#i know im overreacting its after 9pm i know i know i fucking know but im just. im so tired. im so fucking tired of this shit
bl00dw1tch · 1 year
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brolinjosh · 7 years
So im sleeping with this guy & its a no relationship kind of thing. We talk everyday & its good conversation. But recently hes been a little distant. He wont text back until like 9pm which is fine but its out of character for him. Usually we text throughout the day like before he goes to work or during his lunch break or something. He had a really bad day at work 3 days ago which is when this started. Im worried that hes not interested in me anymore. Am I overreacting/ what should I do?
maybe it has something to do with something bad that happened to him 3 days ago, so he went on full blown shut down and it has nothing to do with you.
as an anxious fuck myself, i heard one great peace of advice from one of my best friends who is a guy when i asked him something when i was tripping about my boyfriend. instead of giving me advice or telling me what i should do, he said he is not him and he has no clue what is going on in his head, so he told me to ask my boyfriend, no matter how weird or insane what i thought was going on was, so i have been doing that ever since and it has worked out amazing for me.
turns out guys are simple af, if you have something on your mind, just ask him. for them that is not a big deal and he will not judge you for it, so just don’t overthink and go through hell, when you text him next time or he texts you, just tell him you feel he is distancing himself from you and you would like to know if that’s true so you can move on or help him in his bad phase, depending on what his answer will be.
but it does seem to me he is not distancing himself from you, he probably had some bad shit happen to him at work and that can affect a person in every aspect of his life, if he wanted to distance himself from you he would have done it after first time you had sex because it would mean he only wanted that and he would be done with you, but it’s not that case. 
so just ask him and you will feel better and will know what’s happening.
sleepover asks
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