#i kept up with scene queen at least when i was on tiktok but i’m not anymore
i need to learn some way to actually keep up my favorite musicians. because i don’t use social media (just tumblr which doesn’t really count), and i found out a month ago that highly suspect put out an album last fucking year and i had no idea. i would have listened to that shit the second it was up if i had any way to know it existed.
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 1/57, 97.7k words
I was like “hey brain I’d love to do a shitpost social media au” and then it was like r e w r i t e m i r a c u l o u s
I don’t even know if it really even counts as miraculous anymore so much has changed god damn it --
Rena Rouge had never been so excited for anything in her life.
Of course, at first glance people would find that insane. She was going to a meeting, after all.
But it was the people that were also attending that had her practically vibrating she was so excited.
All the heroes of Paris were to be gathered under Master Fu’s orders. They hardly ever worked together, so having all four (five, including her, she reminded herself) together was pretty much a once-in-a-lifetime event. She wished she was still a reporter, this was the kind of thing she would have killed to report on back in the day…
Still, a part of her had to wonder why exactly they were all there. Master Fu had been vague when he’d called. She had some theories, of course, but all this waiting was starting to shift her excitement into nerves. She attempted to smooth out her tail, but ended up just tucking it under herself to hide her anxiety. Maybe she shouldn’t have come so early.
The first person to show up after her was Carapace. He’d poked his head through the door, the hood of his sleeveless hoodie pulled so low over his face that it partially hid his face. Then he broke into a wide smile and pushed the hood up a little to show the green glint of his mask. He made his way inside and took a seat next to her.
“Salu -- Bonjour!” His confident smile melted into an uncomfortable one. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“Salut,” she said, not wanting him to feel awkward.
Besides, that was kind of his whole shtick. Carapace was the relatable hero, the one you could vent about your problems to.
(Well, technically you could vent to all of Paris’s heroes, they didn’t mind… but Carapace was the only one that felt close enough to actually try it with.)
Silence lapsed between them as they sat there. She tried to remember whether she had met him as Rena Rouge or not and he seemed unsure whether she wanted to talk, but they were distracted from their thoughts when Chloe walked into the room.
Chloe just kind of… does that. If Carapace was the personable one, Chloe was the one who felt the most unreachable. She was open about her persona, had to be after everyone found out about it, and exactly how relatable can a mayor’s daughter be? She’d leaned into it, though, opting for golden jewelry and wings that glinted in the light.
Neither of the present heroes said anything to Chloe, and Chloe didn’t acknowledge them.
Was it rude? Technically. But what else were they supposed to do? Chloe had made it clear a week ago that she didn’t like them. There’s no good conversation that can come after you get shit-talked on live tv.
The last person to be on time was Chat Noir. The original hero. He gave them a smile worthy of a model as he slipped inside. “Bonjour.”
“Bonjour,” said Rena and Carapace, and even Chloe gave a quiet hum of acknowledgement.
The leather of his black suit made a high-pitched squeaking sound against the chair when he sat down that made both him and Rena’s hair stand on end (literally).
Master Fu walked in to find Carapace trying to soothe two very frazzled miraculous holders and Chloe ignoring them on her phone.
He sighed and gently rapped his cane on the ground.
Instantly, the room quieted. Chat and Rena snapped out of their shock.
“Bonjour,” chorused everyone.
He smiled tensely. “Bonjour. Where’s Ladybug?”
“Not here yet,” said Chloe. She set her phone down on the table and crossed her arms over her chest. “There’s nothing in the papers, either.”
Master Fu nodded a little bit and took a seat at the head of the table. “We can wait for her. There’s no rush.”
Carapace hesitated before raising his hand. “There’s… a bit of a rush. I was procrastinating a college app and it’s due tonight…”
“It shouldn’t be long,” said Master Fu.
This was true. About five minutes later Ladybug burst into the room, panting softly. “Bon… jour...”
“Thanks for finally showing up,” said Chloe.
No one knew for sure, because Ladybug’s eyes were completely white, but they got the feeling that she was rolling her eyes.
“There was an akuma.”
“Really? There was nothing on the news…” said Rena, genuinely confused, but she trailed off when she realized that maybe getting one of your childhood heroes in trouble was a bad idea if you wanted to have a good relationship with said childhood hero.
Thankfully, Ladybug didn’t seem all that annoyed. “That’s because the news anchor and her crew got swallowed by it before they could get any information out. Anyways, it’s dealt with.”
With that, Ladybug took a seat in the last open chair. There was a beat as she smoothed out the red and black folds of her dress and then she crossed her legs and smiled at everyone.
Master Fu sighed and shook his head, slowly placing his cane in his lap.
“Now that everyone is here, would anyone like to guess why?”
The heroes of Paris stiffened a little bit. That sounded a lot like they were in trouble. They didn’t want to be in trouble.
Rena slowly raised her hand. “Is it… because of what Queen Bee said last week?”
The heroes’ expressions soured a bit at the memory. The video of Chloe trash talking all of them to an interviewer had blown up, and now they could hardly do anything without having at least one reporter hounding them for a response.
None of them could give any, though Rena was sure at least some of them were tempted. The public was supposed to think them all friends, or at worst friendly coworkers. It gave them hope, seeing them all working together for team ups, and analyzing their friendship dynamics kept them relatively distracted from the fact that it had been six years since the first hero had first arrived on the scene and they still had virtually nothing on Hawkmoth.
But now that illusion had been shattered (and trust her, she knew a lot about illusions). Akumas had been more active this week.
“That’s precisely it. Thank you, Rena.” Master Fu regarded them all carefully. “What do you think we should do about it?”
Really, they’d had no clue what to do about their image.
Chloe hadn’t been joking, she’d made that plainly obvious, so saying she didn’t mean it or that was just the type of friendship they had wasn’t going to work…
“Act more like friends…?” Said Ladybug when no one spoke up.
Master Fu nodded.
“Oh, so more team ups or something?” Said Chat.
Carapace shrugged. “Don’t know how much of that I can do, since I’m the only one that can consistently get in the water, but…” He shrugged again. “... sure, I can do that.”
The old man drummed his fingers on the table lightly to bring their attention back to him.
“Yes, that, too, but I was thinking something more… convincing.”
Rena decided that she definitely didn’t like the way his eyes gleamed.
“So, until you manage to defeat Hawkmoth, you will all be living together.”
Everyone opened their mouths to argue but he held up a hand to silence them.
“And you’ll be doing it publicly, posting regular content about it to a social media platform of your choosing…”  He put his hand down. “Now you can complain.”
The teens all immediately started attempting to talk over each other, their voices steadily increasing in volume as they tried to be the one to get their complaints heard.
Rena was silent. Part of her thought that she should be complaining. She had siblings, after all, she had a life outside of heroism… but she couldn’t help but smile. She would be living with her childhood heroes (for a long time, probably, because the Hawkmoth situation was not getting better)! And, really, her sisters could get annoying at times. She’d love an excuse to get away.
So instead of arguing she leaned back in her chair and watched everyone else.
Chloe was the most passionate about it, her jewelry flashing with every wild swing of her hand. Her voice was the loudest, but with the other voices in the room and the fact that she was literally buzzing in her anger it was hard to make out what she was saying.
Chat seemed distressed and Rena could see his mouth saying “I don’t think I’d be allowed to” repeatedly even if she couldn’t hear him over Chloe’s screeching.
Carapace’s face was set in an uncharacteristic frown as he complained. Sure, of those voicing their complaints, he definitely seemed the most relaxed, but the fact that he was frowning was in itself proof of just how upset he really was.
Ladybug was quiet, though she didn’t look particularly happy about it. Her lips were pressed into a thin line as if she was holding herself back from yelling as well and her fingers worried at the hem of her dress.
After a minute of this, Master Fu raised his hands for silence and instantly got it once again.
“Are you done?”
The general consensus was ‘no’, if the looks on their faces meant anything, but they nodded anyways.
“Good. Chat Noir, I’ve already worked everything out with your dad, we’ll discuss it more after the meeting is over.”
Chat relaxed a bit.
“Carapace, your schooling will not be affected. In fact, you’ll likely have a better college experience since all your food and toiletries will be paid for by me.”
Carapace’s expression shifted to a thoughtful one as he considered this.
“Queen Bee, must I remind you of the fact that you’re on thin ice as it is?”
Everyone’s eyes shot to Chloe, who had paled considerably. Her angry buzzing quickly lowered to a dull hum and she settled back into her seat.
Master Fu seemed sated by this, and he looked at Ladybug and Rena.
“And I’m assuming I don’t need to convince either of you?”
Rena shook her head instantly. Ladybug took her time to consider, but eventually shook her head as well.
“Great. Now, shall we talk logistics?”
@nathleigh @mialuvscats
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