#i keep going back to the luz and camilla scenes and the hexsquad scenes. they're so good
welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Making peace with fiction that wasn't poorly executed but was in fact so so so so fucking close to being perfect (via a balance of perfect scenes and overall good ones) but missed the mark just a smidge to the point of it being jarring. That's the hardest battle god can give you
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hootcifer · 3 years
talking about toh | season two, episode two: “escaping expulsion”
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and i thought episode one was good!! we have a lot to cover, so let's jump right in! spoilers below the cut, like before.
the beginning
at long last, we've met the blight parents! i have to say, i didn't expect them to be entrepreneurs.
why does everyone at the private sale need a cape? is it illegal to be selling these things so they have to hide their identities? who knows?
i already know most everyone is gonna be simping for odalia, but i don't like her. i don't typically let a character's appearance cloud my judgement.
alador, on the other hand, is fantastic. i was hoping that he would be a himbo with a good heart, and i was right.
amity is back!!! i missed her!!!
the way amity and her mom communicate with the necklace was really interesting. i know she had the necklace last season, and in the intro, but i didn't realize it was for more than just decoration.
i thought amity's deadpan delivery of her lines was hilarious. she's such a mood.
amity carries the grom photo around! i thought that was so sweet.
as we all predicted, odalia is a manipulative bitch. damnit.
the way luz talks about the glyphs sounds like an ad. hilarious.
i love how the clawthorne sisters haven't changed since their school days. lilith is a teachers' pet, and eda is a rebel, which is how i imagine them as kids too.
luz, gus, willow, and amity's plot
the hexsquad is back, baby! i missed them so much! (especially a certain mint-chip lesbian)
damn, witch puberty happens fast! it's been, what, two weeks since we saw gus?
i will now forever call gus "goops".
i will bet anything that a fairy pie is some kind of symbol of love. fight me.
blushy amity has returned! i find it interesting how she puts on such a cool facade at school, after we saw her continuously malfunction last time we got to see her.
how does odalia know luz's last name? even eda doesn't know that.
if luz, willow, and gus got expelled, shouldn't amity have gotten expelled too? she was involved in a lot of their shenanigans (the abomination thing, grom, etc). i know the point was to stop amity from getting distracted at school, and hence keeping her there, but still. i wish someone had brought that up.
i didn't realize how much i missed willow and gus until they reappeared. they're so entertaining.
alador is autistic. so is amity. don't @ me.
i love how gus just. eats the business card. chaotic gus is something i didn't know i needed.
poor bump, he's gotten attached to his little chaos children! i swear, luz has at least four parents so far (camilla, eda, bump, and the pirate from last episode).
also, speaking of which, bump is a part of the abomination coven, according to the mark on his wrist. did we know that? i don't remember. don't correct me if we did.
those crow phones are kind of hilarious.
the scene with amity and luz reminded me of that one scene in s1e17. you know the one.
poor, sweet amity really wants to help luz but her shitty mom is in the way. heartbreaking.
this screencap looks like amity rejected luz's marriage proposal.
Tumblr media
the way luz made the abomination into a cat was so cute, i love her.
is alador with odalia because he loves her, or because of familial stuff? he doesn't seem to care much for her.
i found it funny that luz says "i've come to appeal to your hearts, blights" since she's already appealed to one of them.
i believe in amity without her cowl supremacy.
it's hilarious to me that amity can tell that luz was at her house solely because of the cat abomination.
willow's dads have voices now!!! and they're so supportive of their daughter! i hope we get more of them.
i love how amity always comes to luz's rescue whenever she needs it. that's real devotion.
more returning characters! the blight twins showed up too, not to mention coming in clutch with the capes.
i love how, as soon as amity sees the abomaton 2.0, immediately rushes to save luz.
odalia was 100% intending on killing luz with the abomaton 2.0. i will not be taking any criticism.
amity being badass in her cape. that is all.
"my luz" made me SCERAM
luz blushed at amity luz blushed at amity luz blushed at amity
sorry, i got excited. anyway, stan amity for sticking up for her friends!!!
i love how amity jumps to protect luz when the abomatron crushes them with the hammer.
as of the end of the end of the episode, i am now an alador stan.
eda and lilith's plot
i love the clawthorne sisters' rivalry. it's so realistic.
lilith and hooty's friendship continues to thrive. i love them.
the way eda reacts when king gets frozen by the glyph thing was kind of sweet. she cares for her little doggo demon so much.
i really like the way lilith learned how to use the glyphs. i never would have thought of that.
again, not much to say. i am happy to see the golden guard again. also, interesting that belos doesn't want the people to have their own army. is it because he doesn't want them to fight back when his army attacks them?
i have no idea what's going to happen next. i'm hoping for more lumity, and maybe more alador too. fingers crossed!
this was definitely my favorite out of the two so far. catch y'all in two weeks with episode three!
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