#i lack icons atm till i get home
pr0ng3ls · 1 year
So weird thing I'm chatting about right now, I have an Etsy! Or, well had.
At the current moment my page is down, why? Lots of fun real life problems ;o;! The most prominent being the fact that my ability to get packages sent out has been horrendous, I think its because the packages are so small and bland looking that they just easily get lost in the mail. So, as of the last few months stuff has just seemed to be stacking up.
If you wish to read more, everything is under the cut including some behind the scenes in recent developments.
So I'm just gonna be 100% transparent about all the reasons my shop has been down:
•My wrist has been getting Really bad, I've had to purchase a wrist brace just to function with my right hand, it hasn't been fun.
•My dad and So managed to both have a hospital visit within a month. My dad had 2 serious viruses (idk the name of them. Funny enough one you can only get on cruises while the other was a simple fungal infection of the throat), while my SO had hydroplaned on his way home from work one morning and crashed into a tree, he had came out amazingly well, with just a few scrapes, bruises, and a pulled shoulder. Scary thing about it was maybe 10 ft away was a large irrigation ditch that would have easily swallowed and flooded his car.
•Depression and ED had a pretty solid hold on me, I was left with unfulfilled orders and by the time I would wake up the next day the post office was already closed. This was going on for a few months, all orders that were not fulfilled were fully refunded.
•My products are just not getting to me. I've been waiting on our old housemate to send me the rest of my Sakura enamel pins, this was back in... Feb? March? Just after we moved.
•Many if not all of my designs just don't sit right with me anymore. I still like them, but they need a heavy dose of updating to better suit what I have planned for them. At the current moment I'm experimenting with a new hand heart design for the characters. I will exsplain this further bellow.
•The last reason is income has been very strained because of the reasons above. For the past 3 years I've personally been doing my best to aquire a stable job, but oh boy has that not been fun. I'll be honest when I say I've applied to just about every job I was able bodied and skilled to do in my old home town, employers just don't want to hire and its been making it quite difficult to focus on my etsy store because of this.
Now, I have been working on the Etsy page off on the side for the past few weeks. I've been making a new banner, icon, I've got certain things lined up and will probably have my shop remained closed for a while till I have everything figured out.
Bellow is my current lineup on how I've been overhauling the etsy page:
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This has been the best way I can organize everything I've got. Now, I was going to have the Sunflower Sun Sticker checked off but unfortunately I ordered 10 beta Keychain instead of 10 beta Stickers cause my ability to comprehend words is a little... Lack Luster. But again if I decide I like the Keychain, Ill keep the design idea!
Bellow is a comparison of Sunny's old desigm and the new one!
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As you can see there is a HUGE difference between the two designs now. Which I'm quite proud of actually, I'm thinking after I get my Keychains in I'll do a giveaway with them so 9 lucky people can have the design before I even properly sell it which may be months from now.
Things I don't have written down are holiday exclusive designs which I'll be selling on my Kofi later down the road till I can get settled. These will only be sticker designs atm.
Any and all inputs are welcomed at this point as I've been slowly working up a new stock, waiting until I hit a 500 count on each item before I decide its time to reopen the shop, its alot but its something I just feel I need to do.
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fcngdaddy-blog · 8 years
“It’s the middle of the night…”
♛ — WHILE HE LOATHED being unable to walk in the sun, feel the heat against his pale flesh, step into any sort of natural light without BURSTING into flames, he enjoyed the immortality, and everything that came with it. The night was his. He conducted all this twisted desires and tasks during this time, and it was worth every second he remained VULNERABLE to the sun. The primary downside aside from the light, was being unable to enter someones house without permission. It was FRUSTRATING. 
Leaning his shoulder against the wall of the porch, JERRY flashed the younger man a charming smile. “I’m sorry to bother you at such a late hour,” he really wasn’t. “-but there was a bit of trouble involving a small gas leak over at my place, mind if I COME IN and make sure it isn’t affecting yours?” It wasn’t his best excuse, but right now, it was the best he could come up with, especially when he was lacking BLOOD.
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