#i know i said i'd hold off on making a random analysis but—
shantechni · 10 months
I know I've mentioned this at least twice now, but I frequently think back to Leo and Raph's minor spat right after Tiger Claw disappeared into the night with Karai.
Everytime they argued about Karai, Raph would boldly express his thoughts with a mix of cynicism and vexation that was clear as day in the way he spoke. Along with that came his choice of words ranging from him calling Leo crazy for even considering the idea of trusting Karai, to walking up to Karai herself and overtly voicing his suspicion of her. Enemy of My Enemy though was a slight deviation from his usual treatment of the situation when he, for once, remains silent about Leo agreeing to a truce with her.
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Even when she tells them Shredder is her father, Raph's usual exasperation and annoyance with Leo is considerably toned down and he's rather tame when proclaiming there's no chance of her ever being on their side with Shredder being such a prominent figure in her life.
This moment after Tiger Claw's departure though is much more unique because of the look of disappointment he wears, and a significant portion of it is being directed towards the leader this time.
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The team always had a chance of facing the consequences of Leo's resilient faith in Karai joining their side, and Raph's apprehension for such an occurrence is perfectly reasonable because Leo could blindly lead them into a worst case scenario. But he watched that possibility come to fruition this time and he sees that Leo still wants to chase after Karai when Mikey is out cold; it feels as though Leo hadn't learned anything from what happened in The Alien Agenda.
Raph doesn't even sound ready to burst someone's eardrums or rant about Karai being untrustworthy like usual. He just sounds done and the tone of finality he used is so jarring in a way.
It's no wonder that he didn't want to deal with Karai despite how upset Splinter was in The Legend of the Kuro Kabuto. Heck, his line of thinking was awfully similar to Splinter's; they were both willing to cut ties with Karai so long as it meant they didn't lose what they had.
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Of course he eventually comes around when its revealed that Shredder has Karai locked away in his dungeons, but you get it
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
Okay, I've avoided it long enough and FF14 is apparently down for maintenance this morning, so, uh, time to bust out the conspiracy theory board again after some lore dumps from Emet Selch.
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So first off, I was RIGHT, Hydalen and Zodiark are primals, round of fucking applause for me... doing... basic analysis based on the information given and conservation of detail.
Look, alright, credit where it's due, in a consistently good story, yes, proper details like this are easy to figure out. While the quality of the writing may wax and wane, there is at least relative consistency with establishing the lore. The pacing at the rate they reveal that information is... wanting, but the information itself is internally consistent. That's an impressive feat for something ten years in the making. I think they at least knew the broad strokes of the picture they wanted to paint, even if some of the details like "Interesting Characters" got left out in things like base ARR.
Anyway, that said, uh, yeah, the casual lore drop that the Ascians to a man are all tempered by Zodiark was uh... a lot.
It retroactively explains a lot and actually makes me feel... kinda bad for them. Desperate people summon Primals. Something terrible came for them and their world (what does that mean?) and they "through great sacrifice" (what does THAT mean?) summoned up Zodiark who then tempered them.
Apparently not all of them, though, since Hydalen then got summoned up by "dissidents," likely out of the desperation of those who weren't tempered. Then supposedly the worlds got split apart and Zodiark was sealed away.
Begs the question of what happened to those who summoned up Hydalen, but I think that's just... the echo.
Emet says he can "shape a vessel" at his will, but not all Ascians choose to do so, hence why Lahabrea left Thancred intact. (Some Ascians buy up real estate and quick flip it for a profit, others craft a loving home out of their new bodies. Truly, they're just like us.) But also, uh, hey, have you been paying attention to what's going on with Minfilia? She's being passed down through the generations as a reincarnation with her will and memories intact, but at the cost of erasing the girls she's possessing. We know through Ardbert that people with the Echo can survive as wandering souls without bodies for a LONG time and not lose their sense of self. And these girls are ALL called Minfilia, and boy do they have those same haunting void blue eyes and blonde hair like she did as The Word of the Mother when Eldritch Horror Hydalen took hold of her, and hey, wait a minute, that's exactly what Emet Selch does?
Sure, Minfilia and maybe Hydalen feel BAD about what they're doing, but like the Exarch, they are using BAD methods to try and avert catastrophes. Calamities, even. That's not a moral judgement, that's just... a fact, and it's interesting, and I'd love to hear their thoughts on it as characters.
We already knew the echo enabled bodyhopping, but yeah, to get visual confirmation that the echo is straight up just the Ascian technique, that feels big. I don't remember if it was Lahabrea or Gaius who called the echo an "abomination," but I do recall them saying they'd need to make use of it in their plans, hence the Ascians granting the Echo to random summoners and the Empire's experiments to create an artificial echo. It's maybe something you can just... awaken in people.
Talking to Emet Selch in between quests is also fascinating, if you click on him, he'll be annoyed but will answer any question you pose and you get to ask a new question each time you click on him, so uh, guess what I've been doing?
The way he talks about Ascians, I get the feeling there's more than just the fourteen seats of them that we saw in ARR. Gaius says that the red masks rule over the black masks, and that there are only 3 red masks, and I was like, okay, so what, only 11 lackeys, that's not very fun.
But no, Emet says they're straight up expendable and that the ones assigned to the First reflection, them being killed by the Warriors of Light from before this calamity was factored in and deemed an acceptable loss. The point of the lackeys is to be fodder.
Which brings me to the whole thing about Ascians being able to recall "fragments and fleeting memories" of the original world pre-sundering. He said the land AND people were each split into 14 pieces, not just the worlds themselves and Zodiark. But the Ascians somehow remember, which feels contradictory, but I don't think it is?
We already knew the Ascians wanted to rejoin the worlds and make them as they were before, that implies they knew what the world was "supposed" to be like. The new info confirms that Calamities do seem to rob the survivors of their memories of it, at least partially; no one in Eorzea remembers what happened after Dalamud fell out of the sky. I figured that was just a contrivance for them to put off explaining in the text what happened between 1.0 and ARR, but it's nice to see them incorporate that and give it a real lore reason.
Some people remember the world pre-sundering, though, somehow. Which makes me think of who might remember anything from the Calamity, which makes me remember how Cid's memories came back by spending time with the WoL. I thought that was a cheap contrivance on the power of friendship or whatever, but I'm wondering if those memories seem to get... clearer around the echo?
So, I think Ascians are just people who had the echo, but were maybe these first people tempered by Zodiark, who somehow found the right trigger to show them these visions of the past to help them remember these fragments. Others like Ardbert, Minfilia, and even the player, were ones who were associated with and probably tempered by Hydalen. Ardbert even asks, "Holy shit, are we just slaves to her will?" Which. HM. Isn't that a good question? I've played Dark Knight, I really hope they're gonna do more with that "Serve, Save, Slave, Slay" mantra now.
I don't THINK it's that simple, I think maybe Hydalen is just trying her best to make an omlet out of all these broken eggs that were supposed to be hatchlings. But uh. Not unlike Urianger NOT telling the player about how they might be getting their soul corrupted and devoured by all of the Light Wardens they're killing and absorbing, Hydalen is probably trying to withhold upsetting information that will only make her job and yours that much harder.
Anyway, I'm now, as of Shadowbringers, finally CONFIDENT that they actually, maybe, know what they're doing story-wise and that these things will be answered and I will actually be fucking rewarded for paying attention and not just have to throw darts at what information was or was not important.
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bluebunnysart · 4 days
Someone made fanart for my Mikuteto fanfic (Rain) and I love it so much, I love it sosososososoo much, words aren't enough to convey it www I really wanted to scribble up a doodle in response to this but I need to go to work rn so I guess I must hold it in but I wanted to promo it and gush about it here...... There are no spoilers from looking at this (the biggest spoiler is what you'd expect from a fic named "Rain" lmao so it's fine if you haven't read it) but hmnfkjdf in this essay I will--
Ok *pushes up my art analysis glasses* Much of what I've already wanted to say, I've said to the person directly, stuff about how I never thought Rain would receive fanart lmao (and then it got so much, the most 😭) and I'm so soo thrilled and flattered and excited that it did. Thank you so much to everyone who's been liking my stuff and made me fanart; I've saved all of it and printed it out and treasure it greatly (yes, yours too!!!). It's soo soo cool so I'll always love it. Everything I've received has been amazing and it's not just 'cuz everyone is such a good artist lol but it's because all art is great and deserves to exist even if it isn't "pro quality" (whatever the heck that means). Idk if that waters things down 'cuz that means I love any kind of art just for it existing as opposed to "technical skill" or whatever but I am NOT saying these things because I think any of the art I've received is lacking in those areas at all. All the art is freakin' beautiful and VERY awesome and technically skilled and pro level (yes, yours too!!!!!!) so yeah, enough rambling there. I'm just saying all Negidrill is beautiful and I love seeing it forever. Lately I've been saving more and more art to my phone to admire lol, when in the past I'd just bookmark it (that's why I have 22k+ bookmarks but I digress).
Idk what else to say about this art that I haven't already said but I'll say it here anyway. xD
When I first wrote the scene, I didn't imagine them facing each other and I'm not sure if the artist imagined them facing each other and that's why they drew it, or if the artist drew them facing each other 'cuz that's a GREAT idea and they chose to take it, but them facing each other during this scene is so fun and funny honestly. This scene is pretty GAY and even gives ME slight secondhand embarrassment so the added visual of them facing each other during it is very amusing to me. The Teto in my head is already cringing in embarrassment (affectionate) but I like it lmfao. Good for them lmaooo
The setting is just a bunch of piles of trash everywhere so the artist did a great job representing that! ♥🔥🔥🔥 They did a great job showing how it's possible for Teto and Miku to sit on top of it too! In this AU, Miku and Teto are usually either on top of the trash or on the ground, and sometimes the trash is hard to navigate with lots of stuff sticking out but other times it's more flattened. In my own head I think about how I want to depict the trash piles being their "ground" (I sometimes imagine doing it through having them standing on a metal sheet or something sometimes lol) but as always, this is great! Very good! <3
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I didn't ask them this but what the heck is this fhhdskfldsf I guess we will never know...... xD
Anyway, the trash is variable, so when Miku dives off it, the impact on her is very up in the air... She could either luck out and not hit anything too bad or she could experience the opposite of luck and hit a lot of sharp objects. xD Anyway, Miku is fine. I would never hurt Miku. Miku, next to Teto, is my favorite, so all is fine and good forever in this AU 😂😂😂😂 (thinking).
Something else I didn't mention but thought to talk about now is I REALLY like the light under their umbrella 'cuz what the heck?? xD The beach umbrella being this big is already based and very accurate, but the light also serves to show this is kinda like a safe place/spot for them and that's so cool?!????? It's like a safe haven or a save spot in a video game lol. I freakin' love how not only is the umbrella sheltering them from the weather and keeping them secluded/with each other-- it's also covering them in light and seemingly preserving it for them?? And Miku is singing ofc because she always is. Girl likes to sing lol.
Anyway, the symbolism goes so hard. Umbrellas are what you need for the rain but this is so 相合傘 (ai ai gasa / love-love umbrella)-coded lmao, I love it so much. When I first imagined them sharing an umbrella, that concept was literally on my mind, so I'm really happy that there's this freakin' cool symbolism going on even now, despite me changing the moment into a slightly different one from Miku and Teto happily sharing an umbrella and walking around or whatever. xD
I'm not confident in my coloring yet 'cuz I'm impatient and rush things lol but I really love colored artworks and the colors chosen here are so great. Everything else is devoid of color except these two and the umbrella and under it and it's such a great effect.
I made it into my Windows computer app tile. I love it so much.
I really need to go to work now but long live Negidrill 😂😂😂😂 As long as I'm alive, I'll be making more. I really did make up my mind, so I'm not jinxing it, I promise. xD Trust. xD 💖💖💖💖🥰🥰🥰🥰
Thank you again, RandomNobody. 🥰 I won't forget this and I won't be able to 'cuz this will be on my wall soon lmfao. Colored artworks go on my wall. Uncolored artworks get printed and go at my desk. Either way, they are always in my room with me, along with my Triple Baka keychains. 😂😂😂😂
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definesanity · 2 years
The Master of Puppets, The Reunion of Friends, and The Altered Destiny.
Sounds of heavy panting echoed through the desolate cavern, with the occupants holding on to a nearby wall for support.
"Well, that was terrifying." Phillip said in a matter-of-fact tone, as he quickly brushed himself off and adjusted his clothes. "You two okay?"
"Huff... I haven't been this exhausted in a while!" Amber then nodded. "But, apart from that, I'm fine! How about you, Eula?"
"...I swear, if we get out of this alive, I will get my vengeance." from her tone and glare alone, Phillip knew not to make a comment; the Lawrence Clan are known for their photographic memory, after all.
"Lovely; now, apart from that nice greeting we had from our resident hellspawn, I noticed quite a few things about this place while we were running.
"You know, besides it being a shithole." he added, seeing Eula's unamused gaze.
"Well, go on; I want to know who to put on ice after all this."
"Well, it's clear that someone has been using these tunnels for a bit now; maybe just under a few months. Not only that, but I sense multiple Elemental lifeforms around us; one that's incredibly pure, most probably the kid; one that's incredibly dark, maybe Collei and Hank, and--"
"Wait, hold on." Amber suddenly looked incredibly interested, her eyes looking oddly distant. "Did you say Collei?"
"Hm? Oh, you know her? Around your height, green hair, purple eyes, and a lot of snark?"
"Yeah... yeah, that's her!" she suddenly looked puzzled. "But, I thought she was in Sumeru?"
Chuckling in exhaustion, he gestured. "Come; I'll fill you two in as we walk."
"So, random question; let's say, for a moment, that I don't recall mentioning my little... problem. Would you be able to sense it, still?"
"Indeed; my eye is able to track, trace and analysis Elements. Yours is no exception."
Walking at the androids' side, Collei moved the bracelet-gauntlets, grumbling. "I admit I'm not the fashion type, but why are they so large? And--wait, how did you make these so fast?"
Hank glanced at her. "They were made that way to control larger amounts of energy, Archon Residue or Elements. As for its quick creation, I had it on my person for a while; I simply completed some last minute adjustments on it."
"How long is 'a while'?"
She shrugged. "Last I checked, one hundred and twenty-three days."
"I guessed..."
Continuing on, Collei gave herself a mental shrug. Might as well learn more about her unexpected companion, right?
"So, apart from your guns, what else do you use in combat?"
Hank pointed towards her waist, where thin capsules laid side-by-side.
"These: Micro Elemental Bombs, or MEBs for short. Once thrown, they explode upon either elemental reaction or a heat source. The latter, I don't worry about; as an android, I have no body heat."
"Hmm..." putting her arms out and... 'willing' it, dark tendrils surrounded Collei's arms. "Would this count as a heat source?"
"...No, it would not. Why do you ask?"
"Say if you need someone to give it an extra 'oomph'; if I cover myself, I'd be able to hold them, right?"
"...That is correct." Hank looked pleased, though she's not sure if that's a necessarily 'good' thing.
"Well, anyways... is there anyone else here besides us?"
Hank's eye flickered into life, and Hank then replied: "There is Phillip, Llizel's mortal vessel and an 'Amber' and 'Eula Lawrence' as well... Collei?" Hank turned to the frozen girl, who's eyes were wide.
Collei blinked, then muttered in shock, "Amber's here...?"
Well, that explains a few things.
Holding on to your staff to support to yourself, you peered down and spotted a group that you weren't surprised to see:
The Fatui. Because where danger and/or interesting things are, they're soon to follow.
And, sitting on a Ruin Guard, her bored eyes twiddling her thumbs, was the Fatui Harbinger Marionette, or just Sandrone.
"Progress." her voice was soft, but with the underlining venom in it, you immediately knew she wouldn't be fun to face in combat.
"I'm afraid that it has been slow, Lady Sandrone," a Skirmisher said, as he moved over to a device that sunk into the ground. "However, we've managed to detect a massive Elemental energy a few hundred feet below us, maybe even less; not only that, but it's artificial as well."
"Artificial? In what way." there wasn't even a flicker on her face, but her voice did hold curiousity.
"We are still attempting to ascertain it, but it seems to be divine in origin; additionally, another Elemental signature shows another entity, one that's ancient in age."
"I see. If you'll please, try and take another scan elsewhere; I shall deal with the affairs here."
The Fatuus nodded, and with a quick, "Yes, My Lady," he walked away. When he was gone Sandrone scanned the room.
"I assume this power I feel is the one of Our Divine Leader. Do I assume correctly?" there was no hostility in her voice, only a curiosity.
Seeing that you've already been found out, you decide to find yourself, and teleport some feet behind her. "You've got a good eye."
"...Hiding your physical form? ...I suppose that is fair; after all, God or not, one should always be careful." Sandrone reasoned, before turning to your exact location. "Still, a suggestion; perhaps you should consider hiding your Elemental energy as well?"
...Yeah, she's got you there. Revealing yourself, you gave a shrug. "I confess that my mind hasn't been the sharpest lately. I will take l your suggestion to heart, however."
The Marionette's eyebrows raised at your appearance, icy blue eyes betraying not the slightest thought behind them. "So, the God Who Formed Teyvat has returned. For what reason?"
You smiled, walking around and slowly twirling the Staff of Llizel. "Now, that's an interesting question. Honestly, I could tell you that I'm here on important business, when I'm actually just here to relax. I could tell you I have descended to save the world from an immediate crisis, when I'm actually just going to sit back and watch it happen.
"What I'm trying to say is: it's not what I think I'm here for, it's what you think I'm here for."
"...I see. Then, if I was to say you were here in order to help the world of Teyvat in ridding it of a potentially harmful being..."
"...Then, that shall be my reason." you nodded, your staff on the floor. "I never thought I'd find myself in the company of one of the Cryo Archon's Harbingers, to be frank, but it is nice not knowing all."
"Forgive my prying, but what do you mean, 'nice not knowing nothing', might I ask?"
"Personally, and don't tell this to anyone from Sumeru, but I believe that true knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing; knowing everything can be incredibly dull, all things considered, and mayhaps I simply enjoy surprises, but I quite enjoy adapting and overcoming obstacles."
"...Hm." Sandrone nodded at you, a smile gracing her lips. "In that case, it's a pleasure to work with you, Your Grace."
"Likewise, Lady Sandrone."
"Please tell me you're not enjoying this."
"Oh, heavens no; although, when the going gets tough, denial is one's best friend."
Amber let out a small laugh at her friend and the strange yet respectful traveller's small bouts of talk. It helps to break the silence that normally befalls them. After a moment more of walking, Amber tried her hand at conversation, as Phillip paused to check the Elements around them.
"Say, Phillip, I've been wondering; do you have any hobbies?"
Eula looked at her, but Phillip chose to reply. "Hobbies? Hmm... well, to be perfectly honest, no; not in this life, anyhow."
"Eh? What do you mean, 'not in this life'?"
"That, my friend, is where it gets less logical and more 'please believe me' territory. Though, since you're curious, I'll try my best to explain it simply: firstly, tell me this: what is, to you, a soul?"
"A soul?" Amber put her hand to her chin, tapping it as her eyes closed. "Well... it's what a living being is, right? What makes them 'them'?"
"That's a good description, yes; furthermore, a soul can be, basically, recycled; when a person's physical body dies, and their conscious fades entirely, their soul gets 'cleaned', and is then passed on to the next new living being. What then happens then, if you please, if a soul isn't fully cleaned?
"In short, the memories of that life is passed on to the next being, more commonly known as reincarnation: as it currently stands, I am the sixth reincarnation, with this being my last."
"...Okay, let's say for a moment I believe you," Eula challenged, her eyebrow quirked. "How is it that you still possess all your memories without suffering any mental damage?"
"Ah, now that is something I was hoping you'd ask; simply put, I've categorised my memories, from life, into talents, into knowledge, into experiences, like a folder of sorts. It helps save my memory some trouble, and is highly effective as well!"
"That... actually sounds pretty cool!" admitted the crimson Outrider, and then pondered, "Well, if you have so many memories, could you answer one question of mine?"
"How much?" at Eula's glare, he put his hands up. "I'm joking. Still, if you will?"
"In Sumeru, I heard that people use knowledge as a resource. Well, I was thinking: what is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?"
"Hmm..." crossing his arm over on and placing his hand on his chin, Phillip closed his eyes and stood still for half a minute in silence, his lips moving slightly in whispered words. Finally, he opened them, and shrugged.
"Now, I can't give you a straight answer: I and my Incarnations may share the same Soul, but we share multiple different opinions and lives. Although, I do think that 'we' have an answer:
"Knowledge is, to us, a basic understanding of a subject, philosophy, hobby, sport, or any other type of individual existence. For example, I have a basic understanding, or Knowledge, of sewing. While nothing too noteworthy, I am still able to stitch my own clothing and, by extension, create my own as well.
"Wisdom, meanwhile, is akin to a Master's degree in a subject. You could say that you, Amber, have Wisdom in gliding and archery, whilst in my second reincarnation, as Philip Agro Isekai Tomo, I had Wisdom in playing the violin, guitar and piano. Knowledge and Wisdom are very closely related, but I suppose it matters on the individual's understanding of such things that change it from one to the other."
He then shrugged. "I'm not sure if I helped you in the end, or completely confused you."
Amber did look like she was trying to get her head around it, but after a moment, she gave a thumbs up. "Got it! ...I think!"
"I'm glad to hear tha--"
Not finishing his sentence, Phillip suddenly whipped around and unsheathed his blade in the same motion, pointing it behind him.
Nothing was there.
'...Curious. You felt that too, yes?"
'...Hm. It seems our connection was closed. I assume Istaroth had a role in this. Rather, the only person who could have a role in this...'
"Phillip?" Amber asked, standing next to him. "Are you okay?"
"...Aye, I've been better though. Shall we continue?"
Eula nodded. "Let's."
As they stepped onwards, they suddenly heard an inhumane roar.
"...Well, shit."
Hank blinked. "Well, that's not natural."
"What is it this time?" it wasn't that Collei was sick of Hank. No, far from it: she was just tired with her being incredibly cryptic at all times.
"It seems that Elemental Energy just tripled some couple of feet below us."
"...Isn't that near Amber?"
Not even finishing her sentence, Collei dashed, panic on her face--
--Only to be stopped by Hank.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Collei screamed, but Hank paid her no mind.
"Preventing you from killing yourself."
"Preven--Hank, people might die! If we don't move, then--!"
"Which is why you'd need my help."
Hank held a MEB, tilting her head to it. "I suggest you get a running start."
Collei didn't need to be told twice, quickly moving backwards. Slowly breathing in and out, dark tendrils encased her body, before settling at her feet. She quickly took off, jumping as Hank through the bomb upwards...
...And, at that moment, the roof suddenly caved upon the monster, being put into a rocky coffin. And, from the dust, two shales emerged.
"Hello again, Master." Hank waved mildly.
Collei, meanwhile, coughed while waving the dust away.
Getting out of it, Collei was about to speak when her eyes widened.
The two stared at the other in silence, none saying a word...
...Until Amber gingerly took a step forward. Then, Collei took a step herself.
The two then walked quickly, and embraced the other tightly.
"Collei... a-am I...? Are you...?" Amber whispered, golden eyes watery. Collei looked at her, her own purple eyes glistering.
"Hi, Amber. It's..."
Amber hugged her friend even tighter, putting her face into Collei's shoulder. "It's you... It's you...! Collei!"
"...Yeah, it's me. Amber." hugging back, the two remained embracing the other for what felt like an eternity with the other...
...Until a loud bang brought them back to reality.
Everyone turned, and found a graceful Sandrone and their god, with you on your back.
"...Heya, kid." Phillip awkwardly greeted.
"Hey, Phillip!" you smiled back.
After a moment you then replied, "Well, that hurt."
Sandrone quirked a smile. "Whatever happened to--?"
Her smile then vanished. Eula's Claymore was incredibly close to her face, with the Lawrence glaring at her. "You..."
"...Ah. That's rather rude of you."
"Wait wait wait!" you quickly stood up, standing in-between the two. "She's working with us!"
"That's a rather strong term. I prefer temporary partnership."
"...A Fatuus?" Collei whispered.
"Unfortunately, yes; you're currently in the presence of The Marionette, Sandrone, one of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers."
"And that's meant to deter me?"
"Yes, heavily so, in fact--"
"Okay, look: Collei, you don't like the Fatui, fair enough; Phillip, you can be both a real help and a royal pain in my ass, stop being the latter and try being the former; and Eula, Sandrone? Try to not kill each other as I explain what the hell is happening to everyone."
And so, you did. After a moment, Amber sighed, laughing weakly. "Wow, guess you've been having a few adventures yourself huh, Collei?"
"Putting it lightly, yeah, heh..." Collei then looked at you. "What's the situation?"
"Well, it's something like this, but first; Phillip, does the name 'Hilaqiis' ring any bells?"
"Hilaqiis is here?" Phillip immediately looked on edge, his eyes growing wide.
"You know him?"
"Yeah... long ago, he was one of the Four Shades created by the God of Peace; The One True God, Llizel. Among them was Istaroth, Satanael, and Xenophillius. The latter being a unique case, as he was not created by Llizel, and was instead simply given a vessel for his soul."
"...That soul is yours, isn't it." your flat look didn't match the raised eyebrows of Sandrone, the confused expression of Collei, or even the unexpressive gaze of Hank.
"...Ouch. And here I was, ready to make a long speech about it... still, you're right. But, I'm not important. Who is, however, is why a certain someone has detached themselves from my soul, and Hilaqiis is general."
"How powerful is he?" Sandrone's question made Phillip let out another sigh.
"Bluntly, we're in for a long one."
The minutes that passed felt like seconds for you, and now, you find yourself in front of a large door.
"So, this Hilaqiis; what do you mean by a 'Shade'?" Eula queried, her hands on her Claymore.
"The Four Shades were the personal creations of Llizel; well, minus me, anyhow. They were the Goddess of Time, Istaroth, the Goddess of Wealth, Satanael, the God of Song, Xenophillius, and the God of Power, Hilaqiis."
"Power? In what sense?" Sandrone has stepped off of her Automaton, and had placed her hands together near her waist.
"In physical and mental sense. With that, I ask: do you really want to get involved in this?"
"...Phillip." Collei stood in front of him. "Do you doubt us?"
"No. But do you doubt yourself?"
Collei scoffed. "A little late for that. No, I don't. It's about high time I start working for myself, this... thing inside me be damned. Phillip, Hank, Amber, Eula, and even you, Harbinger. Let's, if only for this, work together."
"Whatever happened to 'Not forgiving the Fatui, might I ask?" Hank blinked.
"Hey, I'm able to grow. Besides, it's not this Marionette I hate: it's that fucking Doctor that I want to murder."
"You certainly aren't the first." Sandrone muttered. "Well, shall we?"
"Yes," you agreed, and opened the door. "Let's finish this long quest."
On the other side, you saw Hilaqiis, and your first impression was desperation.
He was leaning on a throne made of stone, and on it, was a broken puppet that looked like you.
He didn't notice you all enter, he just continued crying.
"Hilaqiis." Phillip said, and the other god jumped, looking at him.
"Xenophillius...? But how, aren't you--?"
"My death was greatly exaggerated. I've been hanging around for a while, even after Celestia wiped Khaenri'ah of the face of Teyvat. Not only that, but some time ago, I felt Celestia use its influence to nearly kill our dear Llizel. Now, how could that happen?"
"..." Hilaqiis twisted his hand. "Forgive me."
You felt like you were floating, flying past red, blue, green, and finally, purple.
Landing on your feet, you heard two other feets of feet hit the ground. Looking over, it was Eula and Sandrone.
And, in front of you, was that thing from before, its form monstrous in size, letting out a roar of fury. It through its fist out at you, and you readied a shield--
--When it howled, retrieving its arm, as Sandrone tsked, a Geo Construct piercing its hand.
"No point standing around doing nothing!" Sandrone called, her hands now at her side.
"The one time I might agree with you, wretched woman..."
"Here it comes!" you yelled, its hand slamming down on the concrete, it tumbling into a void below, and you quickly got onto it.
"Keep it pinned down! I'll try and get to it!" the two nodded, and Geo and Cryo glowed behind you.
Meanwhile, like a blade of wind, Phillip ran up the monster's arms, its many others trying to crush him but failing to. As he approached the glowing core of it, a hand attempted to crush him, just as a black and purple snake launched itself at it, biting and tearing it off, dark blood spraying from it.
"Go!" he heard Collei scream. "Me and Hank will take care of the others!"
Running, he reached it, grabbing his greatsword...
Erstwhile, Hank was shooting down the arms while Collei used her Residue to combat them. The bracers certainly did its job; it didn't hurt her at all.
"Motherfucker saw the old man and ran. What, does he and Phillip have a bad track record?" Collei asked, using the her power to create twin snakes that divided and conquered a number of smaller and thinner arms.
"I'm afraid to say Master never told me; I was created 500 years ago, long after his time as a God."
"...Llizel above." the green-haired girl cursed, glaring at the monster. "Alright you piece of shit, let's see how smug you are after I send my snakes down your throat AND PULL OUR YOUR FUCKING HEART!"
"Vengeance will be mine!"
"Let it rain!"
Despite the heat of the flames and the chill of the frost, the arms persisted, and the monster only grew in anger.
"Shit, shit, shit!" you cursed. Damnit, that monster was starting to really piss you off... you needed help, but...
Time stopped. Not even the snowflakes or the embers moved, or even Phillip, who was mid-jump backwards, his face just about to turn into an annoyed frown.
"My, Hilaqiis certainly made a mess." came a voice, your voice, as they stood at your side. "I'm honesty quite surprised you needed my help."
Llizel, The God of Peace, looked like you, stood like you, sounded like you, but wasn't you; their left eye was a crystalline blue, shinning without any hatred or negative thoughts, while their right was a molten gold, that reflected their pride, their joy, their peace.
"I'd rather not risk it." you reply, holding your left hand. On it, was nothing. On Llizel's, a small wing tattoo. (To each their own, as they say.)
"Ah, playing it safe, hm? I can respect that."
"Aren't we the same?"
"We are. And, we are not. You may be me, but I am not you." Llizel's eyes never left yours, and they put their hand out. "Well, shall we?"
You passed them their staff. "Go stop this chaos, 'Zel."
"With pleasure, 'Me'."
A flash of gold light, a ripple of green, and a flurry of white surged all at once.
The golden light was Llizel descending, and using their staff to hold the beast in place while also allowing their mortal form to appear in the real world, and attempt to stop Hilaqiis.
The green was from Collei. She may not have faith in the gods, despite being friends with the God of Teyvat themselves, and yet her ambition was shown clear to them: 'Protect and Grow'.
At that moment, either through sheer irony or a true show of will, a glowing green or appeared in Collei's hands, and vines with the sharpest thorns sprung forth, clearing a way for the white light. In addition, the bandages had all but been destroyed, showing hardened scales on her body, and sheer determination in her indigo eyes.
The white light was formed alongside other lights; Amber, firing a barrage of arrows; Eula, unleashing a large slash to the beast; Sandrone, using her mechanical guardian to shoot missiles at it; and Hank, who joined Phillip, and the two ran up the monster's body towards the sickly green core on its head.
Hank grabbed Phillip and, using her strength, threw him upwards. "Now!"
"STOP HIDING, COWARD!" the immortal roared, and as his blade cleaved the core in two, a light engulfed all of them...
Golden chains rapped around Hilaqiis, just as a light appeared and your friends stepped out.
"Just remember," Llizel whispered, standing by you, "It's our staff."
"Alright, let's start off simple," Phillip slowly made his way over to Hilaqiis, as his violet-turning-indigo meeting the God of Power's crimson. "Why do you insist on trying to kill not only us, but a Shade of Llizel and their mortal self?"
"...We have gone a long, long time without seeing our God, Xenophillius. Don't you think it's high time we--?"
Everyone, especially Collei, jumped as Hank fired a bullet straight into his head, crimson blood exploding outwards.
"A fake." Hank simply stated.
"Yeah, I gathered; Hilaqiis wasn't the brightest, even next to Satanael, but even still... I guess that means our friends upstairs did all this."
"So that Elemental signature was a fake?" Sandrone was, once again, sat upon the hand of a Ruin Guard. Where it came from, you don't know.
"Yes and no; no, because it was a genuine one, but yes, as it was simply a copy of Hilaqiis', made by the ones up there."
"...Sorry, up where?" Eula had placed her Claymore back into the... place the characters put their weapons.
It was Collei who answered, oddly enough. "He means Celestia. Speaking of them," she put out her palm, which in it held a Dendro Vision, glowing brightly. "Thanks a lot, dickheads!"
"Wait, you have a Vision?" Amber smiled, putting her thumbs up. "Isn't that good? You have the power to protect yourself!"
"I had enough with this, thanks." at 'this', she had put her arms up, showing the bracers and the scales surrounding them.
"Ah, that..." Llizel muttered, then looked at you. "That staff may be from here, but don't forget the spells and powers you yourself gained."
You looked at them confused, before it suddenly clicked. "Wait, Collei, keep your arms up."
"Why? Want to admire them or something?" she dryly remarked, but then looked more confused as you placed the Staff of Llizel in front of them.
Slowly, a light began to accumulate near its tip, which then flowed down onto Collei's arms, which glowed a radiant silver before fading.
"There," you said, smiling at her. "That should hopefully prevent it from spreading."
"...You cured me?" Collei whispered, eyes wide in wonderment at how easy it was, and denial, as was it really that easy?
"No, they simply paused it; you may still experience symptoms similar to arthritis, but it is better than permanent paralysis, yes?"
"A~nd there goes the happy moment." Phillip groaned, making a noise between a sigh and a laugh. "Remind me to teach you how to read emotions better, ay?"
Hank just smiled, ignoring her master.
Amber also smiled, but more in exasperation. "Even still... what now?"
"Well, I can warp you two back to Mondstadt easily. Sandrone probably has their own way back, although I ask of her one favour before she does so, and it's to give this letter to someone only they can reach," he paused, giving a sealed letter to Sandrone, who nodded, before the Ruin Guard made its way out of the door.
"Next, I might go and figure some stuff out, like the whole thing with Chiyo--yes, Makoto is able to speak again, I assume it was because of interference she could not communicate with me--, the kid will probably want to explore Teyvat, the curious little shite they are, and..."
"If I may, Master," Hank gestured to Collei. "Perhaps we should allow Collei to travel with the God of Peace's mortal form? That way, she might be able to return to Sumeru while also being able to visit Amber."
"...Hm. What says you two?"
"Can I get rid of this?" Collei asked, about the Vision.
"Nope, but take it from me; any power is better than none at all; besides, being able to use it against the people who gave you it? I say that's a good thing."
"...Fine, I'll think about it."
"No complaints here!" you smiled.
"Well, no arguments?" hearing none, Phillip smiled a genuine smile. "Then, let us be off."
"Well, who knows?" Phillip said, smiling at you. "More tales might arise. There's still Loux's to finish, so for now: thank you for reading this little adventure, no matter how tedious or odd it might have been. Until next time, let the earth whisper its secrets, and for you to grow. Hm? Grow into what? Well... that's up to you. It's your life, after all!"
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ackermanshoe · 4 years
Do not tell me if I'm wrong but here's
rivamika moments we haven't talked about enough- pt 1
Before I start you dont have to agree with me this is just what my thoughts are and how I perceived these moments when I first saw them.
Ok time to start nitpicking.
Levi when they came to the squad in the scorching heat : looking reasonably mad as usual.
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And this, this is his face right after Mikasa had said her input about Marley not understanding them as people.
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Excuse me? I'm not sure if he's looking at her but you can't ignore the fact that his face had this major change from the look of annoyence to a look of exhaustion? Pity? How should I say the mix of both with a pinch of love? Adoration? You get the idea right 💆‍♀️
Okay, moving on...
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Okay my marking game ain't too strong but you get the picture yes?
The "out on a walk, women on tow.." why isn't this line talked about enough?? ( Is it just me or does this line seem high-key disrespectful??)
So after this random as man refered to the "women" next to him, you can see his face turn to Mikasa's side- ( 😭) he is turned to the man is now mentioning going shopping and that man is right next to Mikasa. Knowing the ugly nature of civilians this gives me a sense that isayama was probably attempting a cliche "harrassment scene". That, but very subtly. And because of the fact that Levi was specifically drawn leaning toward Mikasa's side rather than Sasha's side, it makes me very suspicious of what isayama was trying to portray here. As a shipper I'd like to see this image as Levi being aware of these men's not so pure undertone while speaking about women and specifically a certain woman, and hence Levi's protective instinct kicking in. And since I refuse to hold anything back here, I'd say even though it was Sasha who made the "Eek!"
Noise, it was Mikasa that he subconsciously looked out for.
🥴🥴 no body is allowed to disagree with me on this ☺️☺️
Because I have thought about this for a long time, since I read this chapter and thought how different the uprising arc was in the manga than the anime. And these specific details make the biggest difference to how we see them develop ( or at least to me ).
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And to further add fuel to my last theory about Mikasa possibly reminding Levi of his mother, this scene is oddly put in. This starving woman with her child obviously reminded Levi of his tragic childhood and his mother. But do you see how closely this panel and mikasa's panel is put in? It's right above the other. One where not so obvious implication of Levi being protective over Mikasa is shown and then one where Levi being reminded of his mother is implied. I don't think it's a coincidence ppl 😌🖖
And if I must refer back to the fact that both Levi and Mikasa is reaching for the same kind of tranquility in life then I must say, Levi also very clearly cares about family. Or children at least, he had the toughest life as a child seeing his mother rot right in front of him, he does not want a repeat of that, he wants a family where he can give the love his younger self was deprived off. And it's the same for Mikasa as if it wasn't clear enough that she longs for a family, seeing how hers were taken away from her of course she would want to live a life with children who do not have to see the same fate. Basically what I'm saying is that "rivamika are perfect for each other and I don't fucking get why they aren't married already like what the fuck" but more politely :)
Anyways I'm gonna end this here, I was not happy with how I worded my analysis of Levi's mother and Mikasa like I can't believe people read that 😢 I didn't do my thoughts justice.
( thank you everyone for reading once again, I feel like everyone is active here posting content when it's night for me so I become really bored during the day it's fine I guess it becomes a routine to check the rivamika tag every 5 minutes 🤡 )
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livlepretre · 4 years
This is part 2!
2.) How do you think SWBS!Klaus would react to one of his siblings killing Elena? I think it would very much depend on which sibilings did the killing to determine what would happen next, but with this latest chapter having Klaus state Elena is as much apart of him as his own hand, I’m wondering what he would do if the other most important people in his life decided to do to him what he has done to them countless times over the centuries. She is certainly difficult and causes him lots of emotional distress, but he sees her as the only person who has ever truly related to his abandonment and loneliness issues. She has also proved that she cares very much about him and is willing to protect him from harm against all others (except herself). Elena will certainly guard her feelings and block people out if she needs to, but once she commits to someone, she’ll become the ultimate ride or die. ("I've told you there isn't a risk I'd hesitate to take for the ones I care about.") If this hypothetical scenario took place after Elena had truly committed and both she and Klaus were certain she wasn’t going to leave, what would the fall out be like? I mean, that scenario is all Klaus has ever wanted: someone who understood him, loved him, and truly wanted to stay by his side. It’s why in SWBS that he is the one who is putting himself out there more. I think he knows that if he were ever going to find his perfect match, it would be in Elena, so he’s willing to do some things he normally wouldn’t be vulnerable enough to do because the risk is worth the reward. If one of his sibilings (especially Elijah or Rebekah- whatever the motive) were to destroy this for him, I can’t even imagine what would happen. He would be a total hypocrite for being mad about it because he got Celeste and numerous of Rebekah’s boyfriends killed, but Klaus has never cared much for fair when it wasn’t in his favor.
PS. This ask also has to discredit Elena’s bad assery because we all know the reason she fits right in with Klaus and his siblings is because she can be just as cruel and ruthless as them when need be. She could find her way out of any long game death plot by one of the Mikaelsons because it is what she does best; however, she couldn’t survive a rash murder. Like in FE, when Rebekah compels Stefan to rip her face off. Those are the real types of attacks that she is defenseless against, and it’s the only scenario she couldn’t be ready for.
Oh, I think it would be absolutely catastrophic were that to happen. I think the chances are good he might actually stake a sibling in the heat of the moment and regret it later. Definite daggering/revenge-wrecking their lives at the bare minimum. I think the devastation he would feel over that loss would make any longer forms of revenge-- actually torturing them for example-- impossible. 
The issue is exactly what you pinpoint so well: Elena is filling the chasm Klaus has always felt to be empty within him, and even though she’s incredibly difficult and really roils his emotions, he considers that entirely worth it (and maybe even part of what initially captured his interest). When I’m characterizing Klaus, I always think about that conversation with Rebekah at the end of 3x05-- the “is that what this is all about? you just didn’t want to be alone?” conversation-- Rebekah sounds so appalled, because from her perspective, Klaus has never been alone-- but the thing is, her love isn’t good enough, because ultimately there is always that tension of Rebekah wanting to leave/love someone other than her brother, and Klaus wanting to be the center of her universe. He so obviously wants and needs someone to connect with and understand him and give him what he’s looking for, and the tragedy in his character is that that’s probably impossible for anyone, and of course, the hybrids definitely don’t fill that gap. 
In SWBS, it’s not quite perfect with Elena because of course she’s having the baby, who is going to be her #1, but he’s banking on long-term being able to take that spot (Elena’s right in that he probably plans to turn her) and also, he can’t really imagine a child getting in the way of the kind of connection he specifically wants with her. Like you said, Elena’s the first person he’s ever looked at and seen as a mirror of his soul. That’s a huge part of why he is pursuing her with so much candor in the fic, and also because the jealousy situation with the baby really forced him to consider what he wants from her and to face his feelings directly. 
(this question of why Elena? is probably the biggest question when writing this pairing-- it’s not just, why this random 18 year old girl over every other girl for the past thousand years? but also: why Elena and not Katherine or Tatia? and, why Elena, over his siblings? The fact that Klaus out and out states that he is lonely and his siblings cannot make him any less lonely has always seemed to me like a prime route to answering those questions, especially when Elena herself is such a terribly lonely character.) 
Anyway, if one of the siblings were to kill Elena, I think Klaus would just come unhinged. I don’t think hypocrisy ever holds any weight with him, because his thinking is almost always so focused on himself, so there’s no chance in hell he would be able to pause and consider that he’s just experiencing what he put his siblings through. That basically leaves an initial explosive response-- and I’m not sure Rebekah or Elijah being his favorites could really spare them in that scenario. He would very much see it as his siblings denying him his only possible chance at happiness, and as a real cruelty against him, all without any real self-analysis. 
(and for the record, I think the reaction would be even worse in FE) 
(and btw OMG I appreciated that PS about our girl Elena! You’re so right, the only way she’s going down is with a surprise attack, but that’s exactly why she’s so vulnerable) 
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minhoslut · 4 years
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♡ summary: Reader is traded to a band of pirates in return for the safety of her village because of her plant magic. They are not like she expected, much more like her than she could even imagine in fact. This is a journey through their relationships and the high seas they sail on.
♡ pairing: superm x fem!reader, superm x eachother
♡ chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ? |
♡ series warnings: blood mention, injury mention, swearing, anxiety, death mention, depression, weapons, mxm
♡ series genre: romance, smut, angst
♡ series rating: Mature
♡ word count: 2261
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter four: ice cold
Baekhyun returned with the entirety of the main crew whom you'd met, all of them taking a seat on various lower bunks, avoiding you beside Taemin, while the captain stop at the doorway. "It seems that hiding information was not the correct course of action. It was meant to soothe you rather than cause more harm." Jongin began slowly, watching your reaction carefully. "How could I be happy on a boat like this with a bunch of pirates? You took me from my home!" You huff, what kind of stupid logic was that. "Well, we were looking for you to complete our crew." You stared at him blankly, "What do you mean complete? How am I supposed to fit in here?" Jongin smiled, "Well if you stopped interrupting me, I could tell you." You snapped your mouth shut and he continued, "Good girl, now as I was saying, you were sought after rather than just randomly taken. All of us, in this room, are like you, we each have a power." What? How could that be? You were cursed, did they meet the same fate? You were nearly bursting with questions but you figured he would explain more if you said nothing. "Baekhyun is water, Taeyong is animals, Lucas is metal, Ten is fire, Mark is crafting, Taemin is light, and finally I am weather." You looked at each of them as Jongin listed off their powers, eyes landing back on the man speaking in the end. "Our powers are quite helpful in our trading business, it's the reason we all have such odd hair as well."
Not able to hold it back anymore you blurt out a question, "Ok, but what does that have to do with me? And I'd hardly call you traders your pirates for fucks sake." Jongin smirked. "You are the eighth person with powers such as ours. For many years we were under the impression there were no others until we heard rumour of you. I'm sorry that we took you from your home but I have a feeling that you didn't have many ties there other than, based on your power, a garden." It was annoying how accurate he was in his analysis, and the stupid smirk on his face made it more annoying since he knew you couldn't say anything. "As for trading, we have different ways of going about our trading, but we trade with mostly other pirates anyway, on pirate ports. We simply don't wait to trade for valuable or rare things when we could just take it from those who are not pirates." You narrow your eyes, "So you're looking down on everyone who isn't a pirate? You think you can ruin peoples lives just because?" Jongin shook his head at your words, "We would never steal from a good person or someone without much to give. Think more like kings and palaces that have many jewels for no reason, we simply take them away to be used." You scoffed, it was a stupid excuse, but they were pirates so you didn't expect them to see how wrong it was. "Regardless, I didn't want to come." You snap. Mark rolled his eyes and gave an annoyed sighed, "That's why we just took you dumbass."
"Mark." Jongin shot the smaller man a sharp look, which silenced him immediately, leaving him pouting like a puppy. "It's unfortunate that we had to take you, but there wasn't really a way for us to ask you to join, we have a reputation to uphold." You shook your head in disbelief, they were really going to brush it off just like that. "Y/N, I know it's hard to understand but we all have our reasons..." Taemin said, his hand still rubbing gentle circles on your back. You sighed, at least they were being honest now but you still felt angry about the situation. "It's not home yet, but hopefully you find yourself able to relax here eventually. I'd like to tell you to not go anywhere alone, I trust the men in this room, but the rest of the crew can be, less pleasant." Jongin said, bringing your attention back to him.
"This will never be my home, this is a prison. I still hate my magic and I still hate it here. I still hate all of you." Your sharp words filled the room with ice. "That may be the case, but maybe we can teach you more about your powers and you could hate them less." Baekhyun said, sadness lacing his voice as he looked at you. Regret bubbled in your heart despite your minds protest. "Regardless of everything, you are here now and we will keep you safe and healthy while you're with us." Jongin said firmly, then he called for Mark to leave with him, leaving you with the five other men in a very uncomfortable silence.
"Taemin, could help me up on my bed please?" You asked softly, thoroughly exhausted by your tears and the conversation. Your mind was racing with all the information, trying to process it and sort it out in your head. "Of course." Taemin said, standing and interlocking his hands and offering you a step up onto the bed. Once you are on the bed, you pull the blanket over your body and curl up into a ball in the farthest corner. Everything about this situation is hurting you, and none of them seem to understand that.
You listen to the hushed whispers of the crew after they assume you've fallen asleep, you can tell they are talking about you because you hear the words 'plant' and 'girl.' Tears fell from your eyes as you curled even deeper into yourself, you didn't want to be here anymore, not on this ship, not on this Earth.
When you woke up the next morning the cabin was empty save for Ten who was sitting on Marks bed reading a book. You sat up, wrapping yourself in the blanket. "You're up? Do you want to get food?" The maroon haired man asked you, his voice gentle. Shaking your head you laid back down and stared at the ceiling, listening to the door shut behind Ten as he left to get food for himself. After a few moments of quiet, you sat up once more and carefully hopped off the bed. You thought of last night when the captain had told you not to leave alone, but you couldn't stand to be in the room any longer. Pulling the door open you headed to the main deck, finding it almost empty since most of the crew was eating. You walked straight to the edge of the ship and leaned over the side to watch the waves crash against the boat.
The ocean had always scared you, even before you'd been cursed. You avoided it as much as you could when you'd lived on the island, never learning to swim and spending your time as far inland as you could while still doing your work. The ocean was loud and dark and vast, a never-ending abyss of huge waves, dangerous storms, and creatures unknown. And now here you were, in the middle of that horrible ocean, staring into the darkness of the waters and feeling the salty air chill as the clouds ahead turned dark. You leaned farther over the edge stepping on tiptoe, the mist of ocean spray covering your skin. Breathing in deeply you lean even farther, nearly unbalanced as the ocean looms ever closer.
"Y/N!" A voice shouts your name and you are yanked away from the edge of the ship in a hurry. You scramble to pull out of the grip of the person who is holding you, but they simply turn you in their grasp. Lucas' dark brown eyes stared into your own as you relax in his hold now that you know it's not a random crew member. "What were you doing you could have fallen in?" Lucas sounded genuinely worried about your safety and you felt like a small child being chastised. "I was just thinking." You said softly, looking away from his eyes. Lucas sighed, "You aren't supposed to go around alone anyway, you should have come to the dining hall to get one of us. You knew we were there." You huff, "Wouldn't that still be going somewhere alone? Where's the logic in that." Lucas stares at you a moment before he begins to laugh. It's a loud and boisterous laugh that has you trying to conceal the smile that is twitching at your lips. "Well, let's get you to Baekhyun, it's his turn to have you shadow him."
You sighed, not looking forward to it. Baekhyun had sounded so sad last time you'd seen him and you had a feeling that would carry over to today. You shouldn't be so concerned for one of the men who kidnapped you but you couldn't help it. Following the tall man, you reached the captains quarters where Lucas knocked lightly. You heard shuffling in the room and then the door was opened by Baekhyun who was doing up the buttons on his shirt. His eyes flitted to yours for an instance but you saw the sadness that they held. "We are headed to the maps room today, checking our distance for the next port." Baekhyun said plainly, then started walking away quickly, making you run slightly to catch up with him. It was silent as you walked, observing the blue-haired man as he walked ahead of you. He held himself with confidence and a sense of power, his shoulders set and head held high, subtly commanding the respect of those around him.
You soon reached a small room with a large desk in the center, that was covered in many pieces of parchment and some strange objects you didn't recognize. Baekhyun gestured to one of the chairs that were in the room so you sat in it while he moved the things on the desk around. We should be nearing port in the next day or so, so I need to make sure we are where we should be." He explained, but there was no real emotion in his voice. You sat quietly while he used the strange tools and held them against the maps, comparing lengths in ways that made absolutely no sense to you. Baekhyun made no attempts at conversing with you, and it wasn't in the way a person would when they are overly focused. It was an empty drawn-out silence that you hated. He must be really upset about last night... Your heart twinged at the thought. "Baekhyun?" You tried cautiously, but you were ignored. "Baekhyun?" You said again, a bit stronger but still no response. "Baek-" - "Y/N I don't want to talk ok?" You snapped your mouth shut, feeling hurt by the cold words.
The rest of the day was spent watching Baekhyun check the map and then following him out onto the main deck while he made sure everyone was doing what was needed to prepare for docking the next day. He hadn't spoken a word to you since he'd said not to talk, and you'd given up on trying since the silence hurt less than the words did at least. In the evening it was mealtime again, but you still didn't want anything, the day with Baekhyun had only added to the turmoil inside of you and made your appetite disappear. You tried to go to the room but Baekhyun had given a stern look before nodding his head towards the table so in the end you were sitting at the table beside Taeyong and Jongin at the head as usual. Taeyong had apparently lost at seat picking since he ended up beside you, you could hear him mumbling under his breath when he'd sat down.
You focused on your hands in your lap during the meal, picking at the skin around your nails. "/N? Y/N!" You looked up at the person saying your name and found Ten waving his hand in front of you. "You haven't eaten today." He stated plainly, "Not hungry." You answered simply, returning your gaze to your now bleeding cuticles. "Come back to the room with me then, we have an early morning together." Ten said, standing up and walking towards the door. You must be shadowing him tomorrow, so you got up and went after him. He led you to a room you hadn't been in yet that was filled with bandages and had a simple cot in it. "Hands." He said and you held them out to him. Ten made a clicking noise with his tongue then grabbed a roll of cloth and wrapped each of your fingers with it. "There, now you won't make them any worse." He said returning the leftover cloth to a shelf. "Thanks..." You said softly, feeling embarrassed by having someone care for your injury
Ten turned on his heel and exited the room, so you did as well, making your way back to the bunks. Ten gave you a step up onto your bed before heading over to his, but before he got up he removed his shirt putting the smooth expanse of his skin on display to you. You felt your cheeks warm as you watched the muscles in his back move, quickly turning your head when Ten had jumped up on his bed and turned to face you. "Sleep well." You heard him say softly before the room was enveloped in silence.
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classpect-musings · 6 years
What's your take on the Heir of Space? I'd love to know!
Classpect Analysis: Heir of Space
Active or Passive: Passive
What they do: Heirs allow the manipulation of their aspect or allow manipulation through their aspect. Space is the aspect of beginnings/creation, creativity/art, randomness/variety, process, femininity (& fashion), passiveness, organisms, science (biology, chemistry, physics), space in terms of galaxies & universes, and space in terms of where you are (location) and what’s around you (matter).
Active equivalent: Witch of Space (Jade Harley)
Inverse: Mage of Time
The Heir of Space is someone who starts out passively embodying their aspect and having an abundance of it, often without realizing it. Regardless of whether or not they know it, their aspect protects them. One example would be if this Heir might be naturally live far from others, but this protects them since their neighbors are dangerous people.
With the Heir of Space you get an abundance of creativity. They come up with ideas for any kind of artistic expression and go with them on a whim, changing from one to the other very quickly. They might even recycle their old ideas into their newer projects to make something bigger and better. It’s likely that they have an interest in gardening, fashion design, or some type of artistic expression. In fact, they’re probably interested in many of these activities, since they are prone to shake things up so they have some variety. They’re very quirky and random, not really controlled by a schedule, and have sudden fits of motivation for a new piece or project. They aren’t great at finishing any of their projects, but they enjoy going through the procedure of planning them and just having some fun with them. They might also have some frogs as pets or even wear some galaxy-print clothing.
This Heir might be literally ‘spacey’ in that they have a low attention span and tend to drift into their own daydreams. They could be distant from others because of this. They also often take things as they come instead of worrying about it. Even if they mess up during one of their artistic projects and end up screwing up the whole thing, they can laugh it off and see it as a learning experience, because they see the process as more important than the product.
This Heir may also have an interest in science– physics, chemistry, biology, or even some whack kind of alchemy would be a good fit for them. (Though there is a likelihood they’ll be adept when it comes to genetics, considering their role in the game.) Relating back to what I said earlier about them being able to laugh things off, they’re definitely like that with scientific experiments, too. If something blows up in their face, they don’t care too much. This Heir views the learning process as more important. They might have a journal full of all their discoveries, along with creative– if sometimes unreasonable– theories about what these discoveries mean.
The Heir of Space needs to learn how to take hold of their aspect and consciously use/embody it. Since this is the Space player we’re talking about, this Heir will be breeding the Genesis Frog, a task that won’t be difficult for them. As long as they have a Knight to keep them protected and on track (seeing how this Heir has a habit of not finishing their creative projects), they should be good to go. They should not become overconfident as a result of their powers, and they must be careful not to become too loose on the process of creating the Genesis Frog, since a mistake could very well lead to some fatal consequences. And as they continue in the game, a (healthy) Heir of Space will be less inactive (though still pretty space-y), often reacting to things that happen in the moment and taking the game in stride.
The Heir of Space allows manipulation of Space or manipulation through Space. Unlike their active counterpart (Witch of Space, Jade Harley), who exerts her will so Space will do as she forces it to, this Heir uses their aspect more intuitively and naturally. The Heir of Space allows manipulation of Space, which includes teleporting, growing, and shrinking objects around them to fit the situation. This might show up in a more subtle way, too: everywhere they leap and turn during battle, the places they land and jump off adjust in size and place accordingly so they’re perfectly balanced (but these things transform back to regular size once the Heir has no use for them, unlike a Witch, who does more Space rule-breaking); this is more of an intuitive way that Space protects this Heir.
Space protects this Heir in other ways, too (often via changes in the physical properties of matter). They can teleport to various unoccupied spaces in the blink of an eye. They might even unconsciously do this, like if an enemy is charging at them and they don’t notice, poof! They’ve teleported ten feet away all of a sudden. This power might be bewildering for the Heir at first, but since they’re the type to go with the flow, they’ll probably get used to it very quickly, and once they’re at full power they’ll be able to teleport both with and without conscious effort. And then there’s their growing/shrinking powers, which they can use on themself just like Ant-Man. This will be an unconscious power at first, with this Heir suddenly shrinking to dodge attacks or growing to become more powerful. (Though they are more likely to be shrinking as opposed to growing in the earlier stages of their powers, since I imagine it would take less effort.) But they learn to actively harness that too and use it to their advantage in battle. The Heir of Space might also be able to change their density so that they suddenly become very heavy, making them harder to throw, or light and airy, which helps them jump higher. This can help to determine how quick or slow they are as well. Additionally, the Heir of Space can use their powers to become an amorphous blob. I’m not kidding. Besides changing size, they can change shape, shifting their very cells and framework around so they can dodge objects and enemies. At first it might just be their arm or face warping out of shape in order to get out of the way of something, like this example from the webcomic Paranatural:
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But just as they will with their other abilities, the Heir of Space will eventually harness this ability in a conscious way and be able to twist themself out of harm’s way. Besides making them difficult to injure, it’ll also scare the crap out of their enemies.
At first, the Heir of Space unconsciously using their growing/shrinking, teleporting self and objects, shape-shifting, and density shifting will be more confusing to enemies than anything, and the Heir won’t have much idea what they’re doing, instead just letting stuff fly around them and going “Oh, okay. This is happening. Guess I’ll roll with it.” But once they can fully and consciously harness these powers, they can use them to a much greater extent, so they’ll not only be very disorienting to fight, but also very difficult to hit!
Furthermore, the Heir of Space allows manipulation through Space, which includes what I call a ‘gene scramble.’ This Heir’s powers encompass a lot of science-y stuff, considering physics (ex. density shifting) and chemistry (ex. rearranging their atoms). But for biology, they might be able to reach out and shift around the genes of creatures around them, essentially rendering their enemies’ very DNA useless, causing their system to go haywire. How utterly terrifying! It’s likely they can’t tweak very specific genes in a very permanent manner like a Witch can; it’s more like they send a general static shock or ‘gene glitch’ through an enemy.
Heirs also tend to inherit/embody/’become’ their aspect in some sense, so the Genesis Frog they create will likely be more suited to their tastes than that of the other players, though they didn’t plan it to end up that way. You might be thinking: If the Heir can become their aspect to some extent, can they become the Genesis Frog itself? And this is a question I find very difficult to answer. Perhaps an incredibly powerful and fully realized Heir of Space could embody the Genesis Frog to some in a larger extent. (In an especially cruel twist, if the Genesis Frog becomes mutated or dies somehow, the Heir could essentially sacrifice themself by becoming the new universe.) But in a smaller way, the Heir of Space could ‘become’ the Genesis Frog by having a large avatar of the Frog appear around them as a sort of protective shield. Kind of like a giant anime mecha suit, except, well, it’s a frog. Regardless of their power level at the end of the game, though, this Heir will likely have a powerful tie to the Genesis Frog and perhaps even be in tune with its state of being. For example, their teleportation powers are likely strengthened in the new universe they create, since they’re much more familiar with it as a result of their connection with the Frog.
As for a land for the Heir of Space, I suggest the Land of Stars and Frogs. The shining and seemingly bottomless ponds on this planet that the frogs swim in are filled with gleaming stars. The sky is always dark because the denizen knocked all the stars from the sky, and now the frogs stay in the ponds, terrified that the denizen will steal the stars from the ponds too if they leave them. At first the stars seem useless, appearing to be nothing more than shining rocks. But if the Heir can learn to unlock their power with careful practice and concentration, they can send the stars back into the sky, thus allowing the frogs to come back out.
As for weapons, we’ve seen varied weapons for Heirs (hammer, bow & arrow, psiionics) and typically more flashy weapons for Space players (rifle, lipstick chainsaw). The Heir of Space is pretty laid-back, so their weapon might be an everyday object, with their interest in science, gardening, and/or art might playing into it. Paintbrushes, paint knives, pens, any chemistry equipment, a shovel… Go wild. As they continue with their session, they could upgrade to more powerful weapons, especially ones that are effective both upsized and downsized. (Think of John’s Zillyhoo.)
In conclusion, the Heir of Space is an interesting classpect with the potential to become incredibly powerful and nearly unkillable thanks to their powers. Thanks for reading!
I’m so sorry this took so long. I’ve been incredibly busy with schoolwork and the like ^^; nevertheless I hope this was helpful!
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