#i know this is an nblm blog but i want to talk about being nonbinary and sometimes transfem for a sec
snaillock · 1 year
blog/request info + rules
if you’re here because you want to reblog one of my fics then feel free to add any thoughts or funny comments in the tags. i’d love to read them!
rules are subject to change
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general blog info
low caps sfw english writer
if any fics are untagged/unspecified, then you can safely assume it’s gender neutral.
this is a side blog so any likes or follows will be done on @flimsyichigo
i’m very anxious so it may take a while for me to reply back
spam likes are ok as long as there’s some reblogging in there as well
shitpost heavy blog. just mute “★ snail.rambles ★” if you don’t want to see that.
despite my content being sfw only, i may casually make some suggestive/nsfw jokes(mainly immature ones).
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will block generously when it comes to any content that makes me uncomfortable
any age can interact, though i am more cautious with directly interacting with people -16 and 25+ years.
don’t interact if you’re pro-israel or “neutral”. this blog firmly stands behind the freedom of palestine.
blank blogs DON’T follow me. at least change out of the default icon + title before you do.
i’d prefer not reblogging my fics if your blog mainly caters for nsfw content
most of my fics are written with a mlm/nblm perspective in mind but if you are fem-aligned, then you are welcome to read. just keep in mind that i don’t write for that specific demographic.
don’t even interact at all if you’re reading my fics, especially my male reader ones with fetishized or overall weird intents.
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my writing + request info:
be sure to check my pinned post to see if my requests are open before sending one!!!
this blog posts sfw ONLY but it may include some suggestiveness. so don’t request smuts or nsfw.
i write for male/gender neutral readers and transmasc/nonbinary readers.
if your request has no specified gender, then i’ll default it to gender neutral.
tropes/stories i enjoy writing:
blue lock player! reader, general relationship headcanons, platonic pairings, parent aus (excluding pregnancy), situations where the reader is the more assertive/dominant one, song-inspired fics, drabbles, and scenarios.
what i don’t write for/please don’t request:
female reader or anything that implies that the reader is female, nsfw/smut, 1k+ word one shots, yandere/dark content, character x character ships (excluding poly relationship with reader)
i may post for other fandoms but i only take requests for blue lock currently.
characters i like writing/would like to write for:
isagi, rin, sae, nagi, bachira, barou, kurona, kiyora, kaiser, kunigami
you can specify headcanons, scenarios, and drabbles in your request.
part two’s/continuations of previous fics can be requested only if they’re headcanons/scenarios that include new characters
keep the details about your requests brief, ideally 3-5 sentences.
small note i need to add: when you’re requesting, please be respectful to me. jokes and small talk are way more than ok but don’t unironically call me pet names at all especially if i don’t know you. it makes me mad uncomfortable
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if you’re confused about anything that i have or haven’t mentioned above, don’t be afraid to shoot me a quick ask
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softneonnblm · 3 years
i think amab queer people deserve to be soft and dainty and pretty and beautiful
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intersexfairy · 4 years
All of you MLM blogs who don't allow NBLM interaction need to get it through your heads that NB people aren't some fucking mystical third gender that is all of the time so incredibly different from your own. NBLM can be gay for boys like you are! Nonbinary men gay exist! Stop fucking excluding us! It hurts like shit!
Gayness isn't so black and white. It never fucking has been. Please for the love of God just learn about us, talk to us, realize that we're not so different. Some of us are just the nonbinary, genderqueer, or gender nonconforming version of you.
You don't lose anything by letting people who are also gay for boys interact with your blogs. Your blogs are about being gay for boys, afterall!
You can write that "I respect enbies" in your bio all you want, but it won't be true until you fucking listen to us telling you, over and over, that we aren't all the same and we aren't so different from you. Why the hell would we want to follow an MLM blog if we were that much different?
I'm literally begging you. Just let us love and have pride with you. Trust that we know and understand our identities enough.
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heart-holes · 5 years
mlm asks under the cut bc im tryna wake myself up to do homework
Are you in a relationship? nooo but i have a boy who i love and whomst loves meee....its complex
Do you have a crush on someone? If you do tell us about them. mhm he’s really smart but about things i dont understand and he’s very kind and goofy and has a voice that melts my hearttt
What’s your ideal boyfriend/enbyfriend? someone who understands me intellectually and can learn to understand me emotionally 
What is your ideal perfect date? april fifteenth because-- no um  i like going for walks in the woods as a date. one of the best dates i’ve ever been on we just went to a junk yard and wandered around and then found a lil spot to sit and make out for a while it was cuuute
Have you ever smooched a boy/enby? oof these are for people much younger than me aren’t they. yes, i have smooched quite a few boys and nonbinary people (but actually no girls, i think?)
If you went on a movie date what movie would you go see? i don’t really like movies tbh, this is like the opposite of my ideal date bc you can’t talk or touch or do other things while you’re watching...
What video games would you play with your boyfriend/enbyfriend? my ex and i played all sorts of things together (planescape torment in particular </3) but right now? i’m not sure. maybe co op games? overcooked? smash? 
Are you a hopeless romantic? no, i’m a very hopeful romantic
Do you daydream a lot about your crush or boyfriend/enbyfriend? yep! im a daydreamer 4 sure
If you were going on a dinner date where would you go? hm...depends on how fancy i’d honestly just prefer to have my boyfriend buy me ingredients and then cook a nice meal 4 him  otherwise maybe kim’s? that’s the cheap korean restaurant near our college lol
Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue? i used to be able to but i’m not sure anymore, i’m out of practice 
Have you been to pride in June? If not would you like to go and if you have gone how was it? yep! been three times, once in high school and twice in college. in high school it was a little weird bc i was really sick, but i was the head of the GSA at the time and it was the first time we’d ever made it 2 pride as a school, so it was a big deal. last year my friend’s ex came along and kind of ruined the day for us lmao. this year we had a GREAT time, we went for one of my friends’ birthdays and it was their first time ever going to pride and being like out-ish in public. i made some chalk art, we took photos, we yelled at the rainbow washing corporations and got to ask a leather dom if we could pet their dog (a person in a fursuit). (they said yes!) 
When did you realize you weren’t straight or cisgender? i’ve been not straight for goddamn ever like, i probably knew i liked girls by the time i was in like sixth or seventh grade. and i remember considering that i was not, myself, a girl, in like...second grade, and then not dealing with it again until high school lmao
Would you consider yourself an affectionate person? to a select few, yeah
What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for someone? ooh, hard to say. i took someone for a middle of the night walk that led us to a river full of frogs once, and we had our second kiss there and i’m sure i’ve made a lot of romantic gestures for various other partners but i’m like, having a hard time remembering them oh one time the junkyard date person and i had a really nice date where we just went and sat in the woods and drew for a while and that was like, really great 
If you had to cook for your partner what would you cook? depends on what they wanted! i’m very good with stir frys, i can make steaks, i can do various kinds of chicken...
Where would you travel with your partner if you two could go anywhere? i don’t have a partner so i dont really know  the boy i’m seeing (TM) has visited finland before so maybe there...
If you wanted to get your partner a gift what would you get them? i like to make art for my partners tbh
Do you write love letters to your partner? i love writing letters in general so yes!
Do you write poetry or songs? not generally For People but yes to both, more poetry than songs
Favorite Lgbt+ movie? i haven’t seen very many of them to be honest...the Favourite was excellent, though! saw that in theaters! 
Favorite Lgbt+ show? also haven’t seen very many of those! lmao degrassi had a trans man on it way the fuck back in the day, but that’s not great representation, nor are renly and ser loras...ya i got nothing  o wait does Moomin count
Favorite Lgbt+ fictional character? slkdfjsldkfj i really cannot think of any of them ser loras of the flowers is deffo up there for me whoops sorry
Favorite Lgbt+ youtuber? skip
Favorite Lgbt+ singer? ryan beatty!
Favorite Lgbt+ meme? lmao it’s moominpapa with a glock
Favorite Lgbt+ book? always gonna b a soft spot in my heart for Annie On My Mind lmao
Favorite Lgbt+ artist? keith haring, dubiously basquiat 
Favorite Lgbt+ celebrity? kevin abstract or kristen stewart 
Favorite Lgbt+ tumblr blog? uhhhh peteseeger
Favorite MLM/NBLM tumblr blog? cowboymlm
Favorite petname(s)? sunshine, baby, daddy lmao 
Favorite date spot? woods
Favorite dessert? really good baklava will drive me insane tiramisu is good too but reminds me too much of my ex
Favorite love song (or favorite song)? favorite love song: a nightingale sang in barkley square favorite song: hm rn it might be...cupid? by ryan beatty 
Favorite thing to wear? my favorite sweatshirt and some black jeans
Favorite animal? frog, probably? 
Favorite type of Milkshake? chocolate! 
Favorite month? september :3 
Favorite mythical animal? hmmm i love me a big foot or a loch ness monster 
Favorite flower? dandelions or marigolds or roses 
Coffee or tea? coffeeeeee 
Sweater or Hoodie? depends! i have a lot more sweaters but i do love hoodies
Fall or Spring? both! 
Winter or Summer? summer, i think
Frozen yogurt or Ice cream? ice cream plsssss
Cuddles or hugs? hmmmm hugs 
Little spoon or big spoon? little spoon unless i am comforting the other person, in which case i am big spoon 
Gazing at the stars with your partner or watching the sunset together? oh both of these sound lovely
Movie theater or park date? PARK
Forehead kisses or kisses on the cheek? cheek kisses are kinda hot forehead kisses are cute 
Sitting on their lap or laying your head down on their lap? laying my head down! pet my hair!!!
Circus date or fair/carnival date? kind of neither tbh but like, i guess fair? 
Strawberries or cherries? ooh hard question. strawberries i think, but i looove cherries also
Peaches or plums? peaches!!!
Matte or glitter? GLITTER
Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kream? dunkin lmao i’m a northeast boy
Flamboyant or reserved? flamboyant usually, sometimes reserved
Pastel colors or dark colors? neither give me that neon 
Cats or reptiles? B O T H
Doughnuts or Bagels? oooh both. doughnuts maybe a little more tho
Pastel rainbow or regular rainbow? regular rainbow
Cowboy partner or Goth partner? either but i tend to lean a little more toward goths
Yeehaw or be gay do crime? i say both, but i say yeehaw more often
Video games or board games? board games pls god i love a board game
Plushies or figures? plusHIES
The sun or the moon? the sun!!!
Bears or dogs? BEARS
Red roses or white roses? pink or yellow roses are myy faves actually 
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