#i just won't have any fics like that bc it squicks me out a lot
fridayyy-13th · 2 years
so um. I want to kiss you.
but I’m already committed to my spouse. and instead I will say thank you thank you thank you for those fic recs!- I read literally every single one and also some by the same authors- if you have any other recs even have as good (wether they adhere to what I originally asked for or not) I would love them!! But mainly just thanks!
lol, you're very welcome!!! and i have plenty more recs where that came from--funnily enough, when my friend started listening to TMA i started compiling a list of fic recs for her! it's...a very long list. i wasn't kidding when i said i read entirely too much Magnus fanfiction (jmart or not)
but anyway! without further ado, here's a bunch more recs:
The Sea Calls Me Home by EN123, T summary: When Martin Blackwood takes a job working at Peter Lukas's estate, in the highlands of Scotland, he meets an odd man down by the shore, who looks at him like no one ever has. This man proves to be another secret Martin Blackwood must keep, for more reasons than one.
To be so sure of a love the world denies is a heavy burden to bear. But bearing it was, and will always be, a choice. And it's one Martin has chosen.
A Home For What Loves You by TheWrongShop, T summary: It was completely fine that Jon was following up on this very normal, non-supernatural statement at midnight on a Friday. He was going to find nothing at all, and then he was going to go home and sleep for fourteen straight hours and feel absolutely no qualms about moving case #0150409 directly into the filing cabinet marked "discredited".
Or: Jon and Martin investigate Carlos Vittery's basement and find the entity formerly known as Jane Prentiss together.
a consideration of tropes by gruhukens, T summary: "Do you know much about cataloguing?" Jon asks, a little out of breath from the stairs.
Martin, mid-trolley, rolls his eyes. The gesture he makes at the shelves around him is only emphasised by the book he's holding.
"What exactly do you think I do here, other than sit around and wait for angry patrons to yell at me?"
"Think of what you're going to yell back?" Jon says, and Martin's mouth twitches into a smile.
Asking the very important question: what if Jon and Martin had a gentle archives/library romance, and kept running into tropes? What if there was mutual pining involved? Only one bed? Fake dating? Hurt/comfort? Or perhaps, a soft and happy ending?
wake me up (wake me up inside) by IceEckos12, G summary: "No, I won't bother you for long," Elias said politely. "Just checking up on my favorite writer's club."
"Your only writer's club," Daisy muttered under her breath. Jon bit down on a laugh.
"Anyway," Elias continued smoothly, resting his hands on the back of Basira's chair while Daisy gave him the most acidic side eye ever known to mankind. "How's the most recent chapter?"
"Very good!" Tim said enthusiastically. "I'm about to get eaten."
"Death is imminent for us all," Sasha added with gravitas.
Jon's Moving Castle by IceEckos12, T summary: Martin Blackwood may not have a perfect life, but he does have a good one. That is, until a series of magical encounters leave him with an unfortunate curse. Out of other options, he goes to the wizard who lives in the moving castle for aid.
Life never goes how he intends it to, though.
This Lonely Knight by arthureameslove, M summary: Martin couldn't remember exactly when or why he'd joined the Knights of the Lonely. He supposed that was by design.
Knights of the Lonely weren't meant to last long. They were built to take blows, and if necessary, they were built to die. He supposed that suited him fine.
But upon an assignment to escort the Watcher's betrothed to the Kingdom of Beholding, Martin began to realize that, perhaps, there was something he was missing. Perhaps it was in the shape of a person with bright, intelligent eyes and acerbic wit, with prickly edges and a gentle smile when he thought no one was looking.
There was only one problem. He wasn't meant to let the Watcher's betrothed reach the kingdom alive.
The Unknown Watcher by arthureameslove, T summary: The world has changed, and Martin knows the new rules as well as anyone. The monsters come when the sun sets, so you best be home before then. Blast your lights, barricade your doors. Don't come out until morning. When Martin inadvertently stays out past sunset, he flees his monstrous pursuers and stumbles upon the Magnus Estate, eerie and seemingly abandoned, in the middle of the woods.
Inside is a man with a monstrous face and glowing eyes, who insists Martin is the key to turning the world back.
Or, a Beauty and the Beast au--tma style ;)
The Sharkivist is In by ArtificialDaydreams, G summary: "The shark was sitting in his desk chair when Jon opened his office door. Actually sitting in it, with a "hello my name is" sticker stuck to it with "Jonathan Swims, Head Sharkivist" written on it in black marker."
What if Jon has one of those plush blåhaj sharks from ikea?
i finally did a coffee shop au by probsnothawkeye, T (series, 9 works) summary of part 1: At least once a week the man came in and ordered tea, taking it to the table by the window and sitting there for an hour. He would flip between checking his phone and looking out the window, clearly waiting for someone to show up. Every time, without fail, the man would leave after an hour, a sad, dejected look on his face, only to turn up again in the next couple days and repeat the cycle all over again.
Jon continuously gets stood up at the cafe Martin works at. What happens when Martin finally talks to the sad man who keeps getting stood up?
Déjà Vu by CirrusGrey, T summary: Sasha remembers being unmade. Tim remebers being unknown. Jon and Martin remember being unwound. All of them think they're the only one. -------- The S1 crew wakes up in the past with memories up till the moment they died.
Archive Poltergiests by vanroesburg, T summary: "...did you need something, Martin?" Jon asked.
"Oh, uh, no, sorry, I was just wondering if- if you needed anything else? Biscuits, or help transporting anything?" Martin gave another flash of a nervous smile. This was normal behaviour, Martin was behaving normally.
Jon shook his head, but he did pick up the mug of tea, which Martin counted as a win. "No, Martin, all I need is your research on cases #0121102 and #0112905. Thank you very much," Jon said primly, taking a sip of the tea.
His face promptly scrunched up. His eyebrows knit together, he drew up his nose in disgust, and the twist of his mouth couldn't be interpreted as anything except utter distaste. God, Jon's face. This was better than he imagined.
Okay, act normal.
"Oh my god, Jon, is something wrong?! What just happened?" Martin asked, maybe laying the concern on a little thick.
Jon spluttered, confused for a moment before glaring at Martin, "What happened is your bloody tea's--"
Time to sell it.
"The tea?" Martin said, cutting Jon off quickly. He swiped the mug from Jon's desk, took a swig and swallowed it. God that was awful. He'd need to wash his mouth out after this. "What's wrong with it? It tastes fine."
do the stars gaze back? by bluejayblueskies, G summary: As they walk to the market, Martin considers just how unfamiliar all of this is to him. It's a rare occurrence to even hear about a celestial spirit visiting the earthly plane. He knows that the number of times he's seen Jon, much less spoken to them, is far beyond anything in anything in recorded history.
Because Jon is--for all intents and purposes--a star. And Martin has quite an impressive crush on them. It should maybe be terrifying, or at the very least remind him of just how very far out of his league Jon is. Instead, it's ... really quite wonderful. Jon is wonderful.
And now, Martin is going to go grocery shopping with them.
Or, Martin lives in a little seaside town and meets Jon, a celestial spirit with a fondness for books and human customs. He falls in love with them, even knowing that it's ill-advised and there's no way that Jon could love him in return.
... Is there?
snowed in by Athina_Blaine, T summary: "Do you think it's selfish? Trying to be happy?"
The snow is falling. Martin and Jon find themselves forced to stay for the night.
The Power of Self Respect by IceEckos12 & PitViperOfDoom, T summary: Jon's life has never been easy, but he's now in a place where he has friends, his job isn't wretched, and best of all, he's dating Martin Blackwood. Things are finally starting to turn around for him, so of course that's when he learns that he must defeat Martin's seven exes in order to stay with him.
There's something fishy about this whole thing, Jon is sure of it. But the only way to find out what is to throw down the gauntlet and fight for his love.
found this cute guy on the merry-go-round? by abeebumbling, T summary: Martin Blackwood hadn't meant to stick to the merry-go-round job for so long. It was boring, very boring, the music whiny once you've listened to it a hundred times, so anything even mildly interesting stood out like a sore thumb. Jonathan Sims being on the verge of a mental breakdown turned out to be one of those things.
alright! fifteen fics, mostly jmart but also some gen and some background ships. i love all of these fics a lot and i hope you do too!
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amtrak12 · 3 months
I'm going to do this ask meme that no one asked me for because I printed and filed about 100 CAD drawings today in the physical office building!!! so you can't stop me :P (Also we used to do this all the time back on LiveJournal without anyone asking first. It's called INFLICTING MY FAVORITES ONTO MY FRIENDS LIST 😆 and I'm bringing it back!)
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Lucifer Ask Meme
Favorite Male Character:
🚨Error 404🚨 favorite not found -- but I suppose Lucifer by default??? Although, I have a big ol' soft spot for Amenadiel too. I named my second Chromecast after him 🥰 lol
Favorite Female Character:
EVE who should've been in far more episodes than she was. 😡 Who do I sue for that?
Least Favorite Character:
We're going main cast only here, because villains were never in the running. I'm gonna say.... Dan -- BUT I DON'T HATE HIM like I did during my initial watch! It's important to me that you know that! In fact, by this point, I genuinely love him.... I just love him the least out of everyone lol
(Although, if you go by who I want to explore in fic the least, I'd probably say Ella. Because I will happily write Dan/Dan related fic any day of the week. He has too much juicy stuff to explore in each of his relationships with Chloe, Trixie, and Charlotte.) (... yes, I know I haven't written any fic for him yet. But I would!!!)
Prettiest Character:
EVE! My answer is always Eve
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My bb 🥰🥰🥰 ignore my unskilled photoshopping pls
Funniest Character:
Trixie 😂 Or do I have to pick an adult character? Because then I'll say Charlotte Richards because Tricia Helfer being a snarky asshole is always hilarious. Also she's prettier than Lucifer and I won't apologize for saying it 😜
Favorite Season:
SEASON TWO! The one where Chloe and Lucifer fell in love 😍😍😍 Unless you put season 4 in front of my face, in which case my favorite is season 4 because EVE (and also the God tier -- pun intended -- soap drama in the S4 plots. It's good shit XD)
(No I'm 100% serious, Chloe nearly poisoned Lucifer with the aim to perma-ban him to Hell!!! I don't understand why everyone is so mad about it still???? That's a true romance story to me. 😍 The epitome of the Third Act's Darkest Hour if I ever saw one LOLOLOL)
Favorite Episode:
2.13 A Good Day to Die -- that Unsteady scored montage tho!!!!! *swoons* (Yes, I put a YouTube link to watch it. No, I don't care if you've never seen the show before. It's good shit!!!!!) (probably not as good out of context, but again DON'T CARE! 🥰)
Favorite Romantic Ship:
Deckerstar (Lucifer/Chloe). Obviously, yes, Maze/Eve are prettier
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Like even their (entirely unedited bc I'm lazy) silhouettes are prettier. I UNDERSTAND THE FACTS, YOU GUYS! However, Lucifer/Chloe are messier, and as a fic writer, I'm going to give the edge to messy. 👍
Favorite Family Ship:
Trixie with her parents (Chloe and Dan) T_T LOOK! The parent/child relationships are a big reason this show managed to sink its hooks into me. (Well... that and the S3 finale wing scene 👀 oops)
(Bonus category, my LEAST favorite family ship: God with each and every one of his children ROTFL 😆 Terrible father. Maybe an okay god idk! But a garbage father. 👎)
Favorite Friendship:
Maze & Linda! (But Maze & Chloe desperately needed to be explored more in later seasons. It's so RUDE how the writers basically dropped them after Maze moved out. Also there's a TOOOOOON of untapped potential in a Chloe-Eve friendship, I'm just saying 👀👀👀)
Worst Ship:
CHLOE/CAIN! 🤮🤮🤮 Obviously they post-date the term by a lot, but this is exactly the kind of ship the word 'squick' was coined for *shudders*
And because I can't leave this on such an icky note....
Funniest Unspoken Joke in the Entire Show:
Charlotte wearing a shirt with Chloe's face on it while Dan gives her the big 'all in' relationship speech. NO ONE POINTS IT OUT IN ANY WAY! But I am fucking dying. 🤣🤣🤣 It's impossible to convey why this is so funny to those of you who haven't seen the show, but here's a Powerpoint slide to try. (click to enlarge, alt text available)
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@ Whoever wrote/staged this scene: I'm kissing you on the mouth. 12/10 no notes. 🤣👍👍
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
hiya megs! heck yeah for the productivity! 🥺 🛒 ✨ ❌ 🦅🤯 (i'm always terrified with emoji asks that the emoji won't send properly but hopefully this works!) -hazel
hiya hazel!! i totally understand your fear, especially as someone who doesn't see all the emojis iphone-users have lol. but they all came through! huzzah!
🥺 - is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? moments where one character is extremely vulnerable in front of another and it goes better than expected never fails to punch me in the gut it can be physical or mental vulnerability it's just. hngh.
🛒 - what are some common things you incorporate in your fics? themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. definitely driving lol, but besides that i think a lot of my fics have a certain amount of physicality when it comes to descriptions of emotions!
✨ - give you and your writing a compliment. go on now. you know you deserve it. fineeeee i will >:( i think i'm rather good at taking premises from all over the fic spectrum and running with them without making the fic only about the premise. like it could have been easy to just take, like, "boarding school superhero sidekick who's pining after his roommate" and keep it very flat and just about the concept but i think that generally my fics tend to be about more than whatever wacky thing i started with.
❌ - what’s a trope you will never write? student/teacher really squicks me out so i'm def not writing that lol also probably omegaverse bc a) i haven't read any so i don't understand the intrecacies of the au and b) most of the ones i've heard of are *very* nsfw or nsfw-adjacent so it wouldn't really be possible for me to start exploring what it's about beyond the smut lol
🦅 - do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants? depends on the fic! it tends to be good for me to have some sort of ending in mind otherwise the fic will just wander for all eternity, but many of my short fics don't have much more than a vague premise. my longer fics are a very different story, especially my series: i have a very detailed outline of the road not taken series and i have a less detailed but still defined outline of where i know this whole damn city is going to go in the long run
🤯 - what’s a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)? getting together fics are very hard for me both because they tend to be longer and because they're so far away from my experiences. it sucks bc i have a lot of good ideas with that but realistically only a handful will make it to the finish line. straight fluff is also hard bc it doesn't generally fit into the boxes i was taught equal "quality writing" (which is bs but i was definitely taught about how to write a specific style that has little room for fluff) and i have a hard time writing things that don't have really clear, distinct conflicts. also i think i'm a harsher critic of fluff in general lol so it's very hard for me to reach a standard where i will think that the fluff i wrote is actually decent.
fanfic writer emoji ask game!
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diminuel · 3 years
What do u do when u see a REALLY great ffc, w/ a cool plot & well-written characters but the tag line is switching or bttm Dean?
Ive just missed out on a LOT of ffcs in my life that promised to be good, just bc the characters arent in the position in bed that I would have liked. Its really sad for me.
Maybe u have some sort of thing for these situations?
You'll have to figure out for yourself if you will want to give the story a read anyway. And this counts for any kind of thing you might not enjoy reading in a fanfic. (I for example nope out of fics at times when the characters are smoking or doing drugs if I wasn't able to mentally prepare for it.)
I usually ask myself "can the things I find uncomfortable be skipped?" For the sex that would mean for me a) are they having meaningful plot driving or character developing conversation during sex, b) are they talking a lot about the sex they had or want to have outside of sex scenes, c) will I be "rewarded" by a sex scene I will enjoy reading about if I make it through this one I might not enjoy reading about and d) is the sex preference linked to a particular characteristic (i.e. does Cas being a top mean he's pushy/ aggressive/ dominant (Disclaimer: I'm not saying preferring to top comes with character traits IRL. I'm talking about fic where it sometimes does. Don't come for me for an observation about literary conventions.))
If the sex scenes are "contained" you can skip them and still enjoy the fic.
Sometimes the author will explain what happens if you do skip sex scenes (plenty of readers do, even though they have no porn preferences) so you won't miss much if you just want to enjoy the story. Alternatively, you could also get you a reader friend who will make you a fic walk through. If they are aware of the things that might squick you they can tell you if you would enjoy the fic despite the squicks.
I will sometimes give a story a read despite featuring tags I am wary about because I know the author and trust that I will enjoy the story anyway, even if I might have to quickly scroll past some scenes.
And one more thing: don't worry too much about "missing out" if you have to skip a fic that features a trigger or squick. You don't have to read everything to have fun in this fandom. There are plenty of fics out there for you to enjoy! ♥
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