freaks (shepherd mentioned that they randomly threw a goodbye party for Russ and made her hold their coats at the door??). The fact that people think Collin is annoying or dingo is rude or yonny is uncaring or etc etc etc when Russ is RIGHT THERE is so infuriating, he is all of those traits wrapped up into a hideous little creature. People say that the rescue corps don’t have much personality which is true to an extent, i don’t fully agree but nonetheless Russ is the most cardboard cutout of all cardboard cutouts. Where is the personality?? Yonny’s a sweetheart who’s maybe a lil bit crazy but it’s for a good cause, dingo’s just a whole mess of undiagnosed anxiety and chronic-gym-bro personality, bernard has that whole history with santi and he talks like THIS, I don’t need to defend shepherd because if you just talk with her on base or read her logs you know she has personality, Collin is such a caring lil guy who’s constantly tired and did a bunch of weird jobs to pay for college, then there’s Russ the nepo baby who I want to slap. I guess he does have a bit of a personality but every aspect of it is annoying. Idc how many people disagree I am speaking my truth. I would hug every rescue corps member except for Russ. I would slap his stupid bald head
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dea-thynote · 5 months
Death note au (dimension travel) where ryuk never got interested in the human world therefore there is no kira. And lawlight had this coworkers to frenemies (and possibly lovers) tension that their coworkers just loaths. After they worked on a case (that seemed to work on the supernatural and drove both of them insane trying to get evidence on) and finally caught the criminal which light apprehended. The criminal curses light to become the worst criminal there is and of course, Light ignores it and goes home to sleep. Only, maybe he shouldn't have because now he keeps waking up in various places (or universe?) Where he has to keep saving L from dying because of him. But in doing so, he also dies either from a heart attack or gets executed to death by L. His only way out would be to either find the criminal from the universe that cursed him, or become 'kira' a mass murderer that is apparently him.
They finally caught him. A criminal that has been going around for months that either commits the most complicated murder or petty crimes, without leaving a trace! Which shouldn't be possible, for months both L and light tried to catch that guy but he somehow gets away! That at one point, while L and light were arguing how, L just throws the theory of supernatural and denies it by saying 'we can figure it out once we catch him'. And they do catch him. Light apprehended the guy before he does what ever he was going to do. The guys glare was venomous. And while being dragged to the police car with his hands behind him, he glares at light and curses him to become the worst criminal the world has ever seen.
Light ignores this and just sighs tiredly. He comes back to the head quarters and makes his way to L, who has been waiting for him with a blank face. 'He's mad' light thought and slows his steps. L congratulates him for catching the guy but also mentions how reckless it was for light-kun to work alone and go against the plan. Light immediately defends himself saying he was getting away and he had to do it. L stares at him and says that he doesn't need to put himself in danger like that, especially when the criminal is unpredictable. Light scoffs.
"Careful L, you sound like you care about me."
"I do."
That made light speechless.
"Afterall, Light-kun is my first friend."
"... oh"
Light excuses himself, mentions how he was tired and rushes out. L stares back to his monitor and plays back recordings of the criminal.
Light makes it to his home and settles down. He forgot about the mentioned curse and just thinks about his conversation with L. To him, L was both admirable and an asshole. Light finds himself fascinated whenever L speaks about his theories and findings, only for the moment to shatter everytime L tries to single him out.
'Afterall, Light-kun is my first friend."
Light shakes his head and dismisses thought. 'Yeah right'. He lays down and closes his eyes. Yeah, he just needs to rest, no need to think about L, considering that man is a manipulative liar.
But then he wakes up. Disoriented and catches himself before he falls down (falls down? Why is he standing?) He hears the sound of rushing rain and immediately becomes confused. 'Where is he?' He looks around, it seems to be a rooftop and in front of him was, L. Huh? What was he doing there? L is looking up. There's a sense of melancholy around the place that causes lights heart to stutter. And looking at L's expression his heart might've as well paused. The benefit of working with L for years had been that light was confident that he could easily read L's expression and posture and know what he's thinking. He's never seen L like this. Like he has already lost. Like he had given up, and waiting to his death. Light feels a sinking worry grow to his heart and calls out to him, asking him what he was doing there? When it became evident that L couldn't hear him, he walks to him, using his hand as a cover though it doesn't seem to stop the rain from going to his face.
Light asks him again and L mentions hearing a bell. The bell has been ringing non stop lately, can he hear it? Light shakes his head, and says he doesn't. Really? He wonders whether it was a church, maybe a wedding or perhaps... L pauses. Light is getting frustrated (he ignores the feeling of anxiousness or worry) and asks L what he's getting at, he should cut it out and they should go inside (because this isn't- this isn't a look that should be on L. This is not like him). L looks down and apologizes, and light's anxiousness grows even more evident in his face. "Nothing I say makes any sense anyway"
Light doesn't like it. He doesn't like the downcast expression plastered on L's face. His heart is slowly sinking down, and he fixes his expression into an amused one. If there's one thing light yagami knows, it's to frustrate L just as much as he frustrates him. So he agrees, and remarks how if he takes anything L says seriously there would not end his trouble. The words that would've been genuine at any other time feels like Ash to his tongue. He silently pleads, any expression on L's face would've been better than the one he is wearing right now. L stares at him,
"Tell me light, from the moment you were born. Has there ever been a point where you've actually told the truth?"
Light's heart skips a beat. L's face looks determined and accusing that it frustrates and confuses light even more. He couldn't take this anymore and is just confused why L is acting like this (like he's a criminal that should be arrested). And he couldn't take it anymore. He sighs angrily, and ruffles his head. A frustrated expression morphs to his face and he glares at L.
"What are you talking about L? Are you still mad about the case? I did what I had to do! I just-" light looks down, not catching the confused stare L gives him and stubbornly mutters
"I'm... sorry okay? I'll listen to you this time alright? Just-" don't make that face. Don't make that expression.
He doesnt continue and let's the silence fill the conversation. Before he hears a sneeze, which he drags L back to the building.
They both dry themselves off with a towel. Now that light is sitting down on the stairs, he thinks more about his situation right now. And realizes some things. He doesn't recognize this place and that what he's wearing right now is different from when he slept at his place. Those thoughts were interrupted by L apologising again, and crouching to his feet, towel in hand. L offers to dry his feet off, which light begrudgingly agrees to. Again, L looks like he's showing weakness which light resents.
"It'll be lonely, wouldn't it?"
Light resents him even more. And before L could say anything else, Light grips on his collar, until they are close to each other and seethes. He yells at L, what's wrong with him. Why is he acting like this? He couldn't control his expression before it morphs into worry and anxiousness. "You know you can talk to me about it right?" L stares at him. His face hardens, and light could see that he doesn't believe him even for a second.
'Just... why? What happened?'
His expression pleads for L to answer. To say anything. But L just stares at him, before his expression goes back to it again.
Light silently follows him. He would never admit it, but he's worried okay? This guy literally just told him he was his 'first' friend yesterday, and now he's acting weird. (And also it becomes apparent to him that this might not be a dream, to his frustration, and since he doesn't know where to go he mostly follows to not get lost).
They're at the monitor room and the task force greets them, some looking at a space warily. Light couldn't help but feel at awe with how different this place was and although he recognizes some people in there He's confused why there's only a few officers here. And soon, L announces his plan on testing the death note (death note?). The officers and his father were protesting which L dismisses. And then an alarm rings, L looks up at one of the monitors worryingly, as the data deletion happens. The officers panics and looks for the 'shinigami' which confuses light to also look around and looks back at L.
His eyes widen as L froze in shock, dropping the spoon from his hand before swaying and collapses. Light, catching his frozen expression, rushes and jumps to catch him before his body hit the floor. Light felt his heart stop as he looks at L, He's not dying-- is he? Light's face finally cracks as his face morphs to what he's feeling. From anxious, to horror, to worry. He tries to shake L, to stay with them, and shuffles for his phone. He can't find it, where is it!? He looks to the task force and shouts for them to call for help- an ambulance- fucking ANYTHING!
He doesnt get to see L's expression, his confusion and his sorrow. Even at the very end he didn't get the confirmation that light is kira. How cruel.
Light decided that he wants to get revenge. When they ask him to become the next L, he says yes. After all, he can't let who killed L know he's dead and also to proceed testing the death note. Light shut down every or any protest against the idea. This might not be his universe, but he would make sure that this criminal faces his deserved justice. After countless of sleepless nights (with all the data deleted he has to start from scratch. But it doesn't matter, he's confident in his skills) he gathers any and every information about kira from news articles, to his methods, to the theories. (He ignores the sinking feeling that the ideals of kira seems to align with his morals). And before he knows it, 13 days had passed after the prisoners used the death note.
They did not die.
And after the rule were discovered to be fake. Light and misa were arrested and before he knows it, he's already about to be executed. With his and misa's name and face plastered on every news media, even if they escaped or proven to be innocent. They would be damned by the public. He thinks about L in his last moments, and tries to process what is happening.
'It'll be lonely, wouldn't it?'
He sees a familiar figure at his execution. That man is--
He wakes up again. A phantom feeling of the pain he felt from the execution. And face to face with L pointing a gun to his direction.
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
girl help im thinking about Riku Kingdom Hearts
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snailchasers-den · 4 months
It's not a ship I've thought about much but SpottedTiger is really compelling. I like the idea of them both initially bonding through Thistleclaw's abuse before that turns into a genuine friendship. Maybe Tigerstar's actions could even be in part motivated by a desire to reform the clans so no one else would go through what Spottedleaf did. They also contrast each other in an interesting way, since in the series itself he's the main villain + eventual dark forest leader and she's THE starclan guide. Idk it's interesting to think about.
I think SpottedTiger has to be one of my favorite pairings just because of how interesting it is- And it's definitely overall my favorite pairing for Spottedleaf. It's extremely unconventional for sure, you don't see it around much, but if you look below the surface, they have a lot more in common then people realize, and really, that just makes their differences more fascinating.
I love the idea of them bonding and growing to be genuine friends as apprentices, even if it's through an unfortunate situation, sometimes that just makes things stronger because they understand eachother's pain the best of all, I actually talked about a headcanon a while back where Tigerpaw actually got stuck in the Medicine den fairly often from overexerting himself due to Thistleclaw, and that being a bonding factor. It's why he knows baseline healing knowledge in my AU (Which I also find makes him a bit scarier as a villain, at least to me LMAO)
There's something so interesting about Spottedleaf, postergirl of Starclan who had been used as a messenger since she died, and Tigerstar, the one who Starclan wanted dead at birth, and eventually became one of the biggest dark forest cats around.
It's about the shared trauma, it's about the religious themes, and it's about them knowing eachother better than anybody else can despite those themes. Starclan wanted Spottedleaf in the stars and Tigerstar dead before he even had the chance to be something different then they predicted. And even with that, they still love eachother, and that has to count for something. They have a lot of potential. Lots of possibilities for angst, and fluff, and just (*Slaps top of ship*) this bad boy can fit so much interesting shit in it.
I'd totally try organizing a little MAP around them if I could, but I doubt anybody would be interested, so who knows, I might make a standalone PMV or something one day LMAO
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spirk-trek · 3 months
so it happened again... another fic idea possessed me and i can't write it yet because i STILL don't have a laptop, but does anyone want to freak out about it with me anyway??? here's what the bio might be if i ever actually get to write it:
A young survivor of the Tarsus IV Massacre finds the katra of a Vulcan boy who failed his kahs-wahn. Together, will they survive being put back together?
i have everything in a convenient google doc so you can make comments if you wanted to! i would even love to collab with someone on it if it spoke to the right person :') idk :')
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sneckoil · 9 months
i need you to know that your jonah magnus art has changed me on a fundamental level. i come back to your blog every now and then and search "jonah" and i simply Look at the most evil trans man to exist
😅 aahhhah
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bashbabe · 3 months
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caption this (ignore the fact that there's a caption)
gay-on-gay crime.
(it’s not a hate crime if you’re both gay!)
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kuijoon · 8 months
Thoughts on the new hsr video?
I think it maybe is some sort of dream the trailblazer has once they arrive in penacony
Like, we have the garbage king Tatalov who has been mentioned in Belobog before (plus ofc the trailblazer would dream about trash)
then we also have this line about when the thing beyond the sky descended and the eternal freeze came, likely referring to Belobogs history (with the trailblazer kind of forgetting about the stellaron and instead referring to it as “the thing”)
Oh and ofc the battle in the end is taking place in Belobog
Oh and the Tatalov from the trailer is probably referring to Sampo. Like, when the narrator says “he is our king”, it shows Sampo. Then, when the narrator says “his eyes have been blinded”, we get a visual with Sampo having red-/pinkish glowing eyes, together with some petals (may even be sparkle in disguise). And then at the end when they’re planning to overthrow the “undeserving king”, we see an army of trash cans charging into battle (and getting blown up by Sampo).
Anyway I need to inject this image into my brain.
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whispence · 1 month
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cursedfortune · 18 days
Hey folks, please don't engage with my posts. As in, please don't reblog posts, even silly stuff, related to my oc. I'm happy when shit resonates with others/peoples characters, but this is a roleplay blog. I don't really like my activity feed having notifications from strangers liking or reblogging my stuff, and it's uncomfortable when I like to keep to my quiet corner. It's also isn't fun having to address it privately and on dash.
Thank you & I appreciate you all.
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