#i know people dont care much about chihuahuas. or their stereotypes. people prefer cats tbh but she was my handful
pomfiores · 2 years
i printed pictures of Tink today, I get them tomorrow.  I came across a video I have of her just whining and yeah. but this is one of my favorite pictures.  truly, the best most feistiest girl (that’s her Tired toy she loved and wouldn’t take any replacements, i caught on quick as to how much money i’d waste if i kept trying to change the toy :’))
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
not a request but I just was wondering how difficult it is to take care of dogs? I don't have a specific breed in mind but I've constantly been thinking about getting one lately
this ended up long (no surprise lol) so here’s a cut. feel free to DM or message me if you got more questions! 🐶💞
I think it depends on the personality and needs of the individual dog, but overall, dogs def require a lot of TLC. They need socialization, toys, and can have some hefty vet bills if they get sick. 
However! If you prepare yourself for the responsibility, and know what sort of breed/doggo you’re planning to get, things will run smoother. 
Dogs need exercise, period, even a little bit. So taking them to doggy daycare, or a dog park, or just a walk around the block. Having a back yard  (even a little one) is preeeetty much necessary imo, so they can use the bathroom, run around and enjoy the outdoors. Some doggies aren’t fans of lounging around outside, but some really do love it and can get stir crazy.
That’s another thing, they’ll need toys, bones, and so on to keep themselves occupied or they’ll get boooored. and a bored doggy means getting into shit and chewing. When called baby Shay “Shaynado” for a reason, she was a terror before I started taking her to daycare and before she had other doggos like Caddy and Hannah to play with. Hazel is also a terror but she has her older siblings to play and amuse her, plus a milk carton. Idk why she likes them but whatever keeps her quiet for five minutes.
So they arent too diff from cats or small animals in that they have these basic needs. I also cannot stress enough, get a vet and do a yearly checkup, plus get those heartworm and flea guards. I KNOW its expensive AF but god you dont want to see a dog with a flea infestation or heartworm. It’s horrible.
OH! And big thing I noticed in new dog owners, they’re not familiar with dog behavior. Dogs are actually very expressive and you can start to pick up on their feelings if you know what to look for. Def read up on common gestures, behaviors, and behavioral problems. TBH a lot of dog anxiety and stress comes from boredom and loneliness, which can be solved with playtime and socialization.
I def recommend getting an older mutt from a shelter, and starting with a smaller dog. Older dogs (3+ years) are more patient and don’t have that “puppy” energy and mischief. I say a small dog because they’re easier to handle and care for; plus I don’t know if you have a house, apartment, a yard, etc. I really, really do not recommend puppies for a first time dog owner, regardless if you’e adopting or shopping. This is coming from someone whose done both and dealt with waaay too many puppies. Don’t do it.
I don’t know your preferences in doggo breeds, but mutts are great! They’re generally healthier and can have the best personalities traits of diff breeds. I love me a mutt. Here’s some “starter” breeds I recommend, they’re also common in mutts in shelters:
Havanese are incredibly sweet and dorky-ass dogs. They do tend to have grooming needs, like brushing their fur every day and getting a bath or a groom. 
Bichon Frise are very friendly, energetic and just happy little bundles of floof. Their fur is not as demanding of grooming, especially if you keep it short. Also, they’re hypoallergenic!
People give Chihuahuas a lot of shit, but I actually adore them. With the right owner they aren’t yappy or aggressive, like a lot of people stereotype them as. A lot of well-trained Chis I’ve met are cool, more independent and curious.
I don’t always suggest terriers for a first time owner, but Yorkies really are friendly, bubbly and happy little guys. They can be quite clingy to their owners, so it’s good to help them get independence. 
Pomeranians have a lot of grooming needs, but they’re often chill, happy to sit in your lap and friendly lil guys. Like a lot of smol dogs, it’s good to socialize them so they aren’t codependent on you.
Miniature Pinschers are not only REALLY freaking cute, they’re dorky and sweet as all heck, and have lots of energy. Damn I love these guys. Every one I’ve met has a great temperament.
On the more medium dog side, spaniels are really great companions and outdoor dogs. If you don’t mind a bigger and heftier dog, pit bulls and pit bull mixes are giant lovebugs that want a home. You’ll often see german shepherd, collie and boxer mixes of all sizes in shelters; just know those dogs have a much higher energy need. 
Dachshunds are cute and iconic, but their little legs and long back can lead to health problems. Still, they have good temperaments and are often so sweet and chill. In my experience, doxie mixes often have that cool personality.
Pfft i forgot about Shih Tzus aldkekew they require quite a bit of brushing and grooming but they are so friendly and silly. Not the brightest dogs but they do their best!
Hopefully this was helpful and not meandering, lol. I’m not certified in any whatever way, I’ve just worked with dogs professionally for 5+ years and owned them since I was a wee lass. 
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demowkax · 7 years
all the gay asks cause youre the gayest
Theyre definitely not wrong ayyy1. describe your idea of a perfect dateMan idk, somewhere with not too many people, where i can be silent for a bit without being awkward, IF THERES FOOD ITS GOOD2. whats your “type”Uhhhh, not sure I guess??? I like what it comes since it's a miracle someone even likes me lol but uh, I do seem to know I like slanted/droppy eyes, either makes me go aaaa3. do you want kids?Not biologically but yeah, sure why not4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?Adoption is all i want, my dude5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been onOnce i was feeling like shit and the one who was my boy friend brought me a pizza and Nacho cheese and thats unbeatable6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)My first with a girl was trashy and drunk and tbh i didnt even feel anything, my first with a boy ohjhhh i was really NERVOUS and we didnt even do it all the way bc man it hurts like hell??? Idk, sex isnt for me in many ways7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?Depends!! But mostly a night time gay, im basically alone with my thoughts8. opinion on nap dates?Theyre uncomfortable for me?? I dont want no one to see me sleep smh that's creepy9. opinion on brown eyes?GORGEOUS10. dog gay or cat gay?Both ( chihuahua/small dogs gay specifically )11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?Sure i guess?? They gotta take care of em tho, if not bye bye12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someoneI want them to respect my identity, that's all, it really hurts when even LGBT folks dont take me as a man13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?I actually didnt put much thought, I thought was bisex before knowing how wide gender range is but that's as far as it comes14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger selfDo not trust easy but don't shut down as you've been doing all these years, people like you and miss you, you seem to not see it because your self-worth is always at doubt, you don't like to be alone and you're able to make friends so easy, put it on your advantage15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?I actually do?? But at the same time i dont, I just like what i like fam16. who is an ex you regret?👀 i prefer not to tell17. night club gay or cafe gay?Cafeeeee gay18. who is one person you would “go straight” forHMm Zarya from overwatch lmfao19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?Video game gay20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)Rn it's Gregg and bear dude from nitw21. favourite gay youtuberI dont know any??? Aaaa22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?Nah23. have you ever been in love?Surprisingly, I don't know, I've had a hard time trying to diferentiate between my fear of abandonment and love24. have you ever been heartbroken?Surp25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someoneI don't really know, most of my relationships have been a thrown in the dark shot26. favourite lgb musician/bandOkay but I love Matty from the 1975, i know theres a lot more but bleh27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gaysDONT GIVE A FUCK, KISS GIRLS, KISS BOYS, DONT BE AN ASS TO TRANS FOLKS, DONT DISMISS THEM EITHER OR I'LL PERSONALLY COME PUNCH YOUR GUT28. are you out? if so how did you come outWith my friends and the list keeps growing, I'm learning to be myself and to accept myself29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have ITS ACTUALLY WITH MYSELF LMFAO, i gave myself the worst time thinking i might be different from the rest of my friends and classmates, to be different of what my mom wanted too30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexualityThis isnt the best advice but coming from somewhere LGBT is completely stereotyped and constantly in danger, keep it to your closest ones, you might not feel safe with others but as long as you're yourself with the ones who you trust and love, that should be enough for a while, someday you'll be able to be you for who you are with who ever because hey, they don't define you
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