#and it’s all so goddamn boring
starfiyah · 8 months
it’s crazy how like nothing of importance has happened in ahsoka even after 6 episodes. yes sabine found ezra but we all knew she was going to. wow thrawn is alive too who would’ve guessed. these are Big things and i feel like the reveals have been wildly underwhelming. bc for both of them they’re still the exact same person?? nothing changed about their relationship as enemies??? and we still know nothing about ahsoka and sabine’s supposed master/apprentice relationship except they somehow have a deep force connection even tho nothing we’ve seen onscreen would show that… since everyone on this show fucking sucks at acting and no one is even friends 😭 and we don’t know anything more about why sabine fucking took off her armour or why she wasn’t on mandalore with her family during the purge!!!
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molinaesque · 7 months
On the topic of Raphael and him "being bad in bed".
Okay I'm only ever going to talk about this at length once and then never again. I've been avoiding talking about it until now because bringing it up always just seems to keep this topic in circles and it becomes an endless pit of nothing.
First of all, I know most of the time (like maybe 70% of the time) it's for the lolz. I get it. Hell, Raphael fans will be the FIRST to quip about this.
For those taking it seriously one way or another... It becomes such old hat VERY fast.
Those who use it as a jab towards Raphael havers are... Kinda dumb. Because it's like... Okay, and? You act as if somehow negates the entirety of his character somehow just because "HAR HAR HANDSOME DEVIL MAN IS BAD AT SEX" and it's so... vapid and boring? Also it seems a lot of people keep thinking "bad at sex" = JUST that he finishes too fast and nothing else but they seem to forget that the player character came up with that insult on the spot (rather than seeing it as a commentary about his pure selfishness and where it stems from). Haarlep is also a bias source. There's a semblance of resentment from them AND they're a damn incubus. EVERYONE'S terrible in bed in comparison (have you seen Tav? Little shit just lays there like a sack of potatoes during the Haarlep scene). This isn't me saying "Oh it means Raphael is terrific in bed because Haarlep's word cannot be trusted". HELL, no. Quite the opposite, actually. I'm saying "okay... What can I glean from that set of information?"
I feel like this goes for Raphael havers too who have this conversation. I feel like many tend to fall into this trap of odd desparity when they realise that "oh no our magnificent hot man is bad at sex" and somehow treat it as if it's forever a caveat and somehow negates the ENTIRETY of Raphael as a complex character. My first reaction when I got this information during House of Hope was laughing and then going "mmm that's so interesting and adds such a great layer to this already amazing character. Where else can I take this to". In fact, House of Hope as a quest does SO much in adding all these tidbits that make Raphael not just another boring, all knowing, god like, ineffible character. It made me love and appreciate his character even MORE. instead of going in circles and lamenting in how this is somehow "the worst thing ever", I think it's way more fun to explore it and delve into where the root of his narcissism and self esteem issues come from. The dichotomy and complexes of his character. There's SO much to talk about there and yet we're still just stuck on "haha devil man is a bottom and bad in bed" (which is another ridiculous thing btw because people seem to misconstrue bottoms as JUST being submissive. Y'all need to be more open minded 😂).
Apologies if this came off as ranty/condescending maybe. But it's coming from someone who's just minding her own business but have to see a variation of that line CONSTANTLY in the notes/tags on my art/gif posts and as I said... It gets so old REALLY fast. Like please be more imaginative than this, I beg of you. 😭
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helloooo my dearest darling listeners, i am back on my soapbox to regale you all with the marvelous things i witnessed/experienced on my Whimsical As Fuck™️ three hour drive today. not necessarily in order <3
some cute does with bigass floppy ears / very sweet waitress who called me "hon" and put the most tasty looking crepes on my table / a pair of hawks divebombing a golden eagle / a kite (the bird) / a flock of magpies / some GORGEOUS scenery / a rainbow / lovely rain sprinklings / MORE gorgeous scenery, i mean what the fuck / fields of purple/orange/red tipped bushes / a meadow of buttercup-yellow very tall grass, in which many picturesque trees stood / lots of fluffy, adorable, tasty cows / a large herd of likely-feral horses with a wonderful variety of patterns & colors / the fluffiest husky ever / the juxtaposition of cold wind through an open window + warm sunlight / the most stunning snow-coated mountain of whites and blues in the sun, wreathed in clouds / no seriously some really fucking Gorgeous scenery, i was near tears with some of it
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reading lotr for the first time and today i got to the part where frodo sold bag end to the sackville-bagginses??????? i could never have predicted this. i was in class and i audibly gasped and closed the book. i was absorbed in the book and it shocked me back to reality. i can’t believe this.
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why-the-heck-not · 5 months
18.01.24, thursday
duolingo french streak 13
5h of researching & trying to figure out a thesis topic (I’m so bad at deciding this damn)
1.5h walk
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novelconcepts · 7 months
God I hate AI. I hate AI so much. This thing was supposed to be cool and futurey and renovate society in positive ways, and instead it’s just a giant plagarism machine. Art and creativity and actually cool shit getting all the humanity ripped out in favor of quick and easy. I fucking hate it with my whole soul. I hate the idea of AI replacing actors. I hate AI writing fiction. I hate AI trawling artists’ actual blood, sweat, and tears and bundling their hard work into a facsimile. This thing could have been so cool, and instead it’s just “how do we shut out artists of all kinds and make a quicker bigger buck in the process.” Get. So. Fucked.
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kindaorangey · 1 year
tv and film is so formulaic nowadays that seeing spiderverse have a story with authentic-feeling characterisation basically makes me want to cry.
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gloomylesbian · 7 months
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here's my (controversial) saw character ranking sorry not sorry
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catgirltoes · 2 months
Gotta be honest the constant objectification of women's bodies is a bit tiring sometimes.
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cowboy-robooty · 9 months
no guys you dont get it itager isnt sweet and tender in the domestic gay lovey dovey way theyre sweet and tender in the BRO way
#im a crazy bitch okay i will be like yes theyre lovey to eachother yes thats true#yes i only get gay and shit for itager bc theyre true love and then see something sappy and gay of them and go THAT AINT RIGHT#im a freak okay im such an asshole about itager bc i think theyre lovey to eachother in a very specific way and all other ways are cringe#me when the only itager i consume is the official goddamn hetalia manga#and them doujins made by corolla that mf was the only person ever who understood them (even if they were misguided and believed in gerita)#i like to think in my heart of hearts corolla knew the truth it was just the wrong time.#like how i know bill and ted wouldve loved touhou koishi song its just they were born in the wrong era#but yeah like germany and italy are gay in that BRO way like. its hard to describe but its not gay its more like.... friendship adjacent#like when you deeply care about your bro and act gay with them in that way they arent about that silently looks at the moonlight shit#they look at the moonlight and italy goes 'germany is right now a good time to tell you i fucked your car again' and germany goes 'What.'#ITS A BETTER AND MORE AWEZOME FORM OF LOVE IN MY HUMBLEST OF OPINIONS.... I PERSONALLY PREFER IT#its domestic in the way of having your average daily life of dicking around with your bros and throwing grenades in cars n shit#instead of domestic settling down and being all serious and sappy all the time#its lovey dovey in the way of being like AHAHA IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN!!! yeah bro... i really like you too *hug* im glad youre in my life#i just think thats so much more swag because settling down just does not sit right for me#i think settling down sucks tf you mean theres no more adventures and always sunny shit?#i think fruk can get into that settling down domestic shit but im a firm believer itager cant#because their entire dynamic hinges upon italy coming in and making germanys boring ass lonely life fun by ruining it everyday#its not itager if they arent grabbing eachothers balls and acting like bros#ive said this to wiener but its the itager itapan juxisposition#itapan (japans onesided crush ofc) is great because they act gay but are just bros#and itager is great because they act like bros but are gay#idk its hard to explain the nuances of it all but just trust me when i say canon content and corollas sfw doujins are the only true itager#content#robooty asshole moment sorry guys somethings wrong with me#robooty kun
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moregraceful · 6 months
wait...cuda goalie hatesex...before i make them learn to make hoshigaki...then they make out in the garden...
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shallowseeker · 5 months
Who is your fave member of TFW?
IMHO, the way he fails makes him feel more like The Protagonist. This is also what draws me to Mary and Jack in the later seasons. (That stuff keeps blowing up in their respective faces is Chef's kiss for me. I love them!)
DEAN (about Cas in 12x19):
Dean: Well, he hasn't exactly had a banner year. I mean, think about it. Between Lucifer (Blows air) killing Billie, Ramiel, everything's been blowing up in his face. And he's so desperate for a win right now, he can't even see straight. (gestures to truck) Go ahead and give it a try. (Sam climbs in truck)
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via @spnscripthunt
TONI: Mary's programming… It's permanent... The Mary that you know, the good Mary, she's hiding behind impenetrable psychic walls. And I'm afraid these walls... (Scoffs) Well, they can't be torn down with grenades. Your mother can't be saved. (Mary smirks)
it's just so....I love them. They're trying their best! They're failing! They're accidentally almost-and-in-some-case-actually destroying the very things they sought to protect!
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mqnill · 4 months
I started to watch Guardians of The Galaxy TV series and so far only Drax has been entertaining. I really watch it just to see my boy Sam again💔💔💔 It's so hard, I'm sick of them fighting, and now there's Thanos😭😭😭 God, I miss Titus...
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lesbiansanemi · 9 months
So hard being an “I hate attack on Titan and think it’s fucking bad” bitch in an “I love attack on Titan 🥺” world
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syekick-powers · 1 month
sometimes i get really annoyed with cis comedians who make shitty trans jokes, not just because it's actively harmful, but also because all their jokes about trans people are exactly the same low-hanging-fruit-type of cheap, predictable jokes. it REALLY isn't that hard to make jokes and be humorous about the trans experience. i've seen TONS of jokes by other trans people (and made some myself) that capture the inherently humorous parts of the trans experience without actually being offensive or cruel to others. like these people make it clear they're not making trans jokes to find humor and joy in their lives, they're making trans "jokes" to further the stigmatization and abuse of trans people. but because they're doing so via comedy they try to escape accountability by couching it as "just a joke". like okay sure buddy, it's "just a joke" when you imply that trans people are deceitful liars trying to trick innocent unknowing cis people into sex, but the exact moment a black person makes a completely non-hostile joke about white people, you're crying and pissing and shitting yourself about it. "just a joke" shut the hell up and get real jokes.
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pillars-of-salt · 1 month
first day of work was very good, as far as first days at work go. no-nonsense, exactly what it says on the can type of work. they said 'show up and we'll have you paint handrails' and i showed up and they gave me paint supplies and i painted handrails for 8 hours and then i got to go home.
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