#i laughed my ass off when she smacked murdoc
gorillaz-girl · 2 years
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lmao what would they do without her
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justliketherifle · 5 years
Trouble Always Finds Me Chapter 7
You woke up in Mac's arms on his bed. It was dark outside. Your stomach was hurting. You saw a glass of water and a bottle of pills on the bedside table. You tried to reach them, but it hurt too much. You gasped and Mac woke up.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, just trying to get my pain meds.”
“Oh, here.” He reached an arm across you and snagged the bottle, popping it open and handing you two pills. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I got shot doing something stupid.”
“That move you pulled was pretty cool, actually.”
“Yeah? Learned it from Miss Congeniality.”
You rolled onto your back and nodded at him after taking the pills.
“Okay, once you're healed up, I want you to get some real hand-to-hand training.”
“That’s probably a good idea. I only know how to get out of most situations without hurting people. Physical Intervention Alternatives. They taught us that where I used to work.”
“That reminds me.” He grabbed his phone off his table and showed you a picture. “Your people are safe and they miss you.”
You teared up. “Thank you, Mac. I miss them too. What did you tell them?”
“Witness Protection. And that you have a new boyfriend. Sharon loved that.”
“I’ll bet she did. Can we stay in bed for a while?”
“Of course. Matty gave me a mandatory week off to stay with you.”
“That seems generous for her. I'll be sure to thank her later.”
“It is. She said to enjoy the honeymoon.”
You covered your face and laughed. “Of course she did.”
“Everyone sends their love. Your dad is coming by in the morning. Said to prepare for a Bruce Willis marathon.”
“Nice! We better have popcorn! Die Hard is my fave!”
Mac shook his head. “You really are your father's daughter.”
He leaned over and kissed you hungrily.
You pulled away, concerned. “Mac?”
He looked away. “When Murdoc shot you…I thought I was gonna lose you. It scared me to death.”
You took his face in your hands. “I’m right here. I'm okay.”
“I’ve never felt so much for someone so fast. It's a little intimidating.”
“The great Angus MacGyver is intimidated by me?”
He rolled his eyes. “Well when you say it like that…”
You kissed him, long and slow. “I was scared too. But I knew you'd save me. I’ve never felt like this before either. But after what happened, I know we can get through anything.” You laced your fingers with his and pressed your foreheads together.
“God, you're incredible.”
“Nah. I'm just me.”
You fell asleep like that, breathing each other in, comforted in knowing the other was safe and sound in your arms.
You were woken up rudely by your dad.
“Seriously? It's been two days!”
“Mac, I tried to stop him,” you heard Bozer say.
You both blinked the sleep out of your eyes.
“What time is it?” you groaned.
“11. And time for you two to explain this cozy little love nest.”
“Dad, we just fell asleep. Mac wanted to protect me. And he did. I'm fine.”
“Okay, all right. Just take it easy. Nothing strenuous.”
You put your hands over your face and groaned again. “Dad! Get out!”
You threw your pillow at him as Mac and Bozer laughed. They both left and you turned to your gorgeous boyfriend. He ran a hand through his hair.
“I am so sorry, babe,” you told him apologetically.
“It’s okay. I knew what I was getting into. And you're worth it.”
You smiled at him. “You’re the best.”
“I try. You stay here, I'll get Bozer to whip you something up for breakfast.” He leaned down and kissed you.
“Mmm, breakfast in bed. How can I say no?”
He held your hand until he walked away, smile on his lips. You smiled and sighed happily before slowly stretching out your arms and legs.
Mac came back and helped you sit up. “Hope you like Belgian waffles.”
“I love them!”
“Good.” He kissed you again. “Don’t think I'll ever get tired of that.”
“Me either, hot stuff.”
“Glad to hear it, beautiful.”
You absolutely melted. You gave him another sweet peck on the lips.
He sat down next to you and took your hand, giving it a kiss.
You leaned your head on his shoulder. “I’m really racking up the bullet holes lately.”
“Please don't joke about that.”
“Okay. I'm sorry.”
“It’s okay, I just…I don't even want to think about it.”
“I get that. Lucky for me, I've got a knight in shining skinny jeans.”
He huffed out a laugh. “How do you stay so positive?”
“I try to focus on what I have instead of what I don't.”
“That’s pretty amazing.”
You shrugged. “I just do what my mom taught me. Life sucks. But you still gotta live.”
“I wish I could have met her.”
“She would have given you a stern talk about not breaking my heart. Then hugged you and forced you to eat something because 'you are way too skinny, kid'.”
You both laughed.
“Well, she sounds like a great lady.”
“She was. She would have loved you. She always wanted me with someone who could keep me safe.”
“I take that part of my job very seriously.”
“I’ve noticed. My dad would probably kill you if you hurt me.”
“Which is funny, because he's said I’m like a son to him.”
You shut your eyes. “Ew. More like son-in-law now.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Jack came in with your food on a wooden tray. “Breakfast time! And then you and me are doing some good old fashioned father-daughter bonding. Mac and Boze can join, I guess.”
“Thanks, Dad. This looks great.”
He presented you with two giant waffles smothered in strawberries.
“Ugh, yes. Tell Bozer he's a god.”
“I will not,” Jack said.
“Bozer, you're a god!” you shouted with your mouth full.
“I aim to please!” he yelled back.
You stuffed your face like you hadn't eaten in days.
“Slow down, it's not going anywhere,” Mac said playfully.
“Shush, you. Why don't you two go eat? I'll be out in a minute.”
Mac looked unsure. “I'm not really comfortable with leaving you alone right now.”
“Same here, baby girl,” Jack added.
“Well then go get food and eat in here with me.”
They nodded and left to get their own plates. They returned with Bozer in tow. Mac sat on the bed beside you and Jack and Bozer brought over chairs.
You all ate in silence for a while, giving Bozer appreciative looks.
You sighed and put your fork down.
“That was delicious. Thank you, Bozer.”
“You are so welcome. There's more where that came from.”
“Well I can’t wait. Now tell me we have popcorn. Because I don't watch Willis storm Nakatomi Plaza without popcorn.”
Jack smiled at you. “That’s my girl!”
You gave him a fist bump and he carried you out to the couch. You settled in and waited for the others.
Sitting up was not doing you any favors however. You squirmed in your seat before Jack sighed and sat down, pulling you so you were laying down, head on his lap.
“I feel like such a baby,” you complained.
“It’s okay, you're allowed to let us take care of you,” Jack told you.
Mac and Bozer came into the living room, smiling at you.
You lifted your legs. “There’s room for you, Mac.”
He took a seat and laid your legs across his lap. Bozer popped in the first DVD and went to make popcorn.
“’Welcome to the party, pal,'” you said in your best Bruce Willis voice.
“’Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the ass,'” said Jack.
You giggled at his impression.
Mac shook his head. “Hey Bozer, there's officially two of them!” he yelled.
You and your dad high fived as Bozer returned with two bowls of popcorn and started the movie. The four of you spent the whole time laughing loudly, throwing around quotes and pieces of popcorn.
You were halfway through Die Hard 2 when you drifted off, the voices of your family making you smile as you did.
You woke with a start, tears already staining your face. You'd had the same old dream, watching all your friends die.
“You okay there, sweetheart?” you dad asked, looking down at you.
“No. But when am I ever?” You sighed, swiping the tears away angrily.
“You get a lot of nightmares?”
“Too many. All the same. Blood, gunshots, death.” You pushed yourself up to a sitting position, groaning.
“Take it easy there.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
You looked over and saw Bozer asleep in his chair and Mac passed out next to you. You smiled at the sight.
“You really like that boy, don't you?” Jack asked.
“I really, really do.”
“Two reallys. Wow. Well. Like I said on the heli, if it had to be someone, there's no one else I'd trust.”
You put your head on his shoulder. “I’m so happy to hear you say that.”
“I’m serious about killing him, though. You just say the word, honey.”
You smacked his chest. “Stop threatening my boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend though? Seriously? Already?” he said weakly.
“Yes. So deal with it.”
“All right, all right. At least I feel like I didn't really miss out on those crazy teen years.”
“Oh man, you and teenage me? You would've lost your mind.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Like I said, drugs, booze, sneaking out, slamming doors. The whole nine.”
“On second thought, I'm good with missing those.”
“I thought so.”
“Real talk, though, baby girl. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. You know I would have been if I'd known.”
“I know, Dad. But I can tell you all about it if you want.”
He smiled. “I would love that.”
You stayed up all night, telling Jack everything you could think of about your childhood. Your elementary school best friends, Cayla and Kayla, learning to ride a bike without training wheels at 7 because a neighbor boy called you a baby. Your dad said he'd would've had a serious talk with that kid. You laughed.
You talked about trips to Colorado and the Mall of America with your mom and the mini adventures you'd take. You hadn't talked about her much since she died. It was nice.
The both of you wound up falling asleep that way until a sharp pain in your side woke you up. You gasped and cried out, waking all three of the men.
“(Y/N)?” Mac said, rubbing his eyes.
“Hurts,” you said through gritted teeth.
“I'll go get your pills. Jack, you should lay her down.”
Jack set you down and stroked your hair. Mac returned with a glass of water and two more pills.
“I guess it could be worse. I've seen sucking wounds before. Emphasis on the suck,” you said, downing the pills.
“Yeah, I’ve dealt with those. They’re not pretty,” Mac added.
“Guess I’ve still got a chance if Murdoc escapes again.”
“Matty’s gonna do everything she can to keep that lunatic behind bars,” Bozer promised.
“Thank you. I'd like to thank all of you, actually. You've done so much for me. I don't know if I can ever repay you.”
“No repayment needed. You're Jack’s kid, Mac's girl, and my friend. I got your back.”
You stood up and gave Bozer a hug. Jack and Mac joined you, squishing you in a big group hug.
Just then, Mac's phone went off.
He answered it. “Hey Matty, what's up? Wait, what? Already? Crap, okay. We'll get her out of here.” He hung up and looked at you.
“I jinxed us, didn’t I?” you said warily.
“Murdoc just escaped.”
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The band patching up there s\o after they come home from a fight?
~ This poor boy would be worried sick when he saw your condition. He would immediately steer you to the couch and sit you down. He’d bring you water and search the first aid kit. 2D would also grab some alcohol to help keep you from getting an infection on your open wounds. “Dis is gonna sting.” He said as he poured the alcohol over your arms. You grunted and bit down on your lip to keep from crying out. “I’m sorry bu’ we don’ wanna have yew get an infection.” He closed up the alcohol and began to bandage your arm.
~ “Wha’ happened?” 2D asked without looking up from your arm. You sighed and sat back against the couch. “I’ll have to take a swing of that before I tell you the story behind all of this bullshit.” You said while pointing over to the rubbing alcohol. You chuckled a bit at your joke but 2D didn’t find it as funny. “So it was another bar fight…” He sighed and got up from his spot. You groaned and laid your head back. “Look, I really hadn’t planned on going out and starting trouble. I was just out on the town and I saw someone. Someone I’ve wanted to choke ever since you told me about her.” 2D glanced back at you but said nothing. “Yup. Paula Cracker. I saw her in a circle of guys, ya know her usual spot, and I just couldn’t help it. Seeing her after knowing what she’d done to you made me furious, so I snapped. But her monkeys didn’t like that so it was an unfair fight.” 2D growled and sat down next to you. “Fank yew but yew didn’ have ta do dat. Yew coulda gotten seriously hurt…” You smiled over at him and kissed his cheek. “You’re worth every bruise, angel.” You both giggled and 2D flipped on the TV. “Let’s watch some ‘o dat fake fightin’, it’s safe. Bu’ don’ get any ideas.” You smirked and said, “No promises.”
~ When you walked through the door, Murdoc looked up. “Holy shit.” He said as he ran over to you. “What in the hell happened to you?” You laughed a bit and shrugged your shoulder. “You should see the other guy.” Murdoc stood there with a concerned look on his face. “I don’t know if I should be angry, proud, or horny…” You laughed and bent over in pain. “Shit…” You lifted up your shift to reveal to him a knife wound. “BABE WHAT THE FUCK DON’T COME IN HERE LAUGHING AND SHIT. YOU’VE BEEN FUCKING STABBED YOU IDIOT!” Murodc grabbed you and ran you into the bathroom. 
~ “Mudz, chill. He barely broke the skin. It wasn’t even a real knife. It was some little kitchen knife he probably stole from his mom.” Murdoc sighed and pushed you down onto the toilet seat. “Take your shirt off.” He ordered. You obeyed and threw your bloody shirt across the room. Murdoc grabbed your arm and held it in place. “This is going to hurt like all hell but we’re out of rubbing alcohol.” He grabbed a bottle of vodka and poured it over your stab wound. “Fuck me!” You screamed and groaned. “Maybe later.” You both chuckled and he began to wrap out the wound. “You seriously should’ve gone to the hospital. I only know how to do this because my ass has gotten kicked countless times and you can’t go to a public hospital when you’re a fugitive.” You sighed and watched Murdoc as he cleaned of the dried blood on your arms. “Now that’s not mine.” You were talking about the blood on your arms. He looked up at you with a rather annoyed look in his eyes. “I told you, you should’ve seen the other guy.”
~Noodle was quiet when she saw you. You were covered in bruises. You had a blackeye, broken noise, busted lip, dislocated shoulder, and a couple of contusions.She simply sighed and pulled you into the kitchen. She pushed you down into astool near the bar and searched for the first aid kit. Once she found it, shethrew it onto the counter. You watched her carefully as she cut away yoursleeves and examined your skin for some unseen wounds. Noodle went through thefirst aid kit to find some antibiotic cream and bandages. She carefullywrapped up all of your open wounds and made sure they were secure before movingonto your face.
~Noodle looked at you and got up to go get a frozen bag of vegetables to putover your black eye. She handed it to you and you placed it over your eye. “Youhaven’t said anything.” You mumbled as she got out some more cream for yourlip. Noodle ignored your comment and went to work on your nose. You flinched asshe pinched it, trying to figure out where exactly it had broken. She pulledout some medical tape to put on your nose to try and keep it from moving toomuch. “There’s really not much I can do for your nose. Just make sure you takesome of 2D’s pain pills when the pain becomes too much for you.” Noodle got upand started to clean up the little medical station she had set up in thekitchen. You grabbed her hand and said, “Thank you.” She stopped and stared atyou for a minute, “Don’t let this happen again.” She said in a stern voicebefore leaving you alone in the kitchen.
~ Russel would feel angry but more concerned for your safety when he sees your condition. “God dammit.” He says as he runs to get the supplies to clean you up. He grabs some rubbing alcohol, bandages, towels, new clothes, and some water for you. “What the hell happened?” He said as he got to work. You looked at the floor for a second before answering his question. “I had a pretty rough day at work and decided to take it out on some asshole at the bar. He kept pushing himself onto this girl who kept asking him to leave her alone, so I told him to back off and he pushed me and one punch led to another so yeah.”
~ Russel sighed and placed a bandage over the scratch on your face from the guy’s big ass ring. You growled at the memory and Russel smacked your thigh. “No more of that. You’ve gotten into enough trouble tonight.” You chuckled at him and sighed. “Yeah it wasn’t my brightest moment but at least it wasn’t some random person on the street.” Russel stayed quiet and continued to clean you up. “Here.” He handed you some fresh clothes and turned around to give you some privacy. “Thanks for cleaning me up. You really shouldn’t put up with a trouble maker like me.” You finished putting your clothes on and ran a hand through your hair. Russel suddenly turned around and grabbed your shoulders. “Don’t you dare say shit like that. We got into the relationship because we both agreed to put up with each other’s shit when things get rough. Now don’t get this way just because you made a little mistake. We took care of it and you’re okay. That’s all that matters. I love you, you little asshole.” You laughed and hugged him. “I love you too… bitch.”
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