#i keep telling myself I'm gonna get a draft done before going to the therapist next thursday
brennacedria · 2 months
Didn't go to the gym this morning, but also couldn't put off my shower for later, so now I'm sitting for probably 20 more minutes doing nothing before I can go. (Gotta make sure the store is open when I get there.)
If I were on my own, I'd try to write. I'm not on my own, tho, so I can't. Well, I can TRY to if Brian's online in a game, cause he's basically not in the room anymore at that point, but IN GENERAL I can't when he's here because he's going to want conversation and all. And that's good, but I can't write and talk at the same time.
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Hi love! Someone sent some advice to you, so I'm putting it under the cut because it's a bit heavy. I hope you're doing well <3
I’ve been keeping up with your tumblr and your asks and stuff, and I hope it’s okay but I had something to say to Camp Anon.
I sort of inferred the situation through your answers Cas. When I was a kid I was often in group at church with other “rebellious” kids. I know now that we were all the queer kids who hadn’t realised yet (credit to them, maybe some of them had) and then when I turned 16 and partly figured myself out I started getting invested in peoples stories.
By that point a lot of the kids I’d gone to church with were also closeted, and we started talking to each other about ourselves and our experiences.
And turns out a few of those kids went to conversion camps. The summers before and after I found out. 
One of the kids was a year older than me and is still a very close friend of mine. She’s actually taking a course to be a therapist now.
And there were a few things they said (and my friend still says when she decides to talk about it) that I thought maybe you should know. 
It seems like from Cas’ answers to the ask, that Camp Anon has been somewhere before and I presume is going somewhere else again this summer? (Parents don’t usually send kids the same place twice in a row)
Look, I have some advice that’s gonna suck but I think you should hear it. You need to know before you go to the camp what sort of level/type the camp it is. 
There are ways to find out and i’m gonna list some here and just do as much research as you can (safely) because if you’re unprepared it will be difficult to leave if you need to.
So the camp has to find away of telling parents what it’s like without directly saying it. It’s often found in quotes.
Theres a big difference between “helping your child” and “healing your child” and “fixing your child”. 
Helping usually means giving quotes and bibles and doing straight kid activities (whatever that means).
Healing usually means a lot of churchy sessions, “explaining” what’s wrong with you, being more delicate
And then fixing means being absolute dickheads. 
There should also be a website somewhere, or a form or something that your parents had to sign. Sometimes that can be over an email or sometimes it’s a letter. It’s just another way for the camp to cover their asses. Whatever is written inside it should give a vague message about the danger level, how many things they want to cover themselves for.
Also- about recording the camp. If you do decide to (no pressure, always prioritise your safety), focus on filming the other kids around you. If your phone is caught or found, if the videos start of silly with other kids in (as long as they know the risk of being caught with a phone too), it’s unlikely someone will scroll through all the videos, which will mean even if they’re deleted, you won’t rise too much suspicion. 
You can also hide videos in other places, like take a video you have and put it in a draft on your tumblr account, and then delete it from your phone. That can be done on Insta too. It does require internet but I assume you have mobile data.
Also camps without phones will still have wifi for adults, sometimes this is free wifi. If it is, don’t use it (if possible).
Also, sometimes the location of the camp on fliers won’t be the real location. For example, it might be the location of the church you go to, but the place you sleep might be one road over, so stay awake. Keep an eye on road names if you move from the location your parents dropped you off at (in case someone needs to come get you, and then can’t find you). 
It is illegal to say that being queer kids can be “fixed”. It’s against the law for camps to do this. Conversion therapy is illegal and wrong. Morally wrong and literally wrong. Not a thing. Doesn’t work. Total fucking bullshit.
And be careful. I know there’s a temptation to bring a weapon (like a knife) with you to these places, and it makes sense. But these kids have been through a lot, like you, and can be really depressed and have mental health issues. And you don’t want a kid to do something bad to themselves with a knife you brought with you to the camp. 
(Cas here: just remember if that ever happens, it's NOT your fault)
Just think it through. 
And be careful who you talk to, some of these kids believe the stuff they’re told. It’s not their fault but don’t assume everyone will agree with you about the situation. 
I don’t want to get too involved, I understand this is an overwhelming thing and reaching out just to talk about it was so brave. If you’d like I can ask my friend, who’s been to places like that, if there’s any personal advise she can give.  Or not, either way is fine. 
And finally, the area I grew up in had a terrible social services place nearby, and when you called the number for social services that school gave you, they’d just send someone from there. There was a kid I used to know who called social services on his family and the guy who showed up was friends with his dad. 
Idk if you have good social services or not but do some research first if you can ❤️
(Cas again: let me know if you want me to reach out to this anon to ask any questions or to get info from their friend! We support you <3)
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