#noodle trying desperately to get the boys’ shit together lol
gorillaz-girl · 2 years
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lmao what would they do without her
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iphoenixrising · 5 years
Omg I loved your omegaTimmy having twins and not telling anyone lol. I can just imagine when they get him home and they coddle and love on all three of them (and dick and jason finally mate with Tim about time)
Omg babe, can we just say cuddle-palooza? Because shaking off Dick or Jay for the next lifetime is going to be a difficult sitch. Not to mention the little talk those three are going to have with the entire not only did you hide your pregnancy from us, the fathers, but you were completely alone. 
But I mean, if they hadn’t shown up when they did, what could have happened? I can see Dick and Jay serious as a heart attack telling their Omega how something like that can never happen again. He can’t run from them anymore, maybe even refusing to mate until they’ve earned Tim’s trust since he didn’t have enough trust in them to stay and stick it out. 
His arguments are probably pretty flimsy now that he’s seen firsthand how much they adore the babies, but at the time? He gives them the complete low-down on how he was feeling and why he didn’t think they would have been open to keeping children. Their lives are insane and dangerous, the two of them were in a relationship and hadn’t even mentioned anything about mating, just sought him out for Ruts and Heats. Why would he think they were actually serious about taking him as their Omega?
(What he doesn’t say is how he assumes it would always be Dick and Jay against him if they get in arguments, that he would be playing a rigged game if he agreed to be with them as their Omega. He doesn’t know if he could do that, not and actually stay bonded to them.)
It’s going to be a hard talk, babe, with tears and fears coming out in the open. With Tim feeling like shit about his choices and Dick and Jay feeling like shit because they didn’t make their intentions clear. 
The room literally reeks, bitterness in their scents, and they have to leave the room separately to take time to calm down. Tim takes his babies back to his Perch in the city for a few days, waving off Alfred wringing his hands and Bruce’s BatDad loom. Dami demands he not go alone, that someone accompany him to help with the Young, but Tim honestly needs time to think.
“You had nine months to think, Drake!”
“A few more days aren’t going to hurt then.”
But Steph and Cass are already at his Penthouse when he gets there, taking Mary Catherine and Robert Jackson out of the back, cooing while they carried the car seats with Tim firmly between them as they walk him gently upstairs. 
“I can take care of them fine on my own–”
“Like we don’t know that?”
“Our babies, too.”
He lets Cass make him dinner while he feeds Mary and Steph dances with Robbie around the living room, singing kidzbops songs horribly off-key. She quiets down when she trades Robbie for Mary, the Young already sleepy with cute little yawns. 
He has the Pack N’ Play up like a pro and the babies nap while Cass brings him a plate of delicious-smelling noodle concoction. She holds the plate out of reach, free hand open, and calmly waiting until he extends his wrist for her to lick.
Satisfied, she watches him eat like a hawk and even brings seconds. 
The two let him fall asleep on the couch, cover him him, and take care of the babies in the meantime, unpacking the diaper bag and making bottles up for nighttime feedings. 
They don’t make him talk about it until he’s had real, honest-to-God coffee in the morning, more animated than he’s been in months with caffeine in his veins again.
Steph makes a run for bagels and comes back to Tim leaning over his knees with both hands on the back of his neck, tears in his eyes. Cass is calmly rubbing a knee gently. She doesn’t interrupt the session, but keeps an ear out while she puts out breakfast and warms bottles for Mary who’s already awake and cooing up at her.
“Boys...so much trouble,” Cass finally sighs, lifting Tim’s teary face and kissing him affectionately on the forehead. “Stupid. All three of you.”
“Yeah...you’re probably right about that.”
He doesn’t get to stand to get Robbie, Cass pats him on top the head and goes for the Young instead, giving Steph the chance to sit across from him and the two to have the conversations they probably should have had years ago. It ends with Steph licking across his wrist before she wraps an arm tight around his shoulders and holds him against her with the baby babbling between them.
it’s not much longer before desperate Alphas are knocking at his door, looking exhausted and wrecked after a night of no sleep.
Dick catches a breath when Cass opens the door instead of Tim, Jay visibly perks when he scents the bittersweet of Tim’s upset smell. Both Alphas are red-eyed, their musks subdued when they step inside the Perch, and spot him laying on the floor with Robbie on a blanket and Mary sitting up against Cass. They don’t say a word to their other Pack members, but sweep the Omega between them, falling to their knees to wrap arms around his hips and thighs. 
It’s more than just instinct driving them, more than just knowing they’re fathers now, it bothers them to know where Timmy’s been at all this time.
Steph and Cass immediately push the three of them in a room by themselves with promises to take care of the babies, hoping they Alphas and Omega will be able to come to an agreement.
(“They’re going to be so good together if they can just figure it out.”)
(“Agree. Babies need good things.”)
(“We give them space. To be good.”)
(“We’re the best, aren’t we, Cass?”)
(“Best Aunties.”)
This time the talk is more subdued, is full of heartfelt sentiments, the Alphas trying to negotiate, asking Tim to give them a chance, just a chance. So much don’t cut us out, let us be part of your life, of the Youngs’ lives. Let us earn your trust. 
(And it kills them that he keeps himself across the room, holding himself tightly while they just want to cuddle the hell out of him, give him the support and assurance he obviously needed and didn’t have from them, the fears of being abandoned they never eased.)
He hesitantly agrees, accepts Dick’s arms around him, Jay’s nose in the back of his neck inhaling his scent deeply. 
The turmoil is still there when they come back to Aunt Steph and Aunt Cass playing with the babies and changing stinky diapers, but the Alphas can put it aside long enough to roll around on the floor with their children, cuddling and playing and absolutely entranced. 
It doesn’t solve the issues, doesn’t make Tim run back to Wayne Manor immediately, but well, it’s at least a place to start.
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jesse-mills · 5 years
Convenience Store AU
Quick summary: Jesse dies on the beach and wakes up in a convenience store back near Crestwood. A dimension in which Jesse has sick new tattoos, the OA looks like an actual goddamn angel, French is a nerd ass loser who's been pining for Jesse for like 2 years, and everyone gets to be happy.
(apologies for awful formatting, this was so fucking long that I got tired of trying to make it read perfectly.)
ok so after Jesse dies it's just. dark for a long ass time right? but he wakes up to blinding light and it takes a moment for his eyes to focus. his first thought is "is heaven a 7/11?" and his second thought is "OH SHIT OA?!?!?" She found him passed out in the middle of the store aisle when she came in from the back room and after a very confused minute of conversation they realize that oh shit, it's the real OG them from the Crestwood dimension. so OA basically hires Jesse on the spot and Jesse has to help her get Hap (the manager, he's suppressed in this body but still a jackass of monumental proportions) kicked out and sent somewhere else. They do succeed after a few weeks (aka they get everyone to file complaints about him until he's relocated to somewhere out of state).
Jesse, however, has a Hell Of A Lot of new things to adjust to, the first of which being that What The Fuck, he looked in the mirror and he has fucking moving tattoos that Definitely weren't there before!! Turns out this dimension has such a thin membrane between it and the invisible river of the Between, weird ass shit tends to happen around people who have travelled through worlds. Jesse soon finds out that he isn't the only one with weird shit happening to him: the angels from the lab, especially OA, have some definite traditional angelic characteristics. OA has a ton of extra eyes on her face and neck and like. everywhere so she tends to wear gauzy scarves around her neck and ling sleeves everywhere. nothing can really be done about the ones on her face but she doesn't really show her face anywhere anyways so it's not that big a deal for her. Homer works at a patisserie in town and has extra eyes on his arms and back, as well as extra mouths on his hands (he wears gloves during work, don't ask). Rachel works there with him (and yes they're all in a thruple because. Oachel rights yo) and has extra vocal chords as well so her singing sounds absolutely ethereal. (She convinced Homer to hire Buck and Angie to work with him there after the OA told them about them.) Scott doesn't have too many extra weird eyes but his hair grows flowers and though he acts pissy about it he secretly really likes them. He works as the town's electrician and Steve apprentices under him. Renata tours around and always brings them back gifts from places she visits, and has both extra eyes on her arms that become part of her signature style (she claims it's prosthetics for the press) and a second mouth beneath her collarbone hidden under scarves so she can harmonize with herself.
BBA already works at the school and so knows them all already, and she shops at the convenience store for snacks at night during Jesse's shift and so is already close to him. She slowly puts the puzzle together herself, but in a very peaceful, calm manner; basically, she notices that he's acting different but doesn't throw a fuss about it ("I think Jesse's a different Jesse now. Hm. I'll ask if he still likes shortbread next time I go."). Lucky for Jesse, BBA and the angels all kind of adopt him.
Why do they keep working at the store after Hap leaves? a) it pays bills and like. they need to eat. and b) it's something to do, it's a normal part of a normal life that lets them spend time with each other and feel like they can finally live happy lives. Plus, Jesse and OA both desperately want to contact their home dimension and tell the others that they're okay, so the store provides a good space to do that.
and then French walks in the door one night because Olive Garden fired him and he needs to support his brothers and mom, and Jesse's world suddenly becomes a Hell of a lot more convoluted. French is confused when the pretty boy from school he was always too nervous to talk to looks up from the front counter and chokes on his drink; he's even more confused when Jesse stays bright red through their entire awkward conversation of "I need a job, are you hiring?" "UH. we are now. let me go grab the paperwork" (read: gay hyperventilating behind the backroom door for the minutes before grabbing the papers.) French is very concerned when as soon as he signs his name the paper just. crumbles to ash without any warning but Jesse just sweeps it into the bin and says "yeah you're hired, UHHH what hours???? work for you????? actually just come in when it does work and we'll get you started okay goodbye!!!" Of course night shift works best for French so Jesse has a mini conniption when French walks in the next night an hour after Jesse gets there and asks if he can start working Now.
French is a fucking NERD ASS LOSER in this dimension. so he's very confused when after a week of training almost nightly (hey, he needs to provide, yo) Steve, his old bully, walks in and greets him very nicely and apologizes for anything he did in high school (he does not notice Jesse glaring at Steve. he is also not aware of Jesse calling Steve the first night he came in and incoherently rambling for twenty minutes straight before yelling "I'M GAY" and hanging up. Steve was confused because didn't Jesse come out in like 10th grade to him??? he didn't bully French for being gay he bullied him for being a nerd ass loser).
French also begins to notice that things are fucking weird in this convenience store, and by that I mean he walks in one night and Jesse is calmly reading a comic book while one of the freezers is literally emitting fucking fire. ("Jesse. Tell me you fucking realize that THE FREEZER IS ON FIRE." "Yeah, OA said to just leave it. Scott's gonna fix it later" "But. But it's on FIRE." "Yeah lol apparently she's been workin on portals without dying and opened a hell dimenson? haha wack right. Just keep the door closed and it'll be fine.") He ends up calling Steve (who is being almost suspiciously friendly now under threat of bodily harm, and who is genuinely trying to be a better person) to ask if this is normal after Jesse tells very seriously after setting up "wet floor signs" that he should stay away from the soda fountain, OA accidentally fucked with it and it's biting people. (French, talking to Steve over the phone: "Yeah dude and then it just fucking crumbled to ash and he said I was hired. Like what the fuck. What the fuck." "Oh yeah lol apparently her husband's shop does the same thing. Btw tell Jesse to stop hoarding snakes in the cupboards behind the desk bc I'm the one Scott sends to fix that shit." "...........SNAKES?!"
Jesse has a weird thing with snakes in this dimension since he 1) found a weird tattoo of a snake with wings that just roams around his body as it pleases and acts like a pet (yes he named it Ramen Noodle. no he does not have shame.) and 2) realized that he can basically charm snakes just by talking to them. Friend shaped noodles. French walks in one night to find Steve trying to convince Jesse to "take them out of the cupboards" and after French cautiously asks what's in the cupboards Jesse just opens it to reveal like 30 snakes that he rescued from the cold (French yells and almost falls on his ass. Steve just sighs as Jesse picks up a ton of them and lets them curl up around his arms). OA does bi-monthly snake banishing (read: making Jesse go to different animal shelters to give the snakes away during winter or releasing them into the wild in warmer weather). (For his birthday about three months in she and Homer and Rachel find him an albino boa constrictor and Jesse genuinely looks like he's about to pass out from joy. He names it Theo, and for some reason, BBA tears up when he tells her and gingerly pets the snake.)
And the thing is, French is such a skeptic that he just can't bring himself to take Jesse seriously when one night about a month in he locks the glass doors and sits down to tell French very seriously that he's not the original Jesse from this dimension. Jesse realizes that French won't very easily be convinced, so he just does his best to flippantly include it in conversation in the hopes that it will slowly convince him. Even after French notices the moving tattoos (he was staring at Jesse's stomach when he stretched one night and almost yelled when a weird, almost tentacle looking tattoo idly moved across his skin) he can't bring himself to believe it, even when he realizes Jesse's eyes are a odd, almost shifting blue as opposed to the warm brown he searched for in the halls every day of senior year, even when there's fire and weird portals and a manager who has even more eyes than her husband (Homer comes in often with baked goods for Jesse and French. the first time French saw what he thought was a prosthetic eye on the back of Homer's hand wink at him, he almost passed out.). What finally convinces him is when Hap comes back.
Hap' s consciousness somehow came through after almost four months of wondering what was wrong with his old job, and when he comes back, French is in the store early just as Jesse is getting there and Homer is about to pick up OA when Hap comes in and points a gun at him. He's yelling what French thinks is nonsense, about a rose window and Prairie and how she lied to him, but he knows better now, he knows, and French is dead sure he's going to die when OA starts yelling back that he's wouldn't dare harm him or any of her friends. He can see in the reflection of the mirror above the front desk that Hap looks deranged, and it's enough to convince him of two things: one, Hap is about to kill him, and two, Jesse was telling the truth all along. He's about to do something desperate, kick Hap or try to grab the gun, something, when there's movement in the mirror and he spots something heavy swinging towards them. He ducks just as Homer creeps up behind them and brains Hap with a piece of scrap metal. The cops are called and everything is mostly sorted out-- Hap, of course, is going to jail-- but French is still shellshocked from realizing that it's all real, that Jesse died and came back in this dimension and that there are angels that act more like his parents than his mother ever has. It's a shock to him, but he gradually adjusts, and Jesse begins slowly filling him in on their old life in the original Crestwood, how they came together when a once-blind victim of a kidnapping came back with vision and stories, how he died on a beach on the way to San Francisco after overdosing on an old man's pain medication. Eventually, he gets the go-ahead from OA to tell the others and fill them in on exactly what happened. They reunite as they're supposed to and eventually become just as tightly knit as they had been. The Steve from Crestwood eventually joins them and while it takes him some time to adjust, he's so thrilled to have Jesse back and that everything is okay here that he's content.
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mahreemari · 6 years
mari’s collection of perfectly safe 2nu goodness
collection of safe 2nu fics i filtered through both ffn and ao3 to find. will be a total of four to five separate postings. first will be completed works on ffn, ao3, and then the incomplete works in the same posting order. 
if i made a mistake, please notify me asap so i can fix the list, i tried my best but i’m just one person and something might slip my eye by accident. at the same time, if there is a fic that i missed, please let me know so i can add it! as well as new publications. suggestions to improve the list are appreciated. 
noodle must be 19/20 minimal during the romance period in order for the fic to be included. any underage is prohibited. 
here are all the completed works from ffn:
Rated K/K+:
Behind the Mask – Rated K+ –  After a four-year absence, Noodle has finally returned but what is she hiding behind the mask she wears? 2DxNoodle
Black Eyes, Blue Hair – Rated K+ – Noodle's view on her blue haired bandmate. Rated K
Blue Haired, Green Eyed Freak – Rated K+ –  Murdoc may have gone too far. He has made a clone, named Natalie, using 2D and Noodle's DNA, and it's convinced it's their daughter. 2DxNoodle pairing. Be gentle, my first Gorillaz fic. Please read! COMPLETE.
Early Conversations – Rated K – Just a short story that came from I and Cooliochick5 RP. Noodle is six months pregnant and wakes up finding 2D talking to their unborn child. Pure fluffiness!
English Rose – Rated K – "You know very early on where you belong and who you're meant to be with, 'D. That's not something that can ever change. Those people and places will always come back." 2nu.
Far, Far Away – Rated K+ – For a while, both 2D and Noodle have been sad, have been in pain...but finally, after being reunited on Plastic Beach, Noodle confesses to 2D what she's been thinking about for a long, long time...
Nightmare – Rated K+ – Noodle's had another nightmare. And this time, she's made herself bleed. A bit of a 2DxNoodle, but more brother/sister. First 2Nu fic! Noodle's POV
The Steadfast Black-eyed Soldier – Rated K – Some sort of the re-telling of the 1976s cartoon "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", but with "Gorillaz" characters on the roles.
unconventional – Rated K+ – For a couple years and a half, they lived in Honeymoon Avenue until Noodle had to leave again. Almost five years later, she's close to accomplish her mission and more than ready to go home. / An "end of phase 4" family reunion.
You Are My Medicine – Rated K – 2D always needed his pills to take care of his migraines. But someone can also take the migraines away from him too.
Your the Best Present – Rated K – It's 2D's birthday! And of course 2D forgets that it is his birthday. But Noodle is also sad about something. Sorry, summary sucks.
Rated T:
A Midsummer's Wedding – Rated T – Noodle is getting married... but not to 2D. And he's not taking it very well, poor guy.
A Step Too Far – Rated T – Noodle catches the end of an argument between 2D and Murdoc. One that ends with 2D punching Murdoc and in trying to figure out what happened she learns of Paula. Confronting 2D about it seems like the only way to get answers even if they lead to an unexpected ending.
Bleeding Out – Rated T – "FACEACHE! Faceache, holy shit!" Murdoc yelled, pulling him from his bunker to the lift. "What? What's going on?" 2D squeaked, following the bassist. "It's- It's Noodle! Somethin' ain't right with her!" (2nu-centric, but not actually 2nu.)
Blimey, You're TwentyOne Already! – Rated T – It's Noodle's birthday and she has a special request. What on earth is 2D going to do?
En Route to the Vending Machine – Rated T – En Route to the Vending Machine that I'm Pretty Sure Doesn't Even Exist. Yep. That's all.
Fisticuffs And Frozen Peas – Rated T – Murdoc Niccals has the innate ability to get on the wrong side of everyone. Picking a fight is just the way he communicates. But picking a fight with Noodle? that's a different story. Contains some 2DxNoodle fluff, Oneshot. R&R xX
Gravity – Rated T – Oneshot. 6 years have passed since the release of Plastic Beach and the band reunited. Everything is going great and the Gorillaz are enjoying being together again as they prepare to release their new album. But what happens when 2D finds a letter to him inviting him to Paula's funeral? What will he find when he gets there? And more importantly, what had Paula been hiding from him?
I Promise – Rated T – It wasn't until 2D's head began to feel extremely light, and his eyes rolled back until he realized what he was doing, but there was no turning back now. Warning: Suicide Attempt and Aftermath
Just Say The Words – Rated T – 2D has a special surprise planned for his beloved Noodle and something to ask her. But it seems that he just can't find the time or place to tell her.
Louder Than Words – Rated T – '...They both felt safe and happy with each other...But now she was feeling an old worry tug at her mind's corners again…' The small trials and triumphs of a new relationship. 2DxNoodle. One shot, rated due to mild fluff.
May 23, 2011 – Rated T – Her presence in this stoic world he'd created sent him into an emotional spiral that brought about the worst of his migraines. The emotional detachment he'd grown fond of now mocked him, & he was forced to hold his tongue because it was too hard to speak.
May 23rd – Rated T – It's 2-D's birthday, but no one remembers, well, almost no one.
Melancholy Hill No More – Rated T – Noodle had always been good at finding 2D's secret spots... 2DxNoodle
Memories and Chocolate Pudding – Rated T – A short story I wrote as a request from a friend. She wanted a cute story that had to do with Phase 1 Noodle and 2D, something brother and sister like. Of course I added my own 2DxNoodle touch in the end. 10 years later of course. ; Enjoy.
No Rain – Rated T – If Noodle stays with him, then he's really gonna have it made! 2DxNoodle Song Fic.
Nursing a Flu – Rated T – 2D is sick, but he has a certain guitarist to take care of him.
Plastic Beach: Phase Three – Rated T – A 22 page story we had to type for my English class. It could be about anything we wanted so I chose this. 2DxNoodle.
Something's Up at the Spirit House – Rated T – Something is very wrong with the Gorillaz new home, and it's driving 2D mad. Will he and his bandmates be able to handle the mysterious forces at work at Saturnz Barz? A story to tie together the music videos and events of phase 4. Will be a little silly, a little eerie, and contain a dash of 2/nu.
The Meaning Of - Salt Skin Drafts – Rated T - A series of one-shots revolving around 2D and Noodle and the growth of their relationship between phases 2 and 3. Would-be continuations to my discontinued story Salt Skin. Friendship/Eventual Pairing.
Ups and Downs – Rated T – Noodle and 2-D both have strong feelings for eachother, but can there relationship take the challenges life throws at them? 2-DxNoodle COMPLETE!.
When You’re Close to Me – Rated T – Noodle has returned home to her boys, and is ready to face the feelings she'd had while away.
Rated M:
A Look I Used To Know – Rated M – He bit his lip as his eyes returned to her, studying her unsure movements while she tried to ignore his presence as he watched her. He felt his heart ache as she stood to her feet, the dejection in her body unclear to most was a scream in Stuart's ears...
A Simple Understanding – Rated M – Their grief was eating away at them, but all it took to save them was a simple understanding of feelings. 2DXN
Another Story – Rated M – This is not based in kong nor plastic beach. In fact this is just based between 2D and Noodle. Russel and Murdoc are mentioned but not by name. Please read and review!
Awake – Rated M – After a night out, 2-D awakes with a familiar face next to him, and very little memory of what happened the night before. A 2Nu fic. Rated M for strong language and sexual content.
Confessions – Rated M – 2D wiggled his eyebrows, a smirk threatening to break out. "Yeh think yeh better than meh?" Noodle scoffed. "Of course I am, 2D, I could beat you at any game you throw at me." She tried to ignore the fact that he had edged much closer that he was previously sitting. "Well," 2D breathed. Noodle swore she could feel his breath tickling her face. "Wah 'bout this one?" STRONG LANGUAGE
Just Passing Through – Rated M – A reunion between two band members after four years apart. 2DxNoodle. Rated M
Plastic Beach Romancing – Rated M – 1st fanfic ever! Yay. Everyone from the Gorillaz. So Noodle makes it to Plastic Beach and finds 2D just before he overdoses. I'd love to get comments please. Noodlex2D! 3
Reuniting – Rated M – To make matters worse, somehow, some way without Noodle's consent or knowledge, the three men had thought it would be amazing to vacation in the middle of the woods, in the middle of nowhere, while staying in a log cabin of all things. This is a gift fic for WreckTangle. Rated M for sex...you've been warned. 2DxNoodle. O.o
She's My Collar – Rated M – Noodle and 2D have a secret that they feel has been kept long enough. They want to figure out a way to tell the others and come up with something rather creative. When Russel and Murdoc hear the lyrics to "She's my Collar" for the first time what will their reaction be? Can 2D and Noodle defend themselves or will their secret affair become just a memory? Rated M.
That One Day – Rated M – This fan fic has the song "Girl Gone Wild" in it by Madonna because it fits the plot lol. There is also an outside character by the name of Marcus that is mentioned. Rated M for lots of sexual scenes lol. Enjoy!
The Rube Goldberg Effect – Rated M – Poll winner! 2D has fallen asleep on Plastic Beach. His back now lobster red, he's in desperate need of relief. A hot summer day, a sunbite, a bottle of Aloe, and a bathing suit covered body. So what's Noodle have to do with this?... Aloe can be fun, too
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So... What are these tmnt parallels to ff xv that you were talking about in your tags? ;D
Why would you do this to me D:
My usual “I don’t like Gladio sorry lol” warning applies in the below, so don’t read if you don’t wanna see people talkin’ shit about your boy:
I think the main overarching parallel is pretty obvious - you’ve got a tale of four ‘brothers’ trained for combat, operating as a team, fighting in self-defence against self-appointed villains. As the ‘brothers’ progress they find other helpful allies and you can see the beginnings of the found family concept that is such a crucial ingredient for success in TMNT … although IMO FFXV doesn’t spend enough time developing or getting the player to care about these allies to really make the cut. It’s all about the bros.
In terms of character parallels, I think there’s room for debate but personally I run with the following:
Prompto - by far the easiest. Prompto is warm, empathic, caring, emotionally sensitive, socially needy and overcompensates for low self-esteem by overrunning his mouth and acting like a joker to distract from his flaws and make people like him. This is Michelangelo all over. He certainly ‘does machines’, however, so as the tech geek of the group he stole Don’s trait there.
Prompto also loves animals as much as Noct does. Given that Mikey adopts a kitten in several turtleverses, this is totally a Michelangelo thing.
Gladio - gruff, unforgiving, believes in tough love and challenging rather than nurturing/coddling, outwardly self-confident, frequently an asshole to their leader. This seems like a pretty clear-cut Raphael on the surface … but I hate this parallel because I feel like it does Raph such an injustice, and as he is my favourite turtle …
See, the reason I say that he’s like Bad Fanfic Raphael is that bad fanfic Raphael is 100% gruff asshole with no empathy and no acknowledgement of his own flawed behaviour. Canon Raphael has kind of a mushy centre obscured by his bad temper. He’s prone to emotional outbursts and easily manipulated because of it. He pretends not to care about shit but he actually cares about EVERYTHING a WHOLE LOT at 200% INTENSITY ALL OF THE TIME. He especially cares about his bros and would die for them a thousand times over, whether it was necessary and whether they wanted him to or not, because his extreme emotional volatility makes him tend towards self-destruction. Now, different turtleverses have handled this differently, some badly and some well. The worst show off Raph’s bullying tendencies in ways that make him the clearest parallel to Gladio, quite frankly. In his worst presentations he can come across as abusive and awful.
The best, however, make Raphael actively try to deal with his temper and sincerely try and make up for his wrongdoings, especially when they were wrongdoings against his family. His outbursts aren’t usually within his control but there’s a strong sense of striving for self-improvement there, and trying not to take out his problems on the people he cares about. When he does, he feels bad about it and is prone to blaming/hating on himself. That sense of constant struggle with himself and his behaviour is what makes people root for him.
I very rarely, practically never got that sense with Gladio - perhaps only recently in Episode Ignis where he yells at Iggy about answering his phone, and then repents a little in the very next line. He’s generally all hard, rough edges, and when he’s an unsympathetic arse to Noct and Prompto (admittedly he’s less hard on Iggy, but how can you fault perfection), it all feels targeted and deliberate to shame them and manipulate them into performing better. He’s not a shield - he’s a blunt instrument that he thinks can be used to beat perfection and diligence into those he cares about and I really dislike him for his often bullying tactics. Besides a love for cup noodles I just never feel like there’s anything to him besides aggressively fulfilling his duty and driving Noct to drink.
TL;DR he is Raphael with nary a sign of the necessary mushy centre to make him as empathetic.
Ignis - Left these 2 until last because I find there’s a lot of room for debate on exactly how they fall. Ignis is disciplined, highly intelligent, pragmatic, efficient, strategically-minded and a motherlode of righteous sass. His level of dedication to his bros is also several layers of heaven above anyone else’s. He’s also definitely the ‘mom’ of the group, making sure everyone is well fed and their clothes are darned because damned if everyone’s showing him up running around in tatters. We’ve also seen in the recent DLC how much and how quickly he’s willing to sacrifice everything for Noct.
This isn’t a straightforward match. His logical thinking, book smarts, clever strategies and legendary sass make him a good match for Donatello, but there are a LOT of Leonardo parallels to consider: for starters, he arguably shows much more leadership and initiative than Noct throughout the entire game. Being the nagging mom of the team is classic Leo behaviour, as is (I reckon) the idea of unthinking crazy self-sacrifice for a brother (personally I think Donnie would be a little bit more rational and cautious about things, though if push came to shove, he’d certainly do the same in desperate times). The fact that Ignis gets blinded halfway through the game is also an uncanny match for a particular version of Leo that I’ll get onto in a bit.
It leans so far towards Leo that I have a hard time classing him 100% as Donatello, but there are a few things that I just can’t ignore in aligning Noct to Leonardo. Just let it be known that I was very torn on the decision xD
Noctis - lazy, undisciplined, resents his responsibilities, craves junk food, muffles his true emotions behind a screen of indolent apathy, has to be dragged kicking and screaming into fulfilling his role as leader and King. Absolutely none of this says ‘Leonardo’ … or does it? Leo is the leader of the turtles but he does struggle with the weight of the responsibilities dropped on his shoulders by his father (and the universe I guess). There have certainly been canon occasions when it’s all become too much for him, or he’s reacted badly to the pressure. Also, as much as he hates it, Noct rises to the occasion eventually. As this is such a core theme of his character, it’s too strong a point for the Leonardo match to ignore.
Noctis is also pretty quiet, guarded and introspective (or at least comes across that way in the English version of the game), which lines up nicely. He clashes frequently with Gladio over whether or not he’s doing a good job. He tends to deal with problems internally rather than try and talk them out. All fine for the match.
There are few real Donatello links here (aside from one plot-related thing, which again I’ll get to in the next section). It makes his character parallel a matter of necessity in one sense. Noctis is the de facto leader, not always by deed but certainly by destiny, and by the significance of this role alone he shuffles into Leo’s spot … although the better turtleverses don’t glorify Leo into main character spot quite so much.
Same As It Never Was
So, if you’ve ever watched the 2003 series of TMNT, you may remember an episode called Same As It Never Was from season 3. In this episode, one of the turtles gets spirited out of time and off into an alternate future where he literally disappeared on that day, the Shredder has taken over the planet, everything is awful, lots of people are dead, and humanity is clinging on by way of a desperate resistance movement. Only when the prodigal turtle returns can they band together with enough momentum to finally defeat the enemy.
Sound familiar? >:3
Now, in SAINW (as it is affectionately known by everyone it emotionally destroyed), it’s Donatello who gets pulled into the future, not our Leo-parallel, Noct. Leonardo is also generally assumed to be blind in this ep, although it’s never explicitly stated but suggested by behaviour and his dark glasses. More fuel for the Ignis-is-Leo and Noct-is-Donatello debate perhaps!
Anyways, that’s all I got for the moment. You asked for it D:
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Appearing before The Dramacourt: While You Were Sleeping Eps 7 and 8
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
***Disclaimer***: This analysis based on Canadian law. This is also NOT LEGAL ADVICE for anyone and this drama is FICTIONAL.
Whether Defense counsel can go around threatening victims.
Whether the representation of Jae Chan working is an actual representation of what a litigator’s work is like.
Whether being too smart for your own good can lead to your downfall.
Whether Seung Won finally got the girl.
The Rule(s):
Hell No!
Yes. Finally!!
RedRosette J: This episode opens with the events at the restaurant happening from Woo Tak’s point of view. I really like that we are getting multi dimensional points of view of these dream scenarios. It’s also interesting to see how the characters change things based on what information they have from their dreams. The plot is also written interestingly, so when things are happening, you don’t really feel like skipping. It’s only when the plot gets into the obligatory romantic flashback dreams that it feels super draggy and forces you to skip.
When you’re a piece of trash human and everyone knows it
Trying to solve problems like…
Sticking together like…
How Woo Tak’s dream showed it…
…and how it actually played out
Becoming friends like…
RedRosette J: I am totally obsessed with Jan Hae In. He is sooooooooo adorable and I swear I had to stop every time he was on screen to screen shot his cute face! He’s super cute. I also love how his character is very bubbly and upbeat and positive. And he has a cute chubby doggy OMG this guy is super adorable!!!! *calms down* I also like that he is going to be a positive influence in Jae Chan’s life because these two are going to become good friends whether Jae Chan likes it or not. I also love how the writers revealed Woo Tak’s ability to see the future in dreams very quickly to Hong Joo and Jae Chan and they almost immediately became this weird “Dream Scooby Gang”! Can we please get more of him???
Look! It’s a cute boy and a dog!
Waking up from a nightmare like…
Complaining that your friend didn’t buy you enough food
When you realize that shit just got real
When you realize you and your friends are a special kind of Avengers
RedRosette J Aside: Here are more pics of Jang Hae In’s cute face:
RedRosette J: I’m glad they resolved So Yoon’s Dad’s case because that was taking too long and I’m glad Kim So Hyun’s cameo is over because her character was starting to become annoying to me. I did like how Woo Tak and Hong Joo dreamed two very different outcomes for this case, and how them choosing to change the present based on the positive outcome in Woo Tak’s dream, changed the course of events. I think it seems like Jae Chan is the person who can change the outcome of events and Woo Tak and Hong Joo dream the different variations of the future. It’s a really interesting concept and I’m excited to see how it plays out later.
When you’re full of shit and everyone knows it
RedRosette J: Interestingly, both Hong Joo and Jae Chan had the same flower petals kiss dream, but the outcome changed because Jae Chan didn’t act on it. Again, it proves that Jae Chan is the actor in changing the course of events. In terms of the development of the romance, I’m still not sold on Suzy and Lee Jong Suk having chemistry and to me it just feels like two people who are being forced to behave romantically. I keep getting platonic vibes off the two of them. Even the kisses feel forced and unromantic. I mean, if you want a real comparison, compare Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye’s twinkle lights kiss in Pinocchio and Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo’s prison kiss in W: Two Worlds with the flower petals kiss in this drama and you will see what I’m talking about…
What is that hairstyle honestly?
This is supposed to be romantic
Chaebal “over” hajima seyo 
This just seems painfully awkward
Sorry, not feeling it.
Issue 1: Whether Defense counsel can go around threatening victims.
RedRosette J: I think this issue came up in another post we did, but I’m talking about it again because this is not “lawyering” and this is not what being a lawyer is about. You can’t go around and threaten victims not to sue and not to press charges and stuff because that it ILLEGAL and you could be disbarred! Please. Stop doing this. Although, Lee Sang Yeob is doing a fabulous job as this awful lawyer who thinks he’s unstoppable.
You’re killing it in this role dude!
Issue 2: Whether the representation of Jae Chan working is an actual representation of what a litigator’s work is like.
RedRosette J: Cut to: the montage of Jae Chan working like a crazy person and living off ramen noodles and coffee for days, and a major lack of sleep. I’ve been told that this is exactly what a litigator’s life is like right before a trial. The immense workload and time that is required for trial prep requires long, long sleepless nights and an inhuman amount of coffee. I worked for one litigator who, during trial time, according to his wife, walked around like a zombie and barely had time to come home. Sounds super intense right? So yea, I think this is an actual representation of what a litigator’s work is like right around trial time.
So embarrassing…
Crashing like…
Discovery for days…
Issue 3: Whether being too smart for your own good can lead to your downfall.
RedRosette J: The problem with being too smart is that some times you can be outsmarted in the most basic ways and that can lead to your downfall. I loved how this episode portrayed this. Yoo Beom, having gone to extreme lengths to tamper with evidence and falsify medical reports etc forgot that sometimes its the most basic human reactions that can make or break a case. In this case, having all that insurmountable “evidence” proving that So Yoon’s Dad didn’t abuse her mother barely held up against his reaction to her fainting on the stage. I loved that the investigator picked up on that and dragged out a confession. When someone you love faints, its not an appropriate reaction to say “I didn’t do it” unless you actually did do it and were desperate to cover it up. The normal reaction, as Jae Chan said, would be to say “are you okay” or to ask for help. In this sense, I think the Yoo Beom, in failing to account for this most basic human reaction, sabotaged his own case. I think that given the evidence tampering and falsifying documents, Yoo Beom should be severely reprimanded and disbarred as well. I’m not okay with how the show glosses over that fact and keeps going as if its business as usual. Generally, getting caught doing that pretty much means the end of your career as a lawyer.
When you walk in with a big plan
But end up losing because of something simple
Issue 4: Whether Seung Won finally got the girl.
RedRosette J: So remember how in a previous post I said that poor Shin Jae Ha was not going to get Kim So Hyun in this drama either? Well my bad, because congratulations to Seung Won who finally finally got the girl! I just had to write about it because its just so adorable and I’m finally happy about it LOL!
When you’re about to get an “I Told You So” from your brother
Hiding with your potential girlfriend like…
Awww Seung Won! All the Feels!
When breakfast is a lifestyle
When the girl you like says she’s going to text you everyday
Yes! Finally! #TeamSeungWon!
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 4 = I’ll Give You A Cookie (Mostly because of Jang Hae In’s smiling face)
File No: While-You-Were-Sleeping-EPS-7&8 Appearing before The Dramacourt: While You Were Sleeping Eps 7 and 8 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read…
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