#but it is ANNOYING
jettreno · 3 months
dear god the supreme court is on a roll of shit today
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lesbiancolumbo · 12 days
i have a boss who is the kind of person who insists on doing all the work herself and frequently takes work i’ve done 98% of the draft for and give to her for last looks and she just rewrites all of it lol….. this doesn’t bother me so much as frustrate me because whatever, it’s her department, but i keep sitting here thinking about how she has so much on her plate at all times and every time i try to take work off her plate it just ends up there by her own design. fortunately this is not my problem lol
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mermmarie · 7 months
Public Service Announcement
I've had this happen a few times and it's a few times too many for me. So now I gotta say something about it.
If you plan on drawing my character Bonnie, please do not deviate from her preferred hairystle.
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For some reason... Others have changed her hairstyle to something more 'natural' or protective instead of her straigthened, sleek ponytail and it honestly comes off as disrespectful and ignorant.
Bonnie is a mixed black woman, and while her hair technically is naturally curly she chooses to wear it straight. I don't know why that confuses and upsets people, but it's a real hairstyle that black women actually wear, and it's beautiful. I'm not making this shit up.
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Hairstyles are very personal when it comes to black people, and especially for black women. Just because it's a straightend style doesn't mean that any less work goes into it, nor does it make her any less black.
Also, a general rule for drawing someone elses character is that you shouldn't change things about them unless given permission. Just saying.
So yeah, just a FYI. Thanks! 💖
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haganenoyuki · 2 months
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like everyone else, I also downloaded the yuutaone freebie font pack. the logo is kishimen sword, and the copy text is sorikomi sans serif
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I do feel a lot of snape fans underestimate his cruelty, which I kinda get because its his most gross aspect, specially towards harry, for me it reaches its peak in hbp when snape makes harry go through sirius and james's school records, no matter how rightious his hatred of both is, snape is pupously triggering harry, the wounds of sirius's death still fresh, and this is all after snape knows~ that harry has to die within a year or so.
Thats brutal, I also do think he was making fun of harry's abuse during the occlumency lessons, he is capable of it. All of this is why I feel very uncomfortable when parts of the snapedom try to rationalizr snape's treatment of harry or say that somehow harry participated to create the animosity ("snape is angry because harry puts his life in danger") there is nothing rational about it and thats...fine, snape is a character that is cruel to children, gotta deal w it.
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toyintrance · 8 months
is it petty to blacklist the phrase "good girl" just so I stop getting surprise-misgendered in the middle of reading something hot
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asitrita · 1 year
I just spent half a day arguing with someone who claims aph Spain is practically Arab because of Al Andaluz and I can't with people
That person didn't know any basic history. If Spain is Arab because of Al Andalus, India must be an exact copy of Britain and the quintessential Anglo Saxon society. And at least they do speak English, lol.
That person probably fed on all the Orientalist propaganda and ridiculous stereotypes about Spain. But the influence Arab culture had in Spain is minimal and superficial. Sure, there's some Arab influence, but it is pretty superficial and non transcendental to Spanish culture, society, or identity. Its biggest contribution to Spain was it acting as its adversary, hence reinforcing the Roman and Christian identity of Spain's population. They should just ask themselves what language do Spaniards speak and what is the predominant religion in Spain.
Also, just ask the person if they think Arabs are responsible for mass genocide in Spain and killed all native inhabitants so everyone in Spain is Arab now.
Tbh, I'm sure they don't even distinguish between Arab and North African/Berber culture, nor are aware of the process of Reconquista, let alone know the difference between Emirate and Caliphate, or the existence of the Taifa kingdoms.
Anyone who thinks Spain is an Arab country, or even somewhat Arab, because of Al Andalus, is either an ignorant/delusional fool, or a troll, or maybe both.
As for aph Spain, I would think nation personifications represent the people living in those regions. Since people living in Spain today are not Arab, not even remotely so, and are descendants of the Northern Christian people who repopulated the south + buckets of Christian people who lived in the south under Muslim rule but who never converted and were later assimilated again within a Christian, Greco-Roman, and Medieval European context and culture, I see absolute no reason to make aph Spain Arab, nor anything remotely similar. That would make as much sense as creating an OC of the Mexica (Aztec) empire and making him/her Spanish, or making India a Saxon warrior, or Nigeria a Viking sailor (actually, maybe even less sense, if that's even possible).
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thetabbybadger · 7 months
I have had a ghost note on one of my sideblogs for DAYS and it’s driving me crazy, can we just clear notifications? There’s nothing theeeere Dx
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 1 month
Once again my accursed flesh prison has betrayed me (I forgot to eat enough today and I got dizzy and lightheaded)
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merge-conflict · 1 year
that glitch effect isn't supposed to last a really long time throughout missions, right? my save is just definitely haunted in some way?
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spaceaces00 · 6 months
And now I have the right blog (I, too, hate the sideblog difficulty)
Yay side blog nonsense!! I feel like I’ve got my ground now. However now I’m like invisible in the tumblr search??
Ik I’m new but pls- just like how Lance feels invisible to the team as a lonely 7th wheel 😩
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steamanband · 4 months
I got lockjaw from remaining in operation since the 1890s and all I got was lockjaw as previously mentioned
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its-tortle · 5 months
beach day is off the a rough start lmao the bus was like four mins early and so i just missed it and now i am ubering to the train station
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ajthebumblebee · 2 years
Okay, Hunter getting magic is bullshit.
"Hey, you know this character that's disability coded? What if the way for him to handle his disability is for him to be cured of it through the power of friendship?"
Hunter is just where the writers' put all their bad ideas in.
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oufrelou · 1 year
neurotypicals/people who don’t experience delusions/people who don’t have psychosis who say “delulu” deserve to die
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wings-of-angels · 2 years
Thinking about they/he/she/xe pronouns,,,
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