#i just. this is not my preference for ending a show like aib. its. i don't completely hate it but. well. there were better choices
harrykim · 2 years
uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh. idk how to feel abt that
0 notes
imthatchishiyasimp · 4 years
I'm freaking out this is my first post, like the first one shot I post and write about AIB and Chishiya.
I really hope you all like it, please please please tell me what you think about it and whatever you want to tell me.
It's long (4444 words), I know, but I hate small things because I get upset. It's very close to the story and it doesn't have lot's of changes, I wanted to try first to write about something I know. In the future I will write more original and new stuff. Also, I wanted to get used to the universe and to the characters first.
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The sign flashes all around the city. I slowly walk towards the Toei Sendagaya block apartment, focused on the cube in my hands. Due to having no electricity, I’ve gotten used to pick random things from stores to entertain myself.
It’s still shocking to feel the city so silent and calm, and at the same time it feels terrifying. One would think that being that people die every day, the streets would be forgiving. You can’t even lower your guard now. Even since the first day, I’ve liked walking around the streets, checking out shops and random apartments. I kinda feel powerful, but it’s something that deep inside I know it’s just fake and limited. And I’m not giving up, but at least I’m going to enjoy now that I can, until ‘they’ decide that I’m not needed around anymore.
The tall complex shines between the bushes and buildings, its lights on every floor lighted on. I place myself a few meters hidden behind the stairs leading to the central lobby. From there, I sit and watch people climb the stairs. A couple of them look pretty scared and lost, showing signs of this being their first game. The rest all look shaken up but used to this. When it looks like no one else will come, I get up and get to the crowd around the phones.
There’s thirteen people waiting and all of them look at me while I pick the phone from the table. When the facial recognition is finished I can see that there’s only a few seconds left for the game to start. Almost didn’t make it. Would have been stupid to die because I was daydreaming.
‘Move aside’ I say to Chishiya, elbowing him after not having a response. He looks at me annoyed and slips off his earphones. He finally moves to let me place my back at the wall and get my hair in a bun.
It’s so easy to point out who the newcomers are and the ones that are sick of playing. You can also name who’s going to be willing to put themselves first and who’s going to scary run the whole game.
I start rolling the sleeves of my sweatshirt up when a boy with a cap starts talking to some guys. They look lost, but not new to this. Might be the first week here. I eye them from my spot, not saying a thing but listening to the whole exchange.
“Excuse me, do you know what this is?” He asks a black haired boy. Honestly, he looks a mess, like he has just gotten up from bed and hasn't changed in a few days. “I ended up here and I have no idea what’s going on”.
“It’s a game” He answers. At the same time, the blonde man next to him, probably his friend, tells him to stop it. I chuckle and cover it up with a cough, earning myself a glare from both Chishiya and Aguni. I might be prone to get in trouble with people and they won’t be happy if I screw a game up. Better be quiet.
The blonde guy whispers to his friend and I try to pick something up from the conversation. Not get close to the new ones and something else.
The card flashes on our phones, telling us the kind of game and the level of difficulty. I was so curious about the card when I got to my first game, I didn’t know what it meant and what I was supposed to do with it. I’m a bit ashamed to admit that I admire the cleverness behind the rules and the method of the games. It’s the work of both a psycho and a genius.
A sporty girl starts to stretch just after the card shows, so she must know what it means. She’s calm and collected and I bet she’s willing to put all of us on the killing zone before she goes down. We could be friends, I think.
I hear a sigh next to me and I catch a glimpse of Chishiya rolling his eyes. He doesn’t exactly hate physical games, but they sometimes mean having to run or climb and he’s not a fan of working out. And, even though he won’t admit it, he doesn’t like having his white hoodie dirty. Not going to judge, I don’t love spades games either, but I will choose them over the hearts ones a million times.
I get down to tie my shoes tighter just in case. I would hate tripping like the clown I really am in front of all these people. Some guy in a hat starts explaining to the two friends from before what it means a spades game. Club games are hard if there are more newcomers than experienced people. I mean, if it's a game where team work means everything, you bet you prefer working with someone who knows the way around the games. Diamond ones are a bit weird: being clever will get you through them, but sometimes the answer is so straightforward that you get lost looking for the catch. Heart games are the worst. They will kill you even if you survive, and pray that you don’t get to play with a friend or someone you know.
I turn around to face Chishiya, grinning like a mad girl. He doesn’t even flinch when he stops me from talking. “No, I’m not racing you to the top.”
“But…” I sigh and watch as everyone starts running to the stairs like lost puppies. “You are so mean”. I punch him in the shoulder and cross my arms, walking towards the lift. No need running seven floors up and wasting energy if I’m not even going to be able to brag about having won a race.
Chishiya follows closely behind, probably guessing I’m going to try and leave him there.
We get inside the lift and silently wait until we get to the seventh floor. It’s been a long time since I used one, not everyday you get to play in a building apartment. Feels nice, and like we’re back to normal.
Once we get to the top, we both choose a position that lets us have a good look at the whole complex. He goes to one wing while I leave for the other one. No point leaving a flank unseen. I take my cube out and restart it, keeping an eye on the people looking around scattered through the floors. I don’t get why someone would choose saying in the lower ground when a tagger is supposed to chase you through the whole building. Dude, that’s the most critical place to start.
“Hey, don’t get distracted with those games of yours.”
“Don’t be mean, Chishiya. You know I’m paying attention.” Anyway, once I finish the cube, I keep it in my pocket and rest my arms on the banister.
Aguni and his new friend get to the seventh floor and both of us wave towards him. Like always, he completely ignores us and keeps walking towards another high point.
“That’s nasty” Chishiya says and I nod along. Aguni is always so serious during games, it’s boring.
“I place my bet on those two guys and the sporty girl surviving”. I firmly say. They look like they will make it, but not without having a rough time.
He has the audacity to snort and laugh at me and I look at him surprised. “You’re joking. Everyone looks like they’re about to die, as usual. Just look at them, they don’t know shit about what to do”.
“Were you this calm in your first games? Don’t be mean, they are trying their best. No one wants to die.”
“But, where you that stupid?” He says while pointing to a couple of girls on the second floor who are touching their phones desperately. “I’m not saying you gotta be a genius from the start, but if you don’t collect yourself quickly, you are already dead.”
“Well, my majesty, not all of us are like you, and some people need a little more time, and a little more help.”
Chishiya looks at me and, as if I had imagined, a caring and sorry look crosses his eyes. He probably remembers the first time he saw me get through the games and how I completely lost it once. It wasn’t easy.
He nudges my arm with his elbow and I look at him.
“Hey” He says with a soft voice.
“Don’t die this time.”
“Wasn't planning to.”
As if we all had planned it, the whole complex goes silent, trying to locate this said tagger. A trumpet goes off and everyone looks scared, ready to bolt to wherever they can.
The sound of the lift’s doors can be heard from our position, so the tagger is probably on the sixth or fifth floor.
Not a penny drop can be heard. Not a breath.
Some people start walking and try to open doors. The rest are all watching closely until something happens.
And it does.
Gunshots run through the dense air that surrounds us. I try to see where they come from and I finally catch sight of the tagger. Probably a man, judging for the height, with a horse head and a really mean gun. He’s on the sixth floor, just in front of the stairs.
I point at him and nudge Chishiya, but I already know that he has seen him.
There’s now thirteen of us.
And then shots are fired again and we can see the two friends and the one with the hat running down the stairs, away from the tagger.
“Told you, they are gonna get killed.” Chishiya says with a smirk.
“Oh shut up, this is not a TV show we are talking about. And I have faith in them”.
They split up on the third floor, the hat man keeps going down while the other two try to hide in the hallway. Not long after, on the ground floor that the tagger chases and shots the first one and finds another man freaking out. I don’t know if it’s better that he died because he went off the game zone instead of being shot by the tagger. Anyway, he’s also dead. And that makes three dead players.
Eleven participants left.
“See, they are smart. At least the cute one”. I say smiling.
Chishiya looks at me and raises an eyebrow, silently questioning just what I said.
“What? It’s not like I’m lying; he is cute, and smart.” I laugh and wink at him, cutting eye contact with him. If we are going to have an awkward moment, please don’t be while we are playing for our lives.
The killing spree of the tagger continues with the pretty and lost two girls. They sure are on their first game, because they look so freaking scared and unprepared. I mean, who would have come with heels and handbags. I scoff and shake my head watching how one of them falls dead and the other one wastes an incredible opportunity of getting away while the tagger reloads. Well, not all of us are strong enough to leave our friend and not panic at the same time. Shame she has to die, anyway.
So now we are nine players still alive.
Looks like everything’s gone silent again, until shouts break the silence and we all look for the source. It’s the cute guy and I laugh when I understand what he’s saying.
“Everyone! The tagger is currently at the second level of the central area! The tagger has bad vision because of his mask! Let’s inform each other of the tagger’s location and search for the safezone together!”
“Oh my god, did he seriously turn a spades game into a club’s one?” I laugh again and Chishiya scoffs under his hood. “I want to be best friends with him”.
“Don’t be stupid.” Chishiya says. We move a bit to see where they are going now that they are all running. “It’s a good idea, not going to lie, but no one will answer him.”
He mutters something else, but I don’t really catch it. I think I saw the tagger doubt his step when he heard the guy shouting, but he definitely looks annoyed when the sporty girl shouts back.
“The tagger is moving from the fourth level of the central area! Anyone nearby, run!”
I celebrate and raise my hands, clapping and laughing in Chishiya’s face. He looks surprised and tells me to shut it.
The girl runs from the tagger and finds an elderly woman in the hallway. With the tagger on their back, they are probably going to get killed. I grip the banister and hold my breath. She seems friendly and clever, I’m internally rooting for her.
Suddenly she jumps off the balcony and starts climbing the pipes up to the next floor. The other woman dies behind her, and the tagger tries to catch the girl but fails.
“She’s pretty good.” Chishiya mutters. “You just wish you could do that. It’s called envy”.
“As if you could do that too. You are just as weak as me.”
“Hey! Don’t throw me in the same casket!”
Already? We should start moving.
I look at Chishiya under my hair and he frowns at something. I follow his gaze and see the tagger looking at the cap boy from an upside floor. What’s shocking it’s him starting to shoot from there. He has been killing just people he casually finds while walking around, not shooting from that distance.
The boy goes down, but looks unharmed. The two friends are on the same floor and get to him, running away from the door he was trying to open.
Not bothering to ask Chishiya if he got that, I start jumping on the place and keep my phone in my pockets. He slides off the hood and shoves me towards the stairs.
“Shall we, ma’am?”
From the corner of my eye I catch Aguni intercepting the boys and I make a face. It doesn’t always go well when he does that, he tends to let them die in order to have his way. The sporty girl stops to talk to them and she starts jumping from floor to floor.
“Do you think someone’s going to get it too?” I ask out loud. Chishiya shrugs and keeps on walking. I tsk and stay behind him when we get to the hallway. I turn around and watch my back, even though I heard a fight somewhere near. Probably Aguni, who are we kidding.
Just when we are arriving at the safezone apartment, the cute boy appears from the other side.
“Cute boy! I’m glad you realized it!” I happily say without thinking. I mouth a silent sorry when he looks at me a bit perplexed. Chishiya elbows me, hard, and I whine a bit. That’s mean.
He picks the doorknob first, but doesn’t open it. The three of us are watching closely, and honestly I’m a bit nervous about the time. I don’t like risking it as much as Chishiya.
“Aren’t you going to open it?” he asks.
The boy answers a couple of seconds after, lost in his thoughts “Why did the tagger chase us? He could have just waited here.”
He is onto something. Now, I’m not liking this at all.
“Seems like there’s something else we don’t know.” Chishiya says, keeping his calm exterior. He’s going to use this poor boy in case he has any doubt of a risk. “However,” he adds, taking his phone out “if you don’t open it…”
There are three minutes left.
Sweat starts running down my back, making me shiver and hold my breath while I watch the boy start turning the doorknob. All our phones beep announcing the time left until we all die with the bomb.
Slowly, he opens the door with caution. We all walk inside, in silence and with darkness surrounding us. It 's empty. No furniture, neither personal objects nor some leftovers of someone’s life. A few steps in we notice a door at the end of the room and we all walk towards it.
It’s not until we are too far inside that another tagger walks out behind the door.
“Look out!” the boy screams and pushes us out of the shot range.
Gunshots fly around the apartment and I duck behind the bathroom door. Chishiya uses the taser and the tagger goes down, but recovers quickly and starts shooting again. I scream when a bullet gazes at my arm. It fucking hurts, but at least the bullet didn’t got me completely.
I can hear the apartment door being shut and the other door at the end closing too. They must have gotten through them. I hope they aren’t harmed.
I wait, trying not to make any sound in case the tagger comes to finish me off. I search through the room, but nothing seems lethal enough to use like a weapon. I hate bringing weapons to games, I don’t really want to kill anyone if I can help it.
Gunshots are fired and I cover myself up, even though they are not directed towards me. Fighting blade weapons? I’m okay with that. Fighting people? Not against it. But, I have nothing towards a gun. I mean, it can take me from a long distance! No point.
“Everyone! The safezone is in apartment 406! It’s impossible to clear the game alone! We need two people to do this!”
Are you kidding? This is so mean. What if you were the only survivor? Not fair, not at all.
Well, it seems like I should get moving and try to do something useful in this game. I haven’t done shit, now that I think about it.
Slowly, I open the door just in time to see the tagger shoot the door and break the safelock. I take small steps following it, ready to throw myself to placate it. Just when the gun is going up I jump and kick the tagger in the knee, managing to bring it to the floor.
I hear a scream coming from the tagger and a lady cursing from behind the mask. She starts shooting and I scream trying to cover myself without being hit. The guy bolts and tries to help me get her off the gun, but she keeps fighting like a mad person.
We both go down before she gets us with the bullets and I catch a glimpse of Chishiya at the door, trying to help but having to cover himself because of the lost shots.
The phones all inform us of the ten seconds remaining at the same time that the sporty girl jumps through the glass of the balcony. The tagger kicks me and gets the gun pointing at my face and I panic just a bit before I push back. The other guy tries to help me, but with no help.
“Hey!” Chishiya shouts.
I’m on the floor fighting the tagger with the gun under my chin, trying to get it off my face, but I see him throwing the taser to the girl and she quickly gets the tagger down.
I let out a sigh before I heard the time almost coming to an end. My eyes search for him and we lock our gazes. I can feel the breath we are both holding and the silent words running through our minds. My fingers clench and I swallow, accepting death like a forgotten friend, saying goodbye with a blink.
But, just like that, with a blink, it all finishes. The buttons are pressed on the last second and we all hear the beeps from our phones.
In that same moment, the tagger gets the mask off and we can see an old lady crying looking at us. The collar in her neck starts beeping faster and faster and I scramble to get away from her. Chishiya grabs both my arms and I scream at the touch in the bullet gaze from before, but he doesn’t let go and gets me away at the same time that the collar explodes, killing the lady.
My whole back is covered in blood and I roughly grab Chishiya’s hoodie. I don’t want to look at her and see what we did, even though it was unintended. She was also playing, and she died because we won.
Chishiya and I are left in the room with the dead tagger, and he grips my hand and makes me let go of him. He starts checking the pockets of the lady and gets something out, but I don’t register exactly what.
I get out of the apartment to breathe. I hate this part where we really think about what went down here. Lots of people died, and we got a few days to live just to have to risk it again in the next game. Could have we saved someone? Not really, I know that. But it doesn’t make it easier anyway.
“I’m Arisu.” Someone says beside me. I turn and the cute boy is there, watching me from a distance. “I wanted to thank you, for risking yourself back there. We are alive thanks to all of you.” He sticks out his hand to me and waits.
I’m speechless. No one has thanked me like this in any game. I didn’t really do a thing, but he’s thanking me. I should be the one doing it, he cooperated with the other girl and they stopped the bomb. We could have died there.
I let out a small laugh and shake his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Arisu. And thanks to you, you did the dirty work inside the room.”
I look back inside and watch Chishiya stick the paper in his hoodie and walk towards us.
“I look forward to meeting you somewhere else, hopefully not dead in a game. Be careful and enjoy the warm water in the ocean now that we are all alone in the city.”
With a wink, I walk out of the apartment building with Chishiya not too far behind. I think he heard me talking to Arisu, but he doesn’t comment on it.
We walk, and we walk, and we walk. Neither of us likes to go back to the Beach in the cars, so we always take a stroll through the streets, enjoying the silence and the stars shining above us.
“Does it hurt?” he asks.
“Mmh?” I look at him questioning and he nods to my bleeding arm. “Oh, yes, like a bitch. But I’ll have to wait until we get there.”
He tsks and grabs my arm, leading us to a pharmacy around the corner. I don’t say anything, knowing he will shut me up and will only be a waste of time. We get inside and he starts looking for some disinfectant and bandages.
He knows his stuff. I was surprised at first to discover he knows his way around the medical grounds; and I’m glad he does. It doesn't hurt having someone nearby capable of dealing with nasty wounds.
He silently works and I watch him closely. He’s handsome. And he knows it, that’s why he smirks feeling my gaze on his face. I trace his features taking my time. His eyes are the most scary thing I’ve ever met. They hold so much knowledge and feelings. I always feel like he could take me apart just with his eyes. He mostly covers his emotions, so even though you search for micro expressions, you will come empty handed almost always.
I bring my free hand up and run my fingers through his hair. I love it, it’s so smooth and soft. And the fact that he always wears white to match his hair makes me smile like an idiot.
Chishiya clears his throat and starts covering up the wound. My hand drops and rests in his arm, basking in the heat he’s making.
Once he’s done, he brings down my sleeves and looks me in the eye, silently checking if I’m okay. I nod and take his hand, quickly gripping and, just as fast, letting go. I can hear him sigh behind me, and he follows behind.
“You know, I’m glad I met you here, but I would have prefered meeting you in the real world.”
“Because I know I will be safer here with you, but I also know the probability of us having a happy ending is minimal while we are here.”
“You are not wrong.” A couple of minutes goes by until he adds: “But that doesn’t mean you can’t try and make the most of it while you are alive. It will hurt more, but at this point, who cares?”
I let out a breathy laugh and turn around to hug him. Hard. He stops and lets me hug him, finally giving in and hugging me back. I hide my face in his neck, breathing deep and closing my eyes. I can feel his pulse and his chin coming down on my head, his hand running through my back.
“You are an idiot.”
“And you are mean. Deal with it.”
I swear I can feel his lips kissing the top of my head, but it’s so fast I can’t be sure. He starts walking again and I run to catch him before I lose him.
We may have a complicated relationship, if you can call it that. We are there for each other, not sure of what to do, what to give, what to take. But we do not give up. I’m just glad I’m not alone, and thankful that I have someone looking out for me.
I smile all the way to the Beach.
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Last time we looked at an interesting episode of Ultraman Geed, as it ended on a good cliffhanger. Now, we find out what happened to Moa, and why Kuruto (Hiroki Suzuki) is on this vendetta. In addition, we will come to understand why Alien Shadow, Zena is no longer like his people. However, will everything that has happen now with Kuruto, and Zegan be able to be amended? Find out below…
Laiha finds Riku unconscious from the previous battle, as Reito/ Zero appears realizing Zegan is a formidable foe. Alien Shadow Zena appears to the group to notify them that Moa has gone missing. Meanwhile, Moa wakes up with an injured left leg in Zegan’s alternate dimension. She soon discovers Kuruto is with her, and exhausted from the battle. Yet, back at AIB, Ultraman Zero is following Zena as he begins to update everyone on finding Moa. Luckily enough the investigation to locate Moa discovers she was not transported out of the known reality, but displace miles away. Zena also informs Riku, and the others the only reason Zegan still exists is because he hoped to use it in a last case scenario to defeat Belial. However, Kuruto and his other former students stole the controller to preserve their race.
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In the meantime, Moa attempts to take care of Kuruto, and understand why Kuruto is committing these attacks. Kuruto briefly explains he used Moa only because Zena would not hand over the device, or give him the password needed, “Gabra Cano (Child of Battle).” The scene then shifts between Kuruto explaining the term to Moa, and Zena to Zero. All warriors of Planet Shadow are called “Gabra Cano” due being sent off world to conqueror planets and obtain resources for their dying home world. Kuruto believes Zena to have forsaken his pride as an Alien Shadow, and forgotten his students. However, Moa believes Zena never forgot them or his pride. Soon Moa then explains to Kuruto how she came to work for AIB; a few years ago, Zena found Moa trying to help a sick alien. From there Zena thought to recruit her. This leads to Moa and Kuruto becoming odd friends as they mock Zena’s rough ways of teaching.
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Zegan becomes active again, Kuruto rushes to locate it, and Moa attempts to pursue him. The two are found by the others, who attempt to stop Kuruto. Zena explains to Kuruto he originally joined AIB to conquer Earth, but after hearing many of his students died he sought to stop. Zena seeks to live on, so that his students’ memories will live on. However, Kuruto is reluctant to face the facts, and summons Zegan. Riku and Reito transform to confront Zegan, and eventually are force to becoming Ultraman Geed Magnificent, and Ultraman Zero Beyond. The two Ultras bottle Zegan with an energy ball, as Kuruto attempts to unleash the monster’s full potential. While struggling to break free both Kuruto, and Zegan die. A few days later, Reito and Zero meet with Zena asking if he is alright, and on Moa’s condition; discovering Zena is fond of Moa. Whereas, Riku runs into Moa who is depressed that she could not save Kuruto, but how his sacrifice inspires her to continue her dream to bring peace to the universe.
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  My Thoughts:
I am let down by this episode to some degree, but still feel it complements the previous half. The episode feels like parts were rushed or missing due to how it is centered on Zena, but focuses on Moa. It is as if the main plot and sub plot could not decide which is which, or better yet figure out if it was a Zena or Moa episode. Having watched both episodes back-to-back a few times, I think the episodes are meant to be for both characters. However, Moa is the focus only because it is to play off Zena being an Alien Shadow, always living in the shadows. Thus, his involvement is to be brief and direct to the point! It is an interesting method if that is the case, but it was not visually pleasing since Moa has been featured heavily. I personally want to see more of Zena, and hopefully see him use his “expression training” at least once. Then again that may be something to be saved for the finale, and Ultraman Geed the Movie.
  Now, in my review of the previous episode I mentioned I wanted to see more from Hiroki Suzuki in this episode. That did happen, but his involvement was not in the way I thought it would be. I thought there might be another fight between Kuruto, and Zena that would be longer than the previous one. However, that did not happen and what is presented is Kuruto’s confliction; Kuruto cares for Zena and his own pride. Kuruto’s care for his pride, and untimely death are the only things truly present, but makes his death somewhat meaningful; Kuruto sought to die a warrior even when presented with an option to live, because it would forsake his meaning in life. Yet, I would believe Kuruto’s death makes Hiroki Suzuki’s appearance is divisive because it feels both underwhelming and satisfying; an unfortunate outcome if I may say so!
  While seemingly sounding negative towards this episode there were things I did enjoy deeply. I like how Moa and Zena both try reaching out to Kuruto, as it foreshadows his tragic death. I am unsure what I prefer more, Moa and Kuruto bond discussing how strict Zena is, or Zena explaining that he wants Kuruto to live. Both moments are truly wonderful, and make it hard for me to choose which is best. In addition, the battle with Zegan is impressive with great choreography that helps tell the story through the action. What made me enjoy and embrace Kuruto’s death was him repeating the quote, “Kam tatahl Shadow” (May Shadow rest in eternity). This quote/ mantra proved he was committed to the cause of his people, and sought to live his life as an Alien Shadow whether it meant life or death. The concept is easy to enjoy having seen various other shows that show a confliction between morality and culture. Even the closure upon his death was wonderful, as Zena confided in Zero the fact Moa is an essential member of AIB, and Moa explained to Riku that Kuruto’s death propels her to continue her job.
    Overall, I was not too keen on this not-so-happy ending, but still enjoy how it was presented. Pacing is just a little weird, but it is an issue in most modern Ultraman series. Eventually avid fans become use to it, but it is still something to be pointed out for newcomers. I would have liked if this episode better set-up the upcoming events of Belial’s return, or Ultraman Geed’s new form. However, it just uses the outro preview to properly do so. That means things will be even more hectic, and awesome in episode 16. Furthermore, my only issue with the next episode currently is its title, “The Beginning of the End of the World!” That simply is one lengthy title…
  Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Daddy’s Home!
    Ultraman Geed Episode 15 – Child of Battle Review
Last time we looked at an interesting episode of Ultraman Geed, as it ended on a good cliffhanger.
Ultraman Geed Episode 15 – Child of Battle Review Last time we looked at an interesting episode of Ultraman Geed, as it ended on a good cliffhanger.
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