#like she didn’t just nudge him or lightly slap his head lol she straight up whacked the shit outta him
gorillaz-girl · 2 years
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lmao what would they do without her
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
No heroes or villains
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A Westworld x sort of Western-Prospect AU x my mind doing stuff
Candice ’Ruby’ Mason & Ezra ‘Gunslinger’ James & Logan ‘Maverick’ Delos | ft Charles ‘Hoodoo’ Leon
Words: 2,060
Warnings: a few, guns, a hostage, sexual innuendo, drinking at a sex club
An: Not me with new characters and scenarios always in my mind even though I have a million x 10 wips. I’ve been thinking about this pair a lot lately. They won’t leave me alone. I literally have one wip and 2 requests planned for this week - these three need to let me breathe lol. As i sort the wips to focus on this summer, and pick the last Pedro characters I’ll write before taking a break from his characters, this will likely be in that last batch.
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Earlier that day
Dust kicked up in the air as the small unassuming carriage came to a full stop. Ruby reaches behind her, without looking, and rests a hand against Ezra’s chest. She hated spooking horses, humans she didn’t care so much.
They’ve been tracking this carriage for days, the impatience radiating off of Ezra made it clear he was ready to end this job, collect the pay, and pick a place to rest for a while. Without a respite or a pleasure den to bask in between jobs, Ezra’s becomes tetchy.
Ruby feels Ezra’s chest rise and fall as he takes a breath. The lone rider in the carriage exits and steps aside to take a piss.
Taking quiet measured steps, Ruby creeps up behind the man just as he closes his trousers and presses the barrel of her pistol into the center of his back.
“You stay put right there if you know what’s good for ya.” Ruby presses harded, the man stills and slowly turns his head to view her.
“W-what the hell is this?”
Ezra steps infront of the man, careful to avoid the wet spot on the ground and flashes a menacing grin, “oh, it’s elementary. You see, my partner and I intend to relieve you of your load.”
The man’s eyes jump from Ezra, to Ruby. “I intend to surrender nothing.”
Ruby shakes her head, with one quick movement she takes his pistol from his belt holster.
Ezra howls, he has his double colts trained on the man.
“You gotta watch that one, she’s quick.”
Ruby holsters his weapon and stands next to Ezra.
“Risky move,” Ruby steps away from Ezra, and circles the man like a vulture, “Comin’ out this way by your lonesome. Didn’t your mamma teach you better than that?”
“I gather it’s safe to assume otherwise, little bird,” Ezra takes a step closer to him and shoots him a warning look as the man starts to make a run for it. The man stops, feeling Rubys run against his back again, “carrying such precious cargo. You really should have some company.”
“Saftey in numbers and all that,” Ruby adds, she nudges him in the back with the barrel of her gun oncemore.
Ezra clears his throat, holsters one of his weapons and looks the man over.
“I’m gonna be straight with you. No one has to die, amigo. You can hand that cargo over to my charming yet dangerous companion and walk away with your life. Or, put up a fight and lose your life.”
The man frowns, he glances nervously at Ruby, then returns his eyes to Ezra.
“The choice is yours, Blondie.” Ruby stands next to Ezra once more, she grins at the man.
The man swallows, looks around, then back at them. He forces the words, but they finally come.
“I won’t resist.”
Ruby moves closer, looking up at the tall man, still grinning. “Attaboy. It would be a shame to destroy such a pretty face. Now, you help us transfer those sacs to our carriage. One step closer to freedom. I promise.” She lightly slaps his left cheek before stepping away. The man jerks his head back.
Ezra chuckles, amused by the whole scene.
Holding the man hostage, Ruby watches him as Ezra retrieves their carriage. Once it’s there, they keep the man at gunpoint as he does the heavy lifting. They also checked his carriage for hidden weapons, there are none.
Ruby leans against a tree, watching as the man transfers another sac, “Poor thing, this must be your first run. Sorry for the rough lesson sweetheart, but it's tough out here. Next time, be prepared.”
Ezra circles the scene, eyeing how many sacs are left to transfer, “Oh my Ruby. Sweet as pie and as deadly as a viper.” The man’s eyes meet Ezra’s. “She’s a special one - “ Ezra pauses, waits until the man puts the last two inside then continues talking, “ah, you forgot something,” Ezra signals for him to roll down the canvas securing the back. “Tie it now. We wouldn’t want any losses along our journey.”
“No. We sure wouldn't’. I’d be a waste of your hard work.”
The man finishes the task before glancing at Ruby.
“There , see, that wasn’t hard.” Ezra takes off his hat and bows to the man. “Much obliged.”
The man starts to say something but is cut off as Ezra roughly grabs him by the collar and shoves him against a nearby tree. The man pushes back until he feels a colt pressing against his gut.
Ezra is close, real close, his nose pressing against the mans as he stares daggers into his eyes, “dont make this more difficult than it has to be, friend. Sit.”
The man sit down. His eyes float to Ruby who watches over Ezra’s shoulder.
“Don’t mind him, his mood shifts.” She said with a shrug.
Ezra kneels down, grabs a fist full of the man's shirt again, “Ruby, the rope. Now.”
Any patience Ezra had left is long gone. She sighs and undoes the length of rope from her belt. She walks over to them and kneels down behind the tree.
“It’s an easy knot, by time you get out of it, we'll be long gone and you can continue on your way.” Ruby grabs hold of the man's wrist and ties them.  
Ezra holsters his last colt and leads the way to the carriage. “Let’s get out of here.”
Ruby winks at the man tied to the tree, pets his horse, then joins Ezra on their carraige before taking off.
Two days later
Ezra reclines against the building, observing the small town at the peak of day. A market, people coming and going, goods stores receiving orders.
“Who is this friend of yours anyhow? What’s his name?” Ezra asked.
“You wanted a prospecting job next, so here you go,” Ruby sips some water from the canteen before handing it to him, “ he has many names.”
Ezra grins, continuing to watch her as he holds the bottle. “What’s his name?”
“Call him Hoodoo. He’s our ticket.”
Ezra nods, then takes a sip of water. “Quite the moniker.”  
“This place is supposed to have generous deposits. Gems, metal. We gotta pass through Pariah, and drop something off for him in exchange for the information. Two nights til the next train passes thru.”
“You know the last time I spent two nights in Paraiah I got arrested.” Ezra smirks, reliving the memory.
Ruby smiled, “I did too.”
“Hell, it takes a lot to get arrested in Pariah,” Ezra pulls her closer and locks one arm around her shoulders, “look at us.”
Ruby scratches the scruff of his patchy beard with her nails. Ezra grabs her chin, his brown eyes fixed on hers.
“Pariah watch out.” Ezra leans forward to kiss her, Ruby stands on her tipy toes to meet his lips with hers.
“He’s ready to see you now.” A voice from behind them said.
Ruby breaks away from the kiss first and follows the guy inside the house, Ezra follows.
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Once they enter, Ruby finds Hoodoo in the back of the Casino, a cigar between his lips and the rim of his hat casting a shadow over his eyes.
“Spitfire, is that you,” his deep voice reaches out before he raises his head.
“The one and only.” Ruby stands infront of the table, her hands resting on her hips.
He’s a big man, one of the biggest Ezra has seen in a while. His hat continues to conceal his eyes.
“Thought you were dead.”
“Almost.” She replied with a grin. He chuckles in response.
Hoodoo raises his head and lifts the rim of his hat, setting it at normal level. His dark brown eyes focus on Ezra, his expression is hard to read.
“I see you found yourself another one.”
Ezra quirks a brow, then looks at Ruby.
“He as crazy as the last one?”
“No,” Ruby shakes her head and affectionately pats Ezra on the shoulder.
When Hoodoo rises from the chair, he towers over both of them. He steps around the table and places his large hands on Rubys shoulders. She’s already shorter and smaller than Ezra, she appears tiny before Hoodoo.
“Look at you,” the serious man cracks a smile, like a proud father, “come on, let’s talk. Bring your boyfriend.” He wraps an arm around her, leading her to a back room.
Ezra shrugs and follows along.
Pariah, night one
The Golden Kingdom (brothel)
Ruby sips her drink and drapes her legs over Ezra’s as they lounge on the red velvet couch, watching everything before them. With her free hand, she massages the back of his head.
“Would you like to partake in any of the activities tonight, gem?” Ezra kisses the length of her arm closest to him.
“Not sure yet. I’m content just watching, and drinking. We can’t get too wild, we have an early meeting in the mornin’, unload that cargo.”
“I’m aware, “ Ezra nuzzles his face in the space between her neck and shoulder, whispering against her skin, “when was the last time first light stopped us from having a wild night?”
“True.” Ruby turns her head, offering him more of her neck to kiss.
Ezra slips his hand under her shirt, “I propose we take a look around, see what visual delights entice our senses and head back to the room.”
“I like that plan.” Ruby grabs his hand and slides it out of her shirt. “Come on cowboy.”
The two of them walk the massive room, red curtains drape from the walls, bowls of fruit and chalices of wine spread out on countless tables, music playing, lit candles, incense, faintly in the background the sounds of pleasure and boisterous conversation.
When Ezra takes a step away to piss, Ruby continues to explore until a familair figure catches her eye. She can identify this tall, lean, dark haired figure with ease.
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Feeling someone behind him, Logan assumes it’s his partner, “I didn’t know the body could bend like that,” he titls his head and chuckles, “That’s what I need tonight, to fuck like that - “Logan glances over his shoulder and does a double take.
“Well, “ he lowers his glass as he turns to view her, “look at you.” Logan smiles fliratiously at her. “Last time I saw you, you shot me.”
“I did. I’d do it again.” Ruby’s eyes moved over him, she still hated him, but he looked delicious as usual. “Still a vile piece of shit?”
“You know it.” Logan responds proudy.
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Logan steps away from the sideroom, giving her his full attention. Standing too close, he arches a brow and wets his lips.
“You look good Ruby.”
“I know.” Ruby flips him off and continues walking, heading back to where she last stood with Ezra. Logan follows.
“What’s it been? A year?”
“About.” She reponds shortly.
Logan chucks the rest of his drink, and places it on the tray of a passing server.
“What do you say to an adventure? Like old times? The person I came with..a real bore. But you,” Logan walks backwards infront of her, forcing her to look at him, “we - we know how to have fun. I like this gold paint, you would look delicious painted gold.”
Ruby rolls her eyes, “I’m not alone.”
“You know I don’t mind group action.” The diabolical grin Logan flashes sends a wave of heat through her body. Ruby resists, putting more space between them.
She takes a few steps then notices Ezra coming her way.
“Ready for that room Gem, I’ve had all the voyeriusm a man can take,” Ezra draws her into his arms, “you and me, we need to -” he stops, noticing the tall man watching them with a perverse half grin.
“Over me so quickly,” Logan rests a hand over his heart, “I have to say, it hurts, just a little.”
“I take it this is the other one Hoodoo was referrin’ to?” Ezra continues to hold her, his eyes on Logan.
“Moving fast you two, you met Hoodoo? That’s like meeting the dad,” he whispers that part, “ I’m impressed, or jealous.” Billy grins. “what's the secret? Big cock?”
Ruby turns and grabs Ezra by the arm and pulls him backward. She doesnt mind Ezra laughing at Logan’s comment, “Goodbye Logan!” She calls back as her and Ezra head toward the entrance.
Now that I got some of this out of me, I’m gonna try to work on my actual planned wip 😁
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
Platonic! Straw Hats x Teen! Reader » Continued. PT 2
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Request : Can we have more teen reader with the straw hats and they protect them and teach them things
Hi, do you mind if we get more platonic teen reader with the straw hats?
Is there going to be a part 2 of the teen reader and straw hat Pirates?
I FINALLY FINISHED. I didn’t realize how popular this would be, holy crap. This is the first time I had someone request for a part 2 for something, let alone 3 people. It feels kinda nice 😂
I’m trying to keep reader GN, but if I end up writing female pronouns or hints of a female reader, then I’m sorry :(
this might be in parts, ( should I turn this into a multi-fic? lol )
includes interaction w/ : Nami, Sanji, Chopper & Usopp!
Summary : continuation of life with the straw hats, as a teen. This time, they will get you to open up! >:)
“So, treat them nicely, okay?”
Nami’s sing-song voice fills the room as boys stare in surprise at the sudden appearance of the two girls and their younger crewmate.
You felt a little uneasy in the presence of the crew, their eyes lingering on you as you shifted you weight.
“Er.. im sorry for.. staying in my room a lot.. and.. for.. making you worry..”
Even though Nami already explained the reasoning for your actions, you still felt the need to apologize. However, when it continues to be silent, you feel yourself fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
Then your Captain spoke. Well, laughed.
Everyone turns to Luffy, who is grinning widely. “Apology accepted! Who knew you were just shy the whole time? We assumed you didn’t like us! Shishishi!”
Your eyes widen at him and you felt an embarrassed blush creeping up onto your cheeks as you look down to hide it. “I-I’m sorry.”
Robin places a gentle hand on your shoulder and smiles softly to the crew. “Well, now that we know the truth, why don’t you spend the rest of the day with us? One by one.”
“I like that idea.” Nami grins before glancing down at you. “Well? Who do you want to spend time with first, [Name]?”
You blink at her before looking around to see them staring expectantly at you, offering rather kind smiles to you, patiently waiting for an answer.
“..I don’t know..”
The others deadpan and sweatdropped at your response before Nami sighs softly. “That makes sense, you wouldn’t know where to start.”
Nami then grins. “Then, I’ll volunteer and go first! Sound good? No complaints? Great!”
“Hey! How come you get to go first and show [Name] stuff?!” Usopp points a finger at the navigator, narrowing his eyes as he frowns.
Nami simply sticks out her tongue and gave a childish expression. “Because I volunteered! Now let’s go, [Name]!”
Dragging you away with the pull of your hand, Nami pulls you off towards the aqua lounge despite the many protests, complaints and calls after her.
“W-wait, is this a good idea?.. I don’t—“
“Of course it is. You want to spend time with us don’t you?” The navigator smiles once you two enter and shut the door.
Now it was just the two of you, in the lounge.
“Well..” you trail off, still feeling awkward and perhaps a little bit nervous about all of this.
It was pretty sudden after all, just minutes ago you were in bed reading a book and now, you’re playing play date with your crew members.
Nami softens her smile and went over to the couch and took a seat, patting the spot beside her.
“I know this is a lot. We don’t have to do much but talk, and maybe get you to open up a little more. Tell me about yourself!”
Hesitantly, you nod and walk closer towards her, before sitting down beside her, turning your body to face her.
“...what do you wanna know?..” you mumble, Nami barely catching it but still heard it anyways.
“Anything about yourself. Your family, your life before you became a pirate, your favorite foods, hobbies, any crushes you might’ve picked up along our journey~” the navigator winks at you making you blush faintly at her, turning away with a sigh.
“I don’t have any of the sort.” You scoff lightly, closing your eyes but Nami wasn’t convinced. “Oh?”
“What about that pink haired marine? Koby, wasn’t it?”
You snap your head to her quickly, brows furrowed.
“Koby? Marine Captain Koby? I’ve hardly met him. Besides, he’s a marine. Even if I did like him, it wouldn’t work out anyways.”
You turn away once more, Nami grinning at how quick you responded and how much you talked just now.
“If Koby wasn’t a marine, would you date him?” Nami hums and you kept silent, though the red hue forming on the tips of your ears were enough for her.
“..he’s attractive.” You mutter and Nami giggles.
“Okay, okay, so then, how about any of the older men we met? Traffy isn’t that much older.” She thinks for a minute, her thumb and forefinger under her chin.
You raise a brow at her question. “You mean the Captain / doctor?.. Law?.. he seems.. really annoyed easily. He’s so frowny and never sleeps.”
“Not much different from someone else..” Nami sings under her breath making you playfully roll your eyes.
“I wouldn’t go for him either. He’s attractive, I guess, but... no. I think the fact that I’m in Luffy’s crew too, he might be pretty annoyed already.”
“I think it’s just Luffy in general.” Nami sighs and you smile a bit at that.
“Okay, how about that red haired one? Eustass “Captain” Kid?”
“Too violent.”
“Ace or Sabo?”
“Luffy’s brothers.”
“Perona? The Ghost Princess?”
“I don’t like her ghosts.”
“She’s gorgeous and rich, but no.”
“She’s into Zoro.”
“Anyone from our crew?”
“We’re family.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Any of Sanji’s brothers?”
“They have no emotions.”
“Silvers Rayleigh?”
“A silver fox, but no.”
“Anyone in Whitebeard’s crew?”
“Izo is absolutely stunning .. and Marco seems really nice, I guess.. but no.”
“That empress, Boa Hancock?”
“She’s too into Luffy..”
Nami heaves a sigh as she leans back and crosses her legs, one over the other.
“So the closest one to your attraction.. is Koby.”
You shrug and smile slightly at her defeated look. “I’m not really into anyone...”
“Perhaps you’re just young. You’ll definitely be growing in some..” The orange haired female eyes your body for a good minute, making you shift. “..areas real soon.”
“Right.. what about you?”
You shift in your seat and made yourself comfortable on the cushion. “Is there someone you like?..”
Nami blinks before looking up and thinking for a moment. “..I guess there isn’t.” She answers and you raise a brow. “I thought you like Luffy..”
The navigator seems offended at the statement, recoiling at the thought. “Luffy’s a huge pain in the ass. And besides, like you said, we’re a family.”
The corner of your lips tug upwards slightly. “And Vivi?”
This shut the female quick, and you can see the pink tint of her cheeks. “Vivi’s a friend.”
“Well, that friend, most likely shares the same feelings.” You hum, looking straight at her calmly. “I mean.. you’re very beautiful. Everyone would love you.”
Nami’s eyes widens at the unexpected compliment from you, her heart feeling warm at that, but you didn’t notice.
You didn’t realize how much you ended up talking, your voice felt dry and sore in a way. Though for some reason, you didn’t mind.
You kind of enjoyed this time with Nami, despite only talking about possible crushes of yours.
Instinctively, you rub your throat and Nami notices, standing up and offering her hand. “Come on, we can talk more later. You’ve talked enough, I’ll take you to Sanji.”
“Are you sure? I figured you’d want to spend more time together..” you clear your throat and Nami just smiles gently.
“We have everyday to do so. Besides, I’m sure it’s been a while since you talked so much so I’m happy enough with what you gave me.” Nami says, helping you up and began leading you out.
“Time for you to spend time with someone else, and don’t worry, I’ll make sure the others don’t force you to talk and Sanji makes you something to help your throat.” She assures, making her way back to the kitchen, which didn’t take long.
“O-okay..” you nod, eventually making it to the door and Nami just opens it up, seeing only a few of the members, so some must’ve left.
The four in the room look up at the door and find you, instantly smiling at the sight of your form.
“Already done?” Chopper questions in confusion and Nami smiles. “I would’ve spent more time with them but there’s so many of us, so we should make it short and easy for them for today.”
Robin, Brook, Chopper and Sanji nod in agreement at their navigator and Robin smiles gently.
“So, who would you like to spend time with next?”
Nami nudges you to speak in front of them and you turn to Sanji.
“Uh..Er.. Is it okay if I spend some time with you?..”
Sanji widens his eyes, clearly a bit surprised but nonetheless, smiles in joy. “Of course, [Name]-chan!”
Nami then ushers the others out, the only one to sulk being Brook but Nami was quick to slap his skull.
The door shut closed and you awkwardly stood there, shifting your weight. You never spent much time with them, despite fighting battles alongside the crew, so you weren’t sure what to do or say.
Sanji, noticing your discomfort, smiles lightly and gestures for you to sit at the counter as he stood behind it, in the kitchen.
“So, [Name]-chan. Is there anything you want to drink?”
You look around the dining room, taking a good look since this was one of the first times actually being in here.
“..Tea?.. my throat kind of hurts...” you mumble, reaching up to rub your throat again and Sanji nods. “I know the perfect thing! Ice or hot?”
“[ Either one ].” You answer, shifting in your seat and making yourself comfortable a bit in the stool and watched as Sanji quickly went to work.
Watching him silently from the counter, you lean on your palm and thought for a minute.
What were you supposed to talk about?
You hardly knew much about them and isolating yourself from them let you absolutely awkward and unsure of what to say or do, so you hoped Sanji would do something.
But the poor blonde cook kept silent, figuring that’s what you’d prefer as he made your drink.
So you had to do it.
The blonde hums gently, letting you know he was listening.
“Uh...so.. what’s for dinner?..”
Sanji stays silent for a moment, taking in the hesitation in your voice before turning around to face you. “.. Anything you want, [Name]-chan. What do you want to eat?”
You ponder a bit at his question before feeling your stomach growling at the thought of a particular food. “..Can you make [ Food ]? It’s from my homeland and.. it’s really good.”
Sanji’s eyes lights up and he grins widely. “I’d be honored to make a dish native to your homeland, [Name]-chan!” He deflates a little bit and leans back. “However.. I’m a little worried I won’t be able to make it as good. I know I have the proper ingredients though, I’m sure.”
Sanji’s been studying on his own time, with the small assistance of Robin, knowing she was also studying up by gathering information from your island.
You offer a small smile as Sanji turns to take the drink he made and set it in front of you. “It’s okay.. I trust that you can make it even better.”
Sanji widens his eyes at the sudden compliment and encouragement, feeling his heart warming towards his younger crew member.
You take the cup in hand and brought it up to your lips, taking a light sip of the beverage.
“I see.. in that case, we shall have [ Food ] for dinner tonight.”
Your smile widens just a little bit at his announcement and you continue drinking before seeing Sanji still staring at you. “What is it?..”
“Would you like to help me?”
You pause in your movement, eyes wide at his question. “You want me to help you? I can’t cook.” You furrow your brows at the suggestion.
I mean, sure you had some BASIC skills, but nothing as extravagant compared to Sanji.
“I’d love to show you! Besides, I’m sure you can also offer me some tips and suggestions on your home dish.” Sanji grins assuringly, bringing a small, comforted smile to your lips.
And so, after handing you a spare apron and letting you prepare yourself as he got the ingredients set, the two of you got to work.
Sanji moving towards the cutting board, you point to the vegetables set out by him.
“You should start cutting these up.. they should be bite-sized.” You inform, Sanji nodding and quickly cutting up the given ingredients with ease.
While Sanji finished with that, you began to look for the pots and pans and after finding what you needed, you did what you needed, ( whether it’s boiling water, filling a skillet with oil, etc. ) and set it onto the stove to heat.
“[Name]-chan, I can handle the stove. I don’t want you to accidentally burn yourself with the fire or the oil, so I’ll leave the cutting and mixing up to you.”
Nodding your head, you move aside and let him take your place before moving towards the cutting board.
‘.. how can you cut vegetables so beautifully?..’ you sweatdrop and began preparing what you needed to do before looking around.
Your eyes widen a little in remembrance and realization and you set the items down before heading to the rice cooker. You open the lid and find the pot empty and pulled it out, looking for the rice grains.
It didn’t take long to find it, fortunately, so you began to put in a few cups, and with the amount of food you were bound to make for Luffy, more than four was needed, obviously.
You did what you needed to, plopping the pot back into the cooker to cook the rice before going to the cutting board.
“Sanji, should we.. cook the meat first or cut it first?..” You trail off, unsure yourself as you went over to the fridge to find the meat.
The blonde cook ponders for a second before speaking. “It’ll be best if we cut first, so we can cook it all a lot quicker.” You merely nod in response as you pull out the required meats and brought it over to a new cutting board set up.
“Do you know how to cut them?” Sanji inquires, turning to you, which you nod in response. “I mean.. it’s just cutting it into smaller pieces. Right?..”
Sanji chuckles. “Yeah, in a way..” He lowers the flame on the stove so the oil/water can sit before moving to your side. “Here, let me show you.”
And so, with another cutting board and knife, he teaches you the correct and efficient technique, explaining which parts to throw and which parts to save.
“And then you cut them up into this size and set it aside to use. Did that make sense?” You nod at him, making him smile as he returns back to the stove.
Prepping yourself, you began to cut the meats into bite sized pieces, getting rid of the unnecessary parts and discarding them into the trash, exactly like Sanji had explained to you.
‘This feels nice.. cooking with Sanji.. even if we aren’t talking, it’s kind of, comfortable..’
The tiny curve of your lips move upwards as you thought silently, but distracted thoughts flooded your head as you no longer became focused on cutting.
‘Maybe, I should ask to cook with him more often.. it’ll be great to learn and spend more bonding time with him.’
You were so lost in thoughts, you forgot what you were doing and suddenly hissed in pain.
The sound was loud enough to catch Sanji’s ears as he widens his eyes and turns in a panic. “[Name]-chan! Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just a cut..” you poke at the blood, watching it drip down a bit quickly. ‘Guess I cut more of my skin than I think, by the looks of it..’ you frown.
“Let’s get you to Chopper.”
“H-Huh?.. but I’m fi-“
Sanji wastes no time to pick you up, as if you broken an ankle, and began carrying you over to the medical office.
An inaudible sigh escapes you, you relaxing in defeat as you thought about the medical office.
Sure, you’ve hurt yourself plenty of times before, nothing too fatal but enough to need patching up from Chopper. You were always up and out of the office pretty quickly, so you were curious to what the room even looked like.
Sanji knocks twice before opening the door with ease and walks in, seeing the little reindeer at his desk. “Sanji, [Name]! Something wrong?” The chirpy reindeer asks, a smile wide on his face.
“[Name]-chan’s hurt.” Sanji explains briefly, setting you down gently onto the bed and you turn to the little doctor.
“It’s just a cut.” You bluntly state, showing your finger and Chopper smiles lightly. “Nothing serious, at least! We should go wash and get it bandaged before an infection comes though.”
You nod and stand back up to head to the sink in the office, Sanji offering a weak smile. “I’m sorry, [Name]-chan. You got hurt because—“
“Huh?” As you stop in your tracks and turn back to face the blonde, you peer up a bit and shake your head. “It’s not your fault... I just got lost in my thoughts.” You murmured out, turning away.
You turn back to the sink and began washing your hands. “You should keep cooking, Sanji.. I look forward to you making [ food ].” You sneak a glance back at Sanji and held a ghost of a smile to him. “Cheer up, okay?”
Sanji widens his eyes at your expression, before he lets out a relaxed smile and light chuckle. “Yeah.. I’ll get to it then.”
With that, the chef left you alone with Chopper, who returns with his supplies.
“All cleaned up? Head on over to the bed and sit again!” Chopper smiles and waddles over to the bed before hopping up onto the edge.
You follow after the tiny man and sat across from him, holding out your finger.
Chopper, who kept silent to focus, began to clean up the cut with alcohol and wrapped your finger into a bandage.
‘Guess now is a good time to spend time with him..’
“So.. you came from Drum Island.. right?..” You internally sigh for being so awkward around them. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to mind.
“Yeah! It’s where I learned to study medicines from Doctorine!” Chopper excitedly claims, looking up from his task, which he finished.
“Doctorine? Oh.. you mean like your guardian?” You prodded at your finger a few times, seeing the wrapped bandage.
“Something like that. She taught me everything I know.” You nod at him and look to him. “Guess she must be a genius, since you know a lot. Right?”
Chopper widens his eyes at the compliment before waving you off with a scoff.
“Flattery doesn’t make me happy at all, don’t think you can fool me so easily~” Chopper sings, blushing as he danced on the bed.
Your eyes held a hint of amusement at Chopper as he calms down. “But you’re right. Doctorine is the best doctor I know.”
“I bet she is.” You stand up and dust your clothes, gesturing to your finger at the doctor.
“Thanks for patching me up, Chopper..” You watch the reindeer put on a wide smile and nods eagerly. “No problem! It’s my job!”
You pat his head lightly and nod, heading to the door. “I’ll get going then, see you later..”
With that, you exited the medical bay and shut the door behind you, wondering what you should do next.
‘Now what?.. Should i go back to Sanji to help?.. or should I find someone else?’
You wandered the upper deck aimlessly before making your way down to the main deck, where you found Usopp fumbling with something.
‘Hm. Usopp..’
You make you way over to the sniper, watching him suddenly jump up and cheer. “Eureka!” He hollers excitedly, startling you.
“Um.. did something.. happen?” You mumble, somewhat cautious as you step towards him.
Usopp jumps in fear when he hears you, before visibly relaxing and grinning determinedly. “Yeah, I finished my creation!”
He holds up his latest work, which seems to be an advanced archery bow.
The bow itself has an attachment that can carry arrows so you don’t require a separate bag, and it’s string seemed much more flexible to allow better accuracy and distance.
“Oh wow, that actually looks really cool..” you quietly awed, eyes widening in interest as Usopp chuckles eagerly.
“Right?! I’ve been working on it to better advance my stealth, since guns can be pretty loud, and slingshots can be tricky sometimes!”
He then smirks down at his bow and arrow in his hands and holds it up, readying an arrow upon the bow and aimed at the can that sat on the railing.
“But these bad boys are tipped with several of my ammo so I don’t need to grab the mini seeds anymore, since these arrows already have the affect!”
Usopp lets go of the arrow and it pierces the can with ease, knocking it into the ocean.
“Woohoo! Alright!” Usopp cheers, laughing hysterically. “Haha! I did it!!” He jumps around in joy, you watching with a slight smile. “Yeah.. you’re a brilliant inventor and sniper after all.”
Usopp pauses, eyes widening as he flushed a bit at the unexpected compliment, before snapping his head to you.
“You want to try, [Name]?” He smiles widely and held out the bow. “I can help you aim if you’d like!”
You thought for a bit before nodding, actually a little bit excited. “Yeah, sure. It looks really cool.”
Usopp felt his pride building up at your words and grins. “It is cool! Here, hold this and I’ll go set up the cans.”
Taking the bow, you inspect it closer with interested eyes. ‘I don’t remember the last time I touched a bow.. did I ever?’
Usopp returns quickly to your side and smiles, pointing to the cans. “Alright, [Name]. Now just hold up the bow, ready the arrow and take aim!”
You nod in understanding, steadying your arms and aimed directly at the center of the cans. Pulling back the arrow, you lined it up into position, going on Usopp’s count.
“Alright, and..... fire!”
You release your hold and watch the arrow shoot straight into the center and knocked itself into the ocean, like Usopp’s.
“I did it!” Your eyes widen and you smile to yourself. “That was awesome!” You turn to Usopp with bright eyes, but Usopp just laughs. “Nice shot!”
Usopp holds up his hands excitedly and you smile softer, hanging the bow onto your arm and high-fived him. “Yeah.”
“You sound like you’re having some SUUUPPERRR~ fun!”
The two of you turn to the source of voice and find Franky grinning at the two of you from below deck.
“Yeah, I just showed [Name] my latest creation and she just made a nice shot with my bow!” Usopp grins and Franky whistles. “Not bad, kid!”
The corner of your lips move upwards, a sheepish expression taking over your face. “Thanks..” you turn back to Franky and spoke. “What are you up to?”
“Ah, fixing something with The Sunny from down here. Almost done but it’s a little difficult, especially since I’m adding a new feature. Wanna check it out?”
You glance to Usopp, who nods that it was okay, and you return the bow, heading to Franky calmly.
“Yeah, sure.”
A/N : YAY, that took so long. I’m really happy with how this turned out, and I’m extremely excited to get to Zoro, Luffy and Brook’s interaction but unfortunately, I reached the limit so this is what happens, I’ll have to make a part 3. ;-;
Anyways, I’m so sorry for the long wait, I seriously hope this was worth the wait and that you look forward to the other’s interactions and then the final family interaction!! :DD have a lovely day/night, everyone ! <3
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ncityislove · 4 years
The Jury is Out Ch. 3
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➳Pairing: Renjun x Reader x Jeno (ft a few other Dreamies)
➳Genre: Angsty fluff but mostly angst lol basically enemies to lovers
➳Word Count:4.6k
Hiiii guys! It’s been over a year since I started this series and this has taught me so many things. Mainly, how much I can not be trusted to start and finish a series lol. The last two chapters will be out soon. I really mean it this time.
Previous Chapter  Next Chapter
There's an awful pounding in your head from the looming headache you didn't see going away anytime soon. Your over-bearing thoughts being added into the mix is plain unbearable as you wait for your first class to start and your sour mood only worsens when you recall the unfolding of yesterday's events. The strong sense of shame was overwhelming like a dark cloud hanging over your head. How did you get here? Your biggest mistake was letting your guard down to the likes of Renjun. That's where it all went wrong. You try telling yourself you don't need him as a friend. You have Jeno. But you can't silence the desire in your heart to have something more than a partnership. You'd gotten a taste of what's it like to be under the warm rays of his kindness after being on the receiving end of the endless blizzard of the cold reign he had over you and the entire school. That wasn't something you could just forget.
When Renjun arrives, he takes his place right next to you, unpacking his items as if it were the most normal thing in the world. You don't know why he isn't sitting in his usual seat when you didn't have a lab today. You frown but silently remove your bag from the chair next you, nonetheless.
He sits down eagerly, glancing at you a moment longer than socially acceptable. "I like your hair."
Your hands immediately grip the strands.  After the party, you decided to forgoes the ponytail and headband combo that you'd been sporting for so long. "Oh, um, thanks."
Was that a compliment just now?
"Where were you yesterday, by the way?"
"I was sick, so I missed first period," he states, not even missing a beat.
Unbelievable. He's lying straight to your face. You frown distastefully.
"That's not what Chenle had to say."
"Hm? Chenle? He's always pulling pranks—I wouldn't buy anything that comes out of his mouth," he laughs.
You glare at him for a moment. "You didn't get my texts messages?"
He smiles sheepishly. "Oh...sorry about that. I was...um...busy?"
You turn the other way to discretely roll  your eyes. "Are you okay at least?"
"Yeah, never better!"
You shake your head, not wanting to seem like you actually cared despite the fact that deep down you knew you did. It's crazy that all it took was one little afternoon alone together and suddenly Renjun matters to you. All those years of being at each other's throats out the window. Just like that. It was different now. You were more mindful of each other's feelings and it's even gotten to the point where you're receiving compliments. It was a change that you still hadn't adjusted to but maybe it wasn't as lousy as you made it seem. The horrible excuses and lies weren't something you were fond of but it's not like you were friends so you kept that to yourself. You just wished he'd tell you the truth or even hearing that he didn't want to talk about it would've been fine. You didn't see why he had to lie...
You had to remind yourself that you shouldn't be so concerned with Renjun. It was weirding you out that you were thinking about him so much lately. As much as you hated to admit it, you might've maybe felt something for him in that teeny split second after you made up on the field. You never really noticed how funny he was bc you were always the butt of the joke but it turns out he was pretty hilarious. And his voice was so sweet and calming you could probably listen to it forever. But whatever it was—that moment your heart skipped a beat— was gone. It was crazy to even think—there was no way you'd ever say that out loud. Clearly, Renjun would never reciprocate.
If only Haven could see you now.
Renjun turns his body toward you, giving you his full attention. "Are we meeting at the track after school?"
"I have volleyball practice but we can meet after, if you want."
"Yeah, cool," he says, looking pleased.
"Are you sure you're okay though?"
The question had been on your mind since yesterday. Maybe something happened with his dad and he didn't want to say anything. According to Jeno, he didn't talk about that stuff much but you still wanted to make sure he was okay.
"Huh?" he looks at you strange. "Yeah, I'm good."
"Are you sure? I mean, you can tell me if you're not." You regret the words as soon as they leave your mouth.
He snickers, his face glowing with a big smile. "Are you worried about me?"
You scowl to hide your panic. What was happening  to you? "As if," you scoff.
"Aww, you care about me! Who knew the coldest person in the world had a heart?" he pinches your cheek.
You violently slap his hand away and he jerks back.
"Don't!" you point a finger in his face. "touch me. Never again. Got it?"
"Alright," Renjun chuckles lightly. "My bad. Whatever you say."
When class starts, the teacher pulls up her usual PowerPoint and you begin messily jotting down the first slide. She seems to be in a rush as she breezes over every slide, making it difficult to write down everything in time.
Renjun nudges your arm. You look to see him offering you a piece of gum. You reject it, mouthing a  'no thanks' with a polite smile and scramble to write down the rest of the slide. He purses his lips, taking a piece for himself, leisurely writing his notes.
A few minutes later, he nudges your arm again. "You got any led?"
Your nostrils flare as you let out a sigh, pulling out your pencil pouch for him to find the kind of led he needs. You pick your pencil back up to continue your notes.
"Thanks," he whispers. "Hey, did you get that last slide?"
"Oh my god, no, Renjun!" you whisper-shout at him. "How could I have gotten the last slide when you keep distracting me??"
He starts to giggle and it you get even more heated that he found pleasure in this. You're just to about to curse him out in every language known to man when Mrs. Brookes stops her lesson.
"What's going on back there?" she peers down her bi-focals to stare you down. "__, would you like to tell me what the main parts of the brain are?"
"Umm," you hesitate, your eyes scanning over the board. It must I've been on the last slide--which you didn't get the chance to copy thanks to Renjun.
Mrs. Brooks looks at you impatiently and the class turns to look at you as well when you take too long to answer.
"Cerebellum, frontal lobe, parietal lobe, cerebrum, and the thalamus," Renjun answers, ultimately saving your ass.
"Very good! Thank you, Renjun. Now, as I was saying..." Mrs. Brookes turns back to the whiteboard and continues rambling on about the brain.
"I thought you didn't get the last slide?" you whisper.
"Just because I didn't write it down doesn't mean I wasn't paying attention."
You stare at the side of his face in disbelief and you can tell by the way his cheeks were lifted he was smiling.
Renjun sits with you again in third period. You scoot your stuff over, once again saying nothing. This was getting a little too odd. If you weren't friends why did he keep sitting next to you? You weren't friends, were you? You decide not to ask. Sadie seemed like the right person to confide this type of stuff into.     Your desks were too close together which made Renjun's knee touch yours. You wouldn't have noticed any other time but this time in particular it was hard to not to.
"You should sit with me at lunch from now on."
Definitely getting mixed signals here.
"We're partners. It only makes sense, you know?"
"But we've been partners for years," you interject.
He opens his mouth then closes it. "Well, yeah that's true...but you still should. I won't force you to but I'll be really upset if you don't."
"Upset?" you repeat with a tilt of your head. In what universe would he get upset over anything you did that didn't have to do with you scoring higher than him on an assignment? You didn't understand why he was acting so weird today.
"Yeah and if I get upset, I won't be able to focus on the booth." his tone is sad and it tugs at your heart for some reason.
"Well...if that's the case, I'll do it. For the sake of the booth."
He smiles triumphantly. "Right. For the booth."
The kid who usually sits next to you walks over and stands there awkwardly before he finds an empty seat somewhere else. You try not to laugh at how uncomfortable Renjun looks.     Class goes by smoothly this time, Renjun only bugging you every once in a while to compare answers on your worksheet. When the bell rings, you and Renjun walk to lunch together. He's talking to you about the Pythagorean theorem but you keep getting distracted by the odd looks people keep giving you in the hall.     You weren't used to getting this much attention. You're existence was pretty much irrelevant unless something happened with your rivalry and it was usually only gossip worthy if he had done something incredibly embarrassing to you. Renjun, being the top of the class and being friends with almost all the members in the the school sports teams on the other hand, was very popular. You couldn't begin to imagine the confusion you two were causing just by walking to into the cafeteria together. He was always the center of attention and much like Sadie, he was born likeable. It was easy for him to make friends and juggle the delicate balance of having a social life and performing well academically. You were a nobody compared to him and up until now you were fine with that. It was easier to focus on your studies without the distractions from others and what drama friendships with others would bring but you had to admit having someone to walk to lunch with was strangely nice.     Jisung is the first person to see you coming, a look of recognition crossing his face. Chenle was next; he smiles sending you a friendly wave. You say hello, sitting your tray down next to Jeno and Renjun sits on the other side of you.
"Hey, beautiful, what're you doing here?" Jeno asks.
You flush at the pet name. "I think as Renjun's partner, we should take advantage of the free time we have to work together."
"Oh god, you two are so much alike," Haechan groans.
"I think it's cute," Chenle beams.
Jaemin fake gags and everyone bursts into laughter except for you who didn't find it all that funny.
The laughter dies down.
"Will you be spending all of your free time with Renjun?" Jeno asks.
"Of course not," you wrinkle your nose at the silly question.
"In that case, would you like to go out on a date? How's tonight?"
You drop your carton of milk on the table that thankfully you hadn't opened it yet. You must've misheard him. You know the words he said to you and yet, you couldn't believe they were meant for you. Your stammer for words. Any words. But they don't come and the whole table is staring at you in anticipation.
"I...can't. I have practice after school and then I have to work on the booth. I'm sorry."
The boys "ooh" in unison like a bunch of fifth graders.
"It's not like that!" you scramble to fix your words. "We can go another day?"
Jeno's eyes disappear as he gives you the most heartwarming smile. You can't help but smile back at him.
Chenle clears his throat. "What do you think about that, Renjun?"
Renjun's picking at the edge of his foam tray when he shrugs. "I couldn't care less."
Chenle gives him a glare as if he's trying to convey some message to him but Renjun doesn't meet his eyes so he elbows the crap out of him.
"Argh!" he rubs his arm. "Fine. I admit I don't approve."
The table gets quiet. You and Jeno share the same expression of surprise.
Jeno juts out his chin. "Why not? And don't say she's too good for me."
"Renjun clenches his fists. "It'll distract __ from school and I don't think that's what she wants."
Jeno snorts. "It's just one date. I think she'll be fine. And when we do become a couple—which we will, I'll make sure of that—I won't distract from her school work."
"Yeah, but I don't think—"
"Plus, you used to have a girlfriend—what's the difference?"
The atmosphere tenses at the mention of Haven and Jeno looks sorrowful as the boys send him ferocious looks.
"Shit...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"
"When does practice end?" Renjun changes the subject.
You're still confused as to what's going on. "Who? Me?"
"Yes, you, dummy," he grins.
You ignore the fact that he just called you a dummy. "It ends at four but I can leave early."
"Mind if I come and watch?" Jeno asks.
"Sure!" you get excited at the thought of Jeno watching you play.
"No fair! I wanna come too!" Jisung exclaims.
Jaemin reaches out to pat him on the shoulder. "Absolutely not. You're not going anywhere near those girls, you pervert."
You crack up at the two, unaware of the concerned look Chenle's giving Renjun as he silently scribbles dark circles in his notebook.
You arrive to the school gym, hauling the equipment the coach had you fetch. The girls are all huddled in a circle, gossiping most likely. You set up the net and clear the court of the smelly matts that were left behind from a previous class. You could ask for help but you were sure no one wanted to.
You break up their little party after you get another text of instructions from the coach.
"Ladies, coach says she's not coming until the end of practice so we're starting without her. Let's start stretching, okay?"
The girls spread out and begin to warm up and you join them. Everyone's following instructions except for Haven, who's still standing in the same spot.
"Haven," you say in a warning tone.
"Why can't we just hang out until coach gets here? She doesn't have to know."
Her smile is innocent but you know there's nothing innocent about the girl.
Everyone agrees, the room filling with murmurs.
You already sense anger rising in your body. It seems like every time Haven opened her mouth, it was always to go against you. Maybe her and Renjun were the perfect couple after all.
"Guys, c'mon. If we slack off, we'll throw the next game and lose our winning streak."
"No way, skipping one day of practice won't cost us some measly game. You're being a little dramatic, don't 'ya think?"
"Some measly game?" you repeat.
"You don't even care about winning. Haven, you don't care about this team at all—why should any of us listen to you? I am captain of this team, in case you've forgotten."
"Oh god here we go again," she sighs. "That's just a title. That doesn't make you the boss of me."
"Oh, yes it does. I can get your ass kicked off the team with one word. Coach trusts me, all I have to do is say it. Should I have a chat with her when gets here?"
Haven gets as red as a tomato, her lips poking out in an ugly pout. You almost laugh at how childish she is. It was a mystery how people adore her so much when she's got such an ugly attitude.
"Since you all agree with Haven, let's do ten laps. C'mon."
Everyone gives Haven dirty looks as they get up and start their laps.
"Let's go girls, I'd like to get this over with so we can start practice." you clap your hands to speed them up. "And Haven? You get an extra ten laps."
Haven flips you off before she runs off but you don't really care. At least, she was listening to you for once. You hear a door slam upstairs and Jeno struts in, taking a seat at the back of the bleachers. He's smiling as he waves to you, giving you a thumbs up. You can't help but match his smile as you wave back.
When everyone's finished their laps and done their stretches, you split them into two teams. You're opposing Haven's team and boy, do they suck. They're losing embarrassingly bad and you're not even the one who's hitting the ball. One of your best players, Sana, was dragging the other team through the mud. Mina and Momo always made sure the ball got passed to her and when she swung her fists, the ball connected with the ground every time. Haven hated lots of things but you knew most of all, she hated to lose. This was the only reason you haven't kicked her off yet. She wasn't the best player—not even close—but she did like to win. You don't know what made her join the team in the first place but she did and she always tried to win when it really came down to it.
You switch positions on both sides, you serving the ball this time. You throw the ball up high, spreading your fingers apart as you raise your hand and slam your palm against it so hard, there's a loud thud that echoes through the gym. The other team throws themselves to save the ball but their efforts are in vain. The ball is too fast for them. Applause comes from the top right corner of the room and everyone turns to look at Jeno. You pretend you don't notice him, calling the ball back but your flushed face exposes you anyway.
Jeno whoops and cheers every time you scored a point, and let's be real, with the skills you have, that means it happens a lot. You never had someone who wasn't your parents or your coach cheer you on like this and it was something you found you really enjoy. You could get used to this. For a moment you let yourself imagine him attending your future games. Your stomach fills with butterflies and you could almost hear him calling your name when you dive to save the ball.
"Why's Jeno here?" Haven whispers to to one of her friends. "Since when was __ close to Jeno?"
You smirk, waving Jeno over after letting everyone take a short break. The two of you laugh and talk for a bit, ignoring the cold stare Haven's giving you in the distance. She was in a bitchy mood today and you weren't going to let that ruin your time with Jeno. Her witchy attitude has peaked since the first time Renjun invited you to his table. Maybe she was jealous. She probably was still hurting from the break up you assumed but that had nothing to do with you.
Jeno walks you to the track field where you find Renjun, who's already gotten a head start. His jacket is thrown over his bookbag and you take notice for the first time how toned his arms are with his sleeves rolled up. He looks up when hears your footsteps, the smile on his face slowly fading when he notices Jeno next to you.
"Oh great. What are you doing here?"
You laugh at his displeased expression. "He's just leaving, calm down."
"Actually," he interjects. "since I'm here, why don't I stay and help out?" Jeno proposes.
"Oh!" you let out an excited squeal you didn't know you were capable of. "That's great idea! Yes!"
"Absolutely not!" Renjun rolls his eyes. "Go home, Jeno. You'll just get in the way."
Jeno juts his bottom lip out and you have to keep yourself from swooning at how adorable he looks.
"Renjunie!" he whines. "I promise not to get in the way. Let me help?"
You give him pleading eyes behind Jeno's back. Renjun looks at you and grunts, muttering something inaudible as he starting hammering away at a slab of wood a little too hard.
"Yes!" Jeno takes off his jacket and gets to work.
"This is a one-time thing," Renjun declares, his back turned to the both of you.
"Right, right, got it," Jeno quickly agrees. "Let me help you with that," he runs over to carry the bucket of paint you were holding.
You watch him lug the heavy object to the table. "Oh, thanks, but I had it."
Renjun rolls his eyes again.
You find him repeatedly trying to get Jeno to go home as you work. Each and every time Jeno would laugh it off, calling him grumpy. You could tell his mood was off but you didn't want to bother him by asking why. He never told you those kinds of things anyway so why go through the trouble of asking? He never laughs when Jeno makes one of his famous jokes and he doesn't look at you when you speak to him. You wish he wouldn't be such a fun killer but he was almost always like this—even at parties, you've come to find out.
When you start to lose daylight, you decide to call it quits for the day.
"I think we can wrap up for now," you beam. "We're nearly finished thanks to Jeno."
Renjun's bag is already slung over his shoulder by the time you finish your sentence. "See ya."
"Yeah...I'll see you," you trail off as he sprints down the field.
"What's his problem?" Jeno asks aloud.
You shrug just as your phone starts to jingle that annoying ringtone you set it to over a year ago. You dig it out of your back pocket and read the caller ID. It's Sadie.
"Hey! Listen, I'm so, so, sorry, I totally spaced about picking you up after school. I'm out with Jodie right now."
You can't help the displeased noise that comes from you at the sound of Jodie's name. "That's cool, I guess. I can just walk like I usually do."
"Are you sure? We can come and get you in about twenty minutes."
"We?  Yeah, no thanks. I promise, I'll be fine."
"I promised mom and dad I'd pick you--hold on. Jodie, I'm on the phone...what?"
There's whispering then a short silence on the other line and you give Jeno an awkward smile.
"Um, okay, be safe walking. Sorry again! Bye!"
"So, you're walking home today."
"Yep. My sister conveniently forgot about my existence, so yeah, I'm walking."
Jeno's eyes light up. "Do you live close by? I can walk you home."
Your chest fills with warmth at the gesture. Lee Jeno. You had Lee Jeno offering to take you home. Renjun's bad attitude had left a nasty taste in your mouth but hanging out with Jeno sweetened your day just like that.
Renjun had a way of hurting you in ways no one else could. You didn't know why what he thought of you was so important to you, or why everything he had to say held such a huge weight. He wasn't exactly someone you were very fond of so who cares what he had to say? But Jeno. Jeno always had kind and encouraging words. He was the safe band-aid you needed after being cut by Renjun's blunt words. His razor sharp tongue and eyes for daggers always stung but Jeno protected you. He defended you.
So you say yes to his offer and you make the bold move of linking your elbows which Jeno reacts with a subtle pink tint in his cheeks. Your pace is slow to lengthen the journey, allowing you a chance to get to know each other a bit more.
As time progresses, you realize you had liked Jeno more than you initially thought you did. School had always kept you from exploring your feelings for him. Now, it was clear as ever how you felt about him. You'd turn into a bashful mess at every single flirty comment he'd make, which would only fuel him to flirt harder. He made good company and you wished you hadn't have waited so long to speak to Jeno. You couldn't remember the last time you were this engaged in a conversation with someone--disregarding the one time with Renjun because he's a jerk.
If this is what it's like to have a friend, you had been missing out all these years. He made you feel warm inside like those cheesy rom-coms Sadie loved so much.
His arm was tucked snugly into yours, your steps matching in pace as you neared the street you lived on. You could smell the pleasant fragrance Jeno wore from the close proximity and it brought you back to the night you were drunkenly dancing together. You still couldn't believe you drank alcohol but then again, who lives by a code of conduct in high school? Who was going to punish you for acting your age for once? On second thought your parents would probably ground you for life but that's not the point. The point is you're starting to learn what fun is. If you can't be the best then what's stopping you from enjoying life while you're still young? Looking at Jeno in the stark red haze the sky is dawning on him made you want to do just that. He made you want to live a normal life.
You playfully bump each other, cracking jokes until you reach the driveway of your residence with hesitance. You weren't ready to depart just yet.
"Well," you remove your arm from his. "This is me."
"Aww," he sigh a little. "Well it was nice walking with you."
"Yeah, you too. I'd invite you inside but no one's home and my parents would crucify me if I let you in."
You hadn't realized it but in the few seconds you had looked away, Jeno had gotten closer. Really close. You feel a rapid heat spread all over and you struggle to keep a normal expression.
Jeno smiles before grabbing your elbow to yank you even nearer, his eyes studying yours as he speaks his next words to you carefully.
"Do you wanna kiss me?"
Your mouth goes dry and all you could do is nod, numbly.
He cracks another smile and you were instantly mesmerized by the way his lips curls over his teeth and the thought of how his lips would feel on yours. Your heart stills for a moment. You shut your eyes with baited breath as his lips gets closer to yours.
Slowly, very slowly he kisses you. It was an odd but welcoming feeling, kissing a boy. But you liked it. And you liked Jeno.
Jeno removes himself from you after a few amazing seconds. You're still incredibly close to him and you can tell he's tempted to kiss you again but he holds himself back.
"Text me?"
You nod, maybe a little too eagerly but you didn't care. The hot temperature of his lips left a lingering impression on you and you had a feeling you won't ever be able to rid yourself of the memory.
He holds up a hand before he jogs off down the pale path of the sidewalk, unintentionally leaving you with a mass of confused and excited thought and a small voice in the back of your brain that wouldn't shut up about Renjun and his recent odd behavior.
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malfoysqueen54 · 4 years
White Flag  Part 4
Dean and her grew up together, trained together. Also, absolutely can’t be in the same room without a fight ensuing. When she has to come back and help out the boys and their friends. If she stays too long will all her secrets come out. She swore he would never know, circumstances and their friends and family, they might have other ideas.
Pairing : Dean X Reader
Warnings: Angst!, oh and ANGST! . Anger issues. Dean angry and yelling. (That needs a warning).  Smut. Sexual situations, cussing, blood, gore, the usual Supernatural warning.  This could be a triggering chapter!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! 18+ ONLY!!!
Also @winchest09​ and @jensengirl83​ Thanx for the help and the fixing of all the words...lol Love you both!!!
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She was looking for him. After Sam’s desperate call to her, Dean was dead. Yet, he had left a note. He was somehow alive. They didn’t know what was happening. She took what Sam said and ran with it. It was taking every favor, resource, I.O.U she had. She spotted him twice but by the time she got there he was gone. It was infuriating. Finally after weeks, she tracked him down to Montana. Figures he would stay in the midwest, it was the Winchester comfort zone. 
Her anger rolled off her in waves, pinpointing him at a motel in Butte. Y/n didn’t bother with keys or lock picks and let her pure rage kick the door in. The two occupants of the room woke up. The brunette sat straight up holding the sheet to her, as Dean lazily raised up onto his elbow.
Y/n let out a snort, coming over to grip the bed warmer by her hair, not caring as she screamed. Dragging her out the door, she threw her clothes after her before she slammed the door shut. She leaned against it for a moment trying to calm herself but she couldn’t, whirling around as Dean was pulling on a t-shirt, his jeans already on, his back to her. “This is what you do? I mean you're alive and you just take off on Sam and everyone?”
Dean sighed, not bothering to turn around. “Yup, didn’t want to be found. Wanted to do me.”
“Do you? Are you fucking kidding me? You’ve been doing you your whole fucking life!” She huffed, running her hands through her hair. “ Sam called me. ME?!” she gestured towards herself, even though his back was still her. “He asked me to help hunt you down. The person you hate most in the world. What the hell Dean?!”
He finally turned towards her and smirked. “ Well you are right, I fucking loathe you.” 
Her eyes narrowed at him. “I am aware, asshole.”
“I left him a note for a reason. I am done.” He shrugged.
Y/n huffed tossing her arms up. “Oh well that explains everything. It will make us all go away.”
“I wish it would.” He grabbed a beer and tossed her one, which she caught. She was livid and needed it. This fucking man was just unbelivable.
“You are a selfish prick. I swear to god! Sam will not give up, you know this.” She didn’t understand his mindset, why would he think this was ok?
“Y/n he did once, he will again,” he said, simply taking a pull of his beer.
She shook her head in disbelief. “You are just cosmically fucked up. No! Sam won’t. He knows you’re alive, dickhead. Your Sammy, your baby brother. What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Ah, Hell, good answer.” He turned, pointing that smirk in place.
A growl crawled up her throat before she threw the beer at him which he dodged. “Fuck I hate you! You are so selfish sometimes.” Her hands flew around as she screamed at him.
Dean didn’t flinch, taking a swig of his beer, watching her pant in rage and narrowed his eyes in a very almost sinister manner.
“I’m selfish,” he laughed. “Thats funny,” she couldn’t look away from him. Something was different, very different with him. She barely noticed him slowly approaching her. “Especially from you.”  The hand holding his beer poked into her collarbone. “You wish you hated me. I know you do, but you don’t.”
Y/n knocked his hand away but he gripped her wrist. His reflexes were quicker as he jerked her against him. “Let me go you pig,” she warned, narrowing her eyes.
“I don’t think I will,” he said, bringing his free hand up to grip her chin. “I know you have wanted me for years. You were just such a cunt, I couldn’t deal with you, I hate you.” His finger caressed her skin as she kept that defiant gaze on him. She was good, she didn't even flinch. “Now though, it makes me want to fuck the bitch out of you.” Biting his lip, his eyes grew cold. That she flinched at. This wasn’t Dean. This was so off.
She tried stepping away and to get out of his hold. It was no good, he jerked her right back and slammed his mouth to hers switching his grip to her ass, pulling her flush against him. Y/n immediately pulled away and slapped him. Dean just smiled, slipping a hand into her hair and jerking her lips back to his. She pushed and clawed but he tasted so good, and damn if it didn’t make her lightheaded. He ravaged her mouth into submission, her lips opening to him and he dove in pushing her roughly back against the dresser.
When he stopped for air, he looked her in the eye, his mouth still touching hers. “It won’t matter much soon. I’ll fuck the brat right out of you and you’ll only be begging and screaming for more. Cause I will give it to you, you are gorgeous.” He bit her lip, lifting her none too gently on top of the dresser knocking over beer bottles that were littering the room. 
She did not want to respond, but she shivered lightly, his words causing a flood in her core. He groaned into her mouth, like he could smell her and it vibrated through her. She felt his lips move to her neck biting and sucking, marking her and she took a panting breath. “D-Dean.” She tried to push at him but he ignored her, slipping his hand into the front of her jeans, his fingers reaching the flood he caused.
“Shhhh,” he lulled into her ear as he stroked her, a whimper escaping her as she gripped his shoulders, digging her nails in lightly. “Let go, enjoy and take what you want.” His tongue traced her ear as Y/n growled, bucking her hips towards his hand with a moan. “That’s my girl.” He smiled into her ear.
No more could she deny that she wanted this. The minute he touched her, she became a desperate wanton pliable tool for his pleasure. After decades, she couldn’t exercise self control to stop it. She had wanted him for so long, not just physically, but as pathetic as it was, she would take it. She couldn’t hate herself more than she already did. He made it clear it was physical. She could and would suffer the after effects from this one time with him. Jesus Christ, she felt like a teen movie trope. She gasped a moan as he slid two of those rough elegant fingers into her, all thoughts ceased, her mind going to mush.
He retracted them just as quickly as he slid them out, followed by her whimper, his fingers now working on her jeans, opening them and practically ripping them off. Her jacket and shirt were quickly shed by herself, when she met his gaze again. He was kneeling between her legs his shirt once again gone, licking a slow line up her inner thigh, watching him sink his teeth into her skin. 
Gasping, she tossed her head back to the wall. “ I always knew you were the rough dirty kind.” Dean's voice carried to her through the haze of desire, nuzzling her nether lips making her nails dig into the dresser. She wanted him, he was so close. 
Was all she was able the shudder out, feeling his lips quirk before he dove in like a crazed, starved man. If eating out a woman was an art form, he would be Picasso, blue period. Fingers gripped his hair urging him to all her right spots.
“Words, babygirl.” Dean demanded.
A heavy moan left her with the nickname. “Right there!”
Dean's nose nudged her just so as his tongue dove deep for the treasure he sought. Edging her entrance, teasing, keeping Y/n at the brink before delving deep and hard without warning.
“Fuck, I- I need to cum.” She heard her voice beg, her legs shaking, starting to close but suddenly Dean's large hands were on her knees forcing them wide apart making her convulse with no way to control the waves of pleasure.
“Fuck, yes.”  The whimper sounded too pathetic, needy, right on the edge. He didn’t let up this time now, he forced two orgasms out of her before she fought him off her center, with aftershocks rocking her, she slid off the dresser as he stood. Narrowed flaming eyes watched him as she pushed him back across the room onto the bed. Enveloped by a erotic need that had never happened before, she hit her knees as he sat. Her nimble fingers quickly undoing his jeans and pushing them and his boxers past his waist and off. An almost anime twinkle glazed over her eyes, seeing a beautiful erection before her. Mouth watering, Y/n stroked him in reverence before her tongue went to work on him. Tracing and learning every vein. Memorizing it for nights she took care of herself. A forceful tug of her hair and growl, she knew he wanted it all, which she obliged.
Hitting the back of her throat, she swallowed him all down, making her moan just as Dean did. His head tossed back, lips parted in bliss, she suckled the whole of him before beginning a steady bob of her head. She knew what she was doing. Y/n was no novice.
Dean's hands caged her head like a claw from a claw machine as he fucked into her mouth, taking what he needed. Y/n let her tongue run along the pulsing vein on the underside as her teeth grazed just enough to stimulate. She heard Deans gasp and felt the force as he slid down her throat.
Relaxing her throat, she took him all, till he stalled and came. He tasted like salty cotton candy. It was glorious. 
She batted her eyes once he finally started to plop from her lips. “You done now?” She asked, quirking a brow at him.
A guffawed chuckle from Dean as his thumb rubbed her bottom lip. “Not even close.” Even as he said the words he was stroking that beautiful cock into attention. It was saluting again in moments, it had definitely served time.
Dean's jaw visibly clenched as he pulled her up by her hair and shoved her across to the bed. “Still with that bitchy mouth. You are a challenge. I am very competitive though.” His words barely met her brain as he crawled up her body biting at her neck wrapping her legs around his waist. No warning, no passing go, he slid in with the precision of a porn star all the way to the hilt. Y/n let out a scream of ecstasy clinging to his shoulders digging her nails in for the ride.
“Fuck Dean, yes!” 
Dean nuzzled up to her ear. “ I always pegged you as one who liked it rough, hard, and dirty as hell. That- right there. That is the attraction to you.” Then he started a brutal pace, she knew there would be scratches and bruises for days. It only turned her on more. Hooking her heels into his ass dragging him deeper.
“More, harder!” She gasped already on the edge of another orgasm. 
Dean obliged sitting back on his knees changing the angle to hit that wet spongy spot she needed. The first stroke sent Y/n curling into herself, moaning. He must have gps for a woman's g spot. It was only 4 strokes later she came with her nails dragging down his forearms. Panting still Dean rolled them over so she sat atop him. “My turn. Ride me.”
It was a demand, still quivering Y/n gripped the headboard and began to ride him circling her hips raising slamming back down. The full rodeo cowgirl. She couldn’t get enough. Over stimulated, sensitive. His cock was like candy. She couldn’t stop riding him once he asked. She would take everything he gave and give back just as much. The fucker would know he met his match.
“Come on girl! Take it!” Dean groaned fingers digging bruises into her hips adjusting her speed or helping her move. “Fuck Y/n, I feel it, so close aren’t you. This what you need?” He asked as his thumbs gently brushed her pulsing clit. Sending her orgasm over the edge tossing her head back with a cry of bliss.
“Fuck woman!.” He pushed her off and she was so pliable at that point blissed out of her mind. She thought they were done, nope. Dean still hadn’t cum and he turned her over to her stomach, jerking her hips up. She felt him gently stroke her swollen abused core. “I know you got at least one more.”
She didn’t whimper, she  pushed herself up on her hands and got ready. She would take everything the bastard had. 
Dean slid a little slower into her this time but still started a brutal pace. She moaned lewd lascivious sounds as his hands ran up her skin rolling her back, pressing against him. Wanting every stroke and every inch he had to give. She would make him remember this. Determined to blow his mind. Make him remember her everytime he looked at another woman. At this angle, he hit her directly into that spot once again. Letting her head fall forward as she pressed harder and harder back into him. Till her head jerked up by the grip he had in her hair. She could tell he was close especially how he started to get a little sloppy and groaned. Fucking into her like a man possessed. Little did she know he was.
“Cum again,” he demanded.
Panting slightly Y/n responded, “need more.”
She felt his hand wrap around her throat squeezing gently and she melted against him, now standing on her knees. “You do like rough. That's what you need. Cum with me, you can do it. DO IT!” He snapped as his hips did.
She had never cum on command but that one sent her into subspace practically. Falling over feeling him fill her to the brim with his seed, Jesus H Christ it could have made her cum again if she wasn't numb.
They stayed like that, a panting, sweaty heap of tangled naked limps for nearly 20 minutes. Their ragged breaths the only sound as their heart rates return to normal.
She didn’t really come back to earth till she felt his arms wrap around her from behind. “You know. The payback here isn’t that I just fucked you six ways to hell on a Sunday. It’s- well- you fucked a demon.”
Y/n scoffed, her brow furrowing as she turned to look at him, falling off the side of the bed in shock as she saw black eyes. Dean had black eyes. He WAS a demon!
“Holy shit! WHAT THE FUCK!?” Grabbing a shirt and throwing on the rest of her clothes frantically, as Dean dressed so casually.
“It’s the mark. It won’t let me die, not really. It freed me,” Dean explained as he buttoned up his pants. Y/n was looking for a weapon. Picking up a beer bottle and breaking it on the end of the table. Complete disbelief, Sam would lose his mind. She just fucked Dean and he was a demon. It sent her spinning. How could she, should have known this was too odd, not in his character. She berated herself.
“What ya going to do Y/n/n?!” He glanced at the bottle. “You won’t hurt me, we both know it.” He smirked.
She lunged at him. Yeah- that pissed him off and he was stronger now. Gripping her arm twisting her wrist so she dropped the bottle, his free hand gripped her throat and tossed her across the room over the dresser.
With a groan as she got up. “Nope, you will finally get this through your pathetic ass head. I LOATHE you. You are nothing but a nobody with a warm hole to use for a little bit. Always there when you aren’t wanted!” He yelled, punching her then throwing her into the night stand. Y/n tried to react and punch him, but damn his reflexes were like lighting. “No,” he growled, squeezing her fist crushing her hand she felt the bones snap then he punched her again bashing her head into the wall. “You are pathetic, you are a waste of time and talent.”
Y/n coughed seeing triple but still shakily stood up or attempted too and leaped at him to try and take him down with her body weight. He caught her around the waist though. Wrapping his arm around her,he flung her across the room over the bed into the opposite direction. Shattering the window as her body hit, a cry of pain leaving her as her rib and spine connected with the glass and fell to the floor. She could barely move, through the blood of the cut over her eye she saw him approaching. She tried the only thing her cloudy brain could think of and started saying the Latin for an exorcism.
"Really Y/n," he laughed at her, pulling her head up by her hair roughly. " I'm not possessed. I am who I should have always been and I love it."
That was the last thing she remembered, she passed out after that. 
She had awoken a week  later in the hospital.
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@thorne93 @pegasusdragontiger @st-eve-barnes @suz-123@magellan-88 @my-proof-is-you @carryonmywaywardwriters@forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @winchest09 @emoryhemsworth@ formulafun @delightfullykrispypeach @janicho88 @anathewierdo @flamencodiva​ @katehuntington​ @waywardbeanie​ @talesmaniac89​ @deanwanddamons​ @atc74​ @smol-and-grumpy​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @superfanficnatural​ @jules-1999​ @flamencodiva​
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laketaj24 · 6 years
Songbook Series:Erik: Let Me
A/N: NSFW. Smut and such below the cut. Tag List Open. This one is using the song Let Me, by Zayn. If you like my work please let me know by leaving a comment, reblog or liking it lol I hope you enjoy. (I’m sorry I don’t know whose Gifs these are! I saved them a while back but if you know comment and shout them out )
Catch Up here!!! Masterlist
@ivarsshieldmadien : moodboard.
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“T’Challa downstairs curled up with Nakia looking like somebody soccer dad in them damn kicks.” Erik props his pillow up on the bed and clicks on the TV. Asa hadn’t really been listening to him. Ever since the fight with Malaysia, if you can call it that, she was on edge about work. And they were watching her, every single mistake she made was questioned unlike before where she had no worries because everyone loved her. “You hear me babe?” Erik nudges her lightly on her thigh watching her type away on the computer. “Since when do you work at home?”
“Well, there are some people in the office that think that I am not working hard enough.” She pauses. “And then Malaysia’s dad is riding my management’s ass about everything I do because of that fight.”
“You mean when you went to her house and drug her out by her hair and proceeded to beat her ass?”
“Yeah, fight nigga. Shut up.” She giggled shaking her head. “I just don’t want to lose everything that I have worked for because of her. And I know I shouldn’t have even went over there and done anything. I know this already.” Asa pauses. “But I was mad and I saw red.”
“You don’t have to explain to me.” He kisses her hand and intertwines his fingers with hers. “I love to see my woman working hard… no matter what position she in.”
Asa rolls her eyes playfully and places her laptop on the bed. “I am thirsty though. You want something?”
“a beer if you going downstairs?”
“You bet not give Kojack shit, or I’m gonna mess you up.” She closes their bedroom door wondering down the steps. Erik was right. T’Challa and Nakia were cuddled up and they were adorable. His arm was draped over her body while she lay on his chest. Their legs basically intertwined and both were fast asleep. She made no sound as she tiptoed over to the adjacent kitchen opening the fridge. She grabs two beers from the fridge and she closes it quickly. And there he was.
M’Baku folded his arms over his chest and admired her from head to toes, looking at her thick legs and the way they filled the boy shorts, up to Erik’s basketball shirt she’d cut into a crop top. They hadn’t talked much other than the occasional good morning or small talk when they were in the group. It was easy to act unfamiliar with him when Erik was around. “Asa.”
“M’Baku.” She smirked peaking around the corner for Erik. “why are you blocking my way?”
“Can we talk?”
“I would rather it was outside and not in here, you got a moment?” M’baku was courteous and he’s eyes plead for at least a moment. It had been hard watching someone he cared for with a man she hated two weeks ago. “Please Asa, is it too much to ask to talk to you?”
“No, of course not.” She places the beers back in the fridge ans slides the patio door open. We can talk out in the yard. I need to pick up some of that stuff anyhow.” Asa slides the glass door open and walks onto the patio picking up the beach balls and floats that they had used earlier. M’Baku helped her wondering off the patio into the yard where the storage unit was, she follows barely gripping all the things that she had. “So, what is it Prince.”
“I didn’t think it would matter that I was prince.” He admitted. “And I didn’t know who you were.”
“I am actually sure that you didn’t because I didn’t know that Erik was all royalty and shit. It’s no big deal really.”
“N’jadka is the man that broke your heart.” He places the items in the bin looking back at the white house and the vast yard. “It’s not surprising.” M’Baku chuckled. He had never known Erik personally but the stories of him from T’Challa were not the most pleasant at times. All he knew about Erik was that he was rude, callous and apparently a cheater. “I know that you’re back with him and apparently happy, but I don’t think that what we shared was in vain.”
“We fucked for four days straight, I didn’t know your name the first night.” She felt the heat rush to her face thinking of those nights. They were certainly something magical but home was where her heart beat, and it beat and bled for that dumbass in the house. “I don’t want him to know. And one thing about N’jadka that you don’t know is that he can read me like a book. I don’t want any drama while you are here. We can continue like nothing ever happened.” She looked over her shoulder at the house. She could still see Erik in the bed watching tv. “Please.”
“I’ll do as you wish.” He touched her hand rubbinf his thumb in circles over her palm before letting go. “but while you sit here and play house, you could simply have a man that truly wants this with you.”
“what do you mean?”
“I mean Erik is comfortable with you as a girlfriend and clearly, Asa, you are worthy of so much more. I could make you a princess.” He steps closer to her, crowding her head with his scent and his words. His hands trail down her shoulders and then around her thick waist. He grips her ass momentarily and leans in. She should have stopped him, but his lips met hers. Her heart raps against her chest beating so hard it floods her head, and all she could think was him. She wanted to be consumed by him. His tongue dances with hers and he brushes himself against her, tight against his jeans and steps back. He clears his throat. “Just something to think about.” He pecks her forehead lightly before tossing the last of the items into the bin. “Goodnight.”
“Night.” She choked watching him walk away from her. A few moments after she learned to breathe again she reentered the house. T’Challa stands at the counter with his beer in hand. She hadn’t ever seen him drink but apparently today was just a good day to do so. He clicked open the bottle. “Hey, nice nap?”
“I apologize for sleeping on our couch. We had a meeting down at the outreach that lasted all day and it was tiresome.” He pauses. “Thank you so much for your hospitality.”
“You can sleep where ever you want to in this house.” She beams, “and King T, Erik and I are so happy you are here, no matter how many times he gripes. He’s so thrilled. He told me stories of you, but he never said who you were, it didn’t matter to him that you were King.”
“Erik is great, you two make a great couple.” He resolves. “Does he know about M’Baku?”
“Know what?”
“I saw you leave his hotel room the day we arrived.”
“Oh fuck,” She breathes.
“It’s fine. I will say nothing. Just be careful okay? They can both be crazy.”
 The warning was heeded cautiously. Asa kept her distance the next morning slipping breakfast all together and slipping out of the house unnoticed by everyone but Erik. The office was busy. The clacking sounds of the keys filled the bank, along with the never-ending flow of traffic. She loved it. The interaction with people and the fact that she could try to at least get people approved for loans that usually were declined.
“Asa.” The voice of the person she didn’t want to see the most rang throughout her office. He tapped a few more times and he sat down in front of her waiting for her to finish her phone call.
“Yes ma’am, it should be no problem. I’ll be sure to give you a call back.” She swallowed hard watching Malaysia’s father tap impatiently on his leg. Then she ended the call, placing it on the receiver. “Mr. Barton, it’s good to see you. How are things?”
“They’re fine.” He said sitting back in the chair. “I’ve watched the video of you and my daughter several times and I cannot sit here and act as if my visit is not about it. That type of behavior is inexcusable.”
“I’m sure it is, but your daughter’s actions were not good to say the least.”
“she’s a college student. She has a future a stake and you, the older woman should have acted with some dignity and at least confronted her like a woman.”
“Mr. Barton, the situation is my personal life.”
“Not anymore.” He interrupted. “Your behavior cannot be tolerated. It is out decision to terminate you. This business relationship is done. The guards out front will accompany you to your car and it was an experience having you work for me.”
She wanted to cuss. Throw her things on the floor and scream. But she held it in. “That’s unnecessary I’ll leave.” She smiles smugly.
 Erik didn’t have too many words to say in consoling her, because in every way he felt it was his fault.” He watches her anxiously pace the living room, rambling to him and Ayo. “I gave them all of my efforts and time and for them to even consider firing me because his slut of daughter fucked Erik is stupid. I wanna post that damn sex tape of her ass… see how bright her fucking future is then.”
“Nah, I’m on that shit. Baby, forget about it.” Erik groaned. “I told your ass years ago you didn’t even have to work. I got us. You can sit back and do whatever the fuck you want.”
“And if I leave you?” She said with a slight squeak to her voice.
“Shit ma, you gone leave a nigga.”
“I need to have my own things Erik. I need to know I can support myself. I love you and all that shit, but I built myself up. I want to stay that way.” She turned and walked another circle around the living room. “I’m going to bed.”
“Nah, I swore to T and Nakia that we would not be someone ass couple tonight. Get dressed, Ander headed out.” He watches Asa nod her head. “Man, move yo ass.” He playfully slaps her butt and she leaves bouncing up the steps.
T’Challa sits next to Ayo. “What was she saying?”
“She got fired.”
“Bast, for what?”
“She beat up the regional finance daughter.” Erik doesn’t elaborate. But T’Challa already knew the background story. “It’s my fault and I gotta make this shit up to her. She works hard for her shit man. It’s part of the reason I love her.”
“What bank?”
“Does it matter?”
“Yes. T’Challa smiles. “Cousin, what bank?”
“First Bank National.”
“Make a call and inform them that Wakanda Outreach international refuses to do business with a company that would hire an employee for unjust reasons. And then as the Vice President of Wakanda Outreach international withdraw all 30 million of our dollars.”
Erik beams. “You a dirty ass man.”
“Power is more than strength within a fist. Remember the burning of our sacred gardens.”
Erik hummed looking away. “I don’t recall.”
“You understand, take away something important and it will cripple them. And I know you remember. Ass.”
 Asa couldn’t remember how many drinks she’d had but it didn’t matter. Her body coursed with excitement as she twirled around on the counter of the bar. Nakia and T’Challa surprisingly were locked on one another dancing to the unfamiliar music with ease and sensuality. Erik’s eyes were hooked on Asa, the way her hips hypnotized him and every man at the bar and normally he would be mad but she was happy. And she hadn’t been happy all that day, her smile was refreshing. She kicked her leg up high and her old stripper moves returned as she bounced down on the bar in front of Erik, gyrating in front of him until his hands pulled her from the counter and into his laps. She felt him through his jeans. Hard. Thick and Long. He noticed her eyes dancing with the thrill of fucking him in public like old times. He drags his teeth across his full bottom lip picks her up in one movement.
“You want me to fuck you up don’t you.” Erik grinned as he carried her away. Asa nods her head drunk off his touch.
The closet didn’t seem so small once she was hemmed against the door with her legs spread and Erik was fucking her. He was thick, intrusive and rough. The door shook behind her as her head hit the rack repetitively. “Erik, they’ll hear.” She moaned with her face buried in the nape of his neck. “Er-.” He thrust harder into her making the door rattle loudly. He didn’t care what they heard. Her legs gripped him impossibly trying to take him deeper. He hit the back of her walls every single time and she damn near stopped breathing every time he drug himself out of her winding his hips so that he hit clit and the n diving back into her.
“I don’t give a fuck.” He growled chasing his high. He fucked her until she shattered into a million pieces and then lowered her to the ground peppering kisses all over her body. “Let me take care of you Asa.”
“That’s not how I was raised.”
Erik reaches down in his pocket and places the ring in her hand. “If we don’t work you can take everything…” He whispers. “But I’m certain I’ve found my wife in you. Let me take care of you.”
M’Baku sat at the bar staring at the door shake and everyone around him with someone. It was time to go. It was time to leave now. He tossed the money down on the bar waving at T’Challa. He grabs his jacket and turns.
“It’s fucked up to see what you want being treated anyway huh?”
“I didn’t say that.” He smirked looking down at her.
Malaysia smiles holding her hand out. “you didn’t have to.” She winks. “But maybe we can fix it so it works for the both of us.”
The door opens and Erik has Asa thrown over his shoulder spinning her around. “Shots for everyone. We bout to be the STEVENS!” 
Tagging:  @wilddrabble @readsalot73 @sparklemichele @titty-teetee @amour-quinn @captstefanbrandt @valynsia @byzantium-glytch @suz-123 @captstefanbrandt @harleycativy @sunnyfortomorrow @sincerelysinister @ceridwenofwales @ivarsshieldmadien @bang-kim-bap @samwinchxtr @purple-apricots @raindrop-dewdrop @scumyeol @challaxkillmonger @virgosapphire79 @jecourt @pebblesz892 @wakanda-inspired @kreolemami @littleica @someareblindtoitsbeauty @almostpurelysmut@slimmiyagi @maliadestiny  @part-time--thot @thiccdaddy-mbaku @live-likeyourlast @tiredofthisgeneration @vanitykocaine @idilly @myboyfriendgiriboy @graysonshisss @leahnicole1219 @another-imaginesblog @vanitykocaine
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zacharydempsey · 7 years
Truth or Dare? | Zach Dempsey x Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff POV: Reader's/First Person
A/N: Hi everyone! I was finally able to write another imagine! This wasn't requested though, the idea just suddenly popped into my head and I just ran through with it haha. I'm gonna get the requests started so that I can post them soon and re-open my ask box for more requests. I hope you enjoy this one. It's a bit short and straight to the point lol.
Overview: Reader likes Zach. Zach likes reader. Their friends think they should date and they all end up playing spin the bottle. What could possibly go wrong? Or perhaps, what could possibly go right?
"Hey Y/N, you should totally come to Jessica's party later." Justin says as he nudges my arm.
"Hmm, yeah sure I guess. I mean I don't have anything to do tomorrow anyway so sure, I'll come." I reply with a small smile.
"Really!? That's great!" he replies his fists throwing up in the air in joy.
"Calm down Justin. Uhm, who else is coming?" I ask and let out a laugh.
"Just the usual, Hannah, Clay, Sheri, Alex, Monty, Tony, Jeff, Zach." he answers.
"Zach?! Zach is coming?" I reply as my eyes widen in shock.
Zach, Zachary Dempsey. How do I begin to describe Zach? 6foot3 in height, dark brown hair, milk chocolate colored eyes, plump lips, nose accurately shaped by the Gods, and his smile, oh his perfect smile. He was the captain of the basketball team in our school. 
Every single girl in our school swooned over his presence, you can almost hear their hearts race whenever he walks through the hallway. Almost all of the girls had a crush on him, and all of them had no chance with him, and that included me. Although he was this popular, social butterfly in our school, he still kept the right amount of distance to others, which made him seem mysterious and cold.
We've always been close, and he was one of the people I often share my secrets too. In our group of friends, Zach and I always get teased. They'd always tell us that we should go out, we should date each other and stuff like that, but for some reason it never actually happens. I've heard some of my friends say that he liked me, and I mean like, like, not as a friend but as something more, but I just ignore them. I mean, yeah, I like him too, but I'm just not the kind of person to make the first move. I kind of like what we have now, we're really close, special friends and I like how comfortable I am whenever I'm with him.
Everytime he'd flash his smile at me, everytime I'd tease him because he's abnormally tall for his age, everytime he'd give me a back hug, everytime he'd feed me food when I'm busy, everytime he'd whine when I beat him in a video game, all of the little things made me fall more and more in love with him everyday. It's just a shame that I can't confess to him and that he hasn't tried telling me what he feels too, if ever he did feel anything for me.
"Y/N." Justin calls my name.
"Y/N!" he snaps his fingers in front of my face as I awaken to reality and realize I've been staring blankly, thinking about Zach.
"Oh! I'm sorry." I jump as I give him a faint smile.
"The bell just rang." he says as he stands up from his seat and laughs at me.
"Oh it did? Ugh, sorry I was kind of lost for a moment there." I reply as I stand up to get my backpack.
"I'll see you at Jess' later, okay?" he says as we walk side by side to leave the classroom.
"Oh yeah okay. See you later!" I reply as I wave my hand goodbye and walk to the other direction to my next class.
I walk over to my next class, and as I enter, I already see Hannah, Clay and Alex in our usual seats. We all sat on a table near the windows at the back, because we hated this class. We didn't really pay attention to anything the teacher was saying so we decided to take a seat at the back, and this subject was really easy anyway so it didn't require much attention.
"Y/N!" Alex greets and waves over at me as I walk to the table towards them.
"Hey, Alex and Clay invited us over to Jess' party after school." Hannah says as I take my seat beside her.
"Oh yeah, Justin invited me too, and I already said yes. Is it okay if we go?" I ask her as I turn to her while fixing my bag.
"Yeah sure! I also said yes to Alex and Clay so I guess it's already a yes!" she replies as she lets out a soft chuckle.
"Anyway, Y/N, I heard Zach is coming." Hannah whispers into my ear as she turns to face me. She knew about my secret feelings for Zach.
"Uhm yeah, Justin told me." I reply softly while looking down, trying to hide the blush on my face.
"You should really talk to him. I'm still wondering why you two still aren't dating!" Clay suddenly butts into Hannah and I's conversation.
"Shut up Jensen!" I glare at him and slap his forehead backwards lightly.
Alex and Hannah soon started laughing and Clay let out a soft 'ouch' as he rubbed his forehead. The teacher then came in and the room fell silent, we all looked at each other and rolled our eyes, signalling another hour of pure boredom. This class was a total waste of time, but since the 4 of us were all together, it didn't really seem that bad anymore. The teacher just made us read a bunch of pages in our books and made us answer the questions written under them. A few minutes later, the bell rang which meant the end of the hour. We all bid our goodbyes and Hannah and I walked to our last class together. It was only one more class until the end of the day which made me extremely excited for the party to come.
We walk into the classroom with our arms linked, and a few minutes later, Justin, Monty, Jeff and Tony walked into the classroom too. The teacher gave us some work to do individually which made the time go a lot faster than we would have thought, a few minutes later and the bell rang again, which means school was finally over. We all stood up and walked together to the gates of school. After bidding each other goodbye, we all parted ways to get ready for Jess' party which wasn't until late in the evening.
Hannah and I decided to go to Jessica's party together. We gave the house a quick scan as we walked into her house; it was still quite early so it was just us. Hannah and I walk into the living room and proceeded to sit down on the sofa. It's been quite some time since we've been here again, so some things changed around the room. I offered Hannah a drink and she nodded yes as a response. Just as I was about to stand up from the sofa, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my shoulders from the back.
"Yay you're here!" Justin exclaims as he places his chin on the crown of my head.
"Get off me you dork!" I squirm out of his grip and stand up.
"Hey, what's going on here?" Zach says as he walks into the living room, with one of his eyebrow raised.
"Nothing, just 2 people who like each other having a cute fight." Justin answers with a smirk plastered on his face, then winks at Zach's direction.
"Shut up!" I yell as I hit him repeatedly on his arm.
"Ouch! Alright sorry I was just kidding!" he replies as he puts my hands down.
"I need some air." Hannah suddenly says as she drags me out of the living room, to the garden where Clay and Jeff were. We got a couple of drinks from them and just stayed there for a bit to talk. After a few minutes, Jessica invites us back inside. Apparently we're going to play some kind of group game and everyone had to play. We saw the rest of the gang sat on the floor waiting for the rest of us. The sofas were pushed back and some were pushed to the side to give us more space.
"Oh you're here!" Sheri squealed as she saw Hannah and I.
"You're rather excited!" Hannah says with a small laugh.
"Sit here!" Clay told Hannah as he patted the space next to him.
"Y/N sit here!" Justin says with a smirk.
"No, thank you." I reply which made everyone laugh.
"I'll sit beside Hannah, thanks." I add as I walk towards her and sat in the middle of her and Monty.
"Good choice." Monty whispered to my ear as I sat down, I smiled back at him.
"So what exactly are we going to play?" Tony asks.
"I was thinking..." Justin starts as he got an empty bottle out from behind him. "We could play spin the bottle." he continues. His proposal was met with cheers from the rest of us.
"Alright, since you all agree. Let's start!" Justin says as he spun the bottle. It stopped to face Alex.
"Standall!" Justin roars.
"Truth or dare?" he asks with a devious smirk on his face.
"Truth!" Alex answers, the rest of the boys groan in disappointment.
"Well that's not fun at all you pussy!" Monty says.
"Well I chose truth, so truth it is! Fuck you, Montgomery!" Alex says in defense.
"OH! I got a question!" Jeff raises his hands eagerly.
"Alright then, lay it on me!" Alex says.
"Is it true that Jessica is your first kiss?" Jeff asks as he leans forward.
"Yes, she was my first kiss and my first girlfriend, and hopefully my last." Alex answers shyly, his cheeks turning red from embarrassment. The boys cheered and laughed. Meanwhile, Jessica had her head down while she tried to hide the smile on her face.
"Alright, alright next one!" Alex says as he takes the bottle and spins it around and it lands on Zach. Hannah suddenly looks at me with a meaningful smirk on her face.
"So Zach, what would it be? Truth or dare?" Hannah asks as she looks at Zach.
"Dare." Zach answers.
"Good choice. For 15 seconds, make out with the girl that you really like in this room." Hannah instructs.
The rest of the gang's eyes widen in surprise as they all looked at me. Monty looked at me with a devilish smirk on his face, Justin winked at me cheekily and Jeff put on a kissy face as he laughed.
"I have the timer ready!" Justin says as he got his phone out.
"Ready, in three, two--" he counts down as Zach got up on his feet and started walking. My heart had started beating wildly against my ribcage when, for some reason, his footsteps were making their way towards my direction. He then stops his tracks facing me and proceeds to sit directly in front of me.
"I'm sorry." Zach says before slowly pressing his lips against mine. I could hear the cheering of the boys in the background as my heart continued to beat loudly against my chest. The first couple of seconds were awkward, but as a couple more passed by, I found Zach's hands wrap around my waist as he lifted me to sit on his lap. I wrapped my right hand around his neck almost involuntarily as I kissed him back. Meanwhile, my left hand was twirling around his hair. I could feel how warm, soft and sweet his lips were; it felt like magic. He held me tighter, closing any space we had between us, all I could hear was the sound of my heart beating crazily fast.
"Times up!" Justin says as the 15 seconds were over. However Zach and I didn't seem to hear it. I slowly feel his fingers make their way on the hem of my shirt, tracing my waist. He then slipped his fingers under my shirt and his skin made contact to my hips which made me pull away from him in surprise.
"Oh I'm sorry." he replies, his eyes wide in shock as he bit his lip.
"You two! The time was over 2 hours ago!" Jessica says as a joke which made the boys laugh.
"Just date already!" Justin teased and everyone laughed. I got the cushion off the sofa behind me and threw it at him, as I gave him a death glare. Monty soon moved out of his place next to me, and made Zach sit there instead. I looked at Hannah and she was already looking at me, with a cheeky smile on her face as she winked at me. I rolled my eyes at her and let out a small laugh as I shook my head.
"Does this mean we already have 2 couples in our group of friends now?" Tony asks as he looks over at Alex and Jessica, then at Zach and I.
Zach and I look at each other with a smile and for some reason, the answer was crystal clear. "I guess so." Zach answers which sent tingles down my spine. I couldn't believe it, we were now officially dating. It was almost too good to be true. The rest of our friends cheered us on and laughed.
"This spin the bottle has been the most productive one we've ever had." Justin says.
"We should play this more often actually." Jeff adds.
Zach sits nearer where I was seated and proceeds to take my hand. He opens it up, creating spaces in between my fingers then places his large hands on mine, filling the spaces inbetween. He looked down to meet my eyes as I look up at him, and he gave me a sweet smile as he lifted my hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. I smile as I feel his warm lips on my skin.
"I'm glad this happened." he says as he rests his face on the crook of my neck like a puppy.
"I am too." I answer as I squeeze his hand gently.
"I love you Y/N." he whispers into my neck then gives it a quick kiss, I could feel his warm breath on my skin which made me blush.
"I love you too Zachary." I answer as I lay my head on his with a smile. We go back to playing the game with Justin holding the bottle to spin for the next victim.
"Okay so who's next?"
A/N: I hope you guys liked this one-shot! I actually missed writing. Btw thanks for all of your well wishes while I was sick. I appreciate all of you so much. 'Til next time!
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beeyeah · 8 years
Jikook: Insight
Title: Insight
Summary: /On-going/ Jikook/ In which Jeon Jungkook was introduced to the world of shipping and fan analysis.
“Jimin-hyung, do you think I stare at you too much?”
Author: Beya
Notes: This was supposed to be a one-shot but I think we all want that slow burn fanfiction where we see the characters understand themselves as the events unfold. I’ve been looking for a story that would tackle JK’s reaction should he discover the world of fan analysis (i.e. real clips of him instead of made-up stories over the internet). Did I mention I’m new to the fandom? Anyway, I wasn’t able to find one so I came up with my own lol
Would encourage you to watch Nochuchimchim/ Yutensol90’s YT videos (Reason why I ship Jikook series). It inspired me to write this fic. The fan videos mentioned in this story are all hers.  
Chapter 1 under cut
Jungkook looked at the small piece of paper in front of him and read the hastily scribbled question. He titled his head, mouthing the foreign term.
Do you read fanfictions? Yes or No.
“Fanfictions?” He asked the fan curiously.
As scheduled, they were on active promotions for Hwayangyeonhwa. They’d just finished performance on MCore and went straight to Myeongdong for a fanmeet. While he’d admit that a photoshoot just the day before combined with performance the day after could already be considered too much, he thought meeting the fans would be a nice way to end the week.
The doe-eyed girl who’d just given him the paper bobbed her head in affirmation.
Was it, he wondered, an internal term he should have learned ages ago?
Fictions written by fans? He wasn’t much of a reader though.
“Which one?”
“You know,” her low-pitched voice came in a whisper as she gave him a knowing look, her puckered lips pointing to the hyung beside him busily entertaining another fan with his crescent-eye smile.
Does it have something to do with Jimin-hyung?
“Ah,” he responded, finally deciding that he could just search for it later. He encircled ‘no’ and shook his head, leaving the anticipating girl down and disappointed. Did he answer it incorrectly? But he didn’t know which fiction it was, let alone got the chance to read it.  
He lifted his hand for a high-five, “I’ll check it later. Can you give me the title?”
It was fascinating. The way her face lit up with his promise as she rummaged through her bag and offered him a small USB. By now, Jimin was already looking towards their direction. He was done talking after he received a pink headband and a high-five.
Jungkook thought he was done after a slap of hand too.
“Please watch this instead!” she said and raised her pinky, silently asking for commitment.
Well, he did plan to follow through his word but watching would make things easier for him. His fans know him all too well.
“Sure thanks,” he said as he sealed it with his own pinky.
“Oohh,” Jimin cooed as the fan moved to his side of table. “What did you give to our Jungkookie? Do you also have something for oppa?” He wiggled his brows suggestively.
The fan blushed and bit her lip but shook her head.
“Ah, what a pity. Oppa gets jealous easily, you know?”
Jungkook elbowed his hyung lightly with a laugh. The girl was obviously flustered having been caught playing favorites.
“We can just watch it together,” he offered to appease the man beside him.
She probably would have agreed since it sounded like a good idea for a moment. Not a second too long though, her eyes grew in alarm and she was waving her hands frantically in front of her.
She shook her head and gave Jimin an apologetic smile which screamed ‘For Jungkook’s eyes only.’
Jimin faked a pout but returned the smile regardless at the fan’s honesty. They talked for a few moments and she left uneventfully, ducking bashfully as Jimin patted her head.
“Oppa,” he heard someone said and was surprised that another fan was already waiting in front of him. There he went again, dozing off. He must be feeling tired to space out this much.
“Sorry,” he replied and perked up. “Did you bring your ID? You’re calling me oppa,” his tone challenged.
It sure was going to be a long night.
“So,” Jimin nudged him with his foot as he pulled a chair beside him by his desktop. By the sound of the prolonged ‘o’, Jungkook would bet his right arm that the older guy was still bearing grudges that he received a fanfiction recommendation while he didn’t. “Did you watch it already?”
“What?” he tried to feign ignorance. He didn’t want to talk about the USB just yet when he’s trying to win a game.
“The one the fan gave you earlier. What’s in it that I can’t watch?”
As they say, the older a guy, the nosier he gets. Thank God he was youngest.
“Nope,” he answered, his eyes not leaving the monitor.
“Come on. If you want, hyung can watch it with you,” Jimin encouraged, his hand massaging his neck. It felt nice, the massage, and Jungkook found himself leaning to the touch. He didn’t close his eyes though because he had every intention to win Friday the 13th (1). “Stop playing that violent game. It’s not good for you!” The massage then turned to Jimin shaking him senseless.
“No. Not right now.” He pulled away from Jimin’s hand to regain his bearings on his killing spree.
“Aish, this brat. Using informal language with me again!” Jimin tried to sound threatening but his motives took over when he offered, “You can give me the copy and I’ll watch it on my own. Let me borrow your computer.”
“The fan said you can’t watch it.” Jungkook’s cursory glance was judging. He got that the older guy would be curious. He would be too if he were in Jimin’s position. But Jungkook stands firm that words said with ARMYs should be kept. That’s how they remain loyal.
Jimin probably agrees because he put a thoughtful finger to his chin. “Well then…” he said listlessly. “You watch it and tell me what’s inside.”
Jungkook groaned. Both because his hyung was insistent and because there were two survivors that escaped his supposed massacre. Usually, Jimin would leave him alone after two or three pokings but he was surprisingly nagging and it was making him want to just grab him and throw him on the couch outside. He would make sure to shut the door while he was at it. The only reason this happened frequently was because Seokjin made a rule that nobody was to lock their rooms in fear that he wouldn’t be able to rescue them should anything bad happened.
They could just kick the door anyway.
“What?” Jimin blinked at him and raked a hand through his hair. “Is there something wrong with my face?”
Ah, he was at it again. Spacing out and staring.
“Nothing. Just…okay.” He heaved an exasperated sigh. “I’ll tell once I watched it.”
Jimin’s eyes were almost lost in the curl of his smile. Jungkook couldn’t help but return it and he received a pat on the head in return, the way Jimin did earlier with the flustered girl.
Jungkook swatted the hand away and turned to his computer. “Just one more game, hyung.” One more. Because he lost the previous match.
He didn’t need to turn back to see Jimin shaking his head and exiting his room.
After a few cursings under his breath, tapping the mouse a little too hard when his PC lags, he finally decided to quit. He should probably start upgrading RAM and graphics now that it was jammed with game softwares. That would probably cost him a bit of his allowance but a real man could sacrifice.
Jungkook grabbed his duffel bag and dug through to find the black flashdrive. He hoped this wasn’t a prank that would infect his desktop with virus. Should he use the PC in the studio?
He shook his head knowing that it was ridiculous. ARMYs wouldn’t do that, would they?
It took him a minute moment of hesitation before he inserted the disk to the CPU. It seemed nondescript so far with only one folder in the drive named Jikook. The fan must have misspelled his name since it was written in English letters. She seemed young. She probably needs to take more lessons.  
He clicked the folder twice and it revealed a list of videos entitled Why I ship Jikook divided in parts. So it was a movie after all. It would probably take long seeing that there were 13 files overall but they’d have a time off tomorrow provided the consecutive schedules the past four days so might as well entertain the fans and watch. He could probably do some VLive afterwards and tell them what he thought about it.
And so he opened the first clip and it started playing a very familiar song. Was that Sistar’s playing in the background?
It didn’t take him long to realize that it wasn’t a movie. The next thing, he found himself reading through the black screen a script – “The way he looks at Jimin”.
The song gave off a pink and cheesy vibe to it which made the scene look surprisingly private. Through the lens of a fan camera, it showed him and Jimin at their concert in Hongkong staring at each other without breaking eye contact. He remembered quite well that he lost when he turned away, hiding it with a smirk. He also remembered Jimin jabbing at him playfully because there was an unspoken weirdness to it.
His mouth went slightly gaped and he blinked. Twice. Lightly scratching the side of his neck as he consciously watched himself on the screen. Were these all him? It was illuminating how the fans could collect so much clips of him looking and staring at just one person.
He wasn’t conscious about it as much as the person who took all these videos. When a person talks, he sometimes just got a habit of paying attention so he could understand better. Wasn’t it the same for everyone?
Soon as he wondered, his monitor showed a clip of Jimin talking while all the members looked in front of the camera. All except for him.
He bit his lower lip thoughtfully. In aggregate it did seem a little odd.
There was a second half which revealed the instances when Jimin looked at him in return. Jungkook’s seemingly growing list of clip collection won by landslide. He pondered if this was what most of their fans viewed him. Someone who stares at people, that is. He wondered if it made people uncomfortable especially that it wasn’t in his intention. Well this was about him and his hyung mostly.
“Ah,” he muttered as an epiphany arrived.
Jikook probably meant Jimin and Jungkook combined. So the girl who brought the USB was providing him reasons why she liked him and his hyung together. Why didn’t she agree though for both of them to watch it?
On a second thought, that was probably for the best.
He wouldn’t be able to handle an elated Jimin once he found out that he was this…person who had been staring at him.
Not wanting to imagine what the reaction meant for him, he pressed on and randomly clicked through the list. Part 13 showed and the screen read –
“Satellite Jeon” – used to describe Jungkook’s stubborn habit of always orbiting around Jimin wherever he goes.
Was that actually a term in ARMY dictionary? Jungkook let out a short laugh. He does not follow Jimin around.  
Or did he?
Naturally, he thought they should always be together because they were in one group. Bangtan Sonyeondan. Like family. They might as well be saying that he was just tailing after the members.
But the fluffy music continued and showed the members on a music bank stage. Their fifth win for their track Run. It was fun and they were dancing and playing but even he felt embarrassed to see himself. There was a fucking red arrow on his head and it followed him as he gravitated where Jimin was on stage. He pressed the back of his hand on his lips feeling his face and ears heat up.
“Jungkook-ah,” someone called just outside his door.
Jungkook instinctively closed all windows and turned towards the intruder who just let himself in.
“Aren’t you going to eat?” Jin asked, pink apron tied around his waist and his hand still holding a spatula. He curiously looked at the monitor and raised a brow when he found it without any windows opened. “Were you doing something?”
Jungkook forced out a laugh at the suggestive tone the older man used. Instead of answering though, he merely went past him and went straight for the dining room. Why was he even acting like he just watched porn?
“Ah! Jungkook-ah, did you watch it yet?”
“Watched what?” Jin piped in as both he and Jimin entered and sat with him on the table.
Jimin was wearing the oversized white shirt again and putting grapes on his mouth.
He just stared again, didn’t he?
Jungkook rubbed his face with both hands harshly.
“Don’t do that.” Jimin removed his hands from his face.  “You know it’s bad for your skin.” When he successfully removed them and held them down the table, Jungkook was met with concerned eyes. Both from the two grown men in front of him. He hated it when they do that. That meant they’d get overprotective.
“Was it an anti-fan?”
“What? What?” Jin interjected and tapped Jimin’s arm lightly. “What are you talking about?”
“A fan gave him a USB earlier and said to watch a movie.” Jimin turned, his tone suspicious. “Said Jungkook can’t watch it with me.”
Why are both the worrywarts left with him in the dorm? Why did everyone else choose to go back to the studio or head out to watch a movie even after two consecutive schedules?
“Did she say hurtful words in the video?” Jin was already standing up and pacing back and forth.
It wasn’t that Jungkook didn’t understand the root of their paranoia. After all, it was just recently that a fan sent Hobi-hyung a letter. Back then, he remembered seeing him all too excited only to find out it was all flames and bashing. He was silent for a week while everybody could only try to support. Try to shower him with compliments, crossing their fingers and hoping he could forget the words across the pink, scented letter. It was the first time such thing happened that it left them shocked.
Their manager told them later that evening to remember that there is an ARMY of fans behind them. Pun intended. It was just one person and a lot of people love them. The hate was part of the industry if they wanted to make it big.
“Just give it to me. I’ll watch it,” Jimin suggested and lent out his hand, the other squeezing his own when he grabbed it from his face earlier.
“Why watch it? Just throw it away!” Jin sat harshly on his seat.
“Calm down, hyung,” Jungkook finally said and pulled back. “It wasn’t anything okay?” He reached for the bowl of rice in front of him and started eating. He had to think of a way to answer why he was acting so strangely. “I haven’t finished watching yet.”
Jin remained quiet, watching him and not touching his food.
“Aren’t you going to eat?”
“If it wasn’t that then—“
Before Jin could further interrogate him he decided to just come clean about it. “Jimin-hyung, do you think I stare at you too much?”
Jimin’s hand was mid-air, reaching for his chopstick, when he asked. It hovered just as Jimin looked at him to answer his question. “Stare? Why would you ask that?”
“Just…” Jungkook trailed and searched the answer on Jin’s face. It wasn’t there. “Because.”
“What did you watch, Jungkook-ah?” The older hyung asked, resting his chin on his palm as he leaned on the table. His face now showed bafflement instead of concern. “I honestly thought he was watching porn earlier. He looked so shocked when I came in!” His face was all too animated as he recounted what happened. “Our maknae is finally growing.”
“I’m all grown up already, you know? I might be even taller than everyone. Not that I haven’t went past our Jiminnie.”
“Aish, seriously, this brat,” Jimin lightly kicked him by his leg and playfully motioned to smack him.
“Anyway, it wasn’t anything,” he mouthed after a spoonful. “It’s just a compilation of how my fans view me and my relationship towards hyung.”
What he said wasn’t far from the truth.
“With me?” Jimin asked curiously.
“The first two were. I haven’t watched it all yet so.” Why he was saying the words almost in a whisper, he had no idea. Though he was aware it was just about him and Jimin, he couldn’t say it. He knew too well Jimin would make it a big thing. He dotes on him way too much and he wouldn’t be able to handle more.
He could, actually, but that’s beside the point.
“Oh…so what do they think?” Jin’s voice was just as curious but unlike Jimin, he was now more interested about his food. He was perhaps most relieved it wasn’t a hate mail.
“So do they think you stare at me too much?” Jimin laughed and whether Jungkook liked it or not, he felt his ears getting red once again.
“Do they think you have a crush on Jiminnie?” Jin was joining the teasing streak now. “Our fans do love that.”
“They do, they do,” Jimin agreed and went back to his dinner. As if him having a crush on one of the members was the most natural thing in the world. Not that he ever thought of their relationship that way.
Jungkook didn’t quite get ARMY’s logic sometimes but if it made them happy and the hyungs didn’t mind, he must be overthinking if he was letting it affect him.
“They do?” he asked instead.
But Jimin didn’t comment further. He simply nodded and did his trademark smile, dismissing the topic. Funny considering that he was the one who kept prodding earlier. He must’ve lost interest once he finally got what he wanted. He usually does.
“Jin-hyung, I’m going to the department store tomorrow. You said you want to buy that shirt right? Wanna come?”
Jin lifted his head from chowing down his last piece of meat.
For some odd reason, the suggestion felt a little too random for Jungkook.
“What time? I’m meeting with Namjoonie at the studio tomorrow.” Jin looked seriously conflicted. He must’ve badly wanted that shirt.
“I can buy it for you, Jin-hyung,” Jungkook suggested and turned to Jimin. “Can I come with you? The others will be out tomorrow.” It sounded like a plea but he wasn’t going to spend his holiday alone inside the dorm.
His original game plan was to offer Jimin that they go dance practice or cover a song but it seemed that the older man had other thoughts in mind. He sighed and pressed his tongue against his cheek. He wasn’t disappointed, just a little put off balance.
More so that Jimin wasn’t answering his question. Just staring and pursing his lips.
Jin probably sensed whatever the atmosphere was enough for him to interfere. “Thanks, JK. You do that. I’ll give you the money. You buy the shirt with Jimin tomorrow.”
Jungkook’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Do you have other plans?”
It was for another beat of silence until Jimin graced him with his usual good-natured smile. “Nope. Hyung is going to buy you a meal tomorrow.” He stood up and motioned towards the leftovers and plates on the table. “Clean this up for me?”
Jin comfortingly rubbed his shoulder which he answered with a groan.
Today was Jimin’s schedule to wash the dishes.
Next chapter
(1) Friday the 13th – a horror/suspense PC game based on a movie where a masked character called Jason is out to kill. If you take the role of a civilian, then your goal is to survive. If you’re Jason, then you’d have to kill all the other players. Haha I only watched this on YT because my brother liked it. I wasn’t sure if it was meant to be played seriously. It’s still on beta version so let’s just assume JK has the connection to obtain a copy. 
Anyway! Comment how you personally think JK would react to Jikook fanvids/analysis.
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Green Is The Warmest Color - Chapter 29
Camila’s POV
“Mila we’ve gone to a lot of stores already and you haven’t bought not even one dress!” Dinah exclaims in exasperation while we walk and roam around the mall. “I picked your favorite color and you said it was too simple and when I chose this extravagant looking dress, you said it was too much. Why can’t you just go to this date wearing your pajamas?!” I slap her and laugh lightly. We’ve gone to forever 21 and other stores and my eyes still haven’t choses a good dress that would fit me for tonight’s date.
I squeal internally remembering how Lauren asked me officially to this date.
There was a knock on the door and Dinah was about to go out with Siope and she opened the door. Lauren’s face was revealed and Dinah coughed slightly and suddenly looked right back at me. I furrowed my eyebrows why and then a bouquet of blue roses was already seen by my eyes. I almost gasped in shock. She didn’t text me all day and I was about to confront her about it and here she was, wearing a quite worried face but smiling a bit, with a bouquet in hand. Maybe I could confront her about it the next day, but it really didn’t matter already anyway. Dinah coughed once again breaking the awful silence.
“Camz, I’ll go now.” Lauren stared at her and Dinah was confused. At first I was too but remembering the encounter with Shannon few days ago. “What? You have anything to say to me Lo?”
Lauren stared at her almost wanted to shake her head but still decided to say her piece. “I’m sorry Dinah but I’m the only person allowed to call her Camz.” She said and I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing. It was time for Dinah to stare at her back and suddenly emerged in laughter.
“Are you kidding me? I already called her Camz before. I didn’t know it’s a thing of yours. Lauren, such a romantic.” Dinah pretended to swoon and I cleared my throat. But Lauren still responded to Dinah.
“I mean it, Dinah Jane. You can call her whatever you like… just not Camz. It’s my thing.” Dinah laughed once again and Lauren almost glared at her for being not so serious like her.
Dinah looked at me and I used my eyes to urge her to nod and agree with her. Dinah put her hands up in surrender and stopped laughing. “Alright! Alright! From now on, I’ll call her Mila. Not Camz, not ever.” Lauren simply nodded her head and Dinah waved us off, opening the door and closing it right after she left. Lauren turned her gaze on me.
“So we’re alone now.” She told me as she walked towards my bed. “Anyway, here’s a bouquet for my only b.” She handed me the flowers and I quickly reached for it and smelled them one by one. It smelled like her touch, like her exact scent when she was near me. “B is for baby by the way. You’re my only baby.” I smiled at her and motioned for her to sit with me and cuddle. She willingly obliged and I felt the familiar warmth I’ve always craved.
“Baby is such a generic endearment. Can’t you think of anything else?” I inquired and she stared at me while caressing the other side of my face.
She smiled sending butterflies inside my stomach. “Hmmm… cupcakes? Sweets? My little munchkin? Banana princess? What?!” I laughed at her choices and she laughed with me. “Well, nothing can beat Camz.” I gushed and cuddled even more with her and she enveloped me with her arm until I could hear her heartbeat.
“Does your heart beat for me?” She drew circles on my shoulder. “Isn’t it beautiful that our hearts beat in sync with the person we will end up with?”
“My heart only beats for you Camz and you’re the only person who can stop it.” She admitted almost above the whisper and I could feel a smile forming in my lips. I smiled against her chest and she embraced me even tighter. She put her other hand above my chest, feeling my heartbeat, I closed my eyes. “Your heart beats for me too. It beats the same with mine, does that mean you’ll end up with me?” I touched her hand and caressed it slowly.
I opened my eyes and met her gaze. “Let’s go and have a date; an official date. By Friday night, I’ll pick you up by 7pm. Don’t wear anything too fancy, you’re always beautiful to me.” She told me and gave me quick peck on the lips and forehead before she drifted away like a dream.
“You know this date is important to me, China! This will be our first official date and it’s tonight and I still even haven’t bought any dress! God, why is this even hard?!?!?” I panic while telling her.
Dinah just laughs at me and completely mocks me. “Well maybe because you’re inexperienced?” I smack her and she surrendered. “Okay dang girl you’re whipped! Just remember she told you not wear anything too fancy right? That only means she isn’t expecting much and she’s right you’re beautiful with whatever you wear anyway! Why you even drag me to all these stores when you can wear a plain baggy shirt and she’d still fall head over feels for you?” Dinah has a point but that’s not the real point in all of this. I don’t want Lauren to feel that I’m not ecstatic as much as she is about this date tonight. “Can we just eat my tummy is craving for pizza already!” Dinah grumpily complains.
“I want our date to be great. I don’t want to ruin it and I don’t want her to regret asking me for it. God, what shall I do?I don’t even know where we’ll go tonight!” Dinah scrunches her nose off annoyance and stares at me.
“Can you just take a break and forget about your date tonight? It hasn’t even started yet and you look so much stressed like you carry all these people’s problems. Jesus!” We stop walking and enter the pizza parlor. “Now here. Smell the crust and the pepperoni. That’s one of Lo’s favorites right? Mhhmmm… such heavenly! Now sit and take a break.” She motions for me to sit I lazily follow her lead. “This is what you’ll do tonight. You may never know but the best dress any person can wear is being themselves. You only have to be yourself because Lauren likes you for that.”
A crew from the pizza parlor came appeared in front of us and smiles cheerily. “Hi ladies! I’m Richard. What will you have for today?” He inquires and while Dinah examines the menu, I try to think of the place Lauren decided for us to go. Why does she think a surprise is a good thing? It’s never a good thing, for me at least.
“We’ll have pepperoni pizza and two glasses of pineapple juice please.” The guy named Richard wrote it down and smiles once again.
“Anything else?” He asks. I shake my head as well as Dinah. “Well I’ll just say you enjoy your time while you wait. Have a good day and enjoy your pizza for a bit!” He tells the both of us. God, does he ever stop smiling? He’s a crew Camila. Get your shit together and stop judging people when you’re full of anxieties.
Dinah claps both of her hands stopping me from tracks and taking me back to reality. “Earth to Mila! Dammit I told you to take a break and stop overthinking. You don’t ever listen, do you?” I sigh heavily and face down on the table. “C'mon girl, did she already spill the three words to you?” Her question doesn’t help and doesn’t stop me from getting rid of these anxieties away.
Lauren never yet told me she loved me. Although I did and she ended up not believing it. I don’t know if she already does though but I honestly am indeed in high hopes that she believes I do love her. I can’t spill it again, I’ve experienced enough embarrassment. But if only she ever said those three words to me, I’d tell her once again how much I love her and there’s no way of stopping now.
I miss her today. She sent me a text this morning telling me how much she’s excited about the date and hoping I don’t ditch her. As if I could ditch her anyway. I reach for my phone inside my pocket and there are no new messages from Lauren. I reread our messages.
SweetBabyCake Laur<3:
Is it bad that I’m excited and nervous about our date tonight? Please don’t ditch me. :(
Lol I will come for youuuuu
SweetBabyCake Laur<3
Not that fast baby :P
That’s not what I meant! Are you thinking of that? Hmmm
SweetBabyCake Laur<3
No! I’m only thinking about how I’ll make you smile for tonight.
You make me smile without doing anything tbh
SweetBabyCake Laur<3
That’s good to know. See you later baby! Good morning :*
I stopped rereading when a male voice suddenly came out of nowhere.
“Ladies, here are your orders.” He places the whole pepperoni pizza on the middle of our table accompanied with two places and two glasses of pineapple juice. “All good now?” Dinah nods at him and he smiles warmly before fleeing from the scene.
Dinah gets her first slice and put it on her plate. “God, isn’t he cute?!” Dinah squeals then eats a part of her slice. “He’s all smiles and he’s really cheerful. Why can’t we have these cuties in our school? That’s no fair!” I remain my straight face because the guy annoys the hell out of me.
Probably it’s just because of my mood today. I continue on eating my slice of pizza and watch the other customers wait and consume their food. There’s really something more in watching strangers do their thing. Maybe it’s how they make it easy and differently. But I’m not really sure. Lauren completely got me. Dinah nudges my shoulder signaling she’s done.
Dinah left a tip for the waiter because he’s cute. Well that’s what she kept on saying at least. My mind is still focused on my date tonight. My first date and if I’d go back to before, I would never have thought that my first date would be with a girl and I’m not even complaining because I know this date will be memorable.
“Dinaaaaah! Oh my God! Oh my God!"  I scream almost too loudly. Dinah comes in barging from the door looking like she just ran a whole 10 kilometer marathon outside. "Woah what the hell?!”
She wipes her sweat dripping from her forehead. “Oh yeah that… I’m working out you know? Just trying to stay bold and fit!” She laughs and I join in to ease myself from being nervous. “Are you ready to lose your virginity?” I scrunch my nose off annoyance and she laughs once again to keep on mocking. “C'mon sure you’ll lose it to Lauren anyway and you guys will stay together so what are you afraid of? You’re not getting any younger, Mila.”
She’s right.
But I don’t know if I’m fully ready for this.
If I would visualize my future years from now, it sure as hell does have Lauren in it. I will be laughing while we’re in each other’s arms, keeping our own warmth and she would whisper sweet things and my heart would swell. Most importantly, I will be happy and Lauren will be too, with me.
I would still pick her over anything that flashes in the sky.
Suddenly the doorbell rings. “Mila, there’s another chapter of your story, waiting outside.” Dinah smiles; warmly and suggestive. I nod even if all the veins inside my body are trembling. “Go now and meet her already damn it!” I laugh and follow her anyway.
Every step feels like I’m walking on a red carpet, like I’m slowly getting nearer to see someone I’ll end up with that I haven’t met for such a long time. It’s odd thinking that this is only the mere beginning of our story. And fortunately it would start with her staring at me while her mouth gaped.
“W-wow…. you’re b-beau… b-beautiful.” Lauren appears from her door; revealing the shocked expression evident on her face. It’s magical to see her like this; to see how we’ve always been together but she still looks at me the way she looks at me for the first time. “I told you don’t wear anything too fancy.” She smirks.
I’m about to respond when she interrupts. “Oh wait I almost forgot!” She hands me a single blue rose and I grasp on it, feeling the warmth while it’s trapped inside my hand. My lips form a smile and so does my heart.
“Do you realize that you’re being oddly romantic now?” She laughs lightly as I step closer. I touch her chin slightly and she gulps slowly. “Maybe because you l-love me… right? You love me?” She blinks her eyes a bunch of times looking like she hasn’t understood what I just said and I realized what I implied. “S-shit! Oh my God! I’m so…sorry! I didn’t mean-.”
“-Camz. It’s okay.” She states and smiles after. “Although it surprised me for a bit there, I understand. Shall we go now babe? baby? b?” I nudge her shoulder and my heart laughs along with ours.
Before I even got out of the house, we heard a loud thud coming from the stairs and I almost rushed inside to check who it was and burst into laughter when I realized it was Dinah, herself. I backed off and reassure Lauren that it’s okay and it’s just Dinah being playful again. “Don’t forget your condoms!” She shouts and grunts and we just laugh and start our first hour of the night.
“Hmmm, good!!” I say in between mouthfuls. “This is bruschetta, yeah? It’s topped with cheese and prosciutto and tomatoes and one word, heaven.” We went to an Italian fancy dining restaurant. “Bravo, grazie!” The waiter smiles at me hearing how I reacted and my eyes land once again to Lauren who doesn’t share the same specific mood. I take her hand with me and caress it. “Don’t you like the food?”
She answers with a straight face. “I love the food. I don’t like a bunch of people looking at you like you’re their meal.”
I smile inside realizing she’s just jealous over nothing. I take the napkin on the table and use it to slowly wipe off the unnecessary stuff covering the side of her mouth. “You don’t have to be jealous. I’ve always been yours.” I whisper and she suddenly shifts her attention and takes a sip from her wine.
I watch the other people who eat at the restaurant and most of them are lovely couples. Some are old and some look like they just got here straight from their work. Honestly, Lauren and I are the ones different in the place. But I don’t care really. When I look at her, everything just feels great and seems to be at peace. Like anything else doesn’t matter anymore. I look at her and suddenly we’re the only ones existing in the world.
If that’s what it means to be with her then who am I to say no?
“Camz, are you done yet?” Her voice stops me from tracks. “You stopped consuming your food, is there anything bothering you?”
“No problem. I just find myself lost while looking at you.” She smiles showing her teeth while glaring at me in the process. “What? Why? I’m telling you how your eyes get me every time and you don’t believe it?”
She clears her throat before fully responding. “So if my eyes aren’t my eyes then you wouldn’t have fallen for me in the first place?” She pouts and pretends to be offended.
“Well, consider yourself lucky that your eyes are your eyes because then I wouldn’t really have falle-.” My eyes widen in shock realizing suddenly what I’m about to spill. “-well your eyes are the prize. Damn it why you put the spotlight on me?”
She just laughs and resumed on consuming her food. I didn’t though because I remained on looking at her while she does so. If my eyes could capture the scenes I’ve been witnessing right now then the movie would be titled none other than; Beautiful. Lauren is just so beautiful I start to hate the word for being not enough to describe her.
She catches the waiter’s attention and she gestures for the receipt. I reach my purse inside my bag when she stops me and looks annoyed. “I asked you on a date and there’s no way in hell you’re going to pay.” The waiter makes his way to ours and Lauren checks the receipt and opens her purse and places the handful of bills on the receipt.
“Thank you. Enjoy the rest of the night, ladies.”
Definitely I will.
The car stops and I look at Lauren questioningly but decides against it and just remains my mouth shut. Instead, my eyes wander outside and it’s an empty street.
“Let’s just stay right here for a moment and remember our first night together.” She says and opens the side door of her car and I follow quietly. She sits on the area in which I remember we were also sat that night. I sit beside her and she smiles not even looking at me. “I dare you to find the brightest star right now.” I look up and search for the brightest star and it’s hard to find the one she wants me to look for when all these stars are shining so bright it blinds my eyes. I try to point to a few stars and I don’t get a response from her until I give up.
“I can’t find it! That’s no fair!” I look at her and my eyes widen in astonishment when her eyes are solely focused on mine. “W-what?”
She slowly smiles and her green eyes never left my eyes. “You can’t find it because you’re searching for the wrong star. I found the brightest star in a single second.” She answers and a smile can’t help but form in my lips. “Tonight, you’re the brightest star amongst the stars in the sky. And I l-love you. I am in love with you, Camz.” She holds my hand and places few kisses on top. “God, I love you and you love me back, right?”
I didn’t even hesitate to answer her question. “Of course I love you, Lauren.” She lets go of my hand and sends me a surprised expression on her face as if my feelings about her aren’t obvious enough. I touch the back of her head in a rush until our foreheads meet and our faces are merely inches apart. “I love you.” Then I pull her head and kiss her fervently and slowly. Another thing I won’t get tired of is kissing her. I could kiss her in any way and any day and it’d still feel like I kissed her for the very first time. I bite her lower lip and it earns a gasp from her mouth and it still sounds music to my ears. God, she’s beautiful in every way.
She’s the one to let go.
“C-camz… you’re b-being a tease…” I touch the hem of her clothing and it sends shivers in her whole body. She pulls away from my touch and I almost laughed. “Damn it! What time is it?”
“You don’t have to know because we have all the time in the world, baby.” I utter and she giggles as she pinches both of my cheeks. “Ouch! That hurt, Laur.”
She pouts and embraces me into a tight hug. “I’ll hug you every time you get hurt. I promise.” She checks her phone and plays a 1975 song.
If this is what I’ve been afraid of then I’ve been an idiot for such a long time.
“What place is this? Are you trying to kidnap me, Jauregui?” I mock as we stop by an apartment and she doesn’t reply. I look around and there are only few people around, mostly kids who are skating around the block. “Is this where we are going to live with our kids?” Now that caught her attention. I giggle and she sends me a death glare.
“Do you want to live here with me?” She asks.
I answer while unknowingly checking out the place. “I don’t know… do you stay here?”
“Yes.” She answers flatly.
“Then I would be more than willing to stay here with you. Laur, you should know by now that I’ll stay wherever you are and nothing won’t stop me, alright?” Then she guides me inside her apartment. The whole place is in minimalistic design. There are paintings that embody the sense of art hanging on the walls.
And it’s messy. Lauren can’t be Lauren without having the word messy being attached to her.
She laughs lightly. “I cleaned the place trust me! I don’t know why it’s messy.” She sighs and I sit on the nearest sofa to make me feel comfortable. I rest my whole body on the sofa while watching her clean the place. “Enjoying the view?” She asks teasingly.
“As much as I’d like to help you clean all this mess, you’re too sexy not to watch.” She finishes cleaning the area and I decide to check her phone and put it on shuffle. Sex In The Ocean by PARTYNEXTDOOR is the track that’s playing. My eyes widen in shock and my whole body stiffens and I see Lauren also does the same. I suddenly stop the audio. “I’m sorry! I swear it’s on shuffle and I didn’t just choose the song to play!” Lauren laughs at me and walks her way towards me.
“Babe, it’s okay. I understand. Chill now, okay?” But I cannot chill. After everything she’s done for this night and all the sweet words. I cannot just chill even if that’s what she wants because I know she wants something more. I stare at her from her mouth and back to her eyes, hungrily. “W-what is it Camz?” I don’t answer her, instead I smirk.
I kissed her. I kissed her like her mouth was mine. I kissed her like we’re so much familiar to each other we knew each other’s secrets. She placed both of her hands, roaming and traveling on my back. I kept on pulling her head to deepen the kiss we were sharing and I bit her lip and she closed her eyes as if I was the only person that made her feel that way. We were so hungry for each other and in a rush we didn’t notice we’re already on the floor. “U-unzip me…” She whispered and I ate her whisper with the air that came out from her mouth. I traced kisses on her neck until I found her secret weakness; I bit on it like a vampire did when it caught its prey. “Camz…” I only heard but I didn’t listen. She was the one with experience but tonight, I was the one to unravel her. I placed both of her arms on top of her head while they’re both trapped inside my hand.
I played with the hem of her clothing, teasing and mocking. I drew circles on her newly exposed skin and she couldn’t help but gasp and close her eyes in the whole process. “Bab-.” I slowly rode on her and even if it was the slowest action in existence, her eyes widened in shock while they were looking up at me. I could feel her hidden entrance being pressed on my covered one. Her eyes were pleading and asking for more but the night was long enough and we had much time to do what she wanted. I began on thrusting slowly and her arms were trembling inside my grasp. “F-fuck… fuck it Camz. Fuck I’m-.” I pressed my chest on hers while her lips were trapped inside mine. I opened her mouth and my tongue carefully danced with hers while our breasts were being pressed even more against each other. I loved the pleasure I was giving her; it was amazing and different.
I let go of her arms and she opened her eyes watching me as I took off my upper clothing. I motioned for her to do the same and in a rush; we were both half- naked at each other. I played with the clasp of her bra as she did with mine until our breasts were no longer hidden and her eyes were staring straightly into mine. “I don’t know what’s happening to me.” I admitted and she smiled wickedly. “Then let me continue what you started.” She whispered teasingly and we switched sides; I was at the bottom while she was on top of me. I could feel the entire coldness of the floor against my back. Her hair was plunged on her shoulders and some of the strands were on my face. She traced kisses on my chest, leaving a harsh bite and successfully earning a loud moan from my mouth. “F-fuck Laur!” I let myself free while she held me in her touch. She kissed me on my right ear whispering dirty words I’ve never heard from her before. She sucked on my right breast and my body was sent into complete shivers and I scratched on her back as I caught my breathing slowly. She continued on sucking until she switched on my left breast and went down until her lips were inches apart from my entrance. She looked up at me with pleading and hungry eyes; green turning into a lustful dark ones. “Do you want this?” I nodded as sign of confirmation. She opened the zipper of my pants and took it off along with my undies. My eyes were remained closed and I wondered how she looked right now. Instead, I felt a warm breath against my cold entrance. “Shit. Fuck!” I uttered. “I want to make love not fuck and definitely not just sex. I want you to know that you’re my first here and tonight we’re one.” She whispered and pushed two fingers inside me. It wasn’t painful because everything I was feeling was full of pleasure and excitement. I thrust on her fingers and I could see her watching the whole scene. She added one more finger and I held on her left arm to feel the familiar warmth once again. She kept on thrusting. “Oh my fuck! Lauren I’m so c-close! Laur!” I told her in between gasps and moans. “Come for me, baby."  Until I felt the extract of juices exploded inside of me. "I slowly opened my eyes and I watched her suck on her fingers.
She collapsed on my body and I enveloped her with my arms. "I love you." 
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