#monique grieving 101
ciegeinc · 2 years
Movie Review...The Reading
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(1/5) Its been a while since a film got a 1/5 rating on my page but this was well deserving.  Sorry to the writers, producers and everyone else involved but you all missed the mark.  I remember hearing about this film and it was originally supposed to star Octavia Spencer and be released on Netflix if I am not mistaken.  But something changed and this was the ending result.  
I will say I think they had a good foundation the story was their but lackluster performances, an unimaginative script and plot, questionable lighting all amalgamated into a very unimpressive film.  To the creators...you all didn't watch a home invasion movie, Stir of Echoes or Misery? Nothing?  Those films would have been great source material to take notes from.  
My first issue with the film was with the home invasion.  It felt like a “hit” more so than a random home invasion and the fact that they didn’t show the husband dying (movie formula 101, if they don’t show the person dying they ain’t dead), I started drawing an insurance scheme conclusion spawned by the husband but that was dissolved as the plot evolved. Another issue was the scamming ghost hunter/medium team.  How you all gone be out here scamming grieving people out of money with medium readings using a real medium and not expect something to happen.  That is like playing with witchcraft and expecting nothing to happen. 
Now to The Reading...
There were so many things that were done wrong here.  The group not being on the same page, the vague side argument before entering the house, the skeptical sister in law feeding the group information about the family for the cameras (if you are a skeptic why would you feed them information), the footsteps during the reading they never explained or came back too and then the plot twist. SPOILER ALERT.
So in the beginning of the film we are shown this gruesome home invasion were Emma (Monique) is the sole survivor.   But it turns out that there was no home invasion and that Emma killed her entire family.  What we saw in the beginning was a lie that Emma fabricated.  But the question was why?  I don’t feel the film went into her issue at all.  The just labeled her crazy and pure comedy followed. The quick cut chase scene had me on the floor screaming of laughter.  The boyfriend getting shot in the chest and still moving, “The Fuck Them Kids” statement, the 2 girls getting beat up by Emma and more.  
After the plot twist the film spiraled into absurdity and could no longer be saved.  You can skip this one. Emma Leeden details the loss of her family in her new book "Invasion." To generate press, she agrees to a staged reading by Sky Brown in her fortified home. But Sky's spiritual connection is real and evil emerges in a house they can't get out of (Google).
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pomfiores · 2 years
i printed pictures of Tink today, I get them tomorrow.  I came across a video I have of her just whining and yeah. but this is one of my favorite pictures.  truly, the best most feistiest girl (that’s her Tired toy she loved and wouldn’t take any replacements, i caught on quick as to how much money i’d waste if i kept trying to change the toy :’))
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veshialles · 6 years
#Fallout Party - Day 4
Relationships are a fun topic. Is your OC/s in love? Platonic love? Frenemies? or are they an anti-social shut in who hates everyone? Tell us about their relationships!
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Though it took Valerie several months to grieve for her late husband, she was eventually able to move on with the support of her companions and friends, especially Codsworth. Having someone familiar around helped immensely, even if he was a robot. She managed to find love again in the arms of multiple partners, including Piper Wright, John Hancock, Danse, and Curie. (Now, in reality I had Valerie romance every possible NPC, because Flirting counts as a speech check and grants XP, but I really do like the idea of Valerie being in a poly relationship. Though maybe her choice of partners are a bit incompatible with each other?)
Later, during her stay in Nuka-World, Valerie also had a brief relationship with Porter Gage. I’m not exactly sure how that’s gonna end, because I haven’t actually made it to Nuka World with Valerie yet, but it’s probably not going to be a happily-forever-after ending...
As for friendships, Valerie has formed more than a few interesting ones. Among her friends are a well-traveled mercenary, a cage-fighter, a spy, a detective, a grizzled hunter, a robot with a revenge complex, a super mutant, an Institute courser, and a stray dog. There’s also Charlie and Monique, an eye-bot and a domestic assaultron variant, both of which Valerie salvaged and brought back into working condition. (I guess they’re OCs as well? But I sadly didn’t have the energy to include them in this event)
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Although Jess has had some romantic relations with both men and women, few of them have lasted very long. The closest she’s ever come to being ‘in love’ was with a red-haired woman named Vanessa (totally not from that companion mod), but their differing views on sexuality put a strain on their relationship that eventually pushed them apart as lovers. They’re still close friends though.
Speaking of friends, Jess also has quite the troupe accompanying her in her travels; A doctor, a sniper, a nightkin assassin, a gunslinging ghoul, a cyborg dog, a prototype eyebot, a former caravaneer, and a BoS scribe. They all get along, mostly. Like some sort of super weird dysfunctional post-apocalyptic family. Jess wouldn’t want it any other way. 
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Matthew’s never been in love or had a relationship. It’s not that he’s never wanted to, it’s more-so that he’s never really found the right time. During his last two years in Vault 101, he did develop subtle romantic feelings for his childhood friend, Amata. But he decided against acting on those feelings until it was too late. The very week that he’d been working up the courage to bring it up with her was the same week that his father, James, left the Vault and threw everything into chaos.
Though there was perhaps some resentment towards his father for suddenly disappearing and consequently throwing a wrench in his romantic endeavors, Matthew had always been very close to his father, and was devastated at his loss. Worse still that he had to witness James’ demise.
In case I didn’t mention it elsewhere, Matt’s a bit of an introvert, and prefers to keep to himself. Though he has managed to make some acquaintances in the Wasteland, there are few he would actually consider as “friends”. There’s his dog, Carver, of course (I really wish Fallout games would let you name the dog like in Dragon Age), and Fawkes is surprisingly pleasant company. But somehow, Matt just doesn’t quite click with the rest of his followers. Although, he and Butch have at least settled their past differences.
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