#i know he's an anbu captain that can kill me in 100 different ways
sibsivsig · 5 months
can i request some hcs of itachi and reader with arranged marriage for the clan interests? maybe they are secretly in love with the other, but they feel guilty because they believe they are taking away the other opportunity to be with someone they love
Itachi X Gn!Reader in an arranged marriage (but they are in love with each other)
A/n: Thank you so much for the request, keep them coming <3 <3
Warnings: arranged marriage, non-massacre au, both Itachi and Y/N are awkward as hell, some thigh exposure from Itachi, small mention of a cut (nothing graphic), the tiniest bit of angst (if you squint)
The day your clan elders told you, you'd get married to Itachi Uchiha, your whole world turned upside down
The wedding would take place in only a few months, during that time you had to prepare yourself mentally, but thankfully didn't have to plan anything except letting your measurements get taken by a seamstress
You and Itachi had been friends for some time, so the next time you met the ambience was... awkward, suffocatingly embarrassing for you
Sure, you had a crush on him for a while now, but marriage?
A first date would have been nice, a first date that you both wanted, not your clan elders or politicians
Your wedding was only roughly three weeks ago, but you slowly but surely eased into your daily life
It had been decided that you should be a housewife in order to take better care of, the admittedly rather big, house and future children
You sigh as you grip the knife tighter and finish cutting the vegetables, as you throw them in a pot
Itachi would come home from his mission today and although you were excited to see him again the subtle uncomfortableness you felt around him never faded
Was it awkwardness? Guilt? Sadness? A mix?
Shaking your head you decide to simply focus on dinner, not wanting to sort your emotions out right now
Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder
Quickly turning around and looking up you saw him: Your husband
It was still weird to call him that, but at the very least he wasn't a stranger and actually cared about you, even if it wasn't in a romantic way
You smile gently up at him as he looks into the pot on the stove
"It looks delicious Y/N, I thank you from the bottom of my heart", he expresses his gratitude
"I brought you a little something", he says and pulls out a bouquet of flowers
"Those are my favourite", you mutter amazed, "Thank you, Itachi"
You carefully the flowers out of his hand and shoot a soft smile up at him
"Why don't you take a shower while I finish dinner and then we'll eat together"
You remember the pure bliss of finally taking a relaxing shower after a mission, washing all the sweat, dirt and blood away and your heart fills with nostalgia
Itachi nods and awkwardly continues to stand there, debating in his head if he should give you some type of physical affection
A hug? No, he's all dirty
A kiss? Hmm, no. He doesn't want to risk making you uncomfortable
Finally he gives you a small shoulder rub before disappearing into the bathroom after grabbing fresh clothing out the bedroom
As soon as he's out of sight your expression changes, your lips pressing into a thin line, your eyes looking down
Had he been in love with someone else he would have given them flowers and joined them for dinner
You sigh as the guilt continues tucking on your heart
Whenever you see him the guilt just continues washing over you like a wave - no, more like a tsunami
You sigh and take a sip of water, trying to swallow your feelings
Letting the food brood on the stove you set the table and out the flowers into a vase, it was simple yet elegant, made out of porcelain and having dark details over the pure white
Meanwhile Itachi stares down at the shower floor while letting the water flow down his back
You seemed happy while receiving flowers, but while he touched you he could feel your tense muscles
Were you truly happy?
You're an incredibly sweet person who would have no trouble finding dates or a partner
Am I keeping them from finding true love?
He sighs and splashes some water in face, stepping out the shower to eat dinner with you
But suddenly he felt a slight sting on his thigh, he grits his teeth and checks
Just as he expected, the cut he received on his mission had burst open again and was bleeding rather heavily
Thankfully none of the arteries were hit, but still, he didn't want to bleed through his pants
He quickly dries off and puts on his clothes
Should he ask you? After all, you're first aid knowledge is greater than his
But would you truly be comfortable with this much exposed skin?
The cut was closer to his pelvis than his knee, he'd have to take off his pants for that, he can't just roll them up
No, the thought of distressing you was too much for him to bear
So Itachi unlocks the bathroom and, to his relief, notices you're still in the kitchen
He sneaks into the bedroom and quietly gets out the first aid kit
Just as he opens it, a pair of hand grabs the bandages and holds them up
"Where are you injured?" you ask with a worried expression, your brows furrowed
"My thigh, rather high up. So if you're uncomfortable with that...", Itachi doesn't finish his sentence as you shake your head
"It's fine. Unless you are uncomfortable"
You could practically see the awkwardness in the air
The atmosphere so heavy you could cut it with a knife
Itachi slowly slides down his pants to his knees, exposing the wound on his thigh
You quickly get to work, disinfecting the wound
"I apologise if this burns", you mumble, taking Itachi's hand into your hand, "you can just squeeze my hand if it hurts"
"It's fine, your hands are very gentle" he stammers, eyes basically glued to your hands and actions
Just as he said those words he already wants to slap himself
Why? He doesn't know, it just feels like he made it only worse
And then your hand in his...
God, he should just man up and tell you how he feels
Maybe then this terrible, constant awkwardness would fade
"There, all done", breaking the silence you look up at him, your face a little red from seeing him in his boxers
You quickly get back up and half turn around, giving him privacy to get dressed, but also being able to turn your head for eye contact in case he says something
Itachi gets up and dressed himself quickly, clearing his throat to get your attention
"Y/N... I- Thank you for helping me bandage this up", he chickens out last second, but manages a smile
Not a forced one, not an awkward one, not a pity one, but an honest, warm smile
One that was exceptionally rare for him
Flabbergasted you inhale sharply, but regain control over your emotions and grin back
"I'm glad I could help you", you simply reply, patting his back
Delighted to notice he wasn't tense at all, speaking for the fact he might not have been as uncomfortable as you first thought
As you two sit down for dinner Itachi takes a deep breath and finally speaks about what's been bugging him for so long
"Did I rob you of your chance to find true love?"
At first you stay silent, sinking down your chopsticks back onto the plate, looking at your water glass in hope of the perfect answer manifesting in your mind
When it doesn't come you just verbalise your thought, wild and chaotic as they are
"No. Not at all. I know you have a lot of girls crushing on you, and I am one of them"
You murmur, your voice shaky, shy, nervous, scared he'll be uncomfortable around you know
"You were always kind to me, always listened to my opinion and always saw my strengths. You never underestimated me, yet also offered me help, without ever being condescending"
By now, you have given up on trying to make your thoughts clear and simply speak your mind, no matter what's on it at the moment
"And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Your kind and sweet and loyal and intelligent and understanding and a family man and-"
Itachi interrupts you with grabbing your hand tightly, taking you out of your mumbling state
"Y/N, I feel the same. All these adjectives you just used for me I could also use for you. I don't know when it happened, all I know is that I love you with my whole heart", he confesses, leaning slightly forward to be closer to you until only a few centimetres are between your faces
You let out a sigh of relief, all the worries and fears of the past weeks escaping your body at once
You lean forward the last couple centimetres, closing the gap between your lips and finally kissing each other
"I love you, my dear wife", he chuckles, placing his hand on your cheek, cradling it gently
"I love you too, my lovely husband"
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avenger-hawk · 7 years
I'm sorry if you've talked about it before, (I haven't seen a post about it but I haven't been following you for too long so I might've missed it.) but what do you think is Sasuke/Itachi's alignment? I feel like Sasuke's might be True Neutral but I'm not sure.. Thanks for you time!
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Thank you, that’s very considerate of you.
I haven’t written anything about this because I’m not that knowledgeable on the subject. From what I understand these alignments from are a tool for D&D players to create their characters and make them move according to certain standards, and the descriptions are exaggerated, very black and white. Basically the alignment is what makes the character, while adapting an already existing characters whose narration follows a plot is harder. Anyway. 
I read up some stuff, to write this as well as I could. I hope it makes sense.
(long analysis ahead)
I think Sasuke is Chaotic Neutral.  
“An individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although chaotic neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; good and evil come second to their need to be free” (x).
Kishimoto said: “Sasuke is basically a very pure person who doesn’t think about whether what he does is good or bad. He just does what he wants to do, which causes trouble for others.”
Even when he was a child, while every other kid wanted to become Hokage, he wanted to become part of the Uchiha police. He was always loyal to his family, instead of the village. He always pursued his own goals, like avenging his family then Itachi, and even when he decides to protect Konoha it’s because he met Itachi and wants to protect what he believed in, not because he shares Konoha’s values. He only respected the authority of those he considered strong, while he was rude to everyone else, not using honorifics and so on. 
Then, even though he is brainwashed loyal to Konoha, he actually is loyal to Naruto, so it’s a more personal thing, not related to Konoha’s values still. And the way he stays away from the village in Shinden, the Last and so on, seems a refusal of authority, as well as a journey of atonement. He helps the village in both, but on his own terms and from a distance. He values solitude and freedom, or he wouldn’t be on his own, travelling.
“A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer).”
He didn’t care about politics until he learned the truth. Then he attacked the Kage at their meeting, killed Danzo and wanted to destroy Konoha in order to avenge Itachi. His revolution (100% chaotic neutral in concept and realization) was supposed to prevent something like the Uchiha massacre from happening again.
“Chaotic neutrals can also be completely random and unpredictable. They may shift allegiances at a moment’s notice, or remain with a leader for years. He does not respond well to higher authority, is distrustful of organizations, and will disregard the law in pursuing his self-interest.”
That’s why Sasuke’s plotlines are the most interesting. He was a good student and genin, learning from Kakashi, then he followed Orochimaru, a stronger one from whom he could gain the power he needed to get his revenge. He and Team Taka joined Akatsuki for a while, thinking that they would take advantage from that cooperation. 
“He may betray a family member, comrade, or friend, but only in the most dire of situations.”
Karin knows this. 
The descriptions of this type also include lunatics who just love chaos and loose cannons of all sorts, but like I said every description is exaggerated. Also, according to Lawful Neutral Konoha, Sasuke is a loose cannon so, in a way, it makes sense. He doesn’t think about himself as good or evil, and he just doesn’t care what others think of him. I think he has True Neutral moments, like when he was in Konoha during his genin years, but reading the TN description it seems too philosophical for him. Mind you, I think that Sasuke is a deep thinker, but his own philosophy is focused on understanding the world and why things are the way they are, in order to make things better, while Itachi’s is more abstract and people oriented, like individual perception of reality and so on.
As for Itachi, I’m not 100% sure because like I said descriptions are very black and white, and he is extremely complex and layered, he has a light and a dark side, unlike Sasuke who’s pure, and both his light and his dark side are also very complex. Also, being a genius and a prodigy, he was forced into a role since his childhood, as the perfect son, the perfect shinobi, the Anbu captain, and then he was manipulated using the one he most loved as leverage, until he accepted to kill their clan so he has both Lawful and Chaotic traits, both Good and Neutral traits I think. Those who focus on his lafwul side sure see all his actions as driven by loyalty to Konoha, while I see them as first and foremost to protect Sasuke and then as loyalty to Konoha, and not the village run by weak Hiruzen and evil Danzo, but the realization of Hashirama and Madara’s ideals or peace.
 So, while I know that he played the Chaotic Evil role, for his real self I’m torn between Chaotic Good and True Neutral. 
Chaotic Good is evident in his Edo Tensei self, his truer self, heroic, brave, understanding, a perfect leader. 
“Chaotic good characters are strong individualists marked by a streak of kindness and benevolence.”
I think that his upbringing suffocated most manifestations of this side of him. In fact he was mostly polite and respectful but cold and aloof, while he was kind and warm with Shisui, and most of it all with Sasuke. Even though he’s a shinobi, used to obey to higher ones in rank, the book says he hates to lose more than anything, his stubborness and individualism are clear.
“They believe in all the virtues of goodness and right, but they have little use for laws and regulations. Their actions are guided by their own moral compass which, although good, may not always be in perfect agreement with the rest of society.”
It’s well shown when he beats up the Uchiha police and accuses them of having a limited mentality. And in most of his actions. He acts for Sasuke, and for the greater good, but he doesn’t follow the laws.
“These characters are basically good, but tend to be selfish and maybe a bit greedy.”
He acts for the common good but mostly to protect Sasuke, who’s a selfless act but also a selfish act, in a way, since he sacrified the lives of a whole clan to keep him alive, instead. (I love this side of his love for Sasuke!). He controlled Sasuke’s life since he was a child, not telling him the truth then setting up his path, regardless of what his brother wanted or might want.
Another option would be True Neutral, this alignment seems to have an extremely strong big picture mindset, which is what made me think of Itachi, mostly.
“True neutrals are offended by those who are opinionated or bigoted.”
Again, the way Itachi beat up and accused the Uchiha Police. 
“True neutral is typically the most misunderstood of all alignments.”
Itachi is one of the most misunderstood of the story.
“The motives of a highly philosophical true neutral character are perhaps the most difficult for any other alignment to fathom, for such a true neutral being will usually act first to preserve the balance, second if he deems it his business, and third if it is in his own best interests. For these reasons, being nature’s mediators, true neutral characters should be diplomatic and tactful, but they may also come across as being strange and enigmatic until one gets to know them and their “world view” better. This is because some true neutral beings look far beyond the immediate situation to the overall balance of the cosmos.”
This seems very fitting for Itachi, who has a highly philosophical nature. He is tactful, his manners are impeccable even during fights. His motives are hard to fathom. He preserves the balance (=world peace, the good of the village as greater compared to the good of the clan) and he deems it his business, since there’s Sasuke’s life at stake. He comes across as enigmatic, it’s his first trait. 
And, looking beyond the immediate situation is so him.
“True neutral individuals do not lack interest, ambition, or passion–they value their own well-being and that of friends and loved ones. They may struggle passionately on behalf of themselves or others, as well as feel compassion for those they barely know”
Itachi fought to protect Sasuke whom he loved more than anyone else. And for peace. And to stop the war. He saved Kabuto, being a compassionate soul as well.
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