#i know ppl said the pace of andor was glacial but literally. there was so much going on by episode 6 compared to this dogshit
starfiyah · 9 months
it’s crazy how like nothing of importance has happened in ahsoka even after 6 episodes. yes sabine found ezra but we all knew she was going to. wow thrawn is alive too who would’ve guessed. these are Big things and i feel like the reveals have been wildly underwhelming. bc for both of them they’re still the exact same person?? nothing changed about their relationship as enemies??? and we still know nothing about ahsoka and sabine’s supposed master/apprentice relationship except they somehow have a deep force connection even tho nothing we’ve seen onscreen would show that… since everyone on this show fucking sucks at acting and no one is even friends 😭 and we don’t know anything more about why sabine fucking took off her armour or why she wasn’t on mandalore with her family during the purge!!!
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