#istg im still amazed by how i came up with all of this
amoonfullofstars · 6 months
i watched tonight 3x08 and I'm fully brainrotting on it so are you telling me that twin peaks and oppenheimer are somehow linked???
I mean, at first I was like: BOB appearing during the trinity test?? it must be a metaphor for the evil men do😴
then I was like: wait a second... is this about the birth of BOB?? oppenheimer (indirectly) caused it in twin peaks universe??? because atomic bombs are the greatest weapons of mass destruction ever created by mankind and their detonation brought inconceivable pain suffering and death on earth! and black lodge spirits are fueled by all of this!!!
and also BOB=Robert... ROBERT J. OPPENHEIMER??? is this a reference? what about Leland saying that he knew some guy named Robertson when asked about BOB?? Robertson = son of Robert = BOB as (robert) oppenheimer's "son"!!!
last thing: can we discuss the laura palmer thing like??? she was sent on earth to oppose BOB like some kind of jesus just to suffer and die??? heartbreaking this is insane poor child
i feel like this rn:
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lizandbo · 2 years
Tokoyami, Todoroki, and twice finding out there S/O is pregnant ;v;
This poor ask has been sitting in my inbox for at least a year, i didnt really know how answer this one then but im doing it now:>
also i switched twice with izuku since i dont write for him
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you've tried to decide whether to surprise him or just to tell him straight out
you went with the second option just to play it safe
Not to mention you’re nervous as hell
after collecting your thoughts together you came up to him a bit after his work
you sat yourself down next him on the couch
made yourself a bit comfy
“umm fumi?”
“so i was just thinking about if we ever had kids… would you be mad? even if there unplanned?”
you let fumikage ponder for a moment
“i wouldnt mind a mini us” tokoyami spoke up, propping his head on the end of his palm
“Well im pregnant… with your child”
even though he practically said it was ok to have a child you still a bunch of nervousness in your system
toko was a bit stunned ngl
he held your hand in his “thats.. thats really great to hear dear”
“Are you sure your pregnant?”
“Im positive”
for the rest of the night yall cuddled, fumi occasionally placed his hand on your tummy n feelin so happy about it
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this is quite literally how he acts when you first tell him^
but when you stumble out the words “im pregnant” he goes absolutely bat shit crazy
but in a happy/ excited way!
Kneels down to his knees and kisses your stomach over repeatedly even tho the little buddy isnt grown almost at all
asks all sorts of questions
“Do you know the gender?”
“I wonder what kind of quirk ittle have”
“Did you pick some names already?”
“How long did you have them for?”
“My mom will be so proud!”
but after a while he still fantasizes about the little one
like plz calm ya man down
rubs your tummy daily now
writes e v e r y t h i n g down
all of your cravings if you have any, symptoms, mood, milestones etc
hes such a proud dad istg
cuddles into your tummy a lot holy shit
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stays real quiet when you stated the fact that your pregnant with his child
letting him hold the pregnancy test for proof
hes amazed, but scared af
“are you really sure about this? what if i mess up everything?”
“Shoto, your not gonna mess up i promise.. also yes im pretty damn sure that the test is correct” you end the sentance with low laugh
shoto comes to hug you, almost a tear pooling at the end of his eye
“Your gonna be such a great father” you say in todos neck, rubbing his back for comfort
yall stand there for awhile hugging each other
after a bit shoto guides you to the room
he asks a few questions about how are yall gonna handle this and other necessary questions
his hand stuck on your tummy the whole night and rubbing n kissing a lot
talks to the baby almost all the time
def asks a lot of concerns and clearing up confusions to his mom too
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lucidreamer-uwu · 2 years
IM HERE AGAIN! istg im obsessed with your blog its unhealthy 😭 i know the last request was long and probably very agonozing to write, but i cant help myself youre just so amazing so im back with another request!! how would the brothers react to an MC who one day out of the blue decided to fall and become a demon? like MC had discussed it with the brothers at some point but they never actually thought MC would go through with it 😫 virtual hugs from me!! 💓
Assuming that MC became an angel after they passed on...
Sure he knew that you considered your fall from grace but he never actually thought you'd go through with it!
He'd be surprised to hear the news at first, then he'd feel somewhat guilty. Maybe he and his brothers had more of an influence on you that he had anticipated.
Okay he'd be bummed out that you didn't pursue your afterlife as an angel but once he gets over it, realizing that what's done is done and that this was the reality and accepts it, he'd be all over you.
He has never seen this side of you before so he was excited to explore this new you.
Hmmm... Yeah, no.
Nope, nope, nope!
You are NOT allowed to fall even if you already did.
He could not believe that you actually went through with what you had talked to him about. He thought it was just a passing thought you had going through your head. He didn't think you were actually serious!
Cannot, and would not, accept that this is how you ended up.
Would be guilty all the way :(. He loved you so he always wanted the best for you. And he was sure that your fall was definitely not the best that you deserved.
He'd think he saw you wrong or that he was hallucinating or dreaming or SOMETHING. Was he really seeing you right???
Completely speechless when he finds out about your fall. He can't even muster a stutter this time.
Would get depressed because he more or less influenced you and did absolutely nothing to stop you from ending up like this.
Wouldn't be able to focus playing his games or watching his anime because of what happened.
He never really truly appreciated the Celestial realm because he didn't experience it all by himself like his brothers did. He never experienced being an angel either. So he was thrilled to see you in your new form.
You looked great before, but now? You were absolutely stunning to him.
He always felt like he didn't deserve you because you were always this bright angel and he has always been the purely born demon, so he kept himself from wanting you. But now? This was a totally different story.
It came to him as a shock that you decided to just fall like that out of the blue despite recalling that you mentioned your intentions to him prior.
Of course he felt bad that you fell, but he knew that there was nothing now that could be done. He had a firm grasp of reality so it was easier for him to accept this event compared to some of his brothers.
Now that you're a demon like him, would it still be considered inappropriate for you two to hit it off?
That'd be his little excuse to hide his true feelings of sadness and remorse.
For once, he actually felt bad for the things he had done to contribute to your decision of falling out of the blue.
He was not expecting this.
Despite always tempting you into doing not-so-pure acts with him, he always wanted you to shine in your purity. He thought you were absolutely beautiful just the way you were.
Don't get him wrong, you looked even more ravishing now. But deep down inside, he couldn't help but let his guilt eat him up. He wasn't heartless after all.
MC...? You looked different. Beel was unsure of how to react to the new you. And was definitely more unsure of how to feel about it.
This was surely because of him and his brothers, right?
Poor bb would feel the utmost guilt when he sees you in your new form :((
Even though it wasn't very obvious, Beel tried his best not to influence you in the slightest when you were sweet and innocent. He wanted you to stay that way forever. This was the last thing he wanted for you.
He'd be pretty upset about it until you eventually win him over by convincing him that it was still you in that new form and you haven't changed in that regard.
Mixed feelings would bubble up in him and would make him full-on ignore you for a couple of days until you force him to pay attention to you.
He'd explain that he didn't know how to act around you when he realized what had happened. He already felt extreme guilt after what he did to you before, and now that you've fallen, he couldn't help but feel that it was all his fault as well.
He wasn't really the obvious affectionate type, but he always cared about you. He was worried about you. He knew what it felt like to fall and lose everything. He was an angel before after all.
Would give you extra attention every time you two were together. And would drop hints that he wanted you to go back to how you used to be. But he'd eventually catch on that you were intentionally ignoring his hints so that he'd accept you for who you were now.
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HI BB WELCOME BACK! HAHASHHASJKSD I'm glad you like my blog that much ^w^ and don't worry about requesting a lot, I love getting every single one of them! I really liked the concept of this request so I hope I did it justice! >:3
Anyway, here's your long awaited req! Sorry for the long wait; I hope I don't disappoint! @gojohater101
Lots of Love,
~ Em ♡
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moss-the-moon-moss · 1 year
Hallo, I'm posting this entry like a week late but it's better than nothing tbh. Anyways this is my first weekly music update, i basically just talk about what music i really like from that week. I will be talking about new music i find, my favourite songs, what playlist im listening to the most and show my spotify stats as well😋
This week, due to the announcements related to Melanie Martinez's new album, I have gone back to my roots and have been listening to all of my favourite songs by her. Melanie has been one of my favourite artists for years now, probably since just before k12 came out!! It's really hard to decide on my favourite songs by her since I really like all of them; despite this I have still decided on my favourite song from each album/ep. From crybaby we have 'pacify her'; from k12 it was a bit harder to decide but i'm going to go with 'highschool sweethearts', and lastly from the after school ep we have 'The bakery'. In the last week almost all of my top songs have slowly become melanie, she's just really amazing like that I guess. Anyways i'm super excited for the new album, her new form is really pretty💕
Here is a playlist with all of my favourite melanie martinez songs!!
Some of the other songs seeping into my spotify stats are from a playlist I have called "WHAT IS THIS MELODY ''. This playlist has quite a bit of crystal castles in it. In Fact the overall theme of this playlist is just crystal castles and other songs that I think are kind of similar. I think that my favourite song this week was probably 'Goth' by Sidewalks and skeletons, this song is on the previously mentioned playlist as well!! I just really love how the song sounds, it's a good one to listen to on loop while doing things😊
Other artists I've listened to a lot this week are Lana Del Rey and Glass Animals. I really got into Lana near the middle of last year due to my friend who is a lana stan, and I'm honestly very grateful for it. Lana has so many amazing songs, i just sometimes feel like i'm on another planet listening to them, she managed to place in my top 3 artists during spotify wrapped last year lmao. I don't particularly have a favourite song by her at the moment but i think ultraviolence and art deco may tie with each other. Anyways moving onto glass animals, they have been my favourite band since around 2016. I initially found them through sally face and creepypasta animated memes; 'pork soda' and 'The other side of paradise' , , they really had a chokehold on us all istg. My favourite album by glass animals is probably 'how to be a human being' . Every single song on that album is a masterpiece, I literally cannot dislike any of them if I tried. My favourite song from HTBAHB is probably 'pork soda'; from zaba its 'black mambo'; from dreamland 'space ghost coast to coast', and finally my favourite single is 'golden antlers'🥰
Heres my favourite songs by glass animals!
And heres my favourites from Lana <3
Majority of the music at the top of my stats came from me listening to them on loop for hours at a time and also from exclusively listening to the same playlist for weeks. I haven't actually listened to them in a while. They're just still up there from listening to them so much. Fun fact "miss you" by south star has been in my top 20 for months now, i listened to it 399 times last year and i can't seem to get rid of it from my stats now. Anyways, I am now currently working to get rid of those songs from my stats😭
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cathumanthing2 · 1 year
Roseblings Chatfic AU Chapter 10 Q&A
magic bitches
9:13 am
father: I'm only saying this for foreshadowing purposes, but I met the person who threw us all into this mess today. Apparently it wasn't really them, but some version of them created for the sole purpose of "fucking with us". Either way, they seemed nice, but were also scarily bent on "traumatizing my poor blorbos" so I do not know what is going on with them.
tech wizard: on THAT terrifying note, good morning bitchesss
glitter starboy: Pix are you some sort of eldrich being or something who is able to talk to the fucking CREATOR???
father: Shoot, that wasn't in the script, wait a second while I consult Cat.
buff buff farmer: It's too early for you to be joking about this stuff Pix
father: I promise you, I am not joking.
CatHumanThing joined the groupchat
CatHumanThing: henlo motherfuckers prepare for suffering >:3
tech wizard: WHAT THE FUCK
buff buff farmer: holy shit who tf are you
glitter starboy: How tf did this thing join-
actual wizard: I'm gonna go, I dont have the energy for this rn
father: Why hello, I would ask where you came from, had I not already known that your response would simply be a vague sentence and nothing more.
CatHumanThing: And the only semi-reasonable person here is RIGHT! All yall need to know is im here to ask yall questions 
fungi fungus gnome: ominous
CatHumanThing: OKAYYY first up, from ArchAngelAthena, for gem: STOP TRYING TO BE STRONG ALL THE DAMN TIME!!! Your only hurting urself, and ur brother! And if it continues then ur brother will cry, & if he cry’s then i cry & it’ll be a bad day for everyone! Stop thinking u have to do everything right now! U have —only god knows how long— time ahead of u, relax, take a chill pill, spend some time with friends and family, eventually u won’t have the time to do so… so take the chance while u still have it… ur parents we’re assholes, & did many illegal things, but don’t let what they did change how u live ur life… we —ur brother, ur friends, the ones who watch all this— love u, & we don’t want u hurting urself, ok? Take care of urself, see ya soon!
actual wizard: A. That wasnt a question B. how did you know about all of this, are you stalking me?? C. I'll try but I have wayy too many things to get done
tech wizard: Gem, it's summer.
actual wizard: So?
CatHumanThing: Gem.
actual wizard: I'll try.
CatHumanThing: Good enough. Next question, from Ravenpuff99, to everyone: What are your pronouns, gender, and sexuality, also favourite flower and animal :)
tech wizard: I use he/they pronouns, im transmasc, and pan, also i like wither roses and salmon 
actual wizard: She/they, demigirl, and bi with a preference for women, and wither roses and cats
scary fish lady: I use she/her and most neos, I'm a girl, and im bi with no preference, i like water lilies and axolotls
short pottery man: heyyy i use he/him, male, demisexual, and my favorite flowers are blossoming azaleas and my favorite animals are donkeys specifically named jeramy
scary fish lady: joel istg stop it with your weird cult-
short pottery man: ITS NOT A CULT ITS A RELIGION
glitter starboy: Ignoring that, i use he/him, transmasc, gay and poly, and i like poppies and snowy owls
jungle bitch: He/him, male, gay, and I like most jungle plants and nether plants, and my favorite animals are tigers
jungle bitch: And Xorny says xe uses they/he/it/xe/void pronouns and are nonbinary, and are gay. They like nether mushrooms and cats
fungi fungus gnome: she/they/shroom, demigirl, ace sapphic, mushrooms, and wolves!
plant flower faerie: She/they, girl, grayasexual demiromantic sapphic, ALL flowers are AMAZING and i love them all equally, and i really love cats or bees, they're both so cute!
father: I use he/they pronouns, identify as male and omnisexual with a preference towards men, and I don't have a particular animal I like most.
buff buff farmer: I use she/her, im a girl, im aroace, and i like sunflowers and ducks
blood sheep man: I use he/him, im a boy, im bi with a preference towards men, and i like wither roses and blood sheep
pathetic fish man: he/they, demiboy, asexual biromantic polyam, i like cornflowers and cod
CatHumanThing: OKAYYY that took forever!!! Anyways, next question is from Ravenpuff99 again, for everyone: When's the last time you did self care? This is your reminder that we love you, and to go eat/drink/sleep/take meds/shower if you need to or haven't recently. Self care is important!! We will all cry if you don't take care of yourself (this is a threat) <333
father: For the sake of time, I will tell you that the only ones here who regularly get a good nights' sleep are Jimmy, Pearl, and I.
CatHumanThing: Next one, from teslapenguini! Everyone other than shrub n katherine, how long have yall been watching those two completely fail to realise their feelings and how close are you to just directly spelling it out to them?
buff buff farmer: Istg, its taking forever. Ever sincem iddle school theyve been dancing around each other. I just. Im THIS close to telling them directly
father: They are frustratingly oblivious, and have been since around the 8th grade, to the best of my memory.
glitter starboy: It's a wonder i didnt add katherine to the simp chat earlier. The amount of "oh they're so cute i wonder why" i have to tolerate. And shrubs even worse.
plant flower faerie: shrub do you have any idea wtf they re all talking about
fungi fungus gnome: a little but i refuse to accept it
glitter starboy: its getting worse. Shes oblivious by choice now
jungle bitch: ok actually i'll say it right now: guys just kiss already
plant flower faerie: whos he talking to
fungi fungus gnome: i know but i wont tell you
scary fish lady: even jimmy isnt this oblivious i swear-
actual wizard: They are so obliviously agonizingly gay for each other and have been since around the 7-8th grade that at this point i try my best to ignore it
plant flower faerie: im starting to catch on but i refuse to believe it
fungi fungus gnome: same
glitter starboy: Katherine, shrub, besties, guys, just…. Its… its getting so agonizingly painful. Just. yeah. 
CatHumanThing: Okayy from Crystal, to everyone, do you guys have stuffed animals? If so, what are their names and what are they of?
scary fish lady: Two axolotls named sir strawberry and lady marcelline
pathetic fish man: One unnamed cod plush that norman absolutely loves
short pottery man: stuffed animals are for losers
scary fish lady: he has a donkey named jeramy that he based an entire religion off of in elementary to middle school
short pottery man: THESE ARE FALSE CLAIMs
actual wizard: a dragon plush named violet that gandalf loves!
fungi fungus gnome: A cat named star
jungle bitch: I never had any because my raptors tear them up all the time
tech wizard: YOU HAVE RAPTORS?????
jungle bitch: Yep! [Raptors.image.png] (it's of a raptor curled up asleep in Joey's lap)
fungi fungus gnome: that. is. adorable.
plant flower faerie: I have a bunch of bee plushes!
glitter starboy: I have a bunch of snowy owl plushes and they all have names, theres too many to fit here though
tech wizard: A salmon plush
father: I have a copper car I named David, does that count?
blood sheep man: I got Bubbles a dog plush to keep her company
buff buff farmer: i have many ducks
CatHumanThing: AnnulledGoat asked Shrub: What's your favorite mushroom, also do you like mooshrooms?
fungi fungus gnome: I really like the fly agaric, it's really pretty, PLUS it gets you high! Also YES THEY ARE SO CUTE-
glitter starboy: mushrooms that get you high >>>>>> normal mushrooms
tech wizard: fr
father: You guys are not allowed to get high.
tech wizard: you're no fun
CatHumanThing: I have a paraphrased thing that my bestie/beta-reader-i-cant-contact-rn Cedar said once, for Shrub: shrub is my fav since shes short 
fungi fungus gnome: aww thx! Yaknow, there really needs to be more positivity about beign short
plant flower faerie: Shrub doesnt have to be short to be anyones favorite, they're just like that :) 
fungi fungus gnome: thx bestie!
glitter starboy: yknow what im just gonna tell them
CatHumanThing: Oh, scott, you cant do that for plot reasons. I will physically restrain you and take away your plot-relevancy for 5 whole chapters :D /srs /threat
glitter starboy: ok, you're terrifying, duly noted
CatHumanThing: Next! From crimston7, to everyone, including me: what’s your favourite book? And if you don’t really read then what’s your favourite game? 
CatHumanThing: I used to be obsessed with warriors
fungi fungus gnome: I have a book about mushrooms that I have memorized if that counts
actual wizard: Its really hard to choose a favorite book, but i have a book about magic that i absolutely adore
tech wizard: annoying gem to the point of insanity
blood sheep man:  a book on blood magic and summoning demons! :D 
jungle bitch: the same book that Sausage likes because it got me Xorny
glitter starboy: ew. anyways, the book on the clash of the great stags because i like the story , and i feel connected to it for some reason
plant flower faerie: A book on gardening!
scary fish lady: It's hard to choose a single book, so ill just say the game: marco polo
short pottery man: a book i wrote on jeramyism
pathetic fish man: I had a bit of a warriors phase a bit ago, i liked the ones that had a focus on riverclan
buff buff farmer: Books are cool, but I dont really have a favorite
father: A book on prophecy.
CatHumanThing: Woo! Now, for Katherine, from blxegrxpe, what is your opinion on all your friends? Answer honestly
plant flower faerie: Scott is cool, he's my bestie, shrub is really cute and kind and funny and awesome and i love talking to her and i think about them a lot :D, lizzie kinda scares me but shes also really cool, gem is smart and clever but really needs to take care of herself, fWhip scares me a little, so does sausage, joey is cool but istg he simps for a literal DEMON/ELF/IDK, i dont know joel that well but he seems cool, jimmy is really kind, pix is 100% one of the only sane people here, which is concerning because he seems mildly insane/lh, and pearl is realljy strong and cool
fungi fungus gnome: wow, thanks :D 
plant flower faerie: it's true, you're awesome shrub!
buff buff farmer: okay they're TRYING to be frustrating at this point.
CatHumanThing: LAAAST QUESTION!!!: for fWhip, from blxegrxpe, why do you like inventing so much?
tech wizard: Its fun, i get to unleash monstrosities on the world, and i can make cool stuff
actual wizard: he also likes it because he can create chaos
tech wizard: yup :) 
CatHumanThing: I have now thoroughly questioned you, and i will leave with a single statement: beware of pixlriffs, yall are driving him insane with your lack of sleep
CatHumanThing left the groupchat
tech wizard: what the fuck just happened
mushrooms and plants belong together :D
10:28 am
Shub :D: so katherine uh do you understand a bit about what they were yelling at us about in the chat
Kath <3: A bit, i dont wanna believe it though, i just found out something about myself a few days ago so..
Shub :D: Same, but uh
Shub :D: Since its making them kinda frustrated and it pains them to watch
Shub :D: why dont we amp up our obliviousness and put a bit more of an oblivious front just to mess with them
Kath <3: That doesnt seem very nice but it also seems like it would be funny…
Kath <3: Yes
Kath <3: But before we do that, i think i should tell you something
Kath <3: You're really pretty and nice and cool and cute and i think i have a crush on you
Shub :D: I like you too :) 
Kath <3: So i guess them being upset at us did what it was intended to do haha
Shub :D: It really did, but they dont know that yet and so we can mess with them
Kath <3: How much are you willing to bet they dont find out their yelling worked until like 6 months into the future?
Shub :D: at least $20
Kath <3: So does this mean we're dating?
Shub :D: I guess Kath <3: woo!
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
YOU'VE ME IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND ISTG. My mom came the room at the exact moment of angst and saw me crying desperately in bed, and I had to explain between sobs what was happening (I'm ashamed even now) BUT OH MY GOD. IT REALLY HURT MY HEART. I FEEL LIKE MY HEART TORN INTO SEVERAL PIECES 😭😭😭😭 THE WAY HE BEGGED HER TO REMOVE THE WORDS BROKE ME SO BAD AAAAAA 😭😭😭😭😭 I'm crying even while I'm writing this. I really need her to explain everything to him and for everything to be okay
I can't take any more suffering 😭😭😭😭 I trust you a lot and I know it'll be worth all this suffering 😭😭😭 Kiki, you're so amazing. I hope you know this. I love worlds apart, and I love your writing. ANXIOUSLY WAITING FOR CHAPTER 8. (read in capitals as if I'm screaming and crying at the same time ahaha) I ALSO CAN'T WAIT FOR THE TONGUE THING AAAAAAAAAAA died suffering
Sorry, I talk/write too much, but I needed to tell you how awesome you are. I love you, girl. For real. <3 - 🦇💕
Listen when I tell you I've read these sweet asks about ten times by now and they're still making me tear up every single time 😭🖤🖤 Thank you so, so much for your kind words, my dear, they mean the world and they make my little writer's heart soar 🥺🖤😭😍
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I can't wait to share Chapter 8, it's gonna be good 👀🖤
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brothalynchhung · 1 year
2022 overview
(istg ive been doing this for 10 years frnfiesfjeiss)
Hmmm lets see where did i start 2022
oh yeah tbh this year didnt really “start” for me until like april
because everything before april was just me working at that last stupid ass fintech 
what a waste of time honestly
but i did just get paid for doing nothing LOOOL shout out to my sis?
honestly since the beginning i knew it was just a stepping stone to moving out of to into dxb altho the transition and whatever isint easy and i still dont like living here 
but yeah i think i was playing guitar gyming, going through an ed ( i miss my slightly skinnier body but getting back there i think.. fml) and just idk hating work a lot
like the way i hated that job was insane if my sis wasnt there too i woulda bBEEN fired i did nothing but sit on the sofa there an browse pinterest and apply to other jobs and watch movies aoirNhaguiraehgubna
oh well tbh that whole job itself was a waste 
i applied to a crazy amount of jobs and had mad interviews
then got am lol after months 
shoutout to expo? lOOOL all my calls from them happened there im deaefiwfnjf 
i miss expo LOL that was also a big 2022 thing 
common grounds brr reading brrr
orange hair to blond hair to silver hair to platinum blonde brr to pink rip miss it kinda
my hair fried as shit 
oh yeah i also went to mecca this year brrr 
honestly that was an amazing experience mecca and madina was so beautiful i felt so at peace there
except for fighting the guards there cuz of the covid bullshit .. but whatev fuck em 
holy shit actually this year was a lot
i prayed there cleansed myself etc etc 
then i came back and i got a job at am LOOL
then i went to cali LOOOL
which was a ego death existential crisis of its own 
my whole life i dreamed of cali / LA and then hated it?
but also i realized yeah i really need to drive to survive in america
which kinda made me hate it lol 
venice beach was rlly nice like cali beaches r beautiful 
but like i envisioned it i went there alone and then felt hella unsafe the whole night there 
im sorry but it is not the 80s anymore 😭? lMFAOO OBV mfs were on DRUGS 
i saw jana there! that was cool also finally went to astro burger and fairfax 
thrifting there was ass
overall LA dissapointed me but i got high and ate good mochi which was cool 
OHH also i went to smokers club fest which was like the best music festival i ever been to
also i guess shoutout to nadim for coming and basically driving me / us there cuz honestly if he didnt idk how the hell i woulda got there / back
oh wait i forgot so yeah after my 16 hour flight and hours of walking around dt LA then to venice and walking all of venice someone tried to rob me at like 11 pm on the LA metro nice! nice! i was also high as shit! nice ! nice! lMAOFEFKEROPIGJERIS
good thing im a very good high functioning stoner? also my phone was plugged into my powerbank so my phone just went flying out both our hands and i just picked it up IGOT SO LUCKYY LMGOOOO WITHOUT IT IWOULDA BEEN FUCKEDDD imagine all the pics i woulda lost omfg naiufhrguiherguerh anywho thank god i didnt lose it kgriojgsrigjsr 
i didnt even see the guy at all omg egroghtiughrtjg
anyways after that i finally saw zaina after like 4 years in sf 
i guess sf was cool like it was normal majority of it i was just w zaina then could only go to the city w nada 
i mean honestly travelling and doing things is alone is always kinda like.. whats the point? but i dont think sf or LA are good for solo travel?LOOL 
but i guess that confirms i dont want to live in cali? i liked the nature and ppl there but uhhh idk maybe if i drived? idk fuck us lol 
im just happy i got to go to smokers fest lol
anywho i came back and then moved into my new place in ad and started working at am 
actually technically my first am meeting was in sf at like 4 am and i slept through it lMFAEOFJREIFJ  
but yeah then i started working at am 
i met that dumbass who i worked w for like 6 FUCKING MONTHS dealing w her ass and babysitting her dumb ass
i didnt even kno she would be there but whatever 
i tried to b cool w her but on god ive never met a more stupid human ever 
thank god i have a brain and im cultured and have critical thinking skills like THANK GOD IM ME 
then the whole j shit happened honestly dont want to talk or think about it anymore
tldr is i was mad lonely and its been so long since i talked to a guy that was a dumbass misogynist arab that the second i did i wasl like oooo 
and the fact that ivana also described him didnt help fueled my delusions 
even tho she said it wasnt him i didnt care cuz im a dumbass
then that actual dumbass fueled me more 
but honestly shout out to me telling her about ivana cuz if i didnt she wouldnt have led herself to her downfall which meant i woulda had to keep working w her lMFAOOO she stressed me the hell out on god 
but yeah anyways honestly all that was just bullshit im just sick an tired over the gl shit
unfortunately all that delusion and bs made 2022 a horrible fucking year cuz i was mentally stressed and depressed and having breakdowns left and right
but at the same time made me rlly passionate for work which helped me pass my probation w flying colours
now the mf think we cool when i highkey HATE his ass now 
seriously drained the fuck out me after all that bullshit im like a somber dead zombie now 
never NEVER i deadass 10000000 mean it this time am i ever going crazy over someone ever again
gl better love me and reciprocate or NOTHING im not sacrificing myself ever again FUCK no 
also worst bday of my life seriously unless i DIE theres no way my future bdays can be as bad as i spent the one this year 
it literally makes my blood boil because i did not deserve that 
basically after may my whole life became work and it was horrible i had ppl messaging me and irl asking me if i was okay like it was a complete 180 from yp i did nothing in that job to fucking EVERYTHING LIFE CONSUMING BULLSHIT in this one
hence why im now over all this bs and over working and over extending myself for this job , once 5 pm hits BYE also not working extra or more than i have to fuck yall this is just one job im still young i got my whole future ahead of me
work smarter not harder is my moto end of the day i get my money i get my exp and we go up this isint my end all and i can ALWAYS do better
not saying im not grateful for this job i rlly am but the way i approach it now is gunna be mad different in 2023 cuz i cant do that shit to myself again
but since im 10000000% over that bitch it should be easier
now my focus is just to do the shit i need to do work on mysself and personal goals, manage the mf i need to manage and travel 
which is another thing shout out to them for all the travel i did this year lMFAOO
like yeah my bday sucked ass but right after i got sent to helsinki which i loved moomin world brrr
then i went to copenhagen to see amin e and i love denmark too
except for throwing up before my flight to london hmmm
also ididnt know they smoked there that might be my future city fr LMAO 
then i went to london which was fire i missed that city its like a european ? british ? toronto LMFAO but cooler imo less shittier weather
chilled w p and k 
got high 2 brr 
european loud is weird lol 
i saw j there and  was ocnfused as to why i felt nothing yeah no SHIT bitch the mf ugly and boring as hell 
really need to constantly remind myself who the FUCK i am and what im capable of omfg 
the way my confidence and self-esteemed dropped this year
now i have no energy for none of that i just dont give a fuck about nothing anymore 
being in london was coo w money tho ugh shout out to having funds
also i got a ps5 this year best purchase ever
i think at this point i just wanna save now like meh i guess there is things i want but idk 
i dontt knowwww
after london was more bs ass work
went to seattle which i actually liked lol more than cali 
i was just happy to exp fall weather 
oh i ddidnt rlly mention how much records i bought this year LFMSIOERGJEFE 
london and copenhagen thrifting was IT and so was record shopping
but seattle was x10 better jfc 
i think i have almost all records i want? except for a few but ill get the rest this year i guess 
after seattle or i guess during idk that dumbass got fired brr karma 
went rogue on events still sends me 😭😭😭😭 mf if only u KNEW 
i think at that point i was just exhausted like from travel and what not i just wanted to stay at home and gym
too much travel = i was eating weird and not gyming so idk 
im getting back on track now but smh
 i read a lot this year which was good
movies was okay 
finished the most paintings this year
got into oil pastels and 3d sculpting 
my gym is fuckkk amazing except i miss my old pilates teacher and boxing teacher fml 
consume by chase atlantic took over this year for me LMFAOO smfh 
went to SA again hated it annoying 
yeah by december i was drained as hell from work like i still am 
shout out to sam still for being my only friend this year STYLL 
oh yeah nadine came love her 
z came too but honestly meh .. lol ? the d apple picking thing cheeses me out but whatever 
like how u actively friends w someone who shits on me and then go on smthing that was our thing w them?
so done w bum ass canada honestly no intention of going back there at all
another thing to like im kinda over all my canada friends like yeah yall are still my friends but i dont care anymore im not letting the past drag me back 
im just not allowing myself to suffer anymore 
hmm wat. else
yeah idk this year was just swallowed by work
sole was ass met amine felt ass about it 
 i need to do something w myself that i genuinely gaf i need to put myself out there more
i need saturn to move the FUCK out of aquarius that what the fuck ineed
now that that bitch is starting to move im already starting to feel better
but now i gotta wait styll until fucking march for that sooo 
overall like hard ass year high high and low lows 
im still grateful for myself + life and happy i get to save money and make money and gain experience and travel 
im just hoping next year i can do a good job at work normally and be happier / more balanced and make stuff that i genuinely like 
i just want to be happier this year
2023 will be better 
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purejackiez · 2 years
like the rest of the seasons, stranger things season 4 was still engaging to watch. Still, there were issues that I had with it, so this will be my rant about what I didn't like.
SPOILERS: Obviously everyone including me is upset with Eddie's death, so im not even gonna go on about that, im super disappointed
Not sure why they had to make Nancy and Steve have a thing again instead of just moving on. Sure, Steve is definitely a much better person now and has changed since then, but it's just a little unfortunate since Nancy is already in a relationship with Jonathan. Steve deserves someone who will actually love him and is sure about it. What sucks even more was how pointless Jonathan was in this season. His performance in first seasons was amazing but this season they made him a stoner that barely does anything. His scenes and most of Mike's scenes were a bit pointless... Everything that goes in Mike's head is his constant worry of El and their relationship. Wish Mike was more than that but thats pretty much his whole life story now at this point.
Don't like how Max just suddenly "came back to life" and have a "miracle" bs. Not that I want her to die although if it was to exchange with eddie's life then i might reconsider... but this to me just seems like lazy writing. Or they're just too scared to kill a main character for some reason. Killing side characters comes very easily apparently, which ig makes sense but this time they really messed up with eddie's death, so pointless and predictable. he deserves better.
I also think Will deserve better as well. I mean first off what does he even see in Mike anyways. Second, for being a character that was so important in the other seasons just to see him be the complete opposite this season sucks as well. So I hope to see more from him next season. Like many characters, he's been through a lot of shit as well, and I wish he's happier once its over. Istg if they kill him... thats just a dick move.
Even with all of this, I still enjoyed this show enough to stay up later than usual just to finish it. I still love stranger things, and I will watch season 5 as soon as it comes out. Just hoping that they really have a good finale that makes up for it, and enough for us to remember this show in our hearts even long after it ends
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
hey im back again as a functioning individual and im here to unpack my thoughts on shattered glasses
first off, i love how this fic got dark with all the stalking and yandere behaviors like it can be so fun to read, though i know that it is just to show what a horrible person jeno is but i want more it (im sorry theres something wrong with my head 😭). and wow, their relationship is not exactly the same as the first part because in this, y/n can actually dare to ignore jeno or his calls and texts, and she lied about things too (like im sorry im just so shocked because idk if im dumb or just forgetful but how long was the jump from rose-colored glasses to shattered glasses???) because why do i feel like she is a different person even tho she is still the same naive and manipulated girl like uGHHHH!!! jeno too, i know it was in the tags but i was also surprised to him being a teeny tiny bit romantic to y/n?!?!?? with his “how lucky am i to have you” or “you truly are the best thing that happened to me” even tho we all truly know why he said that :/ it just amazes me how fast jeno can turn the tables around when the both of them are fighting and how y/n quickly apologizes like when she told him that her friends know about their relationship!?! like girl, y/n stand up please why the hell are you afraid of him leaving you. but i guess i can understand her cause a bit(?) of her childhood and her relationship with her parents has been revealed. and god her father infuriates me so much 😪 (istg the psych major in me is about to unleash and make a wholeass case study on her and jeno :3) i know she doesnt have a good relationship with her brother but like jaemin infuriates me too like i was scoffing and rolling my eyes the whole time i reading through their interaction with y/n like its great he’s concerned, also cause jeno is his best friend so he knows how horrible he is but !!! at least y/n was able to wake tf up on how toxic her relationship with jeno really is. and the ending too !!! idk why i find it hard to believe everything that came out of jeno’s mouth in that scene because really, he was envious of y/n?!??!? what kinda bs is he making her believe now :/// but then again, there’s probably an explanation or theory on why the both of them turned out that way (nnghh im sorry again 😭) apparently there’s something wrong with y/n’s head too because in that scene where jeno admitted to stalking her and beating jaehyun up, she stayed and didnt leave him like that is actually so SOOO scary irl omg please what the fuck is the spell jeno put on her. i am intrigued curious looking forward on what happens next and i cant wait for the day y/n actually breaks free from jeno’s chains just as much as he is free from his demons >< tho i just read your answer to my previous ask and i respect your decision on not writing a third part for this series. i just wanna say that i enjoyed this fic and series very very very much like i actually passed an activity late because as i said i couldnt function after reading this last night. i literally was huffing and puffing unconsciously thinking of y/n’s life choices and a huge part of my day was spent zoning out trying to think of the events in this fic or like what will it take for her to actually have the guts to leave him.
ANYWAY!!! im sorry this got too long, it just seriously affected me 🥹 but yeah, have a good day and i hope you never lose your passion for writing 🫶🏽 i will probably be going through your masterlist and try to forget that i have a life outside of my bedroom. -♏️
ps: can i be ♏️ anon if its okay with you?!?
first off, i love how this fic got dark with all the stalking and yandere behaviors like it can be so fun to read, though i know that it is just to show what a horrible person jeno is but i want more it (im sorry theres something wrong with my head 😭)
no i agree, i think it's interesting to dig deep into these things. morally grey characters will never bore me and also it's kinda therapeutic, idk, it gives me the illusion i'd be able to point out similar behaviours irl and don't fall in the trap.
it has been 6 months since the end of rose-colored glasses. i think it feels different because in the first part they weren't dating until more than half of the story. like she was the worst hopeless romantic on earth and he was (still is) the biggest asshole so their relationship was less serious, unlike this part. also in the first part, she was the only one that seemed in love so maybe now it looks like she's less blindly in love just because jeno is the one that lost his mind. in my mind she is a bit stronger though, for example when they fight after coming back from the club, she snaps back and tries to leave and she is also quite firm about it but jeno's manipulative skills are just too strong. surely you know it better than me since you studied psychology (my high school years are not enough, sorry) but he switches from attacking her to loving her (love bombing her or telling her she is the one that doesn't know how to love) as soon as he realizes he's losing control, and it works because on the other hand, as soon as she gets a bit of love everything else disappears (we will blame her father for that). the only thing that seems like a red flag for her is the bet, though, she realizes he's maybe lying to her only when that thought crosses her mind and it sucks because she seriously cannot see anything else. the same thing happens in the end, she's terrified he's the cause of everything but when he confesses she stays anyway and comforts him. also she thinks he's lying but then she's like 'oh, but he finally opened up with me so all the lies he fed me with don't matter anymore,' i want to hug her and drag her out of there.
and god her father infuriates me so much 😪 (istg the psych major in me is about to unleash and make a wholeass case study on her and jeno :3)
PLEASE DO IT i might need it if i'll write more
jaemin is... jaemin. i mean i don't want to defend jeno but let's be honest, it might be true that he also just wants to come between her apparent happiness, until ningning brought it up he was like ??? my sister??? is she here??? is she at home??? idc *shrugs* so yes, he's becoming more protective but i truly think that the only people she can trust are ning and yeri. also the 'funny' thing is that jaemin doesn't truly know how terrible jeno is. nobody, except her now, knows it so jaemin wants to protect her from things that aren't as problematic as the reality.
idk why i find it hard to believe everything that came out of jeno’s mouth in that scene because really, he was envious of y/n?!??!? what kinda bs is he making her believe now :/// but then again, there’s probably an explanation or theory on why the both of them turned out that way (nnghh im sorry again 😭) apparently there’s something wrong with y/n’s head too because in that scene where jeno admitted to stalking her and beating jaehyun up, she stayed and didnt leave him like that is actually so SOOO scary irl omg please what the fuck is the spell jeno put on her.
jeno is genuine in this one, as genuine as a person with manipulation as a love language can be lmao. but the last part of their fight was truly a confession. i don't want to spoil in case i might actually write another part but yes, he has something that's clinically wrong, and she has something too. they both clearly have unresolved traumas to work with. it is scary that she didn't leave, but for me is actually sad because she craves love so much that she'd rather stay there, even if jeno 'gave her'* an opportunity to leave than find healthy love. * we all know he would've started stalking her again but at least the illusion of freedom and than she could've always sued him.
i am intrigued curious looking forward on what happens next and i cant wait for the day y/n actually breaks free from jeno’s chains just as much as he is free from his demons >< tho i just read your answer to my previous ask and i respect your decision on not writing a third part for this series. i just wanna say that i enjoyed this fic and series very very very much like i actually passed an activity late because as i said i couldnt function after reading this last night. i literally was huffing and puffing unconsciously thinking of y/n’s life choices and a huge part of my day was spent zoning out trying to think of the events in this fic or like what will it take for her to actually have the guts to leave him.
i am too actually, i'm just a bit sad because it really underperformed (is this even the term? idk, i'm tired sorry) and i'm a bit meh :/ since i was really proud of it and i seriously enjoyed writing it. i'll write another part just for the two of us okay??? /j (or am i??) no but seriously i have the plot ready so maybe i'll write it taking more time and then i'll post it anyway. btw i'm very happy to know you liked it so much, i'm sorry i broke you, i'll make it up in some other ways. so thank you so much for unpacking your thoughts, i loved reading them! i also hope i won't lose it but life is putting me through a hard test lately. i hope you will read something that won't 'traumatize' you like this one, i promise i have lighter stories. have an amazing day! ♡♡
and yes you can be ♏️ anon ♡
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fuwushiguro · 2 years
hope you're having a great day luxe <3
i know that you probably get a ton of asks about wusyaname and maybe its a bit tiring to read about it but you dont understand how much i love the dynamic. mean!megumi?? nobody writes him like you do. im genuinely in love with your writting style. i love how reader is a torn between yuji and megumi. i love how reader is trying to convince herself of possibly feelings shes trying to deny all while trying her best in staying loyal to yuji- who- doesnt have contact with her for a while (up until the latest chapter(s) AND megumi is kind of warming up to her(WHICH WAS AMAZINGLY WRITTEN) and honestly, im not sure what to think about wusyaname!megumi now cuz as much as i wanna love him hes just done so many things man 😭 and also can we talk about the pacing? literally perfect. absolutely, genuinely, perfect. one issue i have with reading is i cant seem to find the fics with good pacing. its either too slow or too fast-paced. and wow, yours though? it had my CAPTIVATED and gripping my seat for the next chapter istg. im so happy with how all your works turn out. and not only do i love wusyaname, i thoroughly enjoyed you deserve roses and you know this ohhh lord i cannot tell you how good this was. literally brought me to tears. i know this was a little while ago but i still think about it daily <3 it was so beautifully written, you have the hands of angels i swear. your writting literally cured my acne and made my lactose intolerance go away. that fr tho had me crying and sliding down my wall. i dont know why i torture myself with cheating fanfics it HURTS man but i am so happy i read the ones you wrote because i got a taste of fucking HEAVEN. and the one sentence that went like "he was yours before his wife came" (i know its not exact) had my heart hurting man. i was literally sobbing why do i do this to myself 😭 it was so fucking deep and quite literally made me cry, oh my God, that was heavenly luxe. you are the most talented writter ever, i swear.
thank you luxe for everything you do please have an amazing day/night/evening <33 (also i saw your rb on sending long messages lol i finally have the courage to write this now <3)
wusyaname asks are pretty much the only ones i get about my fics which is always welcome i love talking about it so i dont mind if u wanna come here and gush over it hehe, gives me a reason to keep writing it! i dont even remember how i got the idea for bully megumi and this entire series but ive been writing it for over a year now and im so glad i decided to continue writing and that so many people have stuck with it and are still reading it to this day 🥺
but O M G that toji fic killed me!! another one i loved writing since it was based on a dream so im glad i have that fic to remember it in a weird way? like, it was a horrible dream where I woke up crying but it's cool that I dreamt about my absolute fave it was v cool in a way. its v v v emotional I definitely added a lot more plot into the fic but the dream was a bit different and just SO emotional wow.............
but omg thank you so much for your praise im not sure i deserve it tbh but i appreciate it so much! thank you for sending me such a sweet and beautiful ask it means the world to me, truly. feel free to send an ask whenever u wanna chat or anything pls dont be shy i dont bite <3
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ruluxe · 2 years
i had a friend back in the 8059 fandom that did smth really insane, and they decided to rewrite the khr manga with yamamoto/gokudera as the main focus because there was so much material to work with despite the relationship not actually being canon. it was a long time ago and idk if they ever finished it but man, it was really good.
so anway i was thinking like... we have some amazing billyteddy content spanning over years and different events but how cool would it be like to rewrite all that with billy and teddy as the main focus? filling in plot holes and gaps, writing out the aftermath of traumatic events and how it affects them as individuals and as couples. giving them some heftier character development, taking (a little) liberty with explaining billy and tommy's powers, giving billy, tommy and wanda a better behind the scenes relationship... i wanna do it. i need to do it. but damn that's rly ambitious lol
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k-comfyspace · 3 years
Star: Son Hyejoo (Loona)
Idea: Yes
Love: Hello~i love your works so much, it's so good istg im not even kidding, I hope you have/had a great day though<3 I just want to ask since a hyejoo imagine where fem reader tells her to at least take a rest because she's exhuasted lately bcs she's been pushing herself (literally all of them is, bbc isn't doing anything) also with her knee injury is taking a toll :<< and tells her to take a rest and takes care of her. Fluff pls😭
A/n: Such kind words
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Every step they took worried you, each time you would see them flinch, or look down on their knees as they went off stage.
Though, as much as you were concerned about everyone, your eyes were only drawn to one person, following her every move, concerned that any second she could fall. You knew it wasn’t likely, but it didn’t ease your worries when they had finished.
She knelt on the ground, her face stoic, a chic look on her face. Until the camera moved away.
She let her expression drop, closing her eyes as she breathed out deeply. You stood up from your place, walking past the staff to their waiting room. You were the first one in, sitting on the couch as you waited.
When you heard the chatter behind the door, you looked up. You smiled at each one as they entered, congratulating them on their successful performance.
"Everyone did great!" you commented, raising your thumbs while they smiled back,
"Were you really watching us? As far as I could tell, you only had your eyes on one of us," Hyunjin commented, squinting her eyes, teasingly, while the others laughed at the cat's comment.
A light blush spread on your cheeks, punching her playfully on the shoulder before you padded over to your girlfriend.
Hyejoo was seated on the couch, drinking a bottle of water before wiping her sweat. You took a seat on the table in front of her, looking down at her knees as you cringed, seeing the blood trailing down. You clicked your tongue and looked around, seeing a box of tissues behind you.
Reaching for it, you carefully tapped her knee, careful as to not press too hard, while the girl let you. She only moved her knee when you went to rub it slightly,
"It hurts," you heard her mutter, pushing your hand away. Though you held her wrist.
"It’ll be done in a second," you murmured, focused on your task while Hyejoo closed her eyes, absorbing the slight sting that would come once in a while.
When you finished both knees, you sighed, taking both of her hands in yours. You knew it brought the girl comfort, even though the countless times she pretended to hate the skinship, you could read her eyes easily to know when she needed it.
Right now, you could see the way her eyes softened, feeling her squeeze your hands, a breath escaping her lips as she closed her eyes for a moment.
It was almost as if you two only existed in the room. Thankfully, her members weren’t in the mood for teasing as they busied themselves with packing and changing.
They could see both of you, discreet smiles on their faces, but they let you two have your time knowing that you’ve spent far too long being apart.
"You have to take it easy, Hyejoo," you whispered after a while, rubbing circles on the back of her palms, the latter furrowing her eyebrows at the comment.
"I’m fine,"
She reasoned, a sigh withdrawing from your lips as you looked at her. Who could she fool?
The dark circles under her eyes, the way her voice was getting raspier, and the sluggish movements she would make when both of you got home.
It was all a sign that she was getting tired and, while she would continue to utter that she was fine, everything else proved her otherwise.
"Hyejoo," you started, but she sighed before you could say anything further,
"Y/n, I’m fine, it’s only a few more days till we’re done. I promise as soon as we are done promoting, I’ll rest,"
You stared at her for a while, looking into her eyes, you knew she was stubborn. Oftentimes, it was the reason why you wanted to take care of her, the way she wouldn’t stop for anything.
Though, as much as she wanted to keep going, you also saw the tiredness in her eyes, so with a sigh, you nodded.
Pulling her as you left a kiss on her forehead, giving her one more squeeze before letting your girlfriend change.
When Hyejoo left the room, a sigh escaped your lips before meeting their leader’s eyes. Haseul looked at you with a smile, having seen the exchange between her member.
It made her happy, knowing that someone else could take care of her friend like she does and more. She always relied on you to make Hyejoo happy. Though she had no issues in that regard, the older girl was glad that you could make her happier.
As long as Hyejoo was in your hands, she had nothing to worry about.
Soon enough, a week had already gone by. The girls had finished promoting, which meant that it was time for them to get the rest that they needed.
Hyejoo was at the dorms, packing her things since she decided that she would want to spend some time with you during their break.
Her members had no qualms about it since most of them had no plans, and they could always come to visit if they wanted to.
You adjusted your glasses, as you continued your work in your room when the door opened. You raised your head at the intruder, knowing that you didn’t have anyone over. When you saw the familiar brown hair, you stood up with a smile.
You padded towards Hyejoo and opened your arms, which your girlfriend didn’t refuse. Entering your embrace as she reveled in your warmth, resting her head on your chest, she sighed.
Feeling your arms circling her body. You closed your eyes, letting the silence settle as you left a kiss on her forehead, resting your cheek on top of her head. Both of you stood there for a while, no words exchanged.
Hyejoo was unmoving, sighing whilst she felt you rub her back. Even if both of you were the same height, she felt so small in your arms.
The way you would occasionally leave kisses on her forehead when you whisper sweet nothings, and the warmth you would give her every time you cuddle.
You kept her in your arms before you took a step to the right, then the left. Alternate steps, since Hyejoo had her eyes closed, she thought you brought her to your bed. But after a few minutes, she heard you hum quietly as you continued slowly swaying side-to-side.
Another breath left her lips, everything felt so satisfying
By the end of the day, she was able to come to you when she sought comfort, happiness, and someone to support her. You will always be the most amazing girlfriend ever, she couldn’t put into words how much you mean to her.
She would always feel bad that you were the only one to make sacrifices, but each time she felt that way, you would always say the same thing.
Cupping her cheek and staring into her eyes, "I love you now, I’ll love you tomorrow, and I’ll love you for the rest of my life."
It always successfully flustered her, a bright tinge of pink on her cheeks, which only seemed to grow when you smiled at her.
"I didn’t notice you came in," you whispered, withdrawing from her partially, still keeping your arms around her hips.
"Are you busy with work?" she asked, a look forming in her eyes, but you were quick to stop her, placing a finger on her nose, taking her attention from her thoughts.
"I can go to work later, I’m almost done. We can rest for a while," you said, Hyejoo sighing since she couldn’t stop you. Sometimes both of you were alike, completely stubborn.
You led her to bed, both of you moving to your sides before meeting in the middle. You rested your back against the headboard, while Hyejoo leaned against your chest, playing around with your hair as both of you let the silence set in.
A few minutes later, you heard a yawn, looking down at your girlfriend, you met her eyes. She rested her chin on your chest as she looked back at you.
"Do you want to sleep?" You asked, seeing the nod, you caressed her head, leaving another kiss on her forehead.
"You can rest," you told her, but Hyejoo shook her head, seeing the furrow in her eyebrows before she smiled, reaching up to remove your glasses, folding them, and placing them on her nightstand.
"Nap with me," you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face, shifting down to lay on the bed, your girlfriend taking her place in your arms, head resting in the crook of your neck, half of her body on top of yours.
It was these kinds of moments that made you happy. Even through every challenge you two faced together, you were happy that there was always a good ending.
Rewarding moments where both of you did nothing except bask in each other, it almost felt better to spend a long time apart, that way, when you two come together again, you can cherish it more.
Bright lights shone in her eyes, a groan slipping past her lips as she opened them.
Hyejoo adjusted her vision, waking up as she took in her surroundings. She took note of the dark ceiling, matching the small stars that were littered all over, acting as the night sky as some of them sparkled because of the sun.
She turned to the side, seeing you sleeping peacefully. Throughout the night, you moved in your sleep, turning to your side as you faced the girl.
Hyejoo took the time to observe your features, from your soft brown hair to your eyes, your cute button nose and your pink lips. It baffled her sometimes that you always thought she was the prettiest.
But it was always you that she thought was the prettiest in the world. No word could describe you, no number could rate you, and no one could ever compare to you.
As subtle as she could, Hyejoo raised her hand, shuffling it under yours before interlocking your fingers. A smile formed on her lips when she felt you squeeze her unconsciously. She placed a kiss on the back of your hand, putting all the love and gratitude she could ever give.
A few minutes later, she felt you shift, opening your eyes as you met hers. A smile forms on your lips, the smile she never knew she would be addicted to.
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yakumtsaki · 3 years
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Welcome to the second part of the BackupKingdom2 saga finale, appropriately entitled Doomed, since a) we’re going for the suicidal achievement of the ~Legendary Doomsword~ which is ridic and I’ve never managed to complete it, and b) Liz’s reign is for real doomed.
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Kingdom-wise, after a blissful period of security the bandits are back with a vengeance, emerging from the forest every morning in single file like the fucking 7 dwarves.
-Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, a-pillaging we gooo!🎵
UGH LIZ. THIS IS WHAT YOUR BATSHIT TYRANNY HAS GOTTEN US. But worry not, because it’s not just the kingdom that’s going to shit, it’s Liz’s 3rd marriage as well:
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I’ve no idea what went down on free will while I was questing around, but Liz now has this permanent negative buff caused by Linotta’s existence. We really didn’t have enough problems around here so this was much needed.
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Perhaps Linotta objected to the fact Liz practically lives by the mail box, bombarding Piratefu with messenger pigeons 24/7.
-One of these days she’ll forgive me and agree to come over!!!
Sure she will Liz, I mean if anything pirates are famed for their forgiving nature.
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At this point I really can’t deal with Liz’s shitty mood anymore, she’s flopping so hard in her tasks and it’s this vicious cycle of her doing badly>being in an even worse mood because of it>>whining endlessly etc etc, so I’m sorry Linotta but tonight is elimination night in BackupKingdom2′s Next Royal Wife.
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-How could I give you a royal heir, we didn’t have the same-sex pregnancy mod until today!!!
-I don’t have time for your nonsense excuses, now get the hell off my property!
-The whole kingdom is your property!!
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-Of course you can’t pull it off, you don’t have the curves for it!
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-Alright I guess that’s true, you can keep it. BUT YOU’RE STILL EXILED AS FUCK
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-Oh Heavens above, wherever will I go now? Oh that’s right, to one of the dozen other kingdoms that aren’t being run into the ground by some dumbass lunatic with stupid hair and a cucky non-crown!!!
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-Troubadour Bellinda has an entire series of plays mocking you, you idiot! Whatever, I’m out, I hate this orange decor anyway!! There are other colors, you know!!!
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Man that was rough, how you holding up Liz?
Of course not!
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Bellinda better pack it in before we’re mourning more victims around here.
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Song of the woooooods, sad sooooooong of the woods, calling Piratefuuuu, mon amour fouuuu🎵
Incredible song Liz, clearly you’ve never been better so I’ll just leave you unattended for a bit and go play some actual quests-
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-WHAT THE FUCK. PIRATEFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-I heard Liz’s enchanting song of the woods and came out! 
You’ve been living in the woods this entire time????
-Well where else would I live?
I don’t know, I assume you had a house somewhere!!!
-Nop, just went back to my bandit tent. 
Good Lord, we could have at least given you a divorce settlement or something, we’re the WORST.
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-KAYLEY MY DARLING YOU’RE HERE!!!! I knew my amazing song would work, it took me one year to compose it! 
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-You’re looking well Liz, word of your execution spree has reached me, clearly bathing in blood agrees with you!
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-Oh my love, I should have never left you for that elf twat, her stupid kingdom has the most useless exports of all time!!! But don’t worry, she was among the first people I executed! Here’s a white rose dipped in her blood!
-Aw Liz, you always know just what to say!
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-Can you forgive me, my darling, and be my bandit queen again?
-I’ve waited so long to hear you say that, Liz!
-Well let me say it again on one knee-
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-Please marry me again, Kayley, I’ve been going a bit cray cray without you, I love you with every beat of my stone-cold heart!
-God, I’ve dreamt of this so many times..
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-I DID DREAM OF IT! Dreamt of turning you down HAHAHAHA. Oh God, this felt SO good. Thank you, Liz. Be well!
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-Listen.. You.. me.. together again.. ruling.. executing.. everyone scared of us.. it will be just the way it used to! And we have the same-sex pregnancy mod now, imagine the kind of kids we’ll produce! 
-Damn you, you’re so persuasive.. And I *am* tired of living in a tent.
-Well then..
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Piratefu girl istg. Like I can’t even be mad, this was masterful, well played.
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Of course Liz is devastated and we all know what that means..
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-You are released!
-Thank you, your Majesty!
-And sentenced to death!
Great, all in a day’s work. Now if we can get on with some actual work around here, we have the Legendary Doomsword to make or die trying (and we will). See you in part 2!!
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stalksbyakuyatogami · 3 years
Oh my god, successfully summoning an ancestor with the V3 boys was amazing! Thank you so much! Could you do the same thing with the V3 Girls (exept Kaede because she is in your Blacklist)?
Summoning An Ancestor With V3 Girls!
aaaaaaaaaaa!! thank you anon!! im glad you liked it :))
warning: might be a long read
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Himiko Yumeno
•You thought you'd excite her? The opposite. Sure, she always bragged about her magic, but she's actually all bark no bite. Just when you thought her magic would finally be put into use. She even refused doing it when she heard the ancestor part. There's no way in hell that she'd want to witness a phantom in this school. Especially at the third floor. But by some miracle and bribery, you managed to drag her in.
•She was slightly quivering just by the ambience of the room. It was a bit dark, just lit up by a few candles that barely even did their job. Although, she was curious of all the things that you had laid out. She would take a few glances on it every second, not sure if to feel fear or curiousity.
•When the spirit appeared, all she could do was tearfully and fearfully watch the ascending spirit. She was frozen in place. She might be fearing it, but she also thought that it was awesome. If she was a mage, she could do this all the time.
•She just stood there the whole time you talked to your ancestor. She ahd questions of her own, but she's just trying to bottle them all up, hoping that you'd miraculously ask them. As if channeling her thoughts you.
•After you were done, she was speechless. She was trying to process everything that just happened. She asked you if she can ask some questions too next time. Let her ask please xD.
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Kirumi Tojo
•She's intrigued. It's the first time that she's having this request... but it's more like a favor. Same thing right? She'd like to see a spirit too. She might use this information someday, who knows. She agreed.
•She looked at all the things you had on the floor. Very dangerous. So she would guide you on how to use it properly. You might mess something up, but she's there to help.
•She was on alert when you started chanting unfamiliar words, but she remained calm and rational. Her hand will be ready to grab yours in case you had to flee. Your ancestor appeared earlier than you expected. She took just a step back when the spirit emerged. Intimidated by the spirit, she suggested that you two get out. But when the spirit spoke that you two can stay, she calmed down, but of course she's still on guard.
•While you conversed with your ancestor, she was observing it. Trying to identify which century they came from. She was trying to figure out if she would know how to serve them if they were still alive. Disregarding that, she's behaved and formal towards the spirit. She kept quiet the whole time and had her hands on top of the other, listening to the whole conversation.
•When you ended the session, she exhaled a breath of relief and congratulated you for doing a great job handling the spirit. There was something bugging her mind and you couldn't figure out what that was. But she reassured you that it was nothing. She agreed to come again the next time you perform another summoning.
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Angie Yonaga
•This actually piqued her interest. She might  be an artist, but she also takes interest in occult. So obviously, she's agree with you right away. She's excited, to be honest. But first, you'd hold a prayer to Atua. Pray for it to be successful. You couldn't escape her, so you just joined her, or you waited until she finished.
•She was humming while you two were heading for the room. When she saw your materials, her interest shot up. She even asked you if you needed a pint of blood because she'll get it right away. You tell her that a pint is not needed. In fact, you didn't need anything that was out of this room. Everything necessary is already here.
•She was a bit disappointed when no spirit appeared 8 seconds after you called it. And she presumed that maybe Atua didn't like this time and day fir the summoning. She would take her words back when it finally appeared. Amazement was glossing her eyes. How amazing Atua is.
•She was the one to ask questions first. What can you do? She's hella curious! The phantom was overwhelmed with the questions and eventually stopped answering them. She promised to keep quiet while you asked for advice but only if you'll let her ask more questions when you finish. She hummed while you communicated so it was kinda distracting. She's just excited give her a break xD.
•When you two were finished, she gave you her insight and told you that it was an amazing experience! She would love to do it with you again. She might just summon Atua next time!
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Maki Harukawa
•Maki gave you a questioning look. What? A summoning? You seriously believe in that? That's nothing but a wishful thinking. But seeing that you insist so bad, she had no choice but to come with you. She just wants your mouth to shut up, so she agreed.
•The materials you had were pretty unfamiliar to her considering she's an assassin. She thinks this is all just bullshitry, nothing more. She has to put up with it though. She actually helped you do the methods, correcting whenever you get something wrong.
•Maki got tired of waiting after 10 seconds. "I already told you. This is not working." Which she'd immediately take back. The phantom loomed over you two. She creased her eyebrows. She still can't believe. But she had no choice but to suck it up. She nervously swallowed and grabbed something that wasn't there; a weapon.
•She stood there, despising the phantom a bit, but still listened to what it said. She didn't have her personal questions; regarding the killing game that is. She had all the questions on her mind. Who? What? Why? How? HOW?! She was making a weird face that slightly disturbed the spirit.
•When you finished the session, she told you how weird that experience was. But she's relieved that you got some advice from them. Might not go with you the next time. Not because she's terrified of the ghost. She thinks it's hella weird and it sends a shiver up her spine.
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Tenko Chabashira
•"S-s-summoning?! Thats kinda... new..." She's a bit creeped out. Just the thought of seeing a ghost is enough to make her cringe. She asks you if you're sure. Just in case you change your mind, she'd still be supporting you.
•You led her up to the third floor of the school. She was a bit fidgety and she always asks you if you'd change your mind right now. She was shocked of all thr items in the room. She was alarmed and posed defensively. She had no idea how all of these work, so she read the instructions on the book and helped you even just a little bit.
•She was actually relieved that your ancestor didn't appear... yet. The relief immediately went away when the translucent spirit came to... life. How ironic. She was actually terrified of the spirit now. She hidea behind your back, promising to defend you if anything happens.
•She was behind you the whole time you talked. She wouldn't dare utter a word. But maybe she'll sneak her catchphrase in when your ancestor is male. She watched the spirit with anxious and confused eyes.
•She was extremely relieved when you were done. It was like getting rid of the thorn on her side. She felt easy again. I doubt that she'd go with you the next time... That was terrifying. Who knew spirits were real?
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Miu Iruma
•She's quite disgusted of the thought. You still believe in those things at your age? Pathetic. Believe in technology instead! Now come here and let me test this new invention of mine! Its functions are—! She agreed to join you. But just for research purposes and future references. Decided to make an impromptu camera to tape the summoned spirit. That might just be a breakthrough.
•She was full of complaints during your trip. She held her camera to where all the necessary objects for the ritual was placed. Istg she might be doing a documentary. Bad commentator I would say. She dissed all the objects that you had laid out. What the hell, man? She didn't help you. She just picked these up and observed it through the camera. She filmed your process.
•She was impatiently waiting for the ghost to appear. She was about to turn her camera off when she heard the phantom's booming voice. She cowered in fear, almost dropping her camera. She hid behind your back, whimpering.
•She watched your ancestor fearfully while you asked questions. She would mutter unholy things under her breath and you would be distracted by that. Like, do souls have pps or something of the sort.
•She only filmed half of the thing. Let's just hope that that ghost and the audio show up in the recordings. She wouldn't accompany you ever again. That shit was terrifying.
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Tsumugi Shirogane
•She was excited. But of vourse, she evaluated everything before she agreed with you. Summoning was both heart-throbbing and curious for her. So obviously, she wouldn't back out.
•She was quiet during the trip to the third floor. But she certainly had a smile on her face and stars for eyes. She was intrigued with all thr object you had laid out. She even grabbed one and tried to run it across her skin. But for safety purposes, yo told her to stop as it would ruin the ritual. She gladly obliged. She still observed the objects very closely though.
•She was starting to sigh as 8 seconds rolled by and nothing came out of your ritual. Just as she was about to leave, she squeaked at the spirit's frightening voice. She went back to her place and quietly apologized while she had her head down.
•She was just there... with her sparkling eyes boring into the summoned soul. She had all sorts of questions, and her face was turning pink. Probably from excitement. She had to bottle up all those questions too.
•After the session, she was too awestruck to utter a single word. She had sparkles in her eyes and her hands were merged together. She grabbed yours and enthusiastically said, "Let's do it again next time, S/O!"
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I'll fix the errors later. Thank you for requesting, anon.
-Mod Toko [Maki Shift]♡
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tastyykpop · 3 years
Will you do a dating headcanons for WayV? I love the 127 one!
Yayy I'm so happy you loved that one😌 its honestly one of my favs that I've written on this blog :)
ᴡᴀʏᴠ ʙғ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴɴᴏɴ
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Possibly the only normal boyfriend in wayv
He actually treats you like the members because he's just so used to it
But he's nicer and more lenient
Though if you start acting up he just stares at you until youre like 'lmao jk~"
Everyone sees how whipped he is and are always making fun of him as he tries to ignore it
"Kuns a whore for y/n!!!"
"Shut the fUCK UP LUCAS!!"
Kuns always babying you too >:(
Just loves to spoil his baby for no reason
Would actually get the most expensive clothing for you just because you stared at it longer than 5 seconds
Aways says he can get you anything since he has the money and you're like "baby, no save up😀✋"
And hes like "baby, yes heres some clothes😀✋"
Kuns the type to actually bring you onto his insta lives whenever he's bored
So hes like "y/ns here again!"
But the thing is people watch his lives for you😐
Jk jk
Nah most fans are super supportive though
Hes only once called someone out for being rude and until then, no ones messed with you
Kuns lowkey scary
He can be very assertive when he needs to with you but its nothing too serious
You find it hot dont lie
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Hes like a mix of haechan and jaehyun (if yall have read the 127 one)
Hes very touchy but won't hesitate to bully you
In a nice way shh
He wouldn't actually be mean :)
Buttt like if you did something embarrassing, hes gonna bring it up everyday up until you die
"This bitch knocked over a vending machine rip" hed say at you're funeral when yall are like 94
No but he's kind
And so cute around you
Calls you baby all the time
Thats like his thing
Imagine how he calls yangyang baby yangyang, now its baby y/n
Some members find his cuteness disgusting but you're like 😍🥰😘
Teaches you some dances no matter if you're good or bad
He'll also praise you for trying and doing a good job
Also sneaks in some touches because, like I said hes touchy
And clingy cuz why not
Hes always on top of you, kissing you, or just playing with your hair for the fun of it
If a member says something to him about it, he goes "ok and ? you jealous i don't kiss you like I kiss y/n?"
Just give him lots of attention cuz he's like a cat
Catboy ten is vibing
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Since he doesn't like pda too much, hes not going to do it a lot
He doesn't care if you initiate it though, in fact, he thinks its very cute
Sicheng knows its because you're a bit needy for his touch since he doesn't do it so he won't mind
Once in a blue moon he'll just walk over to you and kiss you suddenly
Then he steps away, blushing cuz he doesn't know what came over him
"Why did you get a kiss from him?? What the fuck!?"
"Because I'm his girlfriend, yuta🧍‍♂️"
"But did you marry him like I did? Didn't think so."
The amount of times his members actually glared at you because yall kissed is immaculate
But its funny cuz you made them jelly
Sichengs easily embarrassed by little acts of kindness or if you give him a small compliment
He laughs it off and puts his head down as he blushes but its cute asf
Bruh pinch his cheeks, like sometimes he's like 'oh fuck off' but most of the time he's like scrunching his face so adorably.
His patience is also pretty low so listen to him
Hes not afraid of showing hes angry or annoyed with you
His face just goes stone cold and you know your fucked up
Like wtf happened to the cutie that let you punch his cheeks
Other than that though hes a big baby boy
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Oh this goofy ass would be fun to date
Its just a bunch of laughing and giggling
You cannot even sleep in the same bed without wanting to either punch him or laugh
And though yall do laugh a lot, you're actually very madly in love with each other
Lucas is very nice and will not stand for anyone messing with his girlfriend
Hes possessive but not in a toxic way
Its more of him wanting to keep you safe
He'll also makes sure you both are happy all the time and if you guys need a break then you'll take a break for a bit
Moving on to some fun stuff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You and him have like daily rap battles
It goes back and forth in different languages and its funny hearing it
Members laugh every time Lucas goes "y/n...rap time!!!"
Another thing is Lucas can't keep his hands off you in anyway
Your hips? Free real estate
Your ass? His hands go there
The back of your neck? Seems like a nice place to grab every so often
Like he has so many places that he holds you by and its completely normal
Hes always saying stuff like "God, im so handsome." Then says "and you're so hot, no wonder why we are dating."
And you kinda just sit there like "yeah sure go off king🧎‍♀️"
There's no way he can go a day without complimenting you once
Its either your face, legs, ass, boobs, arms, hands, hair, this bitch could go off
And of course he expects it back, dont make him sad
"I complimented you twenty times today and I didn't get a compliment back what the fuck y/n😐"
".....you're hair looked really good today, I love the color."
"Oh my God really😳!? Thanks babe🥰, at first I wasn't sure i was gonna li-"
Just compliment him, it'll be ok
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The nicest person ever istg
Hes not normal in any way though but he's just really sweet
Will definitely make fun of you but not as bad as ten
Is such a bitch sometimes in a funny way
Just feels like complaining for no reason and you're like "i'm tryna watch a movie luv...."
Nah but he's amazing
Gets you a bunch of gifts whenever he feels like it
Sings for you if you ask
Jokingly says no sometimes just to see you pout but he'll do it regardless
Get him a gift and hes gonna refuse with the cutest smile while your just forcing it into his hands
Anything you give him is the most precious thing to him even if its stupid
Hes so in love omg
Bruh you guys in public is just adorable because this kid is shy but wants to hold your hand so bad
So hes like hesitating and so are you
Then bitch ass hendery comes in and grabs both of your hands and places it in each other's before he walks away with a smile
So now you're both walking with flushed cheeks but at least yall are holding hands
You can thank hendery for that
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My guy is a mix of loving, funny, and stupid
Hes so fun to be around though like there's never a dry conversation with him
Unless the room in awkwardly quiet or something
But then again you'd probably start laughing because he's so uncomfortable in silence
Is always lowkey judging you if you do something cute
Even though he asked you to do it
So you just glare at him after
Ask him to act cute and he'll do it without hesitation but its so funny
His eyes scream help but the rest of his face is normal
Omg yall compliment and roast each other on a daily
Its nothing too bad like how otherd would be but its something
You and hendery go shopping almost all the time even though yall don't get anything
You just kinda stare at the things saying "thats cute" then walk away, never batting an eyelash at it again
Some members would even say that henderys the same as he is with them, with you
Just more lovey
And more kisses
Ooo and hes also gentle
Especially if your just going for a kiss, hes always softly holding your hips or cheeks
Holding hands is an absolute must in public too or he fake crys
Actually let him cry cuz its hilarious to the rest of wayv and you
Jk no hold his hand cuz they're warm <3
Hes gonna swing his and your arm back and forth too while skipping because ✨priorities✨
You better skip along
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Haechan but make him chinese
No seriously, go back to what I wrote in 127's headcannon and thats basically what's gonna be here
Except yangyangs less bratty
Don't get me wrong hes still a brat but not haechan level of brat
He'll dead ass let you sleep with him just to push you off and laugh at you after
Would go for a kiss then blow in your face
You guys are more of bffs though but not because you kiss and do other shit together
Always pranking the members with him
Its the funniest thing if its on kun and no one knows why
Sometimes ten joins and its ten times better
Wait did I accidentally just make a ten joke-
Yangyang loves holding you
But at the same time doesn't because too much pda
Don't worry doe you can always just catch him off guard and sneak some kisses to make him blush😗✌
Then let him tackle you afterwards because you did it in front of everyone
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dr4cking · 3 years
CINTA HOE IDKW BUT I FEEL LIKE BEING EMOTIONAL BC YOU HIT 3K IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU- i still remember when you hit i think 400 followers and wanted me to help you with the celebration and that wasn't too far back. i am so proud of you and how far you've come! another thing, i love how you always have new fics out and are such an amazing person in general. like wtf?? you're so sweet, kind, funny, sarcastic and welcoming to everyone. ugh a true icon, we should take lessons from you. (istg if ur ego gets bigger from this-) you deserve all the more followers to come and i love you !
ALSO i am so glad that we bonded over papi hagrid and became quirky bsfs <3
fuck i remember those good old times where i was so dumb (still is) and always ask my idol (you) for a help annoying the shit outta you but those memories will be forever lived in my mind and i am so grateful to have you in my life stop im getting emo now I AM REALLY PROUD OF YOU TOO WE ARE GROWING TOGETHER. i literally learn a lot from you, and not to mention all your personalities always bring happiness to me, i still can’t believe until now that i get to call you my friend, i always adore the way you joke around, being sarcastic that it made me laugh out loud, and so nice to everyone even to me when we first interact! just everytime you come here it cheers my day up ngl I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOU EVE MY LITTLE BABY 😋😋💖💖
also yes i love how we came so far building a papi haggy’s whorish club that was the most iconic moments i’ve had in my life we matched so quickly, stay quirky bestie !!
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