#i know it sounds like the insanest thing ever but it actually makes sense
amoonfullofstars · 6 months
i watched tonight 3x08 and I'm fully brainrotting on it so are you telling me that twin peaks and oppenheimer are somehow linked???
I mean, at first I was like: BOB appearing during the trinity test?? it must be a metaphor for the evil men do😴
then I was like: wait a second... is this about the birth of BOB?? oppenheimer (indirectly) caused it in twin peaks universe??? because atomic bombs are the greatest weapons of mass destruction ever created by mankind and their detonation brought inconceivable pain suffering and death on earth! and black lodge spirits are fueled by all of this!!!
and also BOB=Robert... ROBERT J. OPPENHEIMER??? is this a reference? what about Leland saying that he knew some guy named Robertson when asked about BOB?? Robertson = son of Robert = BOB as (robert) oppenheimer's "son"!!!
last thing: can we discuss the laura palmer thing like??? she was sent on earth to oppose BOB like some kind of jesus just to suffer and die??? heartbreaking this is insane poor child
i feel like this rn:
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markets · 2 years
Ok ANGIE MARKETS ROMANCE LESSON. Like get into comfy pajamas start kicking ur feet back and forth... angie markets romance lesson. So i know that the conceptt of the friend zone is kind of like heavily clowned on atp bc of guys who get into a friendship with a girl and go Oh noooo im in the friend zone booo why cant i get any pussy😡😡😡 but honestly IT IS REAKL in a sense... Like with friends especially best friends i feel like after a certain point in the friendship youre either crazy in love with them and totally screwed or if things continue as they are you could never see them that way ever. idek exactly when it is all i know is that its there. But also heavy emphasis on the if things continue as they are part cuz if ur the former and ur best friend is the latter thus putting you in that sort of friend zone genuinely the only way out of it is to just SNAP OUT somehow im not explaining well at all i sound like a girlboss tiktoker whos like If u dont snap him back for 3 hours on the dot u will make him obsessed with ur manifestation mind powers😈 but i swear i have a point. BC why do u think there are so many movies where someone gets in a life or death scenario or almost moves away or gets with someone else and THEN the love interest realizes they want them. i very strongly believe that everyone has at least a couple of people who if they really thought about them and their friendship they would fall for BC possibly the absolute crazy-insanest ive ever been was over one of my best friends who i knew i would never have feelings for like id thought about it and everything but i just knew it would never happen. until his birthday came up and i was writing him a rlly long letter thanking him for being my friend and talking abt how awesome he was in ways i had never rlly put into words even in my head Like i was writing "youre so this and that" and then i was like "wait actually he kind of IS so this and that..." and then i went crazy. Like i even went crayz on the paper i started word vomitting about every good quality he has cuz it was like a revelation i shouldve taken a picture of it so i could look at it and get grossed out. But im currently in that zone with him RN and i cant fake a life or death scenario or get a job offer in another country or get bitches or make him write me a letter and its just UGHHHHHHH. BC my hypothetical advice to anyone in this situation would probably be to distance yourself a little because lots of times people dont think about things they have until theyre gone Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that. But its like why would i do that hes my friend i like talking to him. so its like Well. the romance lesson is dont be in my situation which is the moral of the whole blog
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