#i know i cant ask you to not lurk and read these posts and i also know myself to not make these posts either
Look….more mommy hwa and more answered asks about Christopher being possessive and freaky…
I needed this thank you 🥹
Today is very very hard and I’m feeling a lot of hard feelings and life rn so overwhelming and confusing. I’m the type of person who’s got a hard shell but it’s made of like bulletproof armor on the outside but I’m v gooey and sensitive inside. I didn’t realize I needed some good brainrot inducing delulu soup to distract me so 🤌🏻 thank you
So Christopher *sigh* idk what I want to ask just my aqua sun6h/Scorpio moon3h/Leo rising/aqua Mercury 7h/sag Venus5h/Leo mars1h ass is like…………
Imagine him like soft dom but so so so into like corruption but not necessarily always meaning inexperienced partner, but maybe inexperienced in all the kinks and little taboos. I read him as wanting to break someone who’s normally very strong minded and kept together and so like very much Brat Tamer I guess. Like after he makes you cum on his mouth and then on his fingers, he wants to degrade you in the gentlest way and praise you, his voice saccharine, while he manhandles you and fucks you hard. You’re cock drunk and starting to cry a little from how good it feels and from the overstimulation. The type to make you tell him out loud what you want and where you want him and that you don’t want him to stop and make you beg him to cum and tell him how good he feels and that only he does that to you bc he’s possessive and he’s got an ego and needs you to need him in every way possible.
something about him and his Gemini rising tells me he might be good with his hands ~that might be my hand kink tho clouding my judgement(Gemini Lilith 😅) ~ *cough*cough*
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He wants to break you open and make sure you can be that vulnerable and submissive to him and him only, also to know you at a very deep level. Whether you get to know him at that deep of a level is another story and depends on how deep he is in his fuckboy ways. He wants you a lady in the streets and HIS freak in the sheets. But he totally wants to corrupt you and his sag mars: he wants to try new shit with you and be adventurous and explore new kinks etc etc.
Every break down of this man’s chart has me like “oh yes pls, 😊. yes ma’am I’ll take one, where do I purchase this?”
And everyone’s like he’s this and that and potentially toxic in these ways and idk if I’m enamored by his Libra charm or what but I’m like “I can handle him, the question is actually ‘Can he handle me?’” and it’s very delulu but also I think that thought is kinda true. (hypothetically and astrologically speaking) In my little brainrot soup for the night 🥰
I can’t even begin on mommy Hwa and the gooey lovey mess he turns my brain into. Something about him is so tender but also like so so so so so freaky but like gentle but so fucking kinky? Idk that man + mommy kink + body worship + needy/clingy doms is so so so good. You’re one of my fav fic writers, and my fav mommy hwa enthusiast. Thank you for serving and thank you for your brain and thank you for the distraction on a hard day like today 🖤
Much appreciate, have a lovely rest of your week, and as always cool pillow on both sides for you!
I CANT PUT PICS IN ANONYMOUS ASKS WTF…. Fuck it I’ll go off anon for this
This is 🖤Anon on my side blog/lurk account 😅
I am ending tonight's 2 hour post of going through my asks with this absolute banger of an ask from @youre-alittle-taste-of-hell and also hi Izzy!
I'm Ruby! It's nice meeting you *hugs*
I understand how life can feeling overwhelming and frustrating when things don't go you way. I am also a golden retriever disguised as a black cat and us fire placements want love and care too.
I hope things get better for you <3
Imagine him like soft dom but so so so into like corruption but not necessarily always meaning inexperienced partner, but maybe inexperienced in all the kinks and little taboos.
This section has me feeling shit at 10:33 pm on a Tuesday afternoon while watching Chris D'Elia 'Man On Fire' on Netflix.
I just love how Bang Chan stans have silently agreed that Chan's corruption kink is fucking massive and do we have any physical evidence?
But with his massive caregiver complex and Daddy kink, it kinda goes hand in hand.
I can just imagine that paragraph so vividly just him covered in sweat, his black hair sticking to the sides of his face and his mouth all shiny with spit and your cum just smirking at how fucked out you are, your eyes are beginning to cross and there's drool against the pillow.
'Don't black out on me yet baby girl, mmmh? Daddy still needs to cum'
You're crying and sobbing against the pillow because he's edged you within an inch of your breath and the pressure is so tight it HURTS and your legs are spasming and face contorted with need as you just beg your pretty heart out.
'Please, I can't take it anymore, please make me cum, I'll do anything, please Daddy i just need it'
And then he would hover over you, wipe the drool from your mouth and press gentle kisses across your face as he pushes himself into you.
'See, that wasn't so hard wasn't it? Daddy will always reward my baby girl when she asks for something yeah?'
I also don't know how ppl enjoy being edged so severely man, I would tap out after 20 mins.
Overstimulation all the way for me.
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Yeah, his Gemini Rising means he would be an exceptional kisser and great with his fingers.
His Libra stellium also means he has amazing stroke game but moving back to the kissing.
I feel like he would be a messy kisser (in a good way) like the loud smacking noises, drool and spit, definitely makes little sighs and noises of satisfaction in between kisses.
When Chan leaves his fuckboi era, sex would be incredibly emotionally intimate because he loves and adores how he sees you in a way no one does.
I have this thought that sex with Bang Chan could be so intimate, you would both end up crying and not in a dacryphilia way but in a 'i fucking love you so much and it's so emotional' way.
As much as Bang Chan likes fucking, he enjoys making love more.
And here's the thing right, Bang Chan's frontal lobe has developed so he doesn't even has the neurological excuse of 'well his brain is not fully developed yet' because NOW IT IS.
Also, your placements are low-key intimidating because wow, they are powerful.
I think Bang Chan would like the challenge of being able to handle you.
Seonghwa is definitely freaky and kinky and is very hardcore, he likes it hard, he likes it rough, he prefers a jackhammering pace (which is a bit of an ick of me because that doesn't sound enjoyable but okay).
I think the reason why jackhammering gives me an ick is because rough and fast doesn't always mean good okay?
I think a slow but deep and firm pace is better because you can get a better angle and hit the right spot every time.
But I also understand that some ppl like being treated like a battering ram during sex and that is also okay.
He would give you brilliant aftercare and reassurance though and that's what matters.
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Thank you for the thirst my sweet, I will gobble this up and use this as my fantasy thoughts for sleep tonight.
Yum yum.
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isa-ghost · 1 year
hey it's the anon who asked what dr*m did,
I decided to do my own research (mainly cause I was curious) but... I can't find much? let me rephrase it - I did find the allegations from 6ish months ago, that he's going to court with one(?) of them, but that's... all? I didn't find the court's verdict, confirmations, or him admitting either... and any post or video I find has both the OP and the comments mostly on his side and believing that it's either not true or true but not grooming, even people who say they're not his fans or don't even like him.
so Im not sure if the confirmation didn't reach youtube or if I'm searching wrong or something?
but honestly while researching I realized that I cant stand him lmao, gotta agree with some comments I read - he made a mistake by showing more of his personality online, looks like any time he can handle a situation wrong/respond wrong he does it
so dunno, guess I didnt find the confirmation but at least now I don't find his old minecraft videos interesting anymore so theres that
Yeah he can't act properly to save his fucking life
Also I think most of the threads on Twitter and stuff that have all the proof he's guilty/etc is probably long buried, unfortunately. You could probably try to ask around saying you're trying to get the whole picture but tbh it's not a huge deal if you can't. You can try searching my blog but Tumblr sucks with that shit. The fact that this and his other controversies have been buried and lost to the void of the internet is typical white boy with a monstrously big platform shit so I'm not surprised. I never heard any details about court (prob for legal reasons) or a conviction either. All I know is there was screenshot proof from the victim that they talked, and Dr*m confirmed the screenshots were real but didn't say anything about other details. But those details literally can't be false if the screenshots & the shit said in them are true.
Anyway, as far as his other bullshit goes:
People found old kkk meme edits on his yt account through the wayback machine. More than once if I'm not mistaken
He has a history of defending himself using the r slur
He cheated "on accident" in a speedrun (the least important thing ever but everyone always brings it up)
He claimed he was going to donate all proceeds during pride month to lgbt+ charities & he'd do charity streams all month but never did
He defended himself about replying to haters, which would send thousands of his toxic stans after the person getting them doxxed/death threats/etc and he refused to address that it was irresponsible of him bc he was too entitled to immaturely clap back at the antis. Even other ccs, like B/itzel called him out about shit related to how he uses his platform irresponsibly & he unfollowed & shaded them like a bitch baby
The whole "accidental" copycat shit with QSMP/USMP and basically softcore stalking Q/uackity online.
His "apologies" for all of the above fucking sucked in multiple ways. And that's just 2021-Now shit I can remember off the top of my head, I lost my Twitter in May last year so now I get my info from people's posts about it on here or links to tweets.
Everyone largely suspects he spontaneously reignited d/smp lore & started the finale to cover up the groomer thing bc he has a history of doing smth "new and cool" every time he causes drama to divert attention and avoid accountability.
He's also suspected of suddenly rewriting the d/smp finale to paint his Irredeemable Abuser Villain Up Until The Last Stream as a sympathetic poor baby out of nowhere and wrote that his victim, c!Tommy apologized to him, which sends a HORRIBLE message about abusive relationships. T/ommy and T/ubbo have both subtly mentioned not liking the finale and that Dr*m had AWFUL communication during the last like 6+ months of the smp.
He also suddenly showed up in T/ubbo's chat lurking while T/ubbo happened to be mentioning he'd do his own research on the grooming situation instead of blindly siding with Dr*m and it was some shit out of a horror movie is2g, he suddenly dmed T/ubbo out of nowhere during it on discord saying they'd talk about it after T/ubbo wasn't streaming. Basically sounds like he was gonna bias T/ubbo about his innocence. Like he hadn't been in chat all stream long but SUDDENLY he was there the second the topic came up. But the d/smp ccs also can't say anything about the situation since it's a legal matter, so a handful of ccs have just stated/implied they don't support him other ways
He only quit MCC bc he threw a tantrum about how he couldn't practice for it but now that MCC island exists, people were getting better than him. He's habitually a sore loser about that kinda shit
He's got that whole weird "is he, isn't he" bullshit going on about him being lgbt. I personally think he's just catering to his stupid d/n/f shippers bc they like to truth their relationship & sexuality all the time and he's never explicitly said he's bi or smth. He's just vaguely been like "yeeeaahhhh I mostly like girls like 99% but maaaayyybeee I like guys idkkkk. 🤪" But he's also done that multiple times so who tf knows. I'm not gonna fully dismiss him & I understand no one including me is entitled to his specific sexuality, but he has garbage credibility on like everything so I'm neutral on the matter and find it hard to believe him
Not directly him related, but his stans went on a long and horrifying witch hunt on Twitter during the kkk ordeal doxxing, death threatening & harassing ENTIRE mcyt subtwts who spoke out against him and called him out on his racism, performative activism, shitty apology, etc. For example, I was part of S/neeg's subtwt and all my mutuals and me had to go private to avoid getting doxxed. It felt like being raided in some dystopian ass horror film. Entire subtwts were going private, panicking, paranoid they'd get outed & stalked & harassed by people just for condemning racism, raising Black voices, etc. It was borderline traumatic to some people, I know people who lost sleep over it bc they were so afraid.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but the end of 2021 to early 2022 was a fucking nightmare between him being an immature entitled piece of shit and his stans blindly defending him and going out of their way to endanger people who rightfully opposed him.
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theanimeroom · 4 days
hi blueeeee i know im always in your likes lurking about.. i really do enjoy reading your works and i cant wait to see what you come up with when you find some more inspo! I read your last post about Ichigo ( well last two if we wanna get technical ) and you mentioned hichigo in your tags ‼️‼️‼️
This is defo my favorite topic..
How hard do you think ichigo would have to try to suppress him whenever he’s making love? does Hichigo make random scandalous comments about his s/o while they’re probably just doing something mundane.. he’s probably a perv like that. I want to know your thoughts on him PUHLEAAASEEE!!!
hi my love, feel free to meddle about for as long as you wish! i always love company 🫶🏽
in the beginning, it was the biggest fucking hassle. the moment his heart rate started to increase, the orange-head could hear the voices in his mind starting to get stronger. the distorted voice distracted him, muttering ideas that he’d never been able to conjure up himself. he would curse silently to himself, telling the other side of him to shut the fuck up before he made him regret it. it always used to end up with you grasping his face, asking him what was wrong as he tried to hide his bright yellow eyes from you.
there was a never ending supply of random comments about the swell of your ass in the shorts you had on, how pretty you were when he was standing above you while speaking (it reminded hichigo of all the times he caught a glimpse of you with ichigo’s cock in your mouth), or how soft and pliant the skirt you had on looked, just like you.
the longer you’d been together, the easier it became to deal with the hollowfied version of himself. he was able to suppress the voices long enough to get your pants off, but soon after he would start to hear the maniacal cackles that emanated from the deepest parts of his mind.
despite his growing control over the other man inside of him, there was never going to be a moment when he wasn’t running rampant in his mind.
“wouldn’t she look so cute with your hand around her throat?” “cmon, give it a little squeeze and watch how red her face gets.” “you could easily rip her to shreds if you wanted to, couldn’t you ichigo?” “you really know how to pick the pretty ones ichigo, i’ll give you that. too bad i’m gonna ruin her before you get the chance to touch that sweet pussy of her’s.”
he toyed with his mind relentlessly, but he’d never let him take control. not unless he has crossed the threshold to a level of stress that he couldn’t escape from. there had only been a handful of times where the hollow inside of ichigo managed to take over in any capacity, but you weren’t going to lie and say that you minded. you knew that as different as hichigo was from your boyfriend, he was still an extension of his personality, another side of him that was more primal. feral.
the moment you felt a too tight grip on your forearm, a low but deadly growl reverberating in your ear told you everything that you needed to know. you recognized the way that he tucked his face into the crook of your neck, a soft hand reaching out to place itself against his cheek. you guided his face back to yours, staring into the vibrant black and yellow orbs before giving him a soft smile.
there was a soft frown on his face, showing his discontent for allowing you to see him in this condition, but you paid him no mind.
“it’s okay,” you whispered, running your hand through his tousled locks. “you don’t have to hold back.”
you knew he only did it as a way to protect you — knowing that his other side was much more brutal than he — but you were never afraid of the man to begin with. any time he made himself known he always spoke of you as if you were a piece of meat to him, but you never felt threatened by him. his presence only intrigued you, making you wonder what it looked like when ichigo completely lost himself to the hollow within.
ichigo huffed before pouting, pressing a delicate kiss to your shoulder blade. “don’t wanna hurt you, pretty.”
his words were sincere as he expressed his concern, and you couldn’t help but smile at the orange-head.
“he can’t,” you reasoned, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of his head. “not when you’re still here.”
now, the moment you manage to convince ichigo to let his hollow out, it’s a completely different man. this version of your boyfriend was touch starved, his hands would be reaching for every sliver of skin that was exposed to him, a menacing laugh leaving a shiver running down your spine. the eager grin painting his lips made you momentarily questions whether this was a good idea or not, but you quickly shed those thoughts when hichigo grabbed your hips, barely even breaking a sweat as he flipped you over onto your stomach.
hichigo is a certified sadist, to say the least. the night he comes out to play is the night where you leave ichigo’s room with handprints covering your ass, bruises scattered across your body from his teeth digging into the skin. his kisses were all teeth and tongue, heavy grunts and moans reverberating in his chest at every bit of contact you provided. your thighs would be aching at the phantom sensation of his hips slamming into yours, the memory of his distorted growls swimming around in your head as ichigo laid next to you, completely still from exhaustion.
“that boring old ichigo could never satisfy you like this, hmm?” “you’re a pretty little thing, that carrot top should share you with me more often!” “hnn, you’re disgusting you know? getting off to me touching you like this.” “don’t worry, whenever you want to get fucked properly, just tell lil ol’ ichigo to take the backseat next time.”
ichigo will admit though, as much as he hated his inner hollow sometimes, he could never disagree with any of his day by day comments. you were his pretty girl, and he’s just glad that the person recognizing it was trapped inside of him, and no one else.
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4200nemobackup · 2 years
pegging stalker jungkook
based on this pic:
This picture made me feel things……..it is quite beautiful.
Ask above: “pegging stalker Jungkook based on this pic”
Pairing: Sub!Stalker!Jungkook x domme!reader
description: A stalker usually wouldn’t make himself known, but y/ns did, based on the fact that his clues were just him throwing himself at her. Who would’ve thought the pervert was so submissive under her punishments? 
Warnings: stalker themes, pegging, gags, bullet vibrators, fingering (m receiving), orgasms(sort of), degradation, pet names, lowkey public sex but not really, possessiveness at the end , not a warning but Y/N owns a flower shop!!
A/n:thank you for sending this in baby!!!! The picture omg……I started drooling! I hope you enjoy and if it’s not up to par feel free to send in other asks!I’m deciding to base this off of the manwha “S flower” because it has a story line similar to this ask! It’s rather short, but I hope you enjoy! sorry this took so long. I was feeling very tired these past few days but I think I’m feeling better!
Not edited!!
It was a brisk, fall morning.
The leaves crunched beneath y/ns flats, providing a certain type of therapy for the woman. The sound was calming and grounding, everything she exactly needed for such a morning.
Her morning tea was warm, a contrast to the atmosphere. Tangy ginger tea was a great way to start the morning on such a frigid day.
But the note on the door was not……..
As y/n approached her flower shop-door, she removed a note from the front of the place, eager to read such a thing. The eagerness only from the possibility that she would finally catch this note-writer.
She would be lying if she said having a stalker wasn’t a little bit entertaining at the least. Y/n quickly found that her stalker was different from the stereotype. This one wanted to be taken over by her. He wanted her to destroy the fiber of his sexual being.
Her first question was how he had even found out about her sexual hobbies but, it appeared that the subjects of his letter had moved beyond the curiosity.
She opened her shop quickly and ran into her personalized office in the back, to read the letter of course.
Dear Y/n………
Have you still not caught on to who I am? Have you still not realized who I should be? I would’ve thought a savvy woman like you would’ve found me by now but, I guess I was wrong. Still, I hope you find me in time. Not for the sake of you but for myself.
Y/n continued reading the letter, adrenaline coursing through her veins.
Were they right under her nose this entire time?
I am going to explode, y/n. I cant keep only jerking off at the thought of you making me cry. I need the real thing and this cat and mouse game is driving me mad! I’ll give you a hint. Pay close attention to those that pass through your shop in the early mornings. I’ll be lurking closely near them, so pay attention. I’m recognizable, easily. You do know me to some degree. Don’t be surprised when you find me!
At this point, y/n was just excited to find the stalker once and for all. His escapades were inconveniencing her, and though he was fun to trace, the chase was becoming bothersome. Being suspicious of every customer was something she did every day now; she was always on the fence because of him. Her friends even drew attention to the fact that it was clear that she wasn’t enjoying herself anymore. Anytime they would all go out, she would ignore them and seem to be hyper aware of everyone around her. They noticed her anxious eyes, darting every which way.
It was time for her to clear her consciousness of this person once and for all.
First he stole her belongings, then he wrote notes in bold red lipstick on her bathroom mirrors within the store. His actions were frightening the customers; he was bad for business too.
Y/n decided she would keep an eye out for him.
As the morning hours passed, her eyes scanned the aisles and store for her pursuer. Hoping to locate the man, she began to tread slowly between each crevice of the store, looking in places that customers has never even touched in weeks.
A blue cap, jet black tresses, and a tall frame surprised Y/N as her orbs feasted upon him.
Jungkook looked down at y/n, his face holding a sinister grin.
“Just don’t scream, y/n. We can take this very easy.”
Jungkooks sentence was covered in wicked satisfaction, coated with desire and lust. Y/n could hear the perverted nature dripping from his tone, and it frightened her to no end. He said not to scream, but what would he really do if she decided to?
Before she could choose her fate, a chemical-smelling cloth was pushed in front of Y/ns nose, the scent assaulting her nostrils. Muffled were her pleads as she protested, but the fumes quickly took effect, incapacitating the woman and leaving her like a rag doll in Jung-kooks hands. Jung-kook dragged her to her office, closing the door on her, knowing that she wouldn’t wake up just yet.
“Finally”, he whispered to himself, the boner in his pants beginning to rise just by a small amount.
The room was nearly pitch black save for a dimly-lit candle. Y/n pieced together the fact that she was in her own office but she couldn’t understand why. She also didn’t understand why her body was tied to a chair. She couldn’t grasp it until she saw Jungkooks body being revealed by the candle, little by little.
The memories flooded back into her head as if her brain contained a broken dam.
“Let go of me, now. ” She immediately commanded. Her powerful tone caused a chill to pass through Jungkooks spine. Her words made him remember exactly why he chose to make y/n of all people his object of obsession. She was dominant and in control, which intrigued him, a submissive.
Jungkook nearly had forgotten that he was supposed to be negotiating a deal. He was so caught up in y/ns aura that his brain was already fogged with endless possibilities and fantasies.
“No. If I just let you go, you won’t give me what I want. You’ll call the police on me, and then where do I go from there, y/n? I just want you to tame me y/n. Please punish me. That’s all I ask.”
The request sent a shiver down y/ns spine.
Jungkook had been a regular at her flower shop for so long now. She never would’ve even perceived that he would go to such lengths to have someone take control of him. Usually, a very calm and collected personality he would show, with a dash of flirtatious energy. Never would y/n pick up on any impulsive or irrational behaviors that Jungkook could’ve presented.
Y/n quickly realized that Jungkook was just obsessed with her and her only. He wouldn’t rest until his thirst was quenched.
But wouldn’t it be fun? Wouldn’t it be a thrill to take out the pent up frustration and stress out on the man before her? Jungkook was literally begging for it to happen anyways; clearly he was into it.
Jungkook could see the cogs turning in Y/Ns head.
“What do you say, Y/n?”
Y/n quickly glanced up at Jungkooks waiting face.
“Untie me. If you cum before I allow you to, I’m gonna call the police.”
The deal was abnormal, but for the context of the situation, it wasn’t exactly.
Jungkook giddily scrambled to untie his muse. He quickly unraveled the rope and handed them to her. He assumed a spot on the carpet floor on his knees, patiently waiting for y/n to enact her rules over him.
His mouth watered in anticipation, for he had awaited such a moment for weeks now. Jungkook dreamt about this every single night. Each dream, y/n did something different and dirty to him. He always woke up with his sheets soiled, waking up with the remnants of a good wet dream. If only she knew, if only she knew just how good she had made him feel even when she wasn’t really there.
Y/n eyed Jungkooks godly proportions. Even on his knees was his body stunning. His clothes weren’t even off yet. Though she was angry with him, she wouldn’t lie about how sexy he really was.
“Get back up, Jungkook. Strip for me. I want you completely exposed to me.
There she went again with her demanding tone. Jungkook couldn’t do anything else but fall victim to its intense effects. He stood up and began to remove all of his clothing, slowly, piece by piece. Y/ns gaze fell upon him, he could hear her licking her lips.
Jungkook fell back to his knees.
Y/n noticed how hard and dripping Jungkook was for her. Precum ran down his red tip. His delicious shaft fell firmly between his muscular thighs. He was well endowed, his dick big enough to put some of y/ns dildos to shame.
“Aww,” cooed y/n. “Look at how pathetic you are, Jungkook. I haven’t done absolutely anything, and here you are, ready to cum on command. If I said to cum right now, would you do it?”
Jungkook nodded quietly, earning a deep scoff and eye roll from y/n.
Within an instant, her hand was squeezing his jaw tightly.
“Speak up, slut. I don’t like quiet ones.”
A sharp breath; Jungkook was gonna cum for real just from the sheer force she was using on him. Her sternness had affected him to such a large degree. She was right, if she told him to cum right this second, he totally would.
“Yes!” He moaned in a drawl. He was so gone already.
“That’s so cute,” said Y/n. She grabbed Jungkooks dick, earning a flinch from the man.
Y/n smirked. “Please what, pretty boy? Do you think I should go easy on you or something?”
“Do you really think you deserve good treatment? After all the shit you’ve caused? Im here to break you baby.”
Swift movements left Jungkook with 2 bullet vibrators attached to his aching cock, coloring him surprised and stunned and how y/n managed to even move that fast. The astonishment he felt was quickly swapped with the burn of pleasure, the coil in his stomach quickly gathering. He wanted to beg y/n to stop these vibrations before he would cum everywhere but he couldn’t bring himself to. The sensations consumed his brain, reducing him to a mumbling mess already.
“What is it pretty boy? It feels so good you can’t speak? So cute~”
Y/n kneeled down to Jungkooks position, and shoved his head to the ground. Before he could even say anything Jungkook felt y/ns wet skinny finger tracing a neat circle in front of his hole before entering it. Her finger was swallowed, and the feeling forced a shiver out of Jungkooks body. He audibly moaned, the sound being coaxed out of his throat.
“Shut up, slut. Don’t want anyone to hear you. This is for me to enjoy only.”
But Jungkook just couldn’t help himself. It wasn’t his fault that she managed to hit his spot so easily.
“I guess I’ll have to muffle you.”
Y/n placed Jungkooks underwear in his mouth, shoving the cloth deep into it.
Y/n continued the finger fuck, her fingers now stretching Jungkook out so satisfyingly. Jungkook was new to the feeling. The moans kept flying from his throat uncontrollably. There was virtually nothing he could do to stop it. Sure he tried putting things in his own ass before. But it wasn’t the same as when she did it.
Jungkook found himself fucking his own ass against her fingers, pushing back on her digits like a slut in heat. The sounds coming out of him increased in frequency and volume; good thing Y/n muffled him earlier. The air was filled with squelching noises, and Jungkooks whines.
Y/n was deeply intrigued by Jungkooks performance at the moment. He wasn’t lying in those letters when he said the things he said.
“That’s right,slut. Fuck yourself open for me.”
Her words were like honey to Jungkook even if she was saying the most vile things. Y/ns voice was like fresh vanilla. Her voice was only building him up to his breaking point, any minute now he was going to cum. His mouth kept opening and closing around his gag. He could barely make sounds anymore. Jungkook trembled intensely, his orgasm ready to wash over him.
Y/n was a pro at noticing such things: was Jungkook really so bold that he would break her rules on the first go?
“cum! Cumming!”
Y/n turned off the vibrators and ceased her fingering, leaving a hot and bothered Jungkook gasping for air. He whined defeatedly as ropes of cum shot out of his dick. His orgasm didn’t feel nearly as intense as he thought it would, and clearly there was a reason why it wasn’t.
“Someone broke my rules. Didn’t I say I would call the police if you came? And look,” y/n taunted, swiping her fingers in Jungkooks dirty cum and wiping it on his face.
“All over my floor.”
Jungkook looked up, fear striking him the moment he did. It left him weirdly turned on, but he would admit that he was still deathly afraid of y/ns face. It was as if a shadow had disfigured her usually welcoming face, even a few minutes ago she looked rather pleasant.
Jungkook saw the sanity leaving her eyes. He couldn’t tell if he should be worried or not. Was y/n really serious?
“What should I do with you, Jungkook? You’ve caused me so much stress and now you’re cumming on my floor? Messing up my nice carpet should get you some kind of punishment, don’t you think?”
Jungkook fell deeper into sub space now, the fear factor making his cock harden up again.
He nodded vigorously, his true desire was to be put under anything y/n would inflict upon him, no matter what it was.
“I think I want to make you cum until you beg me to stop Jungkook. That would be my punishment for a toy like you.”
Vocalizing his approval, Jungkook nearly shouted at the idea. Y/n smirked as she walked over to her small drawer and pullers put a strapon, quickly putting it on and prepping it for its use.
“Since you’ve fixed your eyes onto me,”
Y/n lined up with Jungkooks hungry entrance.
“I’ve been nervous, and afraid,”
She slowly pushed herself in, earning a wanton moan from the boy underneath her.
“Do you really think I should give you a break, after all you’ve done to me? I don’t think so.”
Y/n began thrusting into Jungkook at a punishing but pleasurable pace. Jungkook continued with his moans and groans, the gag not as effective as originally thought. Y/n reached around to the front of Jungkooks neck and grabbed his throat. She pulled him up in order to get a better angle to fuck him at. She was clearly successful, her maneuver making his eyes roll back into his head, and his tongue hang out of his mouth. The boy panted like a dog.
Yet again, his orgasm was approaching, and he couldn’t do anything but try to tap y/n with his hands.
“What is it pretty boy? You’re close again?”
“Ngh- yes~”
“Cum then. Cum as much as you want. I’m gonna make you cum till you can’t.”
His cum sprayed the ground once again, and soon he found himself being flipped over on his back. He wasn’t ready when y/n suddenly slammed back into him. Jungkook threw his head back in high pleasure, and part overstimulation, all of these sensations were making him feel tingly and numb all over his body. He saw y/ns red eyes as she fucked him mercilessly. He tried to find stability by clawing at the carpet by his hands, but he was unable to focus. Y/n was fucking him so good, everything felt so good inside of him.
What am I going to do with you Jungkook? I’ll make you pay me for all the time and stress you’ve caused me. You’re nothing but my little sex toy now, and I’ll make sure you never leave.
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dokuhai · 11 months
OOC. Admittedly I've been lurking a bit ( the bae and I have had so many busy weekends and plans since before we even left for Japan, which has been a lot for two introverts lmfaooo so I've just been trying to take it easy + am also coming to terms with how my adhd impacts literally Everything I Do™ these days fhsdjfn ) but I know @godkilller mentioned my lovely vampire verse sims a while back ( which i'm still working on!!! ) and OF COURSE I NEED TO SHOW THOSE THAT ARE INTERESTED LOL ( dw i'm using a read-more in case you're like 'jackie no one cares about ur sims' ) hdsjkfh
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OKAY SO here's vamp!Gin showing off his baby blues and being all cute and innocent-seeming. I'm super happy with how he came out!! here's a full body version of him because i'm also super happy with his outfit hfdkjshfks
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WHAT A HOTTIE AMIRITE?! Look at that long black jacket! THOSE COMBAT BOOTS! he's a spooky figure lurking the streets at night hfdjskhfks BUT WHEN he's not looking all human-like, he's got fangs and the whites of his eyes turn black and his irises turn an almost neon blue color ( he's hot in all forms okay )
Here's a picture of vamp!Gin reading in his loft-style apartment ( apparently he loves to read??? the more you know! )
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Speaking of precious babies, here's him with his stray cat friendo named Asparagus - leave it to Gin to befriend a cat in a dinosaur onesie JKDSBVKSD
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she's such a fucking babe it drives me nuts fhsdkjfhks I gave her shorter hair since that's the cut she sports for the most part in that verse ( kinda like the blood war haircut she has?? ) i want to get her to a more yellowy-blonde color but for now that's the best I could do. Here's a closeup of her cute lil face ( yes she has freckles FIGHT ME )
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She wears primarily silver jewelry as it stings any vamps that get too close to her in this verse. god i love her i am SMITTEN---
HERE'S A PICTURE OF HER OVER A CAULDRON CONCOCTING HER LIL POTIONS ( god i wish she would step on me, i'd literally hop right into this pit of boiling hot potion water if she asked me to--- )
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Also here's a picture of her hanging out with her bestie ( aka Izuru - my Rangiku is besties with Izuru in every verse ok fskdjfhks ) AND YES HE'S ENTHUSIASTICALLY TALKING ABOUT LLAMAS??? Izuru why??? lmfaoooo
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I tried to get a picture of hunter!Rangiku and vamp!Gin on a date, but he literally pulled out this juicebox and photobombed what could've been a cute pic ( how on brand hfdskjfhsd )
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OKAY LAST BUT NOT LEAST -- here is the only and only Aizen! He's got his everyday 'innocent' human-esque look, and his own vamp look ( since he's a big bad trying to become a fucking demon to acquire more power etc etc )
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so innocent amirite ??? reminds me a lot of that one manga panel where he's wearing a scarf and talking to rangiku and toshiro about birthdays ( yes I know he's not wearing a scarf in this picture BUT WORK WITH ME HERE--- )
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Here he is with scarier eyes and fangs and all that jazz ( gotta get the slicked back hair ) ( and yes i know his fangs aren't showing here I'M TRYING OKAY--- )
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Here's Aizen feasting on some barista and wiping his memory ( what a great Lad )
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And of course, I gotta get the Aizen and Gin chess-playing shot ( they literally Detest each other in this game I'VE TRIED TO HARD TO GET THEM TO BE FRIENDS but Gin rejected him and Aizen declared Gin officially his 'enemy' - it's amazing I even got THIS screenshot / usually they just go straight into a vampire brawl lmfao )
ANYWAY I HOPE Y'ALL ENJOYED THIS I WOULD LOVE TO POST MORE CONTENT IF PPL ARE INTERESTED! i really want to get Keiko in this verse but we'll see how possible that is lmao hfjksdhfs ANYWAY CARRY ON---
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okayto · 10 months
Professionalism is hard, particularly when you're new to situations that require it (but age is no certain measure of professionalism, as seen in the many, many Ask A Manager letters about people of all ages). This reply-dominated post has a lot of great advice...as well as some entertaining stories about times people got it wrong:
My company hires their interns at a full time, full benefit job if they work out. Most of our interns don’t know that but it’s true. Some we have failed to hire: –Came in late every day –watched movies at their desk –were heard yelling “Yahtzee!” at their desk –dressed in beach wear (conservative office)
I think the biggest thing that I struggled with was realizing that while I could end up making good friends … that was rare. Like, really rare. Don’t confuse being friendly with getting a friend or a new BFF.
Observe. Lurk. Be quiet and see how a culture works. What is okay behaviour at one place might be highly encouraged or fireable at another. Imagine a workplace sort of like a blog or forum like this one – do you start posting right away or do you read through it, get to know the place, and see what is expected?
Like Alison mentioned, if something seems off or odd to you, ask for the WHY. In the case of the dress code, there were good reasons for the dress code, the interns just weren’t aware of those reasons and didn’t take the time to fund out the why (or didn’t think it mattered once they were told).
Don’t be afraid to ask questions such as, “I don’t know what to do in this situation. Can you guide me?” People are not expecting you to have all the answers – early in your career or ever, really.
People don’t like being put on the spot or called out in meetings — but “Can I have a few minutes of your time later to ask some questions” is something that I truly appreciated from our interns.
They want you to show up when they need someone there, do the tasks that they prioritize, serve their customers, etc. [...] I didn’t realize that the exchange is: my labor for their enterprise in exchange for their money in my bank account. It can take some time to build the “calluses” of working for someone else’s benefit and not your own.
Side note: the biggest thing I learned in front-facing customer service that I still use in my professional career is this: people want to know what you can do for them, not what you can’t.
To repeat a comment I made on a previous post, always observe the golden rule of diplomacy “Before speaking, engage brain!”. Another commenter then expanded on this with the WAIT principle (Why Am I Talking?)…
I’d say a corollary to “Ask questions” is “Let stuff go.” Sometimes you don’t get the answer but you’ve used up enough time on the matter; sometimes also you have to let stuff go because we all have to let stuff, ranging from weird policy to annoying co-workers, go.
Be comfortable saying “I’d like to think about it first. Can I let you know tomorrow?” That gives you time to search boards like this and get advice from others.
Watch what other people are doing. What seems to be the norm. Note that the norm is not always ok. If someone is always cursing up a blue streak and showing up to work in a pink tutu, and no one else is, I wouldn’t suggest cursing in a tutu at work. There might be Reasons.
In terms of when to speak up, my criteria are: Are you the right person to address this? Is this the best time to do so? What can your perspective bring that others’ cant?
Assume that the rules apply to you. Follow the dress code, show up on time, do what you’re supposed to do. If you notice other people are coming in late or not following the dress code, ask if you can do the same (but if the answer is no, accept it and move on).
Never ever ever trust anything you see in movies or tv shows. I cannot think off-hand of any show or movie I’ve seen that depicts people behaving professionally in an office setting. Because behaving professionally is boring, and that doesn’t work well with drama or comedy.
Do not microwave fish or popcorn in the breakroom microwave.
There ARE stupid questions. Anyone who says there aren’t is either stupid or lying. Questions that are stupid are ones that have already been answered but you didn’t read or listen to the presented information the first time, or you were late for the meeting.
Trust me, your manager will be much happier taking 15-20 minutes every few weeks to help you improve, rather than having to explain to the CEO why you reply-alled the yearly holiday party invite with a meme about butt-chugging (true story).
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roseychains · 3 months
I love how you try and act all mature and intelligent in your writing. Real convincing.
"let’s break up your argument into a few parts, and let me debunk each one
First you say this can get adults in trouble? Simple solution, don’t interact if it’s really going to cause problems."
My dude. You are in a public space. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to follow the rules. Why would you go into a public space and post something your not supposed to and then try to act like if they dont like it they shouldnt even be here. Once again public space. A community you are not welcome/old enough to be in. And you are telling other people that if they dont like it they just shouldnt interact or be here at all? You dont make the fucking rules child. You arent even supposed to be here.
"Next, you say that smut is a adult only space. And that’s only true to some extent. Of course, child pornograhpy is illegal of course, but this isn’t explicit depiction of children or sexualizing them, it’s writing about fictional characters. But as for the legal aspect of it, the problem occurs specifically when adults go out of their way to interact with minors. I, atop all my posts the first content warning in bold is that I am a minor. It’s impossible to miss, I’m not going to get anyone in trouble. It’s not like I’m specifically sharing it with adults either. I put things under smut tags but again, are warned I’m a minor and further, a LOTTT of minors my age (15-17) read smut, and comply with whatever rules the author puts. If they say MDNI, then we don’t interact, it’s not difficult to comply with an respect boundary’s. Another legal aspect is roleplaying, which, ew, no."
Ok first of all. Its true to the FULL FUCKING EXTENT. ITS LITERALLY IN THE WORDS. Its smut its fucking sex its nsfw its fucking porn. ITS ONLY FOR ADULTS NO MATTER WHAT WORD YOU PUT IT IN ITS THE SAME DAMNED THING.
Second of all if you understand you can get adults in trouble just by them interacting with you why fucking post at all. Can you prove every other minor on here interacting with you is a minor? Can you prove no adults interact with you? Its not even just about your safety but ours aswell. And you know that. You know that theres the potential that if an adult is found enjoying your content their lives could be ruined. Despite everyone telling you to just wait until you are older, the dangers of grooming, the fact that no one even wants you in this adult oriented space, you just dont care. You think you want something and decide you deserve it because of that. Everyone else be damned.
You do specifically share it with adults. Its a fucking adult space. The majority and the target audience of which is fucking adults. You post it publicly. Also your "smut tags" show up in character tags too idiot.
"zhongli smut" shows up in just "zhongli" because it has his damned name in it.
Again i and every creator out there are well aware of you children reading and consuming our shit. We lurked too. And thats all you should be doing until you are an adult. Also "it’s not difficult to comply with an respect boundary’s." Is fucking rich coming from a kid who cant stay out of an adult space and not post adult content when told not to.
"Moreover, there can be potential problems for adults who have anything to do with explicit fan fiction, but again, that’s why it’s a warning. If they want to read it, by all means they are free to do so, at their own discretion."
Wow what a way to pin the blame on adults. Sure. The adults in the adult space talking about adult topics are at fault.
About the image you share i find it really interesting you only did a quick google search but didnt even bother to look further into it. That "answer" you found is under a better answer asking about someone finding a kid just like you.
"Explicit fiction is legal no matter who writes it or shares it.
But adults who have ANYTHING sexually to do with minors are risking all kids of state and federal crimes. State and federal sex crime prosecutors who go after pedophiles don't believe any adults who claim they "accidentally" found or shared something relating to a minor and sex.
You sound like a pedophile, because that's what most pedophiles claim --it was a "mistake," an "accident," they were "just clicking on it to see if it was what it claimed to be," they were "just going to report it," "it was [their] 1st time, they were only looking for a minute," etc. etc.
If you're not a pedophile, see if you manage to avoid people who come right out and say they're minors."
You ignore the fact that they even said adults having ANYTHING to do with minors relating to this stuff can get in trouble. That means even just LIKING your posts.
"The other answer simply says this (not included: laywer advertisement)A minor cannot write or read explicit stories on the Internet. Yes, you can be charged if you allow minor's on your site."
"Thirdly, you say I’m pushing myself into adult spaces, simply not true. I have never once interacted with an MDNI blog, in any way shape or form. It’s disrespectful. All I do is create my own works. Under tags that, you guess it, aren’t restricted based on age."
Oh but its not disrespectful for you to even be in a space you arent supposed to be in in the FUCKING FIRST PLACE? Do you think the internet begins and ends on your blog? Keep your works PRIVATE. Also no porn/nsfw tag is restricted based on age on tumblr. There was a porn ban and any tags that are "restricted" are banned for everyone. Even adults. What fucking popular website has age restrictions for tags. And what child actually tells the truth about their age. Even if the tags arent restricted you are well aware they are about adult content. Do you seriously think that just because its not flashing in bright colors to get your attention that its about adult content that its somehow free for you as a minor to use? Gain some damn common sense would you?
"And finally, you say I’m participating in adult activity’s. I’m typing explicit words with a keyboard. Not showing anyone, not showing myself, it’s only found under tags ppl would want to see it."
Again character names show up in character tags. Tumblr does not sort entirely based on sentences. Thats why i can see people talking about nothing to do with a character in the characters tag because in the tags the talk shit about said character they didnt mention in the post itself.
By posting it with tags you do, in fact, show it to people. By posting it publicly at all you are showing people.
Also no one wants to see a minor writing smut in any tag. We dont fucking want you here so why cant you respect that?
"typing explicit words" my dude you are writing porn. You are making porn. A child cannot legally make or consume porn.
In conclusion, it’s writing for crying out loud. It’s reading. It’s letters on a screen. If you have a problem with it, your more than welcome to block me. And in the meantime, I’m gonna keep writing, it’s fun, and able to be done safely. Hope this helped.
Oh nooo its just letters on a screen
Ok. Theres a youtuber who wrote a fanfic of their younger sibling getting raped. Written during the time their sibling was a minor. This youtuber used to bragg about it all the time until they realized they could get in trouble for writing csem. Then they wanted nithing to do with it and denies it to this day.
Is that just words on a screen? "Oh but i dont write explicitly of minors" it doesnt matter. Its just words right? You writing porn is just words huh?
Also, a word of advice minors read smut, a lot. Writers are unaware of it due to the fact that you can read something without interacting, which is respectful imo. You went, and left no trace. Minors, specifically my age (15-17) are gonna have desires and hormones. It’s pretty damn normal. So having a safe space, a little outfit to exercise things safely isn’t that better than going out and having sex?? Minors writing smut is harmless and hurts no one.
Word of advice, we fucking know. So glad you think you are special and quirky. Dont fucking speak to me about what is "respectful" ever again. You only think something is "respectful" when it benefits yourself.
You do not need to share your porn. Im an demisexual woman who is still a virgin as an adult. Ive read porn since i was 11. Ive never once had the thought "omg if i dont shove myself into this adult space and talk about sex im gonna go have sex with real people to compensate for it"
You sound so fucking dumb.
You dont get to say its respectful to leave no trace but then go ahead and write porn publicly and show the while damned world. What a fucking entitled hypocrite you are.
And sure it would be harmless if you fucking kept it to yourself and lurked like a normal person.
Also just because it technically isnt hurting anyone does not mean people are liable to legal repercussions. Peoples lives can be ruined because of shits like you. It doesnt matter how likely or unlikely you think it is. That doesnt matter. The fact is there is that chance.
"they shouldn't have interacted with me"
the world doesnt revolve around you. We shouldn't have to make room for you, and cater to you and make sure you are comfortable when you aren't supposed to be here.
"If anyone has a problem with these claims, feel free to send another ask. Just be respectful, just like we are to you."
You do not get to tell us to "be respectful like we are to you" when you can't respect the fact that we dont want children in an adult space. You dont get that option.
Block me then, not that hard omfg 👎 I’m done tagging my responses tho. Firstly, like you say it is a PUBLIC space. Meaning, anyone can access it and if you claim it to be an “adult space” you have no grounds to stand on. Even if everyone agrees, it’s still a public community/space. Anyone can access it. Who the fuck are you to gatekeep a public tag?
Writing is for everyone, sue me.
Next, I’m not getting any innocent adult lives ruined because I tag everything appropriately, it they are an innocent adult and genuinely scared. Then they can read the minor warning and move on.
And finally, no one is forcing you to cater to me what? If it bothers you, block me. Not hard
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heyharoldsboo · 1 year
Hi ARIES, look we know you lurk around here because Ana has mentioned how she gets weekly asks calling her a dickriding cunt. Gotta assume it’s you at this point. I know this is a long message but i suggest you read it.
We know you are the reddit poster. We also know who “the minor that percy groomed and abused” is and we know the age difference between them is not 5 years like you said (even though initially you said about 3-4…you should have read your proof better tbh) but about 2.5 years and we also know that this girl still follows percy and katie on ig. (For those who dont know, dont try to find this girl ppl its impossible she changer her name in ig). And he followed her before your army of minions bullied him into unfollowing all his friends and art pages on insta. If she was so terrified and abused by him why is she still following him and his current gf or ex gf wtv they are? Ohh and speaking of this minor, there is proof on ig of you doing drugs with her when she was still a minor and you were over 18. Thats not a great! People are not exposing her because its obvious she does not wanna get involved, shes only 18. But thats because Percy defenders have respect and dont wanna scoop low. That is also the reason why the reddit post proof has not been shared. So keep that in mind.
as for your SA allegations, i dont want to assume what SA is like for any given person but if you did meet him at a party, you yourself said he “ touched your back and hips and asked you to chill”. So basically he hit on you? you also said it was not violent and that you know some people will say its nothing. Why would you say that at all if what he really did was SA? I also find it strabge how you seem to post insta stories from ever party you ever go to lately but you didnt back then? During the age of smartphones. And also you should tell Kayla DMs dont get deleted when someone blocks you or an app gets updated.
but anyways, dont wanna get too much into debunking proof, there a lot if that on twitter. I wanna tell you that it is more than clear you are not well. The way you post on reddit, especially facebook. I know its not easy mental health wise and you need help. Those tweets you tweeted yesterday, about how you have done horrible things and cant apologise, dont know what thats about but if its about Percy you should come clean. I know you never will though, too much to ask for because what you and your friends have done is truly inhumane. You took a small toxic part of a teens life, when he was probably troubled and part of an awful group of friends with those girls and that brycen guy and embelished a situation to put a narrative out there that he was some weekly rapist. And you all know this, thats why you dont have better proof, thats why the only things you could provide was proof he cheated on Karis and told Desiree she wasnt a liar and had to inform himself because it was the first time he had to deal with this and it was a delicate situation. If he raped girls every weekend, why was it the first time he had to deal with that when desiree says she got raped at a party? Desiree does not deny whatbhe says at all. Also, why did Kayla text a rapist to call someone to make all this end? Why give a rapist any chance to apologize or “explain himself”? Makes no sense. you see Aries the very own ss you girls shared invalidate the narrative you were trying to put out there. Because you all knew simply saying he was a womanizer and a bully would not be enough to cancel him.
Not a lot of people have any compassion left for you. Maybe im soft but I kind of do. Because I had a family member who had the issues that you are dealing with now and I know how hard it is. You need help, professional help and to find the right medication and the right dosage as well. And you need to get off social media, it is the worst thing for someone in your situation. You should come clean about how you feel and what you did and close it off. Disconnect, clear your mind and girl i dont know if you are seeing one or not, but you need a better doctor or therapist. I do feel for you a bit, even if so many people dont because i dont think you’re thinking straight and i think you are very confused and in crisis.
i dont know about the rest of the girls, but wtv grudge they held against percy from high school, they got their revenge. He will have haters forever, this will forever be a stain on his life and career. You have all done SO MUCH damage, you have no idea! So congratulations but now ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! From all you!
i truly wish you get the help you need one day
I'm glad there are still compassionate people in this world, because I am one of the people who have no kindness or compassion left for her or any of the Shitshow sisters.
I hope karma gets her good.
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if anyone from stray kids were to have a tumblr
it's be either yang jeongin or kim seungmin
why not felix you may ask.
well, he's already came and left. no gamer kid went through the early 2010s without knowing what tumblr was and that era of tumblr was something else. becoming an idol? heck no time on your hands now. felix came and left. canon. why canon? the guy knew the venn diagram of cutlery. sure it was blasted all over the place but he wasnt phased to bring it up.
but why the two maknaes?
ah. you see. they're little shits (affectionate) (i swear i can already hear the mfking backlash ill get for this because butt hurt twitterinas cant handle nuance)
they love chaos. im pretty sure they were the ones who decided to read the fanfics stays post.
lino writes them. he's on a whole other level. fanfic about what? none of my dam business. my bias is the cat butler himself. i used to write fanfic back in the day. fanfic about what? none of your dam buisness if you want to keep your braincells.
but kim seungmin doesn't like ridiculous drama. keyword: ridiculous. he wont stand the "i love them more than you" long acrylic nails argument. kim seungmin would start a fight through thoughtful precise manipulation and then kick back and watch the world implode with his lovely smile and burnt pancakes.
I.N.? the maknae on top himself? Our beloved vocalist could do crime and get away with it. why? because he is brilliant. he knows how to cover his tracks. he speaks like he knows the world already but loves the confusion other trying to figure the enigma. tumblr isnt right up his alley. it IS HIS ALLEY!
other members have a good likelihood of having a blog about niche topics (like mr. steal your girl christopher migrating over here because of ryan) but the two maknaes? ah well, they could be on here lurking already watching, posting, laughing their asses off but whats for certain? they were here before the Twitterpocolypse.
so remember stays
they are always watching.
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askingexorcists · 10 months
So am i gonna have to circle round to anon? Since im blocked on everything else and youre ignoring me on paypal? Thats fucked dude. I wouldnt have had a problem if youd just said to me 'hey man so sorry i actually cant/dont wanna send you stuff' but to block me with no explaination dude?? Cmon! Did you forget youd sold stuff to me? Did you not care?? Did you just want money?? Bullshit.
So I've not been on tumblr for a while now because I've been so stressed out with this... most of you probably know that I sold some blue exorcist merch a little while back...I maybe sent out like 15 parcels round about?
A particular person I sold too claimed they didn't arrive, I had provided proof of shipping, screenshots/tracking number and whatever else. I have no idea if the items actually arrived to this person and she's lying about it, however I don't want to belive that, and I've had issues with royal mail (who I shipper with) in the past so it's possible her package was just lost or something of the sort.
However since it didn't arrive I tried to resolve this with this person, but like I said I had all the proof of postage. I asked if they'd sort if with their bank/PayPal or royal mail. Once it's shipped there isn't really anything I can do about it.
I cannot afford to refund for a package that I have the proof I shipped, especially since I do not know for sure if this person received the money or not. We've both opened a case with PayPal to try resolve this, and since I had the proof of postage there wasn't a lot to go on.
I never wanted to sell any of my merch, it was honestly a very sad sale for me, but I've got my own child now, and life gets very expensive and I just wanted to earn some extra cash for him
Despite this I could NEVER scam anyone or anything of the sort. Every other single person I sent parcels too told me their stuff arrived and were very happy with it. I included little free gifts and notes in every order. I really, honestly tried. I chased up the order with my local post office. I spoke to the post company online. I've spoken to PayPal. I've tried everything for a peaceful ending to this, but ultimately I have to let this person sort this out either their bank or PayPal or something.
It's been really stressing me out and I've been so anxious over the whole thing for a good while now, I've blocked this person and I hope they get their money back/get the parcel or such, and I wish them the best.
I've been in the blue exorcist fandom for almost 9 years now and I've made so many great friends through this app and this fandom, and talked to so many great people. It was such a big part of my life and my childhood. Even though I don't update the blog anymore hardly...I still read the aoex manga monthly, I'm always lurking on posts reading everyone's content, always reading everyone's theory's. I've stayed of my blog a while now as I've been so anxious of all this but now honestly I just want it past me as I know I've tried all I can to resolve this.
Also wanna say thank you to everyone who's bought from me / supported this blog ♡
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sereniv · 2 years
Hi this is the same anon that came to you questions my identity maybe I should give myself an anon? I would like to drop by often and chat a bit about identity and such. Maybe 🦪. I tried to take your advice and go on Reddit and see if I could listen to the community and such but I can’t help but feel that the community has a bit of racism going on. I just searched afro indigenous to see if I could find more people with my struggles or more people who have gone though the exact same thing of me but the first thing that popped up was about a show of indigenous people and I tried to scroll through it with a open mind and open heart but I can’t say I don’t feel hurt by the comments a bit. They seem to separate black indigenous people as just black and internally don’t seem to claim them. They called it “indigenous shows” and how indigenous people needed their own shows and how we already have a ton of our own. And I get it I do but it also feels like they just don’t want to add black mvskoke to their show and- I’ll leave a quoted comment that kinda deflated me. “There are plenty of "black shows". This show is for us indigenous. I don't believe it needs more representation of anyone else except for more indigenous people. Some groups are over represented, we are not in that category. If it were me, I'd show less of other races and try to bring more native talent into the world. But, that's just my opinion. Love the earth and each other” and then another comment under that one being “1 agree. There are black shows with black creators, black actors, and that talk about black issues. This is a show about Indigenous creators, Indigenous actors, that talk about Indigenous issues. Everyone deserve to see a show about people like them created by people like them. Rez Dogs is that for Indigenous people.” I don’t think I’m welcomed and I don’t think I would ever be “like them”. -🦪
I am so sorry i didnt warn you. There is a lot of anti-black racism in the native community unfortunately but i KNOW there has to be afro-native groups out there. Because there are black natives ive seen articles of them talking about their experiences, as a black person, as a native person, and as a black native person.
Im sorry that you had to read that i truly am. You DO belong and not as a side note or asterisk. As a whole person
And these are the same people, the ones youve come across, that uphold colonialist ideas like one drop rule and blood quantum, that which in the end works against them.
You might have an easier time in the subreddit MixedRace, but i totally understand being turned off and wary, so dont do that unless youre prepared for anymore of that. Because i cant say there wont be but id like to think its better, since its mixed people of all kinds talking and not 'pure natives 🙄'
if you want i could make a post asking around for afro indigenous spaces or subreddit or forums, lurk a bit and vet it for you. I know youre very shy, but i could maybe find a few options that you can choose from hopefully
And what they said is wrong. Yes rez dogs is more geared towards ppl who grew up on the rez, but that shouldnt exclude black natives. Your blackness doesnt diminish or is even always seperate from your indigeny. Not to mention not everyone grew up on the rez. Not everyone grew up with their culture. And also it seems rez dogs still plays into colorism but i could be wrong.
Rez dogs is great im sure. and not everyone has to be represented all the time. But if we were to say it focuses just on ppl from a rez then that includes black natives who grew up on the rez. That is a fact.
There are black natives who have grown up on a reservation, whole families! They are native they are indigenous as a whole person. And they want to uphold white supremacist type bullshit to keep the 'purity'. its just plain bigotry
Because you KNOW that not everyone on that cast is 100% native theres got to be someone whos mixed. and its like does that automatically disqualify them as part of the native representation?
Native is all skin tones. Its all hair styles. Its all clothing type all music types all accents. Its also all over the place.
You have these assholes say that someone who doesnt give a shit about being native yet is 100% in blood, has more worth as a voice than someone who is low BQ but helps the community and is deep within their culture or wtvr- even someone with low BQ and born on the rez they will claim fraud.
that makes no sense.
But nonetheless, i cant imagine the hurt you must feel. And i wish there was something more i could do to help.
Just remember that at the end of the day, you have to know in your gut and your brain and your soul that they are wrong. That they are bigots. Black native people are native. Not part. Whole. Being black doesnt take away or diminish being native at ALL.
What i tell everyone is, you are what native looks like. In experience, in physical appearance, in all ways.
Again im so sorry for not telling you and you had to experience that. Just know there are other black natives, of every tribe. There are articles on their experiences. Just dont read the comments
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yandere-daze · 2 years
hi i just found your blog and i read like,, everything in your enstars yandere masterlist 😭 but i was afraid to leave likes and reblogs cause i read that doing that makes the algorithm think you're botting your posts or something like that? if it doesnt im going to go back and like everything because they were so good 😔
anyway this isnt a request and i just wanted to bounce around this idea in your head but like this is an imagine the self aware yandere au because reading it got me thinking how itd work out with my history with enstars 🫡
so like i was a fan of enstars since its like 3rd anniv cause i saw some photos of ryuseitai and i was like "haha these guys look so goofy and cute" which then translated into two years of fervently saving fanart of ryuseitai (but especially chiaki and midori 😭) though i never actually played the game all that properly since it was in japanese and i didnt really know where to find tls yet
then came engstars and i was finally like "omg i can finally understand chiaki" cause i had a phone that could actually run it at that time but when i played the game i instantly just swerved to hiiro ,, like he was the one i picked for the starter pull and he was and still is my favorite and most collected character (i got his vermillion card in like 12 hours 😭)
anyway going on to the actual self aware au thing wouldnt it be kind of funny to see the "original" cast members of enstars just see their beloved reader not even give them a glance, just completely focused on the new units and characters??
like some of them would be so pissed it would be downright terrifying, some would be so heartbroken (sorry chiaki) because they thought you loved them most of all??? and you just know some of the more obsessive ones would not take that disrespect lying down 💀💀
anyway thats all! i know my experience isnt exactly universal so i get it if you cant relate to it at all! i really just wanted to get the idea out there
First of all thank you so much, I'm really happy to hear that you like my yandere enstars writing!! 😊
As for your question, I'd really appreciate leaving likes and especially reblogs on my works as it shows that people actually like what I'm putting out there! Staying silent and lurking is not going to give creators any feedback so it might make them think that their works aren't really appreciated or that no one really cares about them. It's very unmotivating to have zero comments or reblogs with tags on your writing ( made worse if the post actually has a good amount of likes because it just means only around 1% of all people reading your writing though it was good enough to hit a single button to support you :/)
Silent readers and lurkers don't do anything for creators and just take our work for granted which is why I often block people that follow me that haven't reblogged anyone's writing before.
I'd definitely appreciate it if you went back to reblog my works because it shows that people care and it feels good ^^ For me, the main issue I have with spam-liking is if you do that and then reblog or comment on a single post. Because it obviously shows that you liked my writing enough to immediately read everything there is of it but not enough to want to support me :/
Sorry to go onto a rant in this post, it's not really directed at you in particular or anything like that!
As for your question for the self-aware AU, I'm actually not taking any new asks for that AU right now so you won't get a very in-depth reply for this, sorry!
But Chiaki would probably be very sad about that, thinking that he must work harder to regain your approval!
Something kind of similar actually happened to me because I chose Rei as my starter card in jp and now I'm not really much of a ReiP at all and instead chose Shu for my starter card on en ejej
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reikumaz · 2 years
Not an ask but something that's been happening to me lately...
Just a few weeks ago I loved searching the site for Enstars x readers, but I find that with each day that searching has lessened
It's not because I'm getting bored, no! There are so many wonderful writers here and for my favourites I just absolutely adore their works
It's just that...
I find myself gravitating to your works again and again
Even if I've already read them twice, trice, then an nth time...
I find some new joy lurking in a line that on the previous read I didn't pay much mind to
I keep finding little bits of happiness in the words you chose to make the lines sing
And I'm very happy to come across you! It's something special to me, to be able to come back to a piece of yours and still find a little secret smile hiding and just waiting to be found
Your works are~ hmmm~ Fine Wine~~~🍷✨
༻They get better the more you appreciate them with time༺
So thank you again for being hereヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
Thank you for creating(人´∀`*)
Thank you for existing (*´︶`*)♡!
I hope to read your works for many days to come! (*´˘`*)ー❣❣
knowdomeeeee T7T <33……..
THIS IS MY EVERYTHING……. i cant even express the joy that this brought me !!! im so happy that you come back to read my content, especially since your own mind is so amazing. i feel as though we have connected with one another very well, our wavelengths are one of the same and i know this just based on how excited i get to fulfill your requests and i myself will admit that whenever i post my works i really just go i cannot wait for knowdome’s tags and replies T〰T !!!!!
not to mention this account would be nothing without you !!! it feels as though our two souls are collaborating always !! every request you send in inspires me infinitely !!! im literally so excited to show everyone the ones im working on rn. tbh i think the ritsu one might be done first because THAT !!! THAT WAS AN AMAZING IDEA…… and as much as i love writing intimate, loving moments…… i also enjoy writing that sort of content almost as much, you will be shocked very pleasantly though. i think ritsu has bpd and it shows very much in this fic hm…
tbh i feel ten times as blessed that you interact with my content as much !! im so happy for the reiP regulars who come to this blog with requests and comments, i cannot express my gratitude enough.
you guys really do motivate me!! and since it is the weekend and i have time, im ready to drop yet another fic spree ! so indulge reiP, for i love you all and won’t ever abandon you, even if i disappear every now and again,
and for you, my darling knowdome, thank you for being a big part of this castle ive built! i wish i could just put my feelings into words. despite my writing talent, conveying this emotion i harbor for you is rather difficult. you are very dear to me and if there ever come a day we part, i shall be very saddened but cherish our memories!
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bts-bay-bee · 2 years
Hey I just read your post about leaving tumblr 😥 while I’m sad to see you go, I completely understand your reasons for leaving and want you to know as a fan & reader, you’ll be sorely missed! I totally see what you mean about jk PWPs, but I want you to know much your other pieces are loved just as much! Will you be leaving this tumblr open as an archive? I’ll definitely be keeping up with your ao3 if you choose to continue sharing your talents with us there!
hi anonie :)
im sad to leave as well! :( ive been writing for what feels like so long, it'll feel weird to not be scrolling through tumblr 24/7 lol. thank you for all the love on my works! <3
i will be leaving all my fics up, and tbh i follow a few really incredible writers on here, so i will be here to lurk and send *them* anons.
thank you for keeping up with me on ao3 🥺🥺 i have my current ao3 linked in my navi page, but i might get a new one just so that no one really knows me. i want to dabble in M/M (because people typically comment a lot of those and im an attention whore at my core) so you can dm me for my new name! as of rn i havent received my new ao3 invitation, so i cant really give it out now.
thank you for your ask!! and thank you for the kind words!!! <3
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maaaxx · 4 months
23, 25,
23: the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
Theres a few of them!
Ive been thinking of getting into jjk because its been on my dash a lot but i cannot force myself to get into something unless i already know exactly whats going to happen so i googled spoilers for it, and i dont think im going to bc like,,, i dont like stuff where main people die I cant handle it 💀
I have never read a batman comic or watched a movie or anything like that but people i follow are in the fandom (hi eels!) and i really enjoy all those posts and memes and fanart and whatnot from that fandom i think theyre very funny despite having zero context and ive been tempted to pick it up.
25: a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces
Block people!!!!!!!!!!!!
Learning to not feel rude or mean about blocking people is genuinely one of the best things i've ever done. Popular fandom creator you cant stand? Block them. (iykyk 💀) Someone you follow has god awful headcannons and takes on your favorite character? Block them. Someone doesnt use trigger warnings that you need?? Block them. Dont like the color of someones icon that shows up in your fandoms tags?? Block them. Be very liberal with the block button.
Also one i cannot stress enough is talk to people. Send asks off of anon, send people messages, write in their tags, comment on stuff, join the discord servers, whatever. Fandom is a community and (imo) lurking makes it more lonely. Why wouldnt you want to talk to people about the things you like??? "i feel awkward" who cares??? your all there because you enjoy the same book or movie or whatever so you automaticaaly have something in common. Message your favorite authors, comment on your favorite artists pieces, talk to your mutuals, they all want fandom friends as much as you do :)
Ask game
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inoriemiko · 7 months
Today I got rebuked by a friend of mine at my Uni. We three usually work together with assignments and projects when possible. Mind you, they are childhood friends while I met them in my first year at uni. We are second years now. We are 2 months into our 2nd year and I ask for tha answers to the questions of the assignment I didn't know and understand and my friend says no and sends a respectfully long text back to me talking about how if I don't contribute as much as I do currently (I contribute like 15% to assignments at the time of writing this) that she doesn't think it would be a good idea for us to be working as a group and that it wouldn't be fair for them. Now, I Completely agree with her, I am 100 percent at fault tbh, but I'm not here to snitch on myself or paint myself in a toxic light, I'm hear to tell what her response did to me, emotionally, physically and mentally.
I came to realise that I have RSD like up to 1 year ago, I know the bases , I'm not officially diagnosed with anything yet tho because my parents said no :(. It's honestly Been more than 6 months since the RSD had come in clutch at the worst yet convenient timed. I'm talking about chest tightening type of pains, physically shaking, having that all to familiar gut pit feling in my tummy, feeling like crying but can't, losing my appetite immediately(I was eating and am still abit hungrybut i cant bring myself to eat), the good ol suicidal thoughts lurking in the shadows of my mind. I literally have only 2 friends in my entire course that I actively hang out with. Those 2 friends just rebuked me for being a toxic teammate. I was so scared that they'll keep thier distance and like never speak to me again, invite me to the library for study sessions, seat with me in lectures again and just not generally want to be my friend (It sounds childish but it is absolutelyhow terrifiedi was, or am since it happened less than an hour ago of writing this at 19:00).
I thought I was going to relapse into my helplessly depressed, lonely and suicidal state that I was constantly in for the past 2 years. I'm not sure what would come of me now tho, at least writing this calmed me down just that little bit.
I guess you could call this absurdly long Post an awareness post or rant or whatever. I just wanted to tell someone how heavily RSD impacted me today.
Thank you for reading^^
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