#i know this is the most rediculous thing ever but bear with me here he booyahd to them
pawsometoons · 2 years
I am mentally unwell
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
“are you flirting with me” w hotch or gibbs pls :)
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gif by fuckyeahjennyshepard
Pairing: Gibbs x reader
Warnings!: mostly fluff, suggestive language, suggestive actions, but nothing else really, maybe Gibbs being too hot ;)
Description: you have a secret crush. What happens when you get overly drunk and start flirting?
Most people knew you flirted when you were drunk. You did it a lot. You also got drunk ... a lot. Especially with Tony, Abby, and McGee. Except usually the flirting was harmless. Nothing ever came from it, and you had never drunk flirted with someone you were actually interested in.
But tonight, well tonight the man you were hopelessly in love with had decided to join you all in drinks. He looked amazing. He was wearing his USMC hoodie and God did he look good. You almost told him that after your second drink.
After your third or fourth, you scooted slightly close to him in the booth while Abby was telling a rediculous story. He almost didn't notice the subtle movement until you legs brushed. He snuck a glance at you, but you payed him no mind.
After your fifth drink, Abby, Tony and McGee had all walked away, either to dance or get another drink. So you turned to Gibbs.
"You look good tonight." You said rather loudly. He looked stunned at your words. He really didn't know how to respond.
"Although I don't think there is a time where you don't look good." You winked at him before turning and taking another sip of your drink. He blushed slightly and bowed his head before you could see his red cheeks. He would never hear the end of it if you saw him blush.
"Thanks y/l/n." You sighed at the use of your last name.
"You know you can use my first name right?" You asked leaning in slightly. "Besides, if I have my way, y/l/n won't be my last name much longer." He choked on his drink slightly and tried catching his breath before looking back at you.
"Are you flirting with me?" He asked.
"Um. Yeah. Kinda obvious Gibbs." You shook your head. "Although in my defense I am very drunk."
He nodded. "Of course." You saw him deflate slightly and you realized how your words had come off.
"God your stupid." He raised an eyebrow at you.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm flirting with YOU Gibbs. Yes I'm drunk. But thats just because I would never have the courage to tell you how I feel while sober. You're the big bad boss man. Although I think you are secretly a softie. Like a big strong teddy bear. I bet your fun to cuddle with. And your so handsome." Another thing you did while drunk was ramble. That usually came right before you passed out. Which you did. Falling right onto Gibbs.
* * *
The next thing you knew you were waking up in an unfamiliar bed, with an unfamiliar wight across your waist and behind your back. Your stretched out your arms and realized you were wearing a hoodie that definitely did not belong to you. Looking down at the emblem you realized it was Gibbs USMC hoodie and warmth filled your chest.
You felt the man stir behind you, and kisses were lightly pressed on your neck. You giggled softly, turning to look Gibbs in the eyes.
"I don't know what happened, but I would love waking up like this more often." You smiled as he leaned down pressef his lips to yours. His arm snaked its way around your waist bringing you as close as possible as he slipped his leg between yours. You moaned softly as he took your bottom lip in his own, pulling away breathless.
"Wow." You paused for a second trying to catch your breath. "That was, wow." You were at a loss of words as he kissed his way down you neck, nipping slightly causing another small moan to emerge from your lips.
"This turned out much better than expected." You smiled cheekily.
"Yeah, it sure did sweetheart." And he leaned in once again kissing you softly this time, smiling into the kiss.
"Who knew my drunk flirting would pay off?" And that earned you a loud laugh from the beautiful man in front of you.
I loved writing this so much. Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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determined-magi · 5 years
"Thannor." The new voice is sickly sweet. "I got a question for ya. Why's it that you let that BEAST of a child anywhere near you? You know nothing about him, not truly, words aside. Can you trust what a pathological liar tells you? He could be lying, he could be trying to get into your good side and betray you. He's a liar, a thief, and a traitor to his people. Why would he be loyal to a group of MAGES who remind him of everything he was trying to escape for gods know how long?"
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“ Ye think fer a second it hadn’t gone through my mind? Ye wants to rile me up, good job, but not gonna work the way you want it to, ye shite. And bare with me I’m gonna tell ye why and ye’s gonna be stuck on this long ass rant, and then I will fuckin cut that tounge and throat of yers, and ye’s not going to have a say on it. ”
“ One of very few get us. And ironically this “beast of a child” has managed to treat us, or feing to treat us, more humanely than a lot of humans on our own kindgom. Of course it feels too fucking good, because we’ve got many on our kingdom that do this already, and speak of us the same way you speak of him. “ He lets a low, rumbling growl from his troat. If the anon could hear it, he would hear the already hissing magic growing rather agitated behind the mage’s back. Like an animal who has had their territory crossed, tail snapping to its sides, ears pinned back and bearing fangs as a warning. “ Why ye think I snapped at him as a fuckin lion? ‘Course I don’t trust ‘im wholy. Hell, I am terrified. How well has it gone to ours with trusting others that hadn’t aged nor grew arounds us? “
“ Agar has been cut, burn and hurt many times in thirty years, he’s got the body scars of an old veteran, in about THIRTY YEARS, the amount of scars he’s got should be on a war mage of about Braigon’s age, not him. Gilrin has been used by the fucking council and their dogs for years, Thanneth taken advantage of and granted, fucking Belle, for fuck’s sake! ‘is own kingdom, ‘is own family, they all shunned him like they shun us. Captains had demoted Braigon in his younger days to escape a scold, and Rho? He’s sent people he thought as friends to jail for it, not one, twice or thrice, let me tell ye. “ Hands claw at his face, frustrated, then at his neck as if he wanted to tear off his own bones and throat. Before punching a nearby object, it hurts, but it is better to take it off at something than just keep the feeling there, anything to let off the sensation that kept  torturing him when made aware of it. “ And ‘ol me? Had people pretend things only to snap at me, fuckin outraged because I did not give them their due, time and time again. And when I express myself like I fuckin want? I get knocked, punished and spoken like if I was a rabid, mindless, bloodthristy animal. Then said my feral behavior has no place on their civilized society. Of fuckin course I’m going to be wary to some extent, of course it will feel too damn good to have someone like him around to be real. “
“ Sometimes I wish I had chosen to kick him out then, it would make life way easier. “ He then simply sits on the ground, face burrying on his hands as he lets one of the longest groans he’s ever had. “ Wouldn’t have to deal with this, stagnancy was far easier. I wouldn’t have to fear change, I wouldn’t have to doubt as many things as I do now, I wouldn’t feel like I was about to jump from the edge to the abyss in a blind leap of faith. I wouldn’t have to allways have the nagging feel in the back of my mind that there is something off, then be torn between trying to stop that feel, and stop what causes it. But then I would be again a miserable fool, with greats amounts of money, and little self-fullfillment found in life other than the few people and things he enjoys only in the smallest of dosis, stagnant an’ likely bound to suffer worse ‘cause he’s clearly in the wrong somewhere in there, which only now I’m coming to fuckin see. I ‘ave someone more than to an extent my magic isn’t allways upset around with, which is a big breather, let me tell ye. “
“ Of course not knowing anything is terrifying, when trust is given, they can use what they know against ye, ye? Ye don’t have anything, ye’r left helpless and the only thing ye’s got is a bite and bark, while they have a whole arsenal. ‘Course part of me would instinctually show distrust when experiencing on an unknow situation, outside of my own comfort zone, and while feeling exposed… so ‘course I don’t trust him, not entirely… “
“ Which ye know what? It thoroughly sucks! The one thing that feels good also doesn’t feel so! It is fuckin rediculous. I want to improve, and I want to go further on in my own self-development. “ He wants to pull his hair off, but doesn’t instead he just just stands again, then moves to hit his head against a wall. He seems clearly distressed somewhere in the mess of emotions he’s showing currently. “ But the worst of it? I find myself wanting to believe it, I want to believe what feels like a thorough lie and danger to be good, That’s change isn’t too good to be true. That who I hired ‘s in fact the person I hired, that ‘ey  ‘re a kid that did not come to my damn shop with ulterior motives, someone that, while problematic on some areas, is still a good kid just stumbling to my workplace in some way. And he in fact means well, and that I can grow fond of ‘im and trust him as a friend and dear apprentice, alike Gil does with her own students as if some were to her children. “
“ And ye know? Ye’s right on that last part, we are the least probable people for him to trust, the least rightfull! “ He moves away to start punching the object, barehanded, the alloy imbedded on his skin re-opening wounds and quickly painting it red, it hurts a lot, but does he care either? Not really, he needs an outting, something help him vent it off, something to take it on, something to exhaust him, in every concievable way. Which sadly to him doesn’t work very well, as soon enough he finds himself left with it being a useless mess. “ I can’t for shite understand why he’s here, why he’s stuck so long, and what could be the reasoning to want to do this, and that upsets me, but unlike some shites here, I.am.not.prying… “
“ And ye, we shouldn’t trust it. But ye know what? ” He growls again. He wishes to trust him, but… he won’t. Never blindly. Trust was a two way, and so long as one was closed, it wouldn’t be truly that, it could never be that. Will, however, be patient, await for it to show. and if not? Well, over time it shall show. The thought feels… bittersad-painfull, to him. “ What we do, what I do, won’t be chosen by a piece of shite like ye. I won’t pry the reasons behind, not like ye fuckin shites do to rile people up. Whatever reasons he’s got, are his. And ye know fucking what too? I changed my mind. ”
He moves in towards to grab the anon, before grabbing what he believes to be a sternum-like structure. Fingers burrying deep into the person’s flesh. Then he pulls, taking a good chunk of flesh, connective tissue and probably organs with it, leaving a bloodly mess behind and staining his clothes. then moves of to rip the person’s throat and cervical spine-like structure. He wasn’t going to let the person go away, no, he riled him up, ruined his day, touched matters he shouldn’t, knew things he shouldn’t. And he certainly wouldn’t let them have the chance to use what he’s just said, there is only six persons he will confide in this like this, and this fool wasn’t one of them.
And what that meant? Death, flat as that in his mind.
He stands there for a moment, before dropping the chunck he was gripping and letting the most frustrated of groans, followed soon by a growl. Oh, they fucking riled him and it ended with him killing someone. Look at his clothes! They are a mess, his nerves are a mess, the ground’s a mess, and everyone’s going to scold them on it. And he fucking hurt his hands AGAIN while on it.
Got fucking damn it, he hates getting riled up over things like these.
Sometimes he wishes he didn’t feel anything.
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himuro-nyaco · 4 years
A Cheap Pressure Washer "The Real Deal"
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Most ventures have mysteries... these are privileged insights about industry rehearses which are never in the buyers eventual benefits. This is the reason the 'insider uncovers all' book design sells endless books. Shockingly for the unwary purchaser the weight washer industry is the same. So what mystery could this industry conceivably be covering?
Let me answer this as legitimately as I can... it's the mystery of the modest weight washer, referred to in the business as the 'discard unit'.
The expendable unit is essentially the assembling of a weight washer whose structure and development has no expected an incentive for the buyer... enough said.
A very much planned and built weight washer has for all intents and purposes boundless applications for the mortgage holder and entrepreneur the same, it really is a flexible designing wonder.
The inquiry You are presumably posing to now is " at that point for what reason would makers make discard units?"
The appropriate response is basic really...EASY MONEY! Numerous producers comprehend that the normal buyer has actually no idea about what goes into the assembling of a solid weight washing framework and this is something they can promptly exploit.Visit here  sun-joe-spx3000-vs-spx3001
As the previous proprietor of an instrument rental community for a long time I can actually validate the overall absence of information controlled by Joe customer with regards to pressure washers.
An expendable unit is intended to accomplish a certain something and one thing as it were... an incredibly low value point! The showcasing condition is:
least cost = most straightforward deals
The purchaser truly isn't to blame here, after all how is he/she to know?
The weight washer industry all in all would need to be ordered as a divided industry. There are numerous brilliant producers in the commercial center today however there are similarly the same number of, who as I would like to think, rate far not exactly not really good or bad because of absence of showcasing honesty or assembling fitness and at times even both. Those with the eagerness to foist evidently sub-par items on a clueless open is an overall disrespect to a fine and generally moral industry.
Seeing this overall absence of purchaser appreciation for a long time for a long time is the thing that persuaded me to build up my site The-Power-Washer-Advisor. The essential strategic this site is to connect the information hole and to do my little part in helping evaporate the market for these expendable weight washers.
Need to see some expendable weight washers?... Simply go to eBay and type in the words pressure washer in the inquiry box. What you'll see is a huge amount of "new" pressure washers generally at rediculously low costs. Genuine deals right? Not so much... eBay happens to be the biggest exhibit of discard constrain washers to ever be gathered in one spot.
It's actually very simple for a producer to strip quality out of a constrain washer to accomplish a value point, particularly when the purchaser has no clue about what to search for.
Lets examine this for a second. Lets figure out the dispersion chain to inspire a cost reason for a producer. Weight washer maker X offers it's compel washers to it's merchant at a 24% benefit (some sell higher, I don't figure many would set out sell any lower.) Now the normal wholesaler is going to make about 30% on the off chance that he is into "esteem evaluating". So if the wholesalers cost is $500 he will most likely sell for $649 OK up until now yet what did this truly cost the producer to create?
$500 at a benefit of 24% methods this maker acquired all the segments, given work to amass and test the last item in addition to secured his overhead at a complete expense of $403...and with his $97 benefit he gives a strong guarantee and amazing assistance support...quite a mean accomplishment looking at the situation objectively.
Checking eBay today I found these costs $ 129.99,$ 70.00 and $33.99 utilizing our past model this would compare to a producers cost premise of ( come to consider it...who the hell knows?) At costs like these do you truly figure they could stand to have any sound guarantee program or administration backing to discuss? You would unquestionably must be a couple of pixels shy of a full screen in the event that you figured they did. In actuality they may even be bankrupt in the three to four months it will take this constrain washer to separate.
The most noticeably terrible aspect of this is not exclusively can an expendable unit be frustratingly questionable yet it tends to be perilous also, particularly when discussing electric weight washers. Power and water don't blend excessively well in an inadequately planned or developed weight washer.
Also, can you truly confide in the retailers?. We should take the large box stores for a model. On this site I have an article I composed named "The Truth about Honda Pressure Washers" this article relates the account of one womans disappointing genuine involvement in a weight washer that she thought was worked by a solid producer and bought from a store who she thought was a "trusted" retailer (a notable home improvement superstore.)
Discussing those monster home improvement superstores, lets talk for a moment about how these home improvement super stores at some point work. Here's the situation... You're a sales rep speaking to your weight washer product offering and you've at last got a meeting with a purchaser from a notable home improvement superstore... you make your best introduction as the purchaser looks on... clearly exhausted. You finish your introduction and Mr. purchaser looks at you square without flinching and straight states "You know Joe it's truly not a matter of on the off chance that we can sell your product offering it's more a matter of on the off chance that you can gracefully our tremendous volume of requests" (directly about now your brain is dashing with considerations of what the immense deals commissions will accomplish for your family and their future prosperity, hell...maybe now you could even bear the cost of that Porsche you've generally pined for.) You're woken up from your dream when Mr purchaser proceeds to state " Joe, we'll need you and your organization to hone your pencils and produce this model at this value point and this model at this value point etc.etc. This is nearly unfair...what a fantastic harasser strategy. It's truly simple to envision how a few makers could go as far as stripping quality out of their item whenever confronted with this tremendous deals opportunity. Presently you may see the last selling cost as great. Yet, is a quality stripped machine actually a decent incentive for you? Did you realize that a producer can bring down his cost $50.00 by basically overlooking the basic "low oil ready element" from Honda controlled weight washers? Gee.. OK have known to inquire?.
Fortunately a quality weight washer maker won't bow to these weights, he'll basically take a give this business...probably won't attempt to get an arrangement to make that attempt to seal the deal in any case.
So what is the good to this story?...Get taught! You're best guard is information about what is quality and what isn't. In this industry you for the most part pay for what you get so it pays you to truly know and comprehend what you're getting. I truly apologize in case you're heart was determined to that $89 pressure washer and I proceeded to ruin it for you...oh well.
As a last note. Be very careful about any weight washer selling for under $500 you need to realize that the assembling is bringing in enough cash to help their item and not give you the shaft when you need them the most.
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workingontruth · 5 years
A Simulation and a Gross Misunderstanding of Consciousness
April 2, 2019
On a recent flight, my brother, Randy, pulled the Popular Science magazine from the seatback in front of him. 
While I would sooner pay for peanuts, a soft drink and then experience a crash landing than read a Popular Science edition, Randy is one of those dudes I admire because of his continuing interest in “what’s on the horizon,” if even in the form of this thoroughly secular publication. In his words, that stuff “still fascinates me.” Agreed - me too...just educate me with a verbal synopsis, please. 
“...there's a real possibility ‘the universe is a simulation.’ “
He told me there was an article that started with a pointedly side comment (added as if everyone knows this by now) that there's a real possibility "the universe is a simulation." 
Given our Christian world view, this caught his eye. In Randy’s words, the whole concept is a great “example of how scientists and philosophers keep bumping into the likelihood of a supernatural reality, unwittingly describing that reality while using acceptable non-’religious’ terms.”
This simulation theory is popping up a lot now, and maybe you’ve been privy to it. Here’s a link to an article that touts Elon Musk’s views on the idea - which automatically makes it interesting to mellennials and people in general in this decade. 
In the article about Musk’s views, there were a couple of things that stuck out to me...
According to this week’s New Yorker profile of Y Combinator venture capitalist Sam Altman, there are two tech billionaires secretly engaging scientists to work on breaking us out of the simulation.
Umm...yeah, he’s right about one thing. There will be a “breakout” from “the simulation” alright! You can read about it in the Revelation of John - in the last book of the Bible. We already know “the rest of the story.” 
[And, as a side note, what Satan, the adversary and enemy of the created human soul, continues to desire most is to mischaracterize God as nothing more than a judgmental, envious, jealous and needy superpower who has only damnation on his mind. Never mind that He came into our world as one of us in Jesus - to bear his own wrath for our sin nature - that we may be joined to Him in our joyfilled purpose, both for this life and the one to come into eternity!] 
But it’s somewhat comical - that what secular scientists continue to attempt to understand while approaching the world from a “no God of the Bible” presupposition, is already known to mankind. Things like how it/we all started are found in Genesis 1-3. Everything from how our universe began to why there is pain and suffering in this world is found right there...in the words of God to us, his most prized of all creation as the only ones created in his image, and with a conscience and ability to reason and live other than instinctually. 
And then there is this sad misunderstanding of human consciousness from the same article... 
If we believe that there is nothing supernatural about what causes consciousness and it’s merely the product of a very complex architecture in the human brain, we’ll be able to reproduce it. “Soon there will be nothing technical standing in the way to making machines that have their own consciousness,” said Rich Terrile, a scientist at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
“If we believe that there is nothing supernatural about what causes consciousness...” There’s the admission. It’s kinda funny were it not so sad. “If we believe...” as if what we want to believe and deny creates our reality on this planet. In this case, this denial of what is true of mankind and how the unique human consciousness came to be is disheartening. Genesis 2:7 gives us the insight into our absolute uniqueness amongst all of God’s creation on planet Earth. 
7 then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. 
Nowhere else does God tell us that He himself “breathed life into” anything other than mankind. It was this very plan to make mankind in his own image and with a very consciousness that would allow him to possess an independent awareness and intellectual and soulish perception of his surroundings that differentiates you and me from any other creature or any mere processing software program - built upon little more than logical if/thens. Our consciousness is breathed into us uniquely by God. It’s what makes us human. 
One more very intersting observation in the Popular Science article is as follows...
"[our life on this planet]...appears to be a simulation... because it's so perfectly situated for our existence."
Um, that's what Christian scientific apologists have been saying for ages. It's old news! 
And it’s TOTALLY like the famous, awesome quote you may have read before yourself, 
"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."  - Jastrow
And as Randy pointed out in our interactions, I'd also add that none of what they’ve been seeking was hidden...Jeremiah 29:13; Proverbs 8:17; Matthew 7:8. 
Here’s the predicament of those who have become rediculous fools, though claiming to be wise. And it all begins with the wrong presupposition that, as Darwin admitted himself, we must, above all things, begin the discussion with the idea that there is no Creator God as characterized in the Bible. 
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools. - Romans 1:18-22
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