#i just. oh the Feelings. Emoutions........
saturnsocoolioyep · 2 years
Somewhere Only We Know came on shuffle, local funny little guy emotionally unprepared, 13 dead 400 injured
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yumedoca · 7 months
The last episode gave me serious whiplash as an inaba fan, because im over here thinking " aww poor lum she's really going through it" to overwhelming joy at seeing my boy.
Like i was not ready to jump from one end of the emoutional spectrum to the other that fast.
Hai there, Hope you're doing great!!
Exactly lol, like we were just feeling bad for Lum and the remake is just like 'oh and also..' and then casually teases Inaba. That was a pretty cool thing to do and I am so glad they did that. I can't wait to see Inaba next episode!! Can the new episode come any faster??
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angstalottle · 5 years
Why So Quiet?
“Don’t be selfish”
“Just think about what she has to go through”
“She’s giving her everything so why arnt you?”
“Don’t even pretend to struggle like she does.”
Link knew that when he was selected to be Zelda’s guard that things would change and that her needs would have to come first.
He just didn’t realise that it meant they always came first even when she wasn’t there.
What many people seemed to forget was all those sleepless nights Zelda spent studying, all those trips up the mountains to the springs, all those labours she went through Link was there too.
He was there to put his body between her and the danger to keep her safe even while she made it hard.
The amount of times she had hidden from him forcing him to search for hours in the cold rain only to find her back in the castle library next to the fire with satisfied smirk on her face at having made him give up.
Ever since she realised she could force him to leave her alone by going to Gerudo town she spent as much time as she could there and Link was left standing out in the sun waiting for her.
He once tried to talk to the guards hoping maybe they of all people may understand the crushing weight he was under.
“The princess has to deal with a destiny too! So like a Voe to complain while he slacks off.”
It made him burn with shame and anger.
Why did everyone forget he was destined to fight too?! That it was his job to put everyone above himself, to help Zelda with her destiny while he figured it out all alone.
There’s only so many times a person can be told to stop complaining and to shut up before they do.
Link stopped talking all together, he stopped expressing his emoutions and let his misery hide within him knowing no one would care if they knew.
The pair were trenching through the snow in search of a rare plant Zelda beloved had healing properties.
Every few feet she screamed at him to leave her alone. Link just let it happen.
What was one more insult on top of the mountain she had already thrown?
The wind was picking up making Zelda stumble for a moment which in turn made Link reach forwards to steady her.
“Don’t touch me!” She snapped slapping his hands away from her “why do you have to be so creepy following be around like a lifeless statue. Can you even speak?” She glared as Link pulled his hands away to his chest and his hands curled into fists.
“Y-yes... I- I can- can s-speak.” Link swallowed as he stuttered out his words.
He had been trained for so long to be silent that talking now was nearly impossible for him.
“Why do you sound like that?” Zelda asked crossing her arms in distain but her glare lessened as she looked him up and down like she was searching for some kind of reason.”
“I d-don’t kn-ow. I u-used to be f-fine... it’s e-easier t-to d-do my j-job w-when I’m quiet”
Her eyes narrowed “yeah why’s that.”
“Y-your l-less likely t-to t-ell me to s-shut up”
Link watched as Zeldas brow creased in confusion.
She didn’t tell him to shut up did she?
Then again she can’t remeber the last time Link had spoken to her this much. He always just seemed like a shadow... and not a real person so it was fine to take her frustrations out on him.
“There’s got to be more to it then that. Everyone says you don’t talk”
“E-everyone t-tells me to s-shut up.” Link admitted shifting akwardly.
He felt panicky speaking so much. Like if he kept going his voice would shatter and fly away in the wind never to be used again.
“Everyone tells you to shut up? Why would they do that?”
Link opened his mouth to speak but instead a quiet squeak came out. Looks like that’s all he would be able to manage for now.
With a quick movement he asked ‘do you know sign?’
When Zelda nodded yes he continued.
‘Everyone sees what you have to do for your destiny and they just see me as somone following you around waiting for my time to come like it’s easy. Do you know what I do every day?”
This time Zelda shook her head no.
‘I keep you safe and follow you around Hyrule while you run away from me. I don’t get a break until you are asleep and that break is practising my sword skills. My life was given to you because of destiny and I will do what I must but no one cares how hard I work. Or that any trial you do I am right there too. All they see is a glorified body guard complaining about a job thousands would kill for. No one cares about the weight I carry because all they see is you the chosen princess and some kid that found a sword.’
By time he had finished Links hands were shaking and he stopped looking at Zelda ready for whatever she had to say about that.
Hopefully she wouldn’t yell at him too long it was already cold enough with the sun up.
“Oh Link I... I had no idea you felt like that. I just saw you as an annoyance that followed me around that you clearly were handeling all this so much better then me so it was ok to treat you the way I did... I have people I can talk to, Urbosa my maids and even my father but... Link why not say this to your family surely they would listen to you?” Zelda looked worried as she spoke.
As if she suddenly understood how her actions had hurt a boy that did everything for her.
‘I don’t have a family anymore. My father was a knight and he died but that’s all I know’
This news seemed to make Zelda feel even worse.
Link really had no one in this world, he was alone and whenever he tried to open up to others they made it about her... then again she did the same thing.
She swallowed her pride and fell into step next to him.
“Well I hope some day you can find somone to share with. Until then we should get going.”
It wasn’t much.
It would still be many months before they grew close enough for Link to share how he felt again and this time with his words.
But for now it was a start and things had begun to change.
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commanderzoer · 6 years
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There is something tragic in Shigeo. I don’t know.
All his emoutions and feelings are locked deep inside him. And there is no one who asked him about it. Just “Oh. He lost control. So now we will win. Yeah. Do it, Mob!”
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