#i keep saying one day and never writing stuff 😭 someone force me istg
tuiyla · 3 years
Your post about Every breath you take reminded me of another reason I hate the pezberry feud, an issue probably nobody else has lol but not even one (1) thing about those two being on a Broadway show was factual, if it were, there would've been no feud to begin with - technically Santana would have been Rachel's standby, not the understudy, and she would've only gone on if both Rachel and the understudy were out. If Santana isn't in the show outside of playing fanny (usually in the ensemble, sometimes a supporting part) she's not the understudy. Many standbys can be in a show for a year and never actually go on, or only once or twice. So take your vitriol out on your actual understudy Rachel, she's a ton more likely to actually play the part instead of santana the standby. Also Rachel giving santana 10 shows? Not a thing. She doesn't have that kind of power. Auditioning in an actual theater? No. The already cast lead being there for auditions for her understudy? Nope. Where's the casting director? Rehearsing on stage at the same time when they're both playing the same part? Blocking, what's that? Santana getting the part even though she can't sing it in the right key? (I love Naya and I love her version of Don't rain on my parade but they did have to lower the key for her). Obviously I'm well aware glee isn't really set in reality but I find it a little strange that they couldn't be bothered to be even a little factual with what's basically the main arc of their main character throughout the entire series, being on Broadway. Those scenes are just so damn distracting to me haha (Although I guess none of these still aren't as stupid as Kurt and Rachel being allowed to sing on stage at wicked... Now that's the scene I'm going to choose to consider non-diagetic lol it's all in your heads kids)
Gotta say, I'm no theater kid so most of what I know is from Glee but I appreciate this perspective, TIL! That point about understudy vs standby makes so, so much sense.
So basically what I'm getting from all of this is that Glee twisted real-life logic even more than usual just to make the Pezberry feud ~work~. What a bastardly thing. I mean, Glee not being true to life isn't a surprise but you know what really gets me? When they don't even have an internal logic. Because the show itself makes a meta joke that Santana got Fanny despite not being Jewish and has the galls to compare it to Rachel being in a "Puerto Rican marching band" and they completely fail to see the irony in regards to West Side Story?? You know, the musical that should have been a one-woman show if McKinley insisted on putting it on. This is barely relevant I just bring it up whenever I have the chance because Glee lacks self-awareness to an appalling degree at times.
Anyway. Because I'm no expert on musical theatre and basically only here for the gay lmao I don't think about this stuff during Every Breath You Take, I'm too busy soaking in the Drama. But that's why I really appreciate this perspective and yeah, you're right and you should say it Anon. Then again, they just threw logic out the window the moment they decided Rachel's Broadway dreams would come true at age 19, didn't they?
One day kids we'll cover the Pezberry feud in depth. One day.
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