#i killa da orphans 🤌🏻❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️
mashamorevvna · 1 year
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my favourite tweet abt the 3 chosen
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mytheralmin · 5 months
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Dr. Hatsune Mikuman
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mytheralmin · 8 months
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The first five slots go to my star Ghede a powerful ten cap with five superior disciplines, a cost reduction on serpentis combat cards, and an in built rush effect. The deck utilizes all five of his disciplines in full force with main focus on potence, presence, and serpentis. Fortitude is powerful for unlocking as always for single vampire decks and obfusicate though not as common as in earlier versions still has a few lost in the crowds and shadow boxings (a personal favorite.)
Second we come to Abdelsobek a five capacity Follower of Set with five inferior disciplines, four of which match with Ghede. Sporting serpentis, presence, obfusicate, fortitude, and necromancy makes him fine as a small actor but he is key to our strategy as he allows us to as a +1 stealth action unlock any other vampire or mummy we control. Almost always meaning Ghede gets 2 actions minimum every turn.
Third we pack two copies of one of the best cards in group five Andre LeRoux. A toreador with only inferior auspex he may seem weak but as with all our vampires up till now it’s all in the special text. “If a vampire you control would successfully bleed, you can reduce the bleed amount by 1 to give Andre +2 bleed this turn.” So you get to punish your opponent if they have no blockers. Great so do we play dreamworld to offset that bleed reduction? No he is here for two reasons. To do minor actions like take out army of rats, rescue abdelsobek, or block a bleed, and also to bleed for 6. Now how does he get to 6 bleed you ask, he can trigger on his own bleed action. This means you effectively have a +1 bleed 3 cap vampire that can increase that bleed amount further a great way to fill the hole in lower capacity.
Finally I have two one of vampires that while nice are generally unimportant and won’t see play unless you oust 2-3 opponents and have the pool to spare. My choices to bring are Clea Auguste d’Holford and Gold Pan Dan but I also suggest Andelino Da Silva if large agg damage is a problem or Paul Calderone if you need more vampires taking the same action often.
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Moving on to the library cards it is a full deck of 90 playing 20 masters (5 trifle) which isn’t unusual and may be a bit light for a star vampire deck like this.
8 of my master cards are devoted to blood recouping and pool generation. With three blood doll, a classic card that has proven itself for 30 years now. Two copies of the trifle villein to help balance the lack of a Parthenon. One copy of temple hunting group, one copy of the trifle the coven, and one copy of giants blood each to regain blood on Ghede or his fellow vampires.
Beyond temple hunting group the deck packs two other location masters. Four copies of the stand out card from Fall of London is the British Museum and two copies of the only trifle location Filchware’s Pawn Shop both for important equipment synergies.
Finally the deck has six copies of the best acceleration card in the game besides perhaps information highway, it’s the Eternals of Sirius a 4 pool card that generates 5 blood on a Follower of Set 9th generation or higher. Meaning with two of these on then two in first position you can have Ghede and Abdelsobek flipped and ready to rumble.
Speaking of rumbling the deck packs 27 combat cards and 5 modifier/combat cards taking up more then a third of the whole deck.
With only 14 copies of typhonic beast it might seem low to you familiar with Ghede decks but the deck only needs so many of the all star that does everything. Increasing strength, soaking damage, and giving presses this card really does it all and playing one or more for free every turn has locked more then a few vampires out of the ready region forever.
Next up is immortal grapple, when you find yourself at close range or against a tricky enemy you gotta lock them in. Good luck using majesty or earth meld now unless your Stanislava or pack one of the three cards that can get you out of a grapple your out of luck today.
And just to make sure you get to close range we pack 5 of my favorite card in the game, shadow boxing. At inferior maneuver to close or press to continue, the best friend of !Nosferatu it works great here to close the difference or quickly make up a press dispute. But at superior is when it’s the most fun, after combat if your up and their not, burn a blood and continue the action as if unblocked. Call it form of fist because it breaks through to be devastating especially against blocked rushes or show of force.
Four copies of taste of Vitae are always good, if your a combat deck that isn’t diablerizing or stealing blood it’s a must have.
Finally three copies of the jones make a great catch all GOTCHA for when the malkavians think they can get tricky with coma or if the anarch ministry was packing a bit more wolf claw then you though.
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Now for a deck called Ghede commits action fraud six actions may not seem like a lot but that’s because we also take eight equipments and an ally card as well.
Six show of force mean we can bleed with impunity. +2 bleed and +2 strength round one means almost no one show block us, and those who do quickly learn not to.
Six mokole blood form the code loop of the deck. With British Museum you can reduce the cost and unlock the vampire for the action as well as recur four typhonic beasts (or in some cases a the jones as well) from the ash heap or your library. And with Filchwares Pawn Shop not only can you steal other people’s miscellaneous equipment for a discount, you can recur the mokole blood with almost no risk as there are few decks that use Followers of Set and serpentis cards after the V5 decks came out.
Two cooler are currently the cards in contention. A steady supply of blood and a free actionfwith the museum yes but over all they may not be worth it and better used for out of turn master cards for protection (one direct intervention and one archon investigation perhaps) or protective allies (one Carlton Van Wyk and one Aranthabes, the Immortal.)
One copy of Mylan Horseed is played as a second unlock to Ghede or can free up an action with Abdelsobek.
And for the last 23 cards we have 18 modifiers, four reactions, and one event.
Six iron glare give us additional bleed when we need it, and enough juice to help close out tight games or bleed big.
Six freak drive give use multi action on our star vampire or with Abdelsobek after a crucial unlock, perhaps both.
Four lost in the crowds are essential as surprise stealth to get a final bleed or necessary mokole blood through.
Four orphidian gaze are the only fully defensive card besides the jones, letting me reduce a bleed by two or stop crucial vote modifiers namely voter captivation.
Two Enkil Cog are our favorite card to see. A unique modifier that sticks around it gives Ghede +1 bleed and allows him to act on others turn. Important that stops them from getting of archon investigation and other out of turn masters and let’s our star bleed twice per turn cycle.
Finally we have one NRA PAC a goverment event that lets anyone unlock at end of turn after equipping. With its nearly zero opportunity cost and high synergy with British Museum it can pull more than its own wieght.
So overall the deck plans to do two things punch out your opponents vampires then bleed, bleed, bleed. And if anyone gets in your way, well that’s what step one is for. Good luck and have fun.
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