#i keep wondering if it'd help to have one of those tablets that actually
broodsys · 7 months
yada yada learning curve i say it all the time
but i am annoyed at how much more control i have with traditional drawing >c
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thepatchycat · 7 months
Hi, I’m a real new shiny here (on Tumblr, but also at drawing), and it’s the first time I ask anything, so I hope it’s ok. I must say first that I love the way you draw TCW characters (especially the clones)! 😍 I just came across this sketch you made on canvas (if I remember correctly) https://www.tumblr.com/thepatchycat/729224397978828800 and I was wondering, if you don’t mind sharing, how do you get the perfect white background on non-digital drawings? I currently use a scanner app on my sketches and the results are always inconsistent and far from that white… thanks a lot in advance!! 😊
Welcome to the Tumblr crew, shiny! ;) And thank you kindly!
So my dirty secret for that sketch is... it actually is completely digital! I drew it in a program called Rebelle 5, which is designed to mimic traditional canvas/paper and pencils/paints. I picked it up for super cheap during a huge sale last year, and it's a lot of fun; unfortunately, it's usually pretty expensive, as many art programs are. I highly recommend keeping an eye out for sales though if you ever get into digital drawing--and if you'd like a free program, the one I use most of the time is MediBang. But those programs are really mostly helpful for digital art, not so much for scanning actual pencil sketches.
While I tend to stick to digital drawing nowadays, I definitely feel you on the scan cleanliness issue; phone pictures and even proper printer scans tend to end up either kind of dirty or faded. The short answer is that I don't actually have an easy and effective solution, but there might be some things you can try depending on what you have available. I wouldn't be surprised if you've already explored more methods than I have, and there are definitely people with better ideas and more experience than me, but I'll share what I've tried.
Long(er)-winded rambling under the cut!
So, I currently have an unfinished piece sitting in my files that began as a traditional drawing, one that I want to keep all the pencil details for. Here's the sketchbook page, scanned using a household printer:
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Not terrible, but it'd be nice to have clearer contrast between the lines and the background. In MediBang, I can adjust the contrast by going to Filter>Levels (or Ctrl+L), which gives me a little box that looks like this:
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I don't technically know the nitty gritty of how it works, but by my understanding, the outer triangles for the input and output indicate the range boundaries. Adjusting the input--particularly the darker boundary--so that the output boundary exceeds it basically tells the program to make the darker parts even darker, resulting in this:
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Better! As you can see, though, the darker parts of the background also show up a bit more. Rather than relying only on contrast adjustments, what I actually ended up doing was carefully erasing the background around the drawing after adding a plain white layer underneath, and also going over some of the lines digitally. I did this first in MediBang (the only art program I had when I started working on it), then transferred the file over to Rebelle.
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MediBang (left) has the pure white background, while the Rebelle (right) canvas settings I chose are a little off-white and more textured, which I think blends a bit better with the texture and shading of the image. It's possible to add textures and the like in MediBang, too, but Rebelle has it built into its design, so it's a little easier to figure out there; I'll likely finish this piece in Rebelle (whenever I get back to doing so, haha), since the canvas and brush settings will be easier to match to the texture of everything that came directly from the drawing.
Most of this is much easier to do with a drawing tablet/pen, unless you're a wizard with a mouse. As for traditional means... the best suggestion I can come up with is to try inking sketches, or at least darkening them further with a pencil. The more contrast you can get between your lines and the background, the more easily you can digitally tease that contrast out even further. I think most photo editors have at least some contrast, color, and brightness adjusters, and probably more useful functions I don't even know about--it never hurts to mess around with any program's filters and settings to see what happens!
Good luck, and happy drawing! :D
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grazhir · 2 years
Planet Crafter
So, in the discord, a handful of people are asking for certain things.
• T3 Ore Extractors. They're going to be "nerfed". No word on what that means. People have asked that they be limited to mining what's in a given biome, so basically, T2 extractors, just not mining up flotsam as well.
Well, okay, if that happens. I was hoping to reduce the number of teleporters out there, limiting them to the places I actually develop in (such as dropping tree spreaders, butterfly farms, bee farms, other machines), but if that's the direction the dev goes in, I'll deal. (It'd be nice to make the list take up less space in that event, so I don't have to scroll.)
Other options are mining much slower, or still mining up flotsam (but can be placed anywhere). Any of it works, it's just an adjustment. All that time spent working toward getting them as they are now, well.
I've seen complaints that areas are single use. How? You go to a new biome, collect all the mats (and these people are just as likely to not be using Auto-Mine, which means it'd take approximately forever to do so manually, and that's hardly single use), open all the chests, and just never go back?
[Realistically they aren't, because they've got up t1 extractors as soon as they can, which means they're getting all the low-level resources in higher quantities than they can use, hence the use of shredders, even with t2 extractors.]
You kind of have to if you want to mine the resources with an extractor (uranium, iridium, osmium, zeolite, sulfur, etc., and even basic resources—if you've managed to collect all surface nodes and still have things to build, because you may have shredded the excess to cut down on storage requirements, and t1/t2 extractors dig up a lot of "not what I'm after" materials).
Getting a t3 as they currently exist doesn't mean an area is useless. We got plenty of use out of it, it's just we wouldn't have to keep traveling the circuit. (I get it, this kind of stuff extends play time, and gives you something to do while the numbers are going up.)
The Mushroom Cave, after you've collected everything, done the key/door there, read the tablets, and collected as many glowy pink larvae? Yeah, it's useless, unless you've built a base down there. So how does anyone plan to make that not "single use"? It's a biome in its own right!
• More wrecks. Yep, I'd love more wrecks to explore. The suggestion I just saw was for more wrecks to fall on the planet while we're still terraforming. At first glance that sounds cool (and one assumes said wrecks fall into the 5 square km we get to explore and play on). Until…
Now we're back to building inside caves to prevent our bases from being crushed by that latest wreck that just fell out of the sky. (And presumably, everyone on board died when it hit, because the PC is the only living human [biped?] on that planet.
Or, certain areas you're prevented from building in, because the game is reserving that area until said wreck falls. Or…
In any case, I gotta wonder, are we expected to build medical facilities to help the survivors? Build them housing and food production? (Because unless literally everyone on a spaceship carries a multi-tool with a good chipset…)
[How did Ikhlas and Xiaodan build underground to begin with? We can't dig into the surface to create compartments underground (not unless we glitch through), so how did they manage it? Ikhlas was a crash survivor, but Xiaodan was the previous (failed) PC sent.]
Personally, I wonder if someone has the base of their base on the lake bed that those compartments should only flood if they failed to put in an airlock, which would mean a new compartment type to pump out any water when entering from the outside before being able to enter the interior of the base.
• Meteor damage. As before, now we either need new compartments (and machines) that can withstand damage like that, which means rebuilding everything we've done up to this point (for those of us who have saves which last through updates), or starting in a cave, and only building in the open once we can produce these hardened versions of things.
Which, okay. It just means 90% of all people would build in the iridium cave (mushroom is a second, if only because I think that's open from the word go, unlike the greater part of the zeolite cave).
Right now you can build anywhere you get a compartment down, so people are intentionally wanting to limit everyone else's starting choices. And not stating which difficultly level for this meteor damage. (My responding comment was to suggest limiting this to intense or hardcore modes. It's hardly "relaxing" if I have to worry about dying even inside my base due to meteors, despite me playing on "standard".)
It means if you're caught out in the open (exploring, collecting), then slapping a compartment/door combo down to gain some protection means far less, because you could still be smashed.
It means either being a nervous nellie and never moving very far from your cave, or mad dashes across the landscape to place teleporters in various caves so you have safety to retreat to (and hope you have enough for air/food/water).
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ratralsis · 10 months
I mentioned recently that my cat went through a sudden emergency that wound up costing me a few thousand dollars.
For a couple of weeks, it wasn't clear if he was going to fully recover. As it turns out, by buying him special prescription food that costs me about $5/day, he's doing much better now.
It sucks. I'm not happy that it's so expensive to feed him and keep him healthy. But that's how it is, and it can't possibly last forever. Since he turns 14 this month, it probably won't last more than a couple more years, frankly. But who knows. That's what I said about my other cat, who's been on slightly less expensive prescription food since January. She's 17, going to turn 18 at the end of the year.
They're both very old, and it's now costing me over $200/month just for food. It's absurd. I'm unhappy about it. I'm going to keep spending it just as long as they're both alive, because the alternative is to have them put down them for being expensive.
Which is what I'll do if either of them winds up requiring another surgery, because, while I can do my best to budget around $200/month for food, I simply can't afford another trip to the emergency clinic like I had in August.
This is where, if I had enough readers to justify it, I'd put a donation link where you could send me money. But it'd be to keep my cats alive. To cover my pet expenses. It'd feel wrong for me to ask for money for that, so I won't.
And yes, that does mean I feel a little conflicted about it when I see other people post those kinds of donation links. "Help me cover funeral expenses for my dog," that kind of thing. I just can't justify it. I know that pets are family members to a lot of people, and they're family members to me, too, but, in my case and only in my case, I feel that I'm the one who decided to take on the responsibility of pet ownership. I don't know the details of anyone else's case, so I'm just left wondering.
But, well, for now, both cats are doing alright, and, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to budget and save and be back to where I want to be in a few more months. November is one of two months in the year when I get three paychecks, so that'll help a lot.
We'll see what happens. I've been trying to find ways to earn more money this year, and, because I work in IT and tens of thousands of other IT workers were laid off at the start of the year, it simply hasn't happened yet. Maybe it'll happen soon. Who knows.
Or maybe, in a couple of years when I finish my book, I'll be able to start raking in that sweet, sweet passive income that I keep hearing about. I doubt it, though! I really, really doubt it!
That's enough of a life update for now. I'd like to get back to writing about writing again soon. My ad-supported Amazon Fire Tablet really pushed a book on me hard called Zodiac Academy: The Awakening, which I was able to download for no additional cost because I have some Kindle membership, and I made it about four pages in before the author's fixation on the first-person narrator's butt and their absolutely fucking awful punctuation (an inability to use commas, mainly) made me decide to stop reading. I'm not sure if I want to actually write about that or not, but I'm thinking about it.
I guess the series must be doing well, though. There are like ten books in the series? A lot of people must not give a shit about their authors being good at writing, which isn't shocking, but it is a bit sad for someone like me, who does.
I mean, just, like, hire a fucking proofreader. They're out there. They exist. Might even lead to enough additional copies of the books being sold to pay for the cost of it.
Okay. That's enough of everything for now.
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 5 (Bucky Barnes au)
“And I'll use you as a focal point
So I don't lose sight of what I want”
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"Oh! I didn't expect you so soon after the wedding," Bruce Banner said as you  walked into his lab. "Is everything alright?"
"Of course, thanks for asking, though. I just ran into Steve, and he said you'd actually found something while I was gone?"
A spark lit in Banner's eyes as he went around all his papers and tablets, searching for the information he wanted to share with you. Working with someone who was as passionate about science as you were was delightful : there was never an unproductive moment. You two were always thinking, bouncing off each other's ideas and coming up with useful inventions. You'd once helped two S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists, Fitz and Simmons, design "icers". They were non-lethal guns who could knock out theoretically anyone.
"See, we were talking about neural termination restaurations the other day. We thought it was next to impossible, since neurons are gone forever. But I was thinking..."
And off you started... It would be hard to get you two to stop before dinner time. You were so caught up in your work, lab goggles over your eyes, that Bruce had to tap on your shoulder to show you someone was there. You shot your head up, ready to say you were busy, but your body froze as you saw Bucky. You  didn't expect to run into him so quickly.
"Hey! Need anything?" you asked as he leaned against the door frame, hands in his pockets.
"No, I just... You guys are impressive."
Bucky looked all around the lab and his mouth didn't seem to be able to close.
"All this...is you two?"
You let out a small laugh. "Stark helped out a lot, we have to admit. He provides us with the tech, and we handle the other sciences, you know."
"What's your area?" he asked, his eyes coming back on you.
"Biochem and astrophysics."
"So like...planets and stuff too?"
"Yeah, basically."
At the other side of the room, Bruce was trying not to smile : he could only imagine how hard it was for you not to get carried away by details and explaining how amazing and compelling constellations, solar systems and galaxies were.
"I love that stuff," Bucky breathed out.
"Alright, since you're not alone, y/n, I'll go grab some lunch."
"Lunch already?"
Bruce nodded and left the room after making sure you'd be up to work again in the afternoon. You  most certainly hadn't seen time go by and a sudden soreness in your eyes made you aware of what time it was.
"I should probably take a break as well," you admitted. You fiddled with your fingers, a little awkward now that you weren't busy working, before a brilliant idea came to your mind. "Do you want to see something, like...really cool?"
"Obviously I do."
"Okay, follow me."
You instinctively grabbed Bucky's hand and jumped with surprise at the texture of it. You lowered your eyes to look at it and he immediately moved his arm away from you. It was...metal. Well, you didn't expect that, but who cared?
"I didn't know you had this," you said in a what wanted to be a casual tone.
"Yeah, long story." His elusive answer proved he wasn't ready to tell you about it.
"I'll hear it anytime," you said with a smile to reassure him before grabbing his hand again. The last thing you wanted him to think was that it scared you off. "Let's go now."
He didn't pull back this time, and you dragged him a few floors down, taking the stairs so you  didn't have to wait for the elevator. You were walking fast, impatient as the thought of showing Bucky your passion made you.  You ended up letting go of his hand to open a big door and hurried him in.
"What is this room, y/n?"
Ignoring the sound of your name in his mouth, you closed the door, plunging the room in pitch black.
"Don't move, I just have to grab the remote."
You easily found it, then carefully made your way back to him. Hearing his breath picking up, you laid a hand on his back.
"Breathe. I promise you'll love this."
With the press of a button,  billions of stars surrounded you, lightning Bucky's  face as he stared in amazement.
"I told you you'd like this," you whispered.
"This...wow." Bucky was speechless. He'd been staying here for a while and had never seen this room before, apparently.
You went to sit on one of the bean bag chairs you'd brought  yourself and Bucky decided to follow you, unable to take his eyes off the fake sky in front of him.
"Are those...real constellations?"
"Absolutely." This was your time : talking about this always made you happy. "See  the ones that are kinda forming a V? If you look closely, they form the Capricorn constellation. Right above it is Aquarius. And on the left, that's Cernus, the one that looks like a whale. And then...sorry. I talk too much."
"No, no. Keep going."
Bucky leaned back in his chair, still looking up. A huge smile split your face as  you kept on telling him about constellations, showing him well known ones as much as others, less famous. You had no idea how long it had been when you got out, and a glance at your phone told you it'd been over an hour.
"I'm sorry if that bored you,"  you told him while closing the door. "When I start talking about stars..."
"Not at all. I get that. I could have listened for five more hours."
You chuckled nervously and gulped, joining your hand in your back as you  walked along the hallway to the elevator. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've got to get back to work, but if you want to see the stars again some time, you know where to find me."
"I'm eating at Brad's  tonight. I think there's pizza left in the fridge."
You'd been looking at Darren's text for five minutes : what were you supposed to say  to that? At least he had the decency to warn you...thirty minutes before your usual dinner time.
"You okay there?"
You looked away from your phone screen and gave Steve a bitter smile. "Not really. Darren bailed. Again."
Steve shook his head. You could tell he was angry at him. It's not like they had ever been wonderful friends, but you'd hoped Darren would make efforts to get to know Steve and the rest of the gang. They'd done their part ; Darren just never seemed to deem it necessary.
"I'm sure Wanda will be available for a pizza and movie night. You can stay here as long as you-"
Your ringtone interrupted Steve's sentence : Darren was calling you.
"It's me, honey. Just wanted to tell you I'm staying over at Brad's. We had a few beers so I don't want to take the risk to drive."
"Oh, huh... Yeah. That's safer."
Your friend rolled his eyes – a thing he rarely did as bitterly.
"I'm not home either anyway," you said, hoping it would get a reaction out of him.
"Really? Where are you?"
"At the compound." You heard Darren make a mocking noise.
"I don't even know why I asked. Of course that's where you are."
You let out an angry breath and decided to end the phone call.
"I don't know what time you'll get home tomorrow, but don't worry if I'm not there. I'll probably come back late in the afternoon. Bye."
You hung up. You didn't want to hear his voice any longer.  Steve grabbed you by the shoulder to comfort you.
"I'll get a room ready for you."
"Thanks, Steve."
"This guy is such a dick."
And that was your sister's reaction as she walked in, learning what had happened from your mind.  She sure was less civil than Steve, but have someone be as upset as you helped you understand that you were right to be mad at Darren.
"I'm sorry,  I know you married the guy, but-"
"No, you're right," you interrupted her as she sat at your other side. "He is behaving like a dick."
Wanda laughed as she pulled you in for a warm hug. "Men are the worst. Don't feel like it's your fault."
"You know I'm here, and a man, right?" Steve joked.
You and Wanda shot him fake ferocious looks and he held up his hands as a sign of peace.
"Fine, fine, men are the worst," he said solemnly.
--- Thanks again for the support y'all gave to the 4 previous parts. I hope this one is good! :) Tell me if you want to be added to the tag list ^^
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@ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02
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