#i know it spawns in earlier moons but..titan
lets-try-some-writing · 5 months
Titan!Mars concept(dust being rust makes a lot of sense) so funny cuz imagine the surprise if Mars were to accidentaly reveal himself thought.. Poor Cron not knowing peace with his brother spawn (*Unicron voice*Are there any more Titans i need to know about?! just that one Spongebob meme) Just overal love this concept and potential family drama
Moon: Not fair why is that dusty planet getting all those cute rovers? I only have a few and six useless flags
Mars:*brotherly rivalry activated, smugly forgetting himself*Because ur a sore loser
Mars: ...Frag-
This whole situation did occur, just earlier in the timeline. Mars accidentally outed himself a couple thousand years back in human history when the Romans and their precursors were worshipping planets (at least that is how it looked to the resident Titans). Mars was very good at remaining out of sight out of mind for the most part. But then of course, Moon had to go and complain.
Moon: Why do the humans worship all the planets and not me? My presence gives them their blasted tides!
Unicron: Could it be because you are a vicious creature more willing to ram into Earth than to give benevolence to her children?
Moon: Shut the frag up Unicron. I would never harm my dear Earth unless there was no other choice.
Unicron: Or unless your honor were under threat-
Earth: Moon, darling, you've had worshippers for millennia. This is nothing to get upset over.
Moon: But I give them more than those balls of dust! I am their light during night! I am their guide on stormy cycles! I do far more than that rusty rock over there!
Mars: *offended noise* Well excuse the frag out of me for daring to exist and actually do my job of watching over the Unmaker.
Moon & Earth & Unicron: 👀
Mars: You've always been a sore loser Moon. Just admit you have a garbage personality and we can move on.
And it was on that day that Moon found a new (or perhaps old) rival. Unicron thinks it is the most amusing thing to happen in all his time as a sleeping rock. He has only found more amusement in Pluto when he arrived and immediately chose to be trigger happy.
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thesevenseraphs · 7 years
Destiny 2 Public Events
After explaining the Taken Blight PE, I figured I would make a post about all the Public Events and their Heroic Triggers! 
Public Events are the most rewarding activity in Destiny 2 currently outside of the Raid and Trials. They are quick, very accessible, and can reward handsomely. Each public event has a certain mechanic that triggers a Heroic event. 
The Heroic event has a slightly better chance at rewarding better loot. It will give you a little bit more XP towards milestones, and give you more tokens for your Faction during a Faction Rally. They are very worth doing.
Even if you don’t “complete” the event, you are still awarded a participation token for that planet’s faction.
Pro-tip: If you “Rally the Flag”, you get a full super charge, abilities recharge, and full ammo for all your weapons.
Cabal Lander
The little drill. You must stand in close proximity of the Lander to capture it as you fight off waves of Cabal forces. Capturing the Lander within time completes the event*
There will be missiles raining down on you occasionally. You can see where they will be landing via the big, glowing (and painful) beams that will light up the ground. Don’t stand there.
Heroic Trigger: A Thresher ship will fly in to defend the Lander after a percentage of the capture has been met (or it could be a timing thing). Destroying the Thresher will trigger the Heroic Event in which a Cabal Colossus will drop down into the fight. The Thresher will make 2-3 rounds usually, so you have a few tries to shoot it down. Defeat the Colossus within time to complete the Event. Capturing the Lander no longer matters.
*As long as you are in the capture point, even if time has run out, you can still fully complete the event. It will not end at the timer. Just be sure not to leave the capture circle until you hit 100%.
Injection Rig
The really big drill. Kill the three Psions that spawn plus the big Centurion within time to finish the event.
When the first Psion target dies, a dome will spawn around the Injection Rig that will remain for the rest of the event. The area inside of the dome will be ignited temporarily causing burning damage over time; the next Psion target will spawn after the area in the dome stops burning.
There are three Psions to kill. Once you kill all three, a Centurion Ultra will spawn. Killing him will end the event.
Heroic Trigger: The Injection Rig has three “levels” of vents you need to destroy. You will only have three attempts to destroy them. Ideally, you want to destroy at least one per burning phase but is possible to destroy two in one phase if you have enough Guardians shooting them. You will know when it is destroyed when you see it steaming. You only need to shoot at one per set of vents; each layer shares the damage. You have a very short amount of time to destroy these vents before they close back up. 
When the first Psion target dies, the air around you will start burning after the dome goes down, and a set of vents on the top of the rig will open up. Destroy those vents. When the second Psion target dies, a set of vents in the middle part of the rig will open up; destroy those. Finally, when the third Psion dies, there is ONE vent at the bottom of the rig (you will find it “underneath” the “body” of the rig; it’s the part that is digging into the ground). Destroying that vent will cause the Heroic event to trigger. All you need to do is kill the Centurion like normal to complete the event.
Hive Ritual
I believe this event only happens on the moon, Titan. When the event starts, two wizards (and a whole lot of Thrall and other ads) will come out of the doors; one left and one right. They will have shields that protect them from damage. Standing on the plates located in the room will take down their shields; the left plate taking down the left wizard’s shield, the right plate taking down the right wizard’s shield. Kill these Wizards; stepping off the plate will make their shield come back after a few seconds.
When these wizards are dead, a portal will open up. You don’t HAVE to stand on the plates at this point. After a few waves of hungry thrall, another Wizard will spawn through the portal. Killing this Wizard will end the event.
Heroic Trigger: When you spawn and kill the first two wizards, stay on your plates longer than usual. At the top of the two totems (the “frames” of the portal) is a crystal on either side. These Crystals will have shields on them that will go away when the plates are charged on either side (left crystal for left plate, right crystal for right plate). Shooting and destroying the Crystals will cause the portal to destabilize and spawn an axe-wielding Knight (think Alak-Hul, the Darkblade in TTK). Killing this Knight will end the event.
Fallen Supplies (Spider Walker)
Everyone is probably familiar with this one already. When the event starts, a Skiff will drop in a Captain and a few other Fallen ads. Killing the Captain will trigger the Fallen Walker to drop in from a Skiff (watch out for this). Shooting the Walker’s legs will cause it to be stunned for a good amount of time which exposes its core. Shooting the core does a lot of damage! You will probably repeat this 2 or 3 more times! Killing the Walker will end the event. Simple and easy!
Heroic Trigger: Probably the easiest to understand out of all public events. When the Walker is stunned, he will drop three spheres of Arc energy. Pick up these spheres and take them to the nearby consoles that are keeping those awesome Scorch Cannons** hostage. Deactivating both of them will bring down the barrier. Rinse and repeat for the other two set of consoles. When all three sets of Scorch Cannons have been unlocked, it will trigger a second Walker to drop in from a Skiff (again, watch out for this). Destroying the second walker will end the event.
**I have seen many times during this event that players will not hold down the charge for the Scorch Cannon. I assume these players are new, forgot, or stopped playing before House of Wolves (or just plain don’t care). When you hold down the trigger after firing a Scorch Cannon, the projectile will CHARGE UP several times, causing more damage to the target and everything around it.
Ether Supply (Excavation Crews)
Another very common and easy event! When this event starts, a group of Fallen Excavators plus other fallen ads will spawn, mostly compiled of Wretches and Marauders. 
You must kill four of the Excavators to proceed to the next wave of them. The first three will spawn as soon as they drill spawns, the fourth Excavator will be a Captain that will arrive after the first three Excavators are dead. Killing the Captain will progress you to the next wave located elsewhere on the map. You must do this three times! Upon the third completion, you will have completed the event!
Heroic Trigger: After killing a few of the Excavators, a tiny “drill” will appear off the side usually between two of the “wall” like structures that spawn with the glimmer drill. It’s a smallish object that looks it is sucking in Glimmer. Destroy this drill before killing the fourth Excavator! You don’t NEED to but it would make it easier for you later.*** When you destroy all three drills, this will cause the heroic event to trigger. 
This will cause the bigger Glimmer drill to crash and burn (do not stand too close when it does this). Now you have to stand ontop of a pile of Glimmer and capture it. The only real threat is an Ultra Wretch Captain. This captain does not NEED to be defeated to finish the event, but his death would make things a lot easier. Once the capture hits 100% before time runs out, the event will end.****
***If you kill the Excavator Captain before destroying the tiny drill, it will disappear to the next location but will not forfeit a Heroic trigger. When you move on to the next Excavation Site, two drills will spawn that need to be destroyed. And if you didn’t destroy the two drills at the second site, the third site will have three drills. Or if you destroyed one at the second site but not the other, the third site will still have two drills that need to be destroyed. As long as these all three drills are destroyed before the death of the final Excavation Captain, you can still do the Heroic version.
****Like the Cabal Lander event, as long as you are alive in the capture point even after the timer expires, the event will not end until you either leave the circle or hit 100%
Ether Supply (Fallen Servitor)
Shooting or getting close to the Servitor will trigger the event! This event is pretty straightforward: shoot the Servitor until it is dead within the time limit. Every once in a while, out of spite, the Servitor will teleport you randomly somewhere close by, sometimes out of the battle. Additionally, a smaller Servitor will occasionally spawn that protects the bigger Servitor from damage. Destroy the small Servitor to get rid of this invulnerability.
Heroic Trigger: You might trigger this accidentally while fighting the giant Servitor. When it spawns three smaller Servitors at the same time, destroying all three before they disappear will trigger the Heroic event. 
When this happens, he will be a very angry ball that will teleport you very high in the air. He is also a little tougher so damage won’t be as great as before! Killing the Servitor before time runs out will complete the event.
Taken Blight
Probably the most annoying public event of them all. When the Giant Taken Blight is formed, it will spawn Blight domes. Shooting the Blight inside the center of the dome will bring down the dome. Killing Taken forces will decrease the bigger Blight’s integrity. You need to bring down the integrity to zero before the timer runs out. When it reaches 0% it will teleport elsewhere on the map and reset the timer. You need to do this a total of three times, and the event will end!
Heroic Trigger: Easily the least known. I’m just gonna copy what I posted earlier.... The Blight domes that spawn (the ones that spawn with the enemies) will give you a buff if you enter it and then leave. This short buff will let you damage the BIG blight. Do enough damage, the Heroic will trigger and a Taken Ultra will spawn. Kill the Ultra before time runs out to complete the event!
Now, you don’t need to “kill” the big blight before the timer runs out on the first or second cycle. You have at least three chances to do enough damage. If you are running low on time during your first or second cycle, kill the enemies and move on. This will refresh the timer! It is almost impossible to do it by yourself, almost. (I hear through the grapevine that Wardcliff Coil will help with solo attempts).
Spire Integration
Not much has changed with this event since Destiny 1. You must stop waves of Vex from reaching the Conflux. Vex that have reached the Conflux have a handful of seconds before they integrate with it. You can still kill them before it counts off your total remaining integrations. Unlike Destiny 1, you can still get max rewards even if a few get by you! As long as 10 do not integrate, you are fine!
Heroic Trigger: If you look at the Conflux you are protecting, there are three trails of light coming out of it. Following those trails will lead you to a capture point (it might be hidden, getting close will reveal it). Capture all three points will trigger the Heroic event. The ending is the same: protect the Conflux from integrations until the timer has run out.
Chaos. Everywhere. More Vex will spawn and they just keep coming, a Hyrda Ultra will spawn, and two Cyclops will spawn. Cyclops should be dealt with quickly. Chaos.
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beastlondoninfo · 4 years
The Scent Movie 2020
Allow us to lower proper to the chase...or proper to the screaming as lots of the people on this record would like! Not solely am I married to a prime house haunter, I've been a giant fan of horror films (additionally known as monster films) for years. In my expertise, as a fan of the style, listed below are my prime ten monsters of all time! The Scent Movie 2020
10. Kraken (1981)
From the 1981 Conflict of the Titans, this can be a creature that stirs the creativeness. Though the Kraken is a creature of delusion, it's the movie model that everybody remembers. Who might overlook the top scene of the unique Conflict of the Titans the place the Kraken comes for Andromeda? (What he wished her for isn't clear to me. Did he plan to eat her? Invite her to go for a swim?) At any charge, the Kraken was delivered to life by the stop-motion animation of Ray Harryhausen, a legend in horror and fantasy films. The picture of Perseus turning the Kraken to stone is basic and so is that this multi-armed monster on this author's opinion.
9. Creature From the Black Lagoon (all variations)
There have been many films about terrifying sea creatures, however Creature From the Black Lagoon continues to be the very best. (Sorry, Jaws!) Launched in 1954, it incorporates a monster-like gill-man found on an expedition within the Amazon. Like many well-known monsters of the silver display screen, the Creature spawned sequels. The unique Creature of the Black Lagoon film is being remade for a 2011 launch, in keeping with the IMDB Web page.
See Also
eight. Mummy (Boris Karloff)
Boris Karloff makes his first look on our record! The Mummy, directed by Karl Freund, is a 1932 horror movie from Common Studios. It starred Karloff as a revived historical Egyptian priest known as Imhotep. Whereas the film isn't a drop-dead scare fest, it's a basic that's within the collective reminiscence of our society. When individuals consider mummies, they invariably consider Karloff shuffling out of his sarcophagus in bandages. The Mummy was semi-remade in The Mummy's Hand (1940) but it surely was Karloff's model that started the Mummy films.
7. Michael Myers (all variations)
Michael Myers is the one who began the slasher style. He first confirmed up in 1978's Halloween as a younger boy who murders his older sister, after which returns house years later to kill once more. His fights with Jamie Lee Curtis within the first two Halloween films are excellent examples of how scary film chases ought to work. Though, I believe Michael's fights with Donald Pleasence (who performed Dr. Loomis) are the very best components of the Halloween movies. The one detrimental features to the Halloween films to me are the continuity points. As an example, Halloween III, though not a foul film, has nothing to do with the opposite installments. Additionally, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later virtually ignores established continuity from earlier films with no clarification.
6. Dracula (Bela Lugosi)
Bela Lugosi was a Hungarian actor, finest recognized for enjoying Rely Dracula within the Broadway play and basic Common Studios Dracula movies, too. The now basic Dracula that made Lugosi a star got here out in 1931. Though the film is a little bit gradual and never as thrilling as different Common classics, such because the Frankenstein movies, Lugosi made the movie work. Irrespective of what number of vampire films are made, too, that is essentially the most memorable. Ask anybody who's Dracula they usually instantly consider Bela's Dracula. His Dracula is an icon.
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5. Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund)
Robert Englund is finest recognized for enjoying serial killer Freddy Krueger within the Nightmare on Elm Road movie sequence. Based on Wikipedia, he acquired a Saturn Award nomination for Greatest Supporting Actor for A Nightmare on Elm Road three: Dream Warriors in 1987 and A Nightmare on Elm Road four: The Dream Grasp in 1988. I'm not shocked. He was glorious as Freddy. The brand new Freddy can not maintain a candle, or dingy pink sweater, to Englund. He approached taking part in Freddy with a mix of horror and comedy. His witty banter along with his victims is the stuff of legend.
four. Wolfman (Lon Chaney Jr.)
"Even a person who's pure in coronary heart and says his prayers by evening, could turn out to be a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the autumn moon is vivid."
If you speak about werewolves, there may be none higher than Lon Chaney's Wolfman within the 1941 Common Studios film. From the long-lasting make-up to the gypsy curse, it's Chaney's Wolfman that society is aware of finest, and with good cause - it's a darn good film that stands the take a look at of time.
three. Frankenstein's Monster (Boris Karloff)
Do I actually have to write down that Boris Karloff's portrayal of the Frankenstein Monster is a basic creature of the cinema? The crash of thunder, the scorching laboratory machines, the monster's hand moving-these are the pictures all of us have embedded in our minds. No model of the Frankenstein Monster will get higher than Karloff's model from the basic 1931 horror movie.
2. Leatherface (all variations)
Leatherface is the principle killer in The Texas Chainsaw Bloodbath horror-film sequence. He wears masks product of his victims' pores and skin (which is the place the identify Leatherface comes from) and is the character from the film who usually carries a chainsaw. Not solely is Leatherface one of many first slasher-type villains however he's drop-dead scary! Whereas I believe all variations of Leatherface are scary as heck, the very best Leatherface actors have been Gunnar Hansen (from the primary Texas Chainsaw Bloodbath) and Invoice Johnson (The Texas Chainsaw Bloodbath 2). I nonetheless assume the scene in Bloodbath 2 when Leatherface runs, chainsaw roaring, out of the darkened radio station towards the lead feminine actor is horrifying.
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1. Jason Voorhees (all variations)
Certain, Kane Hodder has performed Jason greater than every other actor, however I am unable to choose one Jason that's higher than one other. Every actor who performed the undead slasher Jason Voorhees introduced one thing new to the position. Jason Voorhees is the killer from the Friday the 13th sequence. He first appeared in Friday the 13th (1980); though, he was not the principle villain within the first film. Jason is a superb character due to the long-lasting hockey masks, the creepy camp setting, and since you really feel some sympathy for him. He was a deformed youngster who was mocked by friends and ignored by camp counselors. He additionally loves his mommy. (Watch the films and you will notice what I imply.) As a result of he evokes sympathy within the viewers, he's a little bit like Frankenstein's Monster however undoubtedly extra evil.
Agree with my selections? Disagree with me? Put up a remark. And bear in mind to look at over your shoulder when strolling within the woods at evening. The blokes above could also be stalking.
It might be no nice coincidence that the scariest film of all time was launched within the 1970s, a decade infamous for cult killings, hallucinatory medicine, civil unrest, stunning imagery, and a public consciousness that was nonetheless very entrenched within the wrath of God versus the duplicity of the Satan. "The Exorcist", directed as a play of insanity and hellfire by William Friedkin (and primarily based on a e-book that was supposedly primarily based on a "true story") is a superb movie that set the usual for horror--so excessive in reality, that it spawned 1,000,000 sequels, imitators and montage methods that we so simply take as a right within the CGI age. To see The Exorcist immediately continues to be a visceral delight, although it is unlikely viewing it can result in any miscarriages or seizures, prefer it did throughout its debut, little question benefiting from a little bit of group hysteria. It's a movie that has aged barely, however that also packs an emotional wallop, even with a whole technology of desensitized nihilists who grew up taking part in GTA.
Horror and Gore
The Exorcist goes for scares over gore, although there are a number of bloody homicide scenes right here and there. Friedkin rightly understood that the inexplicable and the surreal are really the scariest components of a nightmare, which is why he went all out to rework an innocuous little lady into an obscenity-spewing, spider-crawling demon crammed with nothing however contempt for mankind. Friedkin's inventive use of low-cost visible results is spectacular, and more practical than 100 computer-animated corpses. Pazuzu is really one among cinema's best villains, and maybe due to the spirit's random, indiscriminate nature. Nobody was protected from an offended spirit, and the truth that Friedkin allowed it to own a tragic little youngster (surpassing Hitchcock's in-the-shower vulnerability) was really the top of our fourth wall consolation zone.
Find out how to Watch It
The subliminal messages within the movie add to the creepiness issue. For the very best outcomes, watch it sober, at the hours of darkness, and watch it earlier than all of the tens of millions of imitators. Do not be shocked in case your honey calls for you to place the DVD outdoors the home earlier than returning to mattress!
Did You Know?
It's rumored that Ellen Burstyn solely agreed to play the position of Chris MacNeil, if she did not must say the scripted line "I imagine within the satan". After all she received her means.
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