#unicron will never not cheer for both the primus born titans to off eachother
lets-try-some-writing · 5 months
Titan!Mars concept(dust being rust makes a lot of sense) so funny cuz imagine the surprise if Mars were to accidentaly reveal himself thought.. Poor Cron not knowing peace with his brother spawn (*Unicron voice*Are there any more Titans i need to know about?! just that one Spongebob meme) Just overal love this concept and potential family drama
Moon: Not fair why is that dusty planet getting all those cute rovers? I only have a few and six useless flags
Mars:*brotherly rivalry activated, smugly forgetting himself*Because ur a sore loser
Mars: ...Frag-
This whole situation did occur, just earlier in the timeline. Mars accidentally outed himself a couple thousand years back in human history when the Romans and their precursors were worshipping planets (at least that is how it looked to the resident Titans). Mars was very good at remaining out of sight out of mind for the most part. But then of course, Moon had to go and complain.
Moon: Why do the humans worship all the planets and not me? My presence gives them their blasted tides!
Unicron: Could it be because you are a vicious creature more willing to ram into Earth than to give benevolence to her children?
Moon: Shut the frag up Unicron. I would never harm my dear Earth unless there was no other choice.
Unicron: Or unless your honor were under threat-
Earth: Moon, darling, you've had worshippers for millennia. This is nothing to get upset over.
Moon: But I give them more than those balls of dust! I am their light during night! I am their guide on stormy cycles! I do far more than that rusty rock over there!
Mars: *offended noise* Well excuse the frag out of me for daring to exist and actually do my job of watching over the Unmaker.
Moon & Earth & Unicron: 👀
Mars: You've always been a sore loser Moon. Just admit you have a garbage personality and we can move on.
And it was on that day that Moon found a new (or perhaps old) rival. Unicron thinks it is the most amusing thing to happen in all his time as a sleeping rock. He has only found more amusement in Pluto when he arrived and immediately chose to be trigger happy.
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