#i knew the hater anons would be incoming but damn
ingravinoveritas · 2 years
If GT got the tattoo in 2010, then it was 2 years into the relationship, not months. They met in 2007 and started dating in 2008. They said he wasn't sure about the longevity of her affections due to age difference, maybe it was her way to reassure him. Also, all this does sound like typical fangirls being jealous of a spouse and villifying her thing. You know, what SPN & some other crazy fandoms are known & mocked for? Do you really need to be seen like that?
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Hello, Anons. I expected some pushback in response to the Anon I answered last night, but I feel that some of what I’ve said has been misconstrued, so I’d like to respond with the hope of clearing a few things up.
Firstly, I believe I did inadvertently get the timeline wrong of when Georgia got the tattoo of David’s name, so 2010 is not the correct year. Georgia did, however, apparently get the tattoo right after their first date (additional information can be found here). So I apologize for my confusion regarding the timeline.
Secondly, I realize some folks may not have been following me for long, but one thing to know about my blog is that I have always tried to provide a balanced perspective when it comes to these topics. I’d like to direct your attention to this post, which was the first Anon I ever answered about Georgia-related “discourse.” This was in 2020, and as you can see from my response, I defended Georgia, and had no problem with her. If you’ve read any of my other responses to Anons, you know that I take my time and think carefully about everything I write, and that nothing is done to “attack” anyone, but rather to promote civil and respectful discussion of these issues.
The opinions I have formed of Georgia over the past three years developed as I’ve learned more about Georgia and about her and David’s relationship, and are based not on rumors, but on factual information (i.e., things Georgia herself has said and done). What I wrote yesterday in response to that Anon is also the result of that, and of having genuine concerns. And what perturbs me is that simply stating facts and trying to have a rational discussion is now being equated with “vilifying” someone, which is not at all what I believe I did.
There are a lot of reasons why people come to my blog to talk about these things. Could some people be jealous? That’s certainly possible. But I think that tends to be a narrative that is easy for people to believe, whereas the truth--that some of us are coming from a genuine place of concern because we’ve been in relationships very much like Georgia and David’s and recognize the red flags in certain behaviors--is more difficult to accept.
Speaking for myself, as hot and thoroughly appealing as I find David to be, I can’t say that I am jealous of Georgia, or that my thoughts and opinions come from a place of jealousy. I have also seen firsthand what happens in fandoms when significant others are put on pedestals and viewed as “untouchable” and incapable of doing anything wrong, and how harmful it can be, and that is something I have and continue to strive to speak out against.
Folks are of course welcome to disagree with me, and I will never shy away from sharing dissenting opinions on my blog. That’s what healthy discussion and learning and growing is all about, after all. Nor can I stop anyone from resorting to personal attacks and insulting me, but by doing so, you’re not really making the point you think you are.
Rather than tell you to “seek help,” however, I would encourage you to read through my blog, including my #georgia tennant tag, to see the previous anons I have answered. That people continue to message me (both anonymously and via DM) about Georgia seems to speak to a need for these discussions, and consequently, I will continue to have them on my blog, and to give others the space to share their thoughts, too.
I hope you can start to understand the place we are coming from and engage in these exchanges with the rest of us, but if not, it costs absolutely nothing and takes no time at all to just scroll on by...
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