#i keep forgetting she’s a one- time life in the world to come character 💀
static-scribblez · 6 months
Wanted to experiment with a softer artstyle :)
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rosietrace · 10 months
Haiii 😳😳😳... for interactions if you still do them, can I ask for ∅ Yuuta with my Yuu Squad please ?
OFC OFC 😈😈 I love writing for Yuuta, he's so silly
Sumeragi Yuuta — Thoughts on the Yuustin, Yuliya, and Yves
Character Featured: Sumeragi Yuuta
Mentioned: Yuustin, Yuliya, Yuuven/Yves
Warning(s): Yuuta himself /j, man Yuustin REALLY doesn't like him 😭, there's a Crowley mention but he isn't important to begin with, potentially ooc (more likely than not, it's probably Yuliya who's the most ooc I'm so sorry-)
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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“Ugh, him? He thinks of himself as some mystery extraordinaire, and frankly, I find that hilarious! Let's be real, I'm doing a better job at- Huh? Wha- Don't listen to what Yuustin has to say! I'm not trying to take his errands for the money!”
“She’s a doormat. I don't have much to say about her, she just is. I don't understand why she's trying so hard to act like someone else.”
“Uhh…. Yves? Pretty solemn, that one. I guess he's alright, he keeps quiet and minds his own business, that's for sure. Don't know why, but he's a bit attached to me.”
— Sumeragi Yuuta
Non-verbal Thoughts
「 General Thoughts 」
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ The trio's relationship with Yuuta is…. Complicated. They all have their separate opinions of him, and vice versa.
➜ Yuuta thinks Yuustin’s super annoying and weird. Like, why do you try to find enjoyment in Crowley's errands? Tf? The only thing he can seemingly give them credit for is their charisma.
➜ Yuuta doesn't understand Yuliya. Or rather, he doesn't understand the people around her. Seriously, why is everyone mistaking her for someone else…?
➜ Yuuta tends to hang around Yves the most. Mostly because Yves doesn't really like being alone, and surprisingly enough, Yuuta makes for good company.
↳ He's a horrible influence, though. Someone should probably tell Yves that-
➜ He never talks about his life before coming to Twisted Wonderland with anyone, and that includes the trio. They all simply learned to accept it and do their best to respect Yuuta's boundaries in their own way.
➜ Yuustin tends to use Yuuta's ‘Spirit shutter’ more than Yuuta himself does, so he just kinda gives it to Yuustin when he doesn't know what to do with it. (This happens more often than you think)
➜ Other than Yves, Yuuta spends the most time with Yuliya. He's not good at… Well, not being an ass, but he does his best in trying to assure Yuliya she doesn't have to pretend to be someone she's not around him.
➜ He's not trusting any of them with the Midas Roscoes. Nope. Never. Absolutely not. No chance of that ever happening. One simple brush against the golden guns of Sumeragi Yuuta could give you the silent treatment from that guy for God knows how long.
「 Interactions 」
❐ I mean…. They're all living in Ramshackle together. It was only inevitable for all of them to meet eventually, right?
➜ Yuuta's first impression of all of them, were, simply put: Yuustin's overbearing, Yuliya’s committing identity fraud, and Yves… Who is Yves-?
➜ No joke, Yuuta used to forget who Yves was from time to time because he was so used to calling them ‘Yuuven’ 😭
↳ Nowadays, this doesn't happen as often, as Yuuta became accustomed to calling Yves… Well, Yves.
➜ Genuinely starting to think they all had to do a double take when they found out Yuuta liked gardening 💀 Like, HIM?;!:?:!’ THE GREEDY LITTLE wdym little SHITHEAD:?:!?: OF ALL PEOPLE???
↳ Yes, apparently. No, Yves, you can't join him during gardening hours.
➜ Ngl, there was probably a language barrier between them and Yuuta for a bit 😭 They're all fluent in English, whereas Yuuta had to grow more accustomed to the language once he started living in Twisted Wonderland (assuming English is the mother tongue of that world)
➜ Yuuta sneaks Yves some candy a little before classes start. Just so they could have something sweet to chew on during a ‘boring’ (his words, not mine) lecture.
➜ He calls Yuliya ‘Little Miss Cheerleader’ due to her love of cheering during Magishift matches. Additionally, he legitimately takes time off his schedule to listen to Yuliya sing — if that is what she wants.
↳ They also play cards together after school!
➜ He's very much aware that Yuustin wants to learn some of his gunslinging skills, but he's not gonna teach him any of that for free. In this economy? No!
➜ He's painting all of their nails during his self-proclaimed ‘sleepovers’ during the weekends. He makes sure to give Yuustin the most half-assed ones.
➜ I'd say, between the three, he's closest with Yuliya and Yves. But mostly Yuliya, as he wants to give her some moments where she doesn't have to pretend to be someone she isn't. Even if it gives her an advantage, and because it was expected of her from people who mistook her for that person.
↳ This isn't to say he isn't close with Yuustin, they just clash a lot 😭 I'd say they're civil with each other, at best.
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((not really) poorly) explaining rhymix characters' backstories (part 2)
1. Snow
she was born with a mysterious immunity to snow. that's all i have for her lmao.
2. Miaya
created by amazing mighty around the time felys got kidnapped by a Mysterious Person™. mighty felt lonely and misses felys, and then ended up creating miaya to make him feel less lonely. ended up seeing her as his own kid which is nice :) miaya doesn't really see him as her own father by this point tho :( she also has dreams of meeting someone in the past........she just couldn't remember who it was.
3. Upshift
nothing too special about him. he's just some dj living life normally.
4. Lorn
i haven't come up with anything for her yet :/
5. Ray
was like ether strike back then—blinded by light. eventually cut herself off of it and swore to herself that she'll not be so naive and stubborn anymore. also met strike when he nearly died from being. you fucking guessed it. blinded by light. yippee
6. Lady
literally just axium's backstory but in her pov. she ends up really hating axium for dragging her into his stupid exhibition to the vicious labyrinth and just. Really wants to hurt someone and let out her frustrations on them.
7. Stasis
nothing much for him. before main story happened he tried saving his home nation from being colorless (not the character) forever with some others. that's all.
8. DRG
haven't come up with anything for her yet :(
9. Alxaid
he had some kind of illness where once he dies, everyone he has known will forget about him. he just disappears just like that. was friends with abstruse and hung out with him a lot. he even spent his final moments with abstruse :( by the time main story started he's already long gone :(( rip...........
(...but, would he ever come back? the dead can't go back to the living, you know. unless a case similar to lumine's were to happen—i'll stop now.)
10. Ionostream
a telegraphist (THAT'S NOT AN ACTUAL WORD????? OR DID I TYPED THAT WRONG-) from years ago who accidentally time traveled to the present day and now has to adjust to living in the current resonation (the rhymix nation based off of resonark i guess???). she's...trying her best lol.
11. Aleph-0
he was so fucking smart that he graduated high school early 💀💀💀💀 (probs before the second semester of his first school year there—he managed to meet mantis in that short time tho) he has really REALLY high curiosity with this thing called Temptation™ and then made it his life goal to hunt down its true meaning. he keeps getting himself in near death experiences in the process tho. so self sacrificial.....and all for knowledge too......
12. Mantis
is an assassin of sorts i guess. met larva, falls in love with her, but then got told that she was his next target, and then killed her (with a heavy heart). made a promise to himself to come find her again one day if she were to come back, and then years later reunites with her..........except it's not a her anymore it's a him now. hashtag sort of transgenderism??????????
13. Astra Walkthrough
idk yet.
14. World Fragments III
literally her name. in a sense she's sort of like primeval???? she's like. a result from a bunch of actual world fragments in rhymix put together to become one. lol.
15. Chronicle
idk yet either :/
16. Hikaru
he got a WHOLE ASS BACKSTORY POST ALL TO HIMSELF ON MY OLD ART BLOG AND I'M TOO LAZY TO LINK IT HERE BUT BASICALLY- was a famous idol who had loads of fans but had a really creepy stalker who went to the same school as him. initially she kept sending him letters with the sign off name being just "T", but then it gets worse and worse and eventually hikaru found out she was stalking him all this time. eventually gets murdered by her in some way and then becomes a god. WOO. THAT'S A LOT.
17. ultradiaxon-N3
was created by momento and arghena solely as compensation for the bullshit that happened during one of memoria's many april fools events. now is the nation's trustworthy AI :3 she would not steal art and writing btw
18. Hivemind
can't think of one for him yet ughhhhh
19. Hivemind Interlinked
an alternate version of hivemind who accidentally time traveled to the future. ends up just living through it normally lol. also ended up time travelling AND universe hopping to current day rhymix for one of memoria's april fools events (and accidentally meets his past self in the process).
20. Felys
was some kind of musician who's also really good with classical instruments like the violin and the piano. got really famous for that too. met mighty, fell in love with him, feelings got returned, and then bam they're lovers now. uhhhhh also got married to that fuckass god but then days later got kidnapped and locked up in some prison realm away from rhymix by an Unknown Person™.
21. Cybernetic Vampire
vampires in rhymix are rare. the few ones who were alive were then taken down (aka literally killed) by the humans to prevent anything bad happening to the humans. cybervamp is one of the last few vampires in rhymix and really does fear extinction :(
22. Chronomia
she's just a gal who likes clocks. she's fine.
23. Perfect
oh boy. honestly idk how to explain it in a post like this when i could just make a whole different post about it, but to sum it up quickly:
parents dead -> lives alone and overtime develops severe depression for a reason i haven't decided on yet -> got found by a group of people in her lowest moment -> got taken in by them -> eventually gets abused and changed in horrible ways possible to make her into a "perfect human being" -> gets traumatized -> eventually runs away with some other kids in the science lab place because she's experimented on in the same place as terabyte, satellite, and opia -> lives independently now
....ok moving on.
24. Destr0yer
explained in her introductory post, but basically she was the previous goddess of destruction before destonio came in and took that role. she had the same desires he did; destroy the world. got stopped by amazing mighty in the process and then got "fired from her job", as she likes to describe it LMAOOOOOOO
25. Credits
was basically unnoticed by the people around him for his whole life, got sick of that, and then took up the role of becoming a tv program host. his fame skyrocketed because he's just That good at this job and good looking. the fame got into his head tho, and then he suddenly became kinda greedy, eventually appearing in a lot more tv programs across different channels. capitalism sucks lol
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duplicitywrites · 3 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
also tagged by the lovely @phantomato, @purplewitch156, and @cauldroncake, thank you all!
i don't think i really have favourites... i tend to write things and then forget about them. these are five of my favourites out of what i have completed thus far.
Break and Burn and End | M | 17.3k
i keep coming back to this one, idk, i just think it has a lot of meaning. i like the themes i explored in regards to life and immortality.
Past and present, Harry and Voldemort are connected. A tale of two immortals and the question of what it means to have an adversary when forever is in the cards.
Difficulties | T | 1.8k
first person pov, this is a character study on a modern!tom and his relationship with harry. i still think about it often.
I tap my fingers on my desk, I watch the screen of my phone for messages. I distract myself for a time with this thing or that, then return to thoughts of Harry. Is he thinking of me as I think of him? Do I haunt the darkest corner of his mind like a childhood monster? I would let Harry devour me; all that I am, all that I will be. I would let him know every hideous, vile thought that ever crossed my mind if he were to ask after them.
Eudaimonia | E | 15.6k
this hits that sweet spot of supremely interesting and supremely fucked up. i think if i were to rewrite this, i would give more attention to the ending. but, on the whole, i like how it is.
Harry travels back in time to save Merope Gaunt from dying. He takes her in, heals her illness, helps her when she gives birth to her son... and then falls prey to her love potion.
Tom grows up with mother and father both, in a household that might generously be called a happy one. When Merope insists that Tom not attend Hogwarts, Harry reluctantly agrees to homeschool their son himself.
Despite his lack of exposure to the outside world, it doesn't take Tom long to realize something is off about his parents' marriage.
It takes even less time for him to decide his loving father deserves better.
Shining Just For You | M | 21.8k
an older work of mine. the loose concept is one i always wanted to write, and i'm glad i did. it's heavy on codependency, so in that way i kind of see it as a comfort fic.
Smashing a mirror gives you seven years bad luck.
For an eleven-year-old Harry, it gives him seven years of Tom Riddle.
No Body, No Crime | M | 20k
this story is one i imagined, quite vividly, as a movie. the dark, small-town mystery vibe was fun to dabble in.
Harry works as a car mechanic in a small town. He and Ginny are best friends, their close bond the product of a traumatic event that scarred them both as children.
Now that they are adults with separate lives, it seems inevitable that they will drift apart. That is, until Ginny confides in Harry that she thinks her husband—the charming, enigmatic Tom Riddle—is cheating on her.
A day later, Ginny goes missing. Harry is convinced that Tom is behind her disappearance, and becomes determined to exact justice by any means necessary.
ask me again in a month and my answer will probably change 💀
not sure who to tag who hasn't already been hit by the love bullet
@goldenzingy46 @isleoffanfiction @twelfthcenturyname @god-of-dust @keidaught if you want to!
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