#i kinda hate drawing tighnari
llegato · 1 year
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literally just an excuse to draw cyno tiddies
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flyingdangernoodle · 2 years
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[ID: A digital sketch of Tighnari from Genshin Impact. He is drawn in greyscale from shoulder up, with green highlights in his hair. End. ID]
I really have no explanation for this other than that the wifi went out and this was the first thing I thought of to draw.
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Ta da!!
My goodness I love these two. it’s so much fun for me to make art from these stories I love it so much! I did keep things slightly more simple this time around but that’s mostly just for my own sanity. I get a little too excited occasionally and realize if I don’t reel it in I’ll never finish things 😅. These are bits mainly from chapter five and a little bit from four. I wasn’t sure how we feel about like…actually drawings of vomit? I don’t want to push it (and frankly idk if I’d be comfy with it lol I’ll have to think about that) but I still want to include like…the energy ?🤣
I can’t wait to draw more stuff as fics continue!! I hope to expand too and draw other pairings and moments as well!! But I think sick Cyno and caretaker tighnari will always be my number one hehe 😊
(Ps…personally… I hate the clothes I put them in??? Like I had to stop eventually cuz I was waaay over thinking it and it’s really not the point at all, but at the same time I was like..wait how many outfits did they pack? How many times do they change clothing? Would Tighnari even look good in that color?? It doesn’t matter and kinda made me laugh but I was this close to doing online window shopping to get better inspiration 🤣)
I don't know how you do this but you always manage to blow me away with your art JUST LOOK AT THEM!! LOOK AT OUR BOYS!! THEY'RE SO- AH! You have no idea how happy these make me 😭
They're my favourite pairing to write right now too, so you can bet I'll be spoiling you with a lot more content of them! Especially sick Cyno, he melts my heart.
AAHH I don't know what to say without rambling! I'm so giddy, I can't stop looking at these!! (I love that drawing of Cyno sitting on the edge of the bed and throwing up- you somehow captured just how miserable he is, even with only his back showing!)
And I think the clothes are cute!! I love that you drew different outfits in both pages of sketches! Tighnari is 100% the type to over-pack, he definitely had an absurd amount of spare clothes. Which, good thing, I think Cyno sweated through several pairs between chapter 4 and 5 😭
AGAIN! Thank you so so much for all the beautiful fanart you've shared!! It means so insanely much to me to see fanart created of my works, and your art is so good too!! I am one very happy writer right now!
(on the topic of drawings of vomit! Absolutely only draw what you feel comfortable drawing. I think you portrayed nausea really well in your drawings, and I really like how you drew the sketch of Cyno throwing up! I am not at all phased by vomit in drawings, so whether you choose to draw it or not, I don't mind at all. As long as you're comfortable with what you're creating! Also if you were to submit drawings that included actual vomit, I would probably just put the art below a cut with a warning, for any of my followers who'd rather not see it.)
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ninlilwinds · 2 years
hello! I'm new to your blog so uh yea hi :D
this is my first time doing a request so I'm kinda nervous hehe not to mention I'm very new to Tumblr as well
I really like your writing style and wanted to see how you'd work with my request(if you want to ofc you can just ignore me if you'd like)
so I'm wondering how would the Genshin men react with a child!Koala(from One Piece)-like fem!Reader?(or gn if you're comfier with that)
in case you don't watch One Piece or forgot(because know I did, it's been a while), Koala as a child was enslaved and due to fear she'd smile no matter what even when she's injured
if possible with Diluc, Zhongli, Dainsleif, Alhaitham, Tighnari, Ayato and Thoma? and anyone else you'd want to add? I tried finding your rules or do's and don'ts post but I can't find it sorry if I broke any or if there's too many characters
sorry for the long message ><
Fem!Child!Reader x Genshin Men: Smile Through the Pain
Hello! Thank you so much for choosing me to do this request, I'm honored. I personally have not watched One Piece, but I looked up some more about Koala's personality. It became more of a reader cope with troubles by smiling, I hope you don't mind. Anyways, I am not very familiar with Alhaitham's character, so I decided to take him out (I hope that's not too inconvenient). As well as since this was platonic (given the reader is a child), I placed Ayato and Thoma in the same one (also hope you don't mind)
Characters" Diluc, Dainsleif, Thoma & Ayato, Zhongli, Tighnari
Summary: Fem! Child reader that is like Koala from One Piece (Reader is female and a child)
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“Mr. Diluc!” Your bright smile caught the young man’s attention, as it usually would. He would return your smile with a faint one, so as to not offend your little heart. When he studied your body further, his smile faded. 
“(Y/n), where have all these scratches come from?” He knelt down to meet your level, inspecting some bloody scratches you had on your arm. 
Your smile never wavered, your eyes never became glossy, and he found that to be very odd. For someone normal your age, they would’ve been sobbing and complaining about how it hurts. You simply smiled, holding an empty bowl, “I was feeding some kitties. A dog came and scared them, so they scratched and bit me."He noticed the bowl trembling in your hands, it must have spooked you. 
Diluc picked you up, careful to not hurt any of your wounds, “Let’s get those patched up.” He grabbed the bowl he assumed you gave something to the cats with and placed it on his desk. He put you up on the counter and looked for his first aid kit, “Are you sure you’re ok, (Y/n)?” 
You nodded, and smiled. If Diluc didn't know any better, he would say you’re taking this better than he was, but he was perceptive and could tell your obvious discomfort.
As he pressed some disinfectant to the scratches you flinched, your eyes widening slightly at the abrupt pain but then you caught Diluc looking at you and smiled, “Can we play hide and go seek later?” 
“Once we have you all patched up, we can go play hide and seek.” He nodded and finished patching you up. 
You immediately jumped down running to the door and using it open, “You count first!” you ran out into the vineyard to your usual hiding spot, one Diluc pretended he didn’t already find as he slowly counted to 20. 
He knew of your past. All the hate, scorn and hardships you had endured despite your young age. Yet, you always seemed to remain happy and bright. But he knew your smile meant more than just that. He admired your bravery, and wanted to make you smile for real one day. 
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Dainslef was walking down a dark cave, trying to track down a lead he had received about a defiled statue. He was on edge, every noise caused him to stop and study it. He heard some footsteps running towards him, and he turned around, about to draw his weapon when he saw your tiny face peak from behind a rock. 
He frowned. What was a child doing in here? He knelt down and beckoned you over, still ready to fight in case this was some sort of trap. You smiled and ran over. 
Dainslef didn’t like how this looked. Your clothes were ripped and dirty, along with your face that had dirt smudged all over. 
Your hair was sticking out in all places and your body was all battered and bruised, “What are you doing here, little one?” he smoothed your hair down with his hand as you shrugged with a smile, “I was taken and left here, I dunno why.” 
He was saddened by this, another abandoned soul in this cruel world. The archons didn’t care about these things, why would they? 
He eased a little and picked you up, “Where are your parents?”
“Dead.” you said, grabbing his shoulder for extra support.
He frowned and decided this was more important than his mission. 
As he took you out he noticed you kept smiling. Even after he had to fight some smiles, or when you tripped and fell, or when you didn’t have any food or drink for several hours before he found shelter, not once did you stop smiling or humming a happy tune. 
Dainslef knew this went deeper than just a plain smile. 
As he got to know you better during your travels (he wasn’t about to leave a poor defenseless kid alone), he started to find out the why’s of your smiling and positive attitude, and he found himself emphasizing with you a bit. You actually brought joy to his life, and he wished he had done the same. 
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You flinched as a boy around your age threw a g
lass of hot tea at you, “You freak! Stop smiling! You're so creepy!” 
You continued to smile as you grabbed a napkin and cleaned yourself up, “That hurt a little, please don’t throw something that hot around, it’s dangerous.” 
Thoma had been cleaning the entrance when he heard the boy yell at you. He dropped his broom and ran towards the voices.
A few months ago, his master, Ayato, had found you wandering around Inazuma with no home or shelter. He decided he had plenty of space and allowed you to stay  with them. Ever since then, Thoma and Ayato had been working together to help raise you. Your smile always warmed their heart, and they tried their best to never upset you (although they’d find it hard to distinguish against. 
When Thoma arrived he saw Ayato was already making his way towards the commotion. 
Ayato tapped the kid’s shoulder as Thoma picked youtube inspecting the severity of your burns. 
“Little kid, I suggest you don’t mess with Miss (Y/n) again. She is a permanent guest of mine in this residence and you work under me. I’m aware your training is not over yet, so let me give you a small lesson, don’t be rude to guests.” The kid was trembling as the two men looked at him. 
“Are you ok (Y/n)?” Thoma asked, carrying you towards the kitchen to run the burn under cold water, 
“I’m ok!” You smiled and let him work on the burns. 
Ayato entered the room shortly after and checked teh wounds himself and apologized on his staff's behalf, “Their young age is no excuse for this.” 
You smiled and hugged them both, “I’m fine, really. Anyways I have to get back to training with Ayaka!” you hopped down and ran off. 
Ayato and Thoma looked at each other. It’s not that they agreed with the kid about your smile being creepy or unnerving, but it was certainly unusual. They didn’t press about your past and didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but it seemed they’d have to sit you down for a talk soon to be able to help you. 
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“Good work, (Y/n).” Zhongli praised your work. He was teaching you calligraphy and noted that Your brush strokes had improved greatly. Your smile widened and you continued to carefully copy the sentence that he had written down for you to practice. 
Zhongli still remembered the first day he found you. It had been a cloudy day as you stepped in, with a small pouch filled with some mora and a few fake wooden coins. You placed the money on the counter, “I need one funeral, please.” 
Zhongli found this quite distressing. Why was this young child smiling up at him asking for a funeral? Who had died? How had they died? 
He leaned over, “And who is this funeral for?” 
“A squirrel I made friends with got shot by a hunter.” You said, your smile never leaving. At first Zhongli found this to be quite disturbing. 
As he continued to study you, he noticed your clothes were worn out and tattered and you had small little scars decorating your skin. He frowned, “I see. Well we will give you a first customer discount, it’s on the house.” He slid the pouch of money back towards you and you picked it up again. 
“Really?” Your smile widened, “Yay!” 
During the small funeral ceremony Zhongli held with you, He noticed you never stopped smiling, not once. Even when the body was buried and you said goodbye. 
As time went on, Zhongli noticed it was a bad habit of yours to simply smile. Your ordinary smile soon became what anyone would consider a normal facial expression, but Zhongli knew it hid a world of pain. 
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You had been in the forest rangers for a while (as an unofficial apprentice) and worked alongside Tighnari. Due to all the time you spent together, he considered you something akin to family. 
You worked alongside him and your smiles and overall joyful nature always reenergized him when he was feeling overwhelmed with work. 
“Here, try this.” Tignari held up a new juice concoction towards you. He had been learning how to make different flavors and try to find your favorite one as a sort of pass time.
You brought the vail to your lips and took a sip and then laughed, “It’s too bitter, ‘nari!” 
He frowned, “But i only used sweet ingredients.” he frowned and tried it himself and shuddered. It was very bitter. He thought it was due to the activating chemical he used to enhance the flavors. 
“You’re right it is very bitter.” He dumped the contents into a safe container to be disposed of properly later. You smiled and as you looked at him work, “You can go outside and play. I’m sure this must be quite boring.”
You shook your head, “I want to stay here.” you had found comfort in Tighnari, feeling safe with him around. Your smile was a little more genuine when around him. 
Tighnari finished his formula and began working, giving you orders on what he needed you to do as he went on to include you during the process. 
“Done. Try it now.” He handed you the vail after making sure it wasn’t poisonous. 
You took a sip and nodded, “Perfect!” 
He tried it himself and smiled, “I agree.” 
Tighnari had researched your past, and he had noted how your smile never wavered and how hard you worked. He had introduced you to Collie, knowing your pasts were just a bit similar, and made sure to always have your needs met. He was going to make sure you never had to go through something like that during your life again. He’d make sure to keep you smiling. 
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sakkiichi · 1 year
hey can I request a genish matchup?
I'm a girl who's about 5'7 and has black hair and black eyes. I like drawing a lot and I also write songs. I often study and prepare for tests with the time I have.
I am very kind, loving, caring and considerate. I hate any kind of conflict so I usually almost always agree with other's opinions. I rarely get angry and usually bottle up my anger lol. The only thing I don't agree with is changing my basic moral values. I refuse to harm those who have harmed me as I simply don't like it. I also love puns and my humor is similar to cyno's lolol. I'm a huge introvert but I always try to be friendly and try to figure out the way to win someone as my friend. I've been betrayed and replaced a lot before so I get kinda scared of ppl leaving me easily. But to those who are the closest to me, I treat them like royalty. The smile of those I love is the most important and I will go any lengths to achieve it.
hey, dear, thank you for the info you sent ! i hope it’s okay to publish it, since i have no way to identify you otherwise… i hope you’ll like the matchup <3
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now, for you i was seriously debating two characters that i can definitely see you clicking quite well with, but finally decided on someone who loves nature and is seen as a guide of sorts. Like you, he spends a great amount of his time studying and though sassy at times, he’s not one to go looking for conflict either, often preferring a more rational approach. In contrast to you, he knows when to let his anger show and he’s not afraid to throw hands (if he absolutely has to only, of course). Though introverted, he is social too and good at talking in front of crowds.
well, with all this, you might have an idea of who i’m talking about already hehe ~ i think your genshin match is…
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Your love for drawing and song writing are both facets of your personality that I think Tighnari would really admire. He has knowledge in drawing himself, often recording all the spices he studies on his journals. So, don’t be surprised if some time he asks you to accompany him or just join him to study botany for a while.
The head forest ranger’s eyes can’t help but glance at you, as you masterfully make pencil lines come alive in the form of flowers, leaves, fungi, butterflies or any other living creature he’s studying.
Due to your studious and introverted nature, the fennec fox always finds peace and respite in your company. His sensitive ears feel calm when he shares hours with you, Sumeru’s sunlight filtering through the verdure overhead coming in through his study’s open window.
More than once, when you two have been focusing on the books until dusk, his mind wanders to the lyrics you tend to scribble on the corners of your notebook’s pages.
He always wondered the meaning of those…
Intermittent sunbeams dance around the paper, the clear sky overhead patchy with marshmallow-like clouds and vibrant viridian leaves.
Humming to yourself, your eyes follow the penned lines you have down so far, your fingers tapping against your knee, to the tune of a melody yet to fully take form.
You always liked to escape to the hidden corners of Avidya forest to compose your songs. The birds chirping, the nilotpala lotuses floating in the crystalline waters and dendro crystalflies certainly did make for a soothing and inspiring atmosphere.
Sometimes you just got a few lines written; others you only managed to get a general idea of how your song is going to sound; at times, you even wrote no lyrics at all, settling for just doodling the flora and fauna surrounding you, but regardless, all the live that thrived in the rainforest always managed to make you smile.
Not to mention, no one knew about these little spots you picked to let your creativity fly free.
Or so you thought.
He had exceptional hearing, after all.
Honeyed notes had made it to the head forest ranger’s location as he was patrolling, the voice singing them unequivocally yours.
Carefully, he had retraced his steps, the echo of your sweet symphony leading him to your whereabouts.
Tighnari reaches a clearing, where you placidly sit, your back to him. Dendro crystalflies and fireflies flit around, their glow and the sun’s casting you in ethereal light.
Your lover smiles; you look so at peace like this, pen in hand, your feet dangling from the rock you’re sat at, dipping in the crystalline spring flowing by.
Your performance ends, you put down your notebook and unexpected clapping fills the otherwise mostly silent woods.
“I didn’t know you could sing.” Your boyfriend tells you, when you turn around and are met with his clapping hands and twitching ears.
“T-tighnari!” You fluster, gaze averted to the side. You hadn’t expected anyone to find your little corner. “I- well… I just write sometimes… lyrics… or something like that…”
“It sounded like quite the beautiful melody to me.” He says, stepping closer, taking a sit by your side.
“I don’t know… it’s still not finished…” you trail off, tapping the pen against the scribbled pages. Swirling flowers decorate the margins, some of them shaded, others just simple drafts. To Tighnari, however, they all look so beautiful, so alive…
His smile softens, gloved fingers running over your artworks.
“So this is what the quotes I noticed on your botany journals are…” he muses, eyes of turquoise and honey scanning the words.
“Mhm.” You nod, warmth spreading through your cheeks, a fond and shy smile decorating your features.
“May I hear your song again when it’s finished?” Your lover asks, afternoon sunlight reflected in his gaze of molten gems.
And in that moment, as your eyes lock with his, the rest of the lyrics start to outline at the back of your mind.
“That’s a promise.” You breathe, your lips soft on his forehead, his ears twitching happily.
Your kind and considerate disposition is something Tighnari adores about you too.
Additionally, his pupil Collei finds comfort in your presence as well. Many a time, she goes to you if she’s having trouble with difficult vocabulary or with writing letters to her outrider friend from the city of song and wind.
In these moments, the head forest ranger can’t help the dreamy expression painted in his features.
Other times, however, though still loving you deeply, he wants to facepalm.
As if it wasn’t enough with his mahamatra friend cracking awful jokes at dinner, he now has to deal with double the trouble.
Still, the sight of you laughing airily with his closest friend, so carefree, so unbothered, is something he could stare at for hours.
Tighnari is very loyal and understanding, so I think he’d be someone healing, in the sense that he could help you find a healthy outlet for your contained anger. He is also very comforting, down to earth and caring, and would reassure you constantly through his actions that he’s staying forever by your side, no matter what.
Like you, Tighnari is true to himself, and the fact that you are determined and loyal to your own moral values is awe inspiring to him.
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I think our stoic scribe here would be a nice contrast to your personality, in a good way.
Though calm and collected, he’s not scared to throw the occasional blunt jab (as he often does with his roommate), and he’d help you see that it’s okay to disagree with others’ points of view.
When you tell jokes or are being humorous, if you watch closely, you’ll spot a gentle smile on Alhaitham’s face; he really does think your jokes are endearing.
In the same way that, even rational and logical, he thinks it’s so cute you draw and write songs. If you let him, he’d really love to read the lyrics you write.
Due to your nurturing characteristics, I do believe you could make his heart race too. It can be any small gesture, but every time you make him smile sincerely, Alhaitham feels a newfound warmth in his chest, cheeks tinting a very faint pink.
You’ll have to draw that sight sometime.
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okkalo · 5 months
hi!! congrats on 1k! ive been following you for a while on my main and i saw your event here on my writing acc:3 could i get a genshin matchup? heres my info!!
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basics: hi my name’s aki!! im transmasc, have been since i was like, 11.im also gay.  i listen to vkei, punk and silly rock bands(ex. weezer). i love dogs and seals like sm i cant explain. my clothing style is kinda like..idk how to explain.
personality: intp-t gemini and PROUD💪💪 im very silly online but kinda introverted f2f. i take shelter in my online self a lot. i have ocd and am a BIG perfectionist and overachiever. required amount of sentences is 15? watch me do 30+. you want “just a few” artist recommendations? here have 10 with descriptions and song recs. i live off academic praise. i can switch to “straight A kid” to burnt out emo on tumblr. im def a quality time, phys touch and gifts kiddo. i crochet so like 70% of the gifts i give out are silly keychains. i tend to bottle up my feelings and sometimes just burst out like crazy. i used to do muay thai to help w that but my coach disappeared(literally)
appearance: im around 5’10, proud filipino but so many people say i look japanese☹️. i have light brown skin and eyebags. im kinda skinny but i play basketball and workout so im kinda like,, idk..i got arm muscles, just a lump though. i have black hair, like in the appearance above. i usually wear vkei makeup, not too much though sometimes it makes me look fem. i have fairly long eyelashes(i hate them). i dont have piercings, sadly, but i swear ill get some soon(its been 6 years since i first said “im gonna get piercings”) i also have those bayonetta glasses. 
music and interests: i listen to artists like the gazette, dir en grey, kamijo, mejibray nd more!! i also listen to bands like smashing pumpkins, le tigre, foo fighters, deftones, mcr, radiohead, alice in chains, misfits and weezer(so weezy) i had a BIG grunge phase. i love rainy sundays!! i am literally the biggest halloween fanatic ever. once me and my old lover pulled up in a matching viktor and corpse bride costume i loved it. as mentioned earlier i play basketball and crochet, i also play the guitar!
clothing style: very vkei vampirey stuff..kinda punk too but idk. i live in the philipines so layering is like throwing myself in a desert. some people call me a goth and i js stare at them like “nuh uh”. i wear a lot of accessories nd stuff. bat hairpins<33 
thanks!! sorry if this was a pain to read,, :<
hi aki! thanks for following me even through my hiatuses 🫶 and no worries ur matchup was fun to read!! u did have me very confused who would be a good matchup for u, however, so i hope u like who u got 🫶🫶 thank you for the request
ps. i have also been wanting more peircings on my ears (maybe a nose one too) but also haven’t gotten any so u are not alone
𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮 𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 ₊˙♡﹗
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𝗸𝗮𝗹𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 : tighnari from genshin
tighnari is an overachiever just like you! though, he knows when to draw the line so that he doesn’t get too exhausted. he would definitely try to draw a line for you, as well! that, and he knows how to give praise when it’s needed! he’ll always try to make sure you know how well you’re doing while also trying to keep you safe from a burnout!
he once considered handing out your crochet keychains to fellow forest rangers. he thought it would be an additional nifty way to scout out fellow forest rangers. though, whether he went through with it all decided on how you responded!
whenever someone misidentifies you as japanese or any other race you will always see tighnari’s ears twitching from annoyance. he’ll oftentimes be able to hold himself back from correcting the person right away, though not all the time. when it comes to your style, however, he’ll always go on a tangent about how you are not goth to provide you support as well.
tighnari is also very introverted as well and lives for his alone time, which he still considers to be with you on some occasions. he’ll love to hear your guitar during these times. i also head canon that he would be so interested in learning crochet for himself as well! so, if you would, please teach him!
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geclipsee · 2 years
tighnari with a bow he deserves! 🌿
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AAAA I GOT AMOS BOW ON STANDARD I CANT BELIEVE IT 😭. i saw it and was like "omg it's so pretty, i kinda wanna draw it" and since the only character of mine that somewhat fits it is tighnari… voila! here's the final product.
i hated drawing the bow the most, i had to re-do it so many times. i think i'll never draw genshin weapons ever again sjsjs, they're too confusing 😔.
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anyways, this took me 3 days to draw, so i hope you like it 😌💕. i really should be studying instead…
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strxnged · 2 years
bad descriptions of genshin characters while i wait for 3.1 (a-z) [may contain spoilers]
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albedo: edward elric but his hair is actually blonde and not Yellow. and WAY quieter
aloy: who?
amber: some love her. some hate her. one thing you can be sure of: no one loves her as much as collei does. loud gang #1
arataki itto: if tanaka ryuunosuke grew out his hair and got a wacky fashion sense. and started a band? loud gang #2
barbara: if u sing one more time i swear to fucki-
beidou: hot pirate captain lady who WILL complain about being on land 99% of the time. best character
bennett: no one likes you bennett. seriously no one likes you. i am so sorry. fischl doesn't count
chongyun: looks like he just saw a ghost
collei: #1 amber stan
diluc: is it the trauma, the wine, or the shit-faced brother that made you this way?
diona: the least important character ? alcoholic catgirl minor?
dori: will scam you faster than you can say "mora"
eula: should become big sister figure to noelle.
fischl: holy SHIT girl FUCK honorary loud gang because she just talks a shit ton.
ganyu: of course i didn't forget your name! mommy - sorry -
gorou: now THAT's a crop top if i ever seen one. also what kinda fucking combo is bow & geo. shoulda given bro a slingshot
hu tao: girl put your thighs away. pinterest is bein a bit .........
jean: literally an overworked office wagey with a sword. in charge of like protecting the whole country or whatever
kaedehara kazuha: lalala poet in the breeze lalalaa his best friend Died for anarchy
kaeya: probably a lying piece of shit but we all want to date him anyways. also why half of us stuck to the game through prologue
kamisato ayaka: ⚠ WILL JUMP IN RIVER WITH SOCKS ON ⚠
kamisato ayato: who is never relevent
keqing: The cat girl. literal badass. she, like, has a sword, and like, swings it around, and like, BAM
klee: who raised this
kujou sara: if you didn't believe in tsunderes before ??
kuki shinobu: BEAST of a healer but literally kills herself to do it?? kinda questionable. good itto babysitter
lisa: *moans, through into jean's window*
mona: the CONSTELLATION DIVINATIONS BROOO let's just say the sprinting patch changed the GAME
ningguang: now why the fuck are you a 4*
noelle: BEST girl and i say this as a zhongli haver so i am allowed to
qiqi: oh dear. a zombie. who did this? hu tao? hu tao! come and get your failed sword-wielding experiment
raiden shogun: bestie's got like. a god complex
razor: bro lived with wolves give him a break
rosario: this is what goths are going for
sanganomiya kokomi: 🐬🦐🦑🐠🐟fish🐟🐟🐟 fish
shenhe: literal wine aunt except the wine is like. grass or something.
shikanoin heizou: L Lawliet lovers look no further
sucrose: absolutely irrelevent #3 ????
tartaglia: there's dangerous men and then there's attempting mass homocide. where do y'all draw the line
thoma: sweet. sweetest. sweetest best boy ever. if he were a cat i would pet him and stuff
tighnari: spoiler they never explain the ears
venti: we all know he's drunk. what we don't talk about is the. is the. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh questionable behaviour at all times ?
xiangling: she makes good food but PLEASE don't make me talk to her directly. loud gang #??? lost count
xiao: be honest, xiao. do you listen to mcr. do you listen to fall out boy
xingqiu: erudite stuck up rich kid
xinyan: what in the WORLd does the accent have to do with rock music, and why is the only character with colored skin also irrelevent #4???
yae miko: her voice will knock the wind out of you. did i just reveal something about myself by saying that
yanfei: fischl and her should make a club. except she talks a lot because she KNOWS a lot so i respect it
yelan: that's not xingqiu?????
yoimiya: beloved loud gang member
yun jin: very very very very cool addition to the game
zhongli: last and opposite of least we have the lazy geodaddy. i mean just look at the statues of the seven he is MANSPREADING like the chair was built for it. like he wants someone to SIT on him.
disclaimer that all was meant in good humour pls laugh and if u do, reblog
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dragonsandvideogames · 8 months
hello! i am starting this blog mainly for art- i predict about 90% of it will be reblogged art, usually of animals or video game stuff. i'll also be sharing my own art and talking about video game stuff occasionally, mainly my genshin impact challenge runs. yes runs plural. i have 3 currently, alongside my main account. more about them under the cut further below.
my current art style is just space with planets. mildly cartoony i think? def not realistic, but i think it's pretty (im a sucker for space, though i'd be terrified to actually go up in a space ship or anything- im content to admire from afar lol).
planning to share art on a MWF schedule- i can make the space art p quick and easily, so i need some sort of limiter so i don't burn myself out, while also practicing sticking to a schedule and also just doing art more frequently- im extremely rusty atm. hoping getting into the habit of drawing more often will shake off the rust and bolster my confidence.
i also like to use free stock photos as a sort of cut-out guide to make animal shapes out of space. it's fun and pretty painless- im used to spending hours getting angry at myself for not being able to free-hand anatomy, to the extent i stopped drawing for i think about two years now? cause i just hated everything i tried to make. rn i just wanna get used to drawing again without getting so angry with myself, and then slowly work on free-handing again.
oh, and! if you're doing a genshin challenge run, feel free to ramble to me about it! i love genshin challenge runs- i've got several im keeping tabs of on yt, and several more i wanna catch up on. aand question- what's your pulling plans for this upcoming patch?
on my main, im at i think 53 pity on 50/50, gonna try to pull xianyun. my most hoped for result- lose 50/50 to tighnari (or jean, ill take jean too), then spend a few 10 pull to get xianyun while getting faruzan and noelle to c6. overly hopeful maybe! i'd also be happy to win 50/50 too, of course. not getting the 4 stars c6 would sting a little, but it's more primos for future banners (already have nahida so once i get xianyun im done pulling).
challenge run #1 is a standard banner only account. it's the furthest along by a long shot, having been started several months ago, but bc it's a more casual account, im thinking it'll get overtaken fast. currently post act 1 of inazuma, with level 60 characters, almost ready to upgrade them to 70.
originally planned to not pull at all til i got all the free characters up to 90 and fully built, and then had a realization that was kinda incompatible with how i was playing- there just keep being more and more free characters, and it's a slow paced account that im mostly using to replay story stuff when i feel like. so now i just do pulls whenever.
i feel like the game mildly punished me for that decision, bc out of 200+ pulls, i got. 3 5 star weapons and a diluc (who im not really interested in playing atm, though i DID get wolf's gravestone. so im on the fence). and then a little while ago, i got qiqi. i had been really, really hoping for tighnari, or at least. pretty much anyone else? keqing, jean, and dehya i'd have been fine with. don't really want mona, so i'll probably end up getting her next. or another weapon :P
next is dark hair only, where yeah. i only play characters with dark hair. i just started less than a week ago now, so very young account. i judge who has dark hair using medibang's color picker on the character' hair in their icon (ignoring shadows and highlights), since it's neutral lighting. any character who stays generally at or under 100 value counts as dark haired.
some characters were hard to judge bc gradients- shout-out to mona for being a weird edgecase- the purples in her hair are definitely too light, and most of her roots are in shadow or covered, so it's hard to get a good read. i'm thinking she will count though- if for no other reason than, there's literally only 13 other characters that count currently.
all who are currently allowed in dark hair only- amber (this one caught me off-guard ngl), beidou, dehya, kaeya, mona, tighnari, venti, wanderer, wriothesley, xiao, xinyan, yelan, yun jin, and zhongli. surprisingly, raiden shogun, xiangling, and kujou sara don't actually make the cut-off- they're all generally just a little bit above 100.
xianyun and gaming's icons aren't officially released yet, so while i expect they'll make the cut-off, im still not gonna count them quite yet.
last account, which i finally got going yesterday, is signature weapons only. simple enough for most of the limited 5 stars- and with xiao coming up, this is the best time to start, since PJWS is also a standard banner weapon. ganyu's also a must-pull for this account for similar reasons.
as far as four stars and five stars without signature weapons, my first thought was "whichever weapon they used in their character miscellany". and then i actually checked, and dear mercy, there is. 0 synergy with the weapons they chose for so many of them. i still haven't gotten over EM layla. it would be a severe power discrepency- 5 stars get a weapon that bolsters their abilities, while 4 stars often get a stat stick at best.
so im kinda at square one with them now. my next thought is just, scrub through the character miscellany, record all the weapons a given character uses, and then those are the weapons available to that character. repeat for the next character. which could give them much more flexibility. that's gonna take hours though, so ive been putting it off lol.
could also just keep it simple and say, if a character has a signature they HAVE to use it, if not, then whatever. or put a rule that i have to pick 1 weapon per 4 star, and they can't be shared (ie yun jin and yaoyao can't both have fav spear), with shuffling allowed when new weapons come. dunno, ill think on it some more while exploring new region on my main ;P
oh, and general rule for all accounts- trial characters and traveler are allowed for solving puzzles, if necessary, just not for combat. will try to avoid when possible of course.
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drysauce · 2 years
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the big-eared dendro boy
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hematomes · 2 years
"damn you're already at that point" bestie I've BEEN at that point.
So positive possibilities, first off getting all three,this includes getting all three by way of reaching pities, wining 50/50s , getting surprise guarantees after securing the desired 5*, getting primos in an unexpected way(event,quests , hangouts,magical surprise gift, somehow getting primos from somewhere (those are very unlikely but I consider everything in my calculations)).
Getting Scaramouche and Cyno,by losing Nahida's 50/50 to a 5* I want (anything that's not from the skyward series and Tighnari) ,by not reaching pity on Nahida's banner due to one reason or another,or by simply not pulling on Nahida because of personal choices.
Now this is where I draw the line when it comes to positive possibilities.
Negative possibilities (going from oh that makes me kinda sad but whatever,to I hate everything)
Getting Cyno and Nahida ,and not getting Scaramouche,by not being able to reach pity, losing the 50/50 (getting a weapon I want or Tighnari would lessen the pain a bit),or by being stupid (being stupid is a completely randomized variable).
Getting only Cyno ,by losing 50/50 on Nahida and not being able to reach pity for Scaramouche (even getting a weapon I want and Tighnari in this case would not be enough to lower my pain).
Getting only Nahida (surprise horrifying option!) Because of not being able to reach pity on Cyno's banner while also not being able to get Scaramouche (this option is very unlikely,but it's not impossible :D)
Not getting anyone,this option is very unlikely,but again due to the "being stupid" variable, it's not entirely impossible either.
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I'm fine :DDDD
not to reduce the chances of a somewhat satisfying lost 50/50 but you can't get a 5* weapon on a limited character banner, it's only on the weapon and standard banners </3
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Omg I read that shit so fast I loved it. “A Bad Day” is SO GOOD!!!!??? Uhg omg how do you do it??? The way you describe his stomach bug is just too good. That aching cramping pain is so accurate for that kinda sickness. I haven’t had a stomach bug in years but I still remember that gross pain that turns into even grosser nausea. The worst. Poor Cyno 😭 I love him.
the cleaning up STRUGGLE!!!! Seeing this fic come to life after talking about this idea so much is so so wonderful. But omg he’s going through it!! It must suck so bad to feel that much pain and to have such a sick belly and be forced to clean all that up. I love how his embarrassment gets him even when he is alone? It’s such a testament to how much he *hates* throwing up in the ‘wrong’ place. I like to think his emotional ness kicks up extra when he’s panicked and embarrassed too but it doesn’t help that he felt so sick. Also also the detail of Tighnari catch that his stomach was bloated???? A damn good detail!! Cuz it’s like that sometimes and I love that nari is like yeah…no I don’t think this is gonna be good for you.
Cyno was so sweet and so clingy at the end he just needed nari and I 🙈🙈🙈
I’m such a happy camper, I’ve already decided I’m gonna do some drawing (some for heizou and I think some of the stuff from the hair headcanon convo- all the things) and while I won’t say when I’ll have stuff cuz we are team no stress there’s no way I WONT want to pay homage to these fics. What can I say a happy camper! ☺️
one day I’ll leave an ask that isn’t a book…one day
AAAHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I AM SO HAPPY YOU ENJOYED IT!! It didn't quite reach the expectations I had for it in my head, so I'm really really happy to hear this!!
It is the absolute worst, I feel so bad for putting poor Cyno through it. (Do I really? 10/10 would do it to him again)
Yes, yes, yes! I've fantasized about this so much, I'm so happy to have finally brought it to life! Cyno really just went through it, he was sick and humiliated and just not having a good time at all. He really needed his Nari there, though he probably also would've struggled to ever live that down if Tighnari was there to see it 😭 Our poor boy!
And yes, we absolutely love observant Tighnari. So quick to catch on when something's wrong, and also quick to see the signs when something is going to get a whole lot worse. Cyno's gonna learn that he has to trust Tighnari's judgement in a situation like this
Thank you SO much again! I am sooo excited at the prospect of fanart to come! Absolutely like you said, no stress here, take all the time in the world! I'll be excitedly looking forward to it!!
Also never apologise for sending long asks! When I see long ask like this, I always get so giddy with excitement because "omg, somebody enjoyed my writing!"
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